Clinton New Era, 1892-12-09, Page 3aprsaparilla
1.4 Supprior to all •other propaa.,
O'onsclaiming to be bloodlurifiers.
pirst of all, because the principal
ingredient used in it is the extract
,of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
'Toot, the variety richest in
'cipM properties. Also, because
{Cures Catarrh dock, being.
the yellow
'raised eXpre,ssly for the Company,
is :always fresh and of the very
best kind. With equal discrimina-
• ,,,,==tion ----an &carer each -of -the-other
ingredients are selected and com-
pounded. It is
because it is always the same in
appearance, flavor, and effect,
and, being highly concentrated,
only small doses are needed. It
therefore, the most economical
blood -purifier in existence. It
makes food nour-
ishing, work
SCROFULA pleasant, sleep
refreshing, and
life enjoyable. It searches out all
impurities in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step, and
imparts to the aged and infirm,
renewed health, strength, and
Sarsap ila
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ave1 Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by aliDruggists; Price $. ; six bottles, $3.
Cures others, will cure you
•Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital 0(550,000
•.04•E, ?WE
G. C. PAITRRSON, Mgr. for Canada.
Electricity, as applied by the
Owen Electric Belt,
Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered
to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the
place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic
tint/hies-, and will &Team =Ave in seemingly
hopeless cases Wheraevery other known Means
Los failed. It Is nature's remedy, and by its
: steady, soothing Lcurrent that is readily felt,
Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness,
:4 Female Complaints
.General Debility, Impotency,
L bag°, Kidnes Diseases.
. Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint.'
Dyspepsia, Lame Back,
Varicocele, Urinary Diseases.
It is a well known fact that medical science
' has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic
• cases. We Venture„the assertion that although
Electricity has only been in use as a remedial
agent for a few years, it has cured more cases
• of Rheumatism than all other means com-
bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog-
• nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this
tnost potent of nature's forces.
Thousands of people suffer from a variety of
• nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness,
Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, etc.,
that the old modes of treatment fail to cure
'.-,;4--"ViierlY-Ig'IrlrfsS -Of terve fol'ee or posver that
cannot be restored by medical treatment, and
any doctor who would try to accomplish this'
by any kind of drugs Is practising a dangerous
form of charlatanism. Properly treated
Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do
so. It is the „oply known remedial agent that
will supply at is lacking, namely, nerve
force or power, impart tone and vigor to the
organs and arouse to healthy action the whole
norvous system.
.'And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric
Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled
through the country, They are electric In
name only, worthless as a curative power, and
dear at any price.
We Challenge the World to show an
Electric Belt where the current Is under con-
trol of the patient as completely as this.
Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr.
Owen embossed in gold upon every Belt and
• appliance manufactured by us.
Send for Catalogue -Mailed (Sealed) Free.
49 King St. W., Toronto.
4ention this paper.
-.And at th- Same Time 'Earn One Hun-
dred Dollars in Gold.
The arst letter oentaining the correct answers to the
Sollming questions received at the Milos ot Tun CARA,
bIN--of Deceit' 1802)
ApittoutreltIfIl(eaCh week from now until tititali
wIll get ; third. 325: fourth, will rocelve !endgame silver sandal
EC the net 50 correet answers we will send prizes ranting
*001*9 wn to 42. fiarEvery answer, whether a prise
Winner not, will receive & special prize Quinton.
Avr saan.—(1.) How many books does the Bible
•vontain (93 Bow many chapters ? (3.) How many verses/
11,Iie commence to open letters on Monday morning
'0f each week. If mare than one letter Is received by the
-*nine Vasil with correct answers. the first opened wUl
,ceunt, the Of3C012d will take next place, and so on. (1.
Each letter containing answers must be ascompanled
41.10 so ter six !maths subscription to Tux Amnon,
• intlir—tme of the very best Illustrated Home Journab
• ir4Oan8da. (3,) People living in the United States have
• 'Dribble)]* the same prisilefesin connection with this corn-
• Ktsti =Lehr, we 8 iellitiOn
.4ihig Of the wee; When they will be Mmoetsur t id
• goodprize.
j'Herielved ;1,000 prize all tight"—M. M. RaAnnr,
Vineciater, O. "I shall recommend my friends ta
• , rim teceived."0. F. ,McOornack, SL Stephen, N.
tothe Governor General, Ottawa, Canada. "%don
_!Prize 00*235 received.' —D. HAnalSON. Syraihnie, N._ .
;Hatieine prize recelved."—MMI Katcrz, Or
Mich. Over 5000 receipts from prize winners is
reinter Conmetition no tyle In our ofilco. Letters core
talitifitnioraly sliduld in all cases be regestered. 44.
, Win Aattictruatst PUBLISH/NO Peterhor.
lid reti ciy for -
'Pitcher% astorias
UndOn '03144 Anetrallan butter,
As0Yrlana'ha1, eeventY-twO
ferenPidade Of wine, •
XliaordO Moment hi used by -00100e
OlraroheS built in AntiOrielt in
Gl1adoton6 corm; oa an average
$1.0.004 year by hie Ma Alone.
iffinard's Liniment .10 the Best
It Is asitl that the Chinese Will soon
control the sheemaking trade In Call.
° fornla,
Blow, blow, blow! That disagreeable ca-
• tarrh can be cared by taking Hood's Bar-
eanarilie, the constitutional remedy.
The Roumanian crown is made of
Metal from the cannein captured frcfm
the Turks itt Plevna in 1877.
LlialitieniliinilTerin—a.-n's friend
At the present moment the police
systein, in all its branches, 'Costs Eng-
land close upon $20,000,000 a year.
American Rheumatic Cure foe Rheuma-
thou. and Neuralgia rsdically cares in 1 to
8 days. Its aotiou upon the system is re-
markable and mysterioas. It removes at
once the oauee and the disease immediate-
ly disappears.• The first dose greatly be
fits. 75 cents. Warranted by Watt
Co., Druggist.
& The Pope is suffering very much
from toothache.
la another
name for
And yields
Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites.
Impoverished and impure blood is al-
ezys effectively maimed to vigorous con-
dition b11 ihismonderfal remedy. Cares
Coughs, Colds and all Wasting Diseases.
Almost as palatable fig Mille.
Prepared only by N ott & Boone, Belleville.
The poetical talent in the oountry has
no* a chance for earning substantial re-
wards. Estetbrook & Co., 26 John St.,
New York, are offering $1,000.00 in Prizes
for Poems on their Pens. Write for Cir-
The Duke of Cambridge has forbid-
den the use of profanity by the officers
of the British army, when they are ad-
dressing private soldiers.
Iffinard'sLinamentisusedforhorses &cattle
Old shoe throwing is done for many
purposes. In Ireland the election of a
person to ahnost any office is conclud-
ed by throwing an old shoe over his
ItcloMange and Scratches of every kind
on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by Watt's do Co. Druggist.
According to Scandinavian legends,
the swallow hovered over the cross,
singing: "Sonia! Svala 1" (Cheer sip !
Cheer up!) and hence it receives the
name of svala, or swallow, "the bird of
Thousands of lives are saved annually by
the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. In the
treatment of croup and whopping cough,
the Pectoral has a most marvelous effe.,.
It allays inflammation, frees the obstruct-
ed air passages, and controls the desire to
A placard on the front of one of the
most fashionable churches on North
Broad street, Philadelphia, on a recent
Sunday, announced that the morning
sermon would be on the lower regions,
and added the rather warm invitation:
"All welcome."
A curious custom exists in Southern
India among some of the non -Aryan
tribes. This consists of wedding a girl
to a plant, a tree, an animal or even to
an inanimate object, the notion being
that ill luck will be averted by a union
of this kind.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Bien
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles.
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by Watt's do CO. Drug-
The Chinese empire and dependencies
Mongolia, Maritillooria, Chinese, Turk-
estan, Kokanor and Thibet, occupy an
area of at least 5,000,000 square miles,
or about one third of Asia. %Ise popu-
lation is estimated at from 360,000,000
to 450,000,000.
We ao not know of any preparation that has
ettuaht the public favor in so short a tame as
DoLd's Kidney Pills, but when we c,msider that
three fourths of the Canadian people are aillictdd
with kidney troubles in some form or othe,. and
that Dodd's Pills are a quick and permanenecure
for all these troubles, the lame and increasing
demand can scarcely be wondered at. Soid by
all dealers or by mai, on receiot of price, 50 cts.
per box. Dr. L. A. Smith Bc Toronto.
The Russians call the "grip" Chinese
catarrh, the Germans call it the Rus-
sian pest, the Italians name it the Ger-
man disease, the French call it the
Italian fever and the Spanish catarrh.
The Italians invented the term "influ-
enza" in the seventeenth century, and
aittkifilit,Odotho 111POOse to the influence
of certain planets.
A fact which even politioal economists
are apt tojorget is that a manufacturer's
rate of profit is not the only essentinal ele-
ment to success ; the aggregate profit at
the end of the year is of fur greater impor-
tance, and moat cases is greater out
of a low rate of profit than out of a high
rate, because of the increased business,
which the lower price gives rise to. It was
on this principle that Messrs. Tuokett &
Soh acted in introducing their now famous
"Myrtle Navy" tobacco, and to this prin-
ciple they have ever Jaime adhered. This is
one of the reasons why people of Canada
are smoking the best tobacco which can be
produced, at a cheaper price than any other
people can buy a similar artiole.
A Zulu chief, when you enter his
hovel, remains silent for some mo-
ments, and seems quite unconscious Cif
your presence. At length he says, in
a tone of grave dignity, "Ge saku bo-
na" (I see you), to which yon reply in
the same way. • The longer he takes to
"see you" the greater man you are
supposed to be; and until you are thus
"seen" you must keep silence, apd ap-
pear as much as possible not to be
there at all.
An acid which exists in soar milk and
cider, called lactic acid, is believed by
physicians to be the cause of rheumatism.
Aconmulating in the blood, it attacks the
fibrous tisanes in the joints, and causes
agonizing paine. What is needed is a
remedy to neutralize the acid, and t080
invigorate the -kidneys and liver that all
waste will be carried off; Hood's Sarsapar-
illa is heartily reqommended by many
whom it has cured of rheumatism. It
possesses just the desired qualities, and
so thoroughly purifies the blood as to prev-
ent ocourrence of• rheumatic attacks. We
suggest a trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla by
all oho suffer from rhtiumatiern.
The Egyptians had opera thousands
of years ago.
At this season the effects of catarrh and
cold in the head are most serionely felt,
and endanger life and health if not prompt-
ly treated. For this purpose there is no
remedy equals Nsted Balm. Prompt in
giving relief and is ser fails to cure. Sold
by all dealers, 50o k bottle, by mail post
paid, Address G. T.gtr ufford & Gtiet
Brookvillei Ont. ,
" The Diamond Dyes always give richer
faster and brighter oolors than any other
make of dye." %his is the popular Cane-
dian verdict. No other dyes now before
the ladies have such a record of brilliant
and satisfactory success as the Diamond.
Imitators are now in the field introducing
new makes of dyes whioh cannot produce
the honest and true results guaranteed by
Diamond Dyes. When buying dyes beware
of imitations ; buy only the genuine.
A Kilckitat county (Washington)
hunter has "killed sixty-seven hears
since last spring."
Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and
as such only a reliable blood purifier can
it has cured many very severe cases of cat-
arrh. It gives an appetite and builds up
the whole system,
Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver
rousing it from torpidity to its natural
duties, cure ,constipation and assist diges-
There is a tooth of Buddha, preserved
and worshipped in an Indian temple,
which probably all the gold in the
world could not buy.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, ind.
sly's: "I had been in a distressed conditien
for three years from Nervousness, Weakness
of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion
until my health was gone. I had bRA11
doctoring constantly with no, relief.
bought one bottle of South American N
vine, which done me more good than
worth of doctoring I ever did in my 1
I would advise every weakly person to
this valuable and lovely remedy. A t
bottle will convince you. Warranted
Watts & Co. Druggist.
A costly pipe is that which the 81
of Persia smokes on state occasie
It is stated to be worth $32),(90, an
set with rubies, diamonds and emera
G ENTS. —I have used yonr ?LUNAR
LINIMENT in my family for some y.
atid believe it the best medicine in
market as it does all it it recommended t
Canuitan Forks, N. B., D. StERsT
John Mader, Mahone Bay, inform.
that he was cured of a very severe an
of rheumatism by fleeing MINAR
Limerick, near Newbury, is all t
up over an incident which happe
there the other day. An old lady,
tirnated at 103 years of age, was ta.
ill, and to all appearances peacefi
passed away after a reasonable illn
Of course a "wake" followed with
the necessafy preliminaries, and
prograni Veas unusually success
The following morning on entering
supposed death chamber, the atte
ants were greatly surprised to find
supposed Corpse sitting up, And 1
immediately enquired as to the nat
of certain funeral preparations in 1
goess. The old lady rapidly recove
and may yet take -piterier-sOolinso-
over some of those wl
the premature procee
Application painless and easy: Relief imme-
diate. This preparation fills a great and lOngfelt
want among those who suffer from piles. It is
a remedy of the highest merit, effective and re-
liable, and has more than met the anticipations
of those physicians who have used it in their
when other treatments fail to relieve. Testimo-
nials furnished. Price 51. For sale by druggists,
or by mail on receipt of price.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, 184
Dusdas s' eet,London, Ont.
.GE NUT a Pa
(cativo Mech.
cine. They are a
• Btoon Rotuma,
• Tomo and Emma-
eTRUCIT011, SS they
snpnly in a condensed
Lorin tl a substances
actually needed
lob the Blood, eunng
all diseases coming
from Poen and WA..
ItY bump, or from
the BLOOD, and &lc,
invigorate and Btur.,
the BLOOD an.
SYSTEM, when brokm
down by overwork,
mental worry, disease,
excesses and indiscre-
tion& They have a
SPEcnnO Aoriots on
the Bextrso BYSTESI Of
both men and women.
restoring LOBT omen
and correcting all
stinocirresnerme and
)V 11 API Who finds hie mental fac-
ulties dull or failing, or
his physical peters flagging, should take timse
Prra.s. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental.
EVERY' WOMiii reg an :rake aOlhseunii
.nesionee and inegulazities, onvitably
entail sickness when DPO'locItO
Ellinuki :nit° thette PILLS.
Thew rill oure the re-
sults of youthful bexi otrengthen be
YOUNG W"Pgsleci ?knts r1
Make 'theta reetiois.
VOt sale by all drool!» ot wig 14 dent !MO.
• teteipt Of Pried (i,00. pee last), by addretaing
• Brocktrirke
"Pm ;Owls ot,i pfir401.
gra, vutowohrorai
BUANs „;orr,__gromz
v7 overreie.Ak tossitilm.rivrti ores,
• eon* Sae izeittetalislin!;47 0114e71147114414;
1$TaX42, EXPO hiSta lolled oven to rellore, by draw
gists atE, per pacifte, or Ai for*O. or'sent'bi reall on
reeelpt Prieo by 0,0drqsing THE IIAME4 MIO1,K
CQ, s Toronto. Oat, write for PAWPAW* t/Pill,bpr
Oaten by: 0'. Combe,
• 189 3
'Harper's Bazar.
Eissrmi's BAZAR is a journal for the home.
It gives the fullset and latest information
about Fashions, and its numerous Moss
trationei, Paris designs, and patternoeheist
oupplemenitentrOliidispensable alike' Id the
home dress -maker and the professional
modiste. No expense is spared to make
its artistie attractiveness of the highest
order. Its. bright stories, amusing com-
edies, and thoughtful essays satisfy all
tastes, and its last page is famous as a bud-
get of wit and humor. In its weekly issues
everything is inoluded which is of interest
to women. The serials for 1895 will be
written by Walter Besant and Edna Lyall.
Christine Terhune Herrick will furnish a
praotioal series, entitled "At the Toilet."
Grace King, Olive Thorne Miller, and
Candace Wheeler will be frequent contri-
butors. The work of women in the Colum-
bian Exposition will be fully represented
with many illustrations. T. W. Higgin-
son, in "Women and Merl'," will please a
cultivated audience.
Postage Free to all subscribers in the
TJnited States, Canada and Mexico.
The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the
first Number for January of each year.
When no time is mentioned, subscriptions
will begin with the Number current at the
time of receipt of order.
Bound Volunies of HARPER'S BAZAR for
three years back, in neat cloth binding, will
be sent by mail, postage paid, or by ex-
press, free of expe.ise (provided the freigfit
does not exceed one dollar per volume,) for
$7 00 per volume.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable
for binding. will be sent by mail, post-paid,
on receipt of $1 each.
Remittances should be made by Post
office Money Order, or Draft, to avoid
chance of lose.
Address: HARPER & l3ROS., NEW Yong.
1 8 9 3.
Harper's Magazine.
a TED.
die beeinning.
ei of the year there will be new
, A. Conan Doyle, Constance F
Woolson, and Wm. Black. SI
will be contributed by the most
writers of the day, including Mar:
as, Richard Harding Davis, Margi
d, Brander Matthews, and m
I. The illustrated descriptive pal
mbraoe articles by Julian Ralph
'Southern and Western subjects;
lore Child on India; by Poultney B
n Russia and Germany; by Rich
ing Davis on a London (Season;
lel T. A. Dodge on Eastern Riders;
n A. Abbey's illustrations of Sha:
's Comedies will be continued. Li
rtioles will be contributed by Cha
Norton, Mrs James T.Fields, Will
Howells, Brander Mattheus,
itage Free to all subscribers in
3c1 States, Canada and Mexico.
e Volumes of the Magazine begin
umbers of June and December 01t
When no time is mentioned, e
time will begin with the o umber
st the time of receipt of order. Bo
nee of Harper's Magazine for t'
back, in -neateeloth binding, wi
of loss.
Harper's Weekly.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is acknowledged as
standing first among illustrated weekly
periodioals in America. It occupies a place
between that of the hurried daily parfer and
that or the less timely monthly magazine.
It includes both literary and news, and pre-
sents with equal force and felicity the real
events of current history and the imagina-
tive themes of fiction. On account of its
very complete series of illustrations of the
World'd Eair, it will be not only the beet
guide to the great Exposition, but also its
best souvenir. Every public event of gen-
eral interest will be fully illustrated in its
pages. Its contributions being from the
best writers and artists in this country, it
will continue to excel in literature, news
and illustrations, all other publications of
its class.
Postage Free to all subscribers in the
United State's, Canada and Mexico.
The Volumes of the WEEKLY begin with
the first Number for January of each year.
When no time is mentioned, subscriptions
will begin with the Number current at the
time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of HARPER'S WEEKLY for
three years back, in neat cloth binding,
will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by
express, free of expense (provided the
freight does not elected oue dollar per
vore) for $7 per volume.
loth Oases f.ok each volume, suitable for
Irditig, will belient by inailoVost paid, on
ceipt of $1 eatib.
IteMittaneett should "blade by Poirt-
o Money ‘Onler Drat, to svolti
o ace of 16
A OttAsoost S., X** t
Our Stock of Furs is now Complete fo'r
ing sewn. Everybody knows that no two et
of Fars are exactly alike, consequently the 11);
Choice is of importance to buyers.
Having made arrangements with a largera'nufv,
turer for our supply of Blankets this season,
are in a position to offer better value the'ret‘
before. Our Customers will save the Wholesalii
Merchants' profit.
OA. Coats & Son, Clinton.
Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, I
beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The
Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special
Cuts to parties buying by the owt. or bbl.
FRUIT JARS—All Sizes. Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons
:1; : 4' ' • - •:' :1-::: c i a" :11! 3 1?! sz: --17:li
c!',..42 ti CL.S.1., ::: 0).;C)•C t:
.::: ca.7 °' 0 154)
0 --. a' °In re '''' 0 co 4^. ' (1) co
(13 Z Z C.1 0
.. 4..... 2:5 ry, .‘„, Z 0 •• CO ... '... ... 42 C' :::: 'AI k .., • -
-0.2 2_,•
4AUC13., tO
gi a co.2.'
tZt y. 4).
_.. "", so ei a -S._ cs zri • ,,,rn •vs •
ots 0.,1 :1:9 z ts2 .4 .
• 0 tn • 0
1 Voicerrom B!yth
nuking our bow to readers of this paper, we beg to state thit we do so
he purpose of calling your attention to our business, ariii in no other
can wo introduce ourselves successfully.- Our stole is rep!ete with ---
choice goods.
.erything in Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes,
.erything in Rubbers & Socks,Trunks& Valises
erything in Groceriest-Provisions, Fruits -and- -
y not have as large an establishment as some big city concerns, but that doesn't
count. Big displays make big expenses and the customers have to help pay them.
a Blyth call and we will convince you of the fact that we lead this counby in pricea
H. W. JESSOP, Cash Merchant, BLYTH\.,
Huron Rtireet, Clinton
We have on band an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and wolkmansbip.
I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
BANKRUPT STOCK of Now and Spasollali Goods
.....,.... -...-000....--.:-------
After having laid in an unusually heavy *took of GENERAL DRY GOODS, con-
sisting of Tweeds, Worsteds, Fine Pantings,' Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Cashmere,
Fancy Dress Goods, Flannelette, `Red' and uity Flannel, Meltons in various shades, Cot-
ton Shirtings, Cottonades, Gent's and Ladies', vilderwaar, and a large stock of Boys'
Readymade Suits, we bought the heavy •stoas of -bankrtipt goods from the creditors of
Mr Snidd, of Philipsburg. The purchase of Wet stock allowed us to greatly reduce opt
already low prices, and as we have a very large stook and triesTitiis73d;tve have decided
to make a anti further reduction -of 10 per cent on all our Dry Geckle, Boob and Shoes
for the nesit 30,days. \
GR aCERIES—Our stock of Groeeries is now complete, which voe\vill Sell cheaper
than the cheapest. We also deny a heivey sfook of Furs, Robes and Coale, Ladies' and
Gentlemen's Waterproofs at rook bottoris pribed.' We hair() a great initriber Of China Teti
and Dinner ,Sets, Fancy Dishes,itt Chin& Ot Glassware, stiitable fel' Obristrelis presents,
w.hibh are( both handseine and cheap.. Gall and see ottroetock before haying e1eetihere,
and be conVinded that this is the `-place tor aliertii good, 1/6 frOrible to she* geeda;
Produee taken at dAsh priee6' •0