Clinton New Era, 1892-05-13, Page 7TRH sARATQOA Xxrifxot4v. ilmxtunt ItmoVaAno) 11X A,N II11AE$S REPORTgR TIM rmas sTAPAD rum,x coriatutp —ihrximovhs Yam rafapkin mixeidos woo sanwrim qiforr—vis win, los- vizi,ous Wiss in Tim =roar or meniogo scums, feW weeks ago an article appeared in tide paper 000 from the Adbany, N.Y., Journal, giving the partieubae a on of the Most remarkable cures a the 19th eentury. The article was under tbe Loading "A. Sara. toga Co. Alfredo," and exeited such wide- spread oomment that another Albany pa. per-4-Alie 1414press—dotei1ed a reporter to make thorough investigation a the state. ments appearing in the Journare article. The tuts as elicited by the Exprese report. er are given in the following artiele, whioh appeared in that paper on April 16th, and makes one a the most interesting stories over related:— A few weeks ago there was published in the Albany Evening Journal the story ef a most remarkable—indeed so remarkable as to well justify the terna "miraculous"—cure of a severe ease of locomotor ataxia, or ereeping paralysis; simply by the use of Pink Pills for Pale People, and in compli- ance with instructioas, an Express reporter lute been devoting some time in a critical inveetigation of the real facts of the ease. The story of the wonderful cure of Charles A. Quant, of Galway, Saratogo county, N. T., as first told in The Journal, has been oopied into hundreds if not thousands of other daily and weekly nevvapapers, and has created such a sensation throughout the entire country that it was deemed a duty due all the people, and especially the thousands of similarly afflicted, that the Statements of the case as made in The Al- bany Journal and copied into so many other newspapers should, if true be verified; or, it Wee, exposed as an imposition upon public credulity. The result of the Express reporter's in- vestigations authorizes him in saying that the story of Charles A. Quant's cure of lo. oomotor ataxia by the use of Pink Pills for Pale People, a popular remedy prepared and put up by the Dr. Williams Medioine Company, Morristown, N. Y., and Bropk- ville, Ontario, IS TRUE, and that all its statensents are not only justified but verified by the fuller development of the further feats of the case. Perhaps the readers of the Express are not all of thein fully familiar with the de- tails' of this miraculoue restoration to health of a man who after weeks and months of treatment by the most skilful doctors in two of the best hospitals in the State of New York—the Roosevelt hospital in New To verify Mr Quant's statement our re - York city and St. Peter's hospital in Albany porter a few days ago, (March 31st, 1892) —was dismissed from each as incurable called on Dr Allen Starr at his office, No. and, because the case was deemed incurable, 22 West twenty-eighth St., New York city. the man was denied admission into several Dr Starr is house physician of the Room - others to which application was made in velt hospital, situated corner of Ninth aye - his behalf. The story as told by Mr Quant nue and Fifty-ninth street. In reply to himself, and published in the Albany Jour. inquiry he said he remembered the case of nal, is as follows :-- Mr Quant very well, and treated him some, "My name° is Charles A. Quant. I am but that he was chiefly treated and under 37 years old. I was born in the village of the more especial oace of Dr Ware. He Galway and excepting while traveling on said he regarded this case as he did all business and a little while in Amsterdam, cases of locomotor ataxia, as incurable. have spent my whole life here. Up to In order that our reporter miglat get a copy about eight years ago I had never been sick of the history of the case of Mr Quant from and was then in perfect health. I was fully the hospital record he very courteously six feet tall, weighed 180 pounds and was gave him a letter of which the following is very strong. For 12 years I was travelling 5 copy :— salesman for a piano and organ company, Dr M. A. Starr, 22 West Forty -eighth and had to do, or at leaet did do, a great street, office hours, 9 to 12 a.m., New York, deal of heavy lifting, got my meals very March illst, 1892.—Dear Dr. Vought: If irregularly and slept in enough 'spare beds' you have any record of a l000motor ataxia in country houses to freeze any ordinary by name of Quant, who says he came to man to death, or at least give him the the clinic 3 or 4 years ago, No. 14,037, of rhetunatiern. About eight years ago I be. tne 0. D. Dept., Roosevelt, sent to me from gan to feel distress in my stomach, and con- Ware, will you let the bearer know. If you '-snited-severai, dootors--ahout_it, aveztaxecarafienci_him.te.ItOosevelt Hosp. tread it was dyspepsia, and for dyspepsia IYours, • was treated by various doctors in different By means of this letter access to the EftA-rm-- places, and took all the patent medicines I records was permitted, and a transcript of could hear of that claimed to be a cure for the history of Mr Quant's case made from dyspepsia., but I continued to grow gradual- them as follows :— ly worse for four years. Then I began to "No. 14,037. Admitted September 16th, have pain in my back and legs and became 1889, Charles A. Quant, aged 34 years. conscious that my legs were getting weak Born U. S. Married. Hoboken." and my step unsteady, and then I staggered „History of the case:—Dyspepsia for past when I walked. Having received no benefit four or five years. About 14 months partial from the use of patent medicines, and feel- loss of power and numbness in lower extre- ing that I was constantly growing worse, I mities. Girdling sensation about abdomen. then, upon advice, began the use of electric (November 29th, 1889, not improved, eater - belts, pads and all themany different kinds nal strobismas of left left eye and dilation of electric -appliances I could hear of, and of the left eye.) Some difficulty in passing spent hundreds of dollars for them, but water at times; no headache but some diz- they did me :no good. (Here Mr Quant ziness; alternate diarrohea and constipation; showed the Journal reporter an:electric suit partial ptosis past two weeke in left eye." of underwear, for which he paid $124.) In „Ord. R. F. Bi pep. and soda." the fall of 1888 the doctors advised a change These are the marked symptoms of a of climate, so I went to Atlanta, Ga., and severe case of locomotor ataxia. "And Dr. _acted as agent for the Estey Organ Com- Starr eaid a case with such marked symp- pany. While there I took w thorough toms could not be mired, and Quant, who electric treatment, but it only seemed to wee receiving treatment in the out-patient aggravate my disease, and the only relief I department, was given up as incurable." could get from the sharp and distressing "There never was a case recovered in the pains was to take morphine. The pain was world," said Dr. Starr. tand then said: so intense at times that it seemed as though Dr Ware can tell you more about the case, I could not stand it, and I almost longed for as Quant was under his more personal death as the only certain relief. In Sep- treatment. I am surprised," he said, "that tember of 1888 my legs gave out entirely the man is alive, as I thought he must be any my left eye was drawn to one side, so dead long ago." that I had double sight and was dizzy. Oar reporter found Dr Edward Ware at a My trouble so affeoted my whole nervous his office No 162 West Ninety-third street, 18 a system that I had to give ttp business. Then I returned to NewYork and went to the Roosevelt hospital, where for four months I was treated by specialists and they pronounced my case locomotor ataxia and incurable. After I had been under treat- ment by Prof. Starr and Dr Ware for four months, they told me they had done all they could for me. Then I went to the New York hospital on Fifteenth street, where, upon examination, they said I was incur- able and would not take me in. At the Presbyterian hospital they examined me and told me the same thing. In March, 1890, I was taken to St. Peter's hospital in Albany, where Prof. H. H. Hun frankly told my wife my case was hopeless; that he could do nothing for me and that she had better take me back home and save my money. But I wanted to make a trial of Prof. Hun's famous skill and I remained under his treatment for nine weeks, but se- cured no benefit. All thie time I had been growing worse. 1 had become entirely paralyzed from my waist down and had partly lost control of my hands. The pain was terrible; my legs felt as though they were freezing and my stomach would not retain food, and I fell away to 120 pounds. In the Albany hospital they put 17 big burns on my back one day with red hot irons and after a few days they put 14 more burns on and treated me with electricity, but I got worse rather than better; lost con- trol of my bowel's and water, and, upon ad- vice of the doctor, who odd there was no hope for me, I was brought home, where it was thought that death would soon come to relieve me of my sufferings. Last Septem- ber, while in this helpless and suffering condition, a friend of mine in Hamilton, Ont., called my attention to the etattnent of one John Marshall, whose case had been similar to my own, and who had been cur- ed by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. In this case Mr Marshall, who is a prominent member of the Royal Tempters of Temperance, had, after four years of coastant treatment by the most eminent Canadian iphysicians, been pron- ounced incurable, and paid the $1,000 total disability claim allowed by the order in such cases. Some months after Mr Mar- shall began a course of treatment with Dr. Williame' rink Pills, and atter teking some bOXOS W58 t4lly restored to health. X thought X Would try awn, and My wife sent fer two boxes a the pule, 04hd took them aeoeratiag to the ciirectiono on, the wrapper ,, , eaeli box, For the first few days the that vr williams' Pink Pills are not a pa, rlp and tear an pu Old baths were Pretty sevete as; I was so tont tneclieine in the BetiSe in which that fltitifeneles Of Ontarig to liattib ttn* Ontrage• very weak, but eontinued to follow term le penally understood, but are a iioien. eXteht as Was doe by Sir John Mae, struetiohs as to taking the pills and the treatment, and even before I had used up the two boxes of the pills 1 began to feel beneficial reaults front them. My pains were not so bad. 1 felt warmer; my head felt better; nay foga began to relish and agree with me; I could straighten 'up, the feeling began to come back into my limbs; I began to be able to get about on crutches; my eye came back aeitin as good as ever, and now, after the use of eight boxes of the pills, at a coat of only e4.00—seel—I oan with the help of a cane only, walk all about the house and yard, can saw wood, and on pleasant days I walk down town. My stomach trouble is gone; I have gained 10 pounds; I feel like a new man, and when the spring opens I expect to be able to renew nay organ and piano agency. I can- not speak in too high terms of Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, as I know they saved my life after all the doctors' had given me up as incurable." Such is the wonderful story which the Express reporter has succeeded in eeouring verification of in all its details, from the hospital records where Mr Quant was treated, and from the doctors who had the case in hand, and who pronounced him inourable. Let it be remembered that all this hospital treatment was two and three years ago, while his cure, by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People, has been effected since September, 1891. So it is beyond a doubt evident that his recovery is wholly due to the use of these famous pills, which have been found to have made such remarkable cures in this and other 05508. Mr Quant placed in the hands of the reporter his card of admission to Roosevelt hospital, which is here reproduced in fur- ther confirmation of his statements :— townies Int '51eja, ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL. OUT-PATIENT. NO" A dmittedad# Rttle reQp19. Wra1y lel ari interesting Tug Now errymondor, 01Q7 ot Mgdt witm34194o owe Qt clvena, t ful lsease, by the simple uSe of thiS papttlar • who oepla mghe BAT QV rr A further invettig%tion revealed the fact Elir john Thou:Taco he not been 01940 remedy. ... . Age . Birthpfx„...!.!,74 , Civil Condition „I Occuptio5_ -114-44,,, Risidoce . Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. , (cre tiflo preparation successfully issed in general praotice ler many years before being offeted to the publio generally. They contain in a oondensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood., and reetore shattered nerves. They are an un- failing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la, grippe, pal- pitation of the heart, pale and sallow com- plexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as parotids, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specifie for tronblee peculiar to fe- males, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale or sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over -work or excesses of whatever nature. On further inquiry the writer found that donald ton years ago, for the reason that the Grits were pretty thoroughly hived on the former oocaeiona But be has done what he oould, and has demonstrated his willingness to take every possible unfair advantage over his political opponente. The Reformers have been given the wont of it in every alteration. It is safe to prediot that the Thompson gerrymander will not be carried through the House without a strong fight against its most iniquitous provisions. --Hamilton Times. This is a time for plain speaking by all independent and faithful exponents of pub - lie ()pluton . The Government, with promises of fair dealing still vibrating on the lips of the two leaders, are repeating the usual party tactics. The worst features of the gerrymander of 1882 are reproduced in the Redistribution Billasorntroduced in Parlia- ment on Friday, by Sir John Thompson. The object is to conyert a minority of Tories in the country into a majority of Toriesin the House. The Bill is, of course, these pills are manufactured by the Tor. a gerrymander. How could it be anything Williams Medicine Company, Brookville, else, under the present system of rearrang- ing the representation. In Quebeo and Ontario the gerrymandering operations of the Government are very manifest, and are so extensive that they will have to be left to another artiole.—Montreal Witness. Ont., and Morristown, N. Y., and are so in boxes, (never in looselforna by the dozen or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or Rix boxes for 52.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr Williams' Medi- cine Company, from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inex- pensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. CRISP AND CASUAL. Violet colored clothing is used at funerals in Turkey. To be perfectly proportioned a man should weigh twenty-eight pounds for every foot of his length. A Philadelphia lawyer won a case that had been in the court since 1814 by exhibiting a 1784 signature that was lately discovered. Minard'e Liniment lumberman'e friend The biggest university in the world is at Cairo, Egypt—a country which is not mentioned at all in the statistics —and it has 11,000 students. The people of Paris have consumed within the year 21,291 horses, 229 don- keys and 40 mules, the meat weighing, according to returns, 4,615 tons. Minards Linament is used by physicians Professor Riley, whose opportunities for observation place him among the highest authorities on the subject, estimates the loss of food crops by in- jurious insects alone at $500,000,000 per annum. The announoenaent made by the Minister of Justice that in the redistribution of eeati in the Howse of Commons consequent upon the result of tlae oeuus the Government had determined to alter the territorial bound- aries of this eleotrial district, has not taken the eleotors by surprise, but has caused the utmost indignation. We cannot conceive that such a flagrant outrage will be perpe- trated. The electoral district of Lincoln and Niagara as now prepared will le of,the shape of a leg of mutton. From Louth eastward it will be only about five miles wide, while west of Louth it will be upwards of twenty. We hope that the Government will reconsider the matter and not leave itself open to the charge of gerrymandering for political purposes. —St. Catharines Standard, Conservative. WE BEHOLD THEIR WORKING AND STAND AMAZED. How doth the lovely Diamond Dyes Improve the days and hours, By giving profit and surprise, To those who test their pewee. How skilfully they do their work At morning, noon and night, On dresses, jackets, wraps and suits, To every one's delight. They spread their colors like a charm In shades both dark and gray ; There's nothing bout them that canharm, Or cause the least dismay. A child can with the greatest ease These lovely colors use, _ an get results that always please— That no one can refuse. This lesson then is surely fraught With hints so true and wise; It means, if you, would n'er be caught, You must uee Diamond Dyes. NEWS NOTES ufferers L'ROM Stomach and Liver derange- '. ments—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick - Headache, and Constipation—find a safe and certain relief in Ayer's Pills. In all cases where a ca- thartic is *needed, these Pills are recom- mended by leading physicians. Dr. T. E. Hastinge, of Baltimore, says: "Ayer's Pills are tho best cathartic and aperient within the reach of my profes- sion." Dr. John W. -Brown, Brown, of Oceana, W. Va., writes: "1 have prescribed Ayer's Pills in my practice, and find them ex- cellent. I urge their general use in families." "For a numberof years I was afflicted with biliousness which almost destroyed my health. I tried various remedies, but nothing afforded me any relief until I began to take Ayer's Pals."—G. S. Wanoierlich, Scranton, Pa. "1 have used Ayer's Pills for the past thirty years, and am satisfied I should not be alive to -day if it had not been for them. They-cured-me.oLdYelLOPElia.._ when all other remedies failed, ami their occasional use has kept me in a healthy condition ever since."— T. P. Brown, Chester, Pa. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation without being tame to find much relief, at last tried Ayer's Pills, and deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived great ben, efit from their use. For over two year4 past I have taken one of theso Pills every night before retiring. I would not willingly be without them." — G. W. Bowman, 26 Era- Main st., Carlisle, Pa. Abbie A. Vinau, of Brantford, Ont., left her husband in Canada three years ago. She applied for a divorce at De- troit la,st week, on the ground of cruel- ty. Vinau, it seems, was at one time worth $25,000 to $30,000. There is great excitement in the Duncan neighborhood, Cy., over a shower of plums Meat fell during tie storm on Wednesday. When the news first reached Hawesville, it was not believed, but a number of persons went to the scene and found about a twelve - acre strip of land covered to s depth of seveeal inches With the plums, -and---barrels could easily be filled. The plums are about the size of a small marble and filled with small seed, and are different from any fruit ever known in this country. They are thought to be a berry brought there by the powerful cyclone that morning from some tropical country. New York. He eaid: "I have very distinct recollections of the Quant case. It was a very pronounced case. I treated him about eight months. This was in the early sum. mer of 1890. I deemed him incurable, and thought him dead before row. Imagine my surprise when I received a letter from him about two weeks ago, telling me that he was alive, was getting well, and expect- ed soon to be fully recovered." "What do you think, doctor, was the cause of his recovery." "That is more than I know. Quant says he has been taking some sort of pills and that they have cured him. At all events, I am glad the poor fellow is getting well, for his was a bad base and he great sufferer." Dr. Theodore R. Tuttle, of 319 West Eighteenth street, to whom our reporter is indebted for assisting courtesies, said of l000motor ataxia? "I have had seaered case e of thi ease in the course of my finale°. I will no ay that it is incurable, but I never knew of a se to get well; but I will say it is not deeme curable by any remedies known to the medi 1 profeseion." After this successful and nfirmatory investigation in New York, our reporter, Saturday April 2nd, 1892, visited St. Peter's Hospital, in Albany, corner of Albany and Ferry streets. He had a courteous reception by Sister Mary Philomena, the sister superior of St. Peter's hospital, and when told the object of his visit, said she re- membered the case of poor Mr Quant very distinctly. Said she: ''It was a very dis- tressing case and excited my sympathies much. Poor fellow be couldn't be cured and had to go home in a terrible condition of helplessness and suffering." The house physician, on consulting the records of St. Peter's hospital, said he found only that Charles A. Quant entered the hospital March 14th, 1890, was treated by Dr Henry thin, assisted by Dr. Van Derveer, who was then, 1890, at tlae head of the hospital, and that his case being deemed not possible of cure, he left the hospital and was taken to his home, as he supposed to die. Such is the full history of this most re- markable case of successful recovery from a heretofore supposed incurable disease, an after all the doctor' e bad given him rip, by the simple use of Dr 'William's Pink Pills ' Pitcher's Casts lan "I AM SO TIRED" common exclamation at this season. There is a certain bracing effect in the cold air which is lost when the weather grows warmer; and when Nature is renewing her youth, her admirers feel dull. sluggish and tired. This condition is owing mainly to the impure condition of the Wood, and its failure to supply healthy tissue to the vari- ous organs of the body. It is remarkable how susceptible the system is to the help to be derived from a good medicine at this season. Possessing just those purifying, building -up qualities which the body craves, Hood's Sarsaparilla soon overcomes that tired feeling, restores the appetite, purifies the blood, and, in short, imparts vigorous health. Its thousands of friends as with one voice declare '•It Makes the Weak Strong." 0 NOTRIZES MI STUPID PEOPLE., 4 mho without IF you are one of the bright ones and can read the above rebus yeti may receive a reward which will nay von ninny thn,a vcr for your trouble. The nroprietor of TOE LADIES' PICTORIAL WEER:LIZ offers either a firet-class -Upright Piano or a cheque for Throe Hundred Dollars to the person wile sends the first correct solution of the above rebus, a reward -of a pair of penuine Diainond Ear Maga for the second correct solution, a complete Business Educatien at a Commercial College for the third correct solution : a solid C1old 'Watch for each of the next three correct solu- tions, it Silk Dress pattern (16 yards in any color) for each of the next five Correct soles an elegant Diamond Brooch. (solid gold) for each of the next ten. Every one sending a solution must enclose with the same ten three cent stamps (or , cents In silver) for one month's trial subscription (five copies) to TUE LADIEss. rem, TonLzor, WEAKLY, Canada's high-class, illustrated news.P.ter. The envelope ' which contains correct solution bearing first postmark will receive first reward, and the bal- ance in order as received. For the correct solution received last is offered a Swift Safety Bicycle valued at $140, for the next to the last will be given a pair of genuine Diamond Ear Rings, for the third, fourth and fifth from the last will be awarded an elegant solid Gold Watoh; to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth from the laet will each be awarded either a Bilk Dress pattern (16 yards in any color) or a Swiss Musks Box, playing six pieces. If there should be as many as one hundred persons sending correct solutions to this rebus, each will be rewarded with a valuable Prize. Names of those receiving leading rewards will be published in prominent newspapers throughout Canada. Extra premiums w'll be offered to all who are willing to assist in increasing the subscrip- tion list ot this popular illustrated weekly. The object in offenng this prize rebus is to at- tract attention to and introduce our _publication. It should not be elaseed with, catch -penny affairs. You can easily ascertain as to our reliability by inquiring through any :ommercial agency. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed in giving the ye - wards. All solutions must be mailed on or before June ist, Address :- LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY, (33) TORONTO, CANADA,, ar Cut the above advertisement out. asaa 004.0) HILLWATTEE TEA. The largest horse in the world, stand- ing 22 hands high and weighing 2,200 pounds, owned by T. E. Ridgeway, of Fort Worth, Texas, is dead. A California "big tree" has been sel- ected in Tulare county to be shown at the Chicago Exposition; a tree measur- ing 87 feet 9 inches in circumference at the base, 85 feet 5 inches above the ground and 65 feet at a height 01 16 feet. "Ayer's Pihs have been used in my family upwer Is of twenty years, and have comp'.etely --rifled eal that is claimed fo, .hem. `<telcz .11 piles, from whic%i I suffered ina..; year, they afforded LC 3 greater relief than any med- icine I e-a-ir tried."—Thoma.s F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. A- er s PREPARED BY Dr, J. C. Ayer de Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by an Druggists and Dealers in Medicine TEA Hillwattee is the name of a Black Tea, blend of Indian and Ceylon, put up in Eng.. land. The English people are noted !eras. having the finest Tea. We guarantee fa* weight in every package. Draws very smooth and of rich flavor. You can ortly procure it from us as we control the sale Of it in Clinton, and our trade for this Tea has increased very fast, far beyond what s we anticipated. We have just got a fresh, , supply. Try a package. Fresh GROCERIES all in Stock G.SWALLOW Have Wanted and Must Have I HAVE A full stook of D. M. Ferry's and Steel Bros Field and Garden SEEDS and CORN. Full stook Field and Garden TOOLS. A few pieces of CROCKF.RY and GLASSWARII, ' which will be almost given away. Full stock of JEWELERY, TINWARE, HARD- WARE, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, OILS, HARNE1301 and all goods in connection with the Harness business. I WANT a continuation -0f my present customers patronage and a few more if I can get them by honest dealing— to close up at 8 o'clock p. ma to give every customer as much for $1 as they can get any' place else; to take any kind of farm produce in exchange for goods from a pound of ifint to a load of grain. Hides and Furs for which I will pay cash. I MUST HAVE1w11 my 1891 accounts settled by the 1st of May, at the latest. The balance of my Crooke/1y and Glassware will be sold or given away as soon as possible to make room for otIr, gp.ode. Three more Robes to be sold this spring. I will give Crockery/or Glaisware ta the -value of -5 per .centaan all ascactants_pa,id diaring March. GEO, NEWTON LON DESBORO ' OH, WHAT A COUGH ; Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of sav • ing 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shilola's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. 6-Dee.4-91 CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his bands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a pasitive and radical our for Nervous Debilitycaand all Nervous Com- plaints after having Ssted its wonderful curative powers in thcisands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuatld by this motive and a desire to relieve Allman suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe. in German French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addreseing with stamp, namingthis paper. W. A. Naaes 820 Pow- ers' Block, Rochester, NOY. June 19-91-y Children Iry for RUMBALL'S 0111101 FAI Amongst the economies which it is said are proposed by the Quebec Government are the reduction of the sessional indem- nity of members of the Legislature from $800 to 5600 and the abolition of the priv- ilege hitherto enjoyed by members frank- ing letters. President Harrison has prepared a mes- sage to Congress calling attention to the tolls imposed by the Canadian Government on 'United States vessels using the Welland and St. Lawrence canals, and suggesting that similar tolls be imposed on Canadian vessels using the Sault Ste. Marie Canal, During the recent cyclone in Kansas a cow was lifted from the ground. car- ried to the top of a house anddeposited on the anglar of the roof, where she could neither fall nor be taken down, So they had to go up on the roof and kill her. MI:LOWS CONSUMPTION CURE. II-urcm Street, Caintai We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WA Which we guarantee to be of first—elass material and work If you want it good article at the price of a poor one, call and F. 1E1,11UNIEBA_IAL4, AciArrwrckiNT---- _ 4 ; AA. ...Gik9S2.19.61.19...11.. n 75- "Kg 7,4" ""5".,—F3 `rt This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success. ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par allel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitisa use it, for it will cure you. If your child h4 •the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly; and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist'for SHILOH'S CURE, Price us cts., go cts. and Vaasa If your Lungs are sore or pack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. es cts. - THE RELIABLE MARIANO BEALE G. F. OAKES, ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave ELLS PIANO -CASED ORGANS Best Makes of PIANOS 'Second hand ORGANS to rent RENTSPIANOS c ly moved tPIANOS fola: refully t PIANOS packed for shipping 'Organs repaired and retuned REPAIRS' Piano Tuning attended to ,Sheet Music&Books ordered Shop on Main Street Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue O. F. OILICES, CLINTON Te. VW,013tWg":19-67 OTS11-(07,:c670WOTS'(D co, te?".). o