The Huron News-Record, 1891-07-29, Page 8LOCAL NE\VS. MISS DoLu BUVUaNAN, who
a situation in Strat•hroy, is
dome on a vacation.
SERVIo1J was hell in the Catholic
(�w01VU llllc.
Auld) last Sunday murning. Thele
WHOA 1 TuERE.--If you want to get was a large attendance.
one of the finest and cheapest and
West sets of Single Hernias made in Ma. Trios. TRtcli left Thursday
Canada, go to JouxsoN & ARatoua'e, last on a trip to England, • via
Clinton. 1f you get your Driving Moutreal and S. S. Parisian.
Harness at JouNsoN & ARMOUR'S you
will get your money's worth and be Ma. Corms preached ve "b:
protected against accidents, too ire- acceptably in the Outerio fila +1""'
quently caused by inferior goods. 654
ih :ue,tl ,trutitutl the "iZub.'
WANTED, cherries, black currant
&c. Highest cash price for butt
add eggs.—CANTELON BROS. 662
SDI it, h'S Fulls, Out.
G1rNTLo It , —
I buugnt one of your Single Apron Binder
from Mr. Stanley, of Holmeavtj.., and 1 have au
41 Dares of fall wlee it with it, sn em of it ver
badly down and very h-•avy, and I can truly it
(after wearing out a Brantford and a Glasse
binder) that [leave never hada binder that would
handle lodged or duwu grain as well en yours; a .d
as far as my expurisnee g .es 1 Dau justly testily
to the merits of the Single Apron B:n lir. and
would say to any 111.111 intending to buy a IS dor
to buy wan of yunrc In preferouoe to any either.
Clinton, July 28th,1891.
MARA & Co.' had a big day on Satcr.
day, their sales footing up $1,000. The
store had to be elcsed fur two hours in
the evening to etraighte:n up and replace
go.,ds. The s eck of Craig & Co, did
not arriyee from l etroli. until Monday
morning. The at ley of pureha oreare all
well satisfied and coming bark again.
Read th . annnunctnleurs of Mora & Co.
every wetk. This is the gre t, -at slaugh-
ter aale ever held in Western (in'ario.
MIs M. `1WHEATI.EY, of Toronto,
is visiting relatives in town.
Mn. E. W. BURLEY and family
are visiting at their former horse,
Cressy, Ont.
Miss LiZZIE BEESLEY is recover
ing from a severe attack of congos•
tion of the lungs
MR. JOHN ROSS, who has been a
resident or town for many yearn,
left last week for IIelena, Mont.,
where he expects to permanently
DENTIST COOK went to Toronto
last week and it ie expected will re --
turn before the end of present week.
Mrs. Cook who has been vi,itiug
her parents there for a time past
will return with him.
Toronto last week attending the
thirty fourth annual convocation of
Royal Arch Masons, and is this
week attending the Grand Orange
Lodge of British America at King-
THE Galt Reporter tolls of wild•
pigeons being shot in that vicinity
a few days ago. The wild pigeon
is literally a rcu.t acis in these
parts now a days, though once upon a
time every summer eaw tens of
thousands Mass over here.
DURING the past week the nights
have been extremely cool for July,
and the temperature during the da=y
has been very pleasant. Crops on
the whole are turning out very well.
Fall wheat is an excellent sample
and the yield fully up to an average
MR. R. G. SIMMONS, of Saltfcrd,
marble and tombstone dealer, was
in Clinton last and this week fitting
up and lettering monuments in the
Clinton cemetery. He has been in
the business for sotne years, and
annually doles a considerable amount
of woi IS,
THE NEWS REcolu had a pleas-
ant call last week from Col. Lind
say, of the 25th (Elgin) Battalion,
He promises that the St, Thomas
tented field, from September 1st to
12th, will be appreciated and our
citizen soldiere well received by
all classes of that section.
SUNDAY last completed the thir-
teenth year of Rev. Mr. Stewart's
ministry in Willis Ohurch. At
both morning and evening services
the reverend gentleman referred
to the occasion in pathetic terms,
noting the difficulties contended
with and the encouragements given.
Deducting from both, in a most
logical way, a lesson of satisfaction
with and resignation to the Divine
EVEN wicked newspaper offices
are not free from the inroads of
Christianizing influences. We were
much pleaaed on Monday to have a
call from Rev. Mr. Galloway, the
new pastor of the Ontario St. Metho-
dist church. We wish him every
success in his now • charge, and
doubtless these he is called to work
among and our citizens generally
will strike bands with him in the
work which every one is interested
Mn. A. P. MCLEAN and wife of
Goderich stopped over in Clinton a
couple of hours, Friday, while en -
route for Lucan. They were going
to visit friends there and adopted
the sensible idea of driving. They
will return by way of Stanley and
Bayfield where also they have
Friends. The country is at its best
appearance just now and the wea•
ther is charming. It is a very wise
course for businessmen to rid them
selves of the carps of life for a few
days by a lei weely, (Viva_ „through
Cho country an enjoying the many
pretty bite of landscape to be met
with in all directions.
dist church last Sabbet' ;•
week answers the query of the Mit•
chell Recorder as to purposes of the
Lady True Blues.;
MRS. EDGE,w1 ;( o7t the recent
pastor here, who was reported to be .
irrecoverably ill, has not been so
bad as was stated and was getting bet
ter at last accounts.
LAWN TENNIS.—Thera will he a
lawn tennis match between Clinton
and Mitchell this (Wednesday) af-
ternoon, ou the grounds of Mr. J. H.
Combo. No adtnissiou fee will be
TIIERE will be a large number of
applicants for the county clerkship
though it is more than probable that
a much less salary will be paid the
new incumbent than was paid the
late Mr. Adamson.
MR. J. J. WRIGHT, the genie
proprietor of the delightful Point
Farm summer resort on the lake
about three miles from Goderich,
was in town on Friday. We are
sorry to iearu that Mrs. Wright is
almost a confirmed invalid. Mr.
Wright's business in town was to
consultDr. Gunn in reference there-
Fenwick W. Stow, M. A., of Aye-
garth, Eng., preached two practical
sermons on Sunday last. At the
evening service, Miss Jackson and
Mr. Temple sang during the offer-
tory, "0 Salutaria", by Millard.
It gave much pleasure to the Don•
gregation. This is the second time
since her return from Toronto that
Miss Jackson has sung in St. Paul's.
The wish is general that she may be
frequently heard there. It ie an
agreeable duty to mention the ex-
cellent quality of Mr. Temple's sing-
ing. 11 is services we always accept..
able. The Rev. W. Craig will have
cetopleted ten years as Rector on
Sunday next. Reference to this
fact will he made at the services on
other day a lad was seated on a
road cart driving a small grey
pony. When in front of Jackson
Bros., the pony stumbled, went on
its knees and the driver was pro-
jected forward on to the pony's
neck, to which he clung with affec-
tionate tenacity. The pony was
meanwhile Making endeavors to got
up, but the entanglement of shafts,
harness, horse and boy prevented
the animal accomplishing its appar-
ent purpose of aseuming its normal
quadrupedal attitude. In the
meantime harness maker Twitchell
took in the situation, and, conclud-
ing it was not neceesary for a horse
to got down on its knees to let a
driver out of a road cart, and that
if it ware it was not necessary for
the driver to take a flying leap from
the seat of the vehicle the length of
the horse and embraoe the animal
around the neck for its humility,
went out on the street and un-
ravelled the entangling alliance so
that.-tho:.lad-and the horse --and= the•
cart again occupied their respective
positions in the econothy of road
What we are doing is giving some excellent
value in SUMMER GOODS to clear, at prices
that will make it worth your while to look,
through. We court inspection and compari-
son. Yes, that's the word—we like it, be-
cause careful comparison will help the
buyer as well as ourselves, for you're sure
to come again. Our Goods sell on their merit
every time and win new friends every day.
You'll make no mistake in putting your
money into these Summer Goods we are
offering you at such a low figure. They may
startle you, but they will not vex the careful
buyer. Our motto is Honest Goods, Fair
Dealing, and Low Prices."
B e e s I 'Q Great Millinery Emporium,
The Ladies Favorite Establishment
SEE OUR -----
0 0
15 to 25 Cent Counter
Something for Everybody
Robins -:-Bros.,
P. Straith and several others left by
train yesterday for Manitoba. Mr.
Scott, who left here over a week
ago, writes back that crops are ex-
cellent and hands to help take of
crops in great demand.
Ho ! Fon CAMP.—Tho 33rd
(Ilut•on) Battalion has been ordered
into camp, at St. Thomas, from
September 1st to 12th. No. 4 com-
pany, Clinton, is making ready.
The roll is open for the naives of a
few intelligent young men. Capt.
Todd will give all information at
this office, Get ready for St. Tho.
Ill as.
IS •
The Opposition leader in I)omin•
ion matters gets more praise as" a
public man than his public acts
justify. Tho Globe not long ago
said Mr. Laurier "possessed the die-
tinguishing mark of a Christian."
IIe may from' a Grit standpoint.
Many of his public expressions are
not those of a Christian, though.
The Reform element of the Opposi-
tion do not agree that -Mr. Laurier
possessed "the distinguishing mark
of a Christian" when lie said that
if he "had been on the banks of the
Saskatchewan during the Riel rebel-
lion ho would have shouldered his
musket and shot down the volun-
teers." This wae.neither Christian
nor patriotic. Nor was it Christian
for hint to tell his fellow French
Canadian to avenge the "murder"
of Rio! when the unfortunate dupe
of schemers justly paid the penalty
of his infamous folly with his life.
No man that entertains such un-
christian and unpatriotic views can
ever be premier of Canada. The
Governor General could never ask
an avowed and uurepentant con-
temner of the Quoon'e authority,
and sympathizer with rebels and
murderers of our fellow subjects to
.,form, a mlglett'Yt- �,. ,...... .
Because Clarke Wallace, M. P.
has introduced an amendment to
cover refects in his pleasure of last
suasion against combines and mon-
opolies, the Glebe advises hint to
bring in a pleasure abolishing all
duties as the most efficacious. The
Glebe follows up its old jingo of
all duties beiug robbery under
"statute -made monopolies." No
ono knows better thau the Globe
that there is no such thing in Cana-
da as a "statute -made monopoly."
All Canadians are equal in the oyes
of the law in commercial as in other
matters. If a Grit or a Tory, a
Jew or a Gentile imports salt or
coal oil or binder twine or whiskey
or tobacco, each pays the same duty.
There is uo discrimination. If
they do not want to import any of
these articles and will not buy them
from those who manufacture them
any number of them that wish to
can go into the manufacture of.
them themselves. There is no
monopoly as asserted by the Globe,
least of all a statute -made monopo-
ly which euphemistic phrase is just,
as silly though not as coarse es
statute perpetrated robbery, Even
supposing that wrong is done con-
sumers by a class whom the statute
protects that is not necessarily the
fault of the statute. The statute
protects every individual in the
possession of that which can bo un-
lawfully used. Every citizen is
protected by the statute in the
possession of axes, rifles and knives.
If he commits murder with these
the criminal would be a statute -
made murderer according to Globe
ethics. Every man is protected, in
the exercise of the Christian relig-
ion. Every day sees some case of
seduction, robbery of widows, etc.,
by means of the wiles of those
statute protected Christians. These
crimes are not statute protected
beoauee Chrietianty is. No statute
that ever was or ever will be de.
vised, but can, to some extent, be
wrested to a wrong purpose by
designing men. Clark Wallace
WiT`r tb`lyi'e've7rt °thy abttac of-grorai
laws and should bo commended
instead of denounced in his land -
able efforts.
eiaa�, r.—neee
Overalls &Smocks
As this is the season that these articles are
mostly worn, we are pleased to be enabled
to state that
Our Stock is Large and Yaried
* t * l- * 1 *t
•- --.e.:...._a`_'a.. - --- --<.....w
A Special Line at 50c, a Pafr.
Well -Made Smock at 75 cents
These are special yalue. Any person in
need of a Smock or pair of Overalls should
not fhil to see what we are showing.
- 0
Clothiers, Furnishers arid
$26,562 IN
Which arrived on Monday, packed in 56 large Dry—Goods cases, consist-
ing of J. Craig's stock, Mammoth Store, Petrolia, Nought by it at 561,c.
on the $, which arrived too late for our opening on Saturday at
Robertson's Old Stand
(The Poor Man's Friend), Clinton. Thousands of people had to go away
not served on Saturday, but we have an extra staff of clerks and can
supply you now with the Greatest Bargains on Earth in
Dry - Goods, Boots cud Siloos,.
Ready -Made Clothing and
We waited on 5,000 people on Saturday and did the best we could for all,
but still they thronged in and compelled us to close our doors for two hours
from 6 to 8 p.m. Come and see us and it will do you good. Note Goods
and Prices, all marked in red ink, at prices that will suit the closest buyer.
Prices for one week, commencing at 6 o'clock to -night :
Beautiful Levantine Parasols, 50.3, each ; Dress Buttons, in all shades,
2,000 dozen at 5c. a dozen ; Pongees in Cream, Pink, Black, Cardinal and
Navy, at 12,,c.; Sateen Prints, very wide, 8c. a yard ; a first-class Corset
for 25c.; Large Umbrellas, 50e. each; Gent'e silk and Satin Ties, two for
25c.; another case of those Large Linen Towels for 121c. Remember,
this stook front Petrolia is compoeed of
Custom - Made CLOTHING 1
and must be sold at once. We can give you a goon.( pair of Pants for 75c.
Beat Overalls 40c. a pair. See our CHEAP SHOES, all solid leather.
Ladies' Polished Calf Buttoned and Laced Shoes, $1.25 a pair. Ladies'
Slippers, 20c. pair.
f'Store open until 9 o'clock every evening,
All under one couer—Millinery, Hats, Ribbons
and Feathers, all to go immediately.
We have still'onr Milliner, who has instructions to sell Goods at less
than cost, Come and see us.
The people who throng our store are satisfied with what they find. Eggs
taken same as cash.
Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks,
Berlin, Woodstock, London, Galt, and' now CLINTON.