Clinton New Era, 1892-12-16, Page 5'0
headquarters are
'Book and Fancy Goods store
Books, StationerY and
Fancy Goods Store,
get ali ra-i-Gt9
at •
C 0 0 P,
Book and Fancy Goodsstfiyo'
HE business of this hOuse has been exceedingly large in the past, has grown a
a surprising pace, and in anticipation of' a material increase, we have, laid it.
stock especially FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE, that far surpasses anything w
have carried before. We personally visit the wholesale centres and make our selec.
tions of choice goods direct, and being elpse touch with our customers, knowjust
the kind of goods they desire. We are eonvin.eed thaptn each and every department
of our im.mense stock, the tastes of all can be suited, and we have not the slightest
hesitation in saying that our assortment is the most choice, varied and select to b
found anywhere outside of the large cities, and we even venture the opinion that
few establishments in the cities display so large a stock, or sell at such moderate
prices as are asked here. Inspection of stock will •prove this statement to be true.
There's no better book
than the Bible; there's no
better stock than ours.
Commencing at 3cts. you can get the,complete N
TESTAMENT, then for 5 and 10cts. you can get better ones;
15ets. will b you a complete 13JBLIZ bOUtld in leather.
for.2- 5, 50 and 75cts, you can get fine Pocket
IOUS of BIBLES in various editions.
t3 at.75, and a nice line at $1,00, $1.50 and
THODIST HYMNS COMbilled. for $1.25,.$1.50
e itt Fancy Binding and others in service-
orocco with Turned Edges.
.tedly the best valuesqbat can be pro -
Ole nothing but the best makes. Should
your name put on any Bible or Hymn
/ve it done for you. for about 15 or 25cts.
odist, Presbyterian and English Church
various styles and prices; also CAT110 -
PRAyERS in .good bindings.
ilietnis._ :a
VS/e make a .3pecialty of supplying Sunday School
LIBRARIES, an' can offer as great inducements as any
dealers in QntariO Why"? Because we are buying our
Books direct front the. Pu lishers and thus saving the
middle man's profit. Sh uld your Sunday School or
Reading Circle be buying ooks for the coming year, we
Iroul.4 like to hare you ctMsult us, as we can do better
for vu than if you were o send to some distant City.
As .we have often said before,
you cannot get anything better
thau an ALBUM to holt) Photo-
graphs, and we havF_- •Lesn for-
tunate in securing a line that Will
suit any intending purchasers.
For $1.00 you can get a full-sized
contain 36 pictures. Could you
wish one to hold more? -Then,-
we will sell you oneof the long ones that will accommodate
68 Physiogs. This is another line that we are pi irileged
to buy direct from Manufacturers, which accounts for
our low prices.
What nicer words could you select than those to be
found on this year's Christmas Cards? Then is there
any better taste to develop than. art? Prettier, more ar-
, -tistic, an El aeaper-than.,.ever .bef ore is. am, stock
Cards. Sonaething entirely new is aline of Chrigtwas -
Cards, which, when opened, represents the scene of An-
gels descending from heaven and stopping at the manger
to sing praises to the new-born King. The effect is very
impressive and exceedingly popular among our customers
Other ,Novelties that you 'should see also.
BOOKLETS are exceedingly popular, and to meet
the growing demand for these goods we have secured a
very attractive line, and of course the prices are right
Pod I
SONE IN CLOTH, others aie
bound in beautiful Morocco,
and locked with a dainty little
lock and key.
These goods are very popular and we can recommend
them for something "iiSeful for anybne living away from
home, or doing mucii travelling, for in them you can put
a. supply of Stationery and S. dries necessary for cor-
respondence. The price of these fire from 50cts
This is a department in which rapid strt
made the past five years, for the demand fo
toys has been catered to, and now the rat
selection is on our shelves and tables. , We
ing our customers with the immensity and v
stock in this department. It is impossible
the variety so we must leave it for yoa to se
ing your Christmas selections. 'Npon't
-Clauss-sheadguarters is our,estaV
Glasses with gold frames, are the proper style for ladies,and w av4
in stock nothing but the best quality, which will be very sultan° for
presents. Cheaper grades in all numbers 02 lensesi
15 is n tr uble to select pres 3nts when you have such, a fine stock to s lect from.
k we added to our already im-
ck of suitable presents, a line
R PLATE. which for quality
xcelled on the continent.
he cheaper lines are not, of course,
Plate, nor will we try to male you
believe they are,
for we are too well ;
established as a re-
liable firm, to com-
mence misrepre-
senting goods.
The line we guar-
antee is what is
generally called
Quadruple Plate,
which means in
our Goods that
there are 4 cover-
ings ofpure silver
carefolty mount
ed on the puresk
nf white metal ,
we buy are not satisfied with going that far, so they enamel every
article, whic) is an absolute safeguard against tarnishing. Just
think of how many 0 your pieces o'.7 Plate at, home that don't tar-
nish, then make up your m...nd that you will .buy nothing but
Enamell( d Quadruple Plate, manufactured by the Simpson, Hall
Miller Co , of United States and Cnacla.
We sball give SPECIAL PRICES for the Christmas trade
on these goods, in order to get them introduced. Will you be
one of the fortunate ones to secure for yourselt or friend one of
these valuable articles? Then come and select it, orl you will be
too late.
Fancy Chinaware.
Nearly one side of our ground floor is stocked with
FANCY CHINAWARE of a thousand varieties. Is
it necessary to say more? We would much rather you
come and see them, for then you could see the beautiful
effects of the German's skill in tinting the different ar-
ticles and bringing them to such perfection as regards
ingenuity of Designs. JAP,AXESE CHINA/6ccupies a
prominent place in our stock, and to see thOe goods is
to admire them; to price them is to buy em. They
make tho same class. of ,o,bods as the mans, ,viz.
Tete-a-tete sets, Cups and Saucers Ho Kett es,
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