The Clinton New Era, 1891-10-23, Page 7All.,tnell• Met be x.pollos of strength and fo' m, but all 1 may Itave robust ` health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat- zne makes such I men..-'hemethods are ot11" own exclusively, and where anything � is lefh to build upon, filo VII AJ OF MEW 113 calls, quiek- ly, permanently 11'cstorefi. Weakness, Nervousness, .11ebflity; and. all the train of evils from early errors or.Iater excesses, the result of over -work, sickness, `worry,' etc., forever cured. Full !strength development, and tone giv- 'ell to every organ and portion of the 104- Simple, natural methods. Im- Inediato improvement seen. Failure lInpgssible. 2,000 references. Book, 'explanations and proofs mailed {sealed) free. Address, ERiE MEDICAL 00 ., BUFFALO, N.Y. Uir.OWPl iNdeS E!ctr!.c [air Restorer 4eetore's Grey Hair to its Original Color, Beauty and Softness Keeps _the Head Clean COI and free from Dandruff. sures Irritation and Itch- ? • ing of the Scalp ! Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the air# 'produces. a new growth, and will stop ,:faalllliinng out in afew days. Will not soil ; O Bkin or the most delicate head-th ess. '.14ruriG DIRECTIONS WITH EACD BOTTLE. 5! lit and be .convinced. Price Fifty elite per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA SPENCER CASE ` ri�llemist No. 50 Singntario Street West Hamilton. O For Rale Jas H Comite OOTHING, ` '"i+LEANSING, HEALING. AM( Relief, Permanent Cr/ Failure Impossible, ,Ma so-called diseases are pimp! symptoms of Catarrh,, such las headache, losing sense pf smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, generalfeeling trotfb1 debility, any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of NASAL NADA. Be warned in time. neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by.eonsnmption and death. Bold by'ali druggists, or sent, past paid,on receipt of price (50 cents and $1) by addressing FULFORO &,CQ. Brockville.Ont, FITS! 'Qien I say I euro I do not mean merely to stop them ;pt. nliuto and then have them return again, I mr;m a }uditlai cure. I have muds the disease of FITS, 1:I'ILEP. AY Or h'ALLINO SICENESS a llfc-l.a,g study. I warrant Xa�y,remedy to cure the worst eases. Because others haze (Weals 1.0 reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at olderor a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible Yttriet Givo EXPRESS and POST.OFFICE. fa. ROOT, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST. EST. TORONTO, ONT. st it rivaSEE EMULSION COMPOUND ONCHITI la"): 136 Lexington Ave. New York City, Sept. ['9,18'S. have,•tfsed the F1ax�Secr! Emulsion in several 5. ill Chronic Bronchitis, .rd the early stages of bigi9;and have been Pwell S K. CROOK, M.D. AME Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1389. 'scnsed your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis ion) with beneficial results, where patiel. use Cod Liver 00 in anyform. J. H. ROGE, M. D. i1llSPRQSiRAT10N �•, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec h 1 .9a strongly recommend Flax Seed ulsion as Rate the relief and possibly the core of alt Lung. Obi 1 and Nervous Affections, and, a good gea ' etm in physical debility. JOHN 5. TALMACE, M. D. FERAL DEBILITY Brooklyn N, Y., Oct. l0th,18s1L egard"P far Seed Emujslot,aa greatly superior to .Ad l.iv*Oril Emulsions ltd' enerall use. D. A. GORTON, m N, M. D. S11NCD1SE$ESoitf 13 W st 84t1 at. New Yerk .Aug. e,18t18. lave user rour'Flwy.$eed,Ensa on Compound teaereof Mal`aiitrition and the meta*as Nghai for it was marvelous, and con- elmerfuily id the profession . H. GILBERT, BLD. TIS Druggtets,'rIsrlee $i.00. C'EEO EMULSION CO iltlieidy St., New York. hsot' to.i) by J .11 Combo. $6oi O.On a yen[ 1. belay made by Joan R. ipbodtvfn 1 roy.\.Y.,nt Work for n., header, &Utley hot make ee tone), but so. can ehyea (moldy .how to earn from ¢Ste $10 it dn, at til, atert end Mem as you yo 1ia111 seaer al' ages. to any part et Mar ea, you yen continence at Lomb, Or. yal)yout lila .or slur inliment.bhi}'te ,the work 91110 new (treat pay SURF, Tor • .eto 451)1 r wa Jinni! on. A rhlsh)nx 6*rnry, hhlg YASf ,Y !ii t. n1Ly teen,Nd, Platt' Gf l 15)13 11t, Addrs"lt Onesi 'If1•IKSOri a I:O.i 1011fusei it5115. t`lk � t �at an �� :a, . `z W reett ly ran far the yearling sister tt! ,ztell. Pot the bore stable iia shape for cola weather- now. Xt, may be neeeed sooner than you expect. Now the horses: are going into wioter quarters their hair will be- i gin to grow longer, and should receive special care ifs grooming, Idillet' and Sibley,, ot'Franklin, Pa., sustained a heavy loss in the death from colla of their beautiful stallion, St. Bel 2:24, at $100,000, The horse barns belonging to N P Y.alerius & C•ta, at Water- town, Wis., were turned 'reeeritly, a number of Clydesdale horses be ing also destroyed. The total loss is about 460,0Q0. Trotters d8 not always break their owners, Willie Ketchum. the small boy who owns and d 'Doc,' the trotting dog, has t credit in the bank $9,875,al1 by the canine in the last t years. Chapter 1 : Weak, tired, no app We must tcrgivemuch in worn en. for they love much and Woo Fe>rerty .sits ltythe Cradle of great men end .rooks them up to, manhood, and is their faithful companion through life. Round my cradle shimmered the last' moonbeams pf the (ugh- teeth century tlni the first morn- ing beams of the nineteenth The modesty of a woman is a protection to her virtue, more se- eure than all the robes in the world, however, little they may be cut down at the neck, Matriwor'y is a high sea for which no compasshas been in- vented. Woman bas 80,000 different modes' of rendering us miserable to only one way to make us hap- py. rives i Only through some manifosta- 0 hiss tion of passion can men gain fame made' On earth, hree l Generous nature never entirely disinherits any of her creatures. It is an error to suppose that stets. when women deceive us they have Chapter 2 : Take Hood's Sarsapa Chapter 3 : Strong, cheerful, hu 'Iconoclast,' a popular co pendent of the Kentucky S Farm, is advocating the buil of covered tracks for winter in that .State, so that trai would practically be independ Of bad weather and roads. ogtlra, also ceased w Love us. Y rres- tock ding nae Hers en t w tb 2 ot is fa al m George H Hanimouca,',f Detroit, he receutly gave $1.3,500 for o trotting stallion .Simmocolon, :19/-, and wbo has also made her purchases of trotting stock, a young man of about 30,whose tbel' is the millionaire packer ter whom the town of Ham. and in Indiana was named. 'I don't see howilyou can afford to take such risks,' said the well- known wholesaler, E 0 Shaw, to George H Ketcham, as the latter descended from bis sulky At the close of a very hot heat in the 2:- 17 pace at the Toledo (O.) Ex position grounds the other day. And I don't see how I can afford not to,'said the young millionaire. 'Three Tears ago, when 1 bought Charley Friel, 2:151, I weighed a 110 pounds, and was paying $1,500 a year for doctor's bills. Now I weigh 164 pounds, and haven't spent a nickel for medicines or physician for my self in three years? London Truth : Nothing on earth will upset a horse's stomach. This is not because the horse does not feel the pain, but simply be- cause the horse bas no gall blad- der. Has anybody ever seen a horse sick at sea ? Has anybody ever known 0n, emetic to have any effect on a horse ? At a bull- fight a horse may he seen. eating with its entrails trailing on the ground. As to the contention that a horse is not as sensitive to pain as a man, I think that a horse is rrobably a great deal more so. There is no living creature, not even a hysterical women, as nervously sensitive as a horse. When she trotted in 2:12 at In- dependence, Na.icy Banks aver- aged two strides to each second in rue Mlle, even one ot them being twenty feet. With the satne ra- 1,if stroke and a greater stride, one of the Gloster type, far ex- ample, a rapider flight of speed can be looked for, says the Amer- ican Sportsman. When a ten sec- ond man runs a hundred yards to f his record, he covers ten yards to a seconj or over four strides. The day will never come, however, R hen a trotter can approach such a rapid stroke ; still, were it pos sible for a trotter to get in two strides and a half or even two and a quarter strides in a second, the two -minute trotter would not be such a myth as many imagine.— [Kentticky Stock Farr,. The horse's association with man and his education during countless generations developed his intelligence toa high degree, and at a very early- date, for arli- mall that displayed first-class phy- sical qualities, enhanced by mark- ed intelligence, hityb rice. gni . • exon cr the Great paid nearly L5,000 for Bucephalus. That celebrated war steed was a 'skew bald' or calico horse, being white, marked with large deep bay spots, a breed held in the highest estimation by the Par- thians. At the battle of Hyd- aspes the noble creature received its death -wound, and, for the first time disobedient to his master's command, galloped out of the fight, carrying Alexander out of danger, then knelt for him to alight, us was his custom, and, having performed this last act of duty, feel over and died. A GOOD REASON FOR LIVINO. "She lives to love and loves to live, Sae loves to live because she lives to love." Many think it is a sin to be sick ; be- ing so, one Gannet bestow their affec- tions on otbeta as the Creator intended; being so, it certainly is a duty to cure yourself. Most women, these days, need an invigorating tonin. Worn-out tea Mors, "shop girls" dressmakers, milliners,and those aueet to tiresome tabor, have found a boon in Dr Pieroe's Favorite Prescription. It is a soothing and strengthening nervine, induoing refreshing roshi nt, sloop, relieves despondency aid restores to full use till thoappetites and affectiens of one's nature. It is sold,' by druggists, under a guarantee from i is makers ease, give satig11aat on, or Trice ($1•00) will be promptly refunded, • C.C. RISCHARD & CO. GENTS—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it does all it is recom- mended to do. Cunneen Forks, N. B., D. KIERSTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cured of a very severe attack of rheumatism by useing MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. The ear tracer is o make etap1 y ed by a. *WOCompsuy to las np sous i$14 oars. , Be• trave a great' deal, but the beautieq the country through wnicij h passes aro lost to him, for be .l) 17101.70)11S Tn r BRE4Ta o . ` The poets verse' slides into the us Current. or our blood. We read, Is them when yo.ug, we •remember of them when old. We read there e 'of what has happened to others ; as we feel. that it ''has. ;happened to ourselves, (Williaxni aglitt, If we take up a burden with courage, cease to struggle against it, resglved.to carry it as a part of our lives, and to gain poise, dignity `and increased strength;. from it, that which seemed a lim- itation may become a. new source of power. . Books are the depository of everything that is most honorable' to map. Literature,taking in all its bearings, forms the grand line of demarcation between the hu• man and the • animal kingdoms. He that lt,ves reading bas every- thing within his roach.—[William Godwin. no eye except for lost freight oars, If he takes a little.:snaek fu a railroad restaurant, hiseye is turned to the wipdowsconstantly, especially when a freight train goes rumbling by. He beep known to leave his,' coffee half drank, rush out and mount•the taboos withan- air of triumph, which proclaimed that. he bad recognized the initials and num- ber fer which he was searching. Studying freight ears as he does tenders ilial oblivious. to the beauty of the most elaborate Pullman or Wagner palace car, and he looks upon the latest im- proved vestibule limited with supreme indifference. In fact be dreams of' nothing bat lost freight cars, strayed or stolen, the }nf- tials and numbers dance before his sleeping vision continually.. Ile dosen't confine his search to main lines by any, means, but wanders off on obscure roads, branches and out-offs,and is some- times rewarded by finding the car in some gravel pit, or switched off at a stone quarry and used as an office or perhaps residence for a sub -boss. Great is his jey then to drag it out to light and start the truant on its way home. Verrily, there is more joy in the freight master's office over one lost car that is recovered than ninety and nine that went not as tray. THREE THIN TS GOOD TO KNOW. • One of the moat useful hints for sick room attendance is very little known outside of a hospital ward, and not even there in many case. The hint is how to obtain a cold cloth without the use of ice. Every one knows that in fevers or weakness a sold cloth on the forehead or face or base of tbo brain is one of the most comfort- ing things in the world. In the tropical hospitals and where iceXis scarce, all that is necessary is to wet a linen cloth, wave it too and fro in the air, fold it and place it on the patient. Have another cloth ready, wave it too and fro just before applying it. These cloths have a more grateful and lasting coldness than those made so by the burning cold produced' by ice. HOW TO WIPE THE FACE". Thousands of people, when dry- ing their faces after washing, wipe them downward—that is, from forehead to chin. This is a mistake. Always use upward—. from the chin to the forehead— and outward—toward the ear— motions. Never wipe any part of the face downward. HOW TO STOP A I iceouQH. A. very good authority 'gives a very simple remedy for hiccough,, a lump of sugar saturated with vinegar. Iz ten cases, tried as experiment, it stopped hiccough in nine. The Protestants of Ulster are said to be organiz ng to forcibly resist any attempt to e,tablish Home Rule. The trotting mare Nancy Hank, 2.0'.3, has been sold to J. Malcolm .Forbes, of Boston, at a price said to be $20,000. A Fact WORTH knowing is that blood dig, eases which all other remedies fait to cure, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla; Fresh confirms.: tion of this state- ment comes to hand daily. Even such deep-seated and stubborn com- plaints as Rhea - ma ism, ' , euma- tic Gout, and the like, are thorough- ly eradicated by the use of this won- derful alterative. Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th street, New York, certifies :— "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort and having tried various remedies, 'including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man bad been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Amakea er's Sarsaparilla. rial of this medicine; andeto k it regularly for Dight months. I am pleased to say that it effected a com- plete cure, lrnd 'that I have since had no return of the iiisease " Mrs. L A." Stark, Nashua, N. H. writes; ' ne yea ' ego I was token ill with rheumatism, being confined to my honpe six months. I came out of the sickness very much debilitated,4.1th no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced. to,uee Ayer's Saraap/wille and began to lnq rove at once, igainin'in strength and seen ire. too emu h In 'raislehealth: Wit 'cannot e I known medicine."' "I have taken ft great delle of Medi- bine,but nothing has done me so muh good as • Ayet's Stirs, arilla, I felt its beneficial effects before I bad freely testify that itistthe best blood medicine I know of." --L. W. Ward, Sr., Woodland, Teaag, Ayer's Sarsaparilia, Pakr..anzn i3Y Dr. Jo Co Ayer IS do., Lowell, Haat. l'rteriti'' tttk battles, e15. 'CEs'tiht,$a ii )oiler. d. late editor of The Knoxev James A c 91 College Monthly, has received a call to the pastorate of Knox Church, St. Thomas. Woodstock has been selected as the next meeting place of the western branch of the Women's Missionary Society of the Method- ist Church. MALARIA Literally tneane bad air. Poisonous germs arising from low, marshy land, or from decaying vegetable matter, are breathed into the lungs, taken up by the blood, and unless the vital fluid is purified by the use of a good medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla, the unfortu- nate victim is soon overpowered. Even in the more advanced cases, where the ter- Ae fever prevails, this successful medicine has effected remarkable cures. Those who are exposed to malaria or other poisons should keep the blood pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. You would see Jesus ; the ans- wer ie, Serve Jesus. The way to see him is to follow him ; the way to follow him is to do his works. He who serves shall see. 'If any man will do bis will, he Ishall know of the doctrine, whe- t they it be of God or whether I speak of myself.' 'He that has my commandments and dooth them, he it is that loveth me ;' and be that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest my- self to him.'—[Lyman Abbott. IMPLEMENT AGENCY tion withthelber MasseyiCompany,, desevered sires tont Inti- mate -to his many friends that he has been appointed agent for the well-known Ran of FROST & WOOD, implement maker, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to all all ordekeep on hn and line, stck ofas oretofore. Wilkin on PLO Wl 8 Colter & Scott DRILLS, Disc HARROWi, and articles of like nature. Mrh 20. 6 W. STANLEY, Holmesville and Clinton McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and•Urinary Diseases, St.Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen- eral Debility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton 'WA vi�non's Cream of Witch -a}, Softens the skin, removesTE roughness, oughnessTOpEnLOTION. anttion�omthe fade nd hands, and gives freshness and tone to the,e�oomplexion. ttis an invaluable application after shaving. Don't'iitlstake thissuperior pre - ;cation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion aions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col - ores, and pain resulting to sensitivemkie from exposure to wind and cold. In ehort D'Avioxorr's CREAN of WiiFillaZeLisatonce a remedy and apreventfor very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 Dents per bottltai Manufactured by JAii.'1IES H. 100I♦1[13E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. map MIR/ Extra Value Will be c even in all ll_Anes for the month of Idla,y F'OR CASI-11 And all 1890, or previous accounts, not otherwise agreed upon, that are not settled during May, will be placed i other hands for collection. GEiO. NEWTON 0 G et ste LONDES : ORO THE RELIABLE G. F. OAKES, u Cttsto7cia, hs pr.; Samuel mudObild±en. It contains • neither O itntlfin to>c 2` no Opium, Morphin4 e nor Either Narcotic; !substance. It is a harmless 8ulistitute for P'egoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 0;1><.: It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years, use .., Millions of /Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and oars feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colin Castoria relievelll teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorama assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case toric is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. ',Castoria le an excellent medicine) for chit- Aren. Mothers have repeatedly told the of its good effect µnon their children." Du. O. C. Os000n, 6 Lowell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider rho real interest of their children, and use Castoriain- stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opiu m, ,porphine, soothing Byrnp and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby scndinz then[ to premature graves." Dn. J. F. IintCnryeC, Conway, Ar Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to c''3ldren that I recommend it as superior toany prsksiptiou. known to Inc." SL A. Ancuaa, 311. 11. 1:13o. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our phySioians in the children's depute, • went have spoken highly of their expert once In Chair outside practice with Castoria, acd although we only have among on,. medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Usrrnn Hosrrrat. LAD Disermituvr, Boston, Masa ALL= C. Sxrrn, Pres., The Centaur Company, 'r7 Murray street, Naga York City. GEO. GLASGOW,. Gents Fuinishings, &o,. Has removed his stocktto the more commodious ,premises in Sear1es ul7Cfi'G° B1ot1iI,Mbert_4b58S tt re • 11,4'r Calf and See Him. U,w.,rr JP' AZN111IiNT0-T The Undersigned is now at liberty to do anything in the way of HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING GRAINING, PAPER HANGING, EAL- SOMINING, &c. At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed Shop on Rattenbury St. C. WILSON, Painter WE STILL LiVE AND LARDINE — OIL Still Leads Where Good Machine Oil is Required. McColl Bros. & Co,, Toronto Are he sole manufacturers of it. Bear this in mind. 1IcCOLL'S FAMOUS Needs only to be used once McColl Bros. & CYLINDER OIL to be appreciated. Co., Toronto. COME AND TAKE nV ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave SELLS PIANO -CASED ORGANS Best makes of PIANOS Second hand ORGANS to rent RENTS PPIANNOfn eeullty moved PIANOS packed for shipping /� Organs repaired and retuned REPAIRSPiano Tuning attended to Sheet Music&Books ordered Shop on Main Street Residen4ee on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue all F. °AXES, braNTox 4.4 AA Oliver e, 9 i.. Away WIth You Th9 subscriber offer; one of Doherty & Co's justly cel brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Ja Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDE R price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing ai Organ worth $196, for fifty cents fheorga'l will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store r Saturday next. A. call solicited front visitors to t Great Huron Central Exhibition N. NOBSON. CIHNA HALL BOOT —.AN OE� 1 have on hand a full stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter, which I ani selling very cheap. Call and be convinced, , • rale s an