The Huron News-Record, 1891-03-11, Page 5AEMNANTREMNANT8Furnishings. 0 a Previous to entering stock on Feb. 2nd, we our Remnants, Odds and We have devoted. considerable attention this season to our will offer all Carpet and Curtain Stock and if you intend making any ur chases in this line this Spring, you will find it to your advantage to make selections early. In CARPETS we have a larger variety e ENS of patterns than ever,before, and vire are confident vie eau, suit you �n the gtualitye . Oil Clo y itis, L�naleums Stair Lznen, fiats, 8�c. Lace Curtain Stock will be complete in a few days. VI'FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. At Half the Original Cost. 0 0 Bargains in all classes of Heavy Winter Goods J. WIS 0— AN, THE LOW-PRICED STORE. Mr. Kaulbach, Government -candidate in the fishing couuty of Lunonbnrg, has been declared elected by a majority of 220, instead of 37 as first announced. The re- sat iu this county, is one of the greatest surprises of the campaign, and in solely due to the Grit pro- position to admit the A-nelicans to the privileges of the inshore tidier les. Mr. Mowat said' iu Toronto ou nomination day :—rhat Mr, Blake's . letter "road at the convention de• "alining the noinivation for \Vast "Durham did not contain one word "upon any political topic." He repeated this statement in a tele- gram to Mr. Davies, of Prince Edward Ialaud, widely quoted in the campaign. Now, any one who read Mr. Blake's letter, or will read the portions of it which we give in another column, will have no diffi- culty in concluding that Mr. Mowat did not adhere to the truth. The result of the elections is a victory second to none that has ever been achieved by the Conservative party. It may be taken as an emphatic and absolute endorsation of the policy of Sir John and a scathing denunciation of the traitorous scheme of the Reformers. Canada's interests in the event of international negotations between Canada and the United States, will be more safely guarded by Sir John than by hie adversaries. The poo ple-recognize this truth as the polls ehow. No doubt very shortly Sir John and Ministers will put into practical operation the suggestions and promisee made during the cam- paign. The latest election reports do not particularly alter the situation, nor can it now be altered materially from the 42 majority for the Gov• ernment given in the Empire on Siturday, despite the cooked lists published by the 2fail, the Globe and other Grit organs. Mr. Clown' is elected in Charlevoix, a conatitu ency up to Saturday conceded to the Grits, and Mr. Simard, the can• didate elected over Sir A. P. Caron in Chicoutotni—if he be elected, which is not yet quite certain—is announced as a supporter of the Government, while Mr. Tarte atatee publicly that he will give a straight snppottt to Sir John's general policy. Hon. Mr. Chapleau on leaving Montreal for Ottawa stood on the rear platform of the parlor car and delivered a ringing and patriotic speech. "I thank you," began Mr. Chapleau, "in my own name and in the name of the Governtnent to which I belong ; I thank you most heartily as a Minister of the Crown on behalf of our beloved Canada, but, above all and before all I thank you in the name of the father of this country, Sir John Mecdonald, for tlfe immense vic- tory you have just achieved. (Great cheering.) Canada has shown by her verdict of Thursday that we can get along very well without the unsolicited interference of insignificent meddlers like Mr. %Vinlan and hie friends who pre- tend to exercise a certain influence at Washington. Wo have shown them that Canaditne we are and Canadians we shall remain." The loss of his seat by Hon, John Carling is one of most regrettable events of the recent election. He has had control of one of the moot im- portant departments of the Govern- ment—Agriculture. He has ad- ministered it with extraordinary succees in all its multifarious and far reaching branches. No truer friend to the farmer and farming interests of the country ever has been is or will be in Canada; better informed or energetic, none. 11 Ile has ' been overwhelmed with letters abd telegrams from all parts of the Dominion expressing regret for his defeat by corrupt means in London. On this point there seems to be but ono sebtialeut iu the city and the neighborhood where !ter. Carling's groat work for promotion of agriculture is best un- derstood. The uiiversa1 opinion is that hu will find many coustitu- euciee offered to him; in fact there is the best of authority for saying that several have already been pre- seu ted fur his acceptauce, but for the pt•eseuti he has declined to Like action. A MIXED VICTORY. Mr. C. Cameron addressed his sup• porters in Goderich ou the evening of the election. The following is an extract from his remarks; I knew when the ladies were with me that West Huron was safe for Liberal principles. (Loud -applause.) I also uan thank a large number of myConservative friends who favored me with their assistance on the occa- sion, and showed a patriotic) desire to stand by their country against the oombinesters in the present cris- is. They have my best thanks, not so much because they voted for me as an individual, but because they wrought for the Liberal principle of unrestricted reciprocity, open mar- kets with our neighbors, and free and untrammelled trade in what they sold to the outside world• (cheers.) I am now, de facto, the member for West Huron (prolonged cheers), and let me tell you all in conclusion that I am the representative of all shades of politics (cheers), and when I go to Ottawa as go I shall if God gives me health and strength, no Tory need be fraid or ashamed to ask me to act in his interest and the interest of our common country, for I shall know no Grit or no 'Tory in my repre- sentation of Weat Huron, but shall act for the prosperity of West Huron, for the public weal of the Dominion, and for the honor and integrity of the Old flag and unres- tricted trade. • OUR WEEKLY ROUND UP. --A large number of Canadians who have livod eight years in Dakota, recent. ly pasted through Winnipeg to settle in Manitoba, and more will follow. —Metra D. W. horn .k Co„ of Wood- stock, had 66 organs on hoard the War. ren Line Steamer Iowa which was foundered. The instruments were fully foeured. The veeeel sailed from 13oe ton for Liverpool Feb. 10th. —The British Columbia Legislature has passed a resolution to petition the Dornini,u Government to make the Chinese poll tax $100, &belief' return certificates and restrict the number car- ried inward by the steamships. —Ou Wednesday morning the wife of Dr. Hopkin.. of Kincardine, rose at the usual time and after a while set down to breakfast, whenshe immediately expired. Heart disease was the cause of death. —The bridge over the Couestog, P.iyer, 1Vellii ton Co., }MR been carri.+d away by the 11 .ed. It was nearly new and a.et over $1,1100. The county will hays to replane it. —TheCauadisn Pacific Railway, whose ruin was predicted a few years ago, gave empto, meat last year to ten thousand Canadians, and carried nine mill(.'n eight hundred thousand tone of nierehandirre —The body of Manager Swift was taken from the Spring }Till mines on Fri- day afternoon. Fine is the haat body, making the number of victims 123, leav- ing 50 widow. and 163 orphans. —Word comas from British Columbia that oases of leprosy are being discovered among the Chinese there and that the loathsome (Hamm is beim communicated to the Indiana. —'rhe Methodist Hpisoapal confsranus i f Philadelphia by a vete of 120 to 98 de- cided against admitting women delegates to the electoral and general o.>ufereace of she china). —Anorg. nixetion to be kuow n ssKeigh is of,Reciprocity has formed in Kamm, Dna how signs of spreading to a large ex- tent. 1t is meant as a c nuter•i, iitant to the Farmers' Alliance. -Father (Ireton, who. after visiting Wood Mountain, wan returning home toR na i a it a R , was found dead five entree from the town. When 22 miles ont his horses played out and he started to walk, but leaving the trail died from exhaust- ion and exposare. ESTATE JOHN HODG NS. THE HUB GROCERY Has one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), TUBS, WASH- BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. I11 BRUSHES WO have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BAs1:E•cs for clothes, willow• market, Indian market, dinner anll fang} - work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BROOMS, (jOW11 to 2 for 25c. GaocE1dtES, fresh and as cheap aS any other house in towel—especially in TEA we can give you (.'X t l'ti \'a lti 0. eo. Swallo Clinton MARRIAGES. Paisber-BRowul.Ens—At the residen;c of Mrs. Jas. Brownlee, Clinton, on Wednesday Feb. 18 by R .v. W. Craig, D. B., W. J Fauces License Inspec- tor, to Rachel, daughter of the late James Brownlee E.s. Ruexersov—WALRex—At the residencs of Mr. David Ciok on 'Wednesday Feb. 25 by Rov. W. Craig, H. D., Mr. Peonies Robertson to Mise Mar Walker all of Clinton. MARKET ItEPOItTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $5 00 to 5 20 Fall Wheat O 96 to 0 99 Spring Wheat.... 0 911 to 0 95 Barley .. C 40 to 0 48 Oats.. J 45 to 0 45 Peas 0 65 to 0 65 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 50 to 3 50 Potatoes . 0 40 to 0 50 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs 0 13 to 0 15 Hay 5 00 to 700 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 20 to 0 20 Pork 5 00 to 5 25 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Wheat, red winter Wheat, goose Barley Oats Peas Rye, Hay Straw Dressed Hogs Beef, fore Beef, hind Mutton Veal Eggs Butter • $100to$104 0 87 to 0 88 0 99 to 1 00 O 77 to 0 80 O 48 to 0 49 O 50 to 0 53 O 75 to 0 67 . 0 72 to 0 75 . 8 CO to I l 00 7 50 to 7 50 525 to 600 4 00 to 600 600 to 900 6 00 to 700 R00to 110 0 18 to 0 20 O 12 to 024 O 80 to 1 00 Potatoes, pet bag FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTINC AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWS -RECORD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIRs AND CHILDREN's Haircutting. POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY. ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office—Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Excursions to Europe. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS FROM Portland and Halifax • To Derry and Liverpool. CABIN RATES $40, $50 and $00 Single. 350, *90 and 1110 Return, according to location of Staterooms. NO CATTLE CARRIED. INTERMEDIATE, Outward $25, Prepaid $30 Steerage at lowest rates. sag' Accommodations unsurpaased. Apply to H & A ALLAN, Montreal or A. O. 1'ATTISON or SVM. JACKSON, Clinton. HOUSES TO RENT To rent, a conveniently situated house on Rattenhury Street,with every convenience, near beth 'taboo's. At present ooenpied by Innpoctor Bubb. Posseneion at one°. 6338 Alrr°,the house adjoining. Good stone cellar hard and soft water ani other conveniences. Lately occupied by Mr. W. J. Stoneham. Rent, Sr per month. ale Apply to W, TT. TIIN E. New Blacksmith Shop O EOROE TROWiIH.L herr opened out a gen- Ur cent Blacksmith and Repair shop In the hulkling lately, occupied by Mr. Gainer, opposite Fars Fair's d yard, Albert street,Clinton,3 CI Ont Blacksmith and Iron Work In all its hrnchea. Horne-Sboeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The politic are invited to call before ordering any cines of work to the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROWIiILL. • J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dearer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, On WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Col nnhus, Soth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model, far All these makes in leer and stem winders. Also pendant set watches, J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. House and Lot for Sale or Rent. A comfortable frame house situated on James street, In the Town of Clinton, convenient to railway station. There are the usual conven• iences, hard and soft water, etc., also one-quarter acro of ground. will be sold or rented on easy terms. Apply atf JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S Harness Emporium, 612—tt Opposite the MaJket, Clinton FOR SALE. Tho property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderiob, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, bard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses. There are also soma good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars npply to 1,'. CAMPTON, 542.tf Barrister, Goderich. Judicial Sale of valuable FARM in Township of Stanley. HIENDERSON vs. HOWARD. Lot 13, Lake road east, township of Stanley, 117 acres, will be offered for sale by Public Auc- tion, at Swarte' Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, on SATURDAY. 31st MARCH, 1391, at 3 p.rn. For particulars and conditions of sale, apply tb F rlohnested, Esq., barrister, Seaforth, and Messrs. Garrow & Proudtoot, barristers, Goderich Ciodertc.h, February 24th, I891. S. MALCOMSON, 9'. 1LOLMESTED, 1sIaster derlch Seaforth. Vendor's Sol leitor, 646-31atGo CITRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tux ^ Nsws RRCORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on 'ews•Re cord. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The executors of the estate of the late Nelson Glew, offer for sale two desirable lots in the town of Clinton, being lots 83 and 86, Gordon's now survey, on Walker St., with comfortable dwelling house, good well of water, and choice lot of fruit and ornamental trees thereon. Clear title and immediate possession can be given, Will he sold for 8400. Liberal terms will he given. Apply to CIIAS. SPOONER, Executors ROBERT P1' ACOC1i, March 4th, 1800, 293.3m THE CELEBRATED Ideal Wasfter *and Wr!er, THE ICEST IN THE MARKET. Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. O. WEIR CLINTON BILL HEADS, NOTE Hc,.ds, Letter Heade, Tage, Statements, Circulars, Business Card., Envelopes, Programmes, ete., etc., printei In it workman- like mariner arid at lea rates, at THE NEWS•RECORD Omee. •1001•11•0•00:00.......4 1091. --- 189E Spr!rjrj Annan cement 1891. 0 We have never been in a position for doing business so well as at the present time, with ample toot» and any aaioutit of first class goods which we will sell at the lowest possible paying prices. We don't keep cheap trash to catch the trade, but good goods, everything to be found in a first-class dry•goods house. Full stock of 6- READY- MADE CLOTHiNG. t Clothing made to order as cheap as the cheapest. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING ! 11) charge of ,MiSS ADAIit, who can give satisfaction in ere1.y reapcc1. If yon want city styles, give Iter 0 trial. MILL:LalT-F 1 Y_ \Vc have engaged the services of hi1SS L. F1'1711ERA1.1), who is an experienced hand In the business eros nutlet stands it thorungbly. We shall lie away i1 is week to the Millinery Openings to purebaac stock. We will open under favorable cin 13)55- stances, having no old goods. Everything will be new and the intent. We have taken the second Ilat for a Boot anti Stine Store, and will keep ung of the largest stock, in town. We will sell at from 10 to 20 per cent. less than usual prices, \\'c buy our goods from one of the largest and best lactones in the Donde ion, all the lines we handle are guaranteed to ns. We do not handle inferior stout:, as it will not give satisfaction. Our stock will be complete this month. Conte and see us. We will show you one of the largest and best assorted stocks in the county. Uuod goods and low prices, rev -Apprentices wanted to learn the Dress and Mantle Making and Millinery. Respectfully, yours, PLUMSTEEL. & GIBBINGS. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Clinton, March 2nd, 1891. Christmas - Groceries. CANT HALON B.E?OS --have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockery, Glass and Chinaware, At prices consistent with rood goods. We are in a position to guarantee as good value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for the least money in the market. Xmas and New Year Groceries that cannot be surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Do not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. a-Ra\T PTT NSW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON.. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from:the very beet manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store a saaaaMINIME.►ININ. RELIABLE TAILORING -o THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Complete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitable for Spring and Summer Wear. gar Every Suit a Walking Advertisement. gar Cloth by the yard at a very small margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the satne. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. This Is No Election Dodge T. BUT THE TRUTH. We Have Opened Our New Spring Goods, And are now prepared to fill all orders promptly. Just come in and see what ONE DOLLAR can do. We have joined the tide of early risers. OUR LIGHT SPRING OVERCOATS cannot be beaten anywhere in the county. SPRING SUITINGS trot in the same class. Remember rho stand Smith's Block, Clinton. Walton & Morrison, Tailors. The News -Record FOR GOOD ENVELOPIS FOR FINEST P PRINTING Q FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFIC pINTiNG 'THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS 1N ALi. DEPARTMENTS