The Huron News-Record, 1891-09-23, Page 2Fr r► Coughing I S Nature's effort to expel foreign soh•• stances from the bronchial passages. Frequently, this causes iuliauimation and the need of an anodyne. No other expeetorant or anodyne is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough cures. Of the many preparations before the public for the cure of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is none, within the range of my experi- ence, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. For years I was subject to colds, followed by terrible coughs. About four years ago, when so afflicted, I was ad- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and to lay all other remedies aside. I did so, and within a week was well of my cold and cough. Since then I have always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparatively secure." —Mr's. L. L. Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold which affected my lungs. I had a ter. rible cough, and passed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved my lungs,'induced sleep, and afforded the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the con. tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent cure was effected"—Horace Fafrbrother, Rockingham, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED RI Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell„ Masse Bold by all Aralfgleta. Pldse Oil; oh bottli j, @i• The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year -1.261 rr Advance. OVedilescitly S4'I)tr. 2.tra, 1891. neN'1' Tl11NK. Some tiiii'.' ugo a Id1110Ra ciIutitilit auuuuuc' I th.kt wilt unl phosphor us there i., no thought, Aucold- ing to en c•ni; Beit dentis!, without phosaetuur Ili-te cru Le uu t.-,.th. H.' tu;uln,4 us Chat the IIt'lte sten think the mule tieit teeth steno', for ,nu H ; :e'; tht1 they consume in tltii.d int„the l•ilt..solturuue which is indeepeu.eil,;e i't,e the growth of their tooth. This is why the cottr.l Africdli," vvh is sc ircoly capable of the`proceas of thinking, invariably his wugnifi• et ;i i, t"nth ; and why the cultured Ii•i.te Ulan lady, wliu has thought iuleiseelV over Li owning and Ewor• Son, It .c till more magnificent teeth, ttlou_It ;hey leek the element of eiurttrity. The more scientific per- Saneslu'_Iv nttulci11,1 the Inure evi- dent it becunted that man was not designed to think. Otherwise he would h the leek so constructed that he would nut have been able to think 'without thinking all the hair off hi, he•t'1 and all the teeth out of his mouth. . THE BRITISH UNION JACK :Poles and (,Ziteriks : The old red cross of St. George for England, on a white ground, had received at the time of the union with Scotland, the cross of St. Andrew, for that country—a cross which naturally fell into a diagonal position on the flag. It was shown white ou a blue ground. The Cross of St. George remained over all in its old position, separated from the now blue ground by a strip of whits. With the uniuu with Ireland canto the invun• Lion of the crow of St. Patrick, 'a diagonal cross like Si. Andrew's, but red on a white ground These two diagonal crosses take precedence alternately, which brings the white above the red at the hoist, or parts, next the staff, the red above the white at the fly, or parts furthest from the flagstaff. The new red cross has, like the old one, to be separated from the blue ground by a strip of white. All of which is concisely expressed in the order of council : "The union flag shall be azure, the crosses saltire of St. Andrew and St. Patrick quarterly per sal- tire, counterchanged argent and gules, the latter fimbriated of the second, surmounted by the cross of St. George of the third, fimbriated as the saltire. .GENERAL NEWS. —Wesley McDonald and two other men, attracted by a wotnau'a cries, went to the house of a farmer named Kyne, near Port Huron, yes- terday morning and found the man boating his wife. They stopped him and then Kyne got his shot gun and killed Me]),inald. The murderer escaped. —Mack Bess, a middle-aged negro, was lynched near Nearlaud, N. C , on the Cape Fear and Yad kin Valley railroad. His crime was en attempt to outrage Mrs. Peterson, a white woman. The as• sault was wade Monday evening. Bebe was captured ten [tiles front the point where the assault was wade and hanged to a tele graph pole. —James Lewis and Tow Joheeuu were running; a threshing machine on the farm esf John Cole, Lima, Ohio. Lewis cut Johnson on the hand. Johnson knocked Lewis down. Lewis was drawn into the cylinder of the machine and ground into pulp. Frank Lewis, brother of James, then plunged a pitchfork into Johnson's bowels, killing liw. Lewis was arrested. —Ellen Wesley was up at the 1lrsutfurd Police Court on a charge of stealing a shawl from Mr. Day, of Langford. Mr. Day said that last evening he left his horse tied in front of Mr. R. L. Hamilton's in Echo place. When he cane out it was gone. lie telephoned to the Lanford police and came up to the city. The magistrate remanded her to jail for one week. —Mrs. Northcott, of Bowman ville, was sitting iu a chair with the cat on her knee and in pushing it off received a scratch on the hand which almost immediately began to swell. In a few days mortification set in and the attending physician found it necessary to amputate the arm below the elbow. Mrs. North- cott is now lying in a very low state, it being hardly expected that, she will survive the shuck of the opera- tion. —Three cars of wheat of the crop of 1891, shipped from Virden, were inspected in Winnipeg, with the result that all three ears were certi- fied for No. 1 hard. The grain weighed 63 pounds to the bushel. ---Yttsterdav afternoon iI rs. Mary Ann Turnbull succeeded in a Toronto Court with her claim of $200lomeees and costs against the cry on account, of injuries received by a fall on the sidewalk on Spadina ave. — A repott received at the cus- tom house from Asiatic Turkey says cholera is rapidly spreading there. New villages are affected every day, and the number of deaths repotted in the city of Aleppo was 950. Thole are no definite figures for the other cities, but the death list is enol mous. —Returns show that there has h.een In im0ense,-.apparent decrease in crime in Great trite n TiitTie"Te6 quarter of a 'century. In 1864 there were 2,800 convicts in the various penal institutions. In 1890 there were but. 729. Since -'3"882 eight prisons have been converted to other uses. told several of her friends of her boys good ludic. One of the friends having acquaintances in Toronto who knew the young wan wrote to the y.ity and asked about the bride and her wealth. When the answer came back that Juhn was married to a milliner, there was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. —Quite a sensation was caused in Pawassan and vie pity, Muskoka, by the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Robert Short, who, during the last two years has made hist head- quarters at Mr, Wal. Clark's, Pawassun. Short did a great Ileal of trapping. About a week ago Mr. Short started to woods to lift a beaver trap. Slime that day all effort by communication anti search has failed to bring tidings of the missing man. As Mr. Short is said to have been subject to weak shells, it is one of the many theories given that lie tufty have taken one of these spells when siauo in the; wilderness. Another theiiry is that he has pass. d to the great beyond in the emirate of a huge hear that has been haunting tlot.t vicinity. —A meeting of the Ottawa County Council was held last week. A discussion arose as to the best means to devise in order to get the people of the towuship of Low to pay up their arrears of taxes. The warden stated they had not paid any taxes for the past fourteen years and he thought it was high time for the county to take steps to wake the de- faulters .pay. After some discussion it was decided to proceed inform- ally for collection of taxes and if the sheriff of the county was unsuccessful in his efforts this fall to procure the payment of the money in the ordin- ary way, to thereupon apply to the authorities to send tl 1-r^tt —Harry Webster, a negro of bad repute, was shot and killed while resisting arrest at, Columbus, Ohio. He Willi drunk ,arid threatened to kill Officer George Hoist who was going to arrest hint. The officer followed him and the negro shot twice, but neither ball took effect. As the negro dodged behind a tele- graph pole Officer Heist took care- ful aim and sent a bullet through his body, killing him instantly.' —Official information has been received from the scene of the terri- ble floods now devastating the Pro• vince of Toledo, Spain. According to the news received 2,000 people have already perished, and an im- mense amount of damage has been done by the swollen waters. At present it is utterly impossible to render assistance to the survivors, Ail all road and railway communi- cation with the. scene of the disas- ter has been cut off. —While Levi Mallen's threshing outfit was threshing at Stewart's place, near Bottineau, Dak., on Fri- day, Charles Holton, a photographer, was feeding. His feet slipped and the cylinder caught his arm and, immefliet.ely he was drawn into the cylinder and his left side torn out, exposing his heart. The machine was stooped, and the men started to lift him out when the poor fel- low said : "I'm dying boys, and I'll bid you good bye," and immediately expired, --Thos Nichols, a half breed, got into an altercation with a colored utas named Henry Brown at Wind- sor. The latter seized a heavy wooden chair and dealt Nichols several severe blows on the head, smashing his Skull in a terrible manner. The Indiau was picked up for dead and carried to Police Headquarters. Dr. Carney was of the opinion that his skull was badly fractured and that the chancess of recovery were doubtful. Brown is in jail. —Mr. Joseph Little, blacksmith, was removing from Richmond to Alytner, and a load of household goods had been brought and left in front of the residence they were to occupy on St. Andrew's street. Mrs. Little had repaired to the home of her sister, and while there a boy came along and informed her that the goods on the wagon were on fire, at which Mrs. Little started for the scene of the conflagration, but had gone only is short distance when she dropped dead. Deceased was 43 years of age. —The most novel of all sports was inaugurated at Houston, Texas, Saturday. A goat race, gotten up by a sporting editor in a spirit of levity, proved more than a joke, as 5,000 people turned out to see it. There wore 60 entries, and the turf - men made books on the result, and bun dreds of dollars in pools were sold. Never was there such a sight he -fore. The mayor and other city and county officials acted as starters and judges. Some of the goats made the 300 yards in 32 seconds in bar• nese. ' prietors of Dr. S-.ge's Catarrh Remo( y SYMTOMS OF CATARxtt.-•Headache,ob- etruction of the nose, discharges falling into the throat, sometimes profuse, wat- ery and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and of- fensive ; eyes weak, ringing in the ears, deaf aces ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired, and general debility Only a few of these symtoms likely to be present at once. Dr Sage's remedy cures the worst cases. Only fifty cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. $500 or a dune, either would be acceptable. COULD SCARCELY SEE. Mrs. John Martin, of Montague Bridge, P. E. I„ writes : "I was troubl- ed last summer with very bad head- aches and constipation and sometimes -could scarcely see. One bottle of Bur. dock Blood Bitters made a complete core of my case, and I wish you every success, —The weather in England has suddenly changed for the bettor, and the farmers are said to confess after all the damage has not been so very serious. Consumption Cured. An efdd,,[thyelctan, Latirad frdru practice, haring had placed to his bands by an Last ludic mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent sure ..f Consumption, ftrmnohitls, Catarrh, Asthma and all threat and Lung AHgetions, also a punitive and radlual mire for Nervous Debility and all Nerv.,us Complaints, alter having tooted its wonderful wuative powers in thousands of Oases, has felt It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will seed tree of charge, to all who desire It, this recipe in Comae. French or Lugash, with full directions fur preparing d using. f eat by mall by addressing with stereo, naming this paper. W.A. Novas, 820 Powers' Stock, /t•,cheoter, ...N. Y. dog- y Rheumatism is caused by a poisonous acid iu the blood and yields to Ayer's Pills. Many cases which seem chronic and hopeless, have completely cured by this medicine, It will cost but little to try whateffeot the Pills nosy have in your case. We predict success. —A. despatch from McGregor, Texas says : Mrs. 'ivicGriffin, who gave birth to triplets 10 months ego, broke the record yesterday with a quartette. All seven are doing well. -S iveral burglaries took place in C'o- boutg ou Thurday night. CLINTON CLIPPINGS. • l had for years been triubled with dyspepsia and sick headache and found hut little relief uottl I pot Burdock Blood Bitters which made a perfect cure, It is the beat medicinal ever used in my life.' -Hattie Davis, Mary St., Clinton, Ont. —An Indian woman of 300 pounds ,weight visited Bath, Me., last week, and broke through the Sidewalk. The street commissioner thereupon gave her notice that in her future visits she must keep in the middle of the road. Jest how an alterative medicine cleanses the system is an open question ; but that Ayer's Sarsaparilla noes pro- duce a radical change in the blood is well attested on all sides. It ie everywhere considered the beet remedy for blood ditaorders. WHA r SAY THEY ? In popularity increasing. In reliabilty the standard. l . n exit the tiret. In fact, the heat remedy for all sunnier complaints, dianhoe ,,dywrutery, cramps, eons, cholera infantum, etc., is Dr. Fowler's Et traot of Wild Strawberry. All instil ,inc dealers sell it. -George H. McMillan, a painter of Plwttsvilte, Out., was prteipitated to the ground from a s;ertf tld on Saturday sod b ith legs and his left arts broken. TIMELY WI8hO.b1, Great and ti'eely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr Fowler's Extract of t1'ild Strawberry on hand. It has no equol for cholera, chnle.ra morbus, diarrli oa, dy- sentery, colic, cramps, and all summer complaints or looseness of the bowels, -0 'told Murray Murphy, aged six years, of St, John N. B., is the youngest nventor in the wield. He ha, jast pat, hinted in Canada and the U. S. a toy oalltd the AI-medritte. NINE LONG YEARS. Miff. John McLean writes from Barrie Island, Out., March -I, 1888, as follows : "I have hem: a great sufferer from neuralgia for the last nine years, but being advised to try St, i ambo Ott, eau now heartily end;irse it ad teing a meet excolleut remw'ly for this (mu:plaint, as 1 have l,esn t:rea'ly benefited by its use." —In a trial of speed h..tween I; rand SMalt and Michigan tientral lice stuck rain.; last week lydtweeu the Detroit and Jtaeara Rivers, the S.',u.tl Trunk ti olered '224'tit ti in 15 minutes lens than is o,rnnetttor's time for 220 miles. ItE',I'L\ ILIPPLE:�. "1 t,uk sir, potties sof Burdock Illood Bitters for liver complaint, headache and lull stupid feeling, but now I ank entirely well and healthv, it,ving also a gond ipp,;tite which I did not have previous - y, --Sirs. 'P. Davis, It.ginc, N. \V T. -A letter posted iii Qu'tltea in 1884, ad addressed quite legibly to a gentle• VIII in the employ of a very well known banking tirm San Francisco. wa,s return- ed a few days ago to its Bender, through the Dead Letter Office at Ot'awa. Af- ter seven years' wandering the letter had got back from where it started from ADVICE To MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Culling Teeth? If so scud at once and gut a bottle of "Firs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. Its value is incalculable. 1t will relieve thepoor little Huffs] er imn]oliately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It sures Dysentery and Diarrbtea, regulates the (stomach and }masts, cures wind Cilie,' softens the gumv, redness inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs \Viuslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prem:141) i in of one of the ldest and best A runle. physicians and nurse-. in the United States, and is for eels by at druggist's throughout the world. Price 211 cents a trek to. e sure and ask for '•Stns. \VrstLow's Soto iliNu Svacr,"and take no other kind. f5tiy A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet —The 9 year old son of Thomas Neely of Shelhuree, Ont., was sent to a spring near the house for n pail of water, and in stooping over to raise tite pail he fell headlong into the narrow box which [vas usad as a curb for the spring. 'rhe box was so narrow he could not extricate himself and he was drowned iii less than one foot of water. TiHE CELEBRATED Ida a1 Wasfte* wand Wringer. THE BEST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agrieultural Implements VPareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. O. WEIR, CLINTON ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Weakness, Failing ifemory, Lack of Ilnergy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Hoz ltop',i itatizer,„Alen..Iimb ervoue Deatitityr Dimness of Sight Loss of tion, Uii tnees to Marry, Stunted ADevelopment, Loss of Power Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessnet. Avereion to Society, Unfit for Study Excessive Indul- gence, eta, oto. Every bottle guaranteed. 20,OOlf sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist, 808 Tongs St., Toronto, Ont. ' —0— See See the li.ant'sulue Organ, How oli'exhilJition, .141 N. ROBSON. CLINTON. Is used both internally s] ci externally. It riots culekly, affording, Smoot instant relief from the sower tat pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. INSTANTANEOUS Ijl ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAiN-KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints its effect is magical. It cures In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM., NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVHRYWHERB AT 26C. A BOTTLa. Lf!' Beware of Coanterfeits and Imitations. graNEMEMEIMMIH a The News -Record FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN AV. DEPARTMENTS DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLE N'S LuNG 'ALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. roceries. - Groceries. N 1=1 HOS ill stool: ej — , Croekr,ry, Wass and Chinaware we are '.I a 1.n.siiion to guarantee as goo (Mite Famous Teas, the Lest I or th 1 ut (;r'.oertti Gr0CAries that cannot b Di- nut invest till you ruff on us. & Retail Grocers, Clinton. `11ITT NEW STORE !a K, - CLINTON. ealer in Furniture. and see the stock of es, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, tniture. The wit tic Stock is frr,ui:the very, uldings of ever description. Best of Dickson's Book Store KSONSR1, TAILOR, STIR; NEW GOODS for fall trade. When LT come and see what we have got. We keep a niceAND CAPS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. We are offering just now a FINE LINE OI' TR')USEIIINGS worth $8 for $6 that is worth seeing and.is a Big Bargain. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent -in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news, SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thr,ugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each. week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium. has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB iPRINTiNI'. - The Job department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. J. C. STEVENSON, I Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR,. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford -new, model. rff-All these [makes in kc,, and stem winders. Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. rr QTRAY STOCKa ADVER i i.7 TISE%IENTS inserted in Ten NEWS RECORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will nob do better than call on Tews.Reocord. IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that be has been appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to all all orders In hie line as heretofore, Will also keep on hand WILKINsoN PLOWS, CoLTrtt & SCOTT DRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 047-0m Holmesville and Clinton A NICEHome AT A RARGAiN.—Eightacres of land with • select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining,Codo rich township. Apply to n. ,L. DOYLE Code 420.tt 1