The Huron News-Record, 1891-10-07, Page 6Oatarri IS ablood disease, Until the poison. Is expelled from the system, there eau be Ito cure felt,,. this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough comets ot Ayer's 8arsaparil1ae-tbe beet of all blood purifiers. The eooner you begin the better; delay is dangerous. "' I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number of physi- cians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A. few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- pletely restored my health." -Jesse M, Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. C. 'When Ayer'eeersaparilla was rec- ommended to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben- efit, I had no faith that anything would cure ine. I became emaciated from loss of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of amen, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re- ferred me to persons whom it had cured of catarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." -Charles II. Maloney, 113 Elver et.; Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. -0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price 121; six bottles, V. Worth $b a bottle. The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Your -$1.25 in Advance. 'Wednesday Octr. '7th, 1891. HOW THE DOCTOR DIAGN11S• ED A CASE '1 didn't know I ought to awkl1- low him,' he replied, wide eyed and anxious. 'Dentist pull tooth. He 88- to tea, "Spit blood here." Ido like he tell me. Your doctor say ver' bad for lungs, spit blood. Next time I ewal'low him.' "I helped another praetitiouer, in good and- regular etauding, to ex- amine a man's heart, He found a pretty bad wheeze in the left side. I had to nurse that man. He had been on a bat, end alt on earth that ailed him was that spree, but he got treated for heart trouble. It scared the man almoet to death. "I'd learned' how a heart shuuld souud, so one day I tried his, He was in bed then, and it sounded all right., se wheu the doctor cause in, I -took him aside, and told him that 1 didn't waut to interfere, but that mag was scaled about to death over his heart, and it seemed to tee it was all right -sounded like other hearts -and his pulse was all right too. Tho doctor was load as e Match hare, though he had tuld nue to make two or three tests, and keep the record for hien against the time ot his next visit. \Veit, to make a long matter ahurt, the final discov- ery was -the man don't know it yet, and he is going around in dread of dropping off any minute with heart failure -that at the first exam- ivation the man had only removed his coat and vest, and his new sus- pender on his starched shirt had made the squeak. That is• a cold fact, and the man paid over eighty dollars for the treatment lie had for his heart." -From "Common -Sense in Surgery," by IlELEN 1f. GARUEx• Fat, in Harper's .Magazine for Octo ber, "A. doctor and a surgeon may be the scene pelsun,,' remarked he philuoophical trainer, uraottl u:y, rebut they 5)231010 it o. li yOlt Whine —)a urn dugs du v. bun their ;'not hurt alter a hunt -U1 if you ilnlp or c.,Iut'kill, a iuctor guesses what is the ;,,,11' t w lei, Vuu '''11,11 1,8 g,ts ; W :.ttw :,t:ytu 1f;lo'h get„ •ti.• I:g.,1, :,110 ;II -3 ill luck, and !. 1. •hlllr et.,lttu'. 111 1 Ile Cta•-� '•i I"': 11 Ii 'y1C11, �, )00 80i13') „ 13.1:111 n-, , illl.a ;le is 10 i< •. 1,ruu,,,1 •t12-1 1111,11 look at ye., ( ....I , \1,,. 0-' , epi cu,.r.8) to gees, 33,1.•1 i1,1t1deiL„ Ilia ui• .tic,i p,.,:uii-ut and his an �. .i i, ,i-ui ul•,,nt,i and en- ter 1:,!11• i :.. .,.tl i .'etc. u+,tg' d him to 40 OU. -Nov( 3'211.:• •,1;3',:.,11 it is differ- ent. utgt'ry li 33: I-Xlt't science. Bnt,.rt• 1 ..r, k .lea pewee.' I was a c.,o1Si.301 il) a nuspital. In some ;.l !c. s -we are called trained nil -e.8 III t)llr I,I 3Ct1 338 33''i' call• ed nus' 33 i5 31u't;. '1'h ti'; Why I m,1<e soul, a .,ilatiticiiun but ween dect,.'3 3 an,l, 11I 3 one. I've, seen the 1•.30 t'•urk Fide 1,i sill,- su luug. I've 8.31: tirt,nieet mistakes ut„u,', and 1 t ,t•t'n nti:,lakes that were cul fut)h,j. 1•:t Peen post- moltem eXnmluallune that would have made a surghon ashamad th it he had ever been horn, looked noon by the doctor WLu irnattd the case 116 .Jot at all eii •lige,; didn't stagger him a bit in id,'own codeiou of grossest and Lis seientltiC kuuwlet?go neat time. 1 it Welubl•i un.: ease. It w•:ts 'a Japauu,t' buy. He was as solid as a liitln 11x, but he told I)r. G that he'd been taking a. homteope this pi e?c, ipiion fur a cold. That was enough for Dr. G —. A red rag in the van of a bovine ani- mal is nothing to the word'hunloeo• pansy' to 1)r. G—. hydropathy. gives him tits, .,11,1 eclecticism lilmost lays him nut Net lung ago he eat 011 a j iry whici, sent a plan to pi lain who hid ftil...1 .in a case of'inin,l- cure..' 1'h it gave deep delight to his 'teeelar'moue \Vel1, 1)r qut•stioued the tittle Jap, who could not speak g01)d English, 311111 Lad the net (bled il,clinatiun to agree with wlr.tever you say. Ever been in Jape:. 1 No ! \Voll, they are a droll lat. Always shrive to agree with w hat you say or suggest r' •1):d yu'l ever spit blood 1' asked •Dr. Cl—, by and by, after he could find nothing else wrung ex- cept the little cold for which the homcoopathie physician wus treating the lloy. •''Once,' replied that youthful victiw. WHOLESALE MURDER, 6wrdAPIG11 :C a! rR .W+.+a•�ki.W ya rFAC 14410.41 +"l iiR▪ G`+M+4,:oe .70,2410.7t H.ZR4 1•1.0iSiJ+rril.ar.' Itis 'Bother 1laseed him for the door With a pan in her ht+ltd he struck ber a terrible blow on the back of the head with a hatchet, sinking the irun into her head to the handle. She Sauk ids the floor without a moan, and the son then plunged his hunting knife into her breast three times, wrapped the body in a quilt, mounted his horse and started for Mexico. The father returned from his ru10e that night and the crime was discovered. The murderer was arraigned, and without a tremor or the elightest indication of reworee, pleaded guilty. Mr. Ray, the grey - beaded fathtt of the yuuug murder- er, has (aqua insane over the tor rihle affair, auel his life is despaired of. 11ON TIVENTY•ONE CHINAMEN \Vt1tlE SLAUGHTERED IN COLD 113,000, SAN FRANCISCO, Gal., Sept. 30. - Thu country was startled font' years a•,u by the report that the bodies of twenty one Chinese had come float- ing, down Snake river in Idaho. A11 the bodies bore marks of gun- shot wounds, and it was plain a ter- rible tragedy had occurred. Vestal - day the mystery was cleared up by the receipt at the Chinese consulate here of the confession of the father of one of murderers, Hugh Mc- Millan, now of Walla Walla, Wash- iugton, who makes an affidavit re - biting to facts given hien by his son Robert, aged sixteen, just before the latter's death. • The affidavit says : "In April, 1887, my son Robert, Bruce Dwane, J. T. Canfield, Maw Larne, Frank Vaughan, Hiram :,itlyuard and Carl Hughes were. in a cattle camp, fouri miles from Snake river. One day the whole party started for the Chinese camp. They were armed ,vith pistols and \'\riucheeter rifles. Thirten Chipese were in camp, The white nen di- vided into two parties, and at a given signal, fired upon the unarm- ed Mongolians. Twelve were killed and thrown into the river. Then the murderers rubbed the camp. They secured five sacks of gold dust, each worth $1,100. One China- man was wounded aed escaped. The next day Evans and Vaughan started mato see what had become of him, as they feared he would re- veal the crime. They found him trying to escape in a boat, and they dashed out his brains. Then they went to the Chinese camp and saw eight Chinese coming down the river in a boat. They did not let them land, and, being joined by Canfield and Larne, all four opened fire on the Chinamen and killed them. Their bodies were tossed into the river. Four men then went up the river. to another camp, where thirteen Chinamen were mining, and shot down the de• fenceless Chinese like dogs. Tho bodies were cast into the river, the carnp was looted, and gold dust valued at $50,000 was secured. My sun was only present at the first murder, but he knew all the facts. The scene of the tragedy was .:n the Oregon side of Snake river in Wal- lullacounty.” "'Aha! we are getting at the root of this matter now,' said Dr. G—. 'Now tell me truly. Be careful Did you spit. Bloch blood 1' "'Yes, sir; a good deal.' ."The doctor sniffed. He always knew that a hornceopathie hutnbug could Dot diagnose a case, and would b:) likely to get just abunt as .Tear the facie as a light cold would come to tuberculosis. "'How luug dill this last 1' he in - quit ed n•gaited )f the smiling boy. "'1 think -it seems to me-' 'A half hour l' (period the doc- tor ; 'twenty minutes 1' "'I tl,iuk so. Yes, sir. About half an .hour -twenty minutes,' re- epou'led the obliging youth. "I heard that talk. Common- sense told me the boy's lungs were all right ; but it was none of my business, and so I watched him treated, off and on, for lung trouble .for: over sea--tuon:th.., .befote.f 1L..,go6:,:� chance to ask him any questions. Then I asked, incidentally, "'What made you spit that blood that time, Gild 1' Vice -Consul Bee will send a tianslotion of this confession to the Chinese government. A FLIicri N G ELDER. CAUSES A SCANDAL BY 1IIa FONDNESS FORA WIDOW. Tile little hamlet uf Yrelwoud, in the township of Nest Garnfr,xs, bids fait' to Iuluiah rouodal ulunneis with plenty et delectable fund, if not au exciting divorce Cae0. A church elder, who is also a J. P., is said to have developed an extraot'• dinary fondness for a buxom neigh- boring widow, who is also a regular and apparently devout churchgoer, The flirtation has been going on for some time, but at last (natters• ase said to have reached a climax. Fur a long time the 111011'8 wife would not believe that her husband had more than a Christian fondness for the young widow, but the talk be- came so loud sod persistent that she at last determined to investigate af- fairs for herself. It is said that one night she followed hint to the wid ow's domicile, wheu she became convinced that things were awry. Since then she ham ceased attending chltl'cll, and is seriously deliberating the advisability of institutiug di- vorce proceedings, Q.teen Victoria has a teularkably hue head of hair, for a lady of her age ; but her son, the Priuee of 11' alas, is quite d Ayer's Hair Vi Had e A or bald 11dha used Y g earlier in 1110, his head might, to -day, have been as well covered au that of hie royal soother, it's net to;) late yet.. BEAUTIFUL BANFF, N. W. T. I was induced to use your Burdock Blood Bitters for coustipation end general debility and found it a complete cure w Lich 1 take pleasure in recemmend- ing to sit who may be thus allhoted."- James M. Caeeou, Banff, N. W. T. COULDN'T MARRY BY PROXY A MILWAUKEE MAN'S PLANS TO SAVE TIME AND WIN A WIFE COME TO NAUGHT. REMONSTRANCES RE- WARDED. BY A DEATH•DEELINO BLOW FROM A HATCHET. Among the immigrants who ar- rived at a New York port ten days ago was Lena Dohbert, a comely young German 18 years old,. The authorities refused to allow her to land unless she could obtain a hus- band or a guardian to take care of her, and she said thought Carl Van Hoff, of Milwaukee, \Vis., would taste care of her. Mr. Van Hoff, was communicated with, and this morning Acting Superintendent of Immigration O'Beirne received the following response ; This is to certify that I, Carl Van Hots', am willing to marry Lena Dohbert, provide that can do so by proxy, as 1 am too busy to spare the time, and I eby authorize General J. R. O'Beirne to select some gentle- men to act as my proyx. CARL VAN HoFF. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September, 1891. Ralph Ray, the twenty -year-old murderer of his mother, was capture ed Saturday evening in Canon Large, N. M., and returned to Durango, He made a confession to the sheriff in which be gave the par• ticulars of the crime. He said that after he and hie mother had eaten breakfast last Wednesday morning lie went to the barn and took two drinks. of whiskey from a bottle he had hidden in the hay. Returning to the hope', the informed his mother that lie was oing tormmgtori, 1�T M., to attend the fair. Mrs. Ray remonstrated, not desiring to be left alone. This angered him, and as JOHN THIELMANN, Notary Public. General O'Beit'ne thinks conduct• ing proxy marriages is some what out of the scope of his ditties, and if Mr. Van Hoff does not spare the time to come on and marry Line himself it is probable she will be sent hack to Germany. Arney .eaya,tle will return bonne and lits home will be worked anti developed the same `its heretofore and he will hold the rents. His congregation want hiiu back and A. J. Rosner, one of his parishioners offers to pay bis entire salary if he is returned. He has been highly successful as a pastor, but his salary is too email for thesupport of him- self and fatuity, and outside income is necessary to keep hint out of the poorhouse. Horse racing for money he admits is bad but for a prize he says it is no worse than a Demoreet coutest under the church roof. Arney has au offer to accept the management of a breeding farm at $ 1,600 salary and expanses. MRS. GEO, RENDLE. Mts. Geo. Rendre, of Galt, Out,, writes : "I can recommend Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for it is e sure cure for all au.nn.er comlleints. IVe are never without it in the house." Yfowler'a Wild Strawberry. Price 85". THE PARSON HORSEMAN. Consumption Cured. An old physletau, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an Sant India mission• ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent mire d Coos imption Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung ASeotions, also a punitive and radical Dura for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases. has felt it lus duty to make it known to hie s118ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve bu,mtn suffering, 1 will send free of charge, to all who dssire it, this recipe, in German, French or, English, with full directions for preparing and using. lent by mail by addressing with atam,, naming this parer. W.A. Norm -4,820 Powers' Bloc/r, Rochester, A.1'. 650-y — It is !currently reported that Mr. W. 11. Meredith will cuter the Dominion Cabinet. IIEN•RY G, JAMES. Henry G.:lames, of R innipeg, Mar•„ writes : "For several years 1 was troubl- ed with pimples and irritatinos of the akin. Af.er other remedies tailed I used four bottles of Burdock '.loud Bitters and since 'hon 1 have been smite tree from any e•nnp'aiut, li B B. win always occupy s oleos iu wy house:." - 1lra. Green of hingston sued ',Messrs. ivluuies and Brans and the Cauadian Collection Company fur libel and damages for posting up advnitisemeut8 about the riLy that she was indebted to Nlunies and Burne. Judge Rose delivered ,judment yesterday dismissing the action and sustaining the defend- ants on all points. The Rev. John W. Arney, the horse -racing parson, who was ad moniahed to reform by Bishop New- man in the Michigan Methodist Conference at Grand Rapids, Mich,, last week, is inclimed to take the bit in his mouth, and he is too honest in his convictions to keep silent. e• The many renisrkahle .:nets of catarrh •rrh effected by ;he use of Ayer.? Sarsaparilla ie e,melusivc proof Whit this loathsome and dan.terous disease ie one of the blood, only needing anon a searching and p-rw- erful t era:iv., to thoroughly e.,.dteate it. -Sarnia Canadian : "A hun- dred bushels of oats to the acre is a tremendous yield, yet it has been touched in Sarnia Township this season. 'A farmer who believed his crop to be something phenomenal, tested the yield by separately thresh- ing the shocks from half an acre ; and the result was found to be just over fifty bushels. His neighhors were astouished, and so was he." VICTORY AT VIVIAN. "In cur family faithful work bas been done by Fowler's Extrtct uf Wild Straw- berry as a sure and quiek cure for diar- r aa, dysentery anal all sn}nn.cr com- plaints. 1 c..11 rscmin,eud is to all as a family friend, always true and lait.l,ful " -Mrs. \V. titch"p, Vivian: Out. -On Thursday night Mrs. Peter McCullock, who reside at Sarnia, was in the act of milking, and had got all but cue cow milked, but had left this one, which had a young calf, until last.. Iver husband took the calf away and the cow 110 mediately turned' on the poor woe man, goring her and tratupliug her under foot. Deceased leaves be- hind a husband and large family. YM HADSOMVfEI. ORG'r,A ". FREE Given Away With Baking Powder, Best Offer Yet See the Hant'.some Organ, now on exhibition. .11 0 N. ROBSON. "FAT DOCTOR BILLS MAKE LEAN WILLS," but Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy oasts lsas than one doctor's visit. Catarrh ie a loathsome; dangerous di.easo, and the time has come wheu to suffer from it ie a disgrace. N i pere"n of culture and re- finement earths to iofliet upon his friends his offensive breath, diegnetin ghawking and spitting and disagreeable efforts to breatheireely and clear the throat and nose -hence the cultured and refined nee Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. And oo wise and prudent man cares to run the risk of leaving hie family without a pro- tector, by letting his "slight catarrh" run into serious o, fatal throat 51111 len; troubles, hence the 'wise and prudent ate Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy The pro- prietor(' of this remedy are so ooafld, nl of its °erative properties, that they have made a standing offer of a reward cf $500 for a case they cannot ,:ore. He talks freely of the situation and it is possible this freedom will secure for him another atirriug up in the confereuce. He says he came to the conference conscious of nothing wrong either against moral- ity or propriety, and the way the brethren jumped upon him made him feel deeply humiliated. He eays that the Rev. J. A. Sprague, one of his chief accusers, has attend- ed horse races in this city and at Three Rivers, but is not enough of a man to acknowledge it. When he attended the Three Rivera races Brother Arney says he handed his ticket to a Methodist deacon in Sprague's church. Dr. Cogehall, who fisrcely assault- ed Arney in the confereuce, once owned a sorrel nag at Eaton Rapids which was a flyer, but Arney says Cogshalj, knowing nothing about horses, was not bright enough to ma&'b"5i3(S roTitvf'tliM-rer'd°TP, bably got tired of the businesss and is jealous because Arney can make money at it. ▪ CLINTON. Arai Is used both internally at d externally. it acts quiokly. &Cording. lmoat instant yy relief from the sever tet pain. • DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. IILSTAt1TI.u2 SOUS IL ITS ACTION. Por CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL. COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowen Complaints its effect Is magical. it cures In a very short time: THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. 60L.0 EVERYWHER0 AT 260. A BOTTLE, CR' Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. The FOR GOOD ENVELOPES owsR000Fd FOR FNICE BPL HEADG FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN Al i, DEPARTMENTS DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. Groceries. Groceries. G CAT7r��ON !-iROS'_ -Have a splendid stock of — Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crocktiry, Glass and Ohivaware At prices consistent with good goods, We are 'a a petition to guarantee as you value as any other house in the trade. fry our Famous Teas, the best for th least money in the market. \Ve have a stock or General Groceries that cannot h surpassed in quality or lowness of price. 1)c not invest till you call on us, CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton, ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Wes nese, Failing Memory, tack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by HazeIton'e Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Lose of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Lose of Power Pains In the Back, Night Emissions, Drain In Urine, Seminal Losses, $Ioepleeenees Aversion SoeIety,-UnfitforStndy, keeeelae=endo.: Renee, eta, eta Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 gold yearly. Address enolosing stamp for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist. BOB Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. 11-Rdi\l- 161 NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the Now Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever,' description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store asissarnammilsidelloMemminimmewa, o THOS. JACKSON, SR., MERCHANT TAILOR, \IITTRON — o — We have opened up a lot of FINE NEW GOODS for fall trade. When needing a FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT come and see what we have got. We keep a nice selection in HATS AND CAPS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. We are offering just now a FINE LINE 01' TR'"USERINGS worth $8 for $6 that is worth seeing and.is a Big Bargain. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already 'represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SIJRSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thlvugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOR PRINTING. The Job Lepeirtment of this jour- nal- is' rfne°of' the best. -quipped. in•. Western Ontario, and a superior class of wort: is guaranteed at very lom prices. J.C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. &TAIL these makes in key and stem winders Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLIN1ON. ..J ,•_.:t STRAY STOCK ADVER iJ TISEAIENTS inserted in THE Thews RECORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock if you want any kind o1 advertising you will not do better than call on Tewe-Reocord. _ IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connecticn with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in hie line aa heretofore. Will also keep on hand Wtuxrxsox Plows, COLTER @ SCOTT DEiLLs, DISC Hannows, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 647-3m Holmesville and Clinton A NICE HOME A51(1-11ATA t) -ugh€acres iAT'anUwlI1 I select orchard of choice appie tree.1 comfortable hotted and stables ; adjoining Oode• rich township. Apply to B.IIL. DOYLE, Godel lch. 5264413