Clinton New Era, 1892-06-10, Page 2ERA
4110 ItUslitall 0OVernMetits baS raised
frbe 41,4tY on coal ale ,00,ka ilrlpeartsX1, at,
Porto on tIke DlaCk kiea and Sea et Art,
•. Princess Marie, •eldest daug.hteirof
'the' Einke of "Edinburgh, has been be
trAed •to the Cre,wo Prince of Ron-
. „
On Thursday night .Peter MoCreoh, an
employee of the illectrio Street Car Corn.
104DY, Was 0139G and fatally injured by Mag.
gie Sullivaa, a dornestio, to whom he wael
engaged before Worrying his preeent wife.
• The niiirderess then allot 'herself, dying
• Instantly, '
A.nother elaituge is to be made in the man-
agement of the Salvation Army in Canada.
Cerainiesioner Reest will retiro on June 23rd,
leave ()anode,. He le to be suoceeded
by Herbert 13ooth1 a son of General Booth.
'He is the young son of the General who
Made a tour through Canada about two
yearn ago. Re will sail `for Canada from
• England in a week or two.
• Raoul La Couture and Marie Loder-
• Malin, Who were stopping at an hotel
- in York road, Lambeth, Eng:, were
• found dead Friday morning in the
room occupied by them. They had
themselves with revolvers. Ab
navestigation of the facts showed that
they had eloped from France, and it
•114 alleged, both of the suicides were
highly connected in that country.
The pleasant effeot and the perfect safe-
ty with which ladies may use the liquid
' fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions make it their favorite remedy.
it is pleasing to the eye and to the taste,
gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid-
neys, liver and bowels.
About 5 o'clock Friday evening Ed -
Ward Foulds, a dentist, 22 years or age, i
was run over by a train n the tunnel
' yard, Sarnia, which severed the left
arm and head from the body. He was
seen to fall across the track by the en-
gineer, who immediately reversed his
engine, but there was not sufficient
*me to avert the terrible accident. De-
ceased was employed in Detroit, but
' was at Sarna visiting his parents.
• A young gentleman named Mancini,
of Cheltenham, England, while on his
way to St. John's College, Oxford, was
' found unconscious in a railway carriage
with a bullet wound in his head. He
, died at Radclifie Lafirnaary at Oxford.
• When found he had agolel pencil case
in his right hand, having written on a
-• Scrap of paper in his pocket, the fol-
• ,
lowing words: "Man shot me in train."
The police are engaged in investigating
the matter.
Head and shoulders above any other rem-
edy in the market, Salvator Maguns is
making a noise in the world as a remedy
for all troubles of the lungs and bronchial
A Winnipeg Telegram says:—The
immigration boom is still in full blast,
and shows no signs of abatement, as the
increased sales of C.P.R. farm lands to
settlers clearly. show. During the last
month the C. P. R. sold 35,000 acres of
land to settlers for $121,000. For the
• corresponding period of last year 6,000
acres was sold for the sum of $26,000.
This month's sales have increased near-
ly six hundred per cent. over that of
last year. This is indeed a wonderful
showing, and marks the progressive
spirit of the company. For the first
five months of this year 178,000 acres
has been disposed of at a little less than
$4 ter acre, realizing for the company
' -41 000.
A little girl, daughter of Mrs A. H. Hall,
• Cornwall, had a narrow escape from
probably fatal injuries. She was going along
Second street when a vicious cow being
driven by a boy, attacked her and catching
her on its horns threw her on to the grebe
plot in front of St. John's Church. The
infuriated brute followed the child there
and.htid-nommenced to gore; her -when M r -
C. H. Cline came along and succeeded in
rescuing her. He opened his umbrella and
drove it at the cow, detracting its attention
frona the,ohild, when he picked her up and
plepadi her out of danger. The cow in the
finhantirne turned ite attention to the um-
brella, which it charged at viciously. It
was finallyseenred and tied up. The child
was badly -injured.
The Rev. R. S. Ingles was preaching
at the FirstPresbyrterian Church,Craw-
fordsville, on Sunday night, when sud-
denly John Matthews, a member of the
church in good standing, appeared at
the door and with a whoop started
down the aisle. He was intoxicated,
and in his hand bore a large bou quet.
He struck the waltz step and with a
vigorous glide soon landed in front of
the altar, where the minister stood
speechless with astoniehment. Mat-
thews thereupon took off his hat, and
with a grand flourieth propoeed three
cheers fOr the preacher, at the same
thine giving him the bouquet. He then
seized an imaginary partner about the
Waist, and, waltzing up the aisle, disap-
peared through th,e door. The sermon
was concluded with difficulty.
Minarde Linament is used by physicians
Michael Doerbecker,of Salem, brewer,
has disappeared, leaving liabilities of
$21,000. Many of the residents of
Salem and Elora are his victims. A
favorite plan of his to raise money
seined to have been to get some of his
friends to sign a note with him for three
Menthe. When it was due he repre-
sented the bank wanted a renewal, and
so he procured a second note, which was
discounted without lifting the old one.
/n this way many have been mulcted
in large sums. It is said also that col-
lections were freely made by Doerbec-
ker just before leaving. A writ issued
by Field & Wissler, on behalf of Messrs
Todd & Son, malsters, Galt, brought
matters to a crisis and led to lively
times around the brewery. Doerbecker
• To gain the public confidence is essen-
tial to business success, and it can enly be
gained by a steady course of faithful deal-
ing with them. It is by this course that
Messrs. Tuckett & Son have secured the
great success of their "Myrtle Navy" tobac-
co. This confidence is not only a source of
• businesa to the firm, but also a source of
edonomy which the consumers get the bene-
fit of. The merchant never loses a moment
of titne in examining the quality of the
• tabsoco. The name fixes the quality as
• absolutely as the mint stamp fixes the value
• of the guinea. It is not even necessary for
the commeroial traveller's trunk to be
burdened with a sample of "Myrtle Navyr
• All hie =stainers know what it is, and
now in an instant when it has been sup.
• pliea. There is no room for any dispute
about it. No waste of time or postage in
• writing complaints about it. These may
• lopk like trifles to the uninitiated, but they
• east money, and enable merchants to per-
form the work. of distribution at the small-
est possi'ola' cost, They are part of the
1'0118008 why the finest quality of tobaceo
• grown dari besold at 80 ChM) aprice. •
I Ogee Ma 010,041 the 00.8e1X1041
pd db»h tbe gnitit of not,
1 eilently turn to revel
In the bat)" or 0411110!
now peacefullY Illeeturt e city
From care and toil set free,
And the thought of my heart in the etille
Wingeth its way to thee,
The siletit night is around me,
Theieilent stars above
Look down with their brigbt eyes beaming
• 011 thee,,itif on me, dear love.
And they foxing me nearer, nearer,
While iteArt still beats to heart,
Though tholleande of milek,app,rt, love.
Thousands of miles,apart, .
The moon floats high in the ether,
And shede her witehing light
On the silvered roofs and the tree tops.
While under the eaves creeps the night.
Oh I love the lamb and the stillness,
For they bring thee nearer me,
While spirit voices whisper
"I am thinking, love, of thee."
Yes, tile moon looks down from the ether
Afar from the ether blue,
And whispers me of a fond love,
Trusted, tried and true;
And I feel I'm nearer, nearer,
I feel though I cannot see,
For the same bright <moon looks down,
And smiles upon thee and me.
CLARA H. A.101:1NTCABTLE (CariS SiMa.) In
Toronto Saturday Night,
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your -
Helves if you can afford for the sake of sav-
ing 500., to run the risk and do nothing for
it. We know from experience that Shiloh's
Cure will oure your cough. It never
ails. 6 -Deo -4-91
There is scarcels- an independent pa-
per in Canada that did not heartily
support the Conservative party at the
time of the last general election. To-
day the whole of this section of the
press is in a state of almost constant
antagonism to the same party as re-
presented in the Government. Even
the World and Saturday Night, 'which
are but a shade weaker in their fealty
than the Empire itself, have considered
it necessary to warn SirJohn Abbott of
the certain consequences of the course
now being followed by him.
It is hardly necessary to state again
the reason for the action taken by non-
partizan newspapers at these two
periods. A year ago the national ex-
istence was believed, rightly or wrong-
ly, to be bound up in the life of the
Government. Therefore these journ-
als, which are patriotic before all ;else,
supported the Conservative policy. But
the desire to see Canada well and hon-
estly governed is quite as strong as the
desire that the Dominion should live.
And the Government's conduct has not
been honest; the burking of inquiry
into the conduct of Judge Elliot was a
piece of political crookedness; the La -
prairie post office job and St John ter-
ininal matter were two as shameful
instances of extravagance as could well
be conceived, and the striking out of
part of the Edgar charges was a dis-
tinct violation of the pledge to mete
out punishment to every violator of a
public trust. It is these and other
cases of wrong -doing that have caused
the change in the attitude of the inde-
pendent press; it is the violation of
pledges distinctly given that has cost
the Government its best support. The
two Johns cannot afford to ignore the
warnings given. It is the independent
vote that -sways elections in -alnioSt
every constituency. And the indepen-
dent press is the voice of that vote. -
Toronto News, Conservative.
have used your _AIINARDIS
LINIMENT in my family for some years
and believe it the best medicine in the
ma e st as it does all it it recommended to do
Cannuan Forks, N. B., D. ICIRRSTEAD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs ns
that he was cured of a very severe attack
of rheumatism by treeing MINARD'S
J. B. Tompson, ex -mayor of Orillia,
died unexpectedly Wednesday morn-
ing, though he had been ailing some
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
During May this year 16,421 cattle
have been shipped from Montreal for
the British market, a decrease of 590
head compared with May last year.
Found at last, a remedy for piles, invest
50 cents for a bottle of Magic Pile Lotion,
and be convinced.
Mr John McLaren, of Buckingham,
Que., and Miss Emma Forin, daughter
of Mr John Forin, contractor, ofBelle-
ville, were married Wednesday after-
noon at the residence of tie bride's
parents. Among the presetits to the
bride was a check from the grooi_foi
Have you used Magnus Expectorant ?
it will cure all colds in the head and throat.
25 cents per bottle.
The propeller Glengarry, owned by
the Montreal Transportation Company,
while ly ins, at dock at Kingston with a
CP ”go of wneat waiting to be unloaded,
took fire early Thir-sday morning
astern and was badly damaged. The
cook, Mrs Lamb, of Toronto or St.
Catharines, being caught in the flames,
jumped overboard and was drowned.
'rhe cargo is not supposed to be dam-
Sareaparille belongs to the smilax family
of plants, and is fouad very generally over
the American continent; but the variety
that is richest in medicinal properties is
the Honduras root, of which the famous
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is made.
A later despatch from Pezibram
states thwt MO men were working in the
silver mine when the fire broke out.
All but forty of them succeeded in mak-
ing their escape. Fourteen bodies have
been recovered. Many men who were
seriously injured were brought to the
surface. The work of rescue was sus-
pended during the night, owing to the
suffocating gases with which the mine
was filled.
Children Cryfror
Pitehees Castorld.
)310 '14f14l3P' XMAXINCL
HeaSIM019 lipring Wit Thot win
Busy Live, •
With many religion never geto above tho
knees. -Texas Siftings,
'Some people geem to think that talking
in a moral way is leading a religious life. -
Somerville Journal,
Many a bey is frighteoed out of being re-
ligioug by the way religion Treace hie friends
look.,-Ram'a nom
Lying is a reprehensible habit, generally
speaking ; but 'fish tMies are quite appro.
priate during Lent -Boston Transcript.
The idea of a "heavenly choir" must
have been conceived by some one acquaint.
ed with the earthly article. -Indianapolis
Sealable Minister -Do you read your
Bible every day, my little dear? Little
Dear -No, indeed. I don't have tiine. I'm
too busy helping mamma stone raisins and
things, go ae to alwaye have something nice
for dinner every time you come, -Good
Little Jon/ISO—Say, ma, does a minister
really need all the slippers that are given
him? Mrs. Brown -Yes, indeed. His son
is generally very bad. -Epoch.
Rector -Are you denying yourself any-
thing during Lent ? Mrs. Lakeside -Indeed
I am. I'm putting oft getting a divorce
until after Easter. -New York Weekly.
Rev. Poundtext-Are you doing any-
thing to mortify the flesh during Lent?
Sweet Parishioner -Haven't you noticed
that I am in church every Sunday? -New
York Weekly.
Jasper -For a good and pious man Brown
is remarkably lazy and shiftless. Jump-
uppe-Yes ; he is a sort of a tramp on the
strait and narrow way. -Philadelphia Re-
A church in Lancaster, Pa., offered a
medal to every person who did not miss a
church or Sunday -school service during the
year. One medal was awarded, and the
janitor got it. -Lowell Courier.
Those who pray loudest are not always
the most pious. The noisy petitioner some-
times prays that way in order that the
brethren (and sistern) may notice the
strength and sweetness of his fine, loebari-
tone voice. -New York Herald.
Humor Paragraphed.
The Purist -Lawyer-Have you consci-
entious scruples abott serving as a juror
where the penalty is death? Boston tales-
man -I have. Lastyer-What is your ob-
jection? Boston talesman -I do not desire
to die. ---New York Herald.
Suitor -I have come to ask for your
daughter's hand and at the same time to
deposit my property of 50,000 marks in your
bank. Banker ----What' and to such a
reckless man you expect me to intrust my
daughter R-Fliegende Blotter.
A teacher of natural philosophy once
asked the bright boy of the class how many
kinds of force there were, and was astonish-
ed to receive the following reply : "Three,
ma'ma. Mental force, physical force, and
police force." -Pharmaceutical Era.
A big Job on Hand.-Cleverton-What's
your hurry, old man? Damhaway -
haven't a moment to spare. I've got to at-
tend a reception this evening, and I'm going
around to my laundryman to see if I can
borrow one of my collars. -Clother and
Furnisher. •
Mrs. Morton (angrily) -Tommy Horton,
what made you hit my little Jimmy? Tom-
my Horton -He struck me wid a brick.
Mrs. Morton (more angrily) -Well, never
let me.hear of_your hitthig_hirn_again.
he hits you come and tell: me. Tommy
Horton (sneeringly) -Yes, and what would
you do' Mrs. Morton -Why, I'd whip
him! Tommy Horton (in disgust) -What!
he hits me wid a brick, and you have the
fun of lickin' him fer it ? Not much !-
• An -d ThenTIe satmiiht Down.
Principal of Grammar School -William
Flint, stand up ! What were you laughing
William -I -I don't like to tell, Mn.
Principal -I insist in knowing.
William -I was laughing at Ben Par-
rott. He whispered to me that he saw
you kissing Miss Boomseven on the stair-
way 'fore school took up.
Unfortunate Rankine's.
Mr. Hankilison-Here are some choco-
late creams, Johnny. Do you think Miss
Irene will be down soon?
Johnny (after stowing them away secure-
ly) -Yes, eis '11 be down purty soon, I
reckon. I wish it was you, Mr. Rankin -
son, sis was goin' to marry instead of that
stingy old Snagsford.
A Satisfactory Conclusion.
Mrs. Youngbusband-And you'll let me
spend the money for that purpose, dear?
Mr. Younghusband-Why need you ask?
Isn't all my money yours, dear?
Mrs. Younghusband-But I don't help
you earn it, dearest.
Mr. Younghuaband (tenderly)-No-er-
but you help me spend it, darling.
Up and Doing.
The advice to be up and doing
Is all very well in its way,
If we are the right pursuing
And our deeds bear the light of day I
A better precept we cannot keep
If we are busy with honest labor,
But 'tis better, far, to be fast asleep
Than be up and doing your neighbor.
Possibly So,
Little Fanny -Mamma, what is heredi-
Mamma -It is something you get from
your father and mother.
Little Fanny -Then I suppose spanking
is hereditary
A Judge of Babies.
Miss Giddigush -Mr. Crusty, did you flee
the Cooington baby? Do tell me how it
Old Crusty -Um -ah It is quite small,
clartn-shaven, red-faced, and looks like a
hard drinker.
Well Nanied.
Shopper --Why this ill a new shade of
Clerk - Yes, madam. That is the an-
archist tint.
"How did IL C01110 to gt that name V"
"It won't wash."
,,,e,OP 8 eat' IV Is ItIONv 08 PuOled
140PlaW, ai BQSt of the floors in the
vailey have been shorn of their fleecy
• coat. Some pig "records have been
!mode in shearing, InIt the ten, men
headed by 0. 11, Lane seem to take the
lead. They clipped 44000 fleeces in six
wee H, The best record for a single
day,was made by G. 0. Meager and 14,
Palmer, who sheared 155 each. Lane
will start in a few days for Flagstaff,
where he and his band have work al-
ready engaged to lost three months.
The-elip this season is unusually good,
although the early winter drought
killed off a large percentage of docks.
Hanson Brothers, of Show Low, were
among the heavy losers, having lost
$10,000 worth of sheep by death and
strays. -Arizona Republican.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castor1a4
"Do you known that of all the things
that are written in the New Testament
all that Christ himself said would make
a very few pages of ordinary print,"
said ex -Senator Ingalls. "I have often
thought His sayings ought to be print -
by themselves. Christ was the great-
est man that has ever lived. Although
all this time has elapsed since his
crucifixion his followers now number
millions, and men would sacrifice their
lives for their faith in Him. Christ had
also to deal with political questions.
I think his reply to the Pharisees when
they sought to trap him was very
"Thev asked him if it was lawful to
give tribute unto °moan He told them
to bring him a pouny. 'Whose image
and superscription is this?' he said.
'Otesar's,' they ar swered. 'Then,' said
he, 'vender unto °moor the things which
are °moor's, and unto God the things
that are God's.'"
"No more diplomatic answer could
have been made," contiued
"Christ was really crucified on political
g coy hds. The Jews were afraid that he
would become their temporal king." -
Kansas City Star.
Bev. William. Hoitinshed'
Of Sparta, N. J., voluntarily says:
"To Whom it May Concern:
"Unasked I deem it my duty to a suffering
Munanity whose bodies and souls I would
leave healthy, to tell them of the value of
Hood's Sarsaparilla.. While living in Ohio
one of my children was greatly
Afflicted With Boils
-having 30 011Ther lindis,diid hang -linable to
walk. I had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and bought a bottle, half of which cured en-
tirely. Two years after, another child was
afflicted as badly. I used the other half
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla with like re-
sults. About four years after, the child first
afflicted was again tormented like Job, and I
bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and
-Again a cliff. Tgave some of the tnedicine to
a pt5or woman and two children; they were
helped as were mine. Through a testimo-
nial sent to C. I. Hood & Co., inquiries came
from all the country, asking if it was a 'bona
fide' testimonial, and of course I wrote all
that it was, and have the knowledge of
Scores and Scores
Of persons helped or cured by Hood's Sarsa-
parilla. lsfild Cases of rheumatism have
yielded to it. Biliousness and bad liver have
been corrected in ;lay own family. This is
the only patent medicine I have felt like
praising. I speak dot for C. I. Hood, but for
the Jobs who are impatient and are tor-
mented beyond endUranee. Nothing I know
of will cleanse the blood, stimulate the liver,'
or clean the Stomach so perfectly as •
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Any person wishing to know more, enclosing
a stamp will be informed. Yours for the
health, happiness and virtue of humanity."
WILLIAM HOLLINGIEED, pastor of Presby-
terian church, Sparta, N. J.
Mood's Pllis cure habitual constipation.
.111111110kbidi' Osii Bog NeW8111106,6"
but Is especially adapted to the 'Easy
Tfoatea,--eneh as wester tut *rem
(Era.) LUCY .11. OSBARD,
RIeltigaa Slate Normal School.
Miss Frances Willard.-" The bright-
est outlook window in Christendom for busy
people who want to tee whittle mina on in the world."
Providence.Telegram.-"Agreat boon
to the busy, the lazy and the economical."
The Congregation allet.-This monthly
has no peer in originality of design, scope and
accuracy of vision, thoroughness in execution
end WHIT to tranefernt Its roadehilito citizens oftho world.'
Chicago Interior.-" The Review, of Re-
views, of New York, has come to the rescue of
busy people. We know of one high railroad
official whd for a month has worked until 11
o'clock at night, and yet has kept well informed
of current world events. lie reads this Magazine.
It gives him a running comm entary on important
events, besidca a digest of the best articles in
contemporary inagazines."
Price 2 • c. $2.50 *Near..
sejsetypeta.cecepaiii. TIES REVIEW1* Aarrlit saytei.a.
$arly Friday morning a cOaf flAta
304.Zare Mind Ori the hrldge leads
ing GOat IfolaBd. In one of
PoPtS Was fOnrAta 1)113Ve Of payer on
Whi WaS Wri4en u ir*o "t4/Be
goadsbye;" it -was Alp* ojaels." The
Coat its a folirrlatitton Otit4tWaY, and
IshoWs that it was Made or foold by Me -
Laren & Co. of $t Catharinee. It is
spotted with paint. Whether it is
evidence of another eilleide is not
known. It Wail wet thrOugh and had
probably been there all night. ,
ON] Pr41012*
33oth the method andlesults when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste,and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
manyexcellent qualities commen d it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750
bottles by all leading druggists.
.Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
grotiMonal and altar Car40
Barristers, Solicitors,
Coturaissioners 1 or Ontario and Manitoba
.0-LBought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT,
OfIlee overs Jackson's Store, Clinton.
-0-1. Small sums on good mortgage security,
moderate rate of in terest. H HALE, Clinton.
Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman,
etc. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton,
- DESCH on Ontario street, Clinton, op-
posite English Church. Entrance by side
TiR. 11. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P.,
K./Edinburgh, L, R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Li,:en-
Hate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. Dffice at
Street,a fewdoors-East-o--Albert reet:- 'W.
-11_,Accotichenr, ete., office in the Palace Block.
Rattenbury St. Lformerly occupied by Dr. Reeve,
Clinton Ont.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries:- New -Yorki--Coroner -for re
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
A. 0. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. lid, meet in Biddle-
eombeHall on the Mt and 9rd Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONE.
RAM, /d. W. J. BEAN, Recorder
We can make a few good loans from private
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
Ternimade to s nit borrowers.
• • HottoraryGraduate of theOntarloVeteilnary
College. Treats all diseases 01 doinesticated ani-
mate on the most modern and seientincyrinci-
pies. Office -L. immediately wetit Of The Revd
Hotel. ResidenCe - Albin% 51., Clinton. Calls
night orday attendedtopromptly.
Piano, Organ and Teohnicon,or Muse' developer,
for use of pupils. Rooms at Ur. A. Cook's,
Albert Street, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the
Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless
extraction et teeth.
Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber
Shop, Clinton.
OrNight bell answered. ly
J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronto University, M D.
C.M., Victoria University, M. 0.1' & S., Ontario
Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh
late of London, Eng„ and Edinburgh Hospitals.
Oillee•-Dr. Dowsely's old office Rattenbnry St.
Clinton Night • M. answered at the name place
Auctioneer still in the geld, able and will-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking hM patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. o
Duntursori, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
-L • ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario. All operations of modern dentistry
carefully performed. Antestleeties administered
for the painless extraction of teeth. Office
Keeter's old stand, Coate' Block, Clinton.
Will visit Blyth professionally every Monday, at
Meson's Hotel.
onox A ccoucher, Licentiate of the College
of Physiciane, and Surgeons of Lewer Canada,
and Provinela Licentiate and Coroner for the
County of Huron. Office and residence -The
building formerly °emitted by Mr Thwaites
Huron Street. Conton. Jan 11. 1870.
Holds the exclnewe rightlor the county for the
Surd process admi uttering chemically
pure Nitrogen Mof ono .e, which is the safest
and best system yeV,1soovered for thopain-
lees extraction Of teh. Charges infodeete
satitaattion pier/into . °dice, ELLIO '8
BLOCK, over Jacicson Tailor shop, -ton
Street. Clinton.
t. •ereleskyo, t!,
Y.,„13,TLE Navy
./44BIIEP "
• •
.19$,E cupYWNE.
Subscriber desires to thank the public, geneasi.
ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and
at the same tine to say that he is nettin a bet
ter position than ever to eupply the Watitti of all.
As he gives personal attention to Millie details
of the business customers can rely on their
orders being promptly aud satisfactorily tilled.
Hie motto is "good meat at reasonable prices."
Choice Sausage, Poultry, s't ••
in season.
Carib paid for Hides, Skins, &o.
Albert St., Clinton.
Menlo') Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
D. Ross, President, Clinton; M. Mirdie, Viee
Pros., Seaforth ; W. J. Shannon, Secy -Trees.
Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Miliett,
Clinton; Geo, Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans,
Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton ;.Alex. Ste -
diner, Leadbury ; Id. Murdie, Seaforth.
Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea -
forth; 8 Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan
nd Geo. Murdie, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurancee or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attendeil
to on application to any of the above officers
addressed to their respecitvo offices.
A genera" Banking Business
ti ansaeted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of intereet.
A general Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager
The Molsons Bank.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1866.
CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000.
.1. H. R. MOLSON Pres,
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling and American ex -
ciange bought and sold at lowest
1_ current rates.• - - .• •
Interest allowed on deposits.
— -
.1Er A. FL M lE R iS .
Moneyadvanced to farmers on their own note with
one or more endorsers. No mortgage requi a as
11. C. BREWER, Manager
January 1887. (Hinton
Loan & Investment Col
This Company is Loaning Money or Farm
Security at Lowest Rates ofInterest..
3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount and time left.
OFFICE -Corner of Market Square and Nor th St
6th 1886
The subscriber would intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral neoessaries at abort notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Coffins, Caskets,
" ShrondS, &c,
He has also purchased a lirst-olarie
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Night
calla answered at residence, Isaao
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
A C• OWCE1300K
By mall to any tidy sending usher pest Ales
address. we! ,111thardson 1 Co, Montreal,