The Huron News-Record, 1891-09-02, Page 3i.. • RIMIN 88 plRECTORY RllttlX. TilE MOLOIVS IIANI Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1806. CAPITAL, - • $2,000,000 RST, st.00Q;AQq, earl •fi; ge, IKOIY'I'hi.EAL:. FOMAS'WORKMAN, Pxetlident, L R,101.AON Vice=Prbsideot,ll. F,'WQLFERSTANrT1IOMABgbtenoral Manager. bteA disbOallted, Collections ppfle, Draft Issued, Sterling and American ex -C,,,' change }?ought and SW at leJw. eat ilurreat rates, +""" •-"""" INTsRSST Al .4 r414401111.,AAlAnwitp f'ON'S1IEPOBiT Money advanced to tannersen theig own note With one or more endgrsers. NO mortgage re tluited as eecurity. 11, 9, BREWR, liapagery[ February. 1884 114111TQS G. D. McTaggart BANKER,. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted. • - Drafty kneed; • , Interest Allowed on Deposits, Clinton, June 8th, 1801 658y f+4 t. i.• T. C. Bruce, L. D.S. dr - Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. ffice-Keefer's old stand, Coats' Bloek, Clinton. N.B.-Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at Mason's Hotel. 676-y G. H. Cook, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra luate lot the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Om administered for the painless [ xtractlon teeth. Office -Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Post Office, Clinton. Z Night Bell answered. 492y DR. GUNN W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licentiate of the Midwifery, Edin. M Office, on corner of Ontario and William Sts., Clinton. 478-y. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. .b S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office :-Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. D7igllt call scanaivered,at,DranaL-UOion I3ate1,. Electric night bell at front entrance, J. W. SHAW, M. D. C. M. J. W. Shaw, M. D. C, M., Physician, Surgeon, Aceoucher, etc. Office in the Palace block, Rattenbury St., formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4c.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. RC. HAYS, Solicitor, be. Office, corner of Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 87. Ear Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. MI C.AMPION, Barrlster,Attorney, Solicitor in 12.4 Chanecry, Conveyancer, &c. Office over Jordan's Drug Store the rooms formerly occu pled by Judge Doyle, Sal' Any amount of money to loan at lowest aces of interest. 1-ly. 7Aut•tionee rtog. H. W. BALL, A UCTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at - 1% tended to in any part of the County. Ad- dress orders to Goonntcu P 0. V-17. CHAS. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, 5n reasonable terms. A list of farms and village sale. Moneyto loan on real estate, at 'ow rates of interest. Insurance effected on all lasses of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. Blyth. Dec. 10, 1850. Photographer s W CLINTON. VOSItt Life Size Portraits a Snecialty. Wont j to gold }+►R'IONEYIto lend in large for small sums o 1U good mortgages or personal security a' the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron at Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26, 1881 ly MONEY. Praw UINDS,_to_lond_gnTcorn anis fa property. Apply to C. RTDOUT, Oftioe, up -stairs, opposite Town Hall, Albert Street. 859.8m MONEY A large amognt o P,igete money to loan. Pow. at rater of lntere;it Q. 4, HAR,T'T, Solicitor dta, Onic . E'crrin's Block. FOUR SALE. MOE SUBSCRIBER oilers for sale four eligible. . Building Dots fronting on Albert Street; has two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or1» separateo suitpurchasers. or furtheparticulas lots,ly to the neensd. E. DINSLLY, Clinton. 882 0 1 A. 0. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meetein Jackson' Ball, Victoria Block,the let and 8rd Fridays in each. month. V aler* cordially invited. R 14. W.; J. Bses, Recorder. MY TO THE FARMERS. Study yotlr OWn• interest sad go where. , . yea' ran. get .. Reliable 'Harness I manufacture none but nue BEST OF SToog,. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live £ " Call and set prjces. Ordolo . by mailpremplyattonded to_ HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTR, ONT ACOBS J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treaty diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. ire -Calls attended to night or day. Office lmmedittely west of the old Royal -Hotel, Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 540-8m f1LiITON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & At, hill meets every Friday, on or after the moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. HIGH HEYWOOD, w. a. OWENBALLARD,SEo Clinton Jane14, 1800. 1. L 0. L. No. 710, CLINTON Meets SECOND Monday of every month. Hall, Sad flat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. w. G. SMITH, W. M WM A ROSS, D. atm Pt CliNTELQAT, Deo, (gItk4,1100f Jubilee Preceptors No, 161, (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always -ceive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptors 391, Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wedne day after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Monday of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich.P 0 S. HURON ORANGE.. DIRECTORY. 1891 i-4 Names of the District Masters,, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office ad- dresses and date of meeting. BIDDULPII DISTRICT. �Joh>1 TB ,.- VEAL Cet! troll& &Q.. 219-S. Harlton, Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 662 -Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday on or before full moon. 493 -Richard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed• nesday on or before full moon. 826 -William Haggart, Grand Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890-W. E. McRoberts, Maplegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924 -Henry Lambrooi, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each month. 1071 -John Halls, Elttnvilie, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097 -James Cathers, Sylvan, Monday on or before full moon. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610-.Tosepli Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on or alter full moon. GODERICIieDISTRICr. Geo. 13. Hanley, tV.D.M., Clinton 1'. 0. 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday in each month. 153 -Andra: Million, Auburn, Friday on or bt:ure full moon. 182-W. H. Turney, Goderich, last Tuesday ill each month. 189 -Adam ca n •elon, llolmesyflle,Mon. day on or .,More full moon. 262 -James WiHs, Saltford, 3rd Wed- nesday in i. ..'h month. 306 -George A. Cooper, Clinton, 1st Monday iu ,tch month. HULL I TT DISTRICT. A. M. Todd, W. P.N., Clinton P.O. 710-W."G. Smith Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each moot 1. 813 --James Homey, Winthrop, last Wednesday before cull moon. 928 -Thomas Mcllyeen, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 825 -John Brintnell, Chiselhurst, 1st Monday in each mouth. STANLEY DISTRICT. Joseph Foster, W.D.M., Varna P. 0. 24 -John Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Monday in each month, 308 -James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in each month. 833 -Robert Nicholson, Blake, 1st Wed- nesday in each month, 733 -John Berry, Hensall, let Thursday In each month. 1035 -William Rathwell, Varna, 1st Thursday in each month. lar NOTE. -Any omissions or other errors will be promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P.O. `)ILL HEADS, NOTE He..ds, Letter Beads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., eto.,printei in a workman- like manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR'•.SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated'tand very siRtbre-1n any' p hitt VbisliTbgTo'lfvorelire& Pot further particulars apply to ION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderich. ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, -. P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs in t'errin'e Block, Clinton, Ont PROPERTY FOR SALE OP ul t, RENT. -Advertisers will find "The D ?�p News -Record" one of the best medium. In the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Rocerd"-The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Oheap Excursions to Europe. EVERY WEEK Montreal and Quebec, To Derry and Liverpool. CABIN $50 to 080, According to location of Staterooms. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CA1LRIED. STATE 'SERVICE OF LINE. } IALLAN LINE CREMIKEM ICZOWL RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc. bold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions In 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. SMILER CO., Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot: Toronto, Ont. The Huron News -Record $1.60 a Year-$1.2On Advance. Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, 1891. A FIGHT WITH BEARS. Kansas City Times :-Probably one of the best known hunters and prospectors of Colorado ie old John STEAMSHIPS. f Yule. Yule has been in the moun- NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight, CABIN, i$35 and upwards. Return, 005 and upwards. Steerage at lowest rates. Montreal or A: 0. PATTISON or ALLAN, M. J ACKSON, Clinton NOTICE. The undersigned being necessarily absent from town for some time, has left hie hooks and accounts with MANNING IS, Seoarr, to whom pay- ments may be made. JOHN WISEMAN. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTINC4 AND SHAVING. GO to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS -RECORD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY CO PP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop IS STOCKED W1THl A SELECT ASSORTMENT -eF- tains for over twenty-five years, and makes a specialty of bear hunting. He is now in I`;aneas City recupera• ting from his latest experience with the animals. Yule was so badly torn that he concluded to come here, where he has relatives, and spend the summer while- he ie undergoing treatment for his injuries. Yule tells the fol- lowing story of the adventure which nearly cost him his life. "I was up near the headquarters of the Tumiche creek one day early this spring, when the snow was going off rapidly. It was rather warm for the season, and very sloppy and muddy. Near the top of a hill 1 noticed a bear track, which I knew had been made the night before and followed it until I saw where it entered into a cave or cleft in the rocks. "From the general nature of the ground I knew that the hole was not deep, so .I determined to smoke the old fellow out. I built a fire at the mouth of the hole, mad it had barely got to going before a big cinnamon bear came rushing out and knocked me over as he ran. I quickly got my gun and pumped lead into him as he ran, but_.w.h.i.le- doing this another bear came out of the hole and almost ran over me. "I gave him a shot, but instead of running off he gave fight and knocked my gun from me at the first blow. I had my knife, and we had a hard tussle, but he fell dead just as I was about to give up from exhaustion. I had hardly got my breath before the other bear came back, looking for a fight also. I tried to get my gun, but American and Canadian I he woe on me before I could reach 1t. Wall Papers WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having houghtmy Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex• perience justify me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me a call, gar Shop, south of Oliver Johnston', blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's residence_ JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter The McKillop ;Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farmland Isolated Town Proper- rty only Insured. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. .1. Shannon, SecyTreas., Soaforth P, 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, 'DIRECTORS, Jas. Brondfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin• ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Oarlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan. non, Walton ; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nothing, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea - 'forth ; S. Carnochan, Soaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Hurdle, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend• ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective poetcfftccs. New Blacksmith Shop GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. (Malley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith and Iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497-tf GEORGE TROWHILL. PUMP FACTORY FOR RENT The undersigned offers for rent, in the town of Clinton, an old established Pump Factorywith hared rewris it>SO ' tli i'c3111"IH-'bfitflwetieT Vrftlf pump making. A profitable business has been carried on on the prpmisee for the past 25 years. Apply to 688-tf JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. "I made a desperate slash for his throat, and then as he took my left arm between his teeth and began to hug and bite me I felt for his heart. The pain in my arm was so great that I fainted, and when I re- covered I found myself lying in the dead bear's arms. My last blow had sent the knife directly through his heart. I had to slit the muscles of his jaws before I could get my arm out of his mouth." TOO CARELESS WITH THE ENG- LISH LANGUAGE: A clothing dealer, is Boston, advertised all -wool pantaloons for $2, advising the public to make haste and secure the great bargain, saying : "They will not taut long." Probably they would not. Nei ther will your health last longif you don't take care of it. Keep Dr. Pierce', Pleas ant Pellets in your house. They are in- dispensible to every family, as:they posi- tively core billiousnesa with its endless train of distressing ailments -sick head- ache, irritability, constipation, dizziness and indigestion ; a marvelous specific for liver and kidney troubles, and a pure vegetable compound. They are sugar- coated, the smallest pills made and the beet, because they do all they promise. All druggists sell them, and the proprie- tors guarantee them, and refund the price if they fail. -A middle-aged man, named Robert Couch, who said he had a wife and three children living near Barrie, and had left that town for Sault Ste Marie, in search of employ went, failing to find work returned to Owen Sound and was arrested. It is thought the poor fellow was not altogether right in his mind. Tie was eating green apples before his arrest, having no money to buy food. Next morning he was found dead in his cell. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. In every part of Canada the voice of the people rules, and the voice of the people endorses Burdook Blood Bitters ae the best and surest blood purifier known. Nothing drives out boils, blotches, humorsNot°ee-and•-irrrpnrity'=u, quickly as B. B. B., and perfect health with bright clear skin always follows its Use. 4T.iQilIOIU ' JRRIT4OE. WHAT DIIOIIQIIL P v T 84111. TO P18, KOy'TO ABOUT .THE NOHTftwEST. Rev, Dr. Pette, Methodist educa- tional secretary, has returned from a trip to the Northwest and British Columbia. In the course of an in - 'e yesterday in- terview w y $ cedar he said ; "I cor- iaily agree with Michael Davitt, who stated to me at Banff he had travelled over several trans -contin- ental lines in the United States, but was prepared to say that we had in this Dominion the grandest na- tional heritage on the face of the earth, Although I differ from Mr. Davrtron certain political questions my heart warmed to him when I found him so enthusiastic upon the extent, resources and prospects of the country. The scenery,"continued Dr. Potts, "from the Northwest to the coast is simply indescribable, As I stood on the wharf at Vancou- ver and looked at the steamship Parthia, just arrived from China and Japan, unloading her cargo at the western door of our great Do- minion, I felt proud of the position we hold as the highway to the east. Now, talking about churches, I was was greatly interested in the Pan- dora street Methodist church at Vic- toria, an edifice as beautiful and as modern as any church in Canada, with probably one exceptiou-St, James', Montreal. The people out there are at the present time engag• ed in erecting two grand sanoturies. A good work is being done in the various important centers of British Columbia in Jur Chinese missions. I had, however, only the opportun- ity of visiting the Rescue home for Chinese girls- The Chinese mis- sion under the charge of Rev. M.Gar diner, in Victoria, is doing a grand work, and Miss Cartmell, so well known in Hamilton and throughout this part of the Dominion, is doing a Christ -like work in caring for Chinese girls, rescuing them from the worst form of slavery. Miss Annie Leak is also an active labor- er in this noble cause. It touched my heart to hear those girls sing in Chinese and then in English, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, and in the mission school to hear forty or fifty Chinamen repeat the Lord's prayer in English." "Five years ago I had a constant cough, and bad been given up by my physicians. I began to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and after using two bottles lit this medicine, was completely oured."-Anga A. Lewis, Richard, N. Y. DON'T YOU FORGET IT. "I will never f'irget that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry saved my life. Five years ago I had a terrible attack of summer complaint and was given up by the doctors and my patents. A friend advised Fowler's Strawberry -aTRI"ar'the second dose I was relieved and soon was well as ever." -Maggie Mc- Gillivray, Falkenburg, Ont. DAIRYMEN SHOULD GROW PEAS. A New York farmer who handles a large herd of cows writes that he has spent from $500 to $600 a year for several years past in the pur- chase of bran and other grain feed for his cows. Being a reader of Hoard's Dairyman he was greatly interested in when that paper took up the question of growing field peas as a substitute for bran, This the paper did two years ago, but did the same work more energetically last winter. He bad always accepted the notion which prevailed among the farmers of his neighborhood that peas could not be successfully grown. The Dairyman took the ground that this notion was a mistake; that the difficulty with the average farmer er was that ho did not under- stand how to grow peas. In the field the pea roots deeply ; yet al- most every farmer pays no attention to this law or principle, and sows the peas broadcast, with oats maybe, and harrows them in, rarely coyer. ung them them more than a quarter to half inch deep. The Dairyman farther advised the sowing of peas more than ever, but insisted that the seed must be cover- ed ovened at least two to four inches deep. Thiscan be done with a deep running graindrill when the soil is in good tilth, but where the farmer has no drill be can do the work just as well by plowing the seed under not to exceed the depth of four inches. The New York farmer says he tried the latter plan. His neighbors all ridiculed him for trying some book - farming notion, but the peas are looking the finest ever seen in that section. It will prove a great blessing to dairy farmer's if they ever get in the way of growing an abundance of peas for the use of their cows. Two pounds of pea meal is considered nearly the equivalent of six pounds of ordinary bran. A good crop will produce 2,600 pounds of pea meal to the acre. Farther comment is un•. necessary. a NARROW ESCAPE. "I would probably have been in my grave to -day had it not been for Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. For two years I suffered from Bowel Com- plaint and became very weak and thin, litU aftewsinriralf it batty vf'the `Xit! tract I was completely cured and have eince'hed no return of the complaint." - Miss Hilton, 34 Huntley St., Torohto. I `Bow ere ou?''' 'Nicely, »T•Thank ' 'our" 1lanWho?' 'WJiy the invexitor of SCOTT'S1LSiOR . Which cured me of CONSUMPTION," Give thanks for its discovery. That it'; does not make you sick when you take it. Give thanks, That it is three times as efficacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give thanks. That it is such a wonder- ful flesh producer. Give thanks. That it is the best remedy for Consurption,Scrojula, Bronchitis, Wasting Bis - eases, Coughs and Colds. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggi:,ts, at 5oc. and !Woo. .00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. nu, KEY TO HEALTH. 1ne Bowels, '..1.1'lepa r. • ring -]tic,, li ti.e i n.,,t.tie' an I.. i I... , I the sec• u r 'nni • tiA:M.tting 9.cid ' y of the $t ,::z,cb, . ur .... Bili - 1,a , .4 3 ,. !. I .. .Cass.•iz- ine�s, neart.urr. C-.-.,.tir.7tic R, Dry ass of the Skin. D'•eps . ass of Vision. Jaund ice. S'tlt Rh um, Erysipelas, Scrofula. Fluttering o the Heart, Nervousness aPd General Debility; all these and many other simi- ,r Complaints yield to the happy influence :'7 -flOCs BLOOD BITTERS. " •:.!•: Bottles lOc ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. Iil1LR11RN S CO.. Proprietors. Toronto H U M P H R E Y S' Da. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many yyears In private practice with success,andforever thirty years used by the people. Every single Spa. ciflo is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg- ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies ofthe Wo rid. LIST OF PRINCIPAL NOS. CORES. PRICES. 1 Fevers, Congestion, inflammation... 25 Worms, Worm Fever Worm Colic.. .2 Crying Colic, or Teething ofInfanta 2 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults..., 2 D ventery ,� Griping Bilious Colic.... .25 Cholera dorbus, Vomiting cash ,Cold Bron tis 8 eh1 :25 Neuralgia,fioothache Faceache.... t Whites,.2 0 J� oadaches S1okleadaohe, Vertigo 1 10 Dyspepsia,' Bilious Stomach 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods too Profuse Periods &5$ pp,, h, DI! 'c'tBreathing. 1 It Rheum, Eryr.:3elas,Eruptions. .25 1 Rheumtism, Rheumatic Patna.25 a 0 Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria.,,, •5 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding 5 10 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Headg 2 Whooping Cough1 Violent coughs. .50 22 GeneralKidney DebDisease Iity.PhyglcalWeakness .50 5 2 Nervous rinary Debility 1.5 gg Urinary Weakness Wetting Bedas S' Diseases of theHeart,Palpltation 1. Bold by Dregglste, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. On. HO•trnanxe' MANOAL, (194 pager.) richly bound in cloth and gold, MA MIL DAMES. IWSIVIIBEYs' mall. CO., 111 & 1 i n William St., ScrYorh. .2 .2 SPECIFICS. WELLS & RICHARDSO Co. Agents MON ['REAL. DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • `'WILD' TR WBERRY CURES HOLERA holera Morbus 01.a I C'a- RAMPS IMtRH(EA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. • t, -1N THE- N X111 oft- ACIOP. `G..J