The Clinton New Era, 1891-09-18, Page 5• -14;47:: vloiriar 431114,10 - Like to blow, bot all that we ask is for you to oome to our stu1•e• when Yea.. visit the Huron Central Fair, snit 1300 our beautiful new aticlr of WhIich.is not ollrpassed in the.00i my forpricer worklnansbip,. quality and beautiful designs. U t & �O S Noted .Chem Jewellery store Ana CENTRAL TELEPIQNE EXCHANGE, Clinton Fina Clothing, neat, old .Qr !W ..f Mill 0. 83 a 0 97 Wheat spring .,,,••..•e 092 $9 I► 005 014 , , *, 0 05 It 0,68 yl .,....f*.:. 0 48 it 0 48 I'wrg...............�,,. 0 65 a 065 P'loi.a�x,, per lial, ., ...... 5. 50 s 600 14tf�er.....,.e,,,...**** 0 14 a 015. W�oal.."...... 011a 13' •..,.. 4.,.“.0.18 a 0 18 Rork.. -..,,..4s••••• •OR 0 00 f1 5 25 Hay . :...800 0•8 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed..... 6.00 a .6 00 Hideo; rough.........,.. 8 00 a 8 20, Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 60. Timathy aced.: „ .., . « 2.00 a 2 50 clover seed.......,....., 6 60 a .7 00. Apples, per be8.. 0:0.0 a 0 60 .. BRITI .. ^ sH PANTILE MARKET IvEIwookk,Aug.14.-r-There was a brisk demand in the cattle market to -day, bat supplies were fairly liberal and prio- es ehosed very little improvemet,: and ruled as follows, calculated at 84.80 in the £ t Finest steers. 12e; good to choice. ilio ; poor, to medium, Iota ; in- ferior and bulls, 3 to 63e. • 1 • ; MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET At the east end there were about 6,000 cattle, 450 sheep, 150 calves and 15 lean hogs offered. There was a larger pro- portion of good cattle on the market to- day than for some weeks past, and the prices of the best animals were lower than on Tuesday, while common and inferior stook were rather higher than on that day, but the butchers were not wanting many of the grasshopper cattle having bought'all they wanted last week. The highest prices paid to -day up to near noon was 4,io per ib, but a few head were held at more money ; thrifty steers and fat cows sold at from 3f to 4o per lb, atooker3 and common dry cows at from 3 to 3/o do, with leanish beasts at from 2 to 2}c per ib. The calves of- fered to -day were nearly all of indiffer- ent quality and some of the best butohe rs were looking in vain for veal suitable for the wants of their customers. Prices were from $3 to $8 each. For forty years the possessor of signature below made -clothing to the satisfaction of the people of this community, and it is the wish of many that he continue to do so. At present we are offering the finest line of $3 SCOTCH Tweed shown in .this section of the country. THOMAS JACKSON, SR. Huron Street, Clinton .fruron Central Exhibition CLINTON, SEPT. 28-29-30. BETTER AND LARGER THAN EVER, MONDAY,, 2Sth. • OPENING DAY. Placing and judging all inside exhibits Open to general public in the evening TUESDAY, 29th. VISITORS' AND CITIZENS' DAY, A Great Horse Parade and Riding competi- tion for the Townships of Hullett, Stanley, Tnoirersmith, Goderich and Colborne, and the Sown of Clinton, for valuable prizes and a sweepatake. Obildren'e Procession and Games. RIDING CONTEST STALLION EXHIBIT Illumination of the Town and Grounds Eiesolista'Parade with Chinese Lanterns and novel devices, accompanied by the Volunteers, Firemen, Gun club, etc, etc. Military Manoeuvres, Fusilades, etc. Open air Promenade Concert by the Chippewa Indiana and Band, including Indian songs, chants, choruses, etc. WEDNESDAY, 30th. FARMERS' AND EXHIBITORS' DAY. 1 BAND CONCERT DULCIMER COMPETITION. EXHIBITS OF CATTLE DISPLAY OF HORSES AWARDING OF PRIZES The Departments for Ladies' Work and Flowers and the Art Gallery have been m speolallynfitted up, and willbe strong, EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH win be on exhibition, and eongsby great singers musical selections by famous bands, speeches by eminent men, etc may be heard. . THE CELEBRATED BAND 'OF THE CHIPi'AWA INDIANS, which has been engaged for the occasion will give Open Air Concerts, etc. • Bend to Secretary for prize list and circular about Horse Parade and Riding Contest. . Ws 1AOKSON, Secretary. A. H. MANNING, President. nv` Huron Ventral Exhibition When you visit our Exhibition, or at any other time, do not leave town without galling at our store and seeing the bargains we are offering. We are reducing our stook and CLEARING OUT SOME LINES AT COST .and under We quote a few prices 1- $2.50 Boilers, No. 9, our own make, reduced to $1,75 1.25 Tea Kettle, No. 9, our own make, reduced to .75 • .50 Dish Pans, our own make, reduced to - .25 .50 Pails, our own make, reduced to - .35 .35 Pails, our own make, reduced to - - .25 .25 Wash Basins, our own make, reduced to .15 .35 Oil Cans, our own make, reduced to . - .25 .20 Dipper, our own make, reduced to - .10 .50 Teapots, our own make, reduced to / - .25 .50 Coffee Pots,our own make, reduced to .25 Grindstones, Platform Scales, PlowCastings, Window Shades, Ready wed Paints, &c To be cleared out at test and under. In faot we have several lines of goods we are closing out at cost. Call and see us. NEW GOODS we have JUST RECEIVED They have been bought in the best markets, and will all be sold at reasonable prices, such as Cutlery, Scissors and Razors, Gold Medal Carpet Sweep- ers, Table Lamps, Brass, Hall and Hanging Lamps, Also the celebrated Pittsburgh Lamp, equal to Electric light, and at less than half the cost. Scoop Shovels, new Improved Lanterns, Pumps and Sinks, Clothes Wringers. Try our FLINT CHIMNEYS, only 8 and 10c. ONE CAR ROCK OIL Why use common oil, that will explode, a when we can give you Rock Oil at the same price. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF STOVES. We have a full line of all the leading Stoves in the Dominion, and we intend to run them off at reduced prices. - HOT AIR FURNACES A SPECIALTY ✓ O LZ L _ Woencthn a urrendushcetdhpe rBEesS. T GvRe AuNs Ta OcaN .COAL this HARLND BRO. IRON dz HARDWARE, STOVES kz TINWARE, CLINTON, ONT. his -Is 11. Foster THE PHOTOGRAPHER. You could not very well tell that it is him, unless you could see his face, but you can tell his Photographs anywhere by their being so true to life, beautifully fin- ished, and genuine works of art. Orders for any class of work promptly filled,and at reasonable rates. Lobb's Starch Enamel This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want to save time and labor, buy a box. • If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. It you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lane curtains, etc., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. £ Every Storekeeper keeps it 'now, and where the merchant does not keep it we want a lively agent to repersent ae, Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, Holmeaville Ciao.SoodWhcat EARLY RED CLAWSON. one of the best and earliest Winter Wheats grown. Price $2. VELVET CHAFF, another n riety of wheat, price $2 Plenty of GRASS SEED on hand JAMES STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton WANTS. Wanted. -Purchasers for 150 toes No. 1 Coal. -Bove and chesnut. Orders left at Swallow's grocery well re- ceive prompt attention. Wanted, -1000 Cords wood delivered at the Clinton Salt Works. JOHN MCGARVA. -THE _ Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. Established 1825. Total Sum Assured 5104,655,491 Invested Funds .....,. 36,444,640 Investments in Canada, over.... 6,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN CANADA, Jettxs A, Gumxspra, Esq., Chairman. SirA.T.Oalt G.O.M.G, E.B.Greenshlelds, Esq Hon,J.J.C.kbbott,Q.C, Sir Joseph Hickson. W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES HUNTER, Supt. of Agencies: E. W. BURLEY,,Insppector, Stratford District CLINTON ONT, Auction Sale. OF A Horse and Buggy. There will be offered for sale, on the mar- ket Square, Clinton, on SATURDAY SEP. TEMBER 19th at 4 o'clock p. m„ a good Driv- ing Pony, Top Buggy, as owner bas no fur- ther use for it. Terms. three months credit given in furishing approved joint notes. pd2i The Exeter Fall Show-, PRIZE MEDALS. -o- At the Sotith Huron Fall show to be held at Exeter on Monday & Tuesday Sept. 28-29, The following Prize Medals given by the Ontario Agricultural and Arts Association, will be offered for competition in addition to the premiums mentioned in the regular published prize list, viz: For the beet herd of castle any breed, said herd to consist of 4 females and a bull, -a silver medal. For the beat pen of sheep of any breed, -pen to eon- eist of one ram, pair of aged ewes, pair of Shearing ewes and pair of ewe lambs, -a bronze medal. No special entrance fee re- quired to compote for the above. M. Y. MCLEAN, JOHN KETCHEN, Secretary. President. Canadian Pacific Ry, LAST HARVEST EXCURSIONS From all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to S28. $30. METHVEN HARTNEY MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH DELORAINE REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON GALGARY PRINCE ALBERT $3�5c EDMONTON $S4(l. O To leave all points in the Province of Ontario on SEPTEMBER, 22nd Return until Nov. 1st, 1891 Particle ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con- nect with the 11 p.m. train Foix full information apply to RV tioket ilgo t of thodanadian Paoltio Railway. 0,11111. N - and 80. Guelph Central, Guslpb, sept 22, 28 and 24. westere Pair, London, Sept 17 to 26. North l("erth, Stratford, cot 1 and 2. N�,WRlkerton,sept 2a *9000. . Wpwsinoeh, Eva, Oct s and 7. 7l uron Central, t n, Sept 28, 29 and 80. East Huron, Bruesele. O�at'1 and 2. Stanley, at Bayflold. Oct. 6.7 Palmerston, Sept,{28 and 29, Beaforth, Oot. 1 and 2. Blyth, Ont.8 4n0, 8. English Spavin TLinime4 removes all hard, soft or calloused Lnmpll and Blemiahea from bargee, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bane, Sweeney, Stifles, Spraing, bore and Swollen; Throat, coughs, oto. Save 050 by use of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful Blemieb cure ever kuoven. Said by a H Combe, LINES ON THE DEATH QF E. CORBETT Beside hips God we great lgy. He is so near, yet 00 far away tend' He has reached the shore of the shadowy land. His breath at times comes strong and slow, At others so faintou strain to hear. He has come to the Gate through which all must go, He nearing the portals, on! how near. He lies among ns yet far apart. His eyes a:0 closed to earthly view, We helpless gaze while the tear drops start. He has reached the portals -he's almost through, Alone with God he silent lay, Alone with God the whole night through, When the morning came he went away Behind the veil -dear friend, adieu. MRs. DAVID GaASAra, Inglewood. The workmen in the lumber mills on the Chaudiere to the num- ber of 3,000 went on strike Tues- day for an increase of wages and a shorter day of work. John M. S. Peebles, son of a wealthy London banker, went swimming at Portland, Ore., on Sunday evening, and in diving in six feet of water, broke his neck: In a trial of speed between Grand Trunk and Michigan Cent- ral live stock trains on Saturdav between the Detroit and Niagara Rivers, the *and . Trunk traifr covered 224 miles in 45 minutes less than its competitor's time for 220 miles. At Milwaukee, on Sunday, two men, 'just for fun,' touched a lighted match to the dress of a. woman, who died in great agony, as a result thereof. Lynching is too human a punishment for dev- ils who would do such a thing as this, (CUT THIS OUT) "The FiresideWeekly's"Grand Fall Prize Contest. The Greatest Prize List Yet Published - Read the Poetical Puzzio as it Ap- pears Below. • Lt&$1'i)i y owicr fad los ar u�;1, ecr240,3,i5yb Y'oW Comrp�t. For the correct reading of the above Pictorial Verse the following prizes are offered every week beginning Monday, September 21: FIRST PRIZE 5150 SECOND PRIZE 75 THIRD PRIZE 50 NEXT FIFTEEN (55 each) 76 The first correct answer received by man at the office of Tug Fiaxsma WEEKLY each week will be awarded first prize, the next the second prize, nudge or,. In addition to those a daily cash prize of Fwry DOLLARS will be given to the first correct answer received each day throughout the entire contest. Every fifth correct solution of those not obtaining cash prizes will be awarded a prfze of an elegant silver gypsy kettle with stand valued at six dollars. These prizes will be awarded each and every week and every day from September 21 to November 30, and each prize winner will be notified at once, as well as the entire prise list being published. INSTRUCTIONS. -Our Poetical Puzzle must be,correotly read to obtain a prize, and 51 for sit mouths subscription must accompany each solution. Answers must be sent by mail. Sample copies may be obtained from all news - dealers or from the office at five cents each, Mailed free to any address. THE FIRESIDE WEEKLY, 9 Adelaide -St. West, Toronto, Ont. Butchering Business To the Public. Subscriber having bought out the business so successfully conducted by Mr Couch, solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- age bestowed on his predecessor. No pains or expense will be spared to procure the very best meats, and orders will be promptly and carefully filled. The business w511 still be conducted at the same stand as heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c. JAMES A. FORD. .Clinton Collegiate Institute . Notice. At the last meeting of the Clinton Colleg- iate Board it was resolved that the fees for pupils residing outside the County and those residing in town shall be the same as those fixed by the County Council for County pupils, viz: Fall Term : 52, 53, and 54, according to room Spring Term : $2, 52.50 and $3, " Midsummer Term: 532, 82.50 and 53 " According to School law Fees must be paid in advance. W. 11.H. ILA, SecrEetary. This is the way with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it -but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your :Honey. Askour Dry Goods dealer for ;t For Salo bar Estate Jno ffodgons -fir PUT 'r" ..�.-,'. I �aaree :1)- The Forest City Business College • 01.11 1.o ,o 04T4Q EbpE$. .,-,-�, J. W, .Westervelt, Principal, TO RE1 OR s^ , ALE. For Salo • A good business stand, on easy terms.. Apply to W, 0. SEARLE, Clinton. House to Rent. The premises at present occupied by Mr H, B. Evans, Kolmesville. 1*ood aocommo• dation for ordinary -sized family. Apply to T. 0. PICKARD. .House to Rent. • Splendid brick Hous n Rattenbury Street, with every convenience, Rent $9 a month. MISS'FOXPON, To Let. A large room, up -stairs, suitable for al- most any purpose, eituate directly opposite the market in Searie's block. Rent moderate, W. C. SEARLE, Cottage to Rent. The comfortable and convenient cottage on Rattenbary St. west, now occupied by Mr W. Menne!. It contains accommodation for or- dinary family, with all desirable convenience and will be rented at reasonable rate. MRS PORTER, Albert St, Clinton. For Sale. The cottage on Albert Street belonging to the estate of the late Thos Cooper, at present occupied by Mr Wm, Robb; containing 5 bed- rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen and woodshed. Hard' and soft water, stable, carriage house, driving shed also the three lots adjoning will be sold on reasonable arms, apply to MRS THOS. COOPER. Pump Factory to Rent. The Factory latelyin operation by Mr John Ross, Clinton, is ofered to rent on reason- able terms. The building and tools can all be secured and operations commenced at any time. Good opening for a live man. Apply to JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. For Sale. Frame House and lot occupied by Wm. Mc - Ivor uorner of Orange and Dunlop streets, Clinton. There is on these premises good frame stable, well, cistern, woodshed, fruit trees. Ao. House contains 5 bedrooms, par- lor, dinning room. Kitchen and pantry. Stone cellar and good furnace. Terms easy. *1.60 MANNING & SCOTT, Vendor's Solicitors TO LET. Two stores in the brick block, Albert Street, Clinton, fit for any business good, stands, rent low, apply to HARLAND BROS. 6 Hardware dealers. Farm For Sale. 100 acres North half of lot 5 in the 8th con- cession of Morris: -Two Miles North of the thriving town of Blyth, Half Mile Bast of Coldar's Siding on the L. H. and B. Railway. Good hewed log house and new frame barn 36 x 50 thoroughly finished throughout. 60 acres cleared and about free from stumps, Well fenoed and drained. Title from. .the crown. For further particulars apply to H. Y. KEATING, 8t. Catharines, Ont. 6 w Improved Farms for Sale. West part of lots 72 and 73, Maitland con., Goderich township, containing 101 acres, 75 acres cleared, remainder good hardwood bush, uncalled, 6 acres of orchard, choice fruit in full bearing; good buildings and well fended. Also lot 16 in the 16th con: of Gode- rich Tp.,75 acres cleared, well improved,gcod Barn and other necessary buildings. Com- fortable House, good Orchard. Parties want- ing good farms should see these. Possession after September 1st. For particulars apply to H. BAKER, Clinton P. O. "Im • Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his excellent farm of 125 acres, being lot 36, llth con. of Hallett, 2i miles west of Londesboro. About 10 acres hardwood bush, balance all in good cultivation; brick'velhng,bank barn 50 x 40, another, with stop foundation only 35 x 55, also etable and she 30 x 48. Good orchard, plenty of water. One of the best farms in Hullett, Close to churches and school. Two- thirds down balance to remain on mortgage at 5 per per cent: THOS. MOUNTAIN, Lon- desboro. pd4 tf For Sale. The Londesboro Steam Saw Mill. The property of the late Jacob Huber, will be offered by auction on the let of October at 2 p, m, o'clock sharp. The pro- perty contains 5 acres of land, with dwelling house and stables, Saw Mill, 2 storey frame building 30x70 feet on good atone foundation. Boiler house 15x30, all in good repair. Capacity of mill from 8,000 to 10,000 feet per day. Yearly average of custom work 350,000 feet, with shingle and heading machinery,in connection; plenty of lumber to do a large business. Located on the London and Wingham gravel Road and i mile from G. T. R. Station Six miles from the thriving Town of Clinton. Terms and particulars will be specified on day of sale. Executors S. B SC HNEIDER A M SCHNEIDER MISCELLANEOUTS Girl Wanted. FIRST-CLASS GIRL WANTED, TO DO general housework, apps to MRS W. DOHERTY, Roses Cliff, High St. Boarders Wanted. Two or three Mlles or geLtleman can be accommodated with poi board and lodging Bates reasonable. For particulars apply at NEW ERA offiee.l pd 2i Seed Wheat for Sale. For sale a quantity of Early Rod Clawson Wheat, said to be the champion winter wheat ; yields well in any 6015. Is well cleaned. Call and see. sample at Steep's Feed Store; also Velvet Chaff. JOHN MID DLETON. 4 To The Public. The undersigned in returning thanks to his customers for their liberal support in the past, desires to state that he has turned his business over entire to his son Robert, who will continue the same. He is empowered to collect all outstanding accounts and eettle all claims. Chopping 5c a bag if clean. THOS. TRICK . Baking. R. McLennan having started baking on his old promises Victoria St. would like to see his old customers and as many now ones as would favor him with their custom. All goods ordered will be promptly delivered. lin MISS M. A. FERGUSON. Teacher of painting in Oils, and Crayon, drawing. VICTORIA ST. Clinton. Dressmaking. The undersigned desire's to intimate to to the people of Clinton and vicinity, that she has commenced Dressmaking in the rooms over Steep's, feed Store, Elliott's blook, Where all orders will receive prompt and oarofnl attention. MISS POWELL, Zia Pig for Service: Tho undersigned keeps for service, at his premises. lot 12, 2nd 0011. Of Hullett, d thorobred Chester. White boar, of first -cissa pedigree. Terms, 51, at time of servieo. With 3>rivile a 01 retnrninr, if . n000ssaryr 5125 ff booked, HENRY FREEMAN* 100M, Tirade in . LOndesborou,gh .is always biooming, but now we are, h ,Ting an extraordinary boom. The away or De 0 Is making business hum as it never-ihuramed before A duty every man owes to their family and friends is to have f picture taken at intervals of say three to five years, so that when, they are called to cross the dark deep valley, their shadow at lam will remain and will be cherished by those who are left behind;. And the children -.bless them -have their pictures taken, and by -and-by,: when they have gone out to fill the honorable positions in society, for which your care and training bas fitted them, you will gape font1170 . the picture taken long ago, had in imagination the little prattlers wild ": again be clinging about you, your youth will he renewed and you i will live happy years over again. Just now these CABINET PHOTOS cost you nothing When your purchases from us amount to25 we give tate to be handed to MR.'H. FOSTER, Photographer, you nton,' Who will give you half -a -dozen Cabinet Photographs, beautifully finished: i' and first-class in every respect. Ail our goods are marked in plain figures, and we guarantee prices ae1. low, and in most instances lower, than will be quoted in any otilier• store in the county. Oar object in making this offer is to induce $o.. ple to visit our store and give us an opportunity of showing our goods and quoting prices, feeling confident that many who up to this time.. have never been inside the store, will become regular customers when, they find out what an attractive stock of goods we are showing. Do you want a SUIT OF CLOTHES or an O'COAT, if so we can please you in cloth, trimmings, cut, styie;fitNi and workmanship. RUBBER COATS, $2 to $4. Tweed WATERPROOF : COATS, ventilated, sewn seams, first-class, warranted..' to give satisfaction. Ladies WATERPROOF CIRCULARS* 50c. to $5, We pay cash for produce. We sell goods for cash W. L. Ouimette, LIUNDFS$ORO HUB GROCERY' Zhe Ked Note of haviget song goodme Piofckles^ to (R2P PURE SPICES, such as Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Nraeit " Pepper, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Mustard Seed, Celery seed Timerick Powder, then add some of our extra WHITE. WINE VINEGAR,and we guarantee the pickles all right We Italie erica value 111 Crockery and Glassware, LEO, ALLOW, C1_,INT4N 00 •1 A TD SCHOOL SUPPLIES The very latest authorized Text Books, &c., for Public and Model Schools and Collegiate Institute. Full Stock and Lowest Prices W. S. SflV[PSONr CLIN'TOls" VL'o will sad the New Era to new subscribers:' for the ba2 lance of the year, for 25 cents cash: As it is the largest paper and gives more home news than any other here, this is a big chance We are offering the balance of several lines of SUMjVIF.F~, GOODS at cut -away prices to clear. FIRST CLASS G100DS and CLOSE PRICES Eg i o t aken in exchange. 5 per c. oftfor cal h W. Taylor&Sons my 1891 CLINTON AND HEH ALL 9