Clinton New Era, 1892-08-19, Page 2,r August 19,1892 rm INTON NEW ERA pubsr AND. f/481,T4.14, • Pighttling ia 110W pbtatefirrI arAteel. • A,•iokei?for•of onalsee fell at lkfarohall Sinn', recently, • • are 1,316 millionaires in New 'fat* niq, .4 quarte of each generation die be attainingthe age of 17. r.,,.1)74grnoclOpg bird hates the color red SOSPICI1. as the , jOr lgoDarhy of Saintonpalle, leas Made teetil'all around, ' 'A firm in Providence, R. I., has been suaking shoestrings for 100 years. AMU Edward. Blake sailed for Cana- da the Parisian yesterday. 'Wavy rain is falling in Northeru Mexico, after a drought of three years. TAinard'eLinement is used for horses &oa ttle PoPOff is the name of the minister of the Bulgarian Congregational Chut eh of Voston. The United States manufactures 65,- ..00%,. hats every day, while England manufactures 40,000. .ONTTINCL.WrirE$•. .§141%-, ; • "The Ohineee do all'the Wark in SIAM. The y also keep all the pawn- ettops and gambling houses, and teaeh theNiamese how tO gamble," said bieut. 14. N, Rasmussen. Tie is a young Dan- ish officer, who went to Siam six years ago, at the solicitation of the_ king, to train the coyal troops in the European fashion. Making has not a very large arnlY— only 8,000 or 4,000 men, although the name of every, male subject is on either theqtriny or naval roll. But they are never called into service, as • the king cannot stand the expense ,of feeding o, large army. Moreover,,it is not needed as there are few disturbances. The King's army is larger than his family, but the latter is of pretty fair size, Nobody dares to give the exact figures, but at last accounts he had 100 wtves and 105 children. .The present is a young man, about thirtyeight years old, I think, and he is popular. Re is the highest power, owns the whole country, and does about as he pleases, but he is well liked. His eldest son is the Crown Prince. Just now' that youth is a member of the Budd - Of the 82,329 persons imprisoned in hist priesthood. All the twinees and the'United States for crimes last year, nobles have to go through the priest7,Sl were murderers. hood before they are fully fledged. The fastest time in witch a train has i How does the King get all his wives? bet known to travel a mile is forty- , They are presents to him from the nine seconds and a fraction. nobles. They offer him their daugh- Among the relics to be exhibited at ters. Of course no one would dare to the,,World's Fair is a necklace which offer hon one that was not fairly good- once.belonged to Pocahontas. looking, and he rarely refuses to accept Toke Hood's and only Hood's, because Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. It possesses merit Peculiar to itself. Try it yourself. A Chinese s.ect believes that women by ' embracing vegetarianism will be- corne men on the judgment day. The per capita consumption of in- toxicants in the United States was 150 grilleris in 1875, and 142 gallons in 1892. The aggregate wealth of the United States is placed at $63,648,000,000, and that of Great Britain at $50,000,000,000. A recent advertisement -iv -a phila- delpbiaPaper calls Ret a "young woman to wash, iron and milk. one or two cows." The census of India, just completed, shows that country to have a popula- tion of 2,80,000,000, a gain of 11 per cent over 1881. An ice yacht has travelil ed a toe in lut. 10s., a running horse in 1m. 35y.., torpedo boat in lin. 50s„ steam yacht in 2m. 12s. On the top oils -church tower in Uti- ca, N.Y., a mountain its'h is growing. It is now about fifteen years old. and is seven feet high. There is a, surface or 5..INE acres in Silesia, Prussia, which is visually. dry, a but which every I hirty years fills wit h water and becomes a litke. In one Of Gladstone's owe elections his friends are said in have expended $240,000 ' in his behalf. An averagy english election eosts $25,000. A dwarf resid int* nt Shigaken. Japan, is 36 years tld ricl'h t seventeen i riches high. He is well educated, and earns • a livelihood by teaching penmanship. George 1.it wrence, the unsuccessful ConservatiVe candidate for Killarney in the recent Manitoba election. has been fined $200 for treating during the siontest. A eurions snake in South Africa lives -wholly upon birds' eggs. It has no teeth or signs of teeth in the mouth, its whole dental array being located in the stomach. them. Should he refuse, the parents might as well move out of Siam, as the refusal would simply mean that the parents were in royal disfavor." "How do the other people get their wives over there?" "Oh, buy them. Many of the nobles have numerous wives. If a girl strikes their fancy they negotiate for her pur- chase, bue not generally until they have paid her proper suit. Some of them buy their wives from the ranks of the actresses in the Siamese theatres. Prices vary from $1000 to $80. It costs more to marry into a rich family. Sometimes young couples elope, just i as they do n other countries, but the groom has to settle just the same.— There is a rate fixed for elopements — V) ticals, or about $240. AS PALE AS DEATH. r E. T. Bailey, Elkhorn, Man., writes - --My daughter was as pale as possible fo a living person to be, short of breath and terrible pains in head. Pink Pills cured her." Of all dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50. Dr William Med, Co.. Brookville, Ont., and Schenec tady, N.Y. • Mr. John .1. Green and his bride, of Detroit, are taking theirhoneymoon trip on bicycles. They are on their way to Niagara Falls. -Grain is piling up in Kansas City until a blockade is threatened. Up to the last few days the receipts have averaged hardly 2110 cars daily. Last week they have averaged MO. SYRUP OF FIGS. Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California figs, combieed with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleaning the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. FARMING IN FOREIGN LANDS. 'A Mr Haines. of Qui »cy, Minn., has heenasleep for the last seventeen years, The government of Cape Colotiy ,,frered 'with the excen ptioof eighteen months $1.000 el special prizes for A in 1881-1882. t wo months in 1389, find The eodlin moth has been ravaAing Isite two weeks in July 1892: -•• • peat-, -1111•1111,. Vince keit •Opph- ti.e.5'10 -South- Isaac Leadbetter, oern New Zealand.f l'tilpit, Me., lost- nearly 6,1100 lobsters lately Irregularity in tlie weight ..f pat!kages of that, he had confined in a pond, by a New Zealand butter is compleitied of by the quantity of fresh water flowing into it trade in England. and killing them. The German Department of Agriculture A will recently probe feel in the Sur- rogate's Court at Albany contains this clause: "To my son Simeon I give the sum of 50 cents for the troubli :he has taken to ill treat me." A freight train on the G. T. R. at Welland, last week, ran into a herd of very valuable thoroughbred cattle, be- longing to A. J. McAlpine. One was killed and four others had to be killed. Loss about $200. CharlesGoodlidge. of Tacoma, Wash., could not get a marriage license :t few days ago, because he forgot the name of his bride. Be knew her first Hanle 'was Kittle, butt could not remember is organizing a system of monthly crop re- ports, base upon the American plan. Along the coast of Peru there is no rain- fall, and all agricultural operations ars carried on by a complete system of irriga- tion. Owing to the dry season in New South Wales the must front the grape crop was much heavier than lomat for the t.intage just ended. A dairy, etook farm, and agricultural ex- periment station aro to be established this year, hi i,ninection wit!1 the University. at I,eipzig. A SW -188 8a.vunt Mee t he credit of reducing milk ton dry powder, so thatby the ad - her last name. dition of water, it at once assumes its natur- 1 Mrs. Isabella Sharp. of Chi tiguacousy al properties. -township,---eounty--of--PeeL--has.-been, The best- -SehlesivigslittleteM butter, with . awarded the Queen's bounty Of $15, 20 per cent. of Galicia': or Finnish butter Which it is customary to bestow upon and water added, is being so1l at. ftwtory the mother of triplets.. Mrs. Sharp or packed butter in Europe. VIA• ISLANDS: paib• lut°•rt°1°°"°t^ W ° mutob. 000ti, 044 to amigo Is tho booitt000 of tho goiohoo, the Wowed ainginiff 444 danoing WHERE THE KING SPORTS A CROWN girls where attached to every tee house, But the singers at a Japanese dialler only - OF SHINY TIN. take the part of a cillorne in a .Greek play end they (Ong the stery which dacciug girls ,no nauens Trite euppito a Bow thos " repreeent or bugged by a eeriest of ge,stures ar posturee. 1 he dancerare eplendidly dreased, and their movement* are cm inter- eatingegfeti tallith anything iseen in Europe, that we wateh them with a curious settee of pleassure—The Table. 4 -- City. Clothing Thais Adam And Eve Obtained From tan Mythical ffigTren—Tite 1Jl*** Ars Not Canallbalii Now, but Meetly Christian*. VOL, Millar, a yrbedesale nierehant of Leyuka, m at the Leland with his wife. Mr. Millar is on a leisurely jour- ney to his old home Iu Seotland, lalaking stops from twO to three weeks at point's along the way that plea •,/ his tenor. For twenty years ho has live 1 inthe Fiji Islands, so far down in the no:eV:ern hemisphere that daily papers grow yellow with age before they reaoh him, mud. were the eight of a strange white face is an epooh in theyear. "The Fiji Tellsalds are becoming civilised as rapidly as ohureh .missione and English rule can do the work. The inhabitants are a good-natured lot of people who are quick to learn and who take kindly to cortatn of the European customs. Twenty years ago cannibalism still existed upon the islands, while now 75 per cent. of the people are professed Christians living at peace and harmony with their fellow men. It is not & poor white mods country, our island, and a European or an American without money, looking for a new country in which to locate, had better choose a lewd that costs less to get to and from which the Walking is better. Sugar is the principal industry of the islanda, but the cane plantations and the sugar mills are in the hands of men living in Australia, and whatever profit there is in thn business leaves the country. Cocoanuts or copras, bananas and pineapples rank in the order named so far as their importance is concerned, but the diatance from our ports to Auckland and other Australian ports mekes the growing of these products rather hezardous front a financial stand. point. "When I first went to the Fiji Islands the islanders were not so far advanced in their ideas of civilization as at present. There was no written language there,though the spoken language was both expressive and poetical in its sounds. The 1-1 esleyan inissione established there soon made many converts, and through them there was made a written language. Of course there are many who speak a little English, but it 'seems difficult for them to master it. Twenty years ago there was little cloth except the rough native stuff made from the fibre of a plant which grows on the islands, resembling horsehair. It served it purpose, however, and had the added advantage of being practicarly inde- structible. The fortunate feinale who was pcoeeesed of a strip of calieo was considered ID the height of fashion when she strolled out with it wrapped about her. But the cost of it was so great to them that they were necessarily very frugal in the wearing of it. It was nothing uncommon to see a girl or woman employed as a field hand go to the field wearing this precious piece of calico, and when there get behind the friendly shade of a banana plant and ex- eliange it for an improvised one made out of a broad and aniple banana leaf, which is some two feet wide and six feet lung, wrapped about her waist. The banana leaf makes a cool and comfortable working cos- tume, one which neither costs money nor labor in its preparation, and whielt serves its purpose admirably. There is seen a dis- position on the part of some of the islanders to adopt dresses and European coats and trousers, but it is by no means general. "The Fijians are a peaceablehonest class of people with morals in every way better than the inhabitants of most islands in the aouthern seas. They are very cleanly in their personal habits, and one need never be.afraid• of eating -the food they set before their visitors. They are not particularly thrifty, but it is not to be expected When a man can earn enough in two months to keep him in comfort, if not in luxury, for the re- maining ten months of the year. By this do not intend to convey the idea that the popular theory regarding tropical countries is true -that all one need do is to open his mouth for ripe fruit to drop in. While fruit grows in tolerable abundance, they need a certain amount of cultivation. The natives have their yams and plantain, their cocoa. outs and pineapples, and there is not much else needed. Wages there are very low. A field hand will receive on 50 average six, pence a day, and a laborer in a sugar mill possibly double that sum. The Fiji Islands are under the coittrol of England, and a Governor is stivtioned at the ialancla. When I was there the first time, in 1872; the aborigines were in control of their own lands, with chiefs over the several tribes. Cakabau, the greatest of the chiefs in point of following, was ruler over the island of Viti Levu, which means Big Fiji, and about t he year 1873 two Europeans came to the country. They sa.w the posse. bilitiea of a kingdom, and through some ticheme induced Cakahau to consent to be the ruter. A crown was made, a handsome affair made of sheet tilt covered with coffin ornaments. which. I was told recently by t he man who made it. uost $3, and Cakabau wee duly invested with the gaudy toy and clot lied in the ermine of a king, which by the way, eas cut from a bolt of calico. King Cekalerit kept his job for about peven .vears, though his throne became a little shaky at times because of the discontent of an almost equally powerful chief. In 1880, or thereabouts, the islands were formerly ceded to Great Britain, and have fence been entice English control. By a sort of coin- eidence, John Thurston, one of the men who originated the scheme for a kingdom with cakabau at its head, who came to the islands as second mate of a sailing vessel, and at once became a photographer, has now become Sir John Thurston, Governor of the islands. The $3 investment for the tin crown with the coffig ornaments proved a paying investment.-LChicago Tribune. re birth to three boys on February A comparison of the exports of (41 na- dian and United States apples made by the New England Homestead is quoted in the Loudon Market Lane Express. The tables given cover the operation s of twelve years, and show that whereas in'. the entire period Iron] 1880-81 to 1891-2 the United States sent 7,000,00) barrels to Canada's 2,170,000 Canada s'hipped the larger quantity in 1890-91. Taut in the following season, however, the United States again made an un- en'mmort recotd, doubling that of Can- ada. lion. G. W. Ross, Minister of Educa- tion, has issued the following circular to inspectors and teachers 'T beg to call.your attention to the propriety of having suitable exercises in our schools on the 12th of October,to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America. For this purpose teachers are recomtnended to make whatever amangements they may find most convenient for bringing to the notice of their pupils such an important historical event. would suggest that rm the afternoon of that day, so far as time may allow, there might be suit- able songs and recitations by the pupils, a sketch of the life of Columbus might be read, and advantage might be taken of the occasion for having short ad- dresses, dealing with the progress of eivilization since the discovery of this eontinent. Exercises of this kind could , he made very interesting and should exert a good influence on the youth of fmr cortn4y." 9 last. When Baby was sick, ves gsv• her Casteria. 'When allewasa CAStritia, liTban she beeatne Miee, eke C1UD to° Civ.i.t.°116' '",PliehaclObilgrentilhOgavillikernCesteria, The district of Alberta. N. W.T. . is a rich dairy region with coldclear streams, and luxuriant grasses. The ranches are also raising numbers of sheep and horses. A show of live stock, agricultural ma- ehinery and implements has just been held at Budepesth, Hungary. Freud VMS were awarded, for horned cattle $500, sheep $200, hogs $100, poultry $120. New Brunswick produces every kind of grain and root crop that is grown in Eng- land. The forests are also a source of great wealth, the exports of forestry products, last year, being $4,341,000, Crop reports from Russia are favorable as to the condition of winter wheat and successful spring farm work. In the Cau- casus there are fears of an invasion of lo- custs'against which no precaattions have been taken. In addition to its adaptability for sugar- cane culture, the island of Mauritius is capable of producing maize, vegetables, tobacco. cocoanut, coffee, cocoa. tea, cin- chona, palms, cereala, silk, spices and all tropical fruits. Citrons grow well in the West Indies, and bear large crops in good soil at Trinidad. The fruit is prepared for export by eimply cutting it in pieces. removing the pulp, placing the rind in barrels, and ecivering with strong salt and water. Foot and mouth disease has appeared in Italy. In Germany, 163 districts, with 774 communities, were affected with it, the disease attacking cattle, sheep and hogs. American bacon 113 being so rigidly inspect- ed for trichinosis that its importation Is practically prohibited. Poisoned jam has been euecessfully tried for killing rabbits in Australia, one ounce of strychnine being required for 15 pounds of jam. This should help to get rid of any surplus fruit as well as rabbits, the only trouble being that hornets and dogs will eat jaift in any quantity. Canst tbou not rest, oh °BY, That Hest so wide and fair Shall never an hour bring pita. Nor end be found for oars! Thy walla are high in heaven, Thy streets are gay and wide, Beneath the towers at even Tee dreamy waters glide. .Thou art fair as the earth at morning, And the sunshine loveth thee, But its light is a gloom of warning On a Soul no longer free. The curses of gold are about them, And thy sorrow deepeneth NW; One madness within and vritito...t thee. One battle blind and shrill. I see the crowds forma' • Go by with htuTying feet; Through doors that darken never I hear the engines beat. Through days and nignts that follow The bidden mill -wheel strains; In the midnight's windy. hollow I hear the roar ef trams. No sound of lute or tabor Where singing lips are dumb, And lite s one long labor, ,1 Ti41 death or freedom some. Alt 1 the crowds that forever are flowing— They neither laugh nor weep - 1 sea them coming and going, Like things that move in sleep. Ore* sires and burdened brothers, The old, the young, the fair, Wan cheeks and pallid mothers, And the girls with golden hair. Care sits in many a fashion, Grown grey on many a head, And lips are turised to ashen, Whose years have right to red. Canst thou not rest, oh eitg, That nest so wide and fair; Shall never an hour bring pity. Nor end be found for care I —Archibald Lampreran, in The Week. Bicycle Riders of Gotham. One of the extraordinary spectacles on Broadway is the bicycle rider, With the new entail -wheeled vehicle mud. its hig, lath - her tire the rider may dare almost any city street on which Ile may g'et sufficient head- way. But the Broadway rider has the knack of following the cable groove, on which he trundles swiftly along an every stretch between cars. When he overtakee a car he glides out and around with a grace. lid curre, to come in again upon the cable slot just ahead. A good rider can thus make wonderful time,uptown at least, and to him any other method of rapid transit is not in it, Occasionally even women riders venture the slot on upper Broadway, and when they do it is to be for the moment the cynosure of all eyes The sniall-veheeled, low bicycle, with multiplying gear and wire protection for her dress, divests the. lady rider of that peculiar, bolo, and horsey appearance that formerly characterised her on the road. On the broad asphaltum .paved boulevard she gets a wider swing, and there she can be seen every pleasant day. The women riders have greatly increased with the decrease of the dangers and difficulties of learning and the introduction of the new machines. Stacks of ladles' wheels may be seen piled up at the express offiees every day, marked for shipment to the interior and to the watering -places. The bicycle riders, male nnd female, are evidently rapiclle inereaeing town and country. In Western Australia tin cost of produc- ing wheat is fifty cents per bushel evith ti double -furrowed plow. With a three or four furrotted plow, and a corresponding saying in the use of larger harrows and itn- 'POW hat•edstieg, this cost can be reduced .• WM410 Oa taientY cfada 'bet bibalga- ' MISSPI'S X.,t1/A144044 ube*' r1end. If,' APO, of PIttebnrg., was bitten bg, o/ in 1877. Each year filininfa OE t e anti vomary. of the •••§Iting, lute been selzeOvith terrible, sposos, mintlx40 r,tioulsio is used 14sigi8sa Bismarck Has a Good' Appetite. Bismarck, like all vigorous men, eats hearty, and what the distinguished gentle- man consumes daily Would kill any ordinary individual. The ex -chancellor loves his dinners and no one bestows more cage on them than he does. His meals must be flE STANklURY, 'GRADUATE OF THE prompt and well -served, Ncith plenty of 8.-arwM,;odroloipiltoDelpoarmrtmerrtor Zioloorsialigtivatri in the churchyard at Darley Dale in England le a yew tree, said to be the oldeat in the world. Local tradition Makes it 8,000 years old, r:; "ft"Ir Aire,r *molt piocia- OP THE ,RTLE Nau MUtiC.BD 1;10 0=0 ErcjeWeir, Both the method and results when Syrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refteS'hing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects, _prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs Li for sale in 75e -bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by tha CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, a.a.L. LOUISVILLE, XY. NEW YORK. 'Z Vrotrootonai and otlitr envdr3 MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, ONVEYANIX-Es, dtc, Comirtiessners 'for Ontario and Manitoba F sl CIS 2CT DOOR To NE W ERA, CLINTON. MONEY TO LOAN. ;MORTGAGES .t.t.LBought. Private Funds. 0 RI0013T, Offiee overJ Jackson's Store, clinton. ATONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR -LEL Small 8112-018 on good mortgage security, moderaterateof interest. H HALE, Clinton. _ A BEL S. WEEKES, CIVIL ENGINEER, Ili. Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc, Onion, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton, Ont. TIE APPLETC>N — OFFICE — AT REST- - DENCE 00 Ontario street. Clinton, op- posite English Church. Entrance by side gate, TNR. El. R. ELI LOT—, DI. D., L. R. C, P., LlEdinburgh, L. R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Lizen- Mate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. 31fice at Brueeileld. TIRS.GUNN & GIBSON, C 6ONTARIO -LYStreet, a few doors Bast o Albert Street. W. BUNN, B. J. GIBSON.. 17111,. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ▪ Aceoucheur, oto., office in the Palsoo Block' Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. • IN BRONZE LETTERS. NOSE OTHER GENUINE, The Central BliTCRElt SHOP Subscriber desires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage beetowed upowhica ; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of an. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the businees customees, can rely en their orders being promptly aud satisfaetorily His motto ls "good meat at reasonable prim." Choice Sausage, Poultry, Ike., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, ao. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., 04uton, MckIllop Mutual Firs Insuratiiiiri4to. FARIS & lEiOLATED TOWN TROPERTY ON4* INSURED • , OFFICEBB, D. Rose, Presideut, Clinton; M. filtp•die, Vice Pres., Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Sway -Trees: Seaton& ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth. DISE020142. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Iilarlook ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton Ales. Gar- diner, Leadbury ; Murdie, Seaforth. 0,41 AGENTS. Thos. Nellans, Blalock; Robt. Sea - forth; Carnoehan, Seitforth; John 0 Sullivan nd Geo. Murdle, suditors, Parties desirous to effect Ineurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above °Moen", addressed to their respeoitve offices. time to enjoy them in. One of his regular Disienaaries; New 'Jerk; Coronei: for he dinners consist of a mixture of champagne County of Huron, Reynold, Ont. and porter to wash down ell lie consumes, and the rate at which he drinks his favorite A. 0. Y. W. mixture would paralyze an ordinary Ameri- _ can. A quart et a time is a common occur- The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet In, Biddle - reties. He consumes first a. large quantity oomberlali on the let and 3rd Fridays in each of hitihlv spiced soup; yet, spiced as it is, he mItt;rovjeartrn,lpziltiti woe° a - MONEY! MONEY! MONEY We et,n make a few good leans from private funds at ow rates and modate expenseer. Terme made to 8 at t borrowers. MANNING & SCOTT. - Clinton — — 1 E. BLACEALL VETERINARY SUP %EON sJ •IlonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domeeticated ani- mals on the most modern and scientine princi- ples. Office — immediately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Calls night orday attended topromptly. wholesome fowl and some sweatrneats, all still ad s a spoonful of ginger and mace. After this has disappeared, then a large piece of beef steeped in a half-pint of brandy. Followine contes a favorite Ger- man cheese dish, to which lie adds the juice of garlic. This is baked in butter until it becomes hard. ,tfter thie has gone to join the emit, he closes his feaetwith a utedittiusized eel pie. "so hot, so fiery," that it would seem to have been baked in the hottest corner of onr despised hades. This is followed closely by a chilled un. GEO, D. MeTAGGART, being settled down and digested hy the ponderous key of a quart bottle of iced lleidsieck. A. wonderful meal. for a still wonderful man. — All That was Said About Him. Jim Webster was being tried for trying to bribe a colored witness. Sant Johnsing, to testify falsely. "Yon say thie defeittlant offered you a bribe of $50 to testify m his behalf?' said Lawyer Gouge to Johnsing. ' 'Yes, sah." "Now repeat precisely what he said, us ing his own words. - "He said he would get nie 8.50 if 1 --- 'He can't have used, those words. He didn't speak as a third person "No, sith; he tuck good keer dist thin was no third pussion present.. Dat was only two—us two. De 'fenclant- am too smart ter had anybody listnein' when he am talk. in' about his own reskility." "I know that well enough, but he spoke to you in the first person, didn't he r "I was de fust pusson myself."' "You don't understand me. When he was talking to you did he EEO the words `I will pay you "No, boss, he didn't say nuffin about you payin' me $50. Yore name wasn't men- tioned, 'eeptin' dat he tole me ef eber I got inter a scrape dat you was de best lawyer in San Antone to fool de judge and jury—in fac', you was de best lawyer in de town fee eoverin' up any kind of reskility." 'You can step down."—Golden News. Queer Ways. Dining is not in Japan the serious Masi. nests it is in England. The Japanese do not meet to eat, but eat because they have met, and conversation and amusement form the principal part of a banquet Conversation need not he held only with your neighbors, for if a man wishes to speak to a friend in another part of the room he quietly slips the paper panel behind him, perms into the arm -andel, enters the room again, and sits down on the floor before his friend. Ex- changing cups is the chief ceremony at a Japanese dinner. Sake ---a spirit made from rice, resembling dry cherry -is drank hot out of the tiny lacquer and gold cups throughout dinner ; and the musmes, who sit on their heels in the open space of the floor,pa,tiently watch for every opportunity th fill your cup with sake When a gentle- man would exchange cups—which is equiva- lent to drinking your health- he sits down in front of you and begs the honor. You empty your cup into a bowl of water, have it filled with sake, drink, wash it again, and hand it to your friend; he raises it to his forehead, bows, has it filled, and drinks. As this ceremony has to be gone through with a great many times, drinking is often a mere pretence. Faailig is, however, but a • notall MRS. WHITT, M. C. M $ TEACHER OE' MUSIC. Plano, Organ and Technicon,or Muscl developer, tor use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Coolee, Albert Street, Clinton. - - — - Largest Elevator in the World. The largest grain elevator in the world was built at Minneapolis Junction in 1886. The main building is 336 feet long, 92 feet wide and 175 feet high. It storing capacity ID 2,000,000 bushels of grain, says the Philadelphia Press. During its con- struction the carpenters and joiners used 12(500,000 fent of lumber of all kinds, be. sides thirty-two carloads of hale. These nails filled 10,000 common nail kegs, and best calculators say that there were but little short of fi0;000(000 of them driven into tree irridteilsOktruotute. BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Businesa ti ansac ted R. AGNEW, lieentiate of Dental Surgery, Ironer Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction cf teeth. Office in Smith's Block over Emerton,' Barber Shop, Clinton iNerNight bell answered% . _ DR. TURNBULL. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafte issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes, at low rates of interest. A general Banking Bneiness transaceed. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronto University, 811). Viotoria University, M. C. P & S., Ontario Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh late of London, Ent„ and Edinburgh Hospitals. Ofilocr—Dr. Dowse y's old office Rattenbury St. Clinton Night • le answered at the mine place n DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE 4.0 Auotioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrone for paet favors. Also Chattel Mortgagee closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D MOKINION, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament,1881,. CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON Pres. WOLFENSTAN THOMAS,. General Manager Notes r'.4counted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lotoest carren t rates. interest allowed on deposits. FARM 151.S . Money advanced to farmers on their Q1131 note mete one or more endorsers. No mortgage requi d aa security, ffi 0. BRUCE, L. 11. 6., SURGEON DENTIST, J. • Coats' Block, Clinton, over Taylor's shoo store. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of a newly discovered loeal antesthetie, no amen. soiousness nor ill effeote Accompanying the using of this remedy. It is perfectly safe end barm- iest% and is highly spoken of by many in Clinton MIS vicinity who epeek from experience. Refer. enoes may be bad by inquiry at my °Rico. H. C. BREWER, Manager "unary 1887. • Clinton HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co7 This Company is Loaning Mersey or Ammo acurity at Lowest BOW of Interest. -- MORTGAGES - : - PUR0HASE1 SAVINGS BA—II BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OPPICE—Coreer of Market Square and Nor th St 51:01E5:50E HORTON, MAMMA WORTHINGTON,—PHYSICIAN SUR anon maw:laser, Licentiate of the College of Physicians, and Surgeons of Levier Canada, and Trevino% Licentiate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and reeldence.—The building forreerly oeconied by Mr Thwaites Enron street. Conten. Jan 11. UM. J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST noldetheexclusiveright for the county for the Hard' Orooesse of adtaimetering chemically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, 'which is the safest and best system yet discovered for the pain less extraotion of teeth. Merges moderate satisfaction guaranteed. Oihee, ELLIOTT'S BLOIDE, 'over 'aeons Tani* Shop, Euro Streets Clinton, The subscriber would intimate to the public generally that he has added to his business that of UNDERTAKING, And is prepared to supply all fun- eral necessaries at short notice and in a satisfacitory manner. offins, Caskets, ShrondS, ttAltnIED IN EIT008. Be has also purchased a first-class Hearse, and oen therefore meet all requirements in thie line.. Night calls anewered at residence, Isaac fitreat, Clinton. JOS °RIDLEY Undertaker and dealer in Furniture, Clinton. A COOK BOOK FREE mall to any lady sending us her east once dress, wells( filehatditon Co,g thettials