Clinton New Era, 1892-08-05, Page 641
TWO* is romslic4b1y*eil_equipped
for the peculiar life be is Ordained to
tis3 J144 atPtIllEt WOUPOIall in the
*Ike of four lOng', and Very sharp
olla—two in the. %Ter jaw and two
,i3thik.lawer, These teeth are wedge-
, lillifv,P09% and bra Powerful provision of
UOTAIPO nave always a fine, sharp, cut-
eutting edge. On examining them care-
follYa the inner part is fc und tolbe of a
soft, worrljYsicompesition, which can
easily ha WOrn away, and the outsiaje
tillai:OMPOtiied of 4, glass -tike enatai,
#11.91 is exceedingly hard. The upper
teetei work into the under so that the
100/2_trOs of the opposed meet perfectly
ila'ealie net of gnawing; hence the soft
Paltals being coutirmally worn away,
Whlle the bard part k.eepe a sharp,
edge all the time, and atthe
same time the teeth are constantly
growing up freini the ,bottom, so that
as they Wear, :Away a fresh supply is
1,;(si4y., should fnle of these teeth. he
„retubved by accident or otherwise,
and there tbeing nothing to wear it
away it will project frorn tlae month
and be turned upon itself, and if it be
an uiader tooth it will often grow so
long as to penetrate the skull.
When Baby wax ete.k, we molter caseate.
" When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
risen she became Mine, she clung to Castoria.
.an she had Childrea, she gave them Castorla
4apark is the "Land of Credit." In
Teikao, Yokahorna, Nagasaki, and all
efties and towns, whether big or little,
atbotels, restaurents, and shops, credit
isiaustoreary—nay, so firmly fixed that
it is hard to pay cash. When you buy
anything the clerk or salesman pre-
sents you with a chit—very much like
aped— on which you write the article,
its price, and your name; and the
thing is repeated if you go to the same
place a dozen times a day. In fact,you
need no money kir any ordinary pur-
pose tintil. the end of the month, when
youlitaniclate your chits and begin over
again. It is counted very dishonorable
not to pay yOur chits. If you do not,
your name is himg on the wall of the
establishment where you are in debt,
and you can get nothing more there.
In the Bermudas accounts are settled
biatoice Ptryear. Tile .30th of June is
th*elieY lieUSAY13.xedlenthOPOTnitintst
ixqi.ustria it is scarcely possible to do
business without Allowing a very long
—.Credit, which is nearly always one of
six months. In Turkey even objects of
prime neeeseity aresseald on %credit, and
in that country, as Well as in Ressia,
the timoallovied ie in Most cases twelve
months k Tho Consul -General of the
United Statetieat Rio states that one of
the greatest drawbacks to commercial
intercouree with Brazil lies in the ne-
cessity of allowing too long a credit.
Acadian Recorder, Halifax, N, S.
Prof. W. M. Reid, J. la. Scomborger,
Lyle Vincent. and W. D. Vincent, arrived
by the Halifax lad night. They are some
of the party who go to Labrador in the
sohoener Evelina in the interests of tho
Werla's Fair to secure an Esquiraaux vil•
loge with some fifty inhabitants and all
reppartessance thereto belonging. The
-eacheOner leftCunninghem Cupren's wharf
ssil;resessatrher mission.
A. -Recorder reporter was talking to -day
Suez Oattal is eighty-eight nalles long.
The first. photograph was rnade in
Owls have a very accurate sense of
.A. Cincinnati doctor recommends eat-
ing lemons for rheumatiero.
Physicians' carriages have the right
of way in the:streets oi Berlin.
The nation's railroads earned $87,-
000,000 during May.
Xinards Linament is used by physicisias
The first banana lit as bi ought to the
United States about 50 years ago.
Chicago has it school population of
about million and a half.
The church members of the United
States number over 20,000,000.
Minard's Linam en t is used for horses & cattle
The most costly of metals is didy-
nium, which Hells at $4,500 a pound.
Judge Vail of Chicago last week
granted eight divorces in tbix•ty min-
Aaron Howells, a farmer at Goshen,
N. Y., successfully employs monkeys
to picking cherries.
Itcn` Mange an Soratdches of every kind
hunman or animals, cured in 30 minuteee
by Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by J. II. Combe, Druggist.
In Minneapcilis 7,877,947 barrels of
flour were made last year. They ought
to be well bread people there.
The Shah and the Sultan each pos-
sess a matmade of *eerie. and diamonds
valued at over $2, ;(11,000.
A Mr Hyatt of Bost on,has a Mexican
beetle which is still alive, although it
bas eaten nothing in a year.
No Other Sarsaparilla has the ;merit by
which Hood's Sarsaparilla has won such a
firm hold upon the confidence of the
A tribal law in Mashena„ Central
Africa, decrees the death by drowning
of twin babies immediately after they
are born. .
The evils resulting from habitual costive-
ness are many and serious; but the use of
harsh-drastie purgatives is quite as danger-
ous. In Ayer's Pills, however, the patient
has a mild but effective aperient, superior
to all others, especially for family use.
If twelve persons were to agree to
dine together every day, but never sit
exactly in the same order round the
table, it would take them 13,000,000
years at the rate of one dinner a day,
and they would have to eat more than
479,000,000 dinners before they could
get through all:the possible arrivage-
merits in 'Which they could place thena
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, "Janada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peouliar to man. Men, yonng,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
nsany of the following eymptons : Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of vital-
ity, loss of menaorY, bad dreams, dimness
ot sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum',
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, week and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failare to berested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, sunken eyes surroanded with lead.
to Capt., Wm. McConnell, of Port Hilford, encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
Gnyribore, who is in charge of the vessel. ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsaii•
An interesting incident was mentioned ity and death unless eured. The spring or
(and although it sounds like a "puff of a
patent medicine it is worth nothing.) "Do
you, aelAbat nuratover there;" said afriend,
"that is Capt. McConnell, who is going
after Esquimanx. I have known him for
yeake, attcl- he Was %het bad with asthina
that he had sometimes to be held up en
board his vessel.- You see him"—(he was
piling wood in a cord measure to take on
btiard),—"he is a well man; and he attri-
4------blitesatstcrsorritrof Dr:WilltiOns' Pink Piffsi
that he took, two after each meal. Ont of
curiosity, the reporter secured an intro -
&tuition to the captain, and after some talk
alaont the expedition, remar)ed: "Is that
correot, Captain, about your recovery from
asthma, and that yon attribute to those
"Well, I don't know anything -else,- -I
reoovered after taking them."
"And haven't been troubled since?"
"No, 01 course we will see what this
winter may bring forth; I haven't said any-
thing about it."
"But last winter?"
"I began taking them in December, and
the change brought about in my
Mdition, which Dr. Parker, of Halifax,
esid was about as bad as it could be."
y It ishat often that a patent medicine
gets such a big boom in the incidence of
news -gathering, as is furnished in the about;
but it is all set down just as it transpired,
The whole Labrador party consists of
Xessre. Tabor and Vincent, Prof. Reid of
Harvard College ; Mr Lyle Vincent, St.
Louie; Dr. Baur, Philadelphia, a die-
tingnithee naturalist; Prof. Gillette, New
Haven, Celan., and Hon. W. F. Ryder,
Quebec. They expeot to retnrn with above
50 Esquimaux, with dogs, koraaticks, kay-
ricks, and a general collection of curiosities
from Esquiroaux land. The schooner is a
handsoine model, 95 tons, and is a feet
s4iler. John Silver Si Co. furnished the
Farmers who use steam engines for
threshing should examine their insurance
policiesand see if the necessary permit or
license is attached to or written thereon.
Nearly all insurance Corripanies now grant
a threshing privilege under certain restric-
tions and conditions, and it would be well
to observe suoh conditions beforehand so
that in the event of loss the companies can
find no ground for complaint or room for
litigation With elsintaalts.
Published in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla
ere not extravagant, are not "written up,"
nor are they from its employes. They are
facto, and prove that Hood'a Sarsaparilla
petulessee absolute merit and iv worthy the
full confidence of the people.
Hood's Pille Ate purely vegetable, per-
tly harmless, effective but do not 00,t1n0
in or gripe. Be sure to get Hood's.
vital force having lost its tension every
function wanes in consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance may
be permanently oared. Send your address
for hook on all diseases peculiar to man.
Books vent free Bested. Heart disease, the
symptons of which are faint spelle, purple
lif s, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot
flushes, rush of blood to the head, du 1 pain
. in the heart with beats strong, rapid and
irregtilar, the -second heartarnicker than the
tint, pain about the breast bone, etc., can
positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send
for book. Address M. V. Lubon, 24 Mao-
donell Ave., Toronto, Canada, Jan. 1, 92.
t Whalen a sailboat was capsized
iiiX Olit of a party of nine were
ed. The victims are:George
ne and wife, Chesley; MI:Steven:3'
letere of Guelph; Mrs L. Oeirrie
aughter of 'Wiarton.
There was a killing frost in Montana
Wednesday, and a cold wave was. gem
eral-over-British Colembia."
HAS teen saved by the prompt use of
Ayer's Pills. Travelers by land or
pea are liable to constipation or other
derangeMeins of the stomach and bowels
which„if neglected, lead to serious and
often fgiel consequences. The moat sure
naniine Of correcting these evils is the use
of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The pru-
dent sailingona.ster would as soon go to
sea without his chronometer as without
a supply of these Pills. Though prompt
and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pills
leave no ill effects; they are purely
vegetable and sugar-coated; the safest
medicine for old and young, at home or
"For eight years I was afflicted with
co stipation, which at last became so
b that the doctors could do no more
fot me. Then I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and Soon the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action, so that
now I ana 111
health."—Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury,
"I regard Ayer's Pills as one of the
most reliable general remedies of our
times. They have been in use in my
family for affections requiring a purga-
tive, and have given unvarying satisfac-
tion. We bare found thein an excellent
remedy ,for colds,and light fevers."—
W; R. Altoodson, tort IN'OPLIIi TeX:CIS.
" EeT'Setetal-yeari3 r 14,74 relied more
upon Ayer's •Pillirthan upon anything
oleo in the medicine chest, to regulate
my bowels and those of the ship's crew.
These Pills are not severe in their ac-
tion, but do their work thoroughly. I
have used them with good effeet for
the euro ofheurnatism, kidney trou-
ble, and dyspepsia." —Capt. Mueller,
Steamship elicia, Now York City.
"I have found Ayer's Cathartic Pills
to be a better family medicine for cont -
mon lase than any other pills within toy
knowledge. They are not only very
effective, but safe and pleasant to take
—qualities which must make them
valued by the public." — Jules flatlet,
Peri rimer, Philadelphia. Pa.
J. A. Orysler, the Toeterville noboOl
teacher charged with conspiracy to 40.1
fraud by paeans* Of bogus atIVertise-
merits, was committed for trial by
Nagle tiett e Brawn at Si oicoe Thursday.
AV. E. Kelly, cliarged With eOlainlieitYt
was discharged.
Minaret's Liniment is the Beet
Thos. Kelly of Cleveland, who came
to Toronto with the Knights of St.John
two weeks ago and was recognized as
rnan who had escaped fifteen yeas
ago while en route to Kingston Peni-
tentiary, has been granted his release
by the t, overnor General.
ilie pi me of health. But with all our
precaution there are enerniee always lurk-
ing about our eyetems, oely waiting% favor-
able opportunity to assert themselves. Im-
purities in the blood may bo bidden for
years or even for generations and suddenly
breali forth, undermining health and hast.
ening death. For all diseases arising from
impure blood Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
unequalled and unapproaohed remedy. It
is King of them all, for it conquers disease.
A man's full mental power is not
reached before the age of twenty-five,
and the development of talent is most
marked between the ages of thirty and
forty -live years.
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
CURFER nil r
Used and approved of by the medical profession
Price 51 per box. For sale by Druggists. or by mail
on receipt of price. Prepared by
W.T.Strong, Druggist, London, On,
A na NOT a Put
gative Mode
eine. Tbey are a
BrosoD BOILDnit,
Tomo anallecces-
srauomori, as they
ply in a condensed
prin the subatances
Kn eded teen-
all- diseases ,coming
ith the Blood, curing
rom Peon and %Vie,.
• ny 13Loon, or from
I .
the 131.00n, sad !Oct
nvigorate and BOIL)
P the BLOOD ant
SPEMEtif, when broket
own by larTy","citk"
I3 1 E..: Theyt h *eV a
excesses and err
'Testa' 4,711tMc0Po
tee. slag:3193%14*ot
botb' men -ra Istionen,
restoring LOST traria
and correating all
Who finds his Mental fac-
ulties dull or 'falling, or
hiirphysica powers flagging, should take these
Pita,s. They will restOre his lost energies, both
ohysical and mental.
EVERY WOMill ,s117.71d, utraek ea ?rump
Tele, aat irregalarities, •sa' 'nevitably
siehu a when neglect, 5.
Ys LA!:
.,OUritti MEN
its 01 youtlif 4, bad xh Jtiongthen thc
youNG 1tliR.;:2; !'.tkt 11:111.4fied piie, sib; If;
rnake them regul:.r.
For sale by all drug;„i ,ts. or will be sent upoe
receipt of price (Loc. pf lic,x), by addressing
Brockville. Oat
Donelie Bed Pan and
Fountain Syringe
-Canadian Medical Record, montreal—We con-
sider it the most valuable yet invented. The
pan, though light and neat in appearance, ie
strongly made and is provided with a rubber out-
let on either sides of pan, which conveys the used
water into a, pail under the bed. Another com-
fort connected with it is a waterproof cushion
laced on the pan upon which lies the woman's
weight. Physeirms and tubes who have once
seen.thepanandlonntain would use them to the
exclusion of all others.
Dr. Laptborn Smith, Prof. Bisbip College, Mon-
treal—The pan and fountain deserves all the
praise you gave a and a great deal more; I will
gladly recommend it to all my patients.
Dr Newton A.1'047011, Lecturer Trinity College,
Torouto—lt is in my opinion :he best for all its
various useg, to be obtained; for the treatment of
a single case it is well worth its cost.
Sold by all druggists.
Manufacturer Clinton
The most Interesting Contest ever offered
by The Canadian Agriculturist.
Children Cryfor '
'Pitcher's Castor's.
Sarkwell'e Sure Corn Cure, wilt cure Value, Warts,
Bunelone, Male*.
Shingles for Sale
I carry on band a atock of first-class Cedar
Shipgles; two qualtilea, which I will 801 at a very
low rate. Oraors lerge or email Oiled on the
ahortest notice. Please give WO a one.
LW. RILEY, Londeeboro. 3na
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Subscriber has purchased a large quantity of
No. 1. ehinglos. These shluglea will be made to
antes out of the very best quality of nortla ebore
cedar. All who want a first-class sidugle will
find it to their mivantageto ask for prices Wore
buying elsewhere. Orders largo or sroall deliver-
ed at. any etation along tbe line.
W H. WHITLEY, Londesboro.
Bull for Sale.'
-For Bale a there -wed Durham :Bull, twelve
months old, of first-class pedigree. Dark red
color, With a little white. Will be bold at reason
able prloe. JOHN CUMINO, Londeabore, F. 0
Shorthorn Bulls For Sale.
For sale two yearling Thoroghbred Shorthorn
Bulls, sired by the druicksbaek bull Perfection.
They are extra good animals and win becsold on
reasonable terms. Apply on lot 26, con. 10 Morris
or Blyth, 1'. 0. NEIL MoDONALD. pd 91
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This eatablisement is in full operation anatal
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and granite work a specialty. Priceslias
reasonable as those of any establishment
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lm
Ohe Thnnsand Dollars in Cash, a 'air of Handsome
Shetland Ponies, CH
arriage and arness, and over two
thousand other valuable prizes for the Agriculturists
brightest readers! Who will hive them? According to
the usual 'u,tom tor some yeara past the publishers of
Pug Aoniv. 7.11*IIIST now offer their Sixth Half -yearly
Literary Competition, Tins grand competition will, no
doubt, be the movt gigantic and succetsfni One ever pre-
sented to the people of the United States end Canada.
One Thousand Dollars in cash will be paid to the per.
son sending in the largest list of English words eon.
etei,din froletters in the words " The Canadian Agri.
Vivo Hundred Dollars in cash will be given to the
second largest list,
A Handsome Pair of Shetland Ponies, Carriage and
Harness, will be given for the third largest list.
Over ou
one thousand additional pizcs awarded in order
of merit l Onf• Grand Piano; $300 Organ; 5400 Piano;
Dinner Seto; Ladies' Gold WIl tches'; Silk Dress Patterns •,
Portiere Curtains ; 5315e0 Tea Services; Tennyson'aPoerria
hound in eloth; Dickena' in 12 volumn, bound in cloth, etc.
As there are more than 1000 prizes, any one who takes
the, trouble to prepare an ordinary good 'hit will not fail
to receive a valuable prize. This is the higgeat thing in
the competition line that we have ever kinlee,d before the
public, and 1,11 ii ho do not take part will anise an omen,
tunity of a lite t into.
Ruhiss---1, A letter cannot he used oftner than it
appears in the words " The Canadian Agriculturist."
For instaime r he word "egg could not be toted, as there
iff hut ono "g • in the three worda. 2. Words having more
than one meaning hut spelled the same ran be used bilt
ono'. 3. N 1,0,R of plattes trod persons barred. 4, Errors
will not Myatt:444G, a !mt. the selling words will simply
not h. counted
Faeh list ute4t contain one dollar 50 501)' fornix month'm
8,11,9,111tif ,ti 5., Ti4 s. A4.0 Ill'Ll'IltIAT. lf two or more
tie, t he 1A1,..S1 list whieh heals the earliest poetmark will
take the limt prise, and the others will reoei•e prise s it
order of merit t 'oiled States money and shunts% taken
at Pht.
The dltMet in offering these magnificent prizes it to
Int roduce our pander umgazine into new homes, in every
art 44t the A Merittal4 emit Mem,
Every competitor 4.neloaing 30 cents in stamps extra,
will reeeive tree, liy Mal, 550810034, 000 to Tag A6 MeV],
11. 0' ST', Eleven t Souvenir Spoons of Canada,
Prizea &Warded to persons residing In the United State,
wig be 'thinned from our New York office free of duty.
Al) money lotthrs should be registered.
OUT. P0111,41.114. COlIPKTMON—We have given away
1125,000 in prizes daring the last two years, and have
thousands of letters from prize -winners in every ,tate in
the union and -every part of Cantula arid Newfoundland,
Gard Wileounde, A.D.C. to tbe GOVertior ill netal of
C,•nada, write*: "1 ahallretmlutnend My frictiot, wi.ente
tour competitions," M. Id, Ilrittiden, Vaninuver, II. a,
reedit ed $.1000 in gold" rind we hold haretapt far lathe :
Atewof theprize winners: affin-J, Bobbilacin Tarotite,
$1500;.17, J,,bratidon, voodoo Falfa_Qut,, .$1,&00; riefeid;
fiardion Syricilse, N. Y.. a S.,%; Id ,Boalisi St. LISSitt
1410,,, Jas. ItaPtie,'Seeet, Duluib:Ifino.v t54/0; Mille.
Pte. na Dbeitootouk. 55, 1300141351, slow • 11...
tialit,231 titer stiasralerpon, Conimand th Ott
Tested Remedies.
For tr pure, Weak and Impoveriehed
Blood, Dyspepbia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
a. M. McLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
The new model of the Rockford Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel ease, win 1111 a lon felt
want among farmers, as it is not this proof
only, but very strong. The plate which the
wheels work between, not being separated by
131)008 08 in the ordinary
But by the bottom -plate beingaurned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger lett of the
top plate to rest on; it tilso being pendatdor lever
set with sunk balance to prevent 'breaking, mak-
ing in all a good rong watch
For a Farmer
—AND --
The bestEmbalming Fluid used
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
1 Car Amp riratE,
Composed of Flax,Silver Com-
posite and Best Brands Man-
illa. Leave your order with
us at once in order to insure
prompt delivery. Quality the
best and Prices Guaranteed
as 'low as the lowest.
Headquarters for Hot Air
Furnaces, both wood and
coal. Call and get quotations
A First-elass Stop or Long Ladder?
A lIandy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
natures Then call onINV. SMITHSON, at
shop, No,7 Frederick St., or E, Dinsley
Will be at Dinsley's corner every Saturday
liebigh Wiley COAL
HARLAND BROS have secured control
for this scollop, of the celebrated Lehigh
Valley Coal, and have perehaeed several
care to arrive this month. It is admitted
by auto be the best, and it is also elahned
that it will give 25 per cent more heat then
any other coal produced. Why use com-
mon coal when this coal can be purchased
at the same price. Order early eo as to se-
cure loW price, as owing to the strong com-
bination of the railroad and coal compan-
ies, high prices are anticipated this fall.
Via the Mato, Milwaukee di St. Paul
R'y, on Tuesday, Ang. 30, and Sept.
27, 1892.
Where the grasses are kissed by; the u and'ring
And the fields are rich pith the golden grain;
Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie
To its destined port on the western
Where homes may never be sought in rain,
And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows.
Where man may ever his rights maintain,
And land is as free ILE th0 wind that blows.
For further particulars apply to the nearest
Ticket Agent, or address A. 4. Taylor, Canadian
Passenger Agent. 4 Palmer House Mock, Toron-
oi, Ont, 4
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section
36 of Chapter 110, 1867, that all pertnns
having claims against the estate of Therrien
Weigh, lato of the Township of Goderioh, in the
Comity of Huron, smointo, who died on or about
the 2nd day of June, 1892, are required to send
or deliver to Messrs Garrow & Proudfoo ,t Gode-
rich, Solicitors for Jane Welsh, Robert Thomas
Ermtt and George Green, Eteentore of the said
deceased, on or before the 3/e1 Arty of August,
1892, their names, addresses andadescriptione,
veith fell particulars of their claims, and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by them.
Arid the will after the Met day of Au-
gust, 1892, distribute the aseets of the deceased
among the -parties entitled thetetes having re-
gard only` to ola line of whites notice shall have
heeirgiveti at aboVe required. And the excen
tote will riot be liable fortlio assets or any nart
tliereOf torthy perSonef whosiscligninoticeithall
not have been received b theta t the time 0
si ek distribiitiori. •
SOth ofJ
We have Sugar by the car load. Can give you Sugar at wholesale prices. Ex-
tra Standard Granulated by the 100 lbs or blal lots, Big reductien.
Sole agents for Hillwattie Tea. Orders taken for the best Scranton Coal.
Choice - Goods
New- 'Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value,
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Grenoble Walnuts
New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New .Extracts—Essences of all kinds.
Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our
Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put up in ono
Best value in package Teas in the market—Try it.
pound packages.
Adams' Emporium
We invite the attention of our customers and others to the fact that we are prepared
to supply them with the following amongst other goods.
Sugar at lowest prices, Tea, Coffee, Fruit Jars and Berries
Harvest Tools such as Forks, Rakes, Snaths, Scythes,
Hoes, &c. Machine Oil and Raw Castor Oil, Paris
Green. Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers at
not much over the usual half .price. Ask
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PIANOS for rent
PIANOS carefully moved
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Residence on James Street
Box 11, Clinton
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