The Huron News-Record, 1891-04-22, Page 2ThellurQn Ncws'Record i1.6e tl ifeyr--41.2e in .4.dvance. Wednesday 4•41!I11 g2ud, 1091• AN OHIO ' HERETIC." )}IR, ausoceuisesev cal =ens. The Rev. Howard MacQueary preached last evening at the Church of the Messiah, Michigan avenue and Twenty-third street, on the sub- ject: "Should We Have Creedal" The reverend gentleman has re- cently acquired considerable prom- inence owing to bis having made public professiou of opinions de- clared by his ecclesiastical superiors to be heretical. Those opinions de- nied the virginity birth and ma- terial resurrection, of Christ. On declining to make a retraction, as ordered by an eccleeiasVcal court, the Rev. MacQueary was compelled to sever his connection `with the episcopal diocese of Ohio. He is about 35 years of age, is tall and slender in appearance, with an open countenance and clear, bright eyes, and as a preacher is earnest rather than eloquent. His sermon of last evening was au elaboration of the text : "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou ellall be•saved, and thy house;" and took the Corm more or leas of an apologia for the opinions which have sundered him from his late Episcopal brethren. Ile said that creeds:are absol utely necessary. The question to be considered was what kind of a creed shall it het The answer depended ou the object of the creed, since a creed was only a means toward an end. Because this end was not satisfactorily de- fined the church was split up into a thousand warring factions. ' word .on poetry,gcience, art of la W. 1f they had the world would becbane btagaant and its !Ideate petibll of the dry rot, When why should not theology be in touch with the times and be progreaeive I Moos was succeeded by Christ ; Luther and Calvin advauced beyond their pre- deeeesors ; the Nicene creed - was very good, but it was not infallible. Eveu the Church of Rome iu Rh etructure had the capacity of adapt- ing itself to chaugiug circumstancesv We should reverence the fathers, but we should not idolize ,them. We want no iconoclasm fur the sake of iconoclasm, but we should not be fettered by seutimeut. We should take the gospel of Christ as Christ himself gave it to us, and should not allow our creed to be hedged in and confined by theories made by men. MISTAKEN IDENTITY. A REMARKABLE INSTANCE COMES TO LIGHT IN A FEDERAL COURT IN TEXAS. Dallas News. Richard Whitley yesterday had an examining trial before Federal Commissioner Lednum and was honorably acquitted of a charge of robbiug the United States mail coach on the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas road, near MoNeal station in 1887. His arrest revealed a remark- ableticase of mistaken identity. The end of a creed, the preacher said, was the salvation of the soul— not the s„lvation from a distant hell, as popularly defined, but the salva• tion from present aim here and now. If a man is a thief he must be made honest; if a glutton,he must be made temperate; it licentious,he must become pure and chaste—in a word, the frailties of the flesh must be overcome and luau clothed in the vir tues taught by a personal Christ while on eer'th. To effect this a childlike faith in Jesus was nece8s ary Rud was all that is necessary. When Christ addressing Peter ask- ed, "Lovest thou me," and Peter answering said; "Yea Master," Josue commanded Limply, "Follow me". He did not propound any subtle theory; He merely asked for trust and ubedieuce—nothing more. If we trust and obey we shall be say. ed. When Whitley was arrested it was thought that he was John En- eail, w'•.o was arrested on charge of the train robbery, but who escaped from jail at Austin some time since. Un April 17, a ranger uamed Mar tin, saw Whitley at Amarillo. He was well-acquainted with Ensail, and having heard of his escape fr um jail thought that Whitley was Eusail ou account of the remarkable resem- blance, Martin said to Capt, O'- Hare of the rangers : "Yonder is Eusail!" "You want to be sure about it," replied Capt. O'Hare. "I am sure," said Martin, "if you will look on the right side of his right leg just below the knee you will find the mark of a wound where I shot hits at the time of the robbery. On the left side of the leg further down ii where the ball came out." Whitley was at once taken in cus• tody and on examining his leg the narks of the wounds were found exactly as Martin had said. Whit- ley was brought to Dallas. To J. M. Buffington, chief deputy mar- shal, he said that bis name was Whitley and that he was in Kansas at the time the robbery occurred. Huffingtou got Ensail's description and 'Whitley filled it to the letter, but he wrote to Austin with refer- ence to Ensail and ascertained that Ensail:had been recaptured, convic- ted of robbing the express coach at O'Neal station, and that now he was iu the penitentiary at Rusk. love three that love Me, and those that Beek Me early shall find Me." CANADIAN NEWS NOTES —Robert 3. Gowdy, a clerk yin Kingston Postoffice, was arrested yesterday on a charge of tampering with the mails. ,--The Manitoba Government have agreed to give a bonus of $1,- 500,000 cash to the Hudson Bay Railroad when the road is com- pleted. —The draft eoustitution drawn up by the Australian Coufederatiou Convention is to be submitted to a popularly elected ._ .e.nvention in each colony. —The agreement reaohod by the Manitoba Government and the Can- adian Pacific involves the building of 150 miles of railway, by the let- ter this year, giving facilities to the Souris district. —An Englishman named Fox, just arrived from Euglaud, was kill- ed at Indian Head. His horses be- came frightened at the train and threw him from the rig he was driv ing. —The financial returns were•pre- seuted in the Novo Scotia Provio- eial Legislature show revenue for the year of 5644,938, and an expen- diture of 5710,497, leaving a:leficit of $45,559. Tho receipts from mine royalties, etc., fur the year amounted to $168,644. The real object of a Christian creed is to produce character mod• (sled after the virtues of Christ. The object cul be attained by sim- ple reliance on the promise of Jesus; whosoever believes shall be saved. This meant the return to the old gospel of charity and love. The world was hurrying back to the gos poi, and perhaps as rapidly as many men would wish, but it was hurrying back to simplicity of Christ's teaching, and in a few years only would wonder at the bigotry and intolerance that prevail to -day. If a man should give all his goods to feed the pour and should even deliver his hody to he burned, if he has not charity it will profit him nothing. Some of the most licentious men anti women were cloaked to the worldly eye in righteousness, and if the veil of hell could be lifted it would disclose many who when on earth were prominent in churches. They were wanting in the pure, sim- ple, child -like charity, and love breathing through Christ's works and words. If that charity was present among men Paul would not have been per- eeouted, Galileo imprisoned, or Bru- no burned. Neither would Luther, Calvin and Kuox, or Wesley and Whitefield have beeu punished for their beliefs; nor would the Pilgrim Fathers +tave been driven from the land of their birth. This released Whitley. Whit- ley's father stated that the marks on his son's leg were caused by hila getting it broke. A SERIOUS EPIDEMIC. —Mayor Grant of Victoria, B. C. telegraphed President Harrison in- viting him to visit Victoria duriug his trip to the Pacific coast. Should the President accept the in- vitation it is understood a British warship will be placed at his diapoe- al from Puget Sound to Victoria. TEN POUNDS >fS TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT I Ai s Ph.b Producer *hero MI be no goo1149a but that SQOTT'$ VLSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites Ot 61me and Soda eaiae a PoundvaIdaygbyytheAuse of ik ++t cores CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS. AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS. 'EASES. AS PALATABLLr AB aLTLX. Genuine made L j Stott & Bowne,Beltevilte.Salmol Wrapper; at all Druggists, 60c. and 61.00. A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE Given Away With Baking Powder. Best 011br Yet. I- See the Hanttsome Organ, now on exhibition." ADvtcs TO Morriss.—Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest. by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltle sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrboea, reg elates the Stomach and Bowels, cora Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces I flamma''ion, and gives tone anti energf to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children Leeching is pleasant to the taste and is the preictiption of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout. the world. Price 250. a bottle. Re sure andnsk for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," anditake no ther kind. —Rev. 'rhos. Macpherson died at hie late residence, Stratford, on Sun- day last, aged 80 years and 8 months. He was the founder of Kuox Pres- byterian Church and remained its pastor for 28 years. Deceased was born in the County of Antrim, Ire- land, in 1810. He was of Highland origin, his grandfather having come from Scotland. —Fully seven -eighths of the ex- port crops of last season's North- west gratin has been moved over the C. P. R., and up to date over 13,- 000,000 bushels have been moved. The Northern Pacific road has car- ried at least 2,000,000 bushels. The total export figure is expected to touch 16,000,000 bushels. Tho grain is all of excellent quality, and the foreign demand for it has been enormous. It is a little damp," says Traffic Manager Olds, "but this will not matter so long as it is not allowed to got too warm." The actual damage, he says, was not over 5 per cent. of the total, and it was a decidedly good one, notwith• standing the outcry that was made. The reapparance of influenza in the north of England, where it ap- peared in 1889, before anywhere else in England during that year, causes great apprt'he1n ions of a seri• ous epidemic. In addition to the fact that influenza is already prevail- ing in an epidemic form in Sheffield, as already noted, the disease is pre- valent throughout Yorkshire, and has reappeared suddenly at Hull where the death rate hes doubled during the last fortnight. In the Drifield diettiut, twenty' miles from Hull, nearly everybo ly is affected mora or less, and work has practic, ally been sespentled everywhere. There have been many deaths in the district from the disease. At Birm- ingham, the outbreak is of a milder character and has not spread so widely. Nevertheless there are numbers of people suffering from the malady in and, about Birmingham. Li Lincolnshire also the reports show that there is a general renewal of the epidemic and several other counties snake siuliliar reports. The creed worship sot up by the profossiou tl theologian should dis• appear and the wurship of Christ should take its place. Men will not move easily in this matter, fur ago metres even prejudice sacred, Everything that is old is reverenced. not through reason, but through sentiment. We fondly cherish the old homestead, and are loath to see it replaced by a modern structure. The old oak standing in the yard is prized bac ttee of many fond mem- ories, au.l wo are saddened when stricken by lightning we see it with- ered and unsightly. Should we pause to cut down the blasted oak and refuse to plant a younger tree to renlaoe it? And if in ma- terial things wo are slow to move, how much niore difficult it is to hurry us itt spiritual affairs ? We do not like to fore,o the creeds of our fathers. We cling to them as we do to the old homestead and to the little old church nn the hill. The beliefs of our fathers are sacred. They aro a bond between the, pres- ent and the past, and furnish a communion, as it were, between the .,, „ ..... _a.living,. and. , the loved, ones ho.. hp v e. gone before. But this is all sentiment, after all. Our fathers had not the last Advicee from Paris show that sev- eral cases of influenza have been re- ported to the medical authorities of that capital, hut the prevalence of the disease is not yet general, al- though there is every indication of a serious renewal of the epidemic. UNAPPROPRIATED BLESS- INGS. -- SUPPOSING. Suppoaing you suffer from some dia- ea-e. Suppose it is dyspepsia or bilious- ness or constipation or had blood. Sup- pose ye u learn that Burdock Blood Bit- ters has cured thou -ands of cases of these and similar complaints. 1) n't you sup- pose you ought to try it? It canuot harm you ani in nine casts out of ten it cures. N. ROBSON. PO CLINTON. --Chester Wilmot Your ex, who was pursued to Belgium and brought back tuOinakla charged with forgery, on being arraigned et Belleville yesterday, pleaded guilty. ` SPRING CLEANING, 13u particular every spring to el,an the house. but never Mind eleaniug the blood u ,til some t, onblesonse d,eease takes hold of you. This is poor pdiey when by using linrlock Blood Bitters the blood will be thoroughly oleansed,the body strengiheued, aull future bull'et•tng prevented. --Dr. John Hall, of New Yourk, is reported as saying that he finds it a meahs of grace to stand before one of the great store windows in Broad- way and thank the Lord for the large number of things in that win, dow he can do without. At one of the teachers' institutes held a flew years ago in Maine a rule was in force that whoever entered the morning cession late should pause at the door and recite a pas- sage of Scripture, a quotation from soma poet, or other expression of an idea for the edification of those present et the session. There was present at the session a plain little old maid("unappropriated blessings," I believe they call them now), who was continually doing and saying inappropriate things. It seemd to come natural to her. Site was late ' On&'m-orning; •w'atr 'this- -"unappro- priated blessing," and pausing on the threshold she electrified those within by remarking suavely : "I A HANDSOME GIRL Is "a thing of beauty and a joy forever ;" but where the charms of youthful health, the rosy lips, and pearly teeth, are ao comparted by the breath of catarrh 1 Why it is time that the maiden bought Ulark'e Catarrh Cure, price fifty cents, This would cure the catarrh at once, and save her chances if not her life. Ne oth- er remedy so easy and pleasant to take, and nothing else so sure. There is no ex- cuse for an offensive breath when it can be avoided and prevented so easily and pleasantly. Bashful ladies may send the price direct to Clark Chemical Co., Tor- onto, New York. 51'RIKEs THE P atT - of THE• 'CIISEA?E 18 Head both Internally as d externally. 18 aoti quickly, affordingtmoet instant relief from the sever let pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOt. I11STA1`ITAPOUS Ifl ITS ACTIO;. For CRAMPS,. CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel It Complaints to a its ery short time. ictal. THE BEST FA1l1ILY REMEDY FOR BURN&, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. 501-D EYERYWHERB Ar 260. A BOTTl-R, VI' Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. —Ou the 23rd of this mouth the first English mail for Chiva to go over the Canadian Pacific railway is expected to leave Liverpool, reach- ing Quebec on the 2nd of May. On the 9th it will leave Vancouver, and thus the coutract between the Canadian Pacifie and the Imperial Government will he inaugurated. —If the feeling of the New York cou- ferenoe voices the sentiment the Metho. dist Episcopal Church the women will not berepresented in;the electoral confer- ences in 1892 The question, "shall women he admitted to the electoral and general conferences?" was answered in the negative by over two-thirds of the conference now in session. The tomtit was overwhelmintly against the admis- sine of women; the vote standing acumd- ing to tally kept by several of the mem- bers and the reporters 60 for and 183 against. A WINNIPEGGERS'd OPINION. The following is taken from a letter from Mr. D. Davie, Winnipeg, Man.: "Being persuaded to use Hagvard a Pec- toral Balsam for a troublesome cold, I was entirely cured by the rise of two bot- tles." 189C? AND 1891_ Christmas & New Year Goocls WiIY NOT TREAT? Why not trat such trouble. as boils, pimples, Matches, so: ea, humors, erup- tions, rashes, skin Irritation, e'e., with Eurdoek Blood (litters. It is tilled ai'h virtue as a blood purifier and goes right to the right part. Ie makes ;the skin fright and clear, while also invigorating the entire system. o— - Just arrived, the RMI NS Black Basket, Royal Clusters, Lon - finest qualities of ■ dun Layer, Sultanas i\, V alencias. Patras and ► Lemon, Orange and CURRANTSFiliatras. I PEELS Citron, and F1GS. NUTSAlmonds, filberts, Walls FRETH CANNED nuts and 'Shelled Almonds Corn, Peas and Tomatoes during; holidays, a TEN CENTS PER CAN. —The war upon self -binders core tinues in Davies county, Indiana. and the vandals, in trying to wipe out these labour-saviug machines, have burned twenty-three barus within the past eightoeu months, and eighty seven horses have been cremated, besides other live stock. Paoperty valued in excess of $50,- 000 has been destroyed. —A writer in a ladies' journal has a word of encouttegement for girls who lament having red hair. The Catlerines, who made Russia great, bad red hair ; so had Maria Theresa, who saved Austria and made it the empire that it is ; so had Anne of Austria, who ruled France for so long; so had Eliza, beth of England and Catherine Borgia, as well as Marie Antoinette, whose blonde tresses bad in them a glint of gold. CONSTIPATION CLAIMS many vic- tims. Ward off this dread disease by the Me of Small Sugar•Coated Burdock Pills when needed. SLTGARS, and CGLASS\\'ARE ataway-down �l prices Holiday Prtseead as usual. nCROCKERY Bents. SEE OUR XMAS COUNTER,. J. W. IR IC', The Noted Gr000r, Clinton THE MOST AGREEABLE restora- tive , tonic and mild stimulant is Mil - burn's Beef, Iron and Wine. —Michigan's salt manufacturers managed to make a new combina- tion, and unite "for nrntual protec- tion." A canvas of the situation disclosed that sectional and in- dividual competition would lead to the ruin of the small manufac- turers. A board of directors was chosen at Saginaw on Wednesday, and new officers will be elected the coining week. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Will be given for a case of Catarrh which cannot be cured permanently by Clark'a Catarrh Cure. Step right up to the office and prove your case and get the reward. Thousands have teicd this remedy but no one leas claimed the re- ward, because it cures in every ease. It you have a cold or are troubled with catarrh, ask your druggist for Clad, 'a Catarrh 'Duro, price 50 cents, and see what a pleasant relief it will be instant- ly. If you are asked to take something else, send to us rift ect, and we will send you a bottle by mail cn receipt Lf price. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, NewYork. 1011111111 DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM: NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. CONSUMPTION CURED An old. phsyioian, retired from practice having had placed in bis hands by an:East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, .Astham and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, too all who desire it, this receipt, in German,FrenchorEnglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by adressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYes, 820 Powers' Blook,! Roches - ?err, N. Y. 590—y. —A Detroit despatch says reftiog of loge from Canada will be conducted on a larger scale than ever this year, owing to the Canadian export duty being taken oft. THE LITTLE GIRL'S ''ROUBLES. Mr. Henry Maoonibe, Leyland St., Clackbur, London, Eng., states that hip, little girl fell and struck her knee against acurbstone. The knee began to swell, became very painful and terminate,, in what doctors oall "white swelling." She was treated by the best medioal men, but grew worse. Finally, St. Jac- ob's oil was used. The contents ,.f one bottle completely reduced the swelling, killed the pain and cured her. —Mrs. King, the "cattle queen, of Corpue Christi, Tex , recently - sold 16,000 head of two-year old steers for 582,000, probably the largest single order for cattle ever killed in 'texas. UNSIGHTLY Pim PLES, BLOTCH- ES, TAN, and all itching humors of the akin are removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap. —Last week W. dt G Anderson, ship - pod a carload of excellent horses from Blyth for Manitoba. Among them were two Dolts, 11 months old, sired by Lord of the Manor, bought from H. G. Tay- '1?Jf,of1?Wt. 'WAtY 611h'f6Y'ilitleh'tirAb"fluid" the excellent cum of 5300. There was also a two-year old, sired by the same horse, bought from Mr. Clavier, of Hut - lett, for 5250. —The death rate in Chicago for the week ending April 4th was the largest ever known, being 41.60 per 1,000. The number of deaths was 960,1 and 509 of them were from diseases of the throat and lungs. NOW FREE FROM PAIN'. DEAR SIRS -I have been trouhled with Lame Back for a'"sut six month., and th•,u{ht I would try H sgvard's Yellow Oil, which cured me, Am now free from all pains, and recommend Yellow Oil very highly. FRANK PALMER, 1''inona, Ont. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. • CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive .items of nesC$ from our' sub- scribers. 117e want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already reJir.'4enteCl, to 8070208 RELIABLE,te,CS. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thr)ugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at tki8 office at once. Subscriptions may ebnrntence at any time. —A California inventor has built a boat made entirely out of soap and will sail it abiut the bay dur- ing the reception of President Harri- son. The craft will contain several metubers of the company and the inventor. This will be the first soap boat ever launched. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP has re- proved tape worms from 15 to 30 feet long. It also destroys all other kinds of worms. IMPLEMENTS. The anhseriber having covered hie sonneel.ion with the M isaey company, deeiroe to intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well- known arm of FROST & WOOD, ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear' in mind that all "changes" of advertisemev's, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of , each week. Implement packers, of Smith's Falls, and will be ,pltasettl,to,A,U: #sllerslotsJu hisaine-aQAheretofornn Will also koop an hand WILKINSON PLowe. COLTER & SCOTT DRLLta, DISC HARROWS, and artielee of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 047—^,n Holmesvnte and utiut, n t CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our boobs are open to those who mean business. .LOS: PRINTING. The Job Lej artment of this jou,- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, ,and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. 4 a.,