Clinton New Era, 1892-09-30, Page 60
tombor (;), 1802
rOgge-Why don't you ffet up and
Ive your seat to the laclys) Boggs-
PalPFI Int SO tired f can't.
he Way elle looks because I Iren't
' *Tapa," said Jimmie boy, after he
bad inSpected the new baby's hand,
"WS boy hasn't anything but little fin-
gers on his hand -is that right?"
Sood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures all
seases caused by impure blood and it
, Wide up the Whole system,
Tilbobuinper-Ilenny, what's all that
• iacke t the Barlows'? is anybody
'being killed? Benny - No, papa.
'T1jz Barlow's mother Is cutting his
Mrs Dix -What are you buying those
Pightcaps for. Mrs Hicks? Mrs Hicks
dear Henry; he often mentions
,--talging a nightcap, but he hasn't one to
bisi name.
Spangle -How do you think this full
•'length photo of me looks? I don't like
it so Well as a vignetted face myself.
Tangle-Why,1 think it looks immense
espemally the hands and feet.
He -Miss Emma, I love you. May I
• ask your parents for their permission
•tO lead you to the altar? She -Certain-
ly. "And do you think they will give
• their consent?" 'f.' f course they will.
, have trained them from my youth
The manufacturers of the " Myrtle
'Navy" tobacco invite the very closest
- 'scrutiny of its quality. The expert whose
• trained senses teach him to recognize the
exact quality of tobacco, and the smoker
who judges by his experience in smoking
it, will both come to the same conclusion
that it is of the very highest quality any-
where to be found. It is made of the very
enest Virginia leaf and is manufactured
with the greatest possible care.
"Yes." said the youngstudent,
"When I get
in a subject I never stop until I have
embraced it thoroughly." "That's
nice," was the hesitating reyly. "Do
-do you think I aia an interesting
iklhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castor's.
'When she was a Mild, she crted for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
Whim she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
It was not until the reign of the Em-
press Josephine in Fra,nce that the
pocket handkerchief was tolerated at
all as an article for public use. No
lady would have dared to use one in
the presence of others. Even the name
was carefully avoided in polite conver-
sation. An actor Who would have
dared to use one on the stage, would
have been hissed off the boards. It
was only in the beginning of the pre-
sent century that Mlle. Duchesnois,
famous actress, dated to appear with a
handkerchief in her hand. Having to
speak of it in the course of the play,
she could only surnmon courage to re-
fer to'it as "a light tissue."
A translation of one of Shakespeare's
plays by Alfred de Vigney was acted,
and the word was used for the first
time upon the stage and provoked a
storm of indignant hisses from all
psjofthe house.
The-72.1x-iiifeeS---jos9hinc; alth-ougir
really a beautiful wonia,n, had very
bad teeth, and to conceal them she was
in the habit of carrying small handker-
chiefs trimmed with costly laces, which
she raised gracefully to her lips to con-
ceal her teeth. The ladies of the court
followed her example, and handker-
chiefs rapidly became an important
part of the feminine toilet.
• Mr. T. Steadman, Robaillion, writes:-
.1dy daughter has been attended by four
physicians for female weakness without
avail. A course of your Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills cured her." Of all dealers or by
mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50.
Dr. Williams Med. Co., Brockville Ont
and Schenectady, N. Y.
Huron Central, Clinton .. Oct.6-7
ietWitwanosh, Belgrave : :Oct 4-5
South Huron, Seafortla Oct 4-5
• East Huron, Brussels Oct 6-7
Morris, Blyth Oct 11-12
The first locomotive from Jaffa ar-
rived at Jerusalem some time ago.
Letters received from Jerusalem by
the Palestine Exploration Fund, dated
August 22nd, announce that the loco-
motive had reached the city on the
previous day. Trains are not yet run-
ning, but the rails have been laid down
all along the line, and the road, which
is being made by the French company,
will be opened on the 20th of this
month, The terminus is unfinished; it
will be on the west of the road to Beth-
lehem, not far from the south end of
the Montefiore almshouses.
is oftentimes absolutely
cured in its earliest stages
by the use of that won-
Food Medicine,
which is now in high
repute the world over.
..CAUTION."—Bewate of substitutes
Genuine prepared by Scott & Bowne,
Belleville. Sold by all druggiste.
500. and $L00.
Best Cough Syrian. TasteS.s Good. Use
• in time. Sold hy dim gists.
A woman's tombstone 'is the only
one in England upon which the epitaph
is written In short -hand,
The skesociation Of Married Women
for the Control of Husbands is the title
of a society in Berlin, Germany.
The government of the United States
has saved $2,000,000 on inoney orders
that have been lost or for some reason
remain unpaid.
As if we didn't have enough trouble
now, along comes a scientist who says
that in 10,000,000 years there will be
no light from the sun.
Absolute cleanliness is the most per -
feet disinfectant. Other things are
The highest priced piano in the United
States belongs to the Msaquandfamily
of New York City; it was -designed and
painted by Alma Tadema and cost $40,-
Minards Linament is used by physicians
Fleetstreet and neighborhood in Lon-
don have been visited of late by a plague
in the form of mosquitoes.
At the castle of Simonetta, Italy,
there is an angle in the building which
re-echoes a pistol shot sixty-one times.
A trial of speed between English and
American locomotives will be an in-
teresting and novel feature of the
World's Fair.
It has only been eighty-one years
since the first tomatoes were in(roduc-
ed into America. The original plant
was cultivated as a, vegetable curiosity
at Salein,• Mass.
the pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth-
ing effects of Syrup of Figs, svhen in need
of a laxative; and if the father or mother
be costive or bilious, the most gratifying
results follow its use, so that it is the best
family remedy known and every family
should have a bottle.
"You see," he explained to the hi-
genuous young thing as he showed her
the wishbone, "you take hold there
and I'll take hold here. Then we
must both wish and pull, and when it
breaks the one who has the biggest
part of it will have his or her wish
some time."
"But I do not know what to wish
for," she protested.
"Oh, you can think of something," he
can't," -elie replied; "I can't
think of anything I want very much."
"But we musn't spoil the fun that
way," he exclaimed. "I'll wish for
"Will you, really?" she asked.
"Why, yes, if you can't-"
"Well, then, there's no use fooling
with the old wishbone," she interrupt-
ed, with a glad smile.
"You can have me."
HAMILTON, March 21et,
Dr. L. A. SMITH kz Co.,
536 Bloor St., Toronto.
GSNTF,— lece3 ship us per G. T. R., fre:ght
prepaid. three (3) gross in Ore of your Anti -Dan
druff. This makes six gross or 864 10: ttles pur-
chased from you since January 1 ith, 181-12. a little
more than two months. The large demand is
dile to the merits of the preparation, a9 our cus-
tomers to whom we have sold it certify. We
tind it not only removes dandruff and scurf, but it
is an elegant Lair dressing I or th e hair. Clean to
use aid bas an agreeable ()for. It is one of the
but prepatations we know of to promote the
growth of the hair aud ;Prevent its falling out.
Wishing you continued success and an extended
sale,we remain, yours truly, JNO. A. 13ARK & CO.
J. A. B.
The Chinese never permit their wo-
men to lie ph( t )graphed.
The dogs of one cou ity inPennslyvan-
ia, last year killed $8,000 worth of sheep.
Some of the peach trees in Georgia
are already bearing a second crop of
A train of five cars constructed whol-
ly of steel, has been on exhibition in
Minard's Liniment is the Best
Exports of oleomargarine have dou-
bled in the last five years, and now
amount to 2,500,000 tubs annually.
This kills the demand for lower grade
Jn consequence of the increased use
of the bicycle in various parts of the
country, there is a perceptible falling
off in the business of railways and liv-
ery stables.
The Emperor of Japan has decreed
that every man who provokes a duel
or accepts a challenge shall pay a
heavy fine and serve from six months
to two years in the galleys.
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
A man has discovered a sure way to
kill borers in apple trees. He washes
the butt of the tree in keiosene, and
finds it very effectual. He has also
discovered that it kills the trees as well
as the borers.
For removing old putty which has
become hard from sashes and similar
places, kerosene oil is recoaenended.
Three coats of the petroleum over old
putty will, 11 .18 said penetrate effective-
ly into the pores of the material.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Bleiniah Clive
ever known. Sold y J. H. Combe, Drug-
Boston still continues to send out to
Africa, to complicate the character of
civilization in the Dark Continent,
costly cargoes of New England rum.
In the past year no less than $1.125,(XN)
worth of rum has gone out from that
centre of religion and culture.
Are the main -stay of our republic. In
them are being cultivated the minds which
are to be our future law -makers and lead-
ers in every walk in life. How essential it
is that these minds should be united to
strong, healthy bodies. So many children
suffer from impurities and poisons in the
blood that it is a wonder that they evt r
grow up to be men and women. Many
parents cannot find words strong enough to
express their gratitude to Hood's Sarsap-
arilla for its good effeotupon their children.
Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of
the blood are effectually and permanently
cured by this excellent medicine, and the
whold being is being is strength to resist
*shacks of disease.
r'1,11dren Cry for
"Piteitcr'S CalitOri44
Mrs. Mary E. OP.Fatlon
of Piqua, 0.; says the VW-
sicians are Astonished,
and look at her like one
Raised from the Dead
Long and Terrible Illness
from Blood Poisoning
Completely Cured by Moil's
Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent
lady of Piqua, Ohlo, was poisoned while as-
sisting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago,
and soon terrible ulcers broke out on her
head, arms, tongue and throat. Her hair all
came out. She weitited but 78 lbs., and saw
no prospect of help. At last she began to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla and at once 1111 -
proved; could soon get out of bed and walk.
She says : " I became perfectly cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and am now a well woman. I weigh 128 lbs.,
eat well and do the work for it large famili.
My case seems a wonderful recovery and
physicians look at me in astonishment, as
almost like one raised from the dead.”
HOOD'S PILLS should be in every family
medicine chest. Once used, always preferred.
Wet, tea -leaves or scrapings of sole
leather will stop bleeding.
In all cases of severe bleeding the
only thing which can be safely depend-
ed upon is pressure.
An obstinate case of nose -bleed may
be stopped by bathing the hands for
half an hour in cold water.
If ignorant of the location of vessels,
press--with-the finger -or pie-ce-of cloth
directly under the wound.
If blood is bright and comes in jets,
apply firm pressure upon the artery
above the cut nearest the heart.
In the severing of an artery press
the point of division firmly with finger
until a blood colt is formed.
If -the blood comes in a steady stream
from a vein apply pressure just above
the cut furthest from the heart.
• For a slight cut, let the blood flow
for half a minute, then dip in cold
water or apply ice. Bandage if neces-
Bleeding from an external wound Or
from the nostrils can be checked by.
the use of powdered alum, which
coagulates the blood.
Bleeding from the stomach can gene-
rally be checked by lying on the 'bar%
and taking occasional swallows of iced
water or lemonade.
• Threests'se.nasesseatinent,sessesisleed in g
from the mouth, throat or lungs is re-
commended: Strict rest in bed, with
the head raised, light diet and ice cold
Incorporated 1887, with Cash Capital of $50,000
G. C. PATTERSON, Mgr. for Canada.
Electricity, as applied by the
Owen Electric Belt,
Is now recognized as the greatest boon offered
to suffering humanity. It is fast taking the
place of drugs In all nervous and rheumatic
troubles, und will effect cures in seemingly
hopeless cases where every other known means
has failed. It is nature's remedy, and by its
steady, soothing 'current that is reiullly felt,
Rheumatism, Sexual Weakness,
Sciatica, Female Complaints
Getieral Debility, Impotency,
Lumbago, Kidney Diseases,
Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Lame Back,
Varicocele, Urinary Diseases.
It Is a wen known fact Hutt medical science
has utterly failed to afford relief in rheumatic
cases. We venture the assertion that although
Electricity has only been in use as a remedial
agent for a few years, it has cured more cases
of Rheumatism than all other means corn-
bined. Some of our leading physicians, recog-
nizing this fact, are availing themselves of this
most potent of nature's forces.
Thousands of people suffer from a variety of
nervous diseases. such as Seminal Weakness,
Impotency, Lost Manhood, Weak Back, etc.,
that the old modes of treatment fail to cure
There is it loss of nerve force or power that
cannot he restored by medical treatment, and
any doctor who would try to accomplish this
by any kind of drugs is practising a dangerous
form of charlatanism. Properly treated
Electricity, as applied by the Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensory, will most assuredly do
BO. It is the only known remedial agent that
will supply what Is lacking, namely, nerve
force or power, impart tone and Vigor to the
organs and arouse to healthy action the whole
nervous system.
And the worthless, cheap, so-called Electric
Belts advertised by some concerns and peddled
through the country. They are electric in
name only, worthless as a curative power, and
dear at any price.
We Challenge the World to show an
Electric Bolt where the current is under con-
trol of the patient as completely as this.
Our Trade Mark is the portrait of Dr.
Owen embossed in gold upon every Belt and
appliance manufactured by us.
Send for Catalogne--Malled (Sealed) Free,
49 King t. W., Toronto.
tension this paper.
The cholera epidemic is carrying
#44 OtIch Want tqle suffering as has Pever
before mar4e4 the history of Batuhurgiand
daily the distresS is increasing. Nearly all
the trades in the eity are at it standstill,
and thoneends of workmen find it utterly
impossible to earn a penny. The people
who have hitherto done business with Ram.
burg are afraid to handle anything made
in the plague -stricken city, and in oonse•
quenoe the returns of industry show an en-
tire absence of orders. With no demand for
products manufacturers find it impossible
to keep their men at work, and daily the
idle populace of the city is gaining fresh
intents of artisans and unskilled laborers
who are discharged because of the utter
stagnation of the business. The shipping
trade of the city has received it most severe
blow from the epidemic, and many vessels
have been forced to tie up. The dook la-
borers and other men employed about the
wharves can find nothing to do, and in
many cases actual starvation is staring
them in the face. The fishermen find their
occupation gone, as nearly everyone is
afraid to touch fish. Market gardeners are
on the verge of ruin. They are unable to
dispose of *heir prod,uce and their fruit is
rotting on the trees.
Application painless and easy. Relief imme-
diate. This preparation fills a great and longfelt
want among those who suffer from piles. It is
a remedy of the highest merit, effective and re-
liable, and has more than met the anticipations
of those pnysicians who have used it in their
when other treatments fail to relieve. Testimo-
nials f urnished. Price $1, For sale by druggists,
or by mail on receipt of price.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, 184
Dmidas street, London, Ont.
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This'establishment is in 1u11 operation :Id al
order: tilled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work a specialty. Prices as
reasonable as those of any establiehc.ent
SEALE, HOOVER it SEALE, Clinton. lm
A First-class Step or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid -Churn-,—or—anytbing—of like
nature? Then call on:W. SMITHSON, at
• shop, No.? Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley
Will be at Dinsley's corner every Saturday
In a good country, where the soi.
is rich, the crop yields enormous,
the markets convemenethe climate
the healthiest in the world, and
where the land!
so to speak? Then write to the un-
dersigned for full particulars. The
magnificept Red River Valley of
Minnesota and the Dakotas and
Montana is the region referred to.
One Crop Pays for the Farm
in very many instances, and in no
other section of the country can
general farming be made easier or
more profitable. Hundreds of
farmers living here testify to this
f act.
The Only Public Lands Left
in the United States worth living
on are in this region,and are rapidly
being entered and settled. There
is plenty of other good land here
which can be bought cheap and on
easy terms. Adjoining lands have
40 Bushels of Wheat per Acre
and other crops in proportion. It
is not beyond the confines of civiliz-
ation. There are no wild Indiana
here. Railroads, churches and
schools are abundant, while there
is plenty of
Pure Water and Good Society
the two essentials to the proeperity
country.. For maps, oh, ,
culars and other information con-
cerning this great country, address
J M. HTJCKINS, 4 Palmer House Block
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars in Cash, it Pair of Headstone/
Shetland Ponies, Cerriage and Hamm, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturist's
brightest readers I Who will have them? Accordiug to
the usual custom for some years past the publishers of
THE AGRICULTURIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand competition will, no
doubt, be the most gigantic, end successful one ever pre-
sented to the people of the United States and Canada.
One Thousand Llollare in cash will be paid to the per
son sending in the largest list of English words eon.
struoted from letters in the worde "The Canadian Agri'
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
second largest list.
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list,
Over one thousand additional pizes awarded in order
of merit: One Grand Piano; $300 Organ; $400 Piano;
Dinner Sets; Ladle,Gold Watches'; Silk Dress Patterns;
Portiere Curtains; Silver Tea Services; Tennyson's Poem%
bound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 volume, bound in cloth, etc.
As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes
the trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This is the biggest thing in
the competition line that we bay° ever pieced before the
public, and all who do not take part will mina an oppor-
tunity of a life time.
Rates -1. A letter cannot be toed oftner than it
appears in the words "Phe Canadian Agriculturist'
For instance the word "egg could not be used, as there
la but one "g" in the three words. 2. Words having more
than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but
once. 3. Names of places and persona barred. 4. Errors
will not invalidate a list—the wrong words will simply
not he counted.
Each list must contain one dollar to pay for six month's
subscription to THE AGRICULTURIST. If two Or more
tie, the largest list which bears the earliest postmark will
take the tirst prize, and the others win receive prizea lo
order of merit United States money and stamps taken
at par.
The object in offering these magnificent prizes is to
Introduce our popular magazine Into new homer!, in every
in stampwill receive free, by mail, postpaid, one to TUE AG ICI7L• in advance will
Every competitor enclosing art of the American continent,.
will be shipped from our New York office free of duty.
All money lettere should be registered.
0a FonMER COMPETITION—We have given away 25 0 HIS L.s
ing 30 cents tiertra,
rtritIsT's Elegem t Souvenir Spoons of Canada.
Prizes awarded to persons residing in the United States
525,000 in prizes during the last two years, and have secure to the end
thousands of letters from prize -winners in every state in
$1500; .1. J. Brandon, Fenelon Falls, Ont., $1500; David y
Harrison Syracuse, N. Y., $535; H. Berets, St Louis
Peer ma Robertson, Oak St., Brooklyn, $1000; Fred n.
Bina 359 State St., Bridgeport, Conn., and thousands of
A few of the prize Winners: Mites J. Robinaon, Toronto,
Mo1.30d; Jas. Baptie, West Duluth, Minn., $500; Mies ear th Clillion New Era
' received $1000 in gold" and we hold his receipt for same. of this
the union ami every part of Canada and Newfoundland.
Lord Kilcouride, A.D.C. to the Governor General of
Canada, writes: "I shall recommend my friends th entes
your competitions," M. M. Bmnden, Vancouver, B. 0.,
°thAertfreas all cotanuinioations to ram AGRICIIISIIP.IST,,
retorbOrOngb, °Atari°. . 41
Our whole Stock at Half Price
Moe ••••••••••••••=1.1.0
Having decided to close out our whole stock of Hats and
Caps, we offer them at
Men's $1.00,1-lats for 50c
Men's $1.50 Hats for 750
Men's $2.00 Hats for $1 00
Men's $3.00 Hats for $1.50
1000 Hats at half price'. Best Bargains to earliest callers
Robt. Coats & Soil, Clinton.
Glasgow House, Brumfield
"WM. SCOTT av 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs. Hides, Weelitisd Cord -
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele
graph connection to all parts of the world.
We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the
past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to stil
eontinne in line with our old and many new customers.
136 Lexington Ave.
New York City, Sept. 19, 1888.
I have nsed the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several
ens -s ef Chronic Bronchitis, end the early stages of
Pethisis, and have been well pleased with the results.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th, 1889.
I have ,,,ed your Emulsion in a casc of Phthisis
(consumption) with beneficial results, where packta
could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form.
J. H. DROGE, M. D.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th.
I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good get?
end tonic in physical debility.
Brooldva, N. Y., Oct.10th, 7888.
I regard Maw Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil Emuhion.s so generally m use.
187 West 84th St.,
New York, Aug. 6, 1888.
bave used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound
In a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was
more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession
and lamas:My at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
Sold by Drug,glots.Prloe (.00.
35 Liberty St., New Yo0.-
For Bale by J. H. COMBE, Clinton.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attend ea
enable rates. A trial solicited. to
When I say I ewe I do not mem merely to stop thAm
for a time and then have tbem return again. I mean it
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEP.
BY or FALLING SICKNESS it lifelong study. I warrant
my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have
failed Is no reason for not now receiving a awe. Bead at
onoo for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible
remeda Give EXPRESS and POST -OFFICE.
VirEs+."72,Tiglic?..b gr.
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble. Dodd's
Kidney Pills give
prompt relief."
"75 per cent.
of disease is
first caused by
disordered kid-
"Might as well
try to haue a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"The above
diseases cannot
exLst where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are used."
Sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt
of price so cents, per box or six for $
Dr. L. A. Smith St Co. Toronto. Write for
book called Kidney Talk.
And ,at the Same Thne Earn One,Hun-
dred Dollars in Gold.
The arst letter containing the correct answers to Ms
following questions received at the office of Tam 0.414A,
DIAN AORIOULTURIBT(esah week from now until the 314
of December, 1892) will receive $100 in gold: the second
will get. ,• third, $25; fourth, handsome silver service)
to the next 50 correct answers we will Bend prizes ranging
from 55 down 18 52. girEvery answer, whether I. print
winner ornot, withreceive a special prize. ( u Eta:TOMS TO
NSWEED.—(1.) How many books does the Bible
contain? (2. ) How many chapters ? ) flow many versos?
(1,) We commence to open letters on Monday morning
of each week. I/ more than one letter 10 received by the
same mail with correct answers, the era opened MD
count, the second will take next place, and so on. (2„
Bach letter containing answers must be accompanied LS
$1 to pay for six months subscription to Tim AGIIICUL.
esenzer—one of the very best Illustrated Home Journals
In Canada. (3.) People living in the United States have
precisely the same privilegesin connection with this cora-
petition as those residing in Canada. They can easily gaga
their letters each week so as to reach us in the begin-
ning of the week, when they will be almost sure to get
s good prize.
"Received $1,000 prize all right "—M. M. 130.A.Hrlf,
Vancouver, B. O. "1 tball recommend my friends to
enter your competitions.' —tont) KILCOURSIE, A. D. o,
to the Governor General, Ottawa, Canada. "Spieled*
rize received." -0. P. McComack, St. Stephen, N. B.
'Prize of $235 received."—D. HAREISON,Syractlae, N. Y.
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