The Huron News-Record, 1891-11-25, Page 8To Advertisers,
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rhar Monday noon. Copy fo
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slog¢ will hereafi'er be at the Adver
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WHITELY ,tr TODD, Publishers.
The Huron News-Reco
1.50 s Year -41..25 In Advance.
Wednesday Nov. 25th, 1891.
In and Around the "Hub.'
goon hath.
WAY. NOTIOEs.—A11 notices in rheas
colnmus of meetings or entertainments,
previous to holding of the sanre,at which
an admission fee ie Cha igcd,orfrom which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
bo charged at the rate of ten cents per
WANTED—Girl about 16, as nurse.
Apply to Mae. BREWER, The Molsons
Bank, Clinton.
Do. GUNN was in Brussels last
week visiting Dr. Holmes of that
place who is quite ill.
MR. E. DINSLEY, of Albert SL,
is buying considerable quantities oft
dressed hogs. Last wook he pur-
chased 50.000 lbs.
MR. J. E. Tom P. S. I. paid a
'visit to S. S. No. 9, Godorich town-
ship, on the afternoon of Nov. lith,
and expressed himself as well
pleased with the discipline, im-
,provomeut and gnieral tone of the
pupils iu the school.
MR. A. S. WEEKS, C. E , P. L.
8., town engineer, who has boon
professionally engaged for soinetti
time past in'othcr parts of the Pro
vince,has redomicilod himself in th it
hub and may be found at his oftci
Perrin block.
JorIN TAmsoN'S BAIRNS.—On t1
evening of Nov. 30, St. Andrew
day, Murray Camp, Sous of Scot;u
laud, will greet ono another and
friends at a dinner, just for Auld
Lang Syne, at Kennedy's hotel.
One of Scotia's bards says :
"And when a day like this comas
Auld Scotia's claims are upper,
The thistle then comes to the foie,
We'll gang to the R .yal Supper."
EDITOR LANG has severed his Con-
nection with tho Owen Sound Sun,
but will reside in that embryo city
the coming .winter. Mr. Lang is
one of the best all round newspaper.
inen in Canada and we hope to hear
in the near future, that he is again
engaged in a calling which by hid;
preeminent ability, . natural ane s
acquired, he is so well fitted t_
WHAT NOT To Do.—An experi-
-enced observer remarks as follows
-concerning the action of citizens, as
they affect the interests and success
-of their town :—In order to kill a
town, all you have to do is simply
to underrate every present and pro
spectivo enterprise, speak ill of the
churches and schools ; tell every -i`
body the hotels are bad ; eulargeii
:the vices of the people, especially''
the young people ;. withhold the
patronage from your merchants and
tradesmen, and buy your dry goods
and groceries at some other place ;
+lover subscribe for the local papers,
and if you are in business refuse to
a meeting of the Guelph board
of trade last week the matter of the
extension of the C. P. R. to Lake
Huron carpo up, It was stated that
Guelph had bouusod the building
of the road toCanlpbelville on the un-
derstanding that it would be exten-
ded to Godorich. Dir. Van Horne
had promised as much. Ono mem-
ber said that Van Horne's promise
to extend the road to Goderich was
like the IIishmau's promise to
harry, ho did not say when . This
discussion was kept up at groat
length, when a resolution was car-
ried instructing the president of the
I3oard to write to Mr. Van Horne
4 concerning the extension of the
MR, JAB, SCOTT, tinsmith, who
has been ill for owe months, is
able to be about.
Tau PRIrOE OF WALES hotel will
change hands on thefirst of Dear.,
Mr. J. F. Lee having bought Mr.
Bell wit.
Mn, TURNBULL,head master of the
C. C. I., wbo has been dangerously
ill in Toronto with typhoid fever the
past ten days is, at time of writing
out of danger.
Fair, wee a day off last week while
endeavoring to divorce himself from
been laid up the past eight or ten
days with an affection of the lower
limbs, but will likely be about again
in a day or two.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.—'The service
on Sunday next will be token by
the Rev. L. W. Diehl, the Rev.
Rural Dean Craig being invited to
preach the S. S. Anniversary ser-
mons at "Trinity Church, Galt.
TOWN CLERK COATES is able to be
"on his pins" again, though not
able as yet to get out of the house.
The knowledge of his improve
ment will be a source of pleasure to
every member of the community.
,rownlee, of Cliutou. who went to
Iontroal some time ago fur the
purpose of securing the best surgical
attention, died there yesterday
shortly after undergoing an opera-
REEVE MANNING, at time of writ-
ing, is getting quite robust. It ie
said that if he keeps robuating, hie
salary as local finance minister will
have to he increased iu order to
make up for the extra demands he
will rnako on the butchers, bakers
aur? grocers,
ich, took Clinton by storm last
Tuesday afternoon. That is, about
the time ho carne here from the
north we had the stormiest clay of
the season. Whether Mr. Holt was
the cause of the stoma visiting us or
whether the storm was the cause of
his appearance hero depouent saith
MR. BERT JOHNSTON, presently
of the Seaforth Expositor, has in-
vented, and patented in Canada and
foreign countries, a contrivance for
locking up printer's forma. It is said
to be the beaLin use. It will likely
be of more practical utility than
the perpetual motion affair Bert one
time worked at.
MRS. DANIEL ALLAN died in Tor -
^'onto last week. The body was
rtaken to Guelph for interment.
Deceased lived in Godorich for sev-
eral years where her husband, Rev.
Daniel Allan, died a few years ago.
She was:mother of Mr. A. Mo D.,
Allan, well known in this section,
and was sister of the late Hon. Don-
ald McDonald.
marriage last Wednesday, at the
Grand Union, of Miss Minnie Fran-
iees Spooner, daughter of Mr. Chas.
pooner, to Mr. C. M. McGregor, of
rllullett. The ceremony was per-
fformed by Rev. Rural Dean Craig.
A grand dejeneur a la fourchette fol.
lowed of which a large number of
guests partook. Miss M. Denison,
of Mitchell, and Mr. J. Livingston,
of Seaforth, supported the fair
young couple. The bride was the
recipient of a large number of pres-
ents. The wedded couple will re -
'side at Kinb m `
LASHIN9' OF RAIN.—Monday of
this week the windows of the
heavens opened and the rains de-
scended in immense watery sheets.
The south pole seemed uprooted
about the same time and out of tho
opening thus made came gusts of
wind which made the combination
anything but pleasant outdoor tra-
velling companions. The rain will
fill a very undesirable void, as in
many parts of tho country springs
and wells had become dr3 and fann-
ers and others had to cart water for
miles for stock and domestic pur-
THE TEACHER of ono of the pub-
lic schools in Ontario who was
much annoyed by the muffled tink-
ling of tiny bolls at various times
during school hours, noticed that as
a row of girls wriggled their foot
the tinkling began. When they
stopped the tinklink stopped, too.
The teacher connected the' wrig-
gling with the tinkling, and, sud-
denly pouncing on a vary short
frocked little hiss, discovered a
tiny boll attached to her garters.
And now the legend, "Any girl
found wearing bells on her garters
will be dismissed", adorns the
school walls.
ton scientist some time ago read a
paper before a local association
there in which ho endeavored to
prove that Ontario was tho site of
the original garden of Eden. He,
however, omitted to offer as one of
his proofs the fact that this Pro•
vinco seems to be the home of the
apple. For beauty of appearance,
lusciausnoss and general comestibil-
ity Outnrio apples take the cake. Last
week we gave an excerpt from the
books of D. Cantelon, of Clinton,
showing that he had this season
bought and shipped over 30,000 bar-
rels of apples. And now we find that
W. H. Millman, of Woodstock, bas
shipped this season 46,192 barrels
and Thos.Selden,of Ingersoll,35,000
barrels. Those shipments comprise
Duly -a' dlall '15-oltiutr 'tlra-Oiffll `i''ro
output. They were all sent to
'Britain or some of the other Pro-
WE AT F/)i$T Si!llT
the blissful experience of many a fair lady who visits our MILLINERY
Dura. And, no wonder. The charm ,of PM' vllaste: and tasteful Hata end
ounets is irresistible. SPECIAL SCOUNT of 1pe'e 0 all
cash orders in this department. Assortment complete,.
Rah—stylish ; selling fast. Prices right. Mantles cut free of charge.
For Men, for Women, for Children. High quality—low price—snug fit.
When Jack Frost learns that you buy your Underwear from BEESLEY &
CO. he will move on to a leas protected victim. He objects to our FLAN.
NELS and FLANNELETTES too, because they are so fine and closely woven
they repel bis chilling touches -and they are so soft and couifortable that
everybody likes them, and so very cheap that everybody can afford to buy
thein. He kicks against our BLANKETS too, but to no purpose, for they
are heavy and all wool and any one can get inside of a pair for $2.75 and be
smilingly safe from his attacks.
Liqllidation e
eese� slg
(W. A. RUTHERFORD, Liquidator.)
—Richard Horn, 14th eon., Elma,
shot a white partridge recently.
This species of the feathered tribe
is rarely found in that vicinity.
—Schell Bros., of East Oxford,
have shipped this season a total of
over 25,000 barrels of apples to
Liverpool, London and Glaagow, on
tlitirwaili tth-.tai tsre ipti6n'
of 2000 barrels purchased in Bur-
ford, all the apples were bought in
South Oxford.
ov. 25 -:Xmas
—We have a—
cauN AsortMellt Di Presellts
For somebody's sister.
legant Presents for Young
Splendid variety of useful and amusing Presents for
Children. Young and old, ladies and gentlemen, boys
and girls, rich and poor, can all be suited from our stock
of Xmas Goods.
0 0
Robins -:-Bros.,
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
Tho council caret Nov. 23rd 1891,
at one o'clock p. m., John Ketebim
absent. '1'he following accts. were
ordered to bo paid. Mr. Purdy
$10:80 for wood for Mrs Scotsmere.
Ira Swan $30.00 for keeping Thos.
inlloy,' indigent, Dr. Stanbury
7.00 for attending John :Banner.
an, indigent, Wm. Reid $24.00
r gravel, Chas. Logan, $31.12 for
rrvel, John Cameron $17.36 for
ravel, Douglas McTavish $9.28 for
ravel, Duncan McCuaig $1.60 for
ravel, The Clerk was instructed
send the total assessment of each
hool section and rate on the dollar
with the orders on the treasurer for
school money. By-law appointing
Geo. Baird, Thos. Kennard, Geo.
Stewart, Wm Bothwell and Samuel
Striling Deputy Returning Officers
for the •ensuing term was read a
third time and passed. Tho coun-
cil then adjourned to meet again on
Tuesday Dec 15th at one o'clock p.
—Ice skating has commenced at
—An old lady named Mies Maxwell
lived alone in a room in Bowman's block,
Berlin, and had her -meals sent up to
her. When her breakfast was taken up
yesterday she was found dead.
—Judge Elliott at London yesterday
decided that the Liberal notices of ob-
jections to names on the Dominion
voters' list were invalid.
—While a small schooner, the John
McBride, was going down the river to
Gananoque, a lad of eixteen, eon of Crpt.
Acton, was knocked off the boot by the
tiller and was drowned.
—Thera is new of a disaster at the
Gilbert islands, in the South Paella-, . A
tidal wave has caused great losaj of life
and damage to property througl iiut the
groupe eighty persona were drowned
upon one of the islands.
—A young girl named Snell, belong-
ing to near Chatsworth, ran away from
home to conceal her shame. Two weeks
ago ehe gave birth to a baba in Owen
Sound. Tho other night she came to
Dundalk, hired a room at the Connor
house, and, leaving the babe on the bed,
took the next train. She was arrested
at Proton station the next day and
brought back,
—John Curran, a Markham farmer.
- urn
one and a half miles eget
took his horses to water. The horses
-returned- silence = Mca.- •(garrratr=sent the-
hechildren to sec whore their father was
and they found him in the pond dead.
It is supposed he had fainted and, fall-
ing into the water, was suffocated.
—Brazilian ports are infected with
yellow fever.
—France will make many improve-
ments to its navy.
— A big binder twine trust has been
formed in Chicago.
—there is a plague of rats In Peru and
the poste are destroying all (arm pro•
— Thos. Flynn, employed at Gallun's
tannery, Milwaukee, while eating sup-
per, swallowed his false teeth and choked
to death.
Frank Alex, of Rochester, N. Y., 27
years old, was married laet Thuredsy to
Mrs. Robert Kirkpatrick, a widow of 80
summers and a bank account of $50,000.
The couple went to. Hamilton on a wed•
ding tour. Thee is the fifth bridal tour
Mrs. Alex. has taken.
—The oldest man on earth, Hiram
Lector, was married at the opera.
house, Atlanta, Ga., last week, a
fee of 23 dente being charged tol all who
witnessed the ceremony. Hiram is 124
years old, and bis bride, Mrs. Mary
Moeely, is nighty -one. The old man tell
in lova with the old woman, who was
matron at the poor -house where he was
sent ten years ago.
—The Berlin Nowa hays :—On Satur-
day night ati a carriage load of Bodin
young people were returning from a
neighboring town where they had been
attending a dance, the axle broke and
precipitated the whole party into a very
muddy road. A number of young ladies
were injured and one so seriously in the
Dye that it was found necessary to re-
move it.
—The note ciroulation of Canadian
banks increased $3,099,700 duriog Octo-
ber, and now aggregates $37,182,768,
which ie the largest amount in circula-
tion then in any previous October. De-
posits aggrea,ato $147,000,000 as against
$145,600,000 the 30th of September.
Thoae on demand decreased $1,100,000
in October, whit.) time deposits iucreaeed
—Rev. Jacob Primmer, 'minister of a
Preabytorian church at Dunfermline,
Scotland, has written a long letter_to
the Queen, in which he undertakes to
give her majesty a religious lecture.
He approves of the Queen c,ttending the
kirk while She is in Scotland, in prefer-
onoe to the "corrupt Popish, Episcopal
worship." He asks for stronger snpport
of the kirk, and encloses for her majesty's
reading a number of traote agninet the
Church of home. the Queen's private
secretary has returned the letter and
contents to Rev, Mr. Primmer, saying
her majesty is unable to accept such
—Minnie Shaefer, of Cleveland, sued
her husband, Frederick, for divorce on
Nov. 9. She alleged cruelty and neglect.
Yesterday the thusband filed a crops -
petition, in which he said that Minnie
never loved him, but lavished her affec-
tions upon a homely pug dog For over
a year, ho alleges, she has ineiotod upon
takingthe do
to hod with her,and that
drove into the cold. In addl.
tfon'to ler- fonaneee- for -this—Tinge she
once attacked him with a butcher
knife, and he thinks the balance of argu.
anent is sufficient togranthiin an absolute
T • jy; Qy
� Great Business.
§ § § § § § § .§ .§§§§ §;'§ §. § § .§. § §-
We are doing by long odds the largest.
Clothing and Furnishing business in this
section and this shows that good shrewd
buyers know where to get value for their -
money. Just now we have full stocks of
and our establishment is daily thronged
with the best buyers in the country.
We carry the finest goods that money can
buy and if you want something good come
and see our selection. We pay more for
our Furs than ordinary buyers on account
of the privilege of selecting our own GOods.
We show a magnificent selection of Ladies'
StorrnGollars and jTluhfs
i -
I * -I * -1 * l- * 4- * * 4-* *
in Seal, Persian Lamb, Beaver, Astrachan
and Otter.
Our Stock of Fur Goats is the Largest in the
Jackson ' -. Bros..
Hatters and Furriers.
Our New Stock
White Grailite Steel Ware
Crown Tea Kettles, Embossed Stove Boards,
Rocker Coal Sifters, Pittsburgh Lamps, Cut-
lery and Plated Ware, English Tea Trays
Embossed Stove Pipe, hand -made Axes, Cross
Cut Saws, Steel Wire Cow Chains, English
Door Mats, Window Shades, Window Cornice
Poles, Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers, Acme
Skates, Stove Furnaces and Tinware, Rock
Oil and Flint Chimneys, Paints, Oil & Glasse.
Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton, Ont...