The Huron News-Record, 1891-10-07, Page 4We are now ready ato do business with you, and we are happy to say that our position is such
satisfaction as you could only hope to receive in the lar ge
ac u lace est and Newest Stuf t
that we are able to give ou sue
s of Trade and Fas�.on. e hire p packed our place with the �3
the principal wholesale Centres of the Dominion. Already we have gained the reputa-
�un in
tion of keeping not a trashy, cheap, low-grade stock, but a Name for High -Class, Stylish, Good *�
Goods, which, as all buyers know, are the Cheap Goods. We have this season bought the very
best and Most Stylish Goods we could lay our hands on, and we are happy to say the people
appreciate our efforts. OUR DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING DEPATTMENT has develop-
ed into a most unqualified success. When we began we had no idea we would be so backed up by the ladies of the town and couniry, to
say nothing of these who come from a distance. Our NIRS. KENNEY is certainly giving the Ladies of Clinton the Style Fit, Finish and
Comfort in their Garments that they have long looked for in vain heretofore, as she has not had an alteration of the most trifling
nature, and we trust it may continue so. OUR DRESS GOODS for the Fall are simply lovely in themselves, and Ladies looking for
Costumes in any of the leading fabrics of the season, may be suited at once. The same masibe said of the Mantle and Cloaking Goods.
Come and see us,
tw>iluetzlgieuaellto thto gag
Reducing Sale—Harland Bros.
Printers' Ink—Jackson Bros.
Carpets—.state J. Hodgens.
Clothing—'1'. Jackson, Sr.
Hand Baskets—W. Cooper & Co.
Window Shades—Robins Bros.
Success —Beesley & Co.
Many Specials—Mara & Co.
The Forest City Business College.
County Council Meeting.
rare Huron News-Recora
1.60 a Year—$1.26 In Advance
Wednesday. Oetr. 7th. 1891.
In these columns last week we re•
ferred to the mixture of good and
evil in everything under the sun.
We held that there is inherent evil
in every human being; that govern-
ments were composed of individ-
uals, and as the parts of the govern-
mental machine were all somewhat
imperfect, perfection could not be
expected of any combination of
A. friend asks us what we meant
in this connection by saying "vic-
iousness is consistent with infallibil-
ity." if he will look at the preced-
ing context in the article referred to
he will find that we had said :
"When a government or a party or
individual claims to have no imper-
fections, it or he is advertising itself
or himself as the greatest fraud on
the top of the earth." This is the
sort of "infallibility" which we held
and do hold viciousness is consist-
ent with.
We had in our mind's eye at that
time another article in the same is-
sue entitled. "0, Those Grit Pur-
istf," in which we reproduced with
historical accuracy the immoral
-statements and corrupt and illegal
practices of such posers of infallibil-
ity as Hon. Geo. Brown when he
asked Hon John Simpson of the
Ontario Bank to "come down baud.
somoly." Of another of the purists
when he remarked, "I go into an
election ta. win and don't care a
d ---n what it costs." Of the thir•
ty Grit members who were unseated
for religiously endeavoring to ole•
vats the standard of infallibility.
We had in our mind's eye the
gentle, genial M. C. Cameron of
Huron who iu 1873 at the Goder-
ich Park bank, when seeing Sir
John A. McDonald off on the gun-
boat, remarked to some who were
praising the speech of Sir John at
the Park House the night previous :
"These," .and the member for West
Huron pulled out a considerable roll
of bills, "will make a better speech
than ever John A. made."
We also thought of the infallibil-
ity of the unsophisticated H. H.
Cooke, M. P., at Goderich about the
same time, where he had some lum•
her interests,exhibiting several large
packages of bills just as they cine
from the bank, and saying to his em-
ployees to whom he was paying some
money : "I am going to be elected
if it takes a cord of such packages to
do it."
And Mr, Cameron's bills did
make bettor speeches than Sir John ;
and H. H. Cooke's cords of ten dol-
lar bills did elect him ; and scores
of other Grit purists were elected
by the aama-infallible means only
sss . tq.-beTutn e.ateds .- ....
And Mr. Cameron and his fellow
purists are the ones who pose as inn.
maculate iufallibles to whom the premier of Quebec, by which Harbor of Refuge. A considerable
bare thought of receiving or rising an arrangement was arrived portion of this has been spent in
money for election purposes is as at, whereby promises were annual dredgings. The whole
the sight of a red rag to an fpri• made of increased annual subsidies amount will he spent in a few years
ate male bovine, to the various provinces, from the and nothing deft to show for it but
"These are the men who, out of Dominion Treasury. We offer as an unavailable monument of a
the hideous inner chambers of their proof the high handed end tyran- penny wise and pound foolish
own multiplied horrors drag forth nous exercise of the licensing policy. An extension of the North
the fleshless skeletons of their own branches of both Provincial govern- pier as originally intended, we be•
bygone corruptness and dress them ments ; the jobbery to.favoritee in sieve, would solve the difficulty, be
up in sepulchral ceremonta and pre- educational and school hook mat- in the end most economical and
sent thein to the House as samples tete; the dehauching use of public conserve the trade interests of the
of Tory corruptness. As notice the funds betongi..g to the Crown lands Dominion and preserve the lives of'
monstrous charges against Poatmas- ' and Public Roads ; and the iufam-, many gallant sons of the sea.
ter General Haggart and Cochraue ons favoritism in the matter of con- It is not a Goderich matter, largely
M. P. for Northumberland. tracts with asylums, ponitentaries that town is indifferent or uncon-
Why, they might as well have re- and the many public institutions serried. And when we see the
vived the irregularity of Adam, the throughout the Provinces—all this hundreds of thousands that have
murder charge against Cain, that of was the fire that Mr. Mowat along been spout in Quebec while this
suicide against Sampson, of adultery with his brother Mercier proposed important public work is neglected
and murder against David or mis• to use and did use and are using we cannot but think there is some
carriage of justice against Pontius against the Federal governtneht and truth,in the statement that Ontario
Pilate. the honest electorate throughout the is "no good" except fur Quebec cot-
They are the iufallibles who put Dominion. morants to feed upon.
the country to a reckless expense of We do not give as proof the irre- We are led to those remarks at
sponsible and disproven declatna- this time by seeing the following in
nearly half a million dollars while
airing their affected virtue and pock- tory statements of special pleaders of the Empire of Saturday
sting $ i00 each extra s"ssional pay, the M. C. Cameron brand. We do "Mayor John Butler, Messrs William
Lee and M. Hutchison, cf Goderich, and
They are the purists who, saturated not offer as proof the suborned John Earle, general freight agent of the
with wrong doing and envy, statements of the Grit press whose Grand Trunk railway, Toronto, con -
journals dependsatituted a deputation which welted on
selfishness and all manner of un existence as upon Hon. Prank Smith, ActingManager of
charitableness, would make the American annexation funds, upon Public Works, and other ministers to -
funds derived from American rail- day. The deputation is appointed by
country believe that those admiuis- the Town Council of Goderich to urge
way corporations, upon funds de- upon the Government the necessity of
making Goderich harbor something more
rived by Premiers Mercier and
than a harbor of refuge in name only.
Mowat from heir hordes of parasites The petition they presented points taut
w o, while sticking the verylife that in rou1ih weather a vessel drawing
h 12 teat of water or over Gaon it
blood out of the people of the vati- enter the heeher, and that it is a diff, alt
ons matter even for steamships, unless they
Provinees, are awaiting the ad -
are of light draught. The deputation
vent of their infallible friends to ask for a liberal appropriation to extend
power, ready when that moment ar••the piers, which will nut as a break-
water, and that the harbor he thoroughly
rives to exclaim, and to act upon the dredged. The members cf the depute -
exclamation ; No pent up Province tion were greatly pleased with their re-
ception by the Minister."
contracts our bleeding powers, the The authorities at Ottawa should
Treasury of the whole broad Do deal with this matter from the
minion is ours.
National standpoint that moved
them to fix upon Goderich as a
Harbor of Refuge in the first
tering the affairs of this country are
as bad as themselves.
They but held the mirror up
which reflected their own corrupt
natures and doings. They are the
ones in whom viciousness is consis-
tent with pharisaical infallibility.
They cut a droll figure. They
display a flag on which is inscribed
"honest voting and honest govern-
ment," while they are merely piti-
lessly exposing their own rascally
doings which the election courts and
the public mind have indelibly re-
corded. These are the ones who gloss
over, who never mention as they
pass them by in the records of the
Courts and of Parliament, the cor-
r•uptuess of the Camerons and
Cookes and "Majah" Walkers and
Hon. Simpsons, and Timothy Ang-
lus, and Vaile .and brother Charles'
iron pipe customs and steel rail
frauds, and Neehing hotel swindles,
and "my friend Moore" and God-
erich harbor tender conspiracy.
They will pass by on the other side
without looking at these evidences
of their infallibility and sneer at the
honest Samaritans of the Conserva-
tive government and party who
probe to the very bottom any alleg-
ed wrong doing of their officials and
followers. They sneer at the Con-
servative majority because it has
endeavored to protect the public
against the wrong doings of' its own
Give us proof, we think we hear
our pharisaically infallible purists
say. We have only to refer to the
many recent dismissals from the
public service ; the expulsion from
the House of McGreevy ; the cen•
sure of Langevin for his negligence,
for his credulity in the good faith of
his sworn assistants.
We give as proof the reports of
the various committees composed of
Conservative majorities. We give
as proof the utterances and actions
of Premier Abbott in the Senate
and Hon. Sir .John Thompson in
the House.
We give as proof the bellig-
event ,exclamation of the saintly
-01Wirt M5* t "W utile$ fight the
devil with fire," and forthwith he
holds conference with his brother
Millions for Quebec hut not one
cent for Ontario seems to some ox• EDITORIAL NOTES.
tent of late years to have been the
motto of the Public Works Depart• Anentthe conviction of one the
went at Ottawa. We have time Montreal agents of a news agency
and again, in a thoroughly disin for sending abroad lying despatch-
terested manner, referred to the in- es the Witness remarks "It is cur -
complete condition in which the ions that while the publication of
Harbor of Refuge at Goderich had false news is condemned the publi-
been left. We say disinterested cation of false opinions is regarded
because Clinton and Goderich are as quite in keeping with respectable
supposed to be rival towns and that journalism." It is now in order
every citizen of Clinton shonld do for the Witness to revise its political
what he could to injure . or arrest opinions for, as Mr. Kernighan of
the progress of Goderich, and vice Benmiller showed in an excellent
versa. Such petty parish pulings letter republished in these columns,
we have never indulged in. Whe- they are "false" as reprosentiug the
ther in railway, harbor or other well being of this country.
facilities having in view the develop-
ment of the transportation channels So far as the excess ve duties of
we have always held that what will the United States have affected trade
help Goderich will help Clinton in farm produce between the United
and what will help either or both States and Canada they have proh-
will help the farmers of this and ably somewhat bonefitted the Ameri•
other sections of the Dominion. can Western farmer, but have cer-
Nor must we confine ourselves to tainly not injured the Canadian
a practical matter of trade view in farmer. On the other hand they
reference to the beggarly manner in have injured certain classes of
which the Goderich Harbor of American consumers and other lanai -
Refuge has been treated. There is noes men. The minsters nt Oswego
the humanitarian view. Several are up in arms against the barley
lives are annually lost on Lake duty. Mr. Gaylord of that city
Huron through that Harbor in- says that from Octr. 1890 to Octr.
adequately meeting the purposes in- 1891 only 15,000 bushels of barley
tended by the Government when had been entered at Oswego for
they tool: it into their hands and consumption, while during the pre -
spent hundreds of thousands of ceding year over 1,000,000 bushels
dollars on it. This expenditure has had been received there. About
been comparatively thrown away so $10,000,000 are invested in malting
far as trade Or humanitnrian purposes and elevator concerns in American
are concerned'' order cT is lie` ween f3awego aui1
Probably $100,000 would be re- Detroit which is now valueless.
quired to make the Harbor a real About 500 or 500 men have been
During the last few days.
We are selling them at
Half the Regular Price.!
And giving our customers GENUINE BARGAINS.
We have still a number left that
For we have not room to store them away. Now is your
time to get a BASKET at
Less. Than Wholesale Price
COOPER'S;- Fagcg;- Store,
oI I 1101`T_
thrown out of employment in Os
wego alone, owing to the prohibi-
tion against Canadian barley.
Mr. Millman, of Woodstock, one
of the largest dealers and exporters
of horses in Canada writes the press
giving his experience in the horse
export trade since the McKinley
bill came in force. He says, "Wl.ile
in Eusland I saw a great many
draft horses arrive from Canada and
they sold well." The McKinley
bill did this. "General purpose
horses, vannera they call them there,
sold fairly well." Referring to
road, carriage or saddle horses which
class requires a goodly portion of
the warm thoroughbred blood, Mr.
Millman says, "If you know how to
handle them you can afford to wait
for customers and will be sure to find
good sale for theta, especially if they
are sound and in good condition and
well put together." A strong point
against the sixty millions market is
incidentally made when Mr. Mill-
man remarks, "I also saw a g_re@t
many 7nitod States horses, carriage
and roadsters, arrive and sold, but
the Canadian horses are much pre-
ferred." It only requires a few
minutes consideration of the class
of farm products we have to sell and
it• will be seen it is precisely the
same as the United states have to
sell. And both find England the
best market for their surplus. Take
even barley as well as peas, wheat,
corn, cattle, horses, hog products,
eggs, butter, cheese etc., etc., and
we will find that the United States
send large quantities of all these to
England. 'And why l Because
they find it their beat, and in some
eases their only market. Let Cana-
dians whose osculatory attentions
have been directed to a very unsav-
ory portion of Yankee anatomy give
us a rest on the advantages of the
American market. Let them reflect
that it is an economic absurdity to
try to make intelligent people be-
lieve that the American market is
the best for Canadian farm products
so long as the Americans themselves
find England, or more properly
speaking Britain, the best market
for products of the same class as we
have to sell.
CANTELON.--In Clinton, on October 2nd,
the wife of Mr. Peter Cantelon, jr., of
a son.