The Huron News-Record, 1891-09-30, Page 3• m., .�'y_'•v-..'`.IS'�.n�L6 ,�..Hwy?�11f.F�.1sFFr'1TX:�V4"•w+Ml,w _ i9USINESS•DIRECTORY MONEY. i TO TH. FARMERS .._. p...Y• " `- - A Large amount of Private money to loan. Low. I $turfy Your own letoreet and go Wherl& 1tl;ittg. I at rate of interest C. A, HABIT, you cap get k Solicitor oto. I f99 MOLSDNZ 9111 Ineorporatod by Act of Parliament, 1865, CAPITAL, - $2,000,000 REST.', . - $1,000,000 Head Otioe, - MONTREAL" THOMAS WORKMAN, President. ,,,J J. H. R. MOLSON, Vlee•Pasident.111 F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex• change bought 'and sold at low- est current rates. INTEREST AT 4 PER CANT. ALLOWED ,ori:DarunlT l-_ -.rr' 1 T'A RMS EtlS_ Money advanced to farnierson their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re quired as security. H. C. BREWER, Maua6er,'1 LLINTuN February. 1884 G. D. McTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A (IENEKAL BA KING BUb'1 NESS TRANSACTED. Note, Discounted. - - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June 8th, 1891 O58y lisissa: entiitrg. T, C. Bruce, L. D.S. ifili ss. Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. dice --Reefer's old stand, Coats' Block, Clinton. N.B.-Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at Mason's Hotel. 575-y G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra lusts Of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless I xtraction teeth. Office -Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Post Office, Clinton. Night Bell answered. 492y Itreciiezti. DR. GUNN W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licenciate of the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on verner of Ontario and William Sts., Clinton. 478-y. DR. T U R N B U L L. .1. L. Turnbull, NI. B, Toronto Univ. • yl. D. C. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Out, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office :-Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel. Electric night boll at front entrance, J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. J. W, Shaw, M. D. C. M., Physician,.Surgeon, Accoucher, etc. Office in the Palace block, Rattenbury St., formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. Iregxi. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4.e.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLiNTON, Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING, JAS. SCOTT. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chaneery,and jJ Conveyahcing. Office -West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. C. HAYS, Solicitor, Jet. Office, corner of IV Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 67. Birt Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. CASIPION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor in D. tJ Chancery, Conveyancer, Ac. Office over Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu pied by Judge Doyle. Agar Any amount of money to loan at lowest ates of interest. 1•ly. -Iuettootertoo. H. W. BALL, �UCTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at- a tended to in any part of the County. Ad- 1ressorders tQ OODSRtea P 0. V-17. CHAS. IIA1IILTON, AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, ]n reasonable terms. A list of farms and village for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at ow rates of interest. Insurance effected on all lasses of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold nn commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold, Blyth. Dec. 16,1880. t Photographer s CLO SItst �ayL�y `O CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. 4Jo•ttay to god MONEY.to lend In large for small sumo o good mortgages or personal security a. the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron st Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26,1881 1 MONEY. �itTV'A'TE`F%IJDR T6 tend on Town ant: farm property Apply to C. RiDOUT, Office, up -stairs, opposite Town Hall, Albert Street. 859.5m Utas Perrin's Block. Reliable i FOR SALE. ffMile SUBSCRIBER offers for silo four eligible .L Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; bee two fronting on ttatteubury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further partIeulura apply to the undorsignt.d.-E. DiNSLEY, Clinton. 382 asars,.,,at SISMINISINNINS A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meets in Jackson's Hall, Victoria Block, the 1st and 3rd Fridays in each month. V sitore cordially invited. R. STONEIIAM, M.W.; J. BEAN, Recorder. 598y' Erie=aa•=w.r. r sisessracssees Yaa"ortic. ('(LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. P. R A lJ meets every Friday, on or after the moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. RICH HEYWOOD, w. u. OW EN BALLARD, Sec Clinton Jan. 14, 1590. 1• (Orange. L. 0. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets SECOND Monday of every month. Hall, Sad fiat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always 80 made welcome. R'. C. SMITH, W. bl P• CANTELON, Sec. WM A ROSS, D. M.81 Path Knigltto jubilee Precoptory No. IR (Black Knights of Ireland) • Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7,30 o'clock in the evening. -Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preoeptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 3911 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wedne day after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Monday of every month. Visiting knights alway s made welcome, W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich 1' 0 S. HURONI,ORANCEitDIRECTORY. 1891 Names of the District Musters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office ad- dresses and date of meeting. BIDDULPI[ DISTRICT, John Neil, W.I).11., Ceutralia P. 0. 219-S, liarlton, Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 662 -Thomas Conrsey, Lucan, Saturday on or before full moon. 493 -Richard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed- nesday on or before full moon. 826 -William Haggett, Grand Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 800-W. E. McRoberts, Maplegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924 -Henry Lalubrooi, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each`month. 1071 -John Halls, Elimville, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097 -James Cathers, Sylvan, Monday on or before full moon. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610 -Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on or atter full moon. GODER1CUIe.DISTRICT. Geo. B. Hanley, sV.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday in each :nonth. 153 -Andy, \lillinn, Auburn, Friday on or I> '„ 'v full moon. 182-W. 1I. efurney, Goderich, last Tuesday e each month. 189 -Adam .. aloe, lJolmesville,Mon- day on n' !bre full moon. 262 -James \t', ' a, Salt ford, 3rd Wed- nesday in ,•h month. 306 -George Cooper. Clinton, 1st Monday in tch month. Hull.. 'PT DISTRICT. A. H. Todd, W. 1'.;1i., Clinton P.O. 710-W.' G. Smith Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each molt I, 813 -James Homey; Winthrop, List Wednesday before mull moon. 928 -Thomas Mcl lyeen, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st Monday in each month. STANLEY DISTRICT. Joseph Foster, W.P.M., Varna P. 0. 24 -John Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Monday in each month, 308 -James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in each month. 833 -Robert Nicholson, Blake, 1st Wed- nesday in each month. 733-Jo1In Berry, Hensel!, 1st Thursday In each month. 1035 -William Rathwell, Varna, 1St Thursday in each month. tee -NOTE. -Any omissions or other errors will he promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. NI. Todd, Clinton 7.0. BILI' HEADS, NOTE Heads, Letter heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printei in a workman- like manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR ' SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchgn, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood end carriage beeves, There are alae some good fruit trees. This. petfiiertyi tk beautifully etluated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. Fm further particulars apply to B. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Godericb. Harness. I manufacture none but toe BEST of ETocK. Beware of shops that dell cheap, as they hada sot to five it,f Call and get prices. Orders. by mail prompiy attended to- ���1EiL! Y7► •E.dIJiJJ, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BJ.YTII, ONT .1. E. BLACKALL, Veteriaaty Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animal, on the most modern and scientific principles. ea'Calls attended to night or day. Office Mimedl,telt' west of the pld Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence- Albert street, Clinton. 549-3m ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs in Ferrin'e Block, Clinton, Out ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Montreal and Quebec, To Derry and Liverpool. CABIN $SC to $60, According to location of Staterooms. Intermediate arid Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE LINE. I. 'SERVICE OF 'ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight, CABIN, $36 and upwards. Return, $65 and upwards. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to H.I, A ALLAN, 7Ioutreal or A. O. PA'CTISON or PM. ACKSON;Clinton NOTICE. The undersigned being necessarily absent from town for some time, has left his hooks and accounts with MANNING & SCOTT, to whom pay- ments may he made. JOHN WISE3IAN. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BsiiuioR, 2 doors east of NEws-RECORD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircllttiilg. PO\IPADOPR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY COPP WALL PAPER and Paint Shop LIS STOCKED WITHIN A SELECT ASSORTMENT I-cF- Americantand Gallatin Wall Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and ley' practical ex- perience justify me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me a cAall, te' Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's residence. JOSEPH C'OPP Practical Paper Manger and Painter The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farmland Isolated Town Proper- ity only Insured, OFFICERS, Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, SeeyTreae., Senforth 1', 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, (DIRECTORS, JAS, Broadfoot, Senforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan• non, Walton ; Thos. Corbett, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Oeo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend ed t$ on application to any cf the above officers, addfessed to their respective post citces. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497-tf GEORGE TROWHILL. PUMP FACTORY FOR RENT The undersigned offers for rent, in the town of Clinton, an old established Pump Factory with horse power and all tools in connection with pump making. A profitable business has been carried on on the premises for the past 26 years. Apple to 663-tf JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. .PROPPRTY'IFOR.rS'ALE DP RENT. -Advertisers will find "The News -Record" one of the beat mediums In the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News. -Record" -The Double Clrcnlatioe Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. a LI* 01 QU .A FIGHT FOR t111.e.it►NS. I CREATNEMEDY r -® i. M*.A.X.f,.al . RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc.,. bold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions mu 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot: Toronto, Ont. The Huren News -Record $1.50a Yea:-$1.$5;iu Advance. Wednesday Sept. 30th, 1891. EVES ANI) EARS. have we that we may see and hear ; brains that we may reason and under- stand ; so there's little excuse fur much of the sufferiug that is tolerated. Dr. Fleece's Golden Medical Disooye, y is last becoming the one recognized remedy for all diseases reggultiug from thiu, impure and impoverielred Moto', Iudigeetien and dyspepsia, eorofulottc affeotious, live; and kidney diseases, sense and swellings, uater(11 and Con- sumption, are blood ntfectione. With purified, enriched and vitalized blood, they flee as dinknese before the light! J),. Pteroe's Gulden Mcdieel Discovery is the only guarantee,/ hlood•puritier and liver invigorator. Sold on trial ! Money promptly returned, if it doesn't benefit or cure. A CRITIQUE. A man, a desk, a room. The mall was in the room, and his feet were on the desk. Nothing was wasted. The man was an editor. Somebody rapped at the door. "Come in,;'said the editor. It was a boy. He laid a book on the editor's table and went out again. The editor looked at it awhile, and therm took it into another room where there was another man with his feet on a desk, lie was writing busily, but ceased his work as the editor came in. He was a litterary person. "All right," said the literary per - 80.1. Then the editor went out. The clock in one corner of the room kept up an incessant ticking. The literary person disliked this clock, but the man who wrote the financial articles owned the clock and would not allow it to be remov- ed. He said its ticking reminded bite of the way bankers did busi- ness. After a while the literary person finished his review of a book on the ethics of protoplasm and stopped writing. Presently he looked at the book which the editor hail left. He had never seen anything like it before. But he did not weaken. Again his pen traveled rapidly over the paper. This is what he wrote : "'We have received from the pub. Ushers a dainty little work entitled 'Recnrda of '('rotting and Pacing in the United States and Canada for 185(1,' and can warmly recommend it to our renders. While the plot is one replete with sensational in,. cidents and situations, it is yet of a character that can offend none, teaching, as it dor:, the lesson that true progress is attained only by earnest effort. The almost idyllic story of Mand S. and St. Julian, who seem to be the principal char- acters in the story, is told in a simple yet finished manner, and one lays down the book with a restful feeling at the heart that should al, ways be produced by a properly constructed novel," The next day the editor saw that in his paper. He read it carefully and said : tar - IT OPENS THE EYES. "My daughter is losing her sight," said an anxious mother, "and just on the eve of marriage, too ! What shall I do Y" "Let her get married, by all means," re- sponded the docter ; marriage is a regu- lar eye-opener." A man's eyes open when he finds his wife's charms cheap - peering. Health is the best friend of beauty, and the innumerable ills to which women are peculiarly subject, its worst enemies. Experience proves that women who possess the beat health, use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, sold by drug- gists under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfac- tion in every case or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faith- fully carried out for many years. REGINA RIPPLES, "1 took six bottles of purdook Rlod er farTii rironi>,liiitst; h'ea<iabWOi anti dull stupid feeling, but now I am entirely well and healthy, having also a good appetite which I did not have previous- ly.' -Mrs. revious.ly."-Mrs. T. Davis, Regina, N. W. T. THE HOPK'NS WILL CCNTEfi'f t','HlCH INVOLVES .40,CC0,000. Portrait of Timothy Hopkins, t he Adopt. eel Sou Who Was Cut OR' With gut a Peony -The Very Permiafnb1e ('repara- tions for the Great Contest. On the 8th notice was filed in the \Lt:sa- chusette Coutts -of an iuteuti,.0 to contest the will of the late Mm's. lleldcins•Seurles, who cut off all her reiativua, i „•leant , liar adopte,l sou, and save M4U,!urt,,000, to her seer'.,'] husband, Edward heat ice. Prelim ations ,,1 a formidable chtu•s»ter indicate the contest ht which the.idopteti.,m:, 1:111101 ISE Hopkin:, it joined by twenty two miml'e "r leers r.early re- lated cum teeth m.; of as the deal %%moan. Searles, alio nt first mallet tallet dill,' an ttttt- •rlMOI'Hv lttri'RISs. tude of defiance. lues conte down oh his high horse, amid is itl.par- ently becoming conscious of the fact t lee it may lie within the power of the l'uurts t., de• prlve him of the millions a hick in a few ears fitted hint front the obscurity of a cot. Atf;v architect to the position of one of the wealthiest men in the country. It is announced on pretty good an' hoe- ity that Timothy Hopkins mill lie 1,11 ked 111 his fight by the Southern Pacific IC' pie, and Searles' attorneys are evidently weak- ening and manifest a disposiii,mm to oolu- prouliae ma Che area anti mother for the principal contestant, Timothy Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. Hogan. 'They lived in Sacrament, They were pour i 'title. it is said that hist another, reduced to In hues tend deserte,l by her hushan,l, e;u'm,l a livelihood at the washtub. !Sirs. 1{opkins knew the family, adopted v, brought hlltl imp and made hint treasurer mit ll le Southertr Pacific. He married one of Mrs. Hopkins' nieces; the other niece married Mark Sibley Leverenee. They have joined to break the will. A COIN NEARLY 1,800 YEARS OLD. It Is a Shekel Struck by the Hebrews to Co unremorate a Victory. There is in New York a relic of the days when the Hebrews were oppressed in Pales- tine by the Romans. It is a sheekle struck in the year131 A. D. --nearly 1,800 years ago -in honor of the taking of Jerusalem mad other places from the omans by the Hebrews under the leader Simon Bar Cucbebas, who was then proclaimed ruler of the Hebrews. The New York Coin and Stamp Company is the owner of this interesting antiquity. Manager Proskey interpreted its curious characters and symbols to a Wold re- porter. "On the obverse," he said, "is a con von. tional representation of the beautiful gate of Solomon's temple. It is, perhaps, i he only picture of that edifice extant. The Hebrew characters signify Simon Simeon. Above is a star. alluding to Hitnon'e sur- name, 11ar•Curto ,,'a, , r Coul:ab, whieli sig- nifies 'the sou of a star.' "The reverse bears the inscription, `tiecond year of the deliverance of Israel.' The two emblems are the ethro' and lmilalt. The ethrug is a species of citron. 'l'he lulab, or bunch of puha-branches, in olden times was used in the temple, in the house cif prayer when the Hallel psalms were re- cited, and was seldom out of people's hands in the daytime. About the hose of the lalttb is a basket. It is the golden basket with which wealthy Israelites used to adorn their lulab much as rich church•goo's now ornament their prayer -books. Of the four or five coins like this now known no two are THE SHEKEL. exactly alike. Perhaps a separate die waa used fur each. No satisfacttory explanation of the fact has sot been offered. This shekel was the last coin struck by the Hebrews as a nation." on looking at the shekel closely a series of half effaced devices were found. "That's another chapter of the coin's his- tory," Mr. Proskey said. "These coins were struck to carry the news of victory, Here is a proof of the fact. Under the palm branches and Hebrew letters you will find the device of Antioch plainly outlined. The Israelites evidently had the money in their possession, but recoined it to spread the news. It was really the first type of the newspaper, bearing the tidings of vie. tory and deliverance to the oppressed." Vision Preserving Rules. (1) Do not allow light to fall upon the face of a sleeping infant. (2) Do not allow babies to gaze at a bright light. (3) Det not send children to school before the age•of 10. (4) Do not allow children to keep their eyes too long on a near object at any one time. (5) Do not allow them to study much by artificial light. (6) Do not allow thorn to use books with small type. (7) Do not allow them to read in a railway carriage. (8) Do not allow boys to smoke tobacco, especially cigarettes. (9) Donot necessarily ascribe headaches to indigestion, the eyes may ho time exciting cause. (10) Do not allow the itinerant spectacle vender to prescribe glasses. -Dr. L. Webster Fox, in Franklin Institute Journal. Profile of a River Rod. A cleverly designed instrument by means of which the profile of a river bed can be taken automatically, has been invented by a German engineer. The record can be taken from a boat at the rate of 31 to 6} miles an hour. The apparatus consists of a curved arm, which is hinged on its up. per extremity, and is so lone that the lower curved portion trails on the bottom of the stream. The deeper the stream the greater the inclination of the arm, and hence, by a suitable recording mechanism, the depth can be automatically registered on a revolving drum, as the boat moves. The instrument has already made a record in practical testing of 207 miles in ten days. spectacles in Photographs. A photographic journal recommends every professional photographer to be prepared against the difficulty frequently found of prodtdoing satisfactory portraits of sitters 'fvlr'ii Whist kp'iiCilEdliia: I' gVd%ii a eelfe i= ` lion of the glasses, the operator is advised to keep a few unglazed spectacle frames ready for such occasions. CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OFA MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT I,CEMARKAPLE FLESH PRODUCER, SCOTT'S ULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILE. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 50C. AND $1.00 SCOTT&' BOW NE, Belleville. -`i • .�{ top S -7 I ane • 'ng ,r. .e '' ti. .L^ n, en-; :e. neo ..'i•:Fac Ltlet'- -rI. (r, 1,:1e.41.T..`t .S !tit.. P;. ..folel •. outs H U M P H R E H S' DR. HUMPtiREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with seoeess,and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- cific Is a epeclal cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without dragging, purg- ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the sovereign remediesoftheworld. LIST OF eRCIPAL NOS. CURES. PRICES. ne 1 Revers, Congestion, inflammation... :ab 2 orms, Worm Fever, Worm Cone.. 266 eying Con c,or'feethlugofInfants .23 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.... .2, Dyyeeutet•yy Griping. Bilious Oollo.... Ni 6 Cholera DIorbus, Vomiting 7 Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis H Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceaohe.•b 9 Headaches, Sleklieadaohe, Vertigo211 10 Dyspepsia, plicate Stomach .2 11 Sn 't,ri'sar•,,i nr raiofnl Periods 12 1931,1;1: S';. . , c, 1, , - use Period, ,9 1 Croup, CougI., Difficult Breathing'L 1 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.•11. I Rheumatism, kheurnaucPains.., 1 Fever and A gee, Chills, Malaria5' 12 Piles, Blinder Bleeding .b 10 ('ntnrr,r, Influenza, Cold In oho Read ,,yy0 Whooping ('ouglr, Violent Coughs. 2'1 General Ilehtlity,PhyetcalWeeknees .5 27 Kidney Disease .5 28 Nervous Debility 1.0 30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 3'L Diseases oftiel3enrt P 1 ltatlon 1.9 " Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Dn. nv„ouasys' tt..oee,., tt4, pages. richly bound In cloth andgold, mettan race. HQIDPIInevs' MED. CO., 111 A. IIs whits.,, St., xo,rYort. SPECIFOCS. \\It:LLS c itiC11ARO•ta L',, it...to U1ONFitPitt, DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • "-WILD. TRIM/BERRY CURES HO%ERA holera Morbus 01-e 1 C'a�La RAMPS IARRH(EA YSERTERY AND ALL SUMMER 'COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. H ,v o cd' 3 g4 'ZS 84Tio as '..- ''d ca. al ' O cat Q.t a .,ma 0 6