The Clinton New Era, 1891-09-04, Page 7.000011
0011,0 Qir
the fatal' ;ser*
peeps was not
Pore helpless
n is 'the.
man 'whopipes
leader the ef.
sects of die,
ease, excesses,.
etc. Rouse yaurself, T010.
rot. hope again and alai A x i
!We have cured thousands, who
; aliQ . usto refer to thein, Wn oA r
err by use • # Qui exclusive
• e
Q .and Tappi . uc'ea.
Sixngl ,
fa3laing t1 eatMent at home for
'Lost o' Falling lit ufliood, General or
'fermis Debility, Weaknesses of
Bady and Mind, Effects of Errors or
47Feessea' in Old or Young. Robust,
V'Qble 11TAN)3OOD fully Restored,
• prQVement seen the first day,
HOW to enlarge and strengthen,
(T''41 0 Or Borax. Men testify from
ISO• Btates and Foreign Countries.
:VErilte them. Book, explanation
a' d proofs mailed (sealed) free.
y ? 196 Lexington Ave.
New York City, Sept. 19, 1888.
.1 have used the Flax•Seed Emulsion ms several
lases of Chronic Bronchitis, rod the early stages of
ti'bthisis, and have been well pleased with the results.
Brooklyn N.Y., Feb. l4tb 1888.
7 have used your Emulsion in a case of 14th,
(Consumption) with beneficial results, where patient
c49ld Rottuse Cod Liver Oil in anyform.
H.'ROGE, M. D.
Brooklyn N X Dec. 20th 1--•
can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
• ;helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, And a good gen'
goal tonic in physical debility.
frookiyn N: Y.,•Octl1Oth,.a888.
I regard'Flax Seed Emul'sicn as great y. superior CO
the Cod Liver Oil/Emulsions 90 generally in use.
p., ' . . - .D: A. GORTON, M. D.
ig; w t. "19713Mst84th:St.
d have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound
r,. in a severe ease of Mal -nutrition„ and the result was
more than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession
and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
Id by DruggistS,,Prtee $l.00.
36 Liberty St., New Yorllc.
For e by J. H. Combe
$14O21C-A 1 I' S
The Alps .stand in i@iX di ferent
Undo*, employs ,50.01000 fact -
Cory bands.
gaff off the surface of Russia Is.
forest clad,.
Pepper cost 46 an ounce in
Henry Yll's reign,
Tho average age that Womac
Marry at fa 2 , men at 26,
A rabbit can jump nine Blear
feet :ori level ground. •
I Photographs were first produced
in Fngiand ip 1802.,
The annual drink bill of the
world exceeds £1,000,000,000.
Doctors say that the left leg is
usually stronger than, the right.
The flower trade of London ex-
ceeds in value £,000,000 per an-
A sewing machine works 12
times as fast as the hands.
An Ostrich's egg weighs about
four pounds—equal to fourty hens
A sunflower in a season will
produce 12,000 seeds, while a pop-
py bears 82,000.
The third class railway fares in
Hungary only average one penny
for six miles.
Covent Garden has been in the
possession of the Bedford family
for 800 years.
Cashmere shawls are made of
the hair of a diminutive goat
found in little Thibet.
A mile of railroad permanent
way, with two sets of rails, takes
up 12i. acres of land.
Five thousand advertisements
appear sometimes in a single issue
of the London Times.
According to a cycling paper,
blacklead is the best thing to lub-
ricate the chain of a bicycle with.
Minard'sLiniment lumberman's friend
Electric ]fair Restorer
Restores Grey Hair to its Original
q Color. Beauty and Softness
Keeps the Head Clean
, Cool and free from Dandruff.
Cures irritation and itch-
' ing of the Scalp!
t" Gives a beautiful gloss and perfume to the
• hair, produces a new growth, and will stop
the falling out in a few days. Will not soil
the skin or the most delicate head-dress.
Try it and be convinced. Price Fifty
Cents per Bottle. Refuse all Substitutes.
The beat helps to rowth in
grace are the 11141.040, the affronts
and the losses. which -betel is.�.-.
Low's seoret•ia always to be
doing things for (rod, and net to
raja(' because they are very little
ones, --p W .b'aber.
Maeamoq is not a gQd at all,
but a devil, and even a Very
despicable devil. Follow theldev
it faithfully, you are sure enough
to go to the devil; whither else
can you go 4 --[Carlyle.
Thou art gradually molding us
in thine own image ; and ere long,
i' passa
the molding season w111 away",
and we shall come forth from the
shop and from the furnace burn-
ished and brightened, and shall
appear in Zion and before God.
Are any sink ? Yet what is
sickness but God's medicine ? We
beseech thee that thou wilt cheer
and comfort any that are lan-
guishing; give them visions of that
farcoming land. And may all of
us count ourselves strangers in
this world, there only at home
where we rest with God.
The soul that lives, ascends fre-
quently, and runs familiarly
through the streets of the heaven-
ly Jersualem, visiting the patri-
archs and prophets, saluting the
apostles and admiring the army
of martyrs. So do thou lead on
thy heart, and bring it to the pal-
ace of the Great Sing.—[Richard
We rejoice thus that thou art
the harbor of our souls, and that
all things do bring us near to thee;
that pain itself is tby messenger,
and that joy, too, is of thee, a
ministering angel. And as the
light and the darkness alike do
serve us in this world, so sorrow
and gladness alike, . twin -born of
thee, but nurses for us, are serv-
ing'us in daily need and our in-
ward life.
To think that all the pebbles
in his pathway are rocks, and all
the rocks in his neighbor's path-
way are pebbles.
To think that the women who
dotes on him is a person of dis-
criminating feminine taste, whose
other weaknesses are therefore
To think that he always knows
when be's had enough to drink ;
while Tanks never does.
To think that when he wins a
jackpot it -is a= matter -of skill, and -
when he loses, 'the luck's against
him. '
To think that he can fool, all
women all the time.
To think that his wife and
children ought to go to church,
but that he needs rest on Sun-
To think that he will 'do a
great many things when he gets
time. '
To think that his side in poli-
tics is the only side their is. This.
applies particularly when his side
is the inside.
!Chemist, No. 50 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario.
t''i:t+I H C •
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
9.t' , T7:11CTOR, as they
v,'r,piy in a con,iensed
yi.n:, t.1 e substances
y needed ton-
- .• Blood, cunt.;
ses corn' .,.
R and
D, or from
D, and ale
••n't.t mid Bun.
:• I 1', 00n eel
• >: wh n broker
1 by overwork,
worry, disease,
} ns end indiscre-
tions. They have a
tl;e Si:SUAL SYSTEM of
both men and women,
restoring LOST VIGOR
and correcting all
Who finds his mental'fao-
sees dull or failing, or
his physical power- J'..r..,ing, should take these
PILLS. They will 1'01•.. his loatenergies, both
'ihysioal and mental.
EVERY W .: ,?1 T't y e„ st all Bump.
'sessions and irr,•t;' . which inevitably
eutail sickness who), ;1 . 1.
ioUNM{]k} D,,, 'take these PILLe,
i Y i7i a 111 cure the re•
sults of youthful bat „.., .-, and strengthen the
system. �?
YOUNG WOMEN Shouldese Ptakeaas thowillrn.
them regular.
ale of price (Oc. all per box), byor re dressing pin
" What in life is half so sweet,
As the hour when lovers meet. "
Nothing is sweeter to the youthful
and robust in health, but, alas l too
many " Court in poetry, and live in
prose " after marriage. This is espec-
ially true of the wives whose changed re-
, lotions bring on weakness and derange-
ments peculiar to married women, so
that their lives become "prosy. " To
all such, Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre-
scription is a great boon. It cures
weak backs, headaches, neuralgiac and
"bearing -down " pains, displacements,
irregularities of the female organs. It
is likewise a restorative and invigorat-
ing tonin, strengthing the nerves and
imparting new life to the tired and de-
bilitated, bringing back the "roses to
the cheek, " and the "rainbows to the
eyes. " Sold by all `druggists, under
guaranted from its makers of satisfact-
ion in every case, or price (131.00) re-
denes.nn a yen, t, being mode by John ft
�oodwln; i ,nt wn,k for o,. Waller,
y7o,u mny not mope ns lout+, bat we c,r
Wei y n•1 '• Iy I w to en nt from 111 tt
810 a i., n, n„' -I rl, and morn es you reg
Om Solong..,. ht nny ,em•, e
Anlorlen,, ••• •'" ..11111• e nt home. al,
Ing *11 your •1..•lmrr moment, only
tho tro. A ,1 ' , ",rat ray 51)0.5
(( every well. ' , , nrr •eu a,rni• 1..,
,,.iY,1evoryillh,; , t KED Ifs I'•n,.
Silas,, .•I. WI LAND, "RA. or "�.
The legal profession of the pres-
ent day will be surprised to learn
that Mr Webster, the great Amer-
ican lawyer of his time, made
,,about 415,000 a year by his prac-
tice, But the fees of counsel be-
tween 1840 and 1850 were not
what they have been since.
In 1848 I accompanied a client
to Mr Webster's office in Boston,
says a writer in the Sun, and ask-
ed him to name a retaining fee in
an important patent case. He
said be thought a couple of hun-
dred dollars would do. When
the case was tried his fee was only
$1,000. On another occasion I
paid him a 'retaining fee of $2,000
for the proprietors of the Good-
year India rubber patent.
His fee for arguing the great
equity cause of Goodyear vs. Day
in the Circuit Court of the United
States for the district of New Jer-
sey, by which he established the
validity of of the Goodyear patent,
was $5,000. This was in the
spring of 1852, and was the last
case bo ever argued
His professional income from
1818 to 1823, during wnieh period
he was out of Congress,averaged, I
think, $20,000 a year.
Minard's Liniment aures distemper
0, this dull, depressing headache,
That won't wear off ;
This hawking and this spitting,
And this hooking cough.
I've lost my sense of smelling,
And taste's going, too.
I know catarrah's what ails me,
But—what shall I do 2
My hacking and my hawking
Keeps up a steady din ;
I'm haunted by the fear that
Consumption may set in.
I feel supremely wretched ;
No wonder I'm blue,
I know my health's failing,
But what can I do ?
Do? I'll tell you what to do, my
friend, if you'll lend me your ear for a
minute. Go down to the drug store
and•1iny Dr Sage's "' Catarrh Remedy,
and take it according to directions giv-
en, and yoh'll soon find that this mis-
erable headache is a thing of the past ;
the.hacking, hawking and spitting, so
disagreeable to others as well as your-
self, will come to an end, and in a short
time yon will feel like a new man. A
new man—think of that—and all for
fifty cents, which is the price of Dr
Sage's Catarrh Remedy, the unfailing
cure for this terrible disease.
A .kfreneb paper asya that
llcilla Borrie, a pretty ,gir1 with
blue eyes and fair hair, poorly but
neatly glad, was brought before
the Sixth Court of Correction Pa,
der the charge of vagrancy,
'Does any one planyour .asked
the magistrate,
'4111 my good sir,,' said she,
1, have Po logger friends; my
fattier and mother are dead; Ihave
only guy brother ,Tames; but he is
as young as l ann. Oil, sir, what
can he do for ale ?'
"rhe court must send you to
the house of correctiop,'
Here I am, sister—here J am I
do not fear i cried a child's voice
from the other end of the court,
and at the,same instant a little boy
with a lovely countenan,e started
forth from amid the crowd and
stood before the judge.
'Who are you?' said he.
'Ames Rome, the brother of
this little girl.'
'Your age 1'
'Thirteen. '
'And what do you want 1'
'I Meme to claim my sister,
Lucille. '
'But have you the means of pro
viding for her ? '
'Yesterday I had not, but now I
have. Don't be afraid, Lucille. '
'Oh, how good you are, James!'
'Well, let us see, my boy, ' said
the magistrate ; 'the court is dis-
posed to do all it can for your
sister. But you must give us
some explanation. '
'About a fortnight ago, ' con-
tinued the boy, 'my poor mother
died of a bad cough, for it was
very cold at home. We were in
great trouble. Then I said to my-
self : I will be an artisan, and
when I know a good trade I will
support my sister. I went ap-
prentice to a brush maker. Ev-
ery day I used to carry her half
my dinner, and at night I took
her secretly to my room, and she
slept in my bed while I slept on
the floor. But it appears she had
not enough to eat. One day she
begged on the boulevard and was
taken up.
'When I heard that, I said to
myself, 'Come, my boy, things
cannot last so ; you must find
something better. ' I soon found
a place, where I am lodged, fed
and clothed, and have twenty,
francs a month. .I have also
found a good woman, who for
these twenty francs will take care
of Lucille and teach her needle
work. I claim my sister:'
'My boy, ' said the judge, 'your
conduct is very honorable. How-
ever, your sister cannot be set at
liberty until to -morrow. '
'Never mind, Lucille, ' said the
boy ; '1 will come and fetch you
early to -morrow, ' Then turning
to the magistrate,'I may kiss her,
may I not, sir ? '
He threw himself into the arms
of his sister, and both wept tears
of affection.
There is one place in the world,
namely tho peninsula of Athos in
1Egean sea, in European Turkey,
where women are unknown, and,
therefore, where there are no girls
born, because there are no births
of any kind. The population is
about 6,000 all monks, forming a
kind of monastic republic, con-
sisting of 20 large 'monasteries
besides numerous hermitages and
c'lapels. The whole community
is governed by an administrative
body of four presidents, one styl-
ed 'First man of Athos,' and a
representative body called the
Holy Synod, coneisting of 20
members, one from each monas-
tery. They enjoy complete au-
tonomy, subject to paying to the
Turkish Government an annual
tribute of about £3,500;, £he
monks follow the rule of St. Bazil
and lead an ascetic life, restrict-
ing their diet to herbs, fruit and
fish. They are employed in agri-
culture, gardening, the care of'
bees, and the manufacture of am-
ulets, images, crucifixes and wood-
en articles of f urniture„ which
they sell; while they also real,
profits from the pilgrims. No
females even of the lower ani-* mals,
is permitted to enter tho peninsu-
When I say I esti I do not mean merely 15 stop them
for a time and then Have them rotten again I mean e
t'a.dl5a1 Imre, I have mads the Oberon of FIT'S, EPILEP•
SX er RAILING SICKNESS a tife•tong stagy, 1 warrant
my remedy tori the worst eases. BCCBeo ItnCts have
felled fa no re reran ter not now receiving a cury Send at
etdc�djy,r nand EXPRESS and POST OFFICE. y l'daBtbto
•0°i 1.
"Five years ago I had a constant
cough, night sweats, was greatly reduc-
ed in flesh, and had been given up by
my physicians. I began to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and after using two
bottles of this medicine, was completely
cured. "—Anga A. Lewis, Richard, MY.
Spurgeon's strength diminishes
Mathew Robson and John Mor-
row, of East Garafraxa, were both
lovers of the same girl, but Rob-
son is not in it now. He was a
little behind his rival in getting
around to see their mutually best
girl one evening, and while Mor-
row was occupying the front parlor
in the sweet enjoyment of the
young lady's company, Robson,
it is alleged, stole his rival's har-
ness out .of the stable. On this
charge County Constable Hubbard
arrested Robson in East Gara-
fraxa Wednesday and took him to
Orangeville, where Police Magis-
trate Pattullo accepted bail for
his appearance.
It is very liable to follow contact 61
the hands or fade with what is known
as poison ivy, especially in hot weather
or if the body is perspiring freely. The
trouble may subside for a time, only
to appear in aggravated form when op-
portunity offers. The great purifying
powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla thor-
oughly eradicate every case of poison
from the blood,as the cures it h ac-
complished cos
a acdlilsively show. It also
cures scrofula, salt rheum and all other
affections arising from impure or pois-
oned blood. 1 m
"SITTIVS. T P1{10.41,
4. young man who frf.0 hi 'I A
eli}idhood had been.. 'trained to
give freely, of whatever he had,
and to avoid selfl 1iuea$, , was
tug la One of elle tbooming' towels
of -the liioatb, where board and
lodgiag •are scarce and high..
J,aat: nw el" a bila+naso .ac uaia*
tanoa applied to i#ila, for. 'board
:for himself, wife, ebild and nurse
for a few days. It was rather
incoaveniept, but they were talc
•um in and ,given the. - best that
could be obtained. Afters staying
nearly a week they were heady to
go into their' own hone, The
young host went to his wife in a
quandary. so hate the idea
ocharging rging Browt, anything for
staying here,' he said, 'but he
won't hear of anything else, and I
uppose I will have to give in . or
be will be insulted. Don't you
think, my dear, that a dollar will
be enough for the whole thing?'
--Elizabeth Jones.
Mr. P. C. Barnard, an old resid.
ent of London, is dead.
On a vessel bound for Penang
from Singapore 60 Chinese died of
Minard's Liniment the is best.
young, old, or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervons,weak and exhausted
who ere broken down from excess or
overwork, resulting in many of the fol-
lowing symptoms ; Mental depression,
premature old age, loss of vitality, loss
of memory, bad dreams, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the heart, emis-
sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid-
neys, headaohe, pimples on the face or
body,itohtng or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz-
ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching
of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere,
ashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp
and spine, weak and flabby muscles,de-
sire to sleep, . failure to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit-
ability of temper,sunken eyes surround-
ed with Leaden Cirole,oilylooking skin;
etc., are all symptoms of nervous de-
bility that lead to insanity and death
unless cured. The spring or vital force
having lost its tention every function
wanes in consequence. Those when
through abuse committed in ignorance
may be permanently cured. Send
your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V.
LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease,
the symptoms of which are faint spells,
purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip
beats, hot flnshes, rush of blood to the
head, du pain in the head with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beat quicker than the first, pain
aboat the breast bone, etc., can positive-
ly be cured. No cure no pay. Send for
book. Address M. V. LIMON, 50
Fron Street East, Toronto, Ont.
Tom Allen, of Rosemont, spec-
ulated in grain. He won the first.
time and this encouraged him to
go on. Then he began to lose, but
he kept on until he was pauper-
ized. He is said to be in debt now
to the tune of $9,000. He hastily
left Mono a few weeks ago with
all the chattels he could_ .scrape
together. He owed Halstead's
bank in Shelborne $1,000, and
Manager Silk went in pursuit of
him. Silk located Allen in Win•
nipeg and got a warrant for his
arv'eat_for fraud. Allan telegraph-
ed to his father, who is a wealthy
farmer neat Rosemont, and the
old man telegraphed the neces-
sary money.
WHIEN a few doses of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral will relieve you? Try it.
Keep it in the house. You are liable to
have a cough at any
time, and no' other
remedy is so effective
as this world-
renowned prepara-
tion. No household,
with young children,
should be without it.
Scores of lives are
saved every year Ly
its timely use.
at is
subscriber having severed his connection
elth the Massey Company, desires to inti-
mate to his many friends that be has been
appointed agent for the well-known firm of
FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of
Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all
orders in his line, as heretofore. WIll also
keep on hand a stock of Wilkinson PLOWS,
(Jolter & Scott DRILLS, Disc HARROW:,
and articles of like nature.
Mrh 20. 6 Holmesville and Clinton
Castoria is Dr, Samuel Pitcher's prescription fotr Wallis
and Childre;t. It contains Lcithcr Opium, Morphine n
other Narcatio substance,>it is autirmless. substitutes.
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrips, and Castor Qilt : n
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by " i`
?Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allari
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Qur�
cures Diarriacea and Wird Castoria relieve
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency,
Castoria assimilates the.. food, regulates the stomach:
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Cas'
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria in an excellent medicino for chi!.
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its
good effect upon their children."
Do. G. C. Osnoon,
Lowen, Mas.
"Castoria is the best remedy for children cf
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is trot
far distant when mothers wi11 consider the real
Interest of their children, and use Castoria In.
stead of the variousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opiu m,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Conway, Ar
"Castoria is so well adapted to chlldrenithrell
I r.Icummend it as superior toany proacrippt. io,
known to me."
H. A. ARCHER, E. 11..
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, $1.
" Our physicians in the children's depend
m:at l.a:e spoken highly of their expo.-s-
ence in their outside practice with Cartoeis,
and although wo only have among oe:-•
medical supplies what is known as regvL„r
products, yet we are free to confess that the.
merits of Castoria has won us to look with,
favor upon it."
Au.z C. Sxrrn, Pres.,
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Of the year save Sunday, we present strong attractions in every de-
partment of our establishment. These attractions are two -fold, being
of superior value, and sold for very low prices.
Men's, Boy's & Children's
Clothing, Hats and
Furnishing Goods
Highest in quality, lowest in price.
We carry products o1 the best manufacturers; we have no old goods;
everything is of to -day, fresh and ih the latest styles ; we never fail
to fit and please. We welcome "lookers" as lookers, and seek to have
our goods inspected and our claims investigated.
The undersigned is now at pa k e ICliberty to do anything in 1�-
House and •
the way of
- Sign Painting- -
Graining, Pape)•
Hanging,Kalsomining, &t
At reasonable rates, and on short notice. Satio
f action guaranteed. Shop on Rattenbury St.
Amanda 13. Jenner, Northampton,
Mass., writes : " Common gratitude im-
pels me to acknowledge the great bene-
fits I have derived for my children from
the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry
Pectoral. I had lost two dear children
from croup and consumption, and bad
the greatest fear of losing my only re-
maining daughter and son, as they were
delicate. Happily, I find that by giving
them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first
symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they
are relieved from danger, and are be-
coming robust, healthy children."
"In the winter of 1885 I took a bad
cold which, in spite of every known
remedy, grew worse so that the family
physician considered me incurable, sup-
posing me to be in consumption. As a
last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto.
ral, and, in a short time, the cure was
complete. Since then I have never been
without this medicine. I am fifty years
of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at.
tribute my good health to the use of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."--G.W.Youker,
Salem, N. J.
"Last winter I contracted a severe
cold, which by repeated exposure, be.
Dame quite obstinate. I was much
troubled with hoarseness and bronchial
irritation. After trying various medi.
eines, without relief, I at last purchased
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On
taking this medicine, my cough ceased
almost immediately, and I bave been
well ever since."—Rev. Thos. B. Russell,
Secretary Holston, Conference and P. E.
of the Greenvill@ District, M. E. C.
Jonesboro, Tenn.
Ayer's CPectoral
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hold by .11 Druggists. Price $1; six bottles,$
and Paint Shop
Is stocked with a Select Assortment of
American and Canadi In Wall Papers
cent rolls to the finesti'. t. Having bought
my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my
practical experience justify me in saying that
all wanting to decorate their houses inside
paint them outside will find it to their ad -
Vat igeto give me a call,
Q,'oho1', south of Oliver Johnnton's black-
smith shop, and directly epl)osite blr. J.
Chidley's residence.
Practical Paper Hanger and Painter.
Rochester Stir Nurseries
Canadian OtBce —PETERBORO, ONT
WA NT n few good puehin mets to
soli BIOS Gan DI, crsery
stook in the Counties of Perth, Hurbn and
Bruce. Our facilites for growing the Fa1SST
and nAanEsT_trees are 'now unsurpassed,
SALESMEN and CUsmontRRs are sure to be de-
lighted with our square dealing and fine
:oide Write for terms AT ONCE, and seeuro
your oboiosof territory Sales for fan 1891
and spring 1892, begin May Sot. Address
Peterboro, Ont.
(Over 80 years in the business)
Tim new model of the Rockford Watoh,when
placed in a sorow bezel ease, will fill a lon
felt want among farmers, as it is not dus
proof only, but very strong. The plate
which the wheels work between‘, not being
separated by pillats ab in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of
a solidface of metal, with the edge left for
the top plate to rest on; it also being pend-
ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent
breaking, making in all a good gong watch
For a Farmer
rhe famous°heavy-bodied Oil made only b.?
All Leading Dealers in the Dominion,
_'Phis Valuable Present .
Away with You
The subscriber oii'ers one t.f Doherty & Co's justly c •
brated ORGANS Prue, with one Package of Jan,
Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDE ! :t '
price 50cents. This gives an opportunity of securing :..
Organ worth $196, for fifty cents
fheorga•1 will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store '
Saturday next. A. cal] solicited from visitors to t
Great Huron Central Exhibition
Lowest, Possible Prices for Cash
My stock is very complete in all the latest styles of' se•'
sonable goods of the best quality, which I am sellil,.
cheaper than ever to all cash customers.
.pm Zen in enchR,n e
Chas. Cruiekshaicii...