Clinton New Era, 1892-08-12, Page 6,A4'01st 12, •11392
horses aregood things on which
to 'fp fshrwi
44, jOalltaa* oivra :40 was never
'beaterrin a (goo trade but once in his
anOthat was done, by a Scotch-
Irkao) who throw gun oft his guap.1 by
,s00,no;fit'ace overya gill of, whtsky.
The.10:Ot of a hose is ono of the mosc
logemokp and unexampled pieces of
mechanism in the whole range of
,AMnittl structure. The outside hoof is
atic up of a series of thin, vertical
tia1411Pe higPi about 090 in number.
•Into this are fitted about 500 more thin
Undine,, which belong to the {coffin
' i,b13)10,`hoth sets being elastic and ad-
Tb,e4handling of a finely -organized
horse that he may secure the laighest
frOln this organization requies more
4011 than in handling a steam engine,
because in the one .cage we have vital
machinery, with all the complications
that the term implies, while in the
simply constructed machine,
the main requirements of which are
!ice keep it oiled and maintain the
t' steam.
A good:deal of truth is condensed in
the following words from Prof. Curtiss
• of the Iowa iligrieultural College;
• "Who*, stallion enn show a uniformly
• Wood lot of eons it is an indication that
•his.eXcellence,has come to him through
stiongdine of ancestry and it will be
' safe to breed to him. If on the other
•„hand a horse, no matter how good he
may be, gets colts, good, bad and in-
different, it ydll not be safe to patron-
ize him, for the merit that his progeny
qoes possess will be easily lost in
• / The stable should be constructed with
,aNiew to the horse's welfare in every
•poSsible way, be made warm and coin-,
fertable,-kept'clean and well littered,
and the window directly in front of the
Proteet the glass by limewash,
or by dabbing white paint laid on
vvith the ends of the bristles, so as to
prevent any glare, and to diffuse it so
•that the eyes may not be too much ex-
cited by direct sunlight. To take a
horse from a dark stable into bright
' sunshine, especially when snow is on
the groundos ,destructive to the eyes
and a frequent ettuse of blindness. The
trinst.eolinfortable .stall is a loose one;
71.94‘St,fs.1age enough, and , the feed
ttuNoup sholtld be raised so that no
droppings may fall into it. No horse
paws at night in a loose stall when
quite coinfertable every way; the habit
indicates uneasiness.
All umbrella is one Of the most use-
ful articles that a resin can carry with
• him " said Lamar 11. Sounders, from
Jackson, Miss. "One can, be used in a
dozen different Pays.When the sun is
shinning hot; or ‘whelx‘it is raining., a
man withent,,an 'umbrella must either
remain indoor, or suffer. Asa weapon
of defence there is nothing better.
You can keep a man at his- distance
with one better than you could with a
stick. You remember what a cons-
•Picff01-61 part the umbrellas -played -in
• the tragedy at Homestead the other
day inthe hands of the infuriated wo-
men? Next to a shotgun or a pistol,
there is no more dangerous weapon.
"I remember one time I was in a
hotel that caught afire early in the
• morning. The guests were awakened
---713Y-the•stifitrirsrardro-and-noise-.- My-
, room was'the second floor, and by the
time I had slipped on my pants the fire
had gained such headway that all
avenues of escape were closed. But
there was my umbrella and a window,
and the reaat was easy.
,i'Anothertime I waswalking through
a pasture when a bull with his eyes
• ablaze with fire made for rae. I kept
my senses, and when he got within
about, fifty yards of me I ran towards
him, opening and closing the umbrella
as fast as I could. The bull wheeled
around and ran from me faster than he
----ever-ran-before-in bis life. -
"And for frightening dogs I had
rather have an umbrella than an ar-
senal." -St. Louis Republican.
Is needed $if the merit of Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla than the hundreds of letters continu-
ally coming in telling of marvellous cum
failed? Truly, Hood's Sarsaparilla posses-
ses peculiar curative power unknown to
other medicines.
Hood's Rills cure Constipation by restor-
ing the pedstaltio action of the alimentary
canal. They are the beat family cathartic.
British Columbia is divided into two die-
tinet agristnIturttl parts by the mountains
''which ferm the 9otiat range. , The coast
•riegircrit hal 4 hind fegnable elfmate, While the
iatpypr hen aTrlimate, ef. . extremes, the
isout etn part being ' very 'dry inid needing
iriagaIton. , Clativation , as a rule, is re-
strieted to the valleyh.
Grapes have been shipped through the
tropicsy from Sydney to Fiji, and back
again, on the deck of a steamer. When
picked, the end of the stalk of each bunch
wee bathed in sealing wafz, the fruit being
• Oen. puOn.ia ,paper bag and packed in taw-
.44tictr the ,double voyage the grapes
, • were iii perfect condition.
Itt° the Argentine, both wool and wheat
gre•kreth haire suffered frets) the fall in
value of their produce, and the depreciation
in paper money. Sheep and cows have also
• dropped off in price, 1,000 sheep, bred from
splendid rams, selling at 70 cents each that
• were worth $10 not long ago, and another
lot of 5,000 good sheep going at 40 cents per
In New South Wales ewes have been
• sold at 16 cents per head, and hide were
subsequently made of 13i cents. A drove
of cows was offered at $2.50 each. fat bul-
locks could not be placed at $10, and 500
two -tooth ewes went at 50 cents, no bids
being obtainable on a further lot of 3,000.
• Surplus supply and drouth are accountable
for thia condition of affairs.
A government commissioe in Western
Australia has just made an exhaustive re-
port upon the present condition of agricul-
ture ip that colony, together with the
causes affecting the same. The commission
also suggested in what way the cultivation
of the aoil inight be advanced and the pros-
perity of the farmers increased. One of the
otniclusions arrived at was that agricultural
depression was unknown there.
• The prospects of arable and dairy farmers
in Northern Queensland were not, promis-
ing at the 'beginning of April. There had
been little or no rain, and the ground was
bare, chul only With dry innetritious tufts
rif 'gram: Water holed were dry, conaequent-
• ly live stook iluttered, Saul field ,operations
had Ftti`besiluip6ndeit Went:Lie the ground,*
hard as wood tii0101 Vhi • *flat***
thi* had extended dyer id* mothg, ths,
.1,16461=aieffittattly yellohnig llrat lot
A* anoto.nonon to; the Plernettlif0 COO.
nese of *any Vatbeirs
Charanag as
Is the merry prattle,of lance
cent childhood, it is not particularly agree.
able at about I o'clocl in the morning, when
you are d9ad for sleep. There are young
and talkative children who have no more
regard for your feelings, or fur the proprie.
ties of life, than to open their peepera with
a snap at 1 or 2 a.m. and seek to engage
you in enlivening dialogues of. this sort:
"Papa 1"
You think you will pay no heed to the
imperative little voice, hoping that silence
on your part will keep th,e youngster quirt
but again the boy of 3 pipes out sharply:
"Well?" you say.
"You 'wake, paps?"
"So' e me."
"Yea, I hear that you are," you say with
cold sarcasm. "What do you want?"
"Oh, nuflin I" •
"Well, lie still'and go to sleep, then."
"1 isn't sleepy, papa."
"Well, I am, young num,'
"Is you I isn't -not a bit. I say, papa,
flan& r,
ri.Wen •
"If you was rich what mall(' you buy
me ?"
"I don't know- go to sleep."
"Wouldn't you buy me muffin '!"
"I fancy so ; now
"What, papa?"
"Well, a steam engine, maybe ; now you
go to sleep."
"With a whistle that would sound,
papa ?"
"Yes, yes; now you—"
"And would the wheels go round, papa r,
"Oh, yes (yawning). Shut your eyes,
"I say, papa."
No answer,
"Well, what now ?"
"Is you 'fraid of the dark
"No" (drowsily).
"I want a jink:"
"No, you don't."
"I do, papa."
Experience has taught you that there
will be no peace Until you have brought
the "jink," and you scurry out to the bath-
room, in •the dark for it, knocking your
shins against everything in the room as
you go.
"Now, I don't want to hear another
word from you to -night," you say, as he
gulps down a mouthful of the water
he didn't want. Two minutes later he
saT;Vapa •
"Look here, laddie, papa will have to
punish you if--"
"I an spell 'dog,' papa."
"Well, nobody, wants to hear you spell it
at 2 o'clock in the filerl4ng."
"B-o;g-dog ; is thatnght ?"
"Yes, yes; now yon lie down, amid, go to
sleep, instantly 1"
"Then I shall be a good boy, won't I,
"Yes! You'll be the best boy on earth.
Good night, dearie."
"Well, well ! What now?"
"Is I your little boy ?"
"Yes, yes ; of course."
"Some mane haven't got any little boys ;
but you have, haven't you?"
4 4 ea.))
"Don't you wish you had two, free, nine,
leven,,tvventy-six, ninety -ten, free hundred
little lave ?"
The mere possibility of such a remote and
ceItingent asdirmitsr parziyaetryntrthet-
you lie speechless for 10 minutes, during
whioh you hear a yawn or two in the little
bed by your side, a little figure rolls over
two or three times, a pair of heels fly into
the air once or twice, a warm, moist little
hand reaches out and touches your face to
inake sure you Are there, and the boy is
asleep, with his heels where his head ought
to be. -Chicago Inter -Ocean.
A Hybrid.
•trpse ertEVAnAvoll
Acts direetky on the stomach
And promotes the healthy action of the
liver, W11 ROUT PURGING.
vor Q.ale by all Druggists
And Who stale by LONDON DRUG CO,, London, Ont,
Ildrea•ry for
'Pitcher's Castcrift.
filiwo Corn Cure, wilt cure Corns, Warts,
'pensions, Moles.
Shingles for Sale
I carry on hand a stook Of first-clase Cedar
Shilagles; twoqualities, which I will sell at every
low rate. Orders large or email filled on, the
shortest notice. Please give me a ecu.
W. RILEY, Londesboro. 3us •
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Subsoriber has purchased a largo quantity of
No. 1. shingles. These sbluglea Will 1704 made to
• order out of tho very beet quality of uerth dame
, cedar. Ail who want a firet•elase spinal° will
find it to their advantage to oak for prices before
buying eleewbere. Orders largo or small deliver.
W H. VHITLEY, Londesboro.
Children Cry for ed at any station alonk the line.
Pitcher's Castorla.
Miss Ella Ewing of S'ootland minty, Mo.
is a coy damsel of 18 summers who meas-
ures 8 feet 2 inches in height and is still
In the nialitIffsetUre of tobacoo from the
leaf, sugar or molasses and gum of some
kind are used. In the manufacture of the
"Myrtle Navy" brand the (sugar used is
the finest wnite sugar, known in the trade
as granulated. This is a anger in which
there is seldom any adulteration, but to
guard against the possibility of it, all sugar
used in the factory is submitted to careful
tests of its purity. The gum used is the
pure gum arabic.
The Shelburne Budget makes sqpie seu-
sational statements or else is indulging it-
self in the luxury of a libel suit. in preach-
ing his farwell sermon at Carleton, N. B.,
Rev. R. S. Crisp complained that certain
members of his oongregation had -made the
life of his wife a bell upon earth. Mr Crisp
added that the church would get the best
of the bargain if it exchanged some of its
m inistersfor convicts from the penitentiary.
The Budget-deolares that Crisp has been
notoriously immoral, that he has confessed
to being the father of a child, the paternity
of which the girl was induced to swearupon
a brother minister, and that Crisp himself
ought to be exchanged for a convict.
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many so-called diseases ate
aimply symptoms of Catarrh,
such aa headache, losing eense
of smell, foul breath, MOwking
and spitting, general feeling
of debility, etc. If you .akiv
troubled with any of these or
kindred symptoms,- you have --
Catarrh, and should lose no,
time procuring, a bottle of
N.kaAL BoLat. Be warned In
time, neglected cold in head
results in Catarrh, followed •
by consumption and death.1
Sold by all druggists, or sent,'
post paid, on receipt of priee
160 emits and 1) by addressing
FULFORD & CO. Brockvl I I e OM,
Best Cough Syrup. Treace Good. Use
In time. Sold by druggists.
I Bull for Sale.
I ----
i For Sale a there -bred Durban, ;Bull, twelve
' monthe old f
oolor, with e, l?ttleIrtittrItglirt:Cold atreason
able price, JOHN MINING, Lo 'idealiser°, F. 0
Shorthorn Bulls For Sale.
For sale two yearling Tboroglabred (Worthen
Bulls, sired by the Cruickshank bull Perfection,
They are extra good animals and will be sold on
reasonable terms. Apply on lot 26, con. 10 Morris
or Blyth, P. 0. NEIL MoDONALD. pd 41
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation anal&
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work a specialty. Prices/as
reasonable as those of any establisht.ent
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lna
Tested Remedies.
For rrpure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palps-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Steno, Jaundice, Sid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
1 Car BINDER TWINE, Lehigh Valley CQAI4
Composed of Flax,Silver Com-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to insure
prompedelivery. Quality the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as 'low as the lowest.
Headquarters. for. Hot 'Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
HARLAND BROS have secured oontrof
for this seotion, of the celebrated Lehigh
Valle:' Coal, and have purchased several
oars to arrive this month. it is admitted
by all to be the best, and it is also claimed
that it will give 25 per cent more heat than
any other coal precluded. Why use com-
mon coal when this coal can be purchased
at the same price. Order early so as to se-
cure low price, as owing to the strong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall.
We have Sugar by the car load. Can give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex-
tra Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or bbl lots. Big reductien.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea. Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
0-3330 — CLINTON
The new model of the Rockford Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel calm, will fill a Ion felt
want among ferment, as it is not due proof
only, but very strong. The plate which the
wheels work between, net being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But bythe bottom plate being turned out of a
sold piece of metal, wiintbe_sager left of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with sunk balance to.prevent breaking, mak-
• ing in all a good rong watch
For a Farmer
Uncle Jake -And what do you think of
my bull pup?
City Niece -A bull pup? Will he have
horns when he grows up, Uncle?
lie Wanted to Get Even.
He looked like a man who would sell his
vote, and when he applied to a lawyer for
legal advice the lawyer did not enter into
the case with undue enthusiasm. "What'.
the matter?" he asked.
"Well, 1 want to sue a man for damages,"
said the aggrieved one.
"Rtate the case," commanded the attorney
"This man bought my vote for half a gal-
lon of liquor."
"You ought to'be ashamed of yourself."
"1 am, and that's why I want to git
even," he confessed, unblushingly. "I of-
fered to Fell out fer $2'and he said he'd
give me half a gallon of $4 liquor."
"Did hesgive you the liquor ?"
" 'Course he didlie had to er I wouldn't
voted his way."
"Then how are you damaged ?"
"It wasn't four -dollar liquor. It wasn't
nothin' but dollar and a half red-eye and I
want to know if I can't sue him for the dol-
lar and a quarter he beat me out of."
The lawyer declined to take the case.
All He Needed.
"1 am trying to raise five dollars to send
to my sick family," said a ragged -looking
specimen to a man waiting for a Jefferson
avenue ear, "and if you can help me a little
I shall be greatly obliged."
"Yon don't want me to give you the en.
tire five, do you?" asked the man.
"No, sir; only enough to make out the
dye. I've got a etart, sir."
"flow much money do you need 9'
,The seedy one put his hand in his pocket
a moment.
"Only $4.99, sir," he said, meekly, and
the man broke for the car. •
What She Wanted With at.
VVife--I want a new dress, George.
Husband (cuitly)-And what do you want
with a new dreas, I'd like to know?
• Wife (pleasantly) -1. want to ,veigir* 4t,
oedige. Did on think 1 ivan aittiOrte.
- 4n the aloha* tae Scafe the:, aWks AWay
' iron the e iekensi ,
Canadian Medical Record, Montreal -We con-
sider it the most valuable yet invented, The
pan, though light and neat in appearance-, is
strongly made and hi provided with a rubber out-
let on either sides of pan, which conveys the used
water into a pail under the bed. Another com-
fort connected with it is a waterproof cushion
laced on the pan uppn which lies the yionitios
Mies Who hale once
seen the pan and fountain would use them to the
exclusion of all others.
Lapthorn Smith, Prof. Biship College, Mon-
treal -The pan ilia fountain deserved all the
praise you gave it and a great deal more; 1 will
gladly recommend it to all my patients.
Dr Newton A. Powell, Lecturer Trinity College,
Toronto -It is in my opinion zhe beet for all Its
various uses, to be obtained; for the treatment of
a eingle case it is Well worth its cost.
Sold by alt druggiate.
Manufacturer Clinton
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
One Thousand Dollars in Cash, a Pair of Handsome
Shetland Ponies, Carriage and Harness and over two
tlibustind other valuable prizes for the'Agrioulturist
brightest readers! Who will have them? According to
Ile usual eustoro for some years past the publiehers of
Trig Aonteul.TvnisT now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition. This grand commitItion will, no
doubt, be the most gigantic and guccessful one ever pre-
sented to the people of the 'United Statea and Canada.
One Thousand Dollen in cash will be paid to the per-
son sending in the largest lin of English words con-
structed from letters In the words "The Canadian Agri.
Five Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
second largest list.
A Handsome l'air of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largeet list.
Over one tbimsand additional_ ffizes awarded In order
of merit: One Grand Piano; MO Organ; $400 Piano;
Dinner Sete: Ladies' Gold Watches; Silk Dress Pattenns;
Portiere Cur taina ; Silver Tea St rvices Tennyson's Poems,
bound in cloth; Dickens' in 12 volume, bound in cloth, etc.
As there are more than 1000 prizea, any one who takes
the trouble to prepare an ordinary good ,ist will not fail
to receive vainable prizel'his is the /Sagest thing in
the competition line that we have ever pieced before the
public, and all who do not tahe part will miss an oppor•
tunity of a life time.
nULER-1. A letter cannot be used oftner than 0
appears in the words " The Canadian, Agriculturist.*
For instance the word " egg" could not be used, es there
is but one "g '4, the three words. 2. Words having more
than one meaning bet spelled the same pan be used but
once & N.'Illes of plat es and persona barred. 4. Bryon;
will not inva.,.late a the wrong words will simply
not be counted.
Rath list must contain one dollar 0, pay for six month's
subacription to TIllt Ann 1C1' i.runisr. If Inc or more
tie, The largest list abieh beam the earliest postmark will
take the first prize, and the others, will receive prizes in
otrdpe.rrof merit. Cnited Stales money and stamps taken
The °Wert In (greying these magnificent prizes is to
fIltlIKTIIIVIT WIT niiilar morazine into new homes, in every
trt of the American continent.
Every vompetitot enclosing 30 cents Ittstrimps extra,
will receive free, by mail, postpaid, 000 10 mut AGRICITI.
TURIFIVN Elegant Souvenir spoons of Canada.
l'rizes awarded to persona residing In the United States
will be shipped from our Nee Ytirk office free of duty.
All money letters should be regiotered.
Ova Penman costrwrrrior-we have elven away
025,000 In prizes during the last two years, andhave
thousands of lettere from prize-winnent in every state in
the union and every pert of Canada and Newfoundland.
Lord Kdeburole, A.D.0 te the GoVemor Oeberel of
Cenadis, Writes: "1 shilirecornthend My_ feenos th'enter
your competitions," M. ht. Standen, .Viiieetnicri C.,
• imeired VOW gold' end ire hold hie rkeeibt for Same.
A few Of thejirliti *femme: .1010111. Robintem Torento,
500: J.! T. Brendan, Fetelon Falb, Ott, 41500; DOM
'wriest .8vractioC4,30..Y.i. t03§;B..1114410; .4,01118
J ig; Septa., West ntuuth, g Mist
lvest n kobeitlion,Clik Sh,Brooklyai 310041 a
,nno Bodoport;.- orso,o•sn4lhotetii •
nisidlotis.Th* Ao*icty
olavio.. •-
• —AND-
The bestEmbalming Fluid used
Splendid 'Imre.
Residence over store.
A First-class Step -or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then can on,W. SMITHSON, at
shop, NO.7 Frederick St„ or E, Dinsley
Will be at,Dinsley's corner every Saturde9
Via the Chicago, Milwankee c'e St. Paul
It'y, on Tnesday, Aug. 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
Where the grasses are kissed by the wand'rieg
And the fields are rich with the golden grain;
Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie
To its destined port on the western plait*
Where homes may never besought in vain,
And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows;
Where man may ever hie rights maintain,
And land is as free as the wind that blows.
For further particulars apply to the nearest
Ticket Agent, or address A. J. 'Taylor, Canadian
Passenger Agent, 4 Palmer House Block, Toron-
o, Ont. 4
Notice is„Isereby given, pursuant to section
3601 Chapter 110, 11.0.0., 1887, that all persons
having claims against the estate of Thomas
Welsh, late of the Township of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, yeoman, who died on or about
the 2n41 day of June, 1892, are required to send
or deliver to Mem% Gartow 8c Proudfoot, Gode-
eh, Solicitors for Jane VVeish, Robert Thomism'
Jlrratt and George Green, Executors of the said
deceased, on or before the 31st day of August,
1891, their manes, addreaties mud descriptione,
'with fall partioUlars of their claims, and the
nature of the seeurities (if any) held by them.
And the execturs will atter the 318t, dav of Au-
gnet, 1891, dietribute the assets of the aecottsed
thiong the parties entitled thereto, bast* re-
gard onlY;t,0 clairna of which notiee shah have
pcdnglvoktae above required. And the eXecti-
thts Will bet be TUablo for the siasets �r any part
th ereef leap &raw, of 'wheat claim n °ilea than
netlieyebeen 'received bk there at thd Mho of
ancli • ,
lia bo2fth day ofJune IW!'k , „
SlesSelthee L'estitisfaiffit
Anticipating the wants of my patrons during the preserving season, 1
beg to announce the arrival of another car load of Sugar to -day. The
Granulated being the highest standard of excellence and purity. Special
Cuts to parties buying by the cwtor bbl.
FRUIT JARS—All Sizes. Pts., Qts. and Half Gallons
Adams' Emporium
We invite the attention of oar customers and others to the fact that we are prepared
to snpply them with the following amongst other goods.
Sugar at lowest prices, Tea, Coffee, Fruit Jars and Berries
Harvest Tools such as Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythes,
Hoes, &c. Machine Oil and Raw Castor Oil, Paris
Green. _Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at
not much over the usual half price. Ask
our price for Dingman Soap and
Starches. Produce taken in
t5 i0 -1s7.9 -5-1-C 79"
ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave
Best makes of PIANOS
Second hand ORGANS to rent
RENTSMT= carefullyformoved
PIANOS packed for shipping
Organs repaired and retuned
REPAIRS Piano Tuning attended to
Sheet Music&Books ordered
Shop on Main Street
Residence on James Street
Box II, Clinton
Send for catalogue
5f.• •