The Clinton New Era, 1891-09-18, Page 1RA and�
Prices This Week,
ME '*2 TWEED" PANT for01.50
NS 13 W S �
The *2 line is a wonder.
Men's $11.50 Suits, $8,25
.Men's $10 Suits for $7,90
beer Coats.
ROOF COATS, price was $10, now
2 WATERPROOFS for $7.90
eec goods must go quickly. They
are the best in the market.
Onr Dress Goo4s counters are always
busy See the new linea in stook to -day
per yard.
1\..0E GOODS AT 5, 7, 8 and 10c
Onr stook of these Goods is immense.
.A. beautiful line for 51.25, regular price
*2. Nice line for Girl's wear, at 60cts.
The finest BEAVER CLOTH, in colors
at $1.50, price was $2.50
Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers 25o
Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, price
waa 75o, now 60.
Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, price
was S1.25 now 85
Call,, here for bargains in Fall Goods;
our stock is the largest and prices much
the lowest in town.
Mara & Co
Goderich Township.
FIRE.—One night last week a large
frame house on the "Stonehouse"
farm, now owned by Mr John Stew-
art, was diao3vered to be on fire. The
inmates were all asleep at the time,
but they managed to get out, and
saved a part of the contents of the
house. The building was an "old
• landmark," and was insured tor $500.
It is not known how the fire origin-
ated, but is supposed to have been
from a defective chimney. Mr S. S.
Cooper was given the contract for a
new house, and already has the frame
of the Huron road, has rented the
farm to 51re 5 Holmes,. for a term of
ten years; it contains 86 acres, and is
rented at something about $250 a
year. Mr 5 Phipps has also rented
• the Whitely farm of 66 acres, on the
Huron road, tor a term of ten years,
at a rental of $125 d year. Better
• tenants could not have been secured,
• as both are tip top farmers, and will
leave the farms in even better con-
dition than they get them.
Too late tor last weok
To the Editor of the Clinton New Era
u ' SIR:—Will you kindly allow me a
little more space to make a few ex-
planations regarding that celebrated
foot ball 'match. In the first place
allow me to remind the worthy
Beavers that bombast is not argu-
ment. In the next place, we can
produce three reliable witnesses; (not
members .of_our_team) if not more,_
who will teatfy that the challenge
was given on the let of July, and
not on Sunday, as they would lead
the public to believe. In the next
place, the Beaver captain admits that
our captain did not dog him around
on Sunday, as stated by the Beavers,
neither had they hie consent to use
his name in connection with that
matter. We have .:also ample proof
that he did not know the nature of
their last correspondence to the NEW
ERA till it appeared in print. Then
again we are now in a position to
explainathat notorious misunder-
standing, .which explanation will
show where and on what particular
member, or members of the team,
r, the blame rests. We were always
; -under the impression, and now we
are convinced, that the captain was
too much of a gentleman to make or
sent to statements made in the
pondefice aligned Beayere. T
we could say as much for every
member of the team. Thanking you
Mr Editor for your apace. I remain
truly yours, .CLEAR GRIT.
Bruce field:
NoTlrs.---There will be a public
meeting of the Womalns, Mlsaionary
Soclety of the Methodist church, on
Tuesday,, S�ept °2,2, addresses by Mee
..1 enyler, of" Whitechurch, and others
the Quartette Club of the Ontario 161
church, Clinton, will furnish musics
Mr Wm Keyser has returned from
the Northwest, he repports, things
booming. min Mr R McLeod ..has ,return.,
d from his trip to the old country nuking hale and hearty. Miss. R:en-
a y
and has returned home from Duluth
e' 13 d
Freim an parts of the County—by waste -awake
ao P
Bayfield. '
Evidently theinteregt taken in the
revival meetings under the leader-
ship of the Misses Hall hes not abat-
ed in the least, for the town hall on.
Sabbath evening `last was crowded
to its utmost capacity, there being
Test ac many as a week previous.
he work is beingcarried on every
night in the Methodist church and
is evidently having its reward. We
underatand the evangelists .intend
remainingthis -. week arid -probably
longer. ewi h them well in their
good work.
CIRCLES. -Soma time back a few of
the more prominent, and less narrow
minded Conservative members of this
community, have been taking the
Globe on account of its fair repres-
entation of political matters. They
want a true and unbiased report of
all that is going on in parliamentary
circles and seem to have found it at
last, judging from the admiring look
with which that paper is greeted
when the mail is sorted.
When a photograph gallery was
started here this spring, many
thought tbat it could not be run with
success, but now not only are those
fast becoming reconciled to a con-
trary view, but are even becoming
surprised at how a business can'be
carried on when an energetic and
obliging man is pushing it with all
his might. Mr J W Cook is rapidly
progressing here, owing, no doubt, to
his genial -manners and finely finish-
ed artistic work. During the last
few months he has taken some of the
best buildings and residences of
Bayfield, which may be seen at his
studioat any time. Every citizen of
town wishes Mr_ Cook greater suc-
cess than -ever in future.
On Sabbath last Revs Stewart, of
Clinton, and Henderson, of town,
exchanged pulpits, the former preach-
ing to a large congregation in the
morning: Mr Stewart spoke on
David and Mephibosheth, and in a
forcible and well pointed discourse,
drew lessons of practical instruction
from the story of the relationship
between these men. Owing to the
anniversary services at the sister
congregation of Bethany, there was
no service in St Andrews church in
the evening.
NOTES.—Mr Cook, of Goderich
township, was visiting his brother,
the photographer, on Sunday. Miss
Lily Calliday left on Monday for
Chicago. Misses Emily and Maggie
Erwin have returned from a long
visit at Point Edward. The funeral
of the infant child of Mr JohnnNew-
combe took place on Friday. The
tug Myrtle called here last Wednes-
day, with the agile driver belonging
to the Messrs McLean; of course an
entrance to the harbor could not be
made owing to the sand bar. Mr D
McKenzie has returned from a visit
to relatives in Blyth. Mr Fred Bak-
er, who has been working in Gode-
rich, has returned. Misses Emma
and Tiny Faust, of Zurich, made a
flying visit to old friends here on
Thursday last. Mrs Vawter and
child, of Oberlin, Kansas, who have
been visiting at the home of her
father, Mr. T J blanks, for some
time, returned on Monday last. On
Thursday last a number of Seaforth
Collegiate scholars took advantage
of their holiday to picnic at the park
here. Mrs Smith and child, of Lan-
sing, Mich, who have been visiting
here for several weeks, returned home
last week. Mr Louis Wild, of Clin-
ton Model, was home for a few days
last week, owing to the teachers,
convention held there. Mr Patrick
GalThgher, and old residenter of
Bayfield, but now of Strathroy, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs Brown, at
present. A sailing party, under the
leadership of Mr Willie Cole, of
Clinton, spent a most enjoyable time
in the moonlight on the lake one day
last w ek. Messrs John Morgan and
$arry win *ereat-the
Goderich last week. Rey Mr Ser-
mon, wife and family, of Hensall,
were the guests of Rev Mr Newton
for several days last week. Miss
Maggie Connell left on Monday for
Toronto, The volunteers have re-
turned from St Thoma well pleased
with their training as the safe guards
of our country. Mrs Palmer ana
children, of Detroit, who have been
stopping the summer at the Commer-
cial hotel,'returned last week much,
pleased with' one more season at this
favorite resort. Mrs Myers and
children, who, with her, husband, left
here,some years ago, are visiting
with elatives in town. Mr W Baker
and Mies Duncan, of Bayfield Public
School, and . Mies Martin, of No 3,
Stapley, attended the convention
held in Clinton, on Thursday and
Friday. Mr G H Hewson, druggist,
is in Toronto part of this week, at-
tending to business and at the same
tine taking in the Industrial Ex-
hibition. Miss A McLean, of Godo -
rich, witsvisiting friends in town on
Sunday last. A little after nightfall
on Monday night, the sound of a
whistle was heard at Louise and
Main St crossing and Nome of our
citizens were ,inclined to think the
care had come at last, but it was,
discovered to be Donaldson's traction
engine puffing through town. On
entering the) property of Mr J Cowan
ono day last week, our worthy J 1',
•Mr John Morgan, wa severely bitte n
on the iby she dog, a bandaged
hand s the result of the attack.
Will be a
There w harvest service in
Trinitq ()hutch next Sabbath, at
which ,the pastor, Rev 0 Newton,
will dfaciete.•
8 CON' NOTES. --Mr H Livermore
is raising his hoose and Patting a
stone foundation e ath
fixing the house up, Mr B Tyer-
man dis .Deed to Mr John Denholm,
of Blyth,
h, la e
yt , qne day et week,one
thousand pounds of honey, for which
he received a good figure.
ACCIDENT. --Mr Thos Troop met
with what might have been a serious
;accident a short time eget while rid•
ing one -of lite horses from the field,
a colt ran in front of the horse he
was riding, and kicked, striking Mr
Troop just below the knee, inflicting
a painful wound, but Tom is now
able to be around again.
r.,CHANGES.--It is reported that Mr
McFadyen and Mies Dewar, both
popular teachers of this township,
will quit at the end of the preseut
term, one to go to the Normal, the
other to drop' out of the profession.
Mr Lowery, teacher in No. 6, is said
to have his eye on Mr McFadyen's
school, and as he is a .good teacher,
would prove an acceptable substitute,
but this is for the trustees to decide.
In No, 5 they think of trying a lady
New •subscribers can get the NEW ERA
for the balance of the year for 25 cents
NAruow ERCAPE.—What ,might
have been a serious accident in the
form of a runaway happened la'et
Tuesday, 8th inet, on the 3rd line of
Morris, near the gravel. Two ladies
from wingham, Mrs Hogg and a
friend were driving, 'when the horse,
for some reason or ' other, bolted as
they were going down the hill west,.
of the track, overturning the vehicle
and throwing out the occupants; but
beyond being roughly shaken up and
some bruises the ladies escaped ser-
ious injury.
NOTES.—Belgrave has an addition-
al shoemaker from Blyth. • Mr and
Mrs Ferner are taking a trip to
Michigan to see some friends. The
addition to Mr Tuft's residence is
nearing completion, when finished it
will be altogether a roomy, comfor-
table house; may they live long to
enjoy it. J Timmins, of Bluevale,
was in Belgrave last Sunday evening
and Monday morning. Mr Carson
and wife, of Kansas, have been visit •
ing Mrs Tufts during the past week.
A couple of Sabbaths ago the service
was held in the Foresters' hall, Rev
J H Dyke was said to have preached
an excellent discourse' to the Order
from the text Luke 6, 31; the Forest.
ers showed their appreciation of the
sermon in a substantial manner.
Crops are about all gathered in this
seelion of the country, and no doubt
the farmers feel relieved; the weather
has been "catchy" butthey have
"'bought" on the finish at last. Mr
Wray sr and wife are visiting at
East * was nosh.
NOTES. - Messrs Alex McDonald
and Qararleyl Taylor, of Hallett, were
visiting friends here last week. Miss
Lexie Morton, teacher, attended the
convention in Clinton, on Thursday
and Friday last week, other teachers
who were also present were Misses
M Gregory and Annie Ross and Mr
D McCallum. The lawsuit between
Mason and VanCamp, which came
off at Goderich last week, resulted in
Mr VanCamp paying a fine of $500
and costs. T Agnew visited friends
in Clinton this week. A Sunday
School has been started at No 10
school, which under .the able leader,
proves to be, quite a success.- The
teacher in Union S S No 3, met with
a rather serious accident while driv-
ing from church on Sunday last, by
the overthrow of the buggy and its
occupants; hopes are entertained for
her recovery. Misses A , Gregory
and Gill, of Exeter, were the guests
of McGowan on Sunday last.
New subscribers can got the NEw ERA
for the balance of the year for 25 cents
NOTES.—The heaviest rain of the
season fell here on Saturday. 5
Robertson returned home from a two
weeks' trip up the lakes, where he
has been visiting his sone Edward
and Wilbur, in Duluth. Mr- E l$ ra-
sher, who has been doing a gen al
mercantile business here, under thh
Patron of Industry rules,bas made a
Assignment for the benefit of his
creditors. Mr Albert White was
brought before the magistrates on
Friday last, charged with insanity,
and as it was dangerous for him to be
at large, he was taken to Walkerton
jail till he can be transferred to the
asylum. Mr' Neil McKenzie, of
Kinloss, paid a fine of $9 for dis-
orderly conduct on the street, Satur-
day last; we have been informed that
his collar bone was broken while en-
gaged in a quarrel since at Holyrood;
it is hoped ed this1
may be a on to
him that he may conduct himself
better in the future. The fall show
this year will doubtless surpass any-
thing that has ever been held here
n the past, quite a number of speci-
prizes will be given in order to
make a large comppetition; the prizes
for speeding will be a go induce-
ment to ownera of fast .horses to
bring them but; remember the date,
5th and Gth of October.
NQTEs.--.Our volunteers arriped
home on Saturday last, lodking well
after having spent twelve days at the
annual camp at St Thema. Capt
A drew N o 6
n a 8f a Co Exeter E r volun-
teem, has beenpromoted tei Major of
the 33rd Battalion; it la; rumorethat
Color -Sergi J T Weetcott will be
appointed captain of the: company in
his pplace; the boys ay that J T will
be the right man in the right place.
Don't forget, the Exeter ',fall fair.
which takes place on the 213th and
29th of this mouth. Mr Geo Kn ht
g, '_
station agent atI.ldortoii, spent Sun-
day in town. ' Mr Alex McColl,
Veterinary Dentist, is practising hie
profession in town at present. Mr Ra
S Lang has a large number of
busypacking apples at prosr;nt.
Digging potatoes is the order .of the
Seaforth ,
DEATH — Mr and Mrs. Dietriek,
who have been bereaved of their
little daughter Eva, have the sym-
pathy of their many friends and ac•
quaintances, in the:loss of their only
child. The little girl was a little
over seven years of age, and not-
withstanding being a sufferer from
almost her infancy was a remakably
bright and intelligent child. She
died on Friday last, and on Sunday
was buried, the funeral being very
largely attended,
NoTEs.—Mr D D Wilson left on
Monday Teat for the old country. A
good many of the Seaforth corps of
the Salvation Army attended the big
anniversary celebration at Toronto
this week. A large number of our
citizens are this week doing the
Industrial at Toronto. On their re-
turn from camp last Saturday, our
volunteers, headed by the battalion
band, paraded main street before
breaking ranks. Mrs John Andrew,
an old • resident of our town, died at
her residence here on Tuesday last,
after a lingering illness. Miss Nellie
Beattie is in Goderich this week, vie
iting at the North St Methodist par-
sonage. Mr J M Beat, who has been
confined to the house through illness,
we are pleased to noteis able to be
out again. Miss Boswell,. who has
been visiting in Montreal, returned
home on Tuesday last. Rev A Mc-
Donald, wife and daughter, who have
been away from town for some time,
returned home last week. -
ROYAL TEMPLES. — A meeting
for the formation of a District Coun-
cil of Royal Templars of Temperance,
for the county of Huron, was held
here in tbe.Oddfellows Hall on Mon-
day last. Eleven Councils out of the
eighteen now in the county were re.
presented. Among those present
were: J. Elgin Tom, J. R. Gore,
Mrs J.H. Leech, Goderich; W. Stone-
man, Mr Roedding, Hensall; Jno.
Wanless, Varna; W. Carley, Mr Greg-
ory, Exeter; J. T. Wiggins, Mr Hov-
ey, Fordwich; Miss S. Cudmore,
Kinpen; J. R. Govenlock, Jas Kerr.
Winthrop; Wm Lewis, Crediton'
Hugh McQuarrie, Blyth; W. H. Kerr'
Geo. Rogers, Brussells; R. H. Young'
J. H. Pyper, Mrs R. Haxby, Mrs R.
H. Young, Mrs J. J. Neelin, Miss
French,, Seaforth. The meeting was
called to order by J. H. Pyper, Dia.
Dgty. GC. After prayer being offered
by Rev J H Simpson, of Brucefield,
it was decided that a District Coun-
cil be tormed. The election of ofti•
cars being proceeded with, resulted
as follows:—
Dis. Councillor -3 H Pypher
" Vice Coun—Mrs J. H. Leech
" Past Coun—Rev J H Simpson
Chaplain—W H Kerr
" Secty—W Stoneman
Ass Secty- Geo Rogers
Treasurer—Wm Lewis
Herald—W Carley.
" Dpty Her—Mies S. Cudmore
Guard—J T Wiggins
Sentinel—Jae Kerr
J E Tom 3 years
Trustees J Wanless 2 years
H McQuarrie,1 year
Much interest was manifested in the
proceedings of the meeting, and a
very profitable time was spent. It
was thought by all present that the
formation of a district Connell was a
move in the right direction and much
good work may be expected from this
new organization in connection with
the order of Royal Templarism. It
was decided that the next meeting be
held in Clinton, in December.
• {.
INCENDIARY. — Evidently a fire
fiend is at large in our midst, for
within a little more than three weeks
three fires have taken place, the
causes of which are attributed to in-
cendiarism. Three weeks ago last
Sunday morning our town hall, with
all itslcontents, was consumed by
fire, which undoubtedly was the
work of an incendiary. Last Sunday
morning early, the alarm was, given
as the result of a fire in an old ter-
n raced tenement house, near Ogilvie''a
big mills. There had been no one
living ani this house for some time; it
was also thought to be set on fire.
Again, early last Tuesday morning;
the alarm sounds loud and long, and
which told of a big fire somewhere,
it happened this time in J 5 Porter's
furniture warerooms, on Main St.
The fire, which was without doubt
some More incendiary work, was first
discovered red in
the back part of the
building, which was frame,and rapid-
ly the flames spread, but through
the ar none efforts of the firemen,
who ke' t two or three streams pour-
fir were enabledit
1 a to get
under control and kept it confind to
the back part of the building,much
damage, however, was donb fire
and water, a beautiful hearse togeth-
er with a lot of excellent upholstered
furniture were utterly destroyed.
Had the fire reached the front part
of the building, it would have been
serious for others, as adjoining there
h frame buil ins which
wore of d
New subscribers ban get rw EPA Would have burned like kindling
g 41Y wo kindling
for the balance of the year for 25 ciente wood. This die bug should be
ash, a t and to ed on
Norss._Thererrtae a good turnout
from, here to 1oronto this week,
there being about 25 or 80 tickets
here. sold
h e. There; seems. to be a lot
London done next
13 � eekthe
�o to
Western fair. Rev
Mr Ricks will
preach a Temperance sermon here,
next Sunday evening, the Lodge will
turn out in a body to attend, all are
invited,. the Lodge. meets at ,5.80
(Neck. Geo Newton has a potato
which weighs 2 lbs, 20z, whichiho
lug in Mrs Smith's garden, itis of
the;Prot _variet .._Re r
ifio. y v M - fir-
gueon is _expected home next week.
b terian pulpit p
y gas 4ceappi•,
est Su day bya reverend gentle -
Mall front 'Pla agenet 4. he will be.
here next Sunday also, he is here
with a yiew to locating, he delivered'
a very practical sermon, which was
well received. The Sons of England
are increasing very favorabl here,
several good men joining. Potatoes
are a very good crop around here,
and will most likely be cheap, as re -
porta show a heavy crop almost
ADVICE. --To the ;would-be man,
who is no more than an over -grown
boy and who ought to have some re-
spect for worthy citizens if he has
none for himself. Remember that
the watch -man bas his Dial illumin-
ated, indeed so brightly polished is it
that it reflects even to the roots of
trees, so if the boy will persist in, an-
noying his neighbors he should have
a disguise and not trust to theshadow
of a tree fora hiding -place.
DEATH. --We are sorry. to learn of
the death of Mrs Phillips, an old
resident of Blyth, which took place
at her home in London, on Wednes-
day morning at 1 o'clock. She'has
been a great sufferer for many months
and bore it patiently. She lett four
sons and one daughter, who have
much sympathy in this community.
Mr Geo Philips arrived in town
Wednesday, to make arrangements
for the burial, which takes place to-
day (Thursday) in, the Union Ceme-
WEDDING BELLS—An event which
caused quite a ripple of excitement
in society circles, took place at the
residence of Mrs Tanner sr, when her
daughter. Miss. Susie, was united in
the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr
Geo Powell, merchant of this place.
The ceremony took place at two, and
was performed by the Rev G F Parke,
of Listowel, in the presence of a
number of guests, the immediate re-
latives of the contracting parties.
The bride was becomingly attired in
cream Bilk and lace, and attended by
Miss Archer, of Warwick; the groom
was assisted by Mr J Tanner, of
Listowel, brother of the bride. After
refreshments had been partaken of
Mr and Mrs Powell left on the four
train south, ,a great crowd assembled
at the depot to see them off and in-
dulge in a little throwing of rice and
old slippers, mingled with good wish-
es for the futnre happiness of a couple
who are very much esteemed by all
who know them.
Nom. —Rev J F Parke, of Lis-
towel, was in town Wednesday. Two
young men, Dawson and Beetle, of
Auburn, were up before Squire
Young,charged with having assaulted
Mrs Cassidy on her way home from
church on Sunday evening,at Auburn.
Mr D McKellar arrived in town on
Saturday night for a few days. Mie's
Maggie McLean left on Monday after
noon for Alma College, St Thomas,
to resume her studies. In the ab-
sence of the pastor, Mr G Jenkins
filled the pulpit of the Methodist
church, on Sunday morning. there
was no service in the evening. Mr
Gray, of Wingham, was in town on
Saturday. Mrs Heffron arrived
home on Friday evening from De-
troit, with her son Patrick, who was
so ill there a short time ago, we are
glad to hear he stood the journey
splendidly. D B McKinnon, Esq,
took a trip to the Forest city and
Toronto, this week, Dr and Mrs
Campbell, of Detroit, paid a visit to
friends in town on Tuesday. Mr D
Crittenden left for Exeter on Mon-
day, where he has secured a position
in the Times office. Mrs Lucas and
family, of Calgary, arrived here on
Saturday for an extended visit with
her mother, Mrs Tanner. Mr J
Clark has disposed of his livery busi-
ness to Wm Bell. Miss A Kelly ar-
rived home on Thursday last from
Glencoe, where she has been visiting
friends. A number of our citizens
are taking in the Toronto exhibition.
Mr P Kelly attended a meeting of
the millers association in Toronto, on
Tuesday. Miss N Shane returned
from Goderich on Monday, after a
two weeks' visit. Mr E Watson
shipped cattle and lambs from this
station on Saturday.
No'rEa.a-Rev W Spargo, Method -
let minister, is vielting at T C Pick!
ard's, he was . formerly a. minister
in the B C Church: W Stanieg is
actively engaged in the fruit ,business,
he says 800 bbls may be found
in some orchards` this year.
Several of;our citizens are exhibit-
ing at the lodernch Fair this week.
Mrs Gordon, of Goderich, spent last
Sabbath in the village, Rev-, W
Ayers is to ocoupy the pulpit of Main.
StMethodist Church Exeter on
Sabbath next, Rev ' w" McDonagh'
comee,to Holmesville.4A few of our
citizens are, taking in 'the: Toronto,.ex.,
Whiten "thiel week amongthew Measre'
Burns, Teo; and son.
Porter's Hill.
Norris.—We are sorry to hear that
Mrs George Cox, who has. ,,been very
ilk'forsome time;isnot Inlproving,and
her friends•have very little hope- of
her recovery.'• Nearly all the local
sports are busy ,fitting and training
their horses for the Great l;Torth
western, Fair,,but then You ca'n't all
win the farmers trot.*
Casson.-- Anniversary services
were held in Bethany Presbyterian
church here on Tuesday,13th inst,and
were conducted by Rev Mr Stewart,
of Willis Church,Clinton, on Monday
evening a teameeting was held,when
addresses were delivered by Revs,
Stewart, Ayers, and J T Darrow, IlI
P. The musical 'part of the program
was provided by a select choir from
Clinton,and was inevery way a success
Thesolos by Mrs Marcey and Mr
Jones were especially entertaining,
and a recitation. by Mr Bruce called
forth rounds of applause, also the
music of the string band was highly
appreciated, on the whole the enter-
tainment was of the first order and
reflects mulls-- creek on the managing
committee; the proceeds amounted to
something over $42.
SocIAL.—The basket social given
by the Royal Tempters of Tem-
perance, on Wednesday evening, was
a success, the attendance was iarge.
The entertainment given by them in
the church was. also well attended,
and entertainment good.
was a red letter day in the history of
Hensall, being the occasion of their
first fall fair. To say that it was a
magnificent success i3 putting it very
mild. The weather was all that
could be desired, being warm and
pleasant. " Never in the history of
Hensall have so many people been
crowded into it, .the exhibits were
numerous and of excellent quality.
The outside attractions consisted of a
well contested foot ball match be-'
tween Brussels and;. Hensail, which
resulted in a draw, each securing 1
goal. And a tug of war, between
teams picked out by J E McDonell
and D Urquhart, proved a great. at-
traction. The inside department was
held in the spacious Rink, which
place was well filled. The display
made by our citizens of their different
wares, was elaborate, and to partic-
ularize is unnecessary! In roots,
fruit and grain, the exhibit was ex.
ceptionally large, and Unusually good.
In works of art and ladies work there
woe a grand display. In horses a
,very large show was anticipated, but
the show both in quality and quanti-
ty far excelled anticipation, whilst of
other stock the show was good. The
people here deserve great praise for
their enterprise, and are rewarded by
knowing that their first exhibition
was one of which any place might
well feel proud. It was a splendid
success, the attendance and exhibits
all being beyond anticipations, and
the footing gained by the society will
enable itto do even better in the
Mr Thomas Bell, furniture manutac-
turer, has been running his factory
twelve hours and a half each day, for
the last week or so, in order to give
the men a chance to attend the To-
ronto Exhibition for a few days. He
is placing a new sand paper machine
in his factory, made by the Egan Co.,
Cincinnatti, Ohio; he is also making
other improvements, which will be of
great advantage to him. Mr Bell
has been in the business fort number
of years, and his tradehas been
steadily increasing. y
FALL SHow.—Th Wingham ex-
hibition will be held rile 29th and
30th of Sept. /
Come and see the handsome things
The ladies here do make, •
The lovely wreaths and flowers,
They are pretty, no mistake.
NOTES.—Mr Sellery, of Kincardine,
while on his way to Toronto, spent a
night with his son, Rev 5 Sellery, of
this place: Our volunteers returned
home on Saturday last, and speak
SocIAL.—The social and lecture very highly of the kindness of the St.
spoken of last was well attended al- Thomas people. Mr Ross and wife,
though the weather was somewhat of Lochalsh,were visiting their daugh-
unfavorable. After the musical part ter, Mrs E Mainprize, -this week. --
of the program was finished, the lcct= Last Sunday, morning Rev 5 Sellery
urer of the evening was called upon- gave a very antereeting and inatruc-
and for nearly an hour kept the at. tive discourse to the children of the
tention of the audience while he gave Sunday Sohooh who gave him the
a graphic description of the 'manners very best attention. The Ladiea Aid
and customs of the people of Auatra- Society intend giving a grand social
lie: He told how the people have about the first of October. Mr John
t 'x or eight
the English sports suchHannah, has buil six ato
taken upas feat
orse racing,cricket p&d. He also the kitchen on the property he lately
mentioned the shrewdnees of the sought, and has built a neat stable;
Australian, but although they are he does not do things by halves. .A
anxious to accumulate yet, they are large number of oar people attended
always willing to give, when money Toronto Exhibition this week. Mr
is required.- He also deecrib ed the Readingtis having his cottage, which
native Australian or 'the black , fel- he purchased a couple of months ago
lows' as they are called there show venered thin week. The first lead of
i howthe Government en' brick was laid on the ground for Mr
ing, t ...gag's
theta to hunt up lost children and Myers' brick block on Tuesday; it
gWhen finished, it will be one
fugitives as they areable to follow a' is said,
track although it has been made for the finest buildings in town. Mr Jas
days. On whole the lecture Was Magneti w_. ho has hot the carriage
good and all who missed it missed shop formerlyoccupied by McCl
treat. 1screedN vino nted to $lf,bb; wont bros., haamoved to it this week.
*New subscribers can .get the NET EInA
A slumber of our temperance workers
for tlie$balance of the year for 25 conte, attended Culross• Star Lodge, on
0444TueedAy evening. 'l
$LCir.---,Mr W Cudmore, ewifsi
son, Who have .been eppune -
weeks, with friends in t
arrired.homeon t,
ing had a good trip and an en
time". Mc Cudmore save t
Weather was very wet nearly' all' ., -
time they were there, and croO were
• geede but the harvest late.
' Go+dericlr. '
NOTEe.--J E Tom, 1 P S Goderi ''
.and Prof Gore were in Seaforth at.
tendingas rhorepresenorpaniztativeatios frou; of nta DEuletriot
Lodge, •
Lodge R T of T. This lodge is in a
very active condition and isiKoingto
put in abmo strong work on Che tom.
oerance line this fall and winter. Dr
-Humber is home: on a visit to hie
parents and friends. R Wilkiniou,
• who has been i11 the past few, weeks,,.
is --now -'improving: - Mies- Huld'a
Whitely, of a"Linton, Sandayed in the
town Mr
was away on a trip on the Sophia
with Capt McLean 10 days, returned
home on Tuesday. J M Bracken"..
ridge, now of Chicago; formerly with.
J A Reid Bros, is now sin a two
Weeks visit to relatives and, friends
here. The Endpire and City of
Windsor were in port Saturday. ' No
1 Co 33rd ,Batt returned" frons camp ,
at.. St Thomas on'Saturday; those
we have spoken to•were well pleased
with the drill and the time.they heli.. '' \
As announced the Great North Waste
ern opened on Wednesday and, is now '
in full sw}ng; those who ' have not
attended it yet should go today and
vee the sights; refresnmenbi 'on the
grounds. A coat of paint has much,
improved the appearance of the.etoro ,''
next J Carey's. Mr Jas Clark ie
having his fence painted, also. Mg',
Carr, of Wingham, war in town Teat
NoTEs.—Master Peter , Baird .is
confined to bed with rheumatic fever.
Mr Thomas McDonald, of London,
returued.home on Tuesday last. • lir
Thomas Fraser, Mr Dan Russ, !fir
Finlay McEwen and Mr Robert
Pearson, have gone to Toronto ,this'
week to visit the fair. Mr Samos
Macfarlane went to Quebec last week
and brought home a fine reit, which ' `vy
he was importing.
Zurich. ,
ATHELETIC.—The atheletic contest
between Jones, of Parkhill, andFritz
of Zurich, which took place on Tues-
day afternoon, resulted in a victory*
for Jones ; he winning the most games
all around. The score is as follows
100 yard race won by Jones ; putting
the 14 lb shot won by Fritz, distance i l
40 feet ; standing jump, Jones 10 foot:' '
2 inches ; running jump, Jones 4 ft '
2 in ; valting with pole, Jones 8 feet
6 in ; running hop, step and jump,
Fritz 37 feet.
Mr Wm McGavin, of the 12th con;;
has purchased the east hundred acree
of the McEwan property for the super
of $4500. This gives Mr McGav s
and sons the fine• property of 3511
RETURNED.—Mr D Scott, who
some time ago went to Manitoba witk
a carload of horses, has returned, hay
ing done well with his stock. He re-
ports the wheat crop splendid. on the
average, that injured by frost being,
the late sown grain. Mr Scott thinks
Manitoba and the North West a , r;
eplendid dountry for young men, but`:
men up in years who have comfort-
able homes here had better keep them.
'Nests.—Messrs F McCulia
son, P Gardiner, P Kerr and J A
McF adzen and Misses M'eFadzen,
J Hallen and B Kerr left last Wed-
nesday for the big show in Toronto.
Rev Geo Lockhart and bride spent R
a short time with his parents daring
the beginning of this week, after
which they left for Alexander, 51a
where Mr Lockhart has charge of at
very prosperous congregation; we,
wish the young couple every success
and blessing in life.
WEDDING BELLS.• -•One of those
pleasant events that only occur once
in most people's life time, took ,place
on Tuesday evening last at the resi-
dence of Mr Jas Hillen, con 11, when
his second daughter, Miss Ellie, was,
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony to Mr Jas Dorrance, youngest
son of the late Geo Dorrance. A
number of friends and acquaintances
were invited to the wedding, and the
evening was spent very pleasantly
until the sine' hours. On Wednes-
day morning the bridal couple took
the train from Seaforth for Toronto,
where they will spent part of their
honeymoon, taking in the sights of
the Exhibition.
Additional Local News.
Have you invited all your friers.
to the Huron Central Fair, or arooit
one of those Who will eft still ata
nothing, and if the exhibited 'ien!t i:,
howling success go around with a:la g
face and worry everyone you Meet
with the croakers lament, 'I told you
Mr P Straith returned last week
from a tripto the north w est; lee
was much dlighted with th entry,
sots the harvest rhe or
awes eoEN 'ke a Im
meuse, and thought that although
-oat had done somo harm, m it
would. not affect the country as it
The Flint Globe of last week thus
alludes to a former Clintonfan:-
"Tuesday was the 82nd anniversary
of the birth of Mr J 0 Cole, of the
firm of Cole & Cole, and the tints'
ployees of the first made it, the ov-
rasion for presenting that gentlenss*
with a. handsome gold headed Oahe.
Mr Cole Mader fl
barrassinent, duo, to
emergency, toezpresb lid t An.
well chosen words: