Clinton New Era, 1892-05-06, Page 57 77 ampden IliTatehes .11.-•er • tali& • 'JEWELLER AND TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, CLINTON. Watch, with Elgin They are the proper thing. Come and see the price. We will. put a 15 jewelled, patent regulated, adjusted to heat, cold and position, jewels set inGold, with a beautiful double sunk dial on, and a 3 oz. Silver case. We have Watches and Clocks at all prices. Beautiful ALARM Cm CKS for $1.50. Solid 10k.Gold SetRings for 75cts. Solid coin Silver Case or Waltham movement, for $10. J. B. RUMBALL & CO .sor HOUSE CLE A N1NG. Now is the time for house-cleaning, and we have the goods to do it. New. shades of ALABASTINE and KALSOMINE. Eleph/nt Mixed Paints, all shades. Johnson's Decorations, No 1 pure "White Lead. Paint, Kalsotnine and Scrub Brushes. Wid- dow Shades at reduced prices. Curtain Poles complete, 20c Bird Cages and Lawn Mowers at Rock -Bottom prices. 06 Oilr Patioi Itiii)lossNCE Futuro Folleo HARLAND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE, A_ TAR 1E P SP.,C", LINTON. I desire to return thanks to my many friends for the vet y generous patronage extended to me in the past. At the same time I would state that being still ob- liged tocarryon the business I have laid in a carefully selected stock of SPRING GOODS. Come and see our DRESS GOODS in CREPON CLOTHS, LADIES AIIIIMMER TWEED SUITING, HENRIETTAS and CASHMERES. Also, a nice lot of PRINTS, CRETONNES, ART MUSLINS, TOWELLING% COTTONS and COTTONADES. QIINTS TIES, SHIRTS and TWEEDS, which we can have made to order. We are opening out a new lot of HATS in Girls and Boy's Sailors, and have still a few STRUM and FELTS, which we are closing out at cost. Our GROCERIES are ehoice and new. Try our 25c. Black and Japan TEAS, other grades equally good. See our DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS, also novelties in that line. Highest price paid for produce in exchange. MRS. G. BAIRD, JR BRUCEFIELD THE -CLINTON NEW ERA1 CL.EARING SALE (1) OP MEN'S FINE SUITS •••••••••••••••••= We are doing an extensive trade in CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, and have decided to close out our stock of IEN'S READY-MADE WORSTED and FINE TWEED SUITS at the following prices, which we have no doubt will effect a speedy sale. Fine Tweed Suits, size 36 to 41, worth Black Worsted Suitt; size 36 to 41, worth 12 Colored Worsted Snits, size 36 to 41, worth Fine Tweed Snits, size 36 to 41, worth $10 for $7.50 for SO A lot of FINE TWEED and WORSTED PANTS will be cleared at $2 a pair. Twenty pairs ALL WOOL PANTS at $1.50 a pair. While this sale is going on we will offer any Ready Made Suit in stock, outside of the above lines, at a discount of 10 per cent. See the complete line we show in CHILD'S SUITS. Something to interest the Ladies We have been so fortunate as to secure, on most advantageous terms, a com- plete and well -assorted line of SAILOR and FANCY STRAW HATS, of excel- lent quality and desirable shapes, together with a nice selection of FLOWERS, FEATHERS and RIBBONS. Our figures on these goods will be 25 to 50 per cent lower than regular prices. We pay cash for Butter and Eggs. We sell Goods for cash. We L. OUIMETTE, 1_40 TV I3JE: S 134:011,0 For Sale or to Rent. The residence and grounds at the corner;of John and Queen Streets, in the town, of Clinton com- prising lots 534 and 535; the property is beautifully situated and well improved, the house is a story and a half frame in good state of repair, 8 rooms beside, halls, pantry, and kitchen, there is ale° a good stable. hard and soft water with other con- veniences. For particulars apply to, MANNING de SCOTT, Solloitors, Clinton. CLEARING 8,1e OF W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON Owing to the retirement of the senior member of our firm, it has necessitated the disposal of our branch store in Hensall, Mr Jacob Taylor coming to Clinton. As we had bought enough spring goods for both stores, now find that we have altoge- ther toa much stock for one, and have decided to reduce it by offering Sweeping Reductions for Cosh, For the net Sizty nays, Commencing Saturday, April 30th NOTE A FEW OF OUR PRICES. Regular price Men's Fine Cordovan LACED BOOTS,91.75 for $1.25 Men's Fine Cordovan OXFORDS 1.50 for 1.15 Men's Fine GAITERS 2.25 for 1.75 Men's Plow LACED BOOTS 1.15 for 95 Men's BROGANS 1.00 for 75 Men's LONG BOOTS 1.85 for 1.40 Women's KID BUTTONED BOOTSfor 1.00 Women's Dongola Kid Buttoned BOOTS2.10 for 1.60 Women's Dongola Kid LACED BOOTS1.50 for 1.25 Women's KID SLIPPERS. .regular price .75 for .60 Women's LACED BOOTS 1 00 for .75 Women's FINE OXFORDS 1.00 for .75 Girl's SCHOOL BOOTS .85 for .65 Girl's FINE LACED BOOTS 1.15 for .75 Girl's KID SLIPPERS .75 for .50 Girl's KID OXFORDS .85 for .65 Boy's FINE OXFORDS 1.25 for 1.00 Boy's LACED BOOTS 1.00 for .75 Boy's FINE LACED BOOTS 1.35 for 1.10 All other goods will be sold at equally low prices for cash, for 60 days. We have several job lines which will be cleared out REGARDLESS OF COST. It will pay you to see our Bargain Table for above lines. Thanking our numerous customers for the liberal patronage bestowed on us for near- ly 20 years, and soliciting the same for the future, we wish to say that our interests now being centred entirely in our Clinton store, we are in a better position than ever to give it our entire attent ion. Our stock cannot be excelled for assortment or quality EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. W TAYLOR ..& kONS Clinton, Apri1.4,ja , CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 5,1892. Wheat, old or new 0 80 a 0 85 O 80 a 0 85 0 28 a 0 29 O 40 a 0 50 O 57 a 0 60 Flour per bal 5 00 a 5 00 Butter 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs per lb 0 06 a 0 06 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Pork - 5 50 a 5 50 Hay 10 00 all 30 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 05 Hides, rough 3 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 70 Wheat spring Oats Barley Peas Apples, per bag Wood short Wood long Clover Timothy O 60 a 0 90 2 25 a 2 50 3 00 a 3 50 7 00 a 7 50 2 00 a 2 25 LONDON MARKETS. Thursday May 5, Wheat 30 81 a 0 81 Oats 029 a 029 Peas 054 a 057 Barley 0 43 a 0 48 Butter per lb. 0 16 a 0 17 Eggs per dozen 009 a 0 10 THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET LIVERPOOL, May 2. -Maiden heifers and steers, 11 to 12c. Markets firincr here for cattle. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. At the Eastern Abattoir prices ruled distinctly higher, and as a consequence butchers were shy of operating and bought as sparingly as possible, in the hope of larger supplies lowering values before the end of the week. It took extremely choice cattle to bring 50 per lb. Fair stock brought about 40 to 44c, which was the ruling figure, Bulls brought from ne to 4o, and lean beasts from 30 to 3ic per lb. Milkmen's strippers were in large supply and sold better than was anticipated. A few of the best reached 4c, but the average prioe throughout was 3; while the heavier and less desirable animals sold at 3c. For calves there was a better demand than or- dinary and most of the better c%Ives were bought up before reaching the market at all. For fine calves 36 to 98 was the !lin- ing figure, while common vealsi sold at 91.50 up to $4 aocording to quality. Sheep are a trifle duller; unshorn sheep run at 5o and shorn animals at from 40 to 4-ao. Lambs run from $2.50 to $4, and hogs are again firm at 5c to 5Rc per lb. Near Anderson, Ind., George Doyle kiss- ed Mrs Earl Dudding while she was talk- ing to her husband. Dubbing drew a revolver and shot Doyle fatally. Plao's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or seut by mail, .53' TI 'P. Rezeltiee Wee -yr. _ HfINTZM N 69To 75 PIANO .t-IERBOURNE ST.TORONTO. Sold in this county by 21VI_ER8ON. Red -Letter Day was Saturday last with us at this Store. Moro ladif looking at our fine Dress materials, more ladies snit() with our new Fabrics, more ladies bought our Stylis effects on tloat day, than on any previous day in th history of our business. And why? Simply becausi the ladies are sure of always getting the latest' at t' store, at prices within the reach of every purse. PINEAPPLE TISSUES. Have you seen them yet? If not by all means do sc They're beautiful. Just what's most popular now, ani so stylish and fast colors. 50 pieces newest designs and colors in Fast Prints rol May trade? just over from old England. They're fpi you. Conde after them. Extra wide, and only 1.4q worth easily 15c. Another Case Curtain Poles, complete with all the fixtures, ready to hang up, for. 25c. We rank this among our other bargains. Gilroy & Wiseman, CIATI\T'ITON FOSTER We Sustain our - Reputation for- good or-k't by making every lihotb--- graph that leaves our studio as perfect as pos- sible. WAR AMONG S Great SLAUGHTER OF PRICE FOR 60 DAYS 2 per ct.Discouut for Cash2O 2 AT Jackson's Shoe Store, We have no lame excuse for making a Reduction Sale at this time of the year. We simply want it to be DISTINCTLY ' UNDERSTOOD that In no case will we, allow our competi- tors to undersell us. There- fore we offer you a straight 20 per cent discount off the regular prices. This means that Boots and Shoes will be sold in Clinton without profit for some time to come. We do not confine our reduced -prices to staple and low-priced goods only. Our whole Stock will be Slaughtered wit!tout reserve. Everything goes Aik ae44 1 2 aMiaidi. lock I- 1 P1/41