The Huron News-Record, 1891-12-09, Page 8LS. CONSUMPTION .08 URE:,„ We ORIIAT CbUULI CURE, tide ;successful CONSUMPTION CUItE, ata without a parallel i'nc history of amedicine. All druggistis aro anther - feed to stall it ou u pnaitibe guarantee, a tcet that no other euro PO success- fully stand.. If you have a Cough, nSore Theeat, .or.Bronelaitlh, uSe it, for .it will caro :you. If your altild has the Croup, or Whooping Cog ;b, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CON' -SUM-PTI+ON, tdm:lt, fiat? to use it, it vitt cure ,you or .post. nothing. Ask your Druggist forrSIIILOWS CURE, Price 10 cts., 40 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs aro bort; or•Back lame, use Shiloh's Prions -Plaster. 25 cts. To Advertisers. All changes ..of .Advertisements, to ineune .insertion ,in . the, current issue, must be! eceived.at.the ofce not later that-. Monday .noon. Copy for changes received later than _Monday noon eoill ,hereafter be . at the. Adcer- tiser:s emu risk. WHITELY ,t: TODD, Publishers. The Huron News -Record I.bO a Year -91.26 to Advance. :it'edRaedhy B.cc. lath, MIL LOOAL NEWS: Ha and .reread alae "iub.' tf wn liXll. Lacal. Noraeo.—.l1 "otices 'in columns ef!meetings or entertaiantents, previous to holding of the same,at which an 8)1)11 isstaa %e ; ha rge! or 1i0111 which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate often cents :per :tt1C. TRE reestr I.AaUa:LY Ct1tCULA'f11) I'APEL IN T11 L0 5ECr1:1oY, rhees WANTED—Girl about :16, .as nurse. Apply to MRs. BwrwnR, The Molte ne Bank, Clinton. On, RVr1AT A COMM( --Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terri- ble disease Consumption. Askyour- self if you can afford for the -sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from' ex- perience that Sbiloh'sCure will cure your cough- It neves fails. LECTURE on "Canada .and Canadi• ane," by Rev. Joseph Edge, in the Ontario street Methodist church., on Friday, December 110, lai.91. SOCIAL.—Don't forget bre social by the young men in St. Paul's school room on Thursday evening, Decem. firer 10. Best local talent. Refresh- ents. 'I'hepublic are invited. Come everybody. Admission 15 cents. FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. We are offering special bargains in Crockery and Glassware. See our prices before buying. Groceries as good and as cheap as any in town. McMURRAY & WIL'1'SE, Dominion Illustrated Xmas Edition just arrived at Cooper's Book Store. t�[nR Jo$E 'n '1'1,pn'Oi ap baa rq. turned from Ottawa `Cn>i Clinton retandry le et Pre- sent ol_o.Bad down for Repairs and general stock taking. THE .BneUT1'Ufi Cernineneed to Put i4 its appearance $uladay evt:n- ing and by Monday tcrrzrni.na nude breast of pother :earth was covered WW1, ft Mit%p. Matte of vir gin anew, and at time of writing, there is excellent elejghing. ',NE village Council of Chesley, Bruce county, has passed a by-law making it - unlawful to aell cigars, tobacco and all such like, to minors under the age of 14 years, unless on written authority from the par- ents. WE are requeatecl by tlie lady of the house that is aiiegeel to be "the wrong house" last week; in the New Era, that the pereon referred to as taking and retaining possession of the house "unbeknownst" to the hostess, never. got any farther than. the outer door before the mistake was discovered. THE EAST HURON GAZETTE is the title of an exceedingly well gotten up and cicely printed paper just started in the thriving village of Gorrio by Mr. J. W. Green. We would like to hope that Mr. Green will succeed, but if he does it will bo at the expense of a paper already published thele, as there is hardly a, field for one paper let alone two. TUITION IN MUSIC. Miss Galloway, who holds an honor certificate from the Alma College Conservatory of music, is prepared to take a limited number of pupils. JONATHAN BURTON, who has lived with deputy reeve Beacom of Goderich tp. for ten years ae faun manager, has concluded to take up his residence in Brussels or vicinity. Mr. Burton has been an exemplary help and it speaks well for both master and man that their relations should be severed with mutual re- gret after so many years. DON'T FORGET that THE NEWS RECORD is the most 1nrgely circulat- ed paper in this part of Huron, has the largest amount of local and in- teresting reading matter, and its con- tents consequeutly the most closely and generally read. Now is the time to subscribe as well as adver tise and know of and bo known to the largest number of people in the ,00unty. 'CANADIAN ALMANAC.—We have reoeived from the Toronto publish- etae, 'the Copp, Clark Go., an epitome of practical and neceesary informa- tion embodied in the form of the Canadian Almanac. The price in paper covers is only 90 cents. It is equally valuable to the merchant, farmer, mechanic ,aud laborer. It comprises in itself the pith of use- ful information otherwise obtainable only in costly volumes and after much reeearch. Livia P2Gn0N SIiOOTING.—It seems to be a fatality with our types to underrate the score made by Mr, Bright of Soaforth. Last week in giving the score of A. J. Bright, in the 1st sweep, he was credited with only 5 when he should have had 8. Johnston had 7 credited when be should have had only 3. We much regret the iujustiee done Mr. Bright, and the localshootisti are also much put out about it. The copy furnished was doubtless correct, but as it could not be found when wanted the printed report had to go without being compared with it. We are glad to give these reports but would like them handed in earlier than the "latest minute." A Guelph boy was, the othorday, sent to the Reformatory for 12 months for playing truant, Mu. SMITH, of Stanley, gave the NEwS•REOORD a call Friday when returning from a visit to his 'brother at St Helens. ADVERTISING.—TUE NEWS RECORD would like to see more of our Clin- ton business men advertise in these columns. We will give them the benefit of the most extensively read newspaper in Hrie section, Some of our readers make purchases else- where that might be made in Clin ton were attention called to various lines of goods not represented in this paper. Business is business, and we solict the patronage of those not represented that they may secure what they are now losing. Tory money should be acceptable to Grits, and vice verea. TROUPES AND ADVERTISING —On Tuesday afternoon a representative of the Josie Mills company called on THE NEWS -RECORD and wonted some free advortisiug. We inform• ed the gentleman vera politely that if he was prepared to do busfnees on business principles—to pay for the advertising—WO were here to do business in that way. The reply came that the Company always ex- tended the usual courtesies to the prow, These courtesies, • of course, are for any comment the editor sees fit to make through the columns of his newspaper after tho show or entertainment has been given,The t unpreethat. as illuo:t...pay _to.telocah. advertising cannot expect to be patronized by the public, and it is no surprise that the Josie Mille Company had a elm audience here. THURSDAY evening last the Shef• field lodge Sons of England met at the Waverly House, (Pike's), after lodge business, and regaled them- selves with the good things which had been provided for them on a well laden table. And, after ample justice had been done and all ac- quitted themselves in a. manner that demonstrated the invincibility of the Saxon even where a well prepared repast was the only en- emy in sight, toasts and songs and speeches supplemented the genor ous provision made by mine host. There wore about sixty present. British song and sentiment reigned supremo among them. Seventeen of the Brethren of Londeaboro were present by invitation. erry nmas MAS PRESENTS! Have you secured them? We bave Pat opened '• 00 a raft of nice, nobby goods suitable for XtfAS GIFTS for everybody, comprising in part 125 Dozen. Handkerchief's in Whitt+ and Colored Silk, Japanese Silk Etnb'd, Initiate, Duplex, Fancy and Scollop Borders—at 2o., 3o. and So. 10 Doz. Fancy Bordered Towels.- 0 Doz, Wool Squares in Black, White, and Colors. 50 Dozen Black and Colored Kid Gloves at Sale Prices. 50 Fancy Tidies—very cheap. Received to -day another lot of BLANKETS --$1.60, $1.75 and $2.75 a pair. UND3RWEAR, LIOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, RIBBONS, LACES, etc., in endless va-.;.ty. OUR MILLINERY STOCK is still full and complete— .15 per cent discount for cash. az CO_ (W. A. RUTHERFORD, Liquidator.) TWELFTH JULY, 1892.—The town of Goderich, we under'atand,oratleast the local Orangemen there are mov- ing to have a monster celebration there on July 12, 1892. They pur• pose making it the greatest celebra- tion ever held in Ontario. From experience we know it will require a united effort, a great deal of time and considerable money to carry it out successfully. The business men of Goderich must subscribe lib erally, the town should do some- thing, the citizens generally must become interested. A celebration of that kind means a good thing for the town—a big advertisement and an immense day's business. Prob ably no better example could be given than the 12th July, 1890, in Clinton. Our citizens, business mon, council, everybody, took hold and the result was one of the great- est celebrations ever held in Ontario. The Orangemen of Goderich should reiababy subscription -:several. hurl= dreel dollars to carry out a good programme, and then it will require a good pull, a strong pull, a long pull all together. GONG AT CALF PRICE 0 75 Kinds of Purses 12 Kinds of Card Cases 15 Kinds Shopping Bags 10 Kinds Pocket Knives '20 Kinds of Brooches Phot ;graph Frames, Photograph Easels, Dinner Gongs, A.utograpAlbums, Ink Stands, Cr7mb Trays and Br rhes, Perfume Cases, and other things too numerous to mention—all marked in plain figures and all going at half the regular prices. We want these cleared out to mak6 room for Japanese Goods expected soon. Robins ros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. REV. MR. GALLOWAY was at Dun- gannon and Mitchell last week. Miss FORREST, of Stratford, is the guest of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. Somerville, MRs. R. JOHNSTON (nee Miss Cooper), is visiting friends and relatives in Clinton. MR. D. CANTELON, of apple fame, left last Saturday for Manitoba, to be gone two weeks. SOUTH HURON County Orange Lodge meets in the Clinton Orange hall this morning at 10.30. REV. Ma. OsnoRNE, formerly pastor of the -Baptist church bare, has taken charge of the Gerrie Baptist church. L. 0. L. 710 will meet in annual session next Mouday evening, when the election of officers for the current year will take place. MR. Lou. STEVENS, who has been working in Woodstock for some time, has returned to town and taken a situation with Jackson Bros. MR. CIIAS• COOPER has accepted the position of first assistant in the action department of the Goderich Organ Factory and left for there on Monday. SHERIFF KNIGHT, of Norwood, Antrim county, Mich., and wife, who have been visiting friends .in Goderich and Clinton returned home by early train Monday morn- ing. Ma. A. MGCULLY proprietor of the Grafton, Dak., Advocate was in town last Wednesday. He was once a resident here and came over at this time owing to the death of his father in Stanley. THE Soo, Michigan, Democrat says that Capt. Hoyt, U. S. A., has received word that Ed. Logan has bean awarded a $7,000 contract for plumbing the barracks and officers quarters stNew Fort Brady.compet- ing against the boat firms. And adds, "Ed. is a hustler and every one will be pleased to hear he has secured such a rrrane mtrltenst'ls trratti '`-Erd" 4- a brother of errs. Jos. Rattonhury, town, is quite a young man, and will be remembered by many when on visits here. MRs. WALL, nee Miss Hearn is at to give a high-class enter- tainment in the Clinton town hall. Particulars will be given later on. MEMBERS of municipal councils may be public school trustees, but are not eligible as high school or collegiate institute trustees. THE DOHERTY ORGAN CO. have been impeded somewhat the het few days in filling contracts, on account of lack of water to run machinery, but at time of writing it is supposed the workmen will be vigorously engaged in endeavoring to supply the demand for thio favorite instrument. TUCKERSMITH. — There was a social Monday evening at Turner's appointment in connection with the S. S. Rev. Jos. Galloway of Clinton, Mr. Grey and other speak- ers were present, whose remarks, coupled with music, recitations etc., enhanced the pleasure of the --occas- ion to almost the acme of enjoy- ment. IN AND•ABOUTTHE COUNTY —Mr. Frank Hutchison, of Kin• cardine, has fallen heir to $15,000 by the death of a rich uncle in Buffalo. —Cows were sold as high as $77 each at a recent sale of A. & D. McPherson near Glenmorris. A 3syear-old colt was sold for $220. —When driving to Walkerton the day with a load of, hay, Jacob Seegmiller lost one of his horses. The animal dropped dead on the road. —Trial of the petition' against Mr. Featherston, Grit M. P. for Peel, commenced at Brampton last week. The witness generally ap- peared an ignorant lot. —Mr. McCarter shipped from Walkerton on Saturday last, one hundred and ten spring calves, and five horses, to Mooaejaw, N. W. T. The shippment filled three cars. —With ripe raspberries being gathered at the roadsides near - Wiarton iirl"' v �s�it fi�fidt ries iii: blossom on the 15th Nov,, people aro beginning to wonder really what is coming over the Bruce peninsula. Good keen buyers who rook at VALUE instead of Price should inspect Our Great Stock. See Our Storm Coat at $12. See Our Great Tweed Coat at $16: These two lines of Overcoats stand as the SCSI !tau lll tlie COI*_ o --- IN FURS we show the finest goods in the county. Watch out for our list of Christmas Novelties. 0 Jackson °-. Bros: Hatters and Furriers. Mold on a Mina Before purchasing your PRESENTS. 0 with Nice, New, Beautiful and Useful Goods suitable for Clir!sl�as & Ne Year Preseufis SUCH AS Setts Carvers in Cases Setts Scissors in Cases Table Cutlery Pocket Cutlery Silver' Tea Spoons Silver Desert Spoons Silver Table Spoons Beautiful Tea Trays Acme Skates Hanging and Hall Lamps White Granite Steel Ware Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers —the King of Sweepers, and nothing more suitable for a nice Present, Call. and see our Stock. -We have made a BIG REDUCTION on the price of STOVES_ USE ROCK OIL. littg 0 ,land gyros: Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton, Ont-