Clinton New Era, 1892-11-18, Page 7Totsr IsTrt'ta.k.
8lL0 ON Wan STIMIAT (34.R.
November is,, ts9.
Vint tine° X ileen th' oity 8142oe 3.000 a year
I tell ye, Jane, thee hiletlin'; ehe'e like a
whale to grow,
Th' way them follse is buildin' joss Nieto it
re.Yal fih
Tbet Manitober College 'd make Chleargo
New churches, Linke an' houseel I never
aeon the likes,
Ef boomin' days 'r' over my name ain't
But of all her swift improvements, the
biggest thing by far
113 thet "press th' button" businesethey oall
th' trowlin oar.
Thar aint no horse nor engine, and nothing
ahem behind,
An yit she scoots tip Main etreet like thet
ee,, new frangled blind
I fetched yer fer a present; I keen see how
- it's done;
I simply stared an' giggled, then tuk ride
on one.
Ye only wave your 'brella, she'll stop to let
you on,
Then "clainger °link! tring ling" afore ye
wink she's gone.
It only costs a nickle to be a shootin'
star I
Gosh! Neney Hands ain't in it with that
air trowlin' oar.
Th' other men 'r' jealous, but whose to
blame fer that?
'Conroe Winnipeg is human; she'll take th'
best shell get.
What's now the big red tavern was once
perhaps a barn;
A hose oar's jes a wood box beside th' new
This age is kinder feverish, men want the
latest style,
And haven't got no patience with "let us
wait a while."
Th' hoes oar's rather frisky, but she's lost
a trick, benar,
On thet "press the button" business, they
call the trowlin' car.
—Jay Kobb, in Winnipeg Free Press.
GENTS.—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some years
and believe it the best medicine in the
market as it does all it it recommended to do
Cannuan Forks, N. B., D. KIERSTEAD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us
that he was cured of a very severe attack
of rheumatism)sy. ageing MINARD'S
DreAlder, chief rabbi, has presented
a scroll of the law and a shofar to a
number of Jews who have settled in
York and held divine service for the
first time since the expulsion of the
Jews from that city in the 13th cen-
" It is no easy thing to dress harsh, coarse
hair so as to make it look graceful or be-
coming. By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor,
this difficulty is removed, and the hair
made to assume any style or arrangement
that may be desired. Give the Vigor a trial.
Details from Porto Novo of the first
engagement with the "Dalomeyans
show the immense amount of execu-
tion done by the Lebel rifle, and ac-
count for the extraordinary slaughter
of the natives as contrastedwith slight
loss to the French. Even the largest
trees appear to have afforded no pro-
tection to those who sought shelter
behind them. After the bodies of the
dead natives were buried in huge
Aneetica& Rhedinatic Cure for Rheuma-
tism- and-Neuraigia redically cares in 1 tO
3 days. Its action upon the system is re-
. markable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediate-
ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits. 75 cents. Warranted by Watts &
Co., Druggist.
A discussion has been going on in
the society for Physical Research as to
the existence and the nature of the
power by which so many people man-
age to wake themselves precisely at
the hour at which they resolved to
awake on the previous night. It
might be of even greater interest if the
society should explain how it is that
after a man has thus awakened him-
self, and decided on taking "five min-
utes more," some power compels him
to sleep an hour longer.
Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, ind.,
entyse-,eI. had been -in -a, distressed condition
for three yearsfrom Nervousness, Weakness
of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion
until my health was gone. I had been
doctoring constantly with no relief. I
bought one bottle of South American Ner-
vine, which done me more good than $50
worth of doetoring I ever did in my life.
I would advise every weakly person to use
this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial
bottle will convince you. Warranted by
Watts & Co. Druggist.
Marshal MacMahon, who was re-
ported to be in ill health, was found
out shooting by a correspondent who
hunted him up to confirm the rumor.
The Marshall and a servant had start-
ed out after a six o'clock breakfast to
trudge through stubble and along lanes
and returned at nightfall with a full
bag. The ex -president of France is
still, despite his age (he is 84) a good
shot. His hand is steady and his aim
sure. He lives at Laforet in an un-
pretending country house, the most
attractive feature of which, externally
.at least, is the veranda overgrown
with vines.
Take care that your drafts on
your physical endurance don't come
back to you some day marked "no
funds." Take
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil&Hy pop hosp hites
to increase your energy and so make good
your account at the bank of health.
aro' all forms of Wasting Diseases.
1 ' Almost as Palatable as Milk. Be sure
:/oU gel the genuine as there arc poor inzi-
...Zezt sgstZtiOatat.s ......vse,Bat
9014111. Wo
The Washing
T It Y
It will save you much :rouble
It will bring you comfort and ease
It will save your clothes and hands
It does not require washing powders
It will wash in either hard or soft
It cannot injure the most delicate
skin or fabric
Its purity and excellence have given
It the largest sale in the world
In 1890 the total number of foreign-
ers in China was 8,107. of whom 1,153
were American citizens; nearly if not
quite one half of these Americans were
Miner& Linament is usekby physicians
A friendly Hindu said once that of all
the missionary methods used, his peo-
ple feared none as much as the woman
missionaries and doctor, who were win-
ning their hearts and their homes.
A disease of the scalp that causes (falling, of
the hair, fading of the hair, in fact, death of the
hair. It irritates the scalp and causes scales and
eczematic eruptions—produces baldness. Bear
in mind that anti -Dandruff removes Dandruff
with 3 applications —stops falling and restores
fading hair to its orginal color. Sold by drug-
gists at 75 cents per bottle.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist Episcopal
Church (United States) received for
their work last year $263,000, only $12,-
000 ofwhich came by bequest or dona-
tion. It supports 120 missionaries.
Other facts bearing upon the ques-
tion of missionary finances this month
are as follows: The ordinary contribu-
tions to the London (Eng.) Missionary
Society, organized in 1795, reached
$50,000 more than ever before duing its
last fiscal year, being an increase of
$175,000 over the next previous twelve-
Lord Brassey has given $25,000 to-
ward the $150,000 needed to provide a
block of buildings to consist of a mis-
sion church for seamen, an institute, a
gymnasium, an adult ,schoolasocene
class -rooms, and a coffee -bar, etc., for
the free use of sailors and fishermen of
all nationalities frequenting the port
of London, England.
The "cathedral car" used by a Protes-
tant Episcopal Bishop in North Dakota
is pronounced a great success. At
many places along the line of railway
where it is left for services there is not
a room large enough to hold twenty
persons; and over and over again 90
have crowded into the car which seats
70. Often the congregation is larger
than the whole population of the vil-
A president of one of our Colleges says:
"We spent many sleepless nights in conse-
quence of our children suffering from colds,
but this never occurs now: We use Scott's
Emulsion .and Wm:daily relieves pulmonary
The hazardous task of entering a den of
hyenas to attend a wounded wild anirnal
was performed by Veterinary StirgeonStan-
ton, at Clarksville, Tenn. Two hyenas be-
longing to Sells ctr Renfro's circus engaged
in a fierce fight, and before separated one
of them had broken the other's leg in two
places. Dr. Stanton was called and enter-
ed the hyena cage while the beasts were
howling hideously, tied the wounded ani-
mal with a rope, set the broken limb, and
escaped unhurt. Several hundred persons
watched the operation with eager eyes, ex-
pecting every moment to see the surgeon
eaten alive.
Is the greatest newspaper wonder of the
age. It is four years old and has a circu-
lation of over a quarter million copies a
week. The latest isensations and the moat
marvelous events are written up in the beat
style and fully illustrated. Subscriptions
received at $2 per year, $1 for six months,
or 50 cents for three months. Special in-
ducements to clubs. Send for free epeci-
rnen copies. Boys everywhere are making
big money selling the Blade on the streets.
Write for particulars. Address the publish-
er, W. D. Boyce, 113, 115 and 117 Fifth
Avenue, Chicago.
A royal lady who has aged terribly
late is the Princess of Wales, who is
dependent to greater extent than most
people believe upon the assistance of
postiches of one kind and another. Her
hair is not hers, neither is her figure,
nor yet her complexion and the con-
trast between her artifical appearance
in public and her natural appearance
when in the privacy of her own apart-
ments must be very sad. For it is al-
ways sad to see a woman's beauty fade,
especially when the fruitless attempts
to conceal the ravages of time deprive
old age of the many charms and attrac-
tions which it otherwise possesses.
Mr C. Harper, Ottawa, Ont., writes: -"I
have pleasure in stating that your Pink
Pills are a wonderful tonic and reconstruc-
tor of the system. Since beginning their
ase, I have gained, on an average, a pound
of flesh a week." All dealers, or post paid,
50 cents a box or six boxes for 62.50. Be-
ware of imitations or substitutes. Dr
ilams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont.
-- • g..
The" fasteevalking horee we know is
the best ter the fartil; We have learned
this horn experience and know Where -
Of We 'Speak, We are sure it is best for
the rQui, for the coach, carriage or, the
tearn for heavy work, and for elearlY
the usefUl places in which you can
put the horse; and a volt can be trained
to this gait without any risk of spell-
ing him OP of detracting from his value,
as is the case with a majority of those
of the fastedriving in the vain attempts
to make great tvotters.
It is the same on the farm, whether
you are plowing or dragging, reaping
or mowing, or doing any farm work
with a horse, there must be a driver
whose time is money; if a team mopes
or walks along at a good lively gait it
makes during the season quite a 'differ-
ence with the farmer's pocket, as all
thinkers must be aware. Of course we
all admire a good, smart, square trot-
ting horse, and like to ride after a fine
spirited, well-trained pair of horses
thet can get along lively, especially if
we are in a hurry; but this class of
horses should be the exception, and
not the general rule.
IIVIten Baby was sick, we gave her Casteria.
Wbeis she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Mee, she clung to Castoria.
Whoa she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
If a large portion of the premiums
that have been paid for a few years
past in this country for fast trotters
had been paid for the fastest walkers
and the walking -gait encouraged,
thousands more of good horses would
now be seen, and millions of dollars
would have been saved to their owners.
Every sensible horseman knows that a
fast walking -gait is the best gait in the
world for the general purpose horse,
and for nearly all uses. Many know
how disagreeable it is to ride after a
horse that ae soon as he breaks thetrot,
is almost stone still on a slow mope of
a walk, and after once forming this
habit it is impossible to change his gait
or improve upon it.
Our first step to secure fast walkers
should be to breed from stallions and
mares that are good walkers as much
as possible, and then train our colts to
a fast walk instead of a trot. Never
in breaking a colt hitch him by the side
of a slow -walking horse because the
horse is steady and safe, unless you
want to spoil the gait of the colt; for
you surely will in a few times driving,
as habit is everything in breaking a
young colt and he Will not forget it.
Drive him alone, unless you have a
fast walker to drive him with, but bet-
ter to get a lively walker, if your colt
is of much value. Surely the time is
near at hand when premiums will be
paid at our horse fairs and agricultural
shows for the fastest walking horses.
Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind
on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by Watt's ez Co. Druggist.
The horse is said to be our most use-
ful animal. A great many horses
might be made more useful if properly
trained when young, and classed in the
place the place that nature has adapt-
ed them for. For years least, in this
country. the mania has been for fast
trotters; the, result has been that many
good horses have been driven beyond
their speed, because supposed to have
fast blood in them, and he,ve been
spoiled or. pernianently injured, sO as
to becOrne of little value for any kind
of business, and of no account as trot-
ters. Many of these horses might have
done excellent service as roadsters, for
the carriage or the farm, and it is
strange that people will continue to
use up, so to speak, so many good
young horses to make fast trotters of
them, when so very few of- them can
be brought up to the desired mark,and
when they could be put to much better
use, without any risk of spoiling them.
General Debility Cured by Four
Hesuvros, July 28th, 1890.
Mr 'ghee Williams:
Dear have been a sufferer for a long
time with general debility and weakness in my
back. The doctors could do me no good. I tried
your Royal Crown Remedy, and after taking four
bottles, 11 ha' made me better than I have been
juialdgehdrelaysesr000narnend it
to all
William's Royal Crown Remedy is the groo.tese
Remedy on earth for general dibility.
All hope ;that Thomas Neill, alis Dr
Cream, the woman poisoner, would es-
cape the gallows has been abandoned.
Neill was originally sentenced to be
hanged on November 8, but was respit-
ed for one week in order that the Home
Secretary might have time to consider
documents from America, supposed to
have a material bearing on the case.
After full consideration of the facts it
has been decided that the law must
take its course.
We publish elsewhere the advertisement
of the 6th Half Yearly Literary Competi-
tion of the Canadian Agriculturalist and
Home Magazine, Peterborough, Ont. It is
the most interesting competition ever of-
fered by The Agriculturist. The leading
prizes are: $1000 in cash; $500 cash; a
pair of handsome Shetland ponies, carriage
and horses, and over 2,000 other valuable
prizea for The Agriculturist's brightest
readers. The 61,000 in cash will be paid to
the person Bending in the largest list of
English words constructed from letters in
the words "The Canadian Agriculturist."
$500 will be given for the next largest list;
the ponies and harness for the next, a grand
piano, $300 organ. $400 piano, dinner sets,
ladies' and Sgent's gold and silver watches,
and over 2,000 other prizes in the order of
merit. The Agriculturist has earned a
reputation for fair dealing, and is an old
established and reliable journal. Each
competitor must enclose one dollar with the
list of words, which will entitle him to The
Agriculturist - a handsomely illustrated
Home Magazine -for six months. The
following letter from Lork Kilcciursie, the
Governor -General's secretary, speaks for
GOVERNMENT Home, Ottawa, Jan. 6, '92
lent, --"It will give me great pleasure to
recommend my friends to enter your com-
petitions. I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
To the Editor of The Canadian Agricultur-
st, Peterborough, Ont.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
.!, e ewes"
fliorporated 1887, witb C41141141 of F10,00)
a. C. PARVIIRSON, Mgr. for Catutda.
Electricity, as applied by the
Owen Electric Belt,
Li now recognized as the greatest boon offered
to suffering humanity. It Is fast taking the
place of drugs in all nervous and rheumatic
troubles, and Will effect CMGS in seemingly
hopeless oases where every other known means
has failed. It is nature's reraedy, and by its
steady, soothing (current that is readily felt,
General Debility,
Nervous Diseases,
Sexual Weakness,
Female Complaints
Kidney Diseases,
Liver Complaint,
Larne Back,
Urinary Diseases.
It Is a well known fact that medical science
has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic
oases. We venture the assertion that although
Electricity has only been in use as a remedial
agent for a few years, It has cured more eases
tt Rheumatism than all other means com-
bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog-
nizing this fact, are availing themselves of thLs
most potent of nature's forces.
Thousands of people suffer from a variety of
nervous diseases, such as Seminal Weakness,
Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, etc.,
that the old modes of treatment fail to cure
There Is a loss of nerve force or power that
cannot be restored by medical treatment, and
any doctor who would try to accomplish this
by any kind of drugs Is practising a dangerous
form of charlatanism. Properly treated
Electricity, as applied by. the Owen Electric
Bolt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do
so. It is the only known remedial agent that
will supply what is lacking, namely, nerve
force or power, impart tone and vigor to the
organs and arouse to healthy action the whole
nervous system.
And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric
Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled
through the country. They are electric in
name only, worthless as a curative power, and
dear at any price.
We Challenge the World to show an
E'ectric Belt where the current is under con-
trol of the patient as completely as this.
Ortr Trade Mark Is the portrait of Dr.
Owen embossed in gold upon every Belt and
appliance manufactured by us.
Send for Catalogue—Malled (Sealed) Free.
49 King St. W., Toronto.
qentIon this paper.
John Sutherland, ex -reeve, and an
old resident of Delaware township,
Middlesex county, died Thursday at
the advanced age of 88 years.
Our Stock of Furs is now Complete for the cm
lug season. Everybody knows that no two Seta
of Furs are exactly alike, consequently the first '
choice is of importance to buyers.
Having made arrangements with a large Hanufan •
turer for our supply of Blankets this season, we•
are in a position to offer better value than ever
before. Our Customers will save the Wholesale
Merchants' profit.
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton.
Toronto, Travelling Passenger Ager t, 0.1'. It.
Bays: Antl.Daintruff is a perfect n mover of Dan.
druti-Its action is ruarvellouo—in my own gazo
a few applleatIono not only thoroughly removed
oximasive dandruff accumulation but stopped
falling of the Imir. made it soft and 'liable and
promoted a visible growth.
Restores Fading hair to ifs
original color.
Stops falling of hair.
Keeps the Scalp clean.
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Promotes Growth.
The undersigned opened this week a new Restaurant in
Where he will be pleased to meet all who desire anything in his line. There
will be kept in stock a full and clean assortment of
Acts directly on the stomach
And promotes the healthy action of the
For Sale by all Druggists
And Wholesale by LONDON DRUG CO„ London, Ont.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attend es
enable rates. A trial solicited. 10
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
hy, The Canaderme.A‘greculeurise.,,„, .
One Thousand Dollars in Dash, a Pair of Handsome
Shetland Poniee, Carriage and Harness, and over t wo
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agrieulturiet
brightest readers! Who will have them? According lc
the usual custom for some years past the publishers of
THE AOPLICULTIIIIIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, be the most gigantic and successful one ever pre
genteel to the people of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid to the per
son 'fending in the largest list of English words oo0.
struoted from letters in the words "The Canadian Agri-
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
second largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third *gest list.
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of merit: One Grand Piano; $300 Organ; $400 Piano;
Dinner Sets; Ladies' Gold Watches', Silk Dress Patterns;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Ten nyson's Poems,
bound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 volume, bound in cloth, eto.
An there are more than 1000 prIzea, any one who takes
the trouble to prepare ati ordinary good it will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This is the 'fitment thing io
the competition line that we have ever placed before the
public, and all who do not take part will MPH an oppor-
tunity of a life time.
RuLns-1. A letter cannot be used oftner than 11
appears in the words " The Canadian Agriculturist'
For instance the word " egg" could not be used, as there
le but one "g" in the three words. 2. Words having more
than one meaning but, spelled the same can be used but
once. a N...ines of places and persons barred. 4. Errors
will not hill-Li...late a list— the wrong words will simply
not be counted.
Each list mint contain one dollar to pay for Mx month's
subseription to Tif NI All RICULT1 HIST. If LWor more
tie, the larirest list which hears the earliest postinark will
take the Met prize, and the others will receive prizes in
order of merit. United States money and stamps taken
at par.
The objeet in offering throe magnificent prizes is to
introduce our popular magazine into new homes, in every
art of the Anlei iean continent.
Every conipetitor enclosing 30 cents in stampe extra,
will reetblve free, by niall, iiostosid, one to THE ALIPIOUIe
I l" 1 ,NT Ele; ant Souvenir Spoons of Canada.
Pi izes awarded to persona residing in the United States
will te shipped from our New York office free of duty.
All motley letters should be registered.
R II:mama COMPETITION—We have given away
725,000 in prizes during the last two years, and have
thousands of letters from prize -winners in every :state In
the union and every part of Canada and Newfonndland
Lord I limns's, A.D.C. to the Governor General of
Canadis. writes: "I shall recommend my friends 10 8018!
your competitions," td, M. Bmnden, Vancouver, R C.,
received $1000 in gold" and we hold his reeenit for same.
A few of the prize winners: Miss J. Robinson, Toronto,
01500; J. J. Brandon, Fenelon Falls, Ont, $1500; David
Harrison Syracuse, N. Y. $535; H. BeaLonie
Mo, 5)0 Jas Septic, Weril, Duluth, Minn.ns $500; Miss
O•aor Robertaon, Oak St., Brooklyn, $100.0; Fred H.
Hills, 353 State St., Bridgeport, Conn., and thousands of
Address all comMunications to Time AGRICULTURIST.
Peterborou¢h, Ontario. 4f,a
(Competition closes January 15th, 1893.)
186 Lexington Ave.,
New York City, Sept. 19, 1
have used the Flax -Seer' Emulsion in several
casts of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of
Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results.
Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14t11, 1689.
I have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis
,onsumption) web beneficial results, where patiens
....,1,.11105 WC Cod Liver Oil in any form.
J. H. DROGE, M. D.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2015, 1
I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gel
oral tonic in physical debility,.
Brooklyn, Ne Y., Oct. 10th, 188£L
regard Max Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use.
187 West 84th St.,
New York, Aug. 6, /888.
I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound
In a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was
more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession
and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
Sold by Druggists, Price $1.00.
35 Liberty St., New Yo0-
For sale by J.1 HICOMBE, Clinton.
And at the Same Time Earn One,Hun-
dred Dollars in Gold.
The nrst letter containing the csorreob answers to tha
following questions received at the office of Tan Oax..a.-
HIANAGAICHILTIIRIST(eSeh week from now tuffil the ilut
of December, 1892) will receive $100 In gold; the
will get $50, _• third, $25; fourth, handsome silver service;
to the next 50 correct answers we will send prizes ranging
from 5.5 down 10 52 gairEvery answer, whether a prise
winner ornot, willreceive a speoial,prize. QUESTIONS To
Es AN5WERED.—(1.) How manyooks does the Bible
contain/ (2.)How many chapters-, (3. ) How many verses,
(1.)We commence to open letters on Monday morning
of each week. Lt more than one letter is received by the
same mail with correct answers, the first opened w
eount, the second will take next place, and so on, (
Each letter containing answers most be accompanied
51 to pay for six months subscription to THE AORI0171-
Turacm—one of the very befit Ifinstrated Home Journithi
In Canada. (3.) People living in the United States have
precisely the same pnvileges in connection with this com,
petition". those residing in Canada. They can easily gage
their letters each week as as to reach us in the begin-
ning of the week, when they will be almost sure to get
a good prize.
"Received $1,000 prize all right "—M. M. BILADRN,
Vancouver, O. "I shall recommend my friends to
enter yourcornpetitions" —Loan 1Cmcounerne A. 15. CI,
to the Governor General, Ottawa, Canada. 'Splendi4.
prize risceived."—C. F. McComaek, St, Stephen, N. It.
"Prim of $235 received."—D. HARRISON, Syracuse, N. Y.
"Handsome prize reeeived."—Moss RETTA KENTZ, Ox-
ford, Mich. Orer 5000 receipts from prize winners In
fanner competitions on 015 in our office. Letters eon,
taining_money-thould in all cases be regestered. AAA
dress, Tax AGATOULTUEDIT PulaLISNING 00., PearbOn.
°ugh, Oanads. .
, .
In a good country, where the soh,
-e is rich, the -crop yeelds enormous,
the markets convenient,the climate
the healthiest in the world, and
where the landl
so to speak? Then write to the un-
dersigned for full particulars. The
magnificent Red River Valley, of
Minnesota and the Dakotas and
Montana is the region referred to.
One Crop Pays for the Farni
in very many instances, and in no
other section of the country can
general farming be made etw er or
more profitable. Hundrees of
farmers living here testify to this
The Only Public Lands Left
in the United States worth living
onarein this regioniand are rapidly, -
being entered and settled. Thera
is plenty of other good land here
which can be bought cheap and on
easy terms. Adjoining lands have
40 Bushels of Wheat per Acre
and other crops in proportion. It
is not beyond the confines of civiliz-
ation. There are no wild Indians
here. Railroads, churches and
schools are abundant, while there
is plenty of
Pure Water and Good Society
the two essentials to the prosperity
of any country. For maps, cir-
culars and other information con-
cerning this great country, address
F. I. WHITNEY, ST. PAUL, Mists. or
J M. HUCKINS, 4 Palmer Howe Block
The subscriber wonld intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his businesa that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries at short notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
offins, Caskets,
ShroudS, &c,
He has also purchased a first-class
Hearse, and cen therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Night
calls answered at residence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
0-ndertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.