The Huron News-Record, 1891-08-05, Page 8RI To advertisers, AU chanties of 4daertisentents, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be received at the office not later than Monday Moon. Copy for chortle,' received later than Monday noon will hereafter be at the Adver- tisern own risk. WHITELY ab TODD, Publishers, The Huron News -Record 31.60 a Year -31,86 In Advance Wednesday, August 5th, 1891' LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the ••11ub•' Droit zZ► all►. UCAL Nu't'IUEY.—All notices in rheas columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an admission fee is -harged,orfrom which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per title. THE ld"sT LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN Tills SECTION. WANTED immediately, at Robert.. son's old stand, 5,0u0 lbs. butter ; must be in firkins- Also 2,000 dozen eggs. Highest market cash price paid.—M' ARA & Co., Clinton. WANTED, plums, pears, apples, .tic. Highest cash price for butter a.ed eggs.—CANTEI.ON Bites. 662tf CALL and see the tuberous begoni- as at Cottle's greenhouse. Dn. Jous STEEP, of Winnipeg, was in Clinton last week. LIEUT. H. B. COMBE has bought an improved bicycle and now mounts and controls it with considerable ease. MRS, JOHN JACKSON, Rattenbury street, returned last Thursday from a two weeks visit to her daughter, Mrs, Steep, at Collingwood. MR. Josiru FOSTER, of Stanley, was iii Clinton last Fridefsfter= noon and had some 15.teeth pulled at one sitting. He did not take anything to allay the painful opera- tion. F. R. POWELL, barrister, a one time popular Clintonian, is working up a desirable practice inToronto and is now a member of the firm of Stephenson and Powell 21 King St. West. WORKING HonsEs are being largely shipped (ruin various parts of Ontario to Manitoba and better •prices are obtained than could be got for them across the lines even with the duty added. E. W. J. OWENS, who practiced law here a couple of years ago, is now a Member of the Toronto law fim of Leys, Reid & Owens, the senior member of the firm being ex -M. P. P. John Leys, of establish- ed repute in the Queen City. THE FUNERAL of the late James Brown of Il:ullett who died last Thursday aged 77 years, comprised of forty-five vehicles and a,consider- able number of pedestrians, passed through town Saturday afternoon to the Clinton cemetery, THURSDAY of this week is our civic holiday. The Sons of Eng land Benevolent Society is interest- ed in it. The G. T. R., with usual liberality , is running cheap excurs- ion trains. Take an outing and benefit yourselves and a deserving Society. MR. ALBERT L. WHITELY, young- er son of Mrs. IL J. Whitely, of LIlekuow, has been appointed to a position in the Imperial bank of Canada, Toronto. The Imperial is one of the leading banks of the Dominion. Albert is a steady and popular young man, and we wish him a prosperous and successful career.-1Venlinel. MR, ANDREW FORRRESTER had a very narrow escape from serious injury a few days ago. They were shipping flail' from the factory and Mr. Forrester was engaged in weighing the bales as they dere placed upon the scales. The scales stood near by the high tiers of bales, and as the latter wore taken away from the bottom of one row the next tier tumbled over and upon Mr. Forrester, crushing him to the floor. It is a miracle that he was not crushed to death.—Mitchell Recorder. The injured man is father of ex -Mayor Forrester, of Clinton. NEVER in the history of Canada were staple dry goods, hoots and shoes, tea and sugar, clothing, wall paper, etc. offered at such low prices as they can he obtained for in Clin ton" to -day. It will pay intending purchasers to come many miles to Clinton. There is money in it for them. Our merchants do not intro- duce politics into business. Refor- mer and Tory alike are vieing with each other in proving to the con euming public that this is not a dear country to live in, Look at the quo tetions given in our advertising col- umns. , :Como and get the bargains. The bus ' es entor_pyi @ 0.f ,oar..mtu- eliant (Abe theory of "statute created monopolies" higher titan Gil-oy'e kite. L. 0. L. 710, Clinton, weds next Monday evening. Ma. JoaN CttoLL has returned from a visit to Glat. Dn. DoweLny, a onetime resident of Clinton, will visit the "hub" of Huron shortly. To•atonaow being civic holiday, many of our people "excurt" to var- ious points of interest. THERE as fair prospects for fall and winter apples in Oxford and Perth counties. MRs. Aux,. OspUttNE and three children, of Brigden, returned to their home on Saturday. WE regret to learn that Mrs Win. Murphy is not improving as her many friends would like. ONE of the exerlasting stone crossings has replaced the plank one at the town hall crossing. THE Huron Rale Association has a prat); ice every Wednesday—to day at two o'clock iu the afternoon. THE Grand Orange Lodge, B. A. has voted $100 towards the national memorial to Sir John at Kingston. J. W. CooK, V. S., and Mrs. Cook and child, of Dungannon, spent a couple of days in town last week. THE Cliuton "red coats" will go to camp this year iu new uniform. September 1st is the date and St. Thomas the place. MR. GEO. F. EMMERSON is ROW travelling in the interest of the God- erich Organ Co. in Belleville and points east thereof. RED. MR. STEWART, and Rev. P. Straith of • Innerkip, son of our townman Mr. Peter Straith, ex- changed pulpits on Sunday last. MR. G. F. ROBERTSON of Dickin- son's Landing is visiting at the home of her parents 14Ir. and Mrs. Robt. Coats. A half dozen or snore young men, in town expect to take a five days tripe on the City of Windsor, leaving Goderich Sunday next. A young son of T. S. Bausch of Woodstock swallowed some paris green a few days ago. The early attentions of a doctor prevented fa- tal results. MRS. \\'refs and two children, Rattenbury street, Clinton, were on a visit to relatives at Seaforth and neighborhood,' and returned home Monday. CONDUCTOR SNYDER on Sunday last drew a crowded houso at the Ontario an. Methodist church in the forenoon and at the Rettenbury•st. church in the evening. Conron-tr. W. YOUNG, No. 4 Com- pany, returned from the London Militia School on Friday. He put in three months there and will be in good trim for the coming camp. THE GLOBE of Friday contained a highly complimentary notice of a legal work by Judge Sinclair of Hamilton and Mr. E. E. Seager•, on the "Act Respecting Local Option in the Matter of Selling Liquor," MISS MADGE DOHERTY is rt pre- sent visiting friends in Detroit, and before her return expects to "do" Chicago and other American cities. Miss H. Hume who was visiting her her hero fur a time accompanies her. PASSED.—The following are the names of the candidates that wrote at Clinton whose recommendations have been sustained by the educa- tion department :—Fred Burnett, B. Blake Dobson, Sherwood Hunter, Gilbert Thompson, Annie E. Arm- strong, Esther Moore, Laura Thibau deau. THE CoMiNG L'Aule,--Nun-coin missioned officers and men of No. 4 Company, Clinton, are requested to report themselves to Capt. Todd, at this office, not later than the 20th of August. The Company goes to camp at St Thomas on September 1st. Me. kt.rx. FOSTER, of Stanley, dropped into THE NEWS•FaxonD office the other day and in course of conversation expressed the belief that the sample of fall wheat in this section this year will weigh heavier to the bushel than has ever been known in Ontario. PLEASE ATTEND TO Tnt$.—Of cour$e it ha$ entirely e$capeid your attention. Now 4 it take$ $ to run a n' o.$paper it ha$ been deem- ed advisable to a$k that all $nbscrib- er$ in arrear$ kindly call at their earlie$t convenience and got an in• troduction to the bookkeeper. He i$ a nice fellow. Call at Tag NEWS REcosn office and $eo him, Sam CRtaa, of the Grigg hotel, London, having sold out his busi- ness, has started preaching. The hotel men are proud of him, and say that he has graduated in the right school • to make a good, honest preacher. Editor and lawyer prea, chore, they contend, can never divest themselves of the dark and tricky .ways of their secular callings, •bi t it hotel man who has always dealt in pure spirits has nothing impure to divest himself off. BEESLEY 8c What we are doing is giving some excellent value in SUMMER GOODS to clear, at prices that will make it worth your while to look through. We court inspection and compari- son. Yes, that's the word—we like it, be- cause caxeful compariso will help the buyer as well as ourselves, for you're sure to come again. Our'Goods sell on their merit every time and win new friends every day. You'll make no mistake in putting your money into these Summer Goods we are offering you at such a low figure. They may startle you,, but they will not vex the careful buyer. Our motto is "Honest Goods, Fair Dealing, and Low Prices," 0 B e e s I� 's Great Millinery Emporium, fJThe Ladies Favorite Establishment SEE OUR R - 5 TO 10 CES T TABLE. 0 0 EXAMINE OUR 15 to 25 Cent Counter! Something for Everybody 0 Robins -:-gyros., CLINTON. MISS LILLIE MILLER is visiting CONDUCTOR SNYDER lectured in the friends in Oxford county. town hall Monday night. THE Misses Aggie and Jennie Gilchrist. of Plattsville, are visiting at the parental residence, MISS BUCH NAN, who has been visiting friends in Detroit, returned to Clinton on Saturday. Mits. GEO. HANLEY, Sr., was in Goderich Monday to see Mrs. D. Wilson, who is seriously ill. Mit, 1I. W. COLE, wife and chil- dren, of Escanaba, Mich., left for their home on Saturday. CIVIL ENGINEER A. S. Weeks is on a government survey in Algoma for a few weeks. IIe expects to return to Clinton about Sept. 20. RI:v. HENRY COLE, a South Afri- can Missionary, cousin to Mr. B- C. Cole, town, accompanied by his wife, were visiting relatives in Clinton last week. Tilouoit members of the county council are being deluged with ap• plications for the clerkship, it is not likely, nor would it be right, for them to make any promises at this stage of affairs. Applicants who will compromise nlolnhers now have not the impartial characteristics necessary for an incumbent of the position. A representative of the Doherty organ company ofClinten has been in the city trying to get Hamilton cap• italista to subscribe $40,000 or $50, 000 towards 1'.stabliAlling the com- pany hero. President Bristol, Ald. Tilden, E. C. Bruce, Mayor McLel- lan and some other members of the council of the Board of 'Trade mot yesterday to consider the matter, and they think the stock can be raised here—Hamilton S1,ectalor. Titrs Fiusr load of new crop fall wheat marketed this season in Clin- ton was delivered Thursday last by W.Gloun ofStanley at Irw in'a Stand- ard elevator. It weighed 6.4 lbs to the nmealiurod bushel, will run 40 bushels to the acre, is a splendid sample and uniformly even in the berry. Friday Mr. W. Weir of —Godo'rit•h 'tri. dttllt'a it acv©till 1"ociiisT at Fair's mill of equally good new MR. GEO. riANLEY is still suffering severely from sciatica in one of his arms, DEPUTY REEVE KENNEDY is improv• ing somewhat and was able to take a drive out the other day. MR. JAS A. Form is now installed as successor to Mr. Couch in ,the fresh meat business. Ile retains the old staff of assistants, and the usual courtesy and fair dealing will be met- ed out to customers. A hearty hand shake with an old friend whom one meets only occas- ionally is an agreeable interpretation of good will. \Ve had the pleasure of a "shake" with Mr. C. J. Naftel, of Goderich, Monday. who was in town renewing old associations. TOWN PARLIAMENT met• Monday night. The usual routine of passing accounts etc was gone through, and the rate was struck at 181 mills, same as last year. The estimated receipts are $13,31675, expenditure the same including $248.00 for incidentals. REV. RURAL DEAN CRAIG, St. Paul's church,preached his tenth an- niversary sermon on Sunday. As the years roll by his popularity has in- creased with all classes and Si, l'aul's congregation in particular, A LAD named C.'adzo, a few days ago, got in range of an arrow that was being shot from a bow by a com- rade and had one of his eyes serious- ly injured by the missile accidentally striking him. It. was at first feared that the sight would be completely destroyed, but there aro now hopes of partially saving it. CLIN FON CIVIC HOLIDAY. The following iP a copy of a letter Mayor ih•herry has received from the Mayor of Sarnia : MAvote's OFFICE, S.ruia, July 30, 1891. tits,—I notice that your civic holiday is see for August fi,h, ensuing, and that your people intend coming to Sarnia. I have moult pleasure in extendirg on be- half of our oiriz+ns to yourself and peo- ple the freedom e•f our now Bayview I',.rk on that, evasion, should you desire to make use of the cam-. Yours very truly, E, P. WATSON, Mayor. To MAY. any CLINTON. =witifb bits Viy`nrp fietig'is and -Henry Hahn, wale wrestling in the etaea of thehe wheat which also weighed 64 lbs tof former', log accidentallario y ,tin , the measured bushel. two places below the knee. letsenstssaarseaviereessairiaremass Saturday, fl'uq. 15. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL G IN DAY, 0 To the shrewd Clothing and Furnishing buyers of this section the above announcement will be of great interest.. We are the' largest and most successful advertisers in the County, the reason being that we have the confidence' of the public in all our advertisements. Our last Janu- ary Bargain day was the biggest kind of a success and we expect this year to eclipse all former Bargain Days. There Is Not A Man Within driving distance of Clinton who can afford to miss this opportunity to purchase GOODS AT HALF PRICE And in some cases LESS TIIAN HALF PRICE. We want to thoroughly ilnpress upoti the public that this Sale lasts FOR ONE DAY ONLY ►. And the people who wait till they see the bargains that their neighbors get will be out if they don't call on the 15th. Study the list next week and make a note of what you want and get in before 12 o'clock. Both shops will be open until 11 o'clock P. M. In next week's issue we will give a list of the greatest bargains ever offered_ - 0— — Jackson Bros., Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatte.is. CLINTON AND • SEAFORTH. Just Read This ! MARA & CO., AT ROBERTSON'S OLD STAND (The Poor Man's Friend), Clinton, are still in the same place, that is Iu the Front for BARGAINS. We have and will have piles of SNAPS as long as we stay ]sere. On Saturday last we received a telegraph message wanting us to sell out our business. WE- STILL- REMAIN Ml.. ROBERTSON is with us and will he glad to wait upon all his many friends. Colne with the crowd and it will lea•l you to the CJ-IEAP SCORE, as we are never idle and don't intend to be if giving things away will do it. For One Week Only! Goodi such as are mentioned below have to go THIS WEEK : Any Ribbon of a great quantity, 5 cents. Satin Check 11uslins, 4 cents. Good Heavy Prints. 41 cents. See the Straw Hats, 5 cents. Received by Express, a full range of Ladies' Circulars with Capes, guaranteed Rub- ber, $1-50. Children's Hose, all sizes, 5 cents, Men's Lace Shoes, sewed and riveted; $1.75. We do not mention many articles, but what we have are The CHEAPEST ON EARTH Robertson's Stand (THE P0011, MAN'S FRIEND), CLINTON. 0 RA & CO., Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks, Berlin, Woodstock, London, Galt, and now CLINTON.