The Huron News-Record, 1891-08-19, Page 2swassawaseistastessaiwors Catarrh JR a blood disease. Until the poison Is expelled frgtn the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla --the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is -dangerous. "I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated b� a number of physi- cians I b t They were thereupon taken to the Central Police Sot: ion, whale the following story was learned : The priestly looking individual was Father Leon Mailluchette, of Tilbury, Ontario, and the young woman was Mrs. Royal Thibert and the juuug man h• r husband. Ten weeks ago the two were mar- ried at Ti!buiy by Father Maillu chette. The girl had been placed in charge of the priest by her parents, and lied lived with him as a servant some time before her mar- riage. Thibert and his wife went to Kansas City to live, and a short time later the priest came to visit them, remaining several days. One day the husband came in unexpectedly and found his wife and Mailluchette rather amatively inclined. A scene ensued. bort ordered Mailluehette out of the house and demanded an explana- tion from his wife. Thibert found that the priest had left Kansas City for Detroit a week ago. His wife received a telegram from Father Mailluchetto. The husband, sus- pecting that - this furboded an elopement, told his wife that he was going to Denver to look for work, but instead of doing this he came to Detroit and discovered Maillu- chette in Windsor. IIe kept his eye on the depc.t here, and to -day was rewarded by discovering the meeting of the guilty pair. Mailluchette can talk very little English, but managed to say that he bad been to Kansas City on a vacation. He knew Mrs. Thibert and her family well, but there was nothing wrong in his relations with her. The woman, however, ack- nowledged to the police that her re- lations with the priest were im• proper. The couple had committed no offence iu Detroit for, which they could be held and the priest was then told by Chief Stark - weather to go. He said he was going to St. Paul, Minn., to take charge of a pariah there. Before leaving the station he presented Thibert and his wife with two rail- road tickets for Providence, which he had purchased for Mrs. Thibert and himself. Shortly after Thibert and his wife went down the street cooing like two turtle doves. ELECTRIFIED THE CON- GREGATION. A BOLT OF LIGHTNING THAT LEFT ITS MARK ON 200 PERSONS. While 200 people were aesembled at Lower Hightower church near Osborne, Georgia, on last Sunday, a stroke of lightning fell near the church and, glancing from the ground where it first struck, pro- ceeded to play havoc with the con• gregation. three cur encs seeined to enter die church, ani rn an -.MGM threw everybody into confusion, Bent hes were (upset and the floor was covered with people, variously affected by the stroke. Some were knocked senseless, while others had their clothes and shoes torn from their bodies. Many ware, burned, and etreake and marks were left on their bodies where the current touched them. Nearly every one iu the congregation has marks where the lightning touched. Ex State Senator J. W. Foster was knocked senseless, and on re- covering found marks down his legs laud on his body. He did not know what had struck him. Many of the congregation found holes burned in their clothes, some of the garments looking as if a load of shot had been through them. Strange to say, no one was killed, though many were rendered tem- p )rarily unconscious. A horse which was standing on the opposite side of the church from where the lightning first struck was killed out• right. THE WILL, AND THE WAY OF IT. Victor Berge has just beau sen- tenced at the Gironde, France, assizes to life imprisonment at hard labor for the murder of his mistress, Marie Bondon. Berge, whose father is a small laud owner at shoes, department of the Lot, was medical student in the city. He net Marie, who was a dressmaker, Ind shortly afterwards the couple lived together. By the death of a alden aunt a short time ago, Berge erne into possession of 10,000 frii'ncs. The will naming him BR ]eir he had in his possession and howed to Marie, whereupon she lemanded that, as a recompense to her, he give her one halt' of the legacy. This Berge refused and the woman snatched it from his hand. terrific struggle ensued, which was tided finally by Merge throwing he woman heavily to the floor, but lot, however, before she had by a nal effort swallowed the Ivill. In a few hours the woman was dead. Berge, in order to regain posses - ion of his inheritnnco, cut the body open and removed the will. It was in this condition that the body was discovered. STORYETTES. THE AMATIVENESS OF TOBACCO. There is another warning to smokers. A very influential citizen of Brockville, Conn., chased two ladies in their own yard and began +to hug and kiss them very zealous- ly. He was about to be shot when he pleaded that he had fits and - kissed women when the seizure crime on. His family physician certified that it was so, and said the fits resulted from excessive smoking. THE COURT CRIER CALLS FOR A SONO. A Highlandman, a newly appoint ed crier in the county court in Aue tralia where there were many Chinese, was ordered by the judge to summon a witness to the stand. 'Call for Ah Song !' was the com- mand. Donald was puzzled for a moment. IIe glanced shyly at the judge, and found him as grave as au undertaker. Then, turning to the spectators, he blandly inquired: 'Gentlemen, would any of you favor his honour with a song I' A NERVOUS BRIDEGROOM. An English bridegroom has been fined for disorderly conduct, during the marriage ceremony. He was very shy and nervous, and in order to screw his courage up to the sticking point he quietly took out a flask while the clergyman was read- ing the exhortation and indulged in a nip. The church was pretty dark, and he thought no one saw him, but in this he was mistaken, for the clergyman knew the service by heart, and instead of looking at the book was looking at him, and, of course, saw the uurubrical act. The result was a fine of $5 and costs. TIIE FLAG ON THE SCHOOL. At a school directors' meeting at Oakland, Kan., they were talking about buying a flag for the school. Cleric Wilson, a prominent farmer, spoke as follows : "The flag is carried by every picnic crowd. It is seen everywhere on the Fourth of July. It is raised over every politi- cal convection and floats over every drunken brawl. It has become too common a property everywhere, and I am opposed to spending public money in its purchase. Its floating above our school rooms will in no way conduce to the good morals and patriotism of our chil- dren." After that the board promptly concluded that a flag was what they wanted, and so ordered. WORD DEVELOPMENT. A good example of word develop- ment may he found in the history of the word "budget," as denoting the financial proposals of the exchequer. In the reign of George II, the word was used with con- scious allusion to the celebrated pamphlet which ridiculed Sir R. 171Tatpiffiz—rrvareoujurer;-,olrefting -his "budget" or ""bag of tricks." Afterward it must, for a time, have been current as slang ; but, as it supplied a want, it was soon taken into the ordinary vocabulary, and at the present time a chancellor of the exchequer would, as -a matter of course, speak of his own "budget" without any thought of the un- complimentary sense which the word originally expressed. NO WOMEN ALLOWED: American Catholic News : There is one place in the world, namely, the peninsula of Athos in the A:gean Sea, in European Turkey, where women are unknown, and, therefore, where there are no girls born, because there are uo births of any kind. The population is about 6,000, all monks, form a kind of monastic republic, consisting of twenty large monasteries, besides nu'uerous hermitages and chapels. The whole community is governed by an administrative body of four presidents, one styled "Filet Man of Athos," and a representative body called the Holy Synod, consisting of twenty members, one from each monastery. They enjoy complete autonomy, subject to paying the Turkish Government an - annual tribute of about £3,500. The monks follow the rule of St. Basil and lead an ascetic .life,. restricting their diet to herbs, fruit, and fish. They are employed in agriculture, gardening, the care of bees, and the manufacture of amulets, images, crucifixes, and wooden articles of furuiture, which they sell ; while they also reap profits from the numerous visits of pilgrims. No female, even of the lower animals, is permitted to enter the peninsula. --Burglars operated at Teesweter Thursday night. They that vetted the post office securing a small sum of money and one registered letter containing chequefINos. 16,21 and 22for $38 $19 and $2 70 respectively, drawn on Walkerton branch of the hank of Cram ,eroe, in fav- or of Angus Stewart. They then went or the gene, at stole ,'f it. IC. CAItC., and blew open the bac and secured 1177. Thele fs no clue to the buiglare, THE OLD MAN WOULD HAVE HIS JOKE. Two boys, who naned a cattle farm out West Chrisuened it "F,,cu,," at their sire's re'• quest ; The old man thought it quite a good con- ceit. For there the eon's rays meet—(the sous raise meat !) The lads prospered, and they and their families enjoyed the very best of health Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets were always found in their medicine chest—the only positive cure for bilious and sick head• aohe,dizzieness, oonstipition,indieeetied, and ell disorders of the bowels and et"m- ach. Strictly vegetable, small, sugar- coated : only one required fur a duan, and their action is gentle and thorough. The best Liver Pill on earth, —A party of 559 laborers from Ontario have reached Manitoba to work in the harvest fields. MOTHERS AND NURSES. All who have the care of children should know that Dr. Fowler a Extract of Wild Strawberry may be confidently depended on to cure all summer com- plaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, colic, cholera infantum, cholera morbus, canker, etc„ in children or adults. —John Haley suicided in the col- lar of his own house at St. Mary's, Ont., on Saturday night by hang- ing. He left a wife and family. Ayer'e Hair Vigor restores color and vitality to weak and gray hair. Through its healing and cleansing qualities, it pre- vents the accumulation of dandruff and cures scalp diseases. The beat hair -dress- ing ever made, and by far the must eoonorn ical, STICK TO THE RIGHT. Right actions spring from right princi- ples. In oases of diartea, dysentery, cramps, colic, summer complaint, cholera morbus, etc , the right remedy is Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,—an unfail- ing cure—made on the principle that nature's remedied are beet. Never travel without it. —The London City Council pre- sented Eli H. Griffith with a gold watch as a testimonial to his bravery in rescuing a child from drowning in the River Thames. FOREWARNED- IS FOREARMED. Many of the worst attacks of cholera inorbu•, cramps, dysentery, colic, etc., come suddenly in the night and speedy and prompt means must be used against them. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at on hand for emergencies. It never fails to cure or relieve. —The Farmers Alliance of the Western States have arranged with elevators fur storage, and with bankers for an adavnee of 75 per cent on all wheat which farm- ers wish to hold for higher prices. A PHILOSOPHER'S OPINION. Voltaire said to a beautiful young lady with whom he was dining, "Your rivals are the perfection of art ; you.are the per- fection of nature." This could not have been said if the young lady wee suffering from disease, and pain had left its signs on the features. Women who want to keep beautiful, and be the '{perfection of nature," should use "Favorite Prescrip- tion" to assist Nature when needed, to correct irregularities, aid circulation and digestion, and thereby clear up the skin, rendering it soft and beautiful. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine for woman's peculiar 111^, sold through druggists, and guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case, or money re- funded. A-enan.ranted Allred Croak waa•4r-_ rested at the residence of Philip Wool- fe, in/North Easthope, a few miles the othet side of Gad,bill, Wednesday night, on a charge of burglarizing the G. T. R. 1 Station at Brussels some time ago. TIIE CELEHRATED MeaI Washer and Wrier. f1E BEST IN TUE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial am atao agent for all r 111 ur A HAN DSO1VIE ORGAN FREE+. Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet 0 1r See the Hant'.some Organ, now on exhibition. 0 N. ROBSON. O CLINTON. Xs used both internally a, d externally. It acts yu:clay, affording. !most instant " { , relief from the sever eat pain. t L ug Affections, also a positive and radical ours icr Nervous Debility and all Nervone Complaints, utter having tooted its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, baa fel it his duty to make it known to his sulteri u.: b4 lows. Actuated by this, motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I Bill scud free of change, to all a ho desire it, this ,keoipe. in German, French er English, with full directions f.n• preparing and using. trent by mall by addressing with atom-• to ming this pacer. W. A. Hove -, 850 l'owers' !]A ci', R"eh est er, N. r. 659 y —The wheat crop of Kansas is said to have been cornered by the Firmer.' All'auc:e. SARAH MARSHALL, King St., Kingston, says : "I w, s allliet.:d with chronic rheuruettein for years and usel numerous medicines with- out success, hot by the use of 6 bottles of Burdock Bleed Bitters 1 was en'irely cured. ' "I ani acquainted with the above naive lady, and can certify to the facts as stated."—Henry Wed,•, Druggist, Kirk- aton, Ont. --Rev. W. ,MoVettie. an Epiecepal clergyman of Austin, Minn„ is visiting brother John of Con. 1, Morris. FOR THIRTY YEARS. Johnstown, N. H„ Maroh 11, 1389. "I was troubled for thirty years with pains in my side which ii,creaee•l and became very bad. I used Sr. Ja: ob's Oil and it completely cured. i give it ail praise." MRs. Wet. RYDER —Robert King, a H imilton lahcriug man, has secured £755,000 owing to thu death of his father in England. HEALTH IN HERBS. Health -giving heehs, barks, roots, and berries are carefully combined in Bur dock Blood Bitters, which regulate the secretions, purify the blood and renovate and strengthen the entire system Price, $1 a bottle, 6 f lr $5. Less than 1 cent a dose. —.Members of the House cf Commons have signed a round robin asking for $500 increase in the sessional indemnity. ADVICE co MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Buffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at ones and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup", for Children Teeth• ing. Its vales is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depeudupon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It sores Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the etomaoh and bowels, cares Wind Collo„ softens the gams, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggist's throughout the world. Price 25 gents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRs. WINSLOW'S Son'rutsu Sveur,"and take no other kind. 656y —The London News state, that with- out the help of American wheat crops Earone would he on the verge of starva- tion bef're next harvest. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS for the blood. BURDOCK the blond. BURDOCK the blood. BURDOCK the blond. BURDOCK he blood. BURDOCK the blood. BLOOD BITTERS for BLOOD BITTERS for BLOOD BITTERS for BLOOD BITTERS for BLOOD BITTERS for —Messrs Gray, Young & Sperling, of the Salt Works, Blyth, were awarded a gold medal at the Jamaica Exhibition, for their superior make of salt. If the ladies would abandon cosmetics and more generally keep their blood pure and vigorous by the use of Ayer's Ssrea- parilla, naturally fair complexions would be the rule instead of the exception, as at present. Pure blood is the best beauti- fier. —A large deposit of copper ore has been found on the farm of Mayor Wagstaff, at Chatham. A eynd.iaate will be formed and the copper will 1e riiin'ecr. • inel tin " works will be located at Ruthven, and a line of railway connecting the mine and the smelting works built. h DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. IIISTANTANEOUS IJP ITS KICTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, MO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints Its effect la magical. it e'.tres In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLO EVERYWHERE AT 260. A BOTTLE. Qom- Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. aiSISMISSEISIONICESESISSINSISPIENISSTISSIMINSMI ewsR000rd FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT. DEPARTMENTS DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. ilIMUNICMGEOMCILID Groceries. - Groceries. CANT HLLO1\1- —Have a splendid stock al— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockfiry, Glass and Chinaware At prices consistent with good goods. We aro '.1 a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Il'y oar Famous mous 'i'cas, the best for th least money in the market. We have a stock of (lcuciat Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton, TT i '7 TT Ir . NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Cal] at the New Store and see the stock of . Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounger--Sideboarea, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The wb de Stock is fton,'the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever' description. JUS. CIIIDLE'1, one door West of Dickson's Book Store RELIABLE TAILORING 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Complete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitabl't for Spring and Summer Wear I " Every Suit a'd"alking Advertisement. " Cloth by the yard ata very a• tall margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the aerie. T. JACKSON, Si, HURON -ST., CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news front our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to ,those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. he .Jab,,.Eepartataetl<t,of —this vaurr nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is' guaranteed at very lom prices. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. ifarAll these makes in key and stein winders. Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE; CLINTON. Q TRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS Inserted in Tee Nam; RRCORD at low rates. The law makes It compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on 'ewe-Reocord. . IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well. known firm of FROST & WOOD, Implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his line as heretofore. Will also keep on hand WILKINSON PLOWS, COLTER & SCOTT DRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 647-6m Holmesville and (mitten AT A BARGAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adjotning:Gode- rich township, Apply to B.ILL. DOYLE, Goth ich. 525-tf v i ti