The Huron News-Record, 1891-11-18, Page 1Tk3,R 18;-$1,1 O per i.aiaum $1.25 In Advauge. 1NDE'P$NDENT 1N ALL 1'iiltt(i<S- VEq7R4ir set ,,i oraiNfi VOL. X111.—NO 50. CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT WHITE Li'444TOPlfv, i tghk.tltl►aetr► WEDNESDAY, N OvEMBER 18, 1891, W1101,,E No. (a GodcricltL. FALSE ALARM.—James Yates has not sold out his Hardware Business us reported. Old friouds and now vgill find him still ou hand at his old stand to furnish theta with HARDWARE AND GROCERIES at bottom prices. Is it not nearly time for the annual Base Ball Club ball. Mrs. W. J. R. Holmes was in the Queen City last week. Mr. Jae. Fair was in the circular town on Wednesday'. hs. \L Monigon:srv, of Tor - out , was in town last \Vediosday. -Dr. Bedford Richardson was married last \Veduesday in Sau Francisco. - Deputy heave and Mrs. Coleman, of Saaforth, were iu town this week. Mr. Chas Seager successfully passed us a solicitor in Toronto the past week. The City of Windsor was iu port last Friday aud loaded considerable freight for Wiudsor and Detroit. During the past four weeks our neighboring farmers have made great progress with their fall tvurk. Air. Jas. Addison and his gang of Dieu have completed the repairs at the north pier. Mr. Wet. Jackson, of Clinton, was in the Co. town on Tuesday of last week. A suro sign of corning winter is tho small atteudanco of visitors at. Maitland cemetery on Sundays. The members of the Junior Huron Lacrosse club feel pretty good over winuing tho pennant for the \Veeteru District. Mr. R. S. Chilton, Mrs. Chilton and Miss Chilton left this week for Washington where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Owen Hitchcox commenced her temperance meetings in tho Temperance hall on Sunday after- noon at 4.15, and held another in the ovelling after church service. The lady had large audiences on each occasion. Messrs. Wen. Ruteon and Walter Shannon returned last Wednesday from a three weeks' tramp along the Bruce • Peninsula. The gentlemen .were on a door hunt, and that they wore fairly successful our Sunday's toothsome tit bit is evidence. St. Stephen's congregation held their annual Thanksgiving service on Thanksgiving Day at 7. p. m. Rev. Rogers Howard conducted the service, and St. Goorge's choir ,was present in full force for tho ruusical portion of tho ceremony. Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, of Garrow & Proudfout's office, wrote last week in Toronto at the law society, final, for barristor'and solicitor, and was successful in both branches. We hail with much pleasure the posting of H. J. D. Cooke on tho roll of barristers and solicitors. Tho 1891 Thanksgiving Day sup- per of the North Street Methodist Church tvas well attan'oed and proved a great success, the edibles being seasonable and luscions, while the literary dish was filled to rople• tion with sound addresses edged with choruses and served with acceptable solos. Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly and so far as we could judge satisfactorily, for although around most of tho day wo did not notice a case of unruly behaviour. Shoot- ing and driving were the only amusements, and many a poor bird fell to mark Thanksgiving Day 1891. Ono feature about the low water in our harbor entrance is that God- erich does not stand alone, for near the place where the Beatty boats hail fioni the water is less than thirteen feet deep. As the barge Africa recently steamed safely out of Goderich harbor drawing 12 feet 6 inches of water, we think it our duty to draw the attention of the Beatty line captains to this fact, more particularly as wo have vol noticed any complaints from !hese gentlemen about the low water et. Point Edward and tho River. St. Georgo's church was crowded on Wednesday, when Miss Joseph- ine Williams, daughter of Mr. Joseph Williams, and Mr. Adrian C. Van Rosson wore united in wed- lock's bonds. Rev. W. A. Young assisted by Rev. Rogers Howard conducted the ceremony, while a full choir, under Mr. W. J. Dowd- ing, contributed sweet singing. Tho bride was assisted by Miss Aggie Ross, the groom being supported by Dr. Reginald Shannon. The bride and bridegroom looked a handsome couple, and very near them was sanoeherepair1°43.Mng-e eneeedistt}s - charming that a second ceremony would have delighted every ore present. Godcrick. There was early communion al St. George's on Sunday. - Our dry•goods tneu aro neatly all in the selling olf bueiness. .T. '1'. Garrow M. P. P. was in 'Toronto the past week. C. Mullin, of Belfast, ate hie Thauksgiviug They diuuer in the circular towu. Mrs. and ,Miss Whitely, of Luck• now, wore the past week guests at the Colhoruc. P,ditur McGillicuddy hare' been curl, ting from a severe itluos, the past two weeks, but is uow ou the road to health again. We Lad our first venison dinner for 1891 on Sunday, owing to the kiuduess and good shooting of Mr. \\ illi.tut Rutson, to whom wo re- turn our hearty thauks. The I'.u•iaiau I ive:nor'a Academy. of Penis l::rs eont the following cent - in indication to Dr. Nicholson :— "we Let; to iufarm you that after the ex.r,minat1oa of your Iaet iavon,lon the Aetdcmy has uunferrcrl upon y, u the title of Cerreapendiug i t000ra-y AL m- 1 nr with art, i..utin t „f t'u ti • ; corse D.nloma and the gilded Medal. Ofi'cae 28, Bus Separate, Ii BAIriTC1I10:, tree idea J. Alts. The weather for the past few days has been very mild. Farmers Bate been busy laking up turuips the past week. \VD were a little late last week with our budget and will give some items which should have appeared thon. Thu tea•tnooting on the 5th of November proved to be a success as usual. The speeches given by Rev. Messrs Ayers, Potter and hoar were all that could bo wished for, and tvitle tete music furnished by the Nilo philharmonic choir rho audi- ence were highly pleased. The Nilo choir furnished. the anisic for the tea -meeting at Shop• pardtou on 1Vednesday of last week. The bazaar and social given by tho \Vonian's Missionary Society on Thursday last was quite a success. They disposed of all their goods and after the tea they all gathered in the church where there were readings by Miss M. Tiffin and Mrs. Fear, recitations by Miss Potter and DTiss Watson, speeches by Mr. Fear and Mrs. Kyle of Whitechurch. The chair was filled by Mrs. H. Girvin. Proceeds $26. Tho tenders for the sheds in con- nection with the Nile church were opened on Friday tho 6th, and the committee met again on Monday night of last week when the con- tract was given to Mr. Taylor of Ashfield; the cost to be $365 and to bo finished by the 24th ofDecem• bee. Tho sheds aro 247 feet long, Will Morrow spent a few days in tho circular town last week. A good many went from here to Goderich on Sunday Sth to hear conductor Snyder. All scorn to have been well satisfied with what they heard. Mr. Jt:sse Cr'.imtnett spent a week visit;: friends up north. Mr. W. Detre, melded rho hammer in his absence. The no rel .. rs of the Nile lodge No. 103 gin .t hearty invitation to all tvho claire to be temperance workers, but t; ho have not enrolled their nacres i-: the secretary's book, to do so now 1,s the evenings are a good length and a profitable time can bo spout during the wintor rnoniira. "Como thou with u''s and we trill do thee good" are tlio words of all the members. el Londcsboro'. Rev. A. Stewart, of Clinton, con- ducted the service in the Presby- terian church on Thanksgiving Day and Rev. J. A. Osborne on Sun- day. Mr. Will Brunsdon returned from :1iIanitoba last Saturday. Will looks as if the climate of 'Manitoba agreed with him, he says the crops in tho localities visited by hire aro splendid, the greatest trouble is to get machined to thresh tho grain so large is the crop. Tho I. O. G. T. have got their new curtain hung and have uow a hall that is a credit to them, Thoy aro preparing for the open meeting to be hold on the 8th Dec. AIr. IL. Elliott of the Wingllnm "Tithes" will give an address and thorn will bo readings, songs, dialogues, &c. Lot all friends of temperance at- tend. —Argument on the railway ticket and free train phase of the subject in the South Oontario elec- tintroodeeseteekespeitregootersteserheye at Whitby, and further hearing was set for Novemher 21, at Osgood° hall, Toronto. Surra iterltill. • Mr. Johu Edmeaton is erecting q stable en his tot for the acoommode- tion of his cow. Tito open lodge entertainment given hero by the Creed Template on 'Wednesday evening the 11th inet was a success. The programme consisted of readings, recitations, addresses and vocal and iustrutnent• al music, beautifully saudwiched to gather. The lodge talent was cup - 'demented by assisteuce tion Cliu- tun, Ifolmesvi:lu and ('otters Hill to whom a cordial vote of thanks was tendered at the ulnae. .1. new feature here was the selections ten- dered on the dulcimer iu a ,highly artistic and pleasing manner by i11r. \V. If. Lobb of lioltuesville; They were wail received by the large and- ienco present. A considerable auto was collected which wi11 materially aid the lodge in carrying on its work. Wu hope to sec ire a number of Dery members shortly. 'l'llaultegiviug day was °beet ved here by ll:o holding of divine ser- vice iu tete ;:pisoopal church. Our pastor the Lev. L. \V. 11ir,Ll preach- ed tin able sermon-, showing why as littera of tho soil, as tradesmen, as Latents, ire children, as toren; of our country end' as lavers of our God we should unite this year iu fervent Thnukgiviag to God for all hie goodutis iu giviug good things to us aud shielding us from disasters and epidemics. The Orangemen l:erc iulend hold- ing a tea meeting at their hall here on 'Iliurstley evening Nov. 26. A choice progrdl:line Cc'IiiuNt1: of music, addressee by able speakers etc is in course of preparation and we aro sure tl.o ladies will keep up their pest reputation as adepts in catering to the wants of the inner lain iu a mauuer wbieh will not fail to stimulate epicurean propen- sities in the must fastidious.' Colne one, conte all. Some of our sports fared well at [Iolnresvillo shooting match and came home well laden with ducks and geese. Quito a number of Jews have passed this way this fall selling tin and Iins••Iiid ware and a good many were badly sold by buying the tin thus giving their good iia" for bad tin so that they found themselves tin selled," Ecl'grc^.ve. Mr. Joseph Clegg shipped a car- 1oa,r, of lambs from hero last week. Mr. E. Livingston has been ship- ping lumber and barrel heading in large quantities from this station. Mr, Alex. Treleaven of Laugaide and formerly of this place was in town last week. A largo number of fowls were dis- posed of at the shooting match on Thanksgiving Day. Mr, W. H. Hole, formerly of this place, but lately of L'ellefontaine, Ohio, has been spending a few days with friends iu town. The annual meeting of the 13e1 - grave branch of the Briti'.lt and Foreign Bible Society will be held in the Presbyterian church ou Mon- day evening Nov. 23rd at 7.30 o'clock. Master Lester 'Whitely, of Clin- ton, put iu :Thant:=giving day and until Monday tvitle neighbor Joseph Clegg of Morris. When ho re- sumes his studies at the Clinton Collegiate) he will ho all tho hatter -student for having partaken of the unstinted hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Clegg. From the .Eiiipu•e of last Friday:— We are pleased to bQ..uble to en - nuance that Ih•. Godfrey, of Bel - grave, who has beau pursuing his studies in Edinburgh, Scotland, for some time past, has been doing honor to his country and his Alma Mater, Toronto University. He has successfully passed all examine tions of the Royal College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Edinburgh, and, also that of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, The examinations wore very severe, There aro in each division 12 candi- dates. In his 10 were plucked, he and another alone coming out triumphant. leo was highly com- plimented by the President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons for the high stand taken. The doctor is now in London, Eng., and is expected back to Belgrave in January to resume tato practice of Lis professiou." —The i using'+s meeting of the Kippen quarterly board was bold on Monday Nov. 2nd, 1891. The board increased the eatery of the pastor, Rev. H. Irvin, to $700, the circuit to pay tho suleranuation 'rrtorrt'y:"R1F li'v a Pine -11IO IiariiZ. est circuit to work in Goderich die- teict as it involves a drive of 32 miles every alternate Sunday. Goderich Township. Jas. Elliott's 11 leer o1G child hae'been very ill but is on the way to recovery. Hielaud blood is getting urouaed in the neighborhood of the Hill. And no wonder, when your con- temporary will allow them to be pada the butt of cook•rycd curs in his paper. Councillor' Elliott is able to bo about in spite of the effects of ri fall from 1.n apple tree. IIe is not the fret man that has been hurt by fool- ing with apples. There wee Thanksgiving service at St. Stophen'a, lluruu Road, last Thursday eveuieg, by Rev. Rogers Howard and the choir . of St. George's, Gudorich. A couple of colts advertised by Mr. W. Weir of the Bayfield Lino were claimed by Mr. Hearn of tho township. Mr. Weir treated the lad who canto after them very liber- ally. Miss Richardson, of this town- ship, whose mnrriego to Air. W. J. Bowden is antruuuced ill another QolutUn, tray the recipient of runny handsome presents from frit ride On tlie auspicious uccrsipn. Myth. DL e. Theobald, of '1'eestvater, it visiting at her mother's residence as present, Miss .Edna Curtis returned borne from college ou Weduesday. Mr. John Deuholw was in Wing - hum on Monday. DIr. D. Kennedy ate' wife, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town with their brother-inelatt', Nit.. E. Watson. Rev. Mr. .Higley, of Hanover, officiated in Trinity church on Sunday. Thu annual meetiug of the Foreign and British Bible Society is to les teld in the Methodist church ori Frithty evening when the agent, Rev. Mr. llufret, of Toronto, will addreus the tueetit:tr. A cordial in- vitation is exteuded to all to be proseu1. Thnnkegiviig day watt obserrod here as a general Luliday, all busi- ness; places beim closed. Some of our sports put in a good time shooting on Thanksgiving day. On 'Monday niorniu,g a largo con gregation chiefly of the fair SPX wise present in the Roman Catholic church to witness tete tying of the nuptial knot by the Rev. Father McGee between Mr. Jos. Dwyer, of Detroit, and Miss Drury Kelly second daughter of our townsman, Mr. John Kelly. They left on the 4.15 train for their Lome in Detroit amidst showers of rice, a lart;onum- her of friends being present at the station- to witness their departure. - Mr. Arthur Tierney left hero last week ou a visit to the land of his birdie Old England. We wish him a pleasant voyage. On Monday a court of revision was held in Industry hall, by Judge Dayle, for revising the Dominion voters' list for the East riding of Huron. Mrs. Sychouds and Miss Powell, of Clinton were visiting their brother Mr. Geo. Powell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aslibury, of Chi- cago, aro at present visiting their brother, Mr. T. Ashbury, of this place. O;t Thursday the anniversary service of tho opening of the 3letho• dist church in tris town took place at 3 p, nl., there being a good con• ge•ogaLiotl present. Rev, DIr. Hen- derson, of London, the preacher for the occasion, delivered a powerful and soul stiritg sermon from Matt. 17 cbnp. 1 to G verses. After the close of the services a largo number of the congregation adjourned to the basement of the church to partake of the good things which had been amply provided by tlio ladies and crowds kept pouring in for a couple of hours. After all had done justice to the good things provided they again assembled in the body of the church where a pleasant and profits able time was spent in listening to excellent addresses by several min- isters and singing by the choir. Proceeds of the day amouuted to over $115. On the following even- ing another tea meeting was given in aid of the Sunday school which realized $20. Auction Sale Register. Tuesday, Nov. 26—Farm stock, im- plements, &c., on lot 13, Huron Road, about three miles from Clin- ton, at 12 o'clock, noon. Mr. Sib - ben, proprietor ; T. M. Carling, aur•, tioneer. \ piiisn.sr, N.ovtt.-25—Auotion• sale of Farm stock and Implements at N. half of Lot 24, Con. 9, Hallett. Benj. Mason, Proprietor. D. Dickinson, Auctioneer. be an enter- tainment gotten up by Mr Murch somewhere about Xmas. Mr. Mude is out of tho village at present visiting soruo of his friends. Mr. Frank Ilcor has secured a situation in tho village. CCTIUtENr TOPICS. TIIIt WORLD'S LOVE: AND IIATE. It is not true that the world hates piety. The modest rind uncbtrueir•o piety which fills the heart with all human charities and makes a luau gentle to others and severe to him. golf is an object of universal love one reaeration. But mankind hater+ the lust of power when it is veiled under the ears of piety ; they Irate canting and lepoerisy ; they hate advertisers and quacks in piety; they love to tear folly and impud- ence from the altar %•icicle should be a sanctuary only for the wretched and the good. InciIS DOING PENANCE. An edrertistuent in a daily news's papcc asking one Peter J. Carpen, ter to return to his home in Wo- burn has brought to light a romans tic story. Tho wife of the missing roan keys Ler husband was Father Jean Pierre Calvez., a Catholic priest in Vergennes, Vermont, where she first met him, that lie re, uoiiced the priesthood and married her in Hudson, N. Y., in 1858, tak- ing the name of Rater J Carpenter. He has now been m;asing since November, 1889, and his wife thinks ho has e:rtered a niu:rautery somewhere to do penance. CLERICAL FINANCING. Dr. Clutterhuck, int eminent Welsh divine, wss arrested two weeks ago for ohtainining• .£1,206 on false pretences from a lady of his congregation. It turned out that the reverend gentleman had devel- oped into a heavy operator, and charges were piled against him amounting, to £16,000. The doc- tor, it was alleged, Lad been specu• lilting in stocks on -a plan by which money entrusted to him by his par. isIiouers was left absolutely at his discretion. He placed 427,000 with one broker tclio failed, and £6,000 with another, losing in the latter int stance .£2,000. He was committed for trial. A TEST CASIt. The Conservative Association of London purpose appealing against tho decision of Revising Barrister Fraser in the matter of the notices of objection served by rho localGrits on Conservatives at the present res yision of the Dominion voters Lists. The Revising Officer held that the notices were invalid, as the Conser- vatives claimed, but ruled that ho had power under the Franchise Act to allow the notices to be amended. Against this ruling the appeal is taken,and notices thereof were sere ed last night on the Revising Bar- rister, Mr. Fraser, and the Grit As. aociation Secretary, Mr. Frank Lil- ley. AN UNSATISFACTORY WITNESS. A small Sooth boy was summoned to eve_evidence: against beiP,.. ti49r,, who was aroused ofmainng a dis- turb ance in the streets. Said the bailie to him :-"Come, my wee mon, speak the truth, and let us know all CiilI,'1'1177' TOPIC'S. e h, it t.buut dila off.,t, it,. said the Ind ",i'y,+ krri 1utl:r- ttesa at teat 1" "I1 de, laetrile," 1, I.11-. rd his \Worship. "\feel, ) u ictus along it ut,d tura ic:to tl.r square and across the, sq, euf•— " "1,s, ryes," cai•: the Lulli.., t r:, t.tagiui.ly. "Au' w Leu yn t 0, g aet•u„a t:,e square ye tori u, the tit. tit. tt",i up into high ati0e1, and Ice•,•p uu up High street till ye came to a pump. • "Quite right, wy lad ;proceed," sats his \Verrhip. ''I know the old .pump well." "\Veil," raid the boy with the ►float infantile simplicity, ".ye may gang and pump it, f,,r yc 11 ne'punt p we."—DnIdiu'i'ithee. $1,000,000 Garr nooDLING. Under the ut,ove heading. Lee; Preis says :— 'The other clay wt out doe t: et $.5C0,000 the:; amount of hoe:Wile; done Ly the Grit Laur ier,-Mercier-Pacaml-L:teecie-r c!i- niece \Vs now have incoruiatitt,from two iter"hers of the house, funnier illurciurites wlicli we wnald Lt•si- t:Ue to give to the public, ,-„ inerts• ible is ir, if our twoinfortu:,nts were not tie positi t'e in their aflit•t:,f.•ttote lou can, without any fear,' they telt ue, "put down at between $8(b0 ()0U and $ 1,000,000 the nmol,:et of boodle since 1887," and trey have given n:c the fol lowieg list, in round 'guns; :--`•\'J hr'ai, Quet.e•o Court. louse, $100,000 ; A''ph. Churlebois. egi..l,.ttiV( 1.;1;1::i14:, 8100,000 - Iltntbet• mere:uauts, $100,000 ; Grand Trunk Railway, $200,000 ; Tetuis- couate li.cil .v -y, $35,000 ; first Baie idea Cltaleurs Locdio, 815.000 ; se- cond Bale dee Cl:aleurs $100,000 : Vallet•e's contract, on $200,000, $50, 000; .couu uissiou on loans, $300, 000 ; 11'rger contract, at lt,a-t $50, 000 ; Ileotucr contrnce, oe difl'rrt'ut subsidies, at least $50,000 ; differ- ent operations, Lockwood, iron bridges, etc., etc., etc,, $100,000. Total $1,100, 000. Anil this doers not incletle the ransoltte exacter!, by the Bet: olo:Is, the Clioquets; the l•xouins, the Steins, ere. A Royei Commission Laviug the necssary powers would re)•enl a *tore of de- moralization in Quebec admiuist•rat. ive spheres such al does not exist in any Stale, even the loosest in the world." • U MLItCIER'S POLICY AN INSLL'i' TO Tri:: CLELOI. Under the above heading L. .Eteicdard says that L'I'leclewr has finally lost it heed uecause, in a re- cent issue, it stated that, in the event of elections the English would declare uumerciful'war,against Mr. 'Mercier, but the curs would fight fur him like lions. "In honest truth," says the Castor organ, "the Electear people aro strur•k with i u- e,cuity. It is ineoutpreheusib`?t? that the Grit party ruin the men who seek to stir up tlie working classes to mutiny, who daily insult the auth- ority of the representative of the Crown, who act as demagogues and socialists pure tied simple, should make tt bulwark of the clergy' to conceal their misdeeds. What does i'lercier take our priests to me 1 He wants them to fight like lions to approve a robbery of $100,000 committed to the detriment of the public treasury, Does be forget that the mission of our priests is to teach that "thou shalt not take thy neighbor's goods." Whet part party spirit would melee the; clergy play if demagogues had their own way i The Prime Minister had gaiued for himself much good feeling among our priests, through a sound and Catholic policy, dui ing the first four years of his reign ; but wo know what we aro saying when wo assert, to -clay, with full knowledge, that for eight mouths Mr. 11ercier'e policy has filled our clergy with well-foundod fears and real anx- iety." BIRTHS. CoLrc—O" Novr. 4, the wife of Mr. Thee. Cole, Con. 9. Goderich tp., of a son. MARRIAGES. RowDEN—RICuARDaoc ,—At the resi- iconco of the bride's parents, Goderich township, by Rev. ,1r Diehl, on 23•1, Ootober, William J. Ptowdcn to Jea,.;e Richardson, daughter of Mr. James Rtchardeon, DWVER—KFLLY—Oa the 1Gtt1, in the R.:man Catholic church, Blyth, by the Rev. Father McGee, Mr. Jos. Dwyer, of Detroit, \ties„ to lfiss i1ary, second daughter cf Mr. John Kelly, hotel keeper, Blyth. —A Milton hotel keeper sues a farmer near Campbellville, for say• ing that on show day the hotel keeper sold bad whiskey to his hired man and made him siok for two or three days,—Reformer. —The export apple trade from kl}q ,aeighborhaad .of:,.3,ngersollarses:--... : season is very heavy, over 15,000 barrels being shipped during the past few weeks from that town alone.