The Clinton New Era, 1891-10-09, Page 7'a ! . Ra?P ler 91014114^ ill ,rlata>dalfor GeeteriA. bole* Mg. 1141.1 to Wklar Al4 gekkine,.41A ►usil m r All men can't be 44ol1osof strength tend' form, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and clear .minds. Our treat- Plea reat-fl elle makes such [ men.'.i'hemethods Own eSclusively, and where g'is left to build upon, the* gym is easily, quick- ly, permanently j!. 'Weakness, - Nelrvousness'- ty, and all the train of evils early errors or later excesses, result of over -work, sickness, rry, etc., forever cured. Full trexigth development, and>tone en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. rim mediate improvement seers. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanations and proofs mailed (seals )•free• Address, ERIE IVIED:0AL CO., a" BUFFALO, N.Y. 113I-vo›CAISI9 s Bo'cfric'flair Restorer Re8tgraa (Grey Hair to I�e Orlginai Color, Beauty and Softness Keeps the Head Clean Cool and free from Dandruff. Cures Irritation and !tch- • ing of the Scalp! t i' es s beantifnl gloss and perfume to the aces, a new growth, and will stop the lalling out in a few days. Will not soil the R or, Moet-dejicateh d, STM- D' nnrcrioas•wrlrEAcaB Try . it and :be Convinced: Price Fifty Cent. per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes. SOLE AGENT FOR CANADA H. SPENCER CASE .`Chemist, No. 50 Xing, Street West Hamilton. Ontario; For sa le Jas EL'Combe • riliAntED tiVIULS(pN COMPOUND NCHITI Newyork City, Sept:19,1N.: t‘ have used the Plan -Seer: Emulsion in several masts of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stag.es of Phthisis, and have been wellleased with the}esuits. JAMKSK;' CR00j3.,11fr,D. r r t :ea NSUf PTI Brooklyn N.Y., ? b.14tb 1889. I humph ed yonr.Entnisied,{a a` <a5e of i'Lthisis (c iMmtion)' with 'beneficial' results, where pati A: ntt ja Lival Oil • 4111 i in tgrG �i�OGE, PRO Broolcl� , IST• •; VitDer; dont I �i stroli817 trcomrlientl F i$ee EtlAsion as helpfulto the.reltefand poowliiS+thecareof all Lung. BronchiaM d NervoimAtieetieni, and a good ger seal tonic is physical debility. jp E1 GE,A:,D. �.,Lt Btoe[yaN; ct.' Ibtl: y$. 1 regard flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to tk col,Liver4?I utsiodstogenera !h: ', the. .! t :1 D A. GORT }�t'M WAsTIIrJ!Si 187 West 84th St. i Nave usedyour Flat. New 'Yerit, Augg, p14"3. in a severe lase f Mal -nu rritiiod Emulsion and the result vrnass more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession con- tinuous. at large. ,M. r GnftE T 1H D, ii..rrf'.L.�.Sme?sil�lr,.�1 •N e '' Sold by Druggists,, Price $1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. For sale by J. H. Combe Arisammormicrirsoa SOOTHING. CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-ealled diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any of these or kindred Symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time proeuging a bottle of NASAL BA Be warmed in time, neslee ed cold in head results an Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Sold by,nal druggists, or sent, t paid, on reeoipt of price (• 1 'oentd and $1) by addressing 1ULF R. & CO. BroCityllle.Ont. TARRH I CURE FITJS! When I any I ones I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then hove them rctnm agate,, I moan a radical ecre..5 ha,eg. made the disease of FITS, E?ILEF• SY or PALLING SICKNESS a llte•lons study. I Warrant iny retnedy to cure the worst eases, Became others have titled la no reason for not now receiving a aura send se 5550 for a- treatlso and a .fires Bottle of my Infallible itereedy, Gb , txpenSs and F09T•OFF10E, �-((�� Ca ROOT, M. C. 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST. TORONTO, UNT. sees v,•.r F, h -Ina mad.he minim ft 41100,1,(n. 1n 1111 '.,1 aA Ibrn•. I: rgd.r, 611,,,11, . 011 r^ 1,1.1111 , nr }i" o • .,•1, rn 0 ,, ar ebb n on, n 1rr.. .. nx, • .n{•, ,. snarl { Atrre< ,a . 0b050 eaegr. BIl n: BIWA. • 1•m RI la( r(1,11.1 She had gotten off la,or safety for some reaon andwall trying to get Ori bin, says the Macaw;Tribune. Ante girls eau get on a safety'Without assistance and souse can't, ,She was of the latter Plass.. young than •dressed in ' the height of style stopped, watebed her make two ineffectual at." tempts, laughed and went on. A business man chuckled as she nearly fell, but did not stop. A Well dressed wom 4t said she ought,to ashamed of herself for eejoy;ng such a masculine sport and continued on her way. Several people passed in quick ennnessi)n, and one or two stop- pFd. AU seemed to enjoy her discomfiture. The situation be. e mo so embarrassing to her that she pushed her machine on for half a block and tried again. Then a shabby man shuffled up, he saw her predicament, but tie didn't laugh. He lifted his dilap. idated_hat politely and said : "Can't I help you, miss?" "Oh, if you'd be so. kind, " said the girl. almost discouraged by this time. ".please hold the ma - (Able steady.' He held while she got on. ever ego reach obliged to you sir,' she ` said gratefully, 'Now, if you'll give it a push, I'll be all right.' 'Yon haven't got a dime for a fellow as is broke, have you" he asked. 'Why, I'm sorry" she said, 'but I left my purse at home.' :Down you come,' he said. 'What !' she said. 'A dime, or down you come again !'• he repeated, 'But, sir----' 'Down you come,' he sal again. 'I'm no dude, dole' thes here polite things for pretty Looks Fork over a dime.' The case was desperate. H was letting the machine wabble little, just to show that he mean business, 'Come to my home, ' she said. 'How far' he asked. 'Only three blocks.' 'Then its got to be a quarter,' he asserted, 'Ail right. Give the machine a push and come On.' He gave it a push and then criel 'Hold on here. I'm no race horse.' Ile rail to the corner, but she was two blocks away on the cross street. 'That settles me on the polite act,' he said. This here saying, thllt politeness al'ays pays is dead wrong. d 0 e a t "GENTLE AS THE SUMMER BREEZE," "I'd rather take a thrashing any time than a dose of pills," groaned a patient to whom the doctor has pre- scribed physio. "I'd as lief be sick with• what ails me now, as to be sick with the pills." "I don't think you've taken any of the pills I prescribe, or you wouldn't dread the prescription so,' laughed the doctor. never use the o1d,inside twisters you have in mind. I use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They alwpvays make me think of a part of an old'hytrin_ Gentle as the Sud and breeze, The best - thing of tris hsimer ever' vented. No da ppr of their kine ever in- vented, sink, You'll .hardly know mou' e takers them. I wouldn't ase any other in my practice. TID-BITS. Grease may be removed from silk by applyinglmagnesia on the (wrong side. Put old rubber rings of Cans into weak ammonia water and they will again become elastic. Balsam of fir, as well as varn- ish, can be removed from the hands by applying a tittle lard. A penny or a large silver piece will remove paint from t4lat.s readily. Just wet it and "ub the paint. New tins should lie set over the the with boilin;, water in them for several hour; before fiend is put in them. A tablespoonful of powdered borax in a pial of water will keep white fl'uncels from turning yel- low in the washing, Never sun Rather beds. Air them thoroughly on a {vincly day in a cool place. The gun draws the oil and gives the feathers n rancid smell. Plot cider vinegar will remove paint stains from window glass, or nearly full strength oxalic acid used with a swab Iiiii produce the same, effect. In using the latter care must he taken that it doos not touch the bands or the paint, —From the Housekeeper's Woek- 137, The total exports of live stock from Montre'll up to date are 84,- 668 (attic and 29,279 sheep. The exports to Sopt. 30 last year were 89,915 cattle and 46,775 sheep, so that there is decrease this year of 5,2'47 cattle and 17,496 sheep. This decrease is accounted for in the ease of cattle by the shipment of Canadian stock via the United States. Fewer sheep have been shipped because the markets on the other side were bad. When you need a good, safe laxative, ask Pito and yoour re will forgiet Ayer's hnd they give per - feet satisfaction, For indigestion, tor- pid liver, and for sick headache there is noj;hing superior. Leading physicians reiemtend them. yaps 'lisle A pair of deaf mate. were Mar ries the other day in Topeka. One ofth0.presentr,. SFse#II aier0 clock, A, young lady in Vtainesville, TeX., has the longest hail' in • Lila world, it .trailer on the ground, over four feet, and is of a eauti- fu1 red gold color. A Georgia farmer i$ • living with hia sixth wife. Each of his other wives died un the Friday precediul the secoi;d Sunday of the month. A cat in Testas has developed such an afeetioil for a dog that she is learning tobark so that she..ean converse- with him with greater freedom. If the whole ocean should be dried up, all water passing away in vapor, the amount of salt re- maining would be enough to cov- er 5,000,000 square miles with a layer one mile thick: - Mothers, have pity on your pale and suffering daughters, -thew system is "run down," and it• neglected the con- Pins k Pills wiluence may lbring back fatal. Dr their rosy cheeks and health and strength, Two accomplished Sault Ste Marie cows walk upstairs in the houses and manifest evidences of great enjoyment as they view the surrounding landscape from the second story windows. When a Chinese compositor sets type he places them • in a :iooden frame 22x15 inches. This frame has twenty-nine grooves, each for a line of type, rests in clay to the depth if a quarter of an inch. The type are of wood, perfectly square, and the compositor handle them with pincers, IT OPENS THE EYES, "Xy daughter is loosing her sight," said an anxious mother, "and just on the eve of marriage, tool What shall I do?" "Let her get married, by all means," responded the dootor : "marr- iage is a regular eye-opener." g; mates eyes)open pretty widely, when he'finds his wifep•chartdsdisappearing, ldeaith is the first friend of beauty, and the innumerable ills to which women are peeultiarly .subject, its won't enemies. Experience :proves that women _who possess the blest health, use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satis- faction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle• wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years, FOUND THE TOMB OF MOTHER GOOSE. Dr A. P. Keil, professor of native and modern languages in Hanover College, during his trip through the East this summer made a point of looking up every- thing that he could find which was of historical interest. Among other places he visited the graveyard of the old South. Church, in Boston, and while thet o he found an old and battered tombstone with the following legend; I lere lyes ye Bodye of Mary Goose, Wife to Isaac Goose, Died 1690. Immediately -the thought came to the professor that this might be the tomb of the original „Mother G•oose,Land. his sdbseguellt,, inves- tigationli,.'huve proved,it,to be erne. Strange, indeed, does it seem that Bostonians could have allowed to fall into oblivion almost the resting place of their first poet- ess, the author of 'Mother Goose's Melodies. lllinard'Liniment cures distempers ANY A LIFE HAS been saved by the prompt use of flyer's Pills. Travelers by land or sea are liable to constipation or other' derangements of the stomach and bowels which, if nes,lected, Lead to serious and often fatal consequences. The mostsure means of correcting these evils is the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The pru- dent sailing -master would as soon go to sea without his chronometer as without a supply of these Pills. Though prompt and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pills leave no ill effects ; they are purely vegetable and sugar-coated ; the safest medicine for old aed young, at horse or abroad. "For eight years I was af,9ioterl with constipation, which at last became so bad that the doctors could do no more a for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that now I am in OU Among the pe Misr eu.toils.. Qf Rexioo le orte which nuiltoo it in,. aa4aabont upon engugl1g yeutug 1404- to go shopping for thew i. .-..lr<. smooth even ng from ier P rt ed Tat . Dakota,with an. aphaiku$ Btory Of a prairie tire, wbiea hat iawegt along the Missouri Rl:ver for ria before the Ceremony ( « 'fh0 fire: wras started ley ,takes mace whiojl un,itOtl them a8 l s rOber after B1Aga10 NOB, who, 9p . fa *ng •men ,go, up to the ► hindlbng the grass hindered him in ,I' eZieo from anterior towns and 14' it/. a aleck of finery for their prospective wiyea in the most natural and matter of fact way. It is a toucbilig Bight to see a young man, armed with all the measurements of his amorata go- ing. a bout from shop to ebop, so me - tunes assisted by obliging la. y friends, purchasing the weddi toggery, A, man a shopping aMways A pitiful sight, but a you fellow with noexperience in she ping trying to do his prettiest f a momentous occasion is enough to make the gods on Olymp d ag ]s ng p• or us weep. Sometimes, as in a recent case, the parents will not allow the young marl to buy more than a few articles, such as the wedding dress and slippers. But then, such is the swain's ardor and sup-. erbeated"genefoeity, that he al- most ruins himself in an endeavor to display even in these restrict-, edAltaste and ra young man fromthe States had fallen desperately in love with a most charming and estimable young lady resident in a large interior city. He learn- ed of the custom of purchasing the bride's outfit from a sym- ppnthizing friend. Yankee like, he determined to have everything go off in the 'finest possible shape. So he purchased a couple of thous- and dollars' worth of dresses, etc, all according to the fascinating dimensions of his beloved. He secured the promise of a very swoil wedding in the fashionable church, engaging the most expen- sive musicians, ordering rare flowers in . profusion, ere. The wedding went off like a charm, - and captivated the fancy of the elite portion of the female popula- tion of the city. Nothing so regally splendid had ever been seen before, and the Yankee cab allero was voted a perfect gentle- man and a man of taste and wealth. The enthusiastic young bride- groom, in order to put the finish- ing touch in his display, boughs a baronche and four fine horses, en- ga,ged coachman . and outriders, and, amid the enthusiastic ac- clamations of his acquaintances, started off with his wife for a city 180 miles away, where they were to live. -The pretty bride was Ienchanted. A young prince had descended from some unknown height to be her lover and hus- band, and she departed in a blaze of glory. On the wedding jour- ney a sad misadventure befell the' loving pair; the barouche broke down at a point where it could not be repaired, for the road led through a desolate country, and so, improvisu3g saddles, the young couple t;ode on the backs of their horsessome fifty miles to their future home. I am glad to say that this mishap was no evil aug- ury, and that the wedded pair lived hlippy.,ever after. THE BEST ADVERTISING. The efficient Hood'eSarsaparilla illa ertisingisnthat which comes from the medicine itself. That is, those who are cured by it, speak to friends suffering similarly, For Impure, Weak and Impoverished who in tarn derive benefit and urge Blood, Dyspepsia, .Sleeplessness, Pains, - others to try this successful medicine. tation of the Liver Complaint, Thus the circle of its popularity is rap. Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, idly widening from this cause alone, • Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, and more and more are becoming en- Kidney and Urinary Diseases, Bt.Vitus' thusiastic in behalf of Hood's Sarsapar- Dance, Female Irregularities and Gen- illa as it actually demonstrates its ab- solute 'merit. All that is asked for eral Debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it be given LABORATORY, GOOEI(ION, ONT. a ftatir trial. , If you need a good blood purifier, or building" up medicine, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 m 9.6 apt a 44stne>ts, applied a match to it, The cenfla ration got beyond all control and hurtled tO.t.he wa.t tal''s edge. The dames ran up and down thea' eii.esou,t•i and n long distance west, burning over a strip 3Q0 miles long and 700 miles wide. The great Ore destroyed fatal . houses, barns, granaries, thousands of tons of bay end num- erous herds of cattle unda horses; it is impossible to estimatethe loss, but it is feared it will reach y$500,000. .148414 uomedf for Catarrh , ke; re.t.,4e114,t0 V:•a,gtd CATARRH Bolobrisorpanterfn;il;Geo; it T. Sgselilge, farces, Pa., U. s•A, Tim HIstoiJeSysieffl of Medicine 411 diseases successfully treated by a nem system of non-poisonous and tasteless medicines. ,$end for free book explaining system and testimonials of the most remarkable • cures on re- cord* Paralysis Curable at last. r have been paralyzed in the lower limbs, tougue and eyes for two years,also memory very much impahed,loss of muscular powor,great de- bility, unsteady gait, accompanied by dizziness and general derangement. I could not perform work of any kind most of the two years. Would frequently fall, striking upon my head, owing to sudnerves. en complete n an Fran of power I ewasntrreeated by two skillful physicians of the allopathic school with- out any good result whatever. I then Wedeln of the best phyatolans In Winnipeg, and be did me no good. I began to feel that all hope was gone. I happened to be passing the Ilistogene- •tic Medicine ',lattices in the Henderson Block Winnipcg,and agoing the sign, I thought I would enquire into the system, and although'I had spent so much money with no good result, I re- solved to try the new system, as my se/Teriggs were two months ry there and co contiok nued remedies mr three weeks longer in Toronto, getting the same medicines at the head office for panda, I am radically oured, and have resumed my hardness, and am able to work all day as usual, These beautifully pre- pared, tor gold,, and hope ess remedies ll better asnI was _fn try them. They are the only sure and safe remedies. JOSEPH PERKINS, 185 Tecumseh Street. Toronto. Cnwill be atltorepresentative y Rouse" on Wednesday, Oct7, • from 1 O A. M. to 4:30 P. AL At Hensall, Hensel' Hotel, Tuesday evening, 6th, 6 P. M, till Wednesday morning, 9:20. A. AL .>¥sio sodic Medicine Assoc'n Rooms5 and 3, Albion Bloek, Richmond Street, London, Ont. 19 Yongo Street Market, corner Gerrard and Yongo Sts, Toronto. Mention Clinton New Era. IMPLEMENT AGFNCY subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, c mpany, desires to inti - Mate to his many friends that he has been appointed agent for the well-known firm of FROST ,'r WOOD implement makers of orders in his line,dasih be pleased Will also keep on hand a stock of Wilkinson PLOWS, Colter dr Scott DRILLS, Disc HARROWS, and articles of like nature. Ddrh Ve G W. STANLEY, Holmesville and Clinton McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER. Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANt'(DOTE J. M. ItIoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Soldby J. H. Combo, Clinton Excellent health."—Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury, Massachusetts. "I regard Ayer's Pills as one of the most reliable general remedies of our times, They have been in use ill my ftiinily for affections requiring a purga- tive, and have given ntivsrying satisfac- tion. We have found them an excellent remedy for colds and Light fevers."— W. R. Woodson, Port Worth, Texas. upon several Ayer's Pillsathan uponve elanythinied g else in the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels and those of the ship's crew. These Pills are not severe in their ac- tion, but do their work thoroughly. I have used them with good effect for the Duro of rheumatism, kidney trou- bles, and dyspepsia." —Capt. Mueller, Steamship Felicia, New York City. "I have found Ayer's Cathartic Pills to he a better family medicine for com- mon use titan any other pills within my knowledge. They are not only very 'effective, but safe and pleasant to take valued —qualities isib must snake them by the pnblic." — Jules Hanel, Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED DV Or: J. 0. Ayer & co., Lowell, Mass. Solei by all beaters In ltfedinines. 4shlieradiageirilikeihiLssisitlials! re a (0,9 "T9 'To' . 8' ,n' a- Rt THE RELIABLE ORGA1VPIflO DEALER G1 F OAKES, ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave SELLS PIANO-CASEDORGANS Best makes of PIANOS Second hand ORGANS to rent RENTS c PIANOS for rent .�1 1 iJ PIANOS carefully moved PIANOS packed for shipping •r REPAIRS Organs repaired and retuned Piano Tuning attended to Sheet Masicc&Book5 ordered Shop on Main Street Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue O. F. °AMES, CLIN'TON 47 1111♦ �.... les. ass Vastori , is 1Dr. t+tuslrcl Pitcher's fi'reseri tion; f and C.141dre . 3t Gi t=i:-::� LCV.:`•„.. ” t tiiiim, ll other ntECOtsie. s;tSISStu:ictS. x s i is 1:4delle. for Paregoric, Drops, Enarst..anal li .`.� >tl,s, aan.. •, It is Pleasant. Its sasses, C`rtObt+ Millions ofi� other^... `a,atr. •, • .. ; iliirt�y yen,.gt i ,i,:?o;s Worini3 ttad feverishness ,r Castor in, e i-<'Vc':i: a vomiting cures Diarritoe4, :1,4c1 r`:t ; f,i C ,s: $q teething tra,ti;alc:, e:.a-c; -t ;i- :Go-i andast1d0 4 ::: ';Iletq Criteria assinalal,a,ten ,, Anil Vowels ,,. ,. "1111, ales the sto4m giving � zi_lay anot s...,`,ural sleep. Coes Moria is the Cliildresei.- ccs,—tri .. Tother% l r1 Castorja. dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told mo of its goo:tweet upou their children." Eonmil, Mass. "CaStoria is the best remedy for chi ldmn of whichl am acquainted. I hope the d..y is cot. far distant when mothers willconstier there:11 - interest of their children, and use Cavior13 i stearta the variousqu.ack nostrums which arc deStrOring their loved ones, by forchas opium , morphine, soothing syrup and other hurrfid agents down their throats, thereby sending therato premature graves." Dn. J. F. KiscirELos, Conway, Ar The Centaur Company, T7 Di CaStOrine " Castoria its so well adapted ed I recommend it en superior to any known to me." EL A. AncarxriL vt* 111 So. Oxford St, Breeklif4 Y. "Our physicians in the children* depattij ment have spoken highly, of their enspetifs; este.) in their °inside practice lid and although we onir have „ medical supplies what is knesql fei_reit';1110tio products, yet we are free to eeeeess pie , merits of Custoria. has won us te. leole VP*, fever upon It." 44. Assert C. Sutra, Pres. Stmeet, Neve Tot* . "STMEZ"45r 1:1A—"Z* Of the year save Sunday, we present strong attractions in every , partment of our establishrnent. These attractions are two -folds Wino of superior value, and sold for very low prices. Clothing, Hats and Highest in quality, lowest in price. We carry products of the best manufacturers; we have no old goods, , everything is of to -day, fresh and ha the latest styles ; we never fitil to fit and please. We welcome "lookers" as lookers, and seek to have G-3110. C3-1.1A8G-0 our goods inspected and our claims investigated. W, CLINTON PAINTING The undersigned is n.ow at liberty do anything in the to way of 1 II oust:, And Sign Painting Graininz, Piper Hanging,Kilsomining, &c At reasonable rates, and on short notice., tio faction guaranteed Shop on Ratted barY t. The famous heavy -bodied Oil made ouy b MU. II"S Pa, TIN MI I USE IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. &COLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDER OIL —FOR SALE BY— All Leading Dealers in the Dominion. COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present TS THE FINEST IN CANADA FOR ENGINE CYLINDER'S. Away wall 1( -du The subscriber offori one of Doherty & Co's justly eel brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Jame price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing a./ Organ vv-orth $196, for fifty cents 1 fheorga,.1 will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store v Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to t Great Ifuron Central Exhibition ., Nu ROBSON. CHINA HALL Gfr 11) BOOTS AND SHOES Lowest Possible Prices Mr Cash My stock is very complete.in all the latest styles of sea sonable goods of the best quality, which I am selling cheaper than ever to all cash'customers. lElgzs taken in ex.ehring,e. Chas. ruiekshank 1