The Huron News-Record, 1891-08-19, Page 5vinvournamodommommovalsor Canada's Groat s R F Adtii4I,onall. '144140, QO ' IIV$P .o4 Of the big qua; liWfolk of •cex eh 0410 doiu bythe afterAQorr trei.n;Toewley, 189), to see the 1aPEOPHO match bolwee4 Qiitltou and Gpderieh• Amoug the viei.tore were banks; Willimes ancl t l.•. f the Albion. Ill r■•! i•i!• In which to sell SU1V11VI R FOODS, butt we are making them move out quickly to the tune of LOW PRICES, and by the end of the Summer we will not have a great deal left. TOROIrra Sept. 7 to 19 { 1891 Greater and Better Than Ever SCIENCE, ART AND INDUSTRY COMBINED WITH INSTRUCTION ANO AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS • Latest inventions Superior Attractions CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILWAYS • . �. WITHROW H. J. HILL Pretsicl.ent Manager, Toronto CURRENT TOPICS. In 1878 all the horses exhorted from the Dominion nurehered 14,179 and were valued at $1,273,. 4. 728, or $89.83 each. In 1890 the horses exported numbered 16,550 valued at $1,936,073, or $118.13 each. The number exported in - .creased by 161 per cent ; the price increased 52 per cent. The declar• ed value of each animal increased 31 per cent. The Census Office last week issued a bulletin giving the population of the State of Iowa in detail by coun- ties, townships, cities, wards of eines, towns and villages. The • population of the State, as returned under the present census taken as of June 1, 189U, is 1,911,895. Of the ninety-nine counties i11 the State :twenty ..seven show decreases. z11 would ask the hon. gentlemen opposite to join with us in trying to _ tind out what the facts are about • .this alleged rascality. We ask thein to give us the benefit of their -experience in this enquiry, to assist .els in ascertaining the facts and placing them before the public, in .order that they may be dealt with properly, and if found guilty that summary vengeance may be exer- cised upon those who are found guilt' of appropriating public money —stealing—be they high or low. THAT IS THE DETERtMINA. 'TION OF THIS GOVERNMENT and this side of the House, and I appeal to my hon. friends opposite to assist us in an enquiry of a pre - similar kind to that which is proceeding in another place on a subject which is legitimately before Ius, and help us to probe that .enquiry to the ,hottow and then join us in punishing the guilty after. • wards." --Hon, Mr. Abbott's .SSecch in Senate. Replying to La Verite's fear that the loss of the French language to the --French-Canadian means the loss of his religion, the Catholic Record takes exception to the contention as follows :— "If the adoption of the English language roust be considered an efficient cause for the perversion of some Irish Catholics it is surprising what numbers have escaped. the .dreaded consequence of losing the mother tongue. There are millions -of Irish people, both at hotne and -abroad, who speak English fluently and gracefully, and who are as fer- vent Catholics as the men in the south or west who still adhere to the Gaelic. The Verite does not believe this, but persists in saying that perverts are found only in the East and the Citic@ where the Gaelic is not known. In fact, Mr. 'I'ardivel is of opinion that in Ireland the educated classes alone are exposed to the danger of apostacy. This is a very poor compliment to the Catholic faith, and, if it were true, would be a formidable weapon in the hands of those fanatics who main- tain that the priests keep the peo- ple in ignorance in order to hold them subservient to "the teachings .of Rome." A feature of the new House of Commons, more marked in this par- liament than has hitherto been the ease, is the predominance of native- born Canadians among the members. Of the 213 gentlemen who coutpose the House as it stands, 1 82aet down Canada as their birth place. Only thirty-one were born in other coun- tries, and of these Scotland claims almost half, or fifteen, England and Ireland have seven each, while two first caw the light under the flag of the United States. In the Senate the "foreigners" are proportionately stronger. Of the seventy-seven members to day fifty-five were born within the limits of the Dominion and twentytwo in other lands. Of the latter Ireland was the birth place .of nine, Scotland of six, England of four, the United States ofd, two and ..v im • _ two wltzi3'rTand of one. HI;' cirflter 6 vow a says of you want Prints, or Muslims, or a Parasol, or a Dress, or :Summer Goods of any kind, we have them at prices that are an the New Early Red Clawson wheat : inducement to buy "It is a very strong grower • tillers well, making a verythick, close • crop, with exceedingly long, coin- Fall and Winter Goods will soon be here, and wefmust be ready pact heads, standing erect and hand some." Mr. John S. Pearce, of for them. London, after extensive trials of it says "It is without doubt, the earliest sort. grown ; enormously productive." And Mr, A. S. Jones, N. Y., says : "It stands well Ifizzczramona through severe storms without lodg- iug, and grows well on different soils from the lightest sand to the heaviest clay." HYMENEAL. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS ti'Afi�; CARx¢`Z®A17�� OF In another column the fuels areB NIDER TiwtplE told of an intetestiug event, which took place at St. Paul's church, on — Weduesday morning, namely the marriage of Miss Holmes, eldest daughter of Mrs. M. Taylor, to Mr. A. D. Beaton, of Whitechurch. The bride and groom were attended respectively by I\liss M. J. Holmes and Mr. H. M. Snell. Miss Holmes has been a valued member of St. Paul'scongreg•.tion,and was an earli- est worker in the Sunday School and other departments, wherever her willing mind and ready hands could bo used, she will be luuch missed The Sunday School teachers and usual rush to market at this time of officers and some members of the year is not taking place. Hall reports Woman's Auxiliary presented her are to be relied upon higher prices with a chair and centre table. The should prevail. Time will solve the following letter was addressed to problem, her after the wedding :— CROWN RED CAP SILVER COMPOSITE 3 -PLY FLAX 4 "'CALL 1?ARLY AND SECURE YOUR SUPPLY—VA 0 HARLAITSTID :ER, 40 _, Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clintou, Out. DEAR Mas. 1itATUN —.Your friend, of MARKET REPORTS. the Sunday School and 1Vomau's Aux- (Corrected every'ruesdav afternoon.) ilary of St. Paul's chn.ch, des:re to con- CLINTON. grutulato you on the happy event of thin Flour day and to with you many years of wedded happiness. 'They desirenlso to Fall Wheat,. express their estituution of your char- Spring Wheat ec ..r and to say how much you will he Barley mi.serl in their varied churoh work, Oats . where your ready and valu.ble muds- Peas Gema has always been so cheerfully and Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 3 ..040to0 ..013 too 0 10 t o 0 9 OU to12 3 00 Co 4 their )le9t'te "The Lord Wets thee, and Beef ,. 0 00 to 0 keep flop. The Lard [nuke His face \4'001 0 18 to 0 shine upon thee and be 'gracious unto Pork 5 00 to 5 25 thee. The Lord lift up Hie countenance TORONTO MARKETS. upon thee and give thce peace." Asking Fall Wheat 80 90 to $0 you to present their kind regards to Spring Wheat the gift of a chair and centre table, your Wheat, red winter friends will once more say "good bye," Wheat, goose and speed you on your journey with Barley wermost wishes f a-yourwelfare. Oats. Peas lin and About the County. Hae Hay —Rev." Geo. Ij�scey, - lately of Blyth, Straw the new ree'or of St. George Church, Rel- Dressed Hoge moat, preached his initial sermon to a Beef, fore fair sized Congregation or. Sunday even- Beef, hind log last. The reverend gentleman made Mutton a very fev,rable tmpresaion on his hear- Veal ereEggs 86 0) to 6 O 87 to 0 087 too .,C48to050 48 to 0 50 . 0 65 to 0 70 50 60 15 12 00 00 00 18 Lon's Stara Enamel. 'Phis is au article worthy of every lady's attention. If you waut to anro tines and Labor, buy u box. If you watt your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of train or frost, huy a box, 00 1 1f ,\ou want everything to look like new, such I as shirt hosoms, ailhu'a, mita, lace curtains, etc., � buy a Lux. trrr :very Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant dues not keep it we want a lively agent to represent U. Manufactured by ungrudgingly given. Ibey are unwilling Potatoes to cast a shad w over the happiness of Butter this day, yet they cannot but try to ex- Eggs press their reg-tt that they mast part Hay front you, ['hey feel it will be hard to Cordwood fill your pla,:e, and they now say from your husband, and to ar•.oept from thein 92 O 97 to 1 10 O 90 to 0 92 000 to 086 , 047 to 049 000 to 036 O 73 to 0 74 075 to 078 10 CO to 15 00 7 50 to 10 00 6 50 to 7 50 4 50 to 6 50 650te 900 6 00 to 8 00 7 00 to 9 00 000 to 014 •O lO to 0 15 Potatoes, pet barrel... 1 00 to 1 50 —Mr James Nelson, .?siren, c.insiders I Butter he has the lunar es little girl in the Township. Only 11 yearn old, and two weeks ago fro,n 3 o'clock iu the after- noon till s,tnlown, with a liberal rest for tea, she mowed five acres with a mower. —On Sunday night last the wife of Mr. Daniel McKenzie, a farmer residing near Big River, in the Township of E wittier, on the North Bruce peninsula, about 30 miles from Wiarton, was found dead in a well there, Deceased had been ill and despondent for some time past, --A carpenter named Innes, of Wood- stock, has entered suit against a young lady formerly of the same place, now the wife of Ur, Hall, of Norwich, for $10,000 damages for breach of promise of mar- riage. lanes alleges that the young lady was engaged to be married to him, but during his temporary absence trans- ferred her affections and her hand to Dr, Hall. It is expected to be a very inter- esting suit, equalling itt interest the Btrchall cane. Janes will put in a lot of interesting lettere. The first cf them begins seterely formal 'Dear Sir ;' then this merges into 'My Dear Sir.' and a little later the 'air' is omitted, Still later epistles commence with 'Dear Jc tin,' and so on until nothing flees affec- tionate than 'My ownest own' would do to start a letter. Similarly with the ooncluding portions of the lettere. The first of them w Lund up with ;Yours truly,' later lettere ending with 'Yours sincerely,'Yours affectionately,' 'Your own darling,' and 'Your own precious little dear.' Its. (ANADIAN PACIFIC �Y. Harvest Excursions From all stations in Ontario Return Rates to METHVEN HARTNEY DELORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE• RY ALBERT $35■OO To leave all pointe in the Province of Ontario on August llth Return until Septem- ber 20th, 1891. August 18th,Return until Sept. 27th, 1591. September 1st,Retnrn until Oct 101,12, 1891. Parties ticketing from other polars should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to connect with the 11 p.m. train leaving August 11th, 18th, and September let, 1891. For tall information apply to any ticket agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. 28.00 $30.00 PUMP FACTORY FOR RENT The undersigned offers for rent, in the town of Clinton, an old oetabli.hed Pump Factory with horse power and all tools in connection with pump making. A profitable business has been carried on on the premises for the past 25 years. Apply to 602—tf JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. BEeSLgY.—In Clinton on 15th inat Annie {• Farm For Rent or Sale. E. Beesley, aged 36 years and 22 days, -- Tho anbserther offers for sale his farm of 49 THE MARKETS. Rye has advanced greatly in pride owing to that failure o° the crop in Europe and to its being the staple breadstuff in Germany and Russia. Wheat values are conflicting. There is a threatened famine in India. France ie considerably short and other European countries show a scarcity of breadttnffs. The United States and Canada are reported to have a full average. The Farmers' Alliance of the Western States have made arrangements for growers to Mold out rm.lighe'r pyttf "raid ,tire - acres, being west half of lot 19, concession 8, township of Hallett. The Roll is of good gnality and in good condition. There ie a good bearing orchard on it and about ave scree in timber, log h oaao, frame granary and stables, etc. It is two miles from the town of Clinton, Will be ranted or sold on favorable terms. Apply to • JOHN AUTTERSON, Angaat 19th, 1891. 668-4t Canton P.O. New Firm in the Old Stand. The undersigned having ppnrohaaed the old established meat business of Mr. Arthur Couch, begs to inform the pnbllc that he will continuo it na it has heretofore been carried on. r. 31eata of all kinds in season. Orders taken and delivered as seal. Highest dash prtoo paid for sheepskins, hides and tallow. JAMES-.Ar.FORD2 W. J. LOBB, 55—tC Holntosvillo Turf Meeting. '111E CLINTON I)RI1'1N0 PARI[ ASSOCIATION purpose holding their meeting on AUGUST 28th, giving 54,8000 IN PREM ICMS, namely: 2.50 trotting or pacing, purse $150.00, divided into three monies. 2.32 trot or pare, $200.00 puree, divided into four monies. Three•rpiarter mile run, best two in three purse $130.00, two monies. American Trotting and Ontario Jockey Club Rules to govern. t: This being one of the Take Huron Circuit Meetings, should have a good meeting, the track being in first-class order. 65911 DRILL, 491. Men Wanted. A number of eligible nen are wanted for No, 4 Company, 33rd (Huron) Battalion, which goes to camp. at St. Phomas, on TUESDAY, SEP- TEMBER 1st. Applications should be mado at once to the undersigned at Clinton. A. M. TODD, Captain. Clinton, July 27th, 1891. WESTERN FAIR LONDON. September 17th to 26th 189L CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition Eitablisherl 1865. LARGE INCHEASE OF EXHIBITS and ATTENDANCE EVERY YEAR 1890 ,nags wood, 5nt 1891 will be better. $25,000 IN PRIZES ! Attra.ticna. et.e., whieh are being arranged for, will nnrpnga any yet produced. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS, Entries close September 12th. For Prize Lists and Information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORTE, THOS. A. BROWNE, Pres, Secretary, IItr7(',tt SALE BILLS.—The News•Record has un• inn-paeeed fails ties for turning out first-class work at low rates. A free advertisement in Tho News -Record with every cot of sale bills. EARLY CLAWSON WHEAT The undersigned offers for aale, of his own growth, a quantity of "NEW EARLY RED CLAWSON," the champion WI wheat, highly recommended by leading agrfeolturleta. Also a quantity of "Velvet Chaff." Samples may bo Been at Stoop's feed store. 668-13t JOHN MIDDLETON. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one acre lots In the Town of Clinton are offered for sale. They are situnted on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory end Collegiate institute, adjoining the fernier residence of Mr. -J. 14, Combe and In the neigh• borhoorl of drat -class residences. For terms, ate., apply to Amu—, ; a ,A ILTRIUt,-.UaXs. o}ts4pa AmmuniMMINNIMI 'Clearing•{ VHF ale ! The sale mentioned in last issue is now in full blast and has been. very successful. So far a lot of goods have beset sold but our stock is still larger and we have many lines we want to clear before getting in fall stock. Colne and get bargains, we will give thew. \Ve are told by the People• that we give the beat yalue for the money that can he got in town.. Lowe and see and get Goods, new Goods, at cost price. ttou't be persuaded to buy old worn out bankrupt stock when you can buy new goods as cheap. Note a few of our prices ; have not space for more but ell stock solai1 at) cost for 30 Clays from date, July 24, 1891. Grey Cotton 31c. Fancy Scrim 3t. 'Towelliugs 4�c. 2 large towels for 15c. Parasols from 15c up, Ladies 4 button kid glove..,, Em- broidered hack 371,c. All wool Nun's Veiling, usnt. colors 70. Skirt linings All wool tweeds 25e. ' Men's suits $3.50. Men's shirts 19c. Embroidery 12 yds for 10 Check sllirliugs 5c. Straw hats 8e. Felt hats 8e. Women's slippers 20e. Women's lace hoots $1.00 Women's polish calf shoes OOc, 0 0 HATS, FEATHERS, IIIBBONS, all at prices less than you can buy. wholesale. '1'he prices we offer will last for 31) days only. Remember this is for Cash. Don't forget. the first where the 1}enuine• Sale is going on, Corner Store, Coate' Block. PLU1VISTEEL & GIBBINGS ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Clinton, July 28th, 1891, Clearing Sale for 60 Days! 0 All the Goods on our shelves must go, Having purchased the BANKKRTJ EDT STOCK T of Mr. G. 'Geruar, rtf Petrolia, we are going to offer big inducements to purchasers. Note the prices. Our Suits start at $8, $9, $1O, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16. $17, $18, $l9, $22, $24, 825, $•26. 44 -Goods Cut Free of Charge. Remember the. stand, WALTON & MORRISON SMITH 5 BLOCK, CLINTON. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the beat work-. manahip and material. etarAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. Air FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y THE HUB GROCERY Has one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TUBS, 'WASH— BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS,, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BASKETS for clothes, willow market, Indian market, dinner and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BROOMS, down to 2 for 25e. GROCERIES, fresh and as cheap as, any other house in town—especially in TEA we can give you extra -Janie. Geo. Swallow, Clinton TEA I TEA! TEA Sold in London, Eng., for £1O,12s., 6d., or $52 per pound. Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea, BLENDED WITH TEA Experts have pronounoed fully equal t3 goods sold at $52 per pound—spld at 50c., 60c. and 750. per pound. Special values in Black, Green and Japans, from 10 cents up. Extra Cut in 5 and 10 Pound Boxeb. Extra value in Sugars, Crockery and Glassware. 0 J. W. IRWIN, The Noted Gr000r, Clinton AGENT FOR RAM LAL INDIAN TEA. o