The Huron News-Record, 1891-08-19, Page 8•
Folnters 'For Tito !Public
THE NEWS-RECOib aeerageda larger
amount of fresh local Hetes and general
reading/ matter than any other paper in
the county of enrou.
THE NEWS-1i'ECORD reaches Sum-
merhill every Tuesday evening; Wing -
/twit, Belgrade, Blyth, Londedboro,
Brucifeld. Exeter, Seaforth, Qoclerich,
Holmeeville, etc., every Wednesday
n orner and Varna, Blake, Barfield,
Porter Hill, Salford Dunlop, Carlow,
Nile, Dungannon, Sheppardton, Au -
bum, etc., IVednesday afternoon, besides
a targe tows distribution Tuesday eve
twig and Wednesday morning.
T.1E NEWS -RECORD does not Blaine
`'the largest circulation under the sun,"
but it does claim to cover fairly well the
territory from which the town draws its
'THE NEWS -RECORD carefully selects
its matter, t/ices the greatest amount of
reliable information possible, is thought-
ful in ad editorial utterances, and for
all these reasons id " The People's
Poptdar Paper."
To Advertisers.
All changes of Advertisements, to
insure insertion in the current tissue,
must he received at the office not later
than Monday noon. Copy for
chang.-s received later than :Monday
,od3a c•'ill hereafter he at -the Adrer-
tiser•.s own risk.
Will 7'ELY & TODD, Publishers.
to and Around the "club.'
aVOWn 1t11t.
OCAI. 1\U1'Icio.—all notices in chews
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous to holding of the same,at which
an admission feeie ^harged,orfrom which
a pecuniary benefit is to he derived, will
be charged at the rate of ten cents per
WANTED, plums, pears, apples,
&c. Highest cash price for butter
ay.rd eggs.—CANTEr.oN BROS. 6620
CALL and see the tuberous begoni-
as at Cottle's greenhouse.
lr See Mai a it Co's
Special Advertisem't
This Week.
Additional locals on other pages.
LIEUT. H. B. COMBE is rusticating
in the south for a few days.
TIIE heavy wind storm about ten
days ago will considerably lessen
the apple crop in many sections.
MISS EDNA CUR'r►s, of Blyth, a
lasts term C. C. I. student is the
guest of Miss Nettie Combe.
Mn. J. W. limit was ou a busi-
ness and pleasure trip up north
the greater part of last week.
Miss MeowSTEWART, of La -
chute, Que., is visiting et the home
.of her brother Rev. A. Stewart.
.I►sses M. PRiDaAM and C. Cam-
aaigne, at Goderich, aro visiting
with Miss Hattie Irwin.
St. Mary's, is visiting friends in
REY. A. A. SCOTT, Carleton
Place, spent a few days here last
week with his brother Mr. Jas. Scott
JACKSON BROS. have completed
arrangemeute for having a plate
glass front put in each of their
stores and Mr. \V. Cooper is now
engineering the job.
MR. JOHN WiSEMAN has accepted
a position in the well known and
reputable dry goods house of
William Grant, Brantford, in the
dress goods and silk dept.
Mn. FRED. RIJMRALL and daugh-
ter, Mies Hattie, leave Thursday
next to visit the former's daughter,
Mrs. Callender, residing at Parkers -
burgh, \Vood Co., Virginia.
MR. A, 0. PATTISON, G. T. R.
Ticket Agent, U. S., Consular Ag-
ent etc , left,Monday,for Buffalo and
other American cities to spend a
two weeks vacation,
D. CANTELON, the famous apple
dealer, returned from Lambton
county last week, where he spent
ten days purchasing, packing and
shipping early apples, He reports
a plentiful yield in Larnbton.
ST. PAUL's CHURCH.—Miss Leith-
waite sang a sacred song, "My God
e�nd Father while I stray," by Merri-
tt of St. Paul's church on Sunday
evening. Miss Laithwaite has a
sweet voice and sings with much
LAWN FETE. ---The Churhwoman's
Guild of St.Paul's church will hold
a lawn foto at the rectory on Friday
evening, August 21st. A splendid
musical programme will be. render-
ed and seasonable refreshments will
be served.
Tt,,Ev. an. 'G!)LL,o Wa.r is holiday-
MR YOUNG, of Fear's drug store,
Goderich, was in town Sunday,
and took in the Seaforth and Olin -
ton lacrosse snatches Monday and
Tan B10TOLE CLUB on Saturday
evening took a run to Seaforth, then
to Brucefield and up the London
Row! home. They report a very
pleasant and speedy run.
troit, brother of Mr. W. Sommer-
ville, town, conducted the services
in Willie church Sunday last Mr.
Stewart being on his vacation. He
is accompanied by his wife and they
are the guests of their brother.
of Chatham, were visiting Cantelon
Bros. and returned home yesterday.
Mr. French is an old resident of
Chatham, handles a good deal of
fruit at this season of the year, and
is very favorably impressed with
Clinton and its surroundings.
A horse, the priperty of Mr. Jas.
Beatty, and the tongue of a waggon,
propelled,by two others of the horse
kind, met in such forcible and awk-
ward conflict last week as to stave in
a rib and inflict a large wound in the
side of the former. For a time
there was doubt about its recovery.
but it will likely get better.
THE local volunteers are dotting
the streets in Her Majesty's uni-
forms. No. 4 Company is filliug
Grp with loyal young Hien and will
present a splendid appearance on
September lat. There is room fur a
few more yet. Applications should
be made at once to the Captain.
WBEELISTs.—About a score Of
tourists, on wheels, from the Forest
city rounded up in Clinton Monday
forenoon, having come from Goder-
ich that morning. Among them
was a double seated wheel ou which
was a lady and gentleman. The
party continued on their way to
London same day.
RAPID TRANSIT.—Last \Vednes-
day a gentleman mailed a letter
order for goods to a Montreal firm
by the 1.45 p. m. train south. On
Saturday the goods arrived at 1.30
p.m. This speaks well for the Cain
adieu mail and express service, as
the letter to Montreal was in the
Toronto bag and had to be assorted
Anderson, a graduate of Clinton
Collegiate, son of Mr. John T.
Anderson of Goderich tp., took
train at Clinton Monday morning
for Toronto where he has engaged
with an eminent drug firm to learn
the mysteries of medical potations
and pills- \Ve wish the young man
At the re -opening of the Col-
legiate Institute \Ir. W. J. Patter-
son, B. A., of Hamilton, late of the
Caledonia High School, will fill the
position of Mathematical master
made vacant by Mr. D. A. Burgess'
removal, He comes as a well
qualified and experieeced teacher,
and will take up his abode in the
house immediately south of Mr.
Hamilton Spec puts the questions :-
"\V'nen will the farming man gat
enough of the peddling swindles?
\Vheu will he learn to sign no
agreement or document of any
kind presented by a stranger?
When will he learn that the man
who proposes to give him a
good thing doesn't mean it?" The
P,eeton World makes this apt reply :
When he gets ride enough to sub-
scribe for His local paper and has
time to read it.
Mess M. RUTHERFORD, for some
years past connected with the dress
and mantle kept of the Dry Goods
Palace, has severvod her connection
there with and returned to her home
in Galt. Miss L. CunnEr.r., lately
with John 40 8118014 wigs fill, her
place after she returns from a visit
to her home at Kingsbridge.
change thinks "there is something
wrong with the 'eternal fitness of
things' when the minister gets five
dollars and a sumptuous dinner for
performing the marriage coretnony
which only takes five minutes,
while the poor editor is asked to
spend two hours in writing up a
notice,,, and to set up a liet of pres-
ents, and he only gets a piece of
cake which, if he eats it, is apt to
upset his digestive apparatus for the
next three months."
Bargain Dai Even Dai ! ---
While we have any of our Summer Stock left;
If' you want a Cheap Parasol to protect you from Old
Sol's rays, get one from us ; or if you are in need of
Ladies' White Underwear or. Vests, look our stock over
and you will find fair quality, style and value, our assort-
ment hard to beat. Should you require Embroideries,
wide or narrow widths, don't forget that ours is the
banner assortment and that our prices lead.
ISIazwAll our Summer Stock, including MILLINERY,
at prices to suit the closest buyer.
Beesleij's Creat Millinery The Ladies Favorite Establishment
THE APPLE CROP.—It has long
been known that the next crop
would he far above the average, and
now the talk is going round that ap-
ples will be so plentiful that (para-
doxical as it may appear) the trade
will he rnit;ed. One large grower
says "the price will be so low that
it won't pay for the carriage of the
crop to market," Another says he
won't barrel any apples this year,as
the coat will only be so much added
to his lose. Then exporters say that
there will be "nothing in the export
trade this year." "Apples will be
given away in Liverpool." "The
sales won't bring enough to pay
freights." The market is full of
such doleful prophesies, but we have
heard some of this sort of talk be•
fore, and always allow a very
extensive dis:ount. It seems assur•
ed that the crop will be large, and
the public will get the advantage of
a cheap end wholesome food, but it
does not.. necessarily _- follow -that,
either growers or dealers need lose
a mint of money over it.
School -:-BOOKS
If you wish to get anything for
High or Public School Sdilolars
We can supply your wants.
We keep the best of everything required
for School use.
Robins -:-Bros.,
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
THE Brussels and Clinton Vic-
toria Cricket Clubs met in contest
here on Tuesday laet. The visiting
team carne confident of victory but
left an innings and six runs in
favor of the Vies.
. OUR Port Albert correspondent
has got THE NEWS -RECORD into hot
water for publishing his reflections
on the Salt Association, While we
do not approve the style nor coin
mit ourselves to tho conclusions of
our correspondent, we consider we
were justified in giving his views on
an important public qustion. The
correspondence is not a personal
attack upon an individual only so
far as challenging publicly express-
ed views may be considered au
attack uppon the author of them.
was a sensation in the little Metho-
diet church at Burford, Brant coun-
ty, last Sunday. During the ser
mon the pastor with outstretched
hand, pointed to a young lady in
the second row, and at the same
time addressed a gentleman in front
of her with the words : "Brother
Sharpe, have you got a Bandy in
your pocket? If so give it to that
overgrown baby behind you. It is
a pity when people grow up their
manners don't grow with them."
The young lady flushed furiously,
and brother Sharpe ransacked his
pockets, bringing out the door key
and his collection, but no candies.
The young lady was a visitor fromDo-
troit, and the pastor's friends say
she was conducting a flirtation and
was otherwise frivolone.
Some of our citizens, who were up
to Goderich the other day, noticed
in the Star of that place that Mrs.
Isaac Rattenbury, of Clinton, had
gone on a trip from that port up
the lakes. Forthwith they eame to
the conclusion that "Ike", like
Joey Bagstock, was "sly, devilish
sly," in having "been and gone and
done it" without hie most intimate
friends knowing anything about it.
When they returned cofigratula
tions were in order and Ike's good
right hand was grasped with a cor-
diality and shaken with an unceas-
ing persistency that would make a
victim of the "ehakin' ager" dio of
MEWS'." If you 'Seer Ts•aao -carrying
his arm in a sling you will know
the reason why.
• reee.es4,yr.,,,esessesreseme•
Last Saturday I
Was our semi-annual Bargain Day, and it was a deciOct
success in every respect. We don't think there was a.
single person went away from our store but what wad-
more than pleased with what they got. We are satisfie4
although we !lits not make any profit. We are now able
to manufacture a bigger and better lot of
$2 Pants,
10 Suhia
Than before. for we have hardly arry left. Saturday did
what we wanted it to do—clean out our stock and com-
mence again. We have had so many chances to buy
Cheap Goods that we want to give you the best $2 Pants
and the best $10 Suit we can build, and the only way is
to"keep our Stock in shape that you can take advantage
of any Bargains that are going. We are going to manu-
once, and will be ready in a few weeks to show you what
we can do. In the meantime, we have only a few $10
Suits left, and to those who will take advantage
pleasure visit to Bayfield last week.
Miss K. BALL, of Goderich, was
in Clinton yesterday.
DR. MCNALLY, of Tara, was visit-
iug friends in Ciiuton during the
peat few days.
Miss S. KIL'rY, the courteous and
expert C. P. R. local telegraph opere
ator, is having her holidays.
. Rev. MLt. FEAR, of the Nile,
preached acceptably in the North
St. Methodist church,' last Sabbath.
Two YOUNG LADIES of the flour-
ishing town of Harriston, the two
Misses Miller, are visiting at the re-
sidence of their uncle, Mr. Jacob
Miller, town.
HOME AGAIN. —Messre John
Ranaford and two sons and 'Mes-
dames Joseph Rattenbury and W.
Jackson and Mr, W. Jackson have
returned from their trip up the
MAJOR Koine and Mr. Black, of
Gorrie gave the NewsellecoRD a
CAM Monday when on their way to
Goderich. Mr. Black has been mill,
ing in Gorrie, hut is al.out taking
over the Wroxeter flour Initle. Both
gentlemen say that the crops gener-
ally, in that section, are excellent.
NATURAL FRUIT,—Yesterday we
were shown and partook of some of
the fruit of an apple tree that has a
history. Seventeen years ago Mr
Joseph .Rattenbury, of the Ratten-
bury house, then a youth attending
the Clinton Public School, of which
the late D. MacG. Malloch was
principal, on returning to school
noticed some half dozen apple shoots
which had sprouted from sends that
had been swept out of the school
room preyious to vacation. He
took them home and planted them.
Only one survived the depredations
of the cows and came to maturity.
Last year this one bore two apples.
This year it is fairly laden with
fruit, but of what variety it is hard
to say, because in such oases the
seeds do not produce after their
kind. Mr. R. prizes this tree so
highly that "money could not buy
it." Not on account of its intrinsic
vttftrp -hertteri -score! 'iYf= tht3 histertit -
cal and sentimental associations con-
nected with it.
§§§§ § § § § § § § § §
*•i-* * *-i-*i-•*4-*
To buy one of these Suits; we will present them with a
COAT that is worth from $5 to $12.
Who purchases a Suit NEXT SATURDAY,- we will
present a COAT also.
Of a CHILD'S SUIT, we will present a pair ol;
0 —
Jackson *-.Bros.^
must Go
Mara& Co.
Are going to commearce
Wednesday, ng. 19.
0— —
Come to Robertson's Old Stand, the Poor
Man's Friend.
Read Below and Ponder
Oil Cloth, 124 vents a yard.
All -wool Grey Flannel, wide, 15 cents.
Heavy Canton Flannel, 7 cents.
Cottonadee and Denims, extra, 15c.
Carpets, yard wide, 17 cents.
Lawns, Muslins and Skirting Em-
broidery, at 50e on the $.
We have a case of Knitted Shawls to
go at any price you wish.
Cashmere Hose, all sizes, 15o a pair.
We will not
Beautiful Dress Goods, 5o a yard.
Skirt Lining, heavy and wide, 5 cents.;
a yard.
15 Overcoats to go at less than they
cost in Montreal.
Black Figured Lustre, I5o a yard.
Black silk Parasols, large and nobby,
68c`,on the S.
All Ready -Made Suits at tremendous
move anything, so come lalong in a hurry.
2 -New York Singer Sewing
■""running order. Also Lai
'fables, Ladder and everything elee you find beer
Butter Mixer used in store. These ni
We lYiean Business ! -
Machines for sale, in best.
pe, Safe, Mirror, Chairs,
2 Good Wood Stoves and
at go this week.
No Reserve !
Dealers in Bankrupt Sto
Berlin", Woodstock, London, Galt, an 4s oW CLINTON.