The Clinton New Era, 1891-12-04, Page 1ERT HQLMES,'' ditor,;and'Proprietor
Ladies ;gabbers,;`
Ladle' Strong Shoes,
PhildSife. Strong Shoes
en'e ' i h•: Boots •
'moll Top Shirts ,
• auoliy. Yarn 'Per skein
:o 'ar D9a and
,. .. tQ c Match.
hild's Wool Jackets
- 50ots
- lets
• • - $2
ur Glh• Shipment
a k TV band cheaper tbnn ever. Come
this week. Better 1>a?tg' ains were-,
never ,Offered.
Mara {& Co.,
Robertson's Old Stand.
NOTES. -Miss Florence . Thompson
returned home last week from a long
visit to her sister in Michigan. Mr
James McDonald and Miss Louisa Mc -
Nab, were joined in the holy bonds of
matrimony last week. We understand
that there is another wedding on the
tapis. We noticed Mr George king
looking very smiling ori Tuesday last,
and found out the cause was the arriv-
al of a bouncing baby boy that morning
Ye tender our congratulations. Mr
Ross and Willie Ferguson arrived home
safely from the fishing islands; we
understand that the forme had his
boat beached and badly smashed.
DEATH. --We are sorry to hear of the
death of Mr Oldworth at the ripe age
oi' 81 years; he was born in London,
England in ' 1810; he carried on farm-
ing in Goderich township a length of
time, but has been living retired this
Jest few years. His remains were inj�
terrain the Bayfield Cemetery on
Wednesday -last.
Clinton Public School
a Con " t -- wide-awake.
Prom all parts ; of the, i<1 9 p
awl 1tvely Correspondents
(Intended for test week.)
DEATII.-Last Saturday afternoon,
Nov. 21st, M'rs (Rev,) J. H. Dyke, , of
Bel ave received a telegram 'from St
, .
Thomas, North Dakota,bearing the
sad news of the death Of the younger
of her two brothers; naturally enough•
she. hastened home, onlyto find. the
sorrowful;= news had preceded her
and that the rest of the family were in
ossession of the sad fact. Thomas S.
thethird and fifth child
Ball was 1t
of Mr and Mrs Stephen Ball, of Gode-
rich, and eight or nine years ago had
gone to St Thomas, Dakota, where in
company with his brother,. James G.
Bali,carried on an extensive businessin
hardware, furniture, lumber and drugs.
/Ira parents and the rest of the family
had not seen him since then, until this
sumer„ er, when in Ma last he returned
to visithis parents, eldest brother, Rev
John Ball, of Fairmount, Mrs John
MacArthur and his brother Mr Wm
Ball, both of Hensel!, he also spent a
little while with his sister. Mrs Dyke
in Belgrave, then went to Kempstville
to visit some relatives of 'lis wife,
when with his wife and ;:wo children
he returned to his parents in Goderich,
remaining with them until Oetit; 12th,
when with his family he journeya•1 to
his own home and business in the
west, but on Nov. 12 he complained of
chills and took his bed on Friday,, the.
13th, still his case was not considered a
dangerous one until Tuesday the 17th,
and even then consulting physicians
thought his case a good one as all in-
flammation was subdued, but he felt
otherwise; he never rallied from the
attack, wishing his brother, James G.
Ball, good bye, and saying an affec-
tionate farewell to his wife and child-
ren he resigned himself calmly to the
will of God. Among his last words
were "my Lord receive my spirit." He
died of pneumonia, at ten minutes
past four on Saturday morning, Nov.
21st. Being the first death in the fam-
ily it was a. heavy blow to the parents,
who were with the part of . the family
here, in 'painful suspense as to the
cause of his death from time of reeeiv-
ing the telegram until last Thursday
afternoon, but they : expect to meet
him in a far serener clime.
ABLE 160 -Eldred -Archibald 158,, Fred
Stephenson 152, Murray. Gilroy" 149,
Robbie Holmes 147, Fred Hill 139,
Willie Piumsteel 136, Thomas Pike
135, Guy Ctidmore.133, Willie Whitely
1 '
160 -May Armstrong 150, Clara
Chidley 148, Harry Dowzer 148, Harry
•Fremhn 129, John Walker 120, Silas
Andrews 117, Winnie Paisley 113,
Lettie Smith 107.
A word to 'Correspondents.
Send us neve as often and as fully es you can,
Write only on one side of your paper,and when
you supply is exbaysted ask for more.
Do not seal' envelopes,as they may be forwarded
to the Dead Letter Office, when only carrying a
one cont stamp, but the flap of the envelope may
be sealed to the copy inside.
Send no items but what you believe to be facts,
and no items that are intended as personal 'in -
,sults. And•notbing in unsealed envelopes except
what is intended for publication.
;it has bnpppcned, though rarely, that an India -
cutlet poste co clerk, hits divulged the name of
personssehding communications through the
mail. If,dorrespondents know of this being done
at any time they should inform us o1 the fact,
and we will sed•that the matter is brought to the
attention of the proper authorities. ,
Minter's Blast
Is n0 respector of persons;
therefore you should prepare
to meet its coming by provid-
ing yourself with a
Warm Suit
Oveat o
'Palace Clothing'
Unequal ed
•;.Far Value, Fit or 1?inisb.
ti per cent off fcr''eash
otail John
GETTING BUTTON -Mr -B. Westlake,
of the Bauble line, Stanley, who has
been Suffering very much from inf tarn
mation of the eyes, and has beep, un-
der treatment therefor, is getting
PBRQONAL. -Mr Jas. Aikenhead and
wife have returned from Manitoba;
they have had a good harvest. Mr
Arch, McCully,, once, "a resident of
Clinton, but now' 9f Grafton, Dakota,
is now visiting for a lew' "dayys at his
mother's; he is propri for of the Graf-
ton Advocate.
OBITUARY. -We are called upon this
week to record another death, being
the fourth in this neighborhood since
the 10th of November. The victtim in
this case' is Mr .Duncan G. Walker,
Who, after a lingeringillness,' passed
away on the 27th of Nvember, at the
age of twenty-three. Deceased was
the third son of the late Duncan Walk-
er, was born in Stanley and lived there
during his life, till last spring,when in
the hope of making himself a home in
the fertile North-west, ,he went out
'with a nunber of other .emigrants,
But trouble came upon him, he renmain-.
ed,however,dtlring the summer in the;
delusive hope that he would recover.
This hope failing, he came -back • to
Stanley seven weeks ago,accompanied
by his sister Lizzie, who proved a
tender and an affectionate nurse.
Though tenderly cared for at the
home. of his sister, Mrs D. Smith, he
continued to grow worse till death
ended his sufferings. He was a quiet
and inoffensive young man, steady,
industrous and highly respected, as
was shown by the large number who
met on Saturday last to pay their last
token of respect to his remains.
From an occasional Correspondent.
NOTES. -Mr Edward McDowell has
let the stone work of his barn to Mr
'McDonald, , and the frame work to Mr
Armstrong, both off which are good
mechanics. Mr Wm Johnston, .who
has been in the Northwest for the
summer, returned home last week,
looking hale and hearty. Miss'. Mary
Mcllwain, from the Nile, has been vis-
iting friends in this neighborhood, last
week. One of our young men had
certain business at Clinton last week,
and on his wayhomegpt lost in Londes
boro; we hope he will take some re-
liable person with him next time, so
that he will reach home in safety;
kindly advise Wall. Mr Robt Hoover
has let the job of building a stone pig
pen to Joe Stonehouse; he is counted
on second to none as a builder, and
Bob can expect a good job. !tumor
has it that one of our choir boys is
strongly in favor of annexation, howitt
will be we don't know yet. James
Henry is about renting Mr Whitmore's
farm for a term of years, the matri-
monial fever -has taken him. •
Too late for last week
NoTEs.-A missionary sermon was
preached here by Mr Hilliard last Sun-
day; after a lengthy address a sub-
scription was taken up, the result of
which amounted to upwards of $70.
The revival services came to an end
last Wednesday night. David Ram-
say, who has been residing in Michigan
for the last eight or nine months came
home the other day, accompanied by
two crutches and a very sore leg.
While Mr Shorts and wife were re-
turning from Blyth the other day,
their valuable mare fell dead on the
road; there was no post mortem held,
but the cause was supposed to be a
broken heart. David Cook has secur-
ed the contract of keeping the church
in order for the next year; we under-
stand he would like to form a partner-
ship with the contractor for the school
house; then won't the dust fly. Mrs J.
Stackhouse and family are going on an
extended visit among friends in Guelph
and vicinity. Miss Belle McKenzie is
clothing the naked in Kilgubhin at
present. A little son of Amos u
of this place, who is on a visit
with his mother to Hespeler, is report
ed to be seriously ill at present with
scarlet fever. While Father McGee
and Thomas Cummins, of St Augus-
tine, were coming from Auburn Mon-
day night, they lost their way in the
darkness, and landed in a barbwire
fence, T. Batcliff came to the rescue
and piloted them to Martin Cummin's,
where they remained over night; there
was no serious results.
BROKE. -Last Monday the mill dam
broke away, cutting over forty feet in
length between the waste gates and
carding mill, and cut so deep that all
the water is passing through the cut.
WASHOUT. -Last week's heavy rain
carried off part of the bridge here,
washing out the hutment on the cast
side, also the breakwater on the north
side of the bridge. It discloses to
view the solid material with ' hich
some of our township contract are
completed. The township father paid
visit last Monde' to fns sot.
us a v with
y. 1?
the view of repairing at an earl , ..
r p g y ate.
QOdell Will pal for the cI,I % ON
W 1 .NEW L,'R A til] = let December, .92
Chiselhurst. -
FoUND DEAD. -On Friday morning
last a iman named Thomas Simpson
was found dead on the road, a short
distance from Chiseuipyst. Deceased
was a shoemaker and worked here,
blit was, . of dissolute habits, and his
death is supposed to have been the
result of exposure and drink. It is
said that he has a wife and family liv-
ing in Scotland, but of this we -cannot
speak with certainty.
NOTES. -Rev. Mr White, of Hamil-
ton is still holding revival services in
the Methodistychurch here, the meet-
ings are largely attended, and good
work is being done. Mr John Mc-
Pherson, the champion stone putter,
has been in town for the past week,
enjoying the company of his old asso-
ciates. Conductor Snyder is expected
here at the anniversary services in the
Methodist church, next Sunday. Mrs
,John G. Murdock left on Tuesday for
Elmira, N. Y., where she will meet her
mother, Mrs Alex McKenzie, who is
attending the baths there. It is re-
ported round town thatthe block
formerly owned by Alex. McIntyre
was purchased last week; and is
to be converted into a hotel; this is a
good move, if true, as our town is in
need of better accommodation for tra-
vellers. Messrs Lee and Douglas have
built an addition to the west end of
their woollen mills, and are putting in
a run of stones for grain crushing pur-
poses, they will ' have it ready for
gristing in the course of a few days.
East Wawanosh.
DEA't'h. The funerai�. of the; late
Maxgarea Rea took place trona the
residence of her sister, Mrs Crozier,
on Saturday last, and was largelY at-
tended. Miss pea has' beenairing for
some years, and being ,consklerably
advanced in years, having been slotted
almost her three score and ten.years,
'her death was not unexpected.' She
.was a sister of Mr John Rea, of this
township, and Wm Rea, of 'Fat o,
Dakota, and was highly respected by
all;who knew her•.
NOTES -The new store in Leadbury,
ale going up quiterapidly,, aid will be
completed in a few weeks time.. The
entertaininent•on Friday. evening last,
given ,lay the R. T. of 1'• of Walton,
was a success is every part c ldr; the.
pprogram was all that could bedesired,
the proceeds amounted to upwards of
thirty dollars, -
PUNIM$ .TrE3I,--On Sunday evening.
last a number of boys, or rather young
men, who should know better, disturb-
ed the services in the Methodist church
here. The parties are known to the
officials of the church,and as the law
for such acts of misemeanor is very
strict, we think. that a trial before a
J. P. will have the tendency of bring-
ing about good behaviour in the future.
PRESENTATION. -On Saturday even-
ing last the members of Varna Court
No. 264, C. O. F. made the Rev. F. G.
Newton the happy recipient of a good
load of oats as' a token" of their grati-
tude to him for the excellent sermon
delivered sometime ago in their be-
half. The court is in a very flourish-
ing condition, and much of itspros-
perity is•owing to the clear andr-
cible manner in which he represented
the excellent principle and working of
the society. ,
lc (Ms. -Miss Jennie McCool, of the
post office store, has been absent for a
few days attending the funeral of her
cousin, Mr J. Brownlee. Miss Maggie
Logan, who has for some time been
visiting friends in Ripley, has return-
ed home looking hale and hearty.
Mr D. McNaughton has gone to the
Business College, Chatham; we wish
him success.
NoTEs.-Robert C. McGowan, who
has been spending the last couple of
weeks in Balton, returned home on
Wednesday last. B. Williams and
son have purchased the threshing
machine belonging to J. Bennet; they
intend running the machine them-
selves. James Rath,Esq,has been indis-
posed for the last two weeks, his
friends all hope for his speedy recov-
ery. T. Ross purchased of E. Taylor
last week, three head of fine young
cattle at a good figure. The Patrons of
Industry . purpose holding an enter-
tainment in S. S. No. 13, shortly.
DEATH. -The stern hand of death
has again beenin our midst, its victim
being an aged parent, in person Mrs
J. Grummett, at the ripe age of 79
years. She died at the residence of
her daughter, Mrs John Horton, on
Wbdnesday, the 25th, from a stroke of
appolexy, taken down about ten days
before. She came with her parents in
1834 from England, and ways shortly
afterwards married to Mr A. Osbal-
deston, and settled near Holmesville
on the old homestead, now occupied
by her son Alex. -Her husband taught
school in Clinton for a number of
years, and was the first man to re-
ceive money from the government.
He died in 1853, leaving her with a
family of small children to struggle
on with during the hard times of the
early settlers. She was some years
afterwards married to John Grummett
and lived in Clinton for a time. Her
remains were carried to the Colborne
cemetery on Friday, followed by a
large number of sorrowing friends.
PERSONAL. - Mrs R Morris and
daughter, from near Wheatland, Da-
kota, arrived here on Monday last to
spend a few months with her parents,
Mr Jas McManus and wife. Mr M.
Dixon and sister Nellie, from Bruce -
field, spent a short time with friends
here last week, they having come up
to attend the funeral of their grand-
mother, Mrs Grmnmett. Mr George
ek was in our
'1 ' near Woods
Hillier, to
last e
ek• he t
his farm,
now occupied by Il 13,_lt0n, to James
Thurlow for
a term of bears; Mr Thur. -
low to take possession n the spring.
West Wawanosh.
Courlcrt,-Council met on Saturday,
Nov. 21st. Members all present ex-
cept Mr Todd. T. B. Somerville asked
for a grant for wire fence opposite lot
16, con. 10. The request not being ac-
companied by the required petition,
the matter was laid over until next
meeting. An account for gravel,
amounting to $10.22, was piesented by
Cullis Bros; on motion of Messrs Bow-
ers and Gibson, the claim was laid
over until next meeting, in order to
scertain if the claim be a proper one,
e. gravel in question being consider-
ed as having been taken from the road
allowance. The Reeve was appointed
to arrange with the Municipality of
Lucknow as to the distribution of the
balance coming to the township from
the land improvement fund. Moved
byMr Bailie that Alex. Ross be paid
$ on condition he accept that amount
in full:for his claim in filling gravel pit;
no seconder. The road commissioners
of the district were ordered toengage
a man to fill in the pit. Robt Lowery's
account wasjaid over until next meet-
ing. After passing a number of ac-
counts, council adjourned to meet ac-
cording to statute on December 15th.
death ofMrlhorntYallc, record he
r7th con., ;which occurred on ,Monday
last, after n lingering tlinese from con:
(,suwption Deceased.has been ablet°
';be around until quite' reeently, He
was married to daughter of 'IOW.
inghaiin, and his wife:.,and a. f airily.' 4
ninesurvive hint;.
Children sur
MOWN°. AWAY Th®' family, of the
late A. Callander, of lot'2,1, 8th: con,,, of
73ullett, ha'ce decided; ,on moving to
Hartney, Man., where one ofthe sons
is at.•present residing, and will offer
the farms and farm stock for sale,
auction on Wednesday, Dec. 9, h, It
is a Urn% that Should easily find , a
ppurchaser.The, fancily de not purpose
leavinguntil spring.
NOVEMBER. --5th class -Minnie Brio-
kenden 626. Sr, 4th-Allie Watt 4.23.
Jr. 4th-Zemma Cornish108, Sr. 3rd -
Laura Conne1451, Millie Churchill 307,
John Snell 303. Jr. 3rd -George Akins
338, Lizzie Churchill 217.7 John henry
2(0, Sr.2nd-Willie Noble 537, Annie
Noble 530, Jennie -East 886. Jr. 2nd --
George Snell 215, Wreathe, Snell 216,
Hattie Bullen 163. Part 2nd -Willie
Brown 384, Jennie Churchill 518, John
Churchill 525.
NOTES. The Presbyterians here and
at Smith's Hill are taking steps at pres-
ent, for the purpose of extending a
call to the Rev. J. A. Hamilton, of the
Presbytery of Hamilton. The Good
Templars her contemplate visiting
Londesboro lodge on the fifteenth
inst., a good time is expected. The
Methodist church here intend having
a grand tea meeting on Christmas eve.
The Rev. Mr McLachlin, of Uxbridge
brother of our esteemed Dr., occupies{
the pulpit of Knox church on Sunday
morning, the theme of his discourse
being the Love of God. Mrs J. Sweet -
man, who has been residing here for
the past three months, leaves this
week for Palmerston, where Mr Sweet -
man has secured an excellent situation.
Mrs Stinson and family have moved
into the house lately occupied by Wm
Fluker. Mr David Fell, formerly of
Londesboro, but now of Chicago, who
is home on a visit, is busy. painting J.
Ferguson's cutters. Mr Edward Mc -
Brien has sold his house and lot on
Main street, to John Mills, of Wes
Wawanosh. Cullis Bros have rente
their grist mills to a Mr Webb fro
Stratford, we believe. Rev. Mr Si
son, of Brucefield, will deliver alect
in Knox church, on Friday eveni
Dec. 18th subject "Trifles;" prose
in aid of Sabbath School funds.
NOTES. --A party was recentl
at the residence of A and J.
a goodly number were present
most enjoyable time was spent.
class -Lizzie -Cunningham 646, Nellie
Van Bridger 551, John McConnell 521,
Fred Johnston 473, Thomas Adams 460,
Henry Lennox 447, Ephraim Gray 433,
Dan McConnell 424, John R. Bell 360,
Bertie Gray 291. Senior fourth -Elva
Adams 897, Ida Riley 891, Lenord
Whitely 865, Mabel Bell 791, Sarah Hill
767, Lorenzo Brigham 588. Junior' 4th
-Lawday Young 7=:, Cora Newton
728, Alvin Brogdon 712, Thds. Wallace
706, Alice Brigham 572, Rob N. Cole
569, John Moore 538, Harry Allen 503,
Bella Ounningham 437, Jennie Rober-
ton 395, Vincent McConnell 370. Senior
third - Lou Ouimette 838,- Bernice
Moore 689, Minnie Nelson 547, John
Crawford 441, Lydia Shobbrook 398,
Wilfred Crisp 369, Ada Brigham 345,
John Stevenson 335 Alice Mountain
334, Willie Townsend 303, Charlie Wat-
son 163, Francis Longman 71.
D. MCFADYEN, Teacher.
-Rose Riley 848, Alice Oliver 623, Ethel
Barr 595, Dillia Oliver 575, Amelia
Brown 485, Carrie Crawford 401, Robt.
Townsend 181. Second class -Eliza
Garrett 708, Harvey Longman 673, Har-
veWColclough 650, Elva Wallace 614,
illie Day 555, Jessie Willis 505, Olvet-
tie Brigham 471, Allie Lawrence 435,
Maggie Nelson 422, Willie Garrett 296,
Rose Cole 295, Tommy Lee 122, Wesley
Lee 42. Second . part class -Ernest
Adams 590, Howard Adams 538.
nd a
CHURCH WORK. -The Rev. Mr Hen-
derson, of Kincardine, havinga couple
of hours to wait here for the ten train,
spent the time at the revival meeting,
in the Methodist church, and entered
heartly into the work. These meet-
ings are being well attended and the
interest is increasing. Rev. Mr Brown-
ing is working hard to make them a
Methodist Church has recently under -
one repairs, which has cons derably
Improved its appearance. M Mary
Gifford employed by Mr T. obb, re-
turned to her home in Str: tford on
Wednesday last. The Meth(). 'at choir
here are invited to a supper a t e.bitr-
sonage this Friday evening ertain
visitors to our village ren .red them-
selves somewhat conspicuous by their
conduct on Saturday last.
Tuckersmith .
Noris. -The, season o. entertain-
ments, social parties, and oyster sup-
pers having arrived the y : ung people
in this section are bound t • be in the
fashion. Mr and Mrs c ores Crich
paid a flying visit. to G detach and
Leeburn last week.
Church Sabbath School nniversary
will be held on Sunday; on the follow
i r will be a
, evening t to e w 1
Monday e
:S' g
addresses w be d i
tial at which
M. r • Seafo
sed Mr. W Grey, i
� b ,�
and Rev J. Galloway, teeitatiWns by the
message 011 Tu
Cumberland, s
there was at t
penny had a
teen months
of North Da
this week;
but says t
kota have
or so, he
on Sund
er Win
she w
of the
Halpenny received a
sday from Barebro0k,
ing that his brother
e point death; Mr Hal-
rother die about four -
go. Mr Robt McTavish,
ota, spent a day in town
appears to like that part,
t the, crops in South Da-
een a failure this last year
also says they thrash there
while the mothers are at-
urch. Mrs Jackson, of Low -
am, was called away by the
es of death on Monday last,
in her 69th year. Mr Calback,
organ factory, Goderich, was in
last week; he informs us that
are very busy; we are pleased to
of the firm's success.
7iapRen. ,
NOTES Rev. 'J. 8 Hendessgn, of
Hensall will (D. " ',)15!reachala i1"2salry
sermons in St,Andrew'e eburs• bare .
on Sabbath next, services (Stu ui. And in the afternoon • hta
gentleman is **peened to Address
sal Templar service,t 2,30,. m,
in the Methodist Church.: Mss rent.*
land, who is thls week foialsting Roy.
11Irvine in specialeerviees will pnoh
on Sabbath eyemngat6 30, she inti,
remaining part• of next week, large
congregations. ,
•• Blyth
CnuitcH.•r-Roviva�,ser ices tzre going
to commence n the .. a c11 A
1-ilt thodiR tiro
here,. in 'J;,nua , ,, ;conducted' ; sorr,w
female• evangelists. •:Rev° Mr Campbell
preached a very able sermon
on Sund
devenin s,�from the.te$4, "Then o
west, .Miss.Floodypresided
the organ 'in the Mett . bdist. church, bn,
Sunday last, owing tO the illness f"
Miss 'Jmieson, whom we hope to e s ..
around again soon. r
DEATH. -On Monday afternoon, at y h
5 o'clock, death visited,the home Of our
respected�citizen, Mr John Taman;;and
robbed it of a loving wife and mother;
nese thoef ageiliof ou56 feveyears;r,wafterhenblood a short
soning is supposed . to have 'set in, she
was called to her rest. The body was
conveyed to the Methodist' church," on,
Wednesday afternoon, when an, fns
pressive and solemn service was, held,
after which it was taken to its .last
restinglace in. the Tinian cemetery,
followed by a great many sorrowing
friends. The family have the syym
pathy of the entire community in their ';
sad trouble. •
D. -On Saturday last Annie Sad -
relict of Robert Saddler, passed
y in her 79th year. The old lady
be n almost unble to do anythin
sev rap years on account of her be -
dso 'dieted with rheumatism she
her two sons, John and Edward,
ho are quite unable to earn them a
velihood, lived together, and it was
hought by some that the town would
have to bear the expense of the funer-
al, but a couple of her grandsons came
forward and said "no, our grandmoth-
er shall not be buried by the town, for
we are going to do it." It is only those
perhaps who are acquainted with the
circumstance, that can really admire
the aespect which those young men
showed to their deceased grandmother,
but all those who do, speak very feel-
ingly towards the boys. He that giv-
eth to the poor lendeth to the Lord.
NOTES. -4 great quantity of pork
has been shipped from Blytli station
this week, by E. Watson, our cattle
buyer, The many. friends of Mrs,• ,
Braithwaite will be lorry*,'hear• the `.0
after being seriously ill for several
months, with sciatica, she is now entirely
confined to her bed. Mr Enoeh Morris'
lost a valuable colt one day last'ryeek,
from flatulent colic; it promised 'to
make a fine roadster. Frank Meteulf,
our populareweller and bookstore
man, is reaching into new linea,
having 'bought out John McMillan's
grocery, and has placed' Mr J
kirk in charge. Mrs J. B. Kelly left'.on'
Monday, for a visit with fri'ends' in
Stratford. Mr M. H. Hainmond, sta-
tion agent, is taking n. holiday, and Mr
O. C. Smith is relieving for -him. The
firemen werecalled out Saturday even{
ing, to test the new engine, being' sent
from the manufactory to take the place
of our own, which was found to require
some repairs. Mr Hollyhaner and
family left this ' week for.. Crediton, ,..
where he has been engaged as miller.'
Miss A. Kelly is indisposed at present,
but we hope soon to see her around
again. Mr M. Dougherty.%condition
is slightly improved. F. W. Tanner is
around again. We are sorry to say P.
Heffron does not improve as his•friends •
would wish. Mrs A Lucas, who "]las
been visiting friends here for some
time, returned to her home in Calgary,.
on Saturday morning. Mrs. R. Smith,:
disposed of her household effects,' by
auction, on Saturday, and intends tak
ing her departure for Dakota next'
week. Mrs P. Elder, of Brandon, for
years a resident of Blyth, is at present ,s
visiting old friends here. Dr and Mrs
Ferguson were in Seaforth, on Friday.-
Mr D. Metcalf, of Toronto, spent Sun'
day with friends: in. town. • Mr, J
Chown, of Mitchell, was in town on
Friday. Will Powell, of Clinton, was
in town on Sunday.
NOTES. -The Y. P. S. C. E. of Union
Church intend having their anniversary
services on Sabbath and Monday the
20 and 21st; they have secured the ser-
vices of Mr John A. Clark, student -in
Knox, and brother of Rev W. J. Clark,
of London. The anniversary of tJnion
Church is postponed to con. 10th and
11th Rev A. F. Fully, of Mitchell, con-
ducts the service.
From another oorresp)ndent.
CHURCH. - Missionary services in
connection with the Methodist Church-
es of the Londesboro circuit, will be
held on Sunday next, when Rev W.
H. Harvey, B. A., of Guelph, will
preach here, morning� anti evening.
he will also preach at'Kinburn in the
1 OTEs.-Dame Humor states that a
wedding will take place not far froth
here next week, it will not be a wooden.
wedding, though flaxetwood takes a
prominent placdin it. We are inform-
ed that the Presbyterians
ehave some
e 'n call
i ntkof extending definite me
g a
to a Rev. Mr. I arnilton, a gentleman
t who preached b 're prior to 1tr Ram -
sky's pastorate,
actor ate
, t ra
ACCIDENT. -Mr T. Myers happened
with a painfpl accidenenton Wednesday'.
last; he was drawing some hods to the;,
packing house, riding in the hind, );fart
of the waggon and had a boy driving,
who struck the horse, causing him to
jump, thus throwing Mr Myers tothe
ground, dragging him a distance, bt uis-.
Ing him badly and inflicting a severe•.:,!
cut on his face.
ROYAL TEMPLARS'-At the last meet-
ing of the Royal Teniplars of Temper-.‘
ante in this place the following officers
were a ointed:=S. (7., Mr John Pope;
V. C., Miss L. Cook; P. C., Mr E.'Hoed,
din ; C. Mrs'G. Ingram; R. S., Miss t'r
V. smith; T. S., M-rs Ross McPherson,
T., Miss L. Short; H., Mr W. Nevan; • ' ,
G., Mr A. Short; S., Mr W. Bonthron;
D. H., E. Blatchford.
FOUND DEAD. - Our citizens were;
much stnprized and,pained on Wednes-
day evening of last week on hearing„
that the lifeless body of Robert Sime.p- -'
son, shoemaker, in the employ of Mr
Perkins, Chiselhurst, for some tune •
past, and formerly with Mr Weseloh
of this place, was found on the road`-
side a mile south of Chiselhurst. When
last seen alive, on Monday eveni
got off a waggon on which, he h l]
a ride from Henson,at the, corn
started towards hiselhurst,
40 rods from where his body was fol
NOTES. --Mr Stawl, of Michigan,
merly of Exeter, was in the vill
_gfor the establishment o 3`
printing office in our village. Qui
slumber took advantage of the su
the beginning of the week and'ut1
merry jingle of the bells was hear
but the warmer : weather has fors
them to again make use of the buggy'
Rev. Mr Walker, of Varna, occupied
the pulpit in. the Methodist church,
Sunday evening last, with mush accept-
ance. Rev. H. J Fair was away tat ,
Sabbath last holdingmissionary ser-
vices orn.the Varna circuit. Arrange- 'l
merits' are being made for a Chi'istnlits
tree in connection with the Methodist
S.S., tits Xmas evening. Large quant-
ities of grain ° are daily brought to Our ,,i
village, where the highest market -
Wrice can lie depended ori. Mr Harry
elsh is building an addition' to his
resklenee, on Richiiiond St. Ma John
Eyre has moved into the hoose lately
vacated tby Mr T. O'Neil, And Mie` Win
Ball has moved . into 010 one 'vacated',
by Mr' Byre; Miss Hetham, of Stela,
c c Mr ar ld
is theguest of s L. `.fI
i arson
Pc:1 T. Bet • ' Mt,,11 cpeh
J. Sliep cid spa the "bei inning of *'
this wed in Buffalo,