Clinton New Era, 1892-11-04, Page 8ntOlt WAY, 2l'OTPXPB11, 4, 1.0$ OO zataleo,wililgver1443 I V!' fr..= nOW Until the It Anuary, lepH. That givee the hal- "Anee Of this yoar free. NOW ietothne 1.4 elthecribe. • T4004t1. NOTICES Zerese HSw addie and eet rotatose—John Otin. inn° Stook of choice new groceries to Pe found IIISVIL'ea Oretsre, Desoltay block. Yen are in want of a (nat. or Faney BBobo,cheap go to J. TWITO4 FIE L, Clinton. , ganer,s Hsaniss le our specialty, and weoffer WOO line sets very ehear.—Jonntlii 4 Ainliova, ' GQ0D GENERAL SERVANT WANTED' " -0E01 Volfeo. APO' te MRS 3. W. IRWIN' 1 , gips et) 4Nolniuxt MZ—Ml' A. xik Nictko. sprfoic,r, WhQ. WaS OVA dittUghtenlan for the excellent Cooper Huron County Map, is nOw tOtting one for the eOnntY Of Ntddleanx; it contain the iatcat interraation tic date, NIOVeteeMett CHANOE.—The Exeter eed.vocate has undergone change, Mr Sweet, One of it's proprietore, retiring, antl Mr Dyer, late of the Paynesville Nevqs, seceeeds him. The Advocate is IL fairly good paper, but there is roono for considerable imptovement, especi- ally in its local news service. . W. IRWIN has removed to the Maekell, 1404 apd will be pleseed to meet new and old 4304itonett alike. Plar.es.--New is the time to plant fall Bulbs, Hyacinthe, Tulipe, Orocuoce, Snow Drope, cheap. W. 0, Jammu, °Anton. , See onr magnificent display ot Crockery and glafidware now opened. J. W. IRWIN'S. The vorner Grocery, Macke,y block. gown gilaPICO. LIBERALF3,—The Liberals from Clin- ton who attended the convention at oQderich last Friday, were Messrs D. Forrester, A. H. Manning, James • Smith, H. 13. Combe, J. T. Wilkie, R. Helmes, Fraek Hodgens and Wm. Coats. ACCIDENT.—A few days since Miss Emerson, residing in town, had the Misfortune to fall down an open teller - way. She experienced no particular discomfort at the time, beyond a se- vere shaking up, but has recently suf- fered considerable pain, and it is •thought that one of her ribs was brok- ' hy the fall. OHANGE.—Mr McDougall, who for years was the competent and reliable manager of the McTaggart farm,on the London road, has moved into town, taking up his residence on Mary St., in the house he purchased frotn Mr Kennedy. Mr Thos Tremeer, late of Hullett, takes the management of the farm. .e.elkIrdArNMENT. — The celebrated and renowned Cosgrove family give One of their popular and refined enter- tainments in the town hall, on the ev- ening of the 8th inst. Their last visit to Clinton was much appreciated, and as they have improved considerably since then a good evening's enjoyment may be looked for. THE LADDER INDTISTRY.—Mr Win. Smithson has sold, since the fruit sea- son commenced, about fifty long lad- ders, built especially to facilitate fruit picking. He also manufactures a splendid step ladder, and expects by the end of the year to have disposed of about 400. This has grown to be quite an industry-, and we would think is capable of almost unlimited expansion. ;;J*0EITABLE PoULTRY. — There is one Man in town at any rate that knows how to make poultry pay, and, that is Mr J. H. Worsell, for since the Huron Central Fair he has sold over $15 worth of chickens, some of them es high as $4 a pair. From 23 hens he thas supplied his own house with eggs and sold in addition over $40 worth of go and poultry this year. Who says ed soul • s not pay. BRIEFLETS. — Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day. The self-denial of the Salvation Array will be held from the tithto the „nth of November. There is considerable profane language used on the streets that should be stopped or the users put in the cooler. The summer has been a delightful one, with a large proportion of fine weath- er, but Saturday last and subsequent days have not been very pleasant. It is pretty much nothing but apples with the farmers these days. Why is it that when strangers come around and canvass busixeoss men ever y state. ment they unike is believed., while they would be doubted if made by a local canvasser. T,els 19 KIND Now.—The editor of tie.: Clinton NEW ERA should have Known the Advocate never shows mercy to hypocrites. The man who will recommend mob law, and then ascend a pulpit and discourse on rele, g,ion should be given no quarter.— Mitchell Advocate. [Who's asking for quarter anyhow? It is not the editor orthe-N w ERA. 111 upholding "moh November, Olin and dreg -and cOld, With rain and sleet' and bail and snow; To guard tile health of young and old, Needs clothing warm from bead to toe. .1, 1.1.01,111•1•101...••• ter another season o( wet and cold, better' prepared er before to meet the varied wants of man, woman, child and home. FOR THE MEN WE HAVE Underwear and OVetiVeat,-Shirts, Drawers,- Top Shirts, Overcoats, Caps, Gloves, Socks and Waterproof Clothing We en than ev EAT 'MTGE. There died, last Friday in London an old familiar person in Mr John Baillie, of 560 York street. Deceased was an old conductor on the Grand Trunk and was on the London, Huron and Bruce for years. He was a member of Eureka, Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. He took a great interest in politics, having gen- erally supported the Reformers, -but the first vote he ever gave was for Mr Carling, and Mr Baillie said he felt so _ sorry for it that he was ever after- wards tr$0, tvuakvitmends. FOR THE WOMEN Dress Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Gloves, Hose, and the famous "Health Brand" Underwear TEMPL ARS . —The following are the officers elect fpr Clinton Star Lodge of Good Templai's for the ensuing quart- er:—Chief Templar, H. B. Chant; Vice, Miss Graham; Secretary, W. Moore; Assistant, Miss Tebbutt; Fin. Sec., Miss L. Washington; Treas., Mrs Biddle- combe; all re-elected. Chap., James Young; Marshall, Frank Boles; Inside Sent., Miss Cottle; Outside Sent.'W. Coat,s; Organist, Miss Miller. Miss Washington tendered her resignation as Financial Secretary and Miss S. Moore was elected in her place. law" under some circumstances, we are only following the example of the Master himself, who used force to drive the money changers out of the temple. When a certain man of Mit- chell undertook to administer "mob law" to the editor of the Advocate, the testimony of those who know the circumstances was that Mr Davis de- One price served all he got and more. He in- dulges in more blackguard assaults on other people than all the other papers Grab! being BO low In prioe, it i� neoeosary for the farmer to find out the cheapest aii best way to prodnOe it. In the many 'arm Journals atel rapers there are frequent ly hints to be found that are worth the subscription price for many Teat% Axwag • the nutnerQua excellent farm papers tve wonld like to call your attennon te tha OHIO FARMER at $1 a year. THE LADIES will do well to call and get a sample copy of the Ladies' Home journal, Those who once get it would not be without it. Price, $1 a year For the Boys and Girls Overcoats and Mantles, Caps, Nits, Hose, and everytning to keep them warm. WEEKLY -GLOBES- MAIL,- EMPIRE Or any other Magazine you -want. We club any of the papers with the ClintoniNEW ERA and give you the very best clubbing rates FOR THE HOME Blankets, Comforters, Flannel and Cotton Sheetings. 111MMINIMMINAM=M11. IR/CDE3I1s7 e 13itos 7 Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. Stock- Fully Assorted •••••1•••••••••••••111•II• If you want a stylish Hat or Bonnet come and see us. If you want to see the larcest and best stock of Dress Goods in town, come and see us. We keep the stook you want at the lowest prices. Full assortment in all kinds DRESS and MANTLE GOODS with Trimmings to Match Dress and Mantle Making done in first-class style Cold Weather Necessities of all kinds. Do you want the best fitting Suit_ made—thrtt you ever bad? its�, corae-mird- try oar tailor. Big Variety, A 1 Quality, Bedrock Prices • ORGAN RECITAL. —W e are asked . once more to remind our "i;itide-i-,a- the Organ Recital next Monday even- ing, in the Presbyterian church. We think it unnecessary to say much as it seems to be so well known, and musical people are looking forward to a big musical event. Mr Burns, of .Tpronto,,,, alone will be in himself a big • attiaction: being bile- of the' bestor- ganists of Toronto, and the vocal part of the program will be a very classical one. The choir is asking for a big collection next Monday evening, ($200) which will wipe the debt offthe organ, and it is to be hoped they will not be disappointed, for ;they are certainly erving of more than is usually charged for succeed her. Next T ursday, being furnishing a program t is es 1 Thanksgiving day, will be observed as public entertainments. a general holiday; the post office will Suon IS LIFE. —There is something only be open the nsual holiday hours. sad in contemplating the thought that Mr Squires, of St. Catharines (an old summer is past and winter almost employee of the Doherty factory) was here. True, there are those who de- here this week arranging for the pur- light in our Canadian winter, but they chase and,shipment of poultry, butter, are exceptions. A large majority of eggs, 49, to St. Catharines, where be people, especially the laboring classes, purposes eommencing bnsiness. Mr shrink from the very word winter. It I. Dinsley is getting ready to handle is a chilling blast to them before the pork for the Beneall packing house; frost arrives, to know that soon they as Mr Dinsley has bought for this will have to cease their labors owing establishment for about 1.4 years, it is to bad weather and make a break upon apretty good indication that he has that which they have managed, in given satisfaction. Mr W. W. Far - many cases through late and early ran has put in a handsome desk to his hours to toil, to scrape together. It is office eqvapments; it is about the finest true the in -door mechanic, with his glowing stove in the corner and the almost steady channel of business flowing through his hands, seldom gives a thought to the matter. But we cannot blame him, every man has his own particular business. Upou one fortune smiles while upon another it frowns, and he whose surroundings allow him to transact business all the year round should be thankful. ARE You Asiono THEM?—There are nine classes of people who do a town no good and retard improvement and progress. These nine classes are: -1. Those who go opt of town to do their trading. 2. Those who oppose im- provement, 8. Those who preSer quiet tows to one of push and busi- ness. 4. Those who imagine they run the town. 5. Those who think 'busi- ness can be done slyly without adver- tising'. 0. Those who deride pahlic • spirited Men. 7. Those who oppose • ever, improvement that does not origmate with themselves. 8. Those aftio oppose every public enterprise vvhich al.ees not appear to benefit them. O. Those who seek to injure the redit of tn ifi&t4dflal. Examine the above end See if youare to be found in -10# a the °lease§ enturiemtod. It you Are Yoh May bane to the etinelueion` t de the• ten no geed and re- put together, and about the only way to teach him decency is by what he calls "mob law."] NoYes.---Mr James Sutherland, the Liberal whip in the House of Corn - mons, passed through town on Fri- day, he having been attending the - Liberal convention in Goderich. Mr Alex Weir is removing to Goderich to reside, for the sole reason that rents are lower there than here and vacant houses more plentiful. Regular meet- ing of the town council will be held next Monday evening. It is Mr Thos McKenzie who has the contract for the erection of Mr J. Fair's new house, and Mr Whitely who is superintend- ing its construction. Miss Josie Mc- Murray, daughter of Mr John Mc- Murray, has been dangerously ill for several days. Rev. W. Smyth went up to Brussels on Wednesday, to per- T2 you want to get form a marriage ceremony for an old personal friend. The boys were not the want you want nearly as bad on Hallowe'en as on previous -occasions;-Perhaps the- pre- sence of both constables, Wheatley and Welsh, on the streets had a salu- tary effect. Mr Macpherson, of the Macpherson Sr Hovey Co. left this week on a business trip to Winnipeg. At a meeting of the Collegiate Insti- tute Board of Trustees, on Friday, a •few accounts werepeesed _eriel ell the teachers Ye -engaged for next year. Mrs Coleman, who has for a consider- able time been engaged in the office of the Canada Salt Association as short- hand amanuensis and type -writer, has taken a situation in Buffalo; Miss ht of the late headruast- ••••t.••• and 5 per rent off for Cash. Estate J...Hodgens THE DRY GOMIS PALACE, CLINTON. NTr Freer, daug er r of Kincardine High School, will to -get you want to leave your wants with the want getters, JACKSON BROS, Wants to get your wants because they want you to get the wants you want to get. BOOTS and SHOES A large and well aseorted stock at a small advance on wholesale prieeit Come and we will gerve you well. If youwant to get anything in B 0 9 or ollps 0 in Phunsteel - & - Gibbings, MONTREAL HOUSE, CIJINTON BEESLEY &CO laths Or any wearing apparel, we want you to have your wants supplied by us. All men want OVERCOATS at some time or other—we show a stock of $8 and $10, unequaled for and most convenient in town. . Saturday as Doc. BlackaR was walking these along Albert street, the sidewalk being value. Remember the Irish Frieze Overcoating. from under him and he came down goods range in price from $14 to $25, to order slippery with the rain, his feet went pretty heavily; he was lame for a con- siderable time thereafter. Mrs Prid- ham, of Buffalo, is visiting in town. Mr Jas. Howe, who has been in Mani- toba for some time, is back in town. Mr Burns, of McCaul St. church, To- ronto, who is to give the organ recital in Willis church, next Monday even- ing, is a cousin of Mrs J. W. Shilton. Mr Wallace, jewelier, of Lueknow, who died last week, was a brother of Mrs MsGarva, of town; oonsumptiou was the cause of deitle Mr. Mr. W. Claeance Young, brother-in-law of Miss Murray, has been appointed man- ager of :the Merchants' Bank, Strat- ford. Mr S. S. Cooper has for several days been engaged in overhauling the house of Mr George Snell, Hullett, who has been making repairs to the extent of about 5500. This week W. Jackson ticketed Miss Addie Jones, of Town, to St. Thomas, Dalt., and Mr A. Elcoat and wife and Mrs Jetties Woad - foot, of Tuckersmith, to Abilene, Kan- sas. Mr G. F. Oakes has removed to Stratford. Miss Cornish, daughter of Mr. &Lines Coriiish, base line, has been 'dangerously ill for several deyt. MrW Moore boa resuraed 1n8position with 4.1.8158.ttrAttlitlIC6* Should Shirts Shrink? Sigked Samuel %bort ; Shall Shiets Shrisk ? Steedily Shrink, Suiting' Son of Son to come? lowly, Solemnly the answer came "Orilins.ry" Shirts Rarely Shriek Still Stay Samuel SILWOLKO--- Is the name of a Shirting that will not ahreak. Seek Slim and Solid Satisfaction at Big Sn a p fl JACKSON BROTHERS, SHIRT M KERS, 43:1411TCollAXDEArOitTn We offer you 30 pieces at a bargain, some of the newest things brought out this season Bonanza in HOSIERY - We have the biggest value we ever had the pleasure to offer you. UNDERWEAR—Men and Boys' Underwear, if you need it we have something good to ofier you. Right in quality and price no better MILLINERY—All the choice novelties are here in Bird Wings, Ribbons, Trimmings, newest shapes in Felt and Made Hats. In English Walking Hats that have been so much in rage, we have a full assortment of the latest styles, sevek. different styles to choose from We sell such goodl. Goods and sell them so Cheap - that buying becomes a pleas- ure with The Ladles Favorite Establishment, BEAVER BLOOlt. CLINTON