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The Clinton New Era, 1891-06-26, Page 8
htonJ1 iva 1410.4,T, ,7UNK 2G, 1091 LOGAL NOTICES goy wanteti-One who is ,smut wetd;wdline to work, NPW ERA office -gbrior,u HARrmsa is our specialty, and. -we offer some fine seta very tineas. JOHNSON AAMoIIR- • l 8i11,'s. for Egk gs rium,Cnxtt ta NCW bra tike d, Clark, must be paid by the end of All outstanding accounts due Joseph ,Ave.: pie books are at Clark & Hi1Pe Emporium. • i' 18 pounds of granulated *agar for one dollar ©ash, at ACOlfurray-•g WiU e's• Bargain Day -- Neat Saturday 'will be bargain day at ,las. !i'witchell's, *ad you can depend on low prices.-- Ladies Kid Boots from. $2.25 down to '75 cents. All other goods down propor- tionately, 4' A BOON TO BLFALTH ANDA HousEnoLD SAFEGUARD Is 'THE GEM WATER FU.TER. 'Why persist in drinking unfiltered 'water, polluted with animal and decay- ing vegetable matter, thus breeding ty- phoid and malarial fevers, bowel dis- eases, and a whole train of kindred evils, when you can purchase a GEM *WAWA FILTER, and have it placed on your pump for $1.50. Get one and en- isure pure water. For sale by HARLAND Bats,, Clinton. NOTICE. Local: Notes, Division Court to -day, 26th inst. r Bisect Jackson 'has been very ill'f;several daya, Mra James Row en 'bar been .ill for several days, but is improving,, Mr Folin Ouningbamo bee moved back into his old stand at the perner. 1dr ,tlillert Burchell has donated several, •valuable volumes to the Mechanics' Institute. Mr John Loopier will .take up his residence in town, living with Mr W.. Wheatley, Mr Bettor Junor thinks of going tothe/old country, owing to the i11- nese of his lather. D3 Worthington bas about recover- ed from his late illness, being able to be around u usual. The A. 0, U. W. have changed their Lodge room to the hall oyer Biddlecombe's store. 'Who can beat it? we have had a ,strawberry given us by a citizen, that measured 4i s 5 inches • around. Deputy Reeve Kennedy lute been confined:to the house for several days, but is now able to leave bis room. Cantelon Bros have commenced the shipment of fruit to Toronto, cherries being the first on the list. A M Taylor, late of Toronto and formerly of Clinton, has opened a law and real estate office in Superior city, Minnesota. Mr D Cantelon has been added to the list of directors, of the Huron Central Fair, in place of Mr John Wiseman, who has removed, Mr Musgrove, Wingham's popular school master; and the would be re- presentative at our Local House, was in Clinton Saturday last. Miss Luxton, of Detroit, who is visiting with Mr Thos Spooher, had the misfortune to lose her pocket book here on Monday, it contained about $30 and her railway checks. Ma. GEo. F. EMERSON is a duly au- thorized agent for the NEW EnA, and is empowered to transact any business pertaining thereto. /`�Gi f w 1 *ma. COURT. -The Autumn Assize court will be held at Goderlcb, be-. fore Justice Falconbridge, cowmen• cing on the 7th of Sept. The Autumn _Chancery_ Court will lit held on the bth of Oct.,before Justice Meredith. • A SAD. MESSAGE. -On Monday last Mr D Cook received the sad intelli- gence that his brother, P Cook, of Streetsville (near Toronto) had pass- ed into the great beyond, the news 'was doubly sad, owing to the fact of Mr Cook being unaware that his brother was sick. TIaia WILL TELL. -A few days since there were visiting our town two who called themselves of "the Tribe of Israel," and claimed that in lees than five years the millenium would commence; in biblical lore they were well versed, but as to their theory we can give no verdict. NATIONAL TEACHER'S AssoclA- TION-Those teachers, who attend the National Educational -Association Conyention at Toronto, July 14th to 17th, will be charged single fare. In order to take advantage of this cheap rate it will be absolutely necessary that the come to Toronto with the , certificate -from t ii ii-inepectot that' they are bona fide teachers. MAP OF THE COUNTY. -Cooper & Co propose to fill "a long felt want" by getting up a map of the county. The last one issued for •general cir- ' btalation was in 1862. It is proposed ' to make it a convenient size for re- .ferenee and use without being too bulky, and will be offered at a price within the reach of all. Mr Weekes, surveyor, will do the technical work. DEATH: -The wife of Mr John Lapier, of the 3rd con of Hullett, who died on Thursday last, was one of the early settlers of the township. Born in Ireland, she came to this country when quite young, residing near town nearly all her life. She had no family. For a good many years she was a member of Ratten- bury St Methodist church, and very few were more regular in their at- tendance than -she. DECREASING --We understand that the census enumerators give a popa- lation to Mitchell of only 2,111. At this rate of going back we will be without the necessary population to remain a town. -Mitchell Advocate. [We are sorry for Mitchell, which like a number of towns, Clinton in- cluded, have lost quite a number of their population, but what about that policy which was to erect tall chimnies in all places, create "home markets," and make even towns `grow into prosperous cities.] Churel* ll'otes. The WilUs church 5 5,picnic will 11 b're, held at God,erieh, on the 16th 0: July. ter Jetties MoMath has been otos• Mr D A Burgess, mathematical master, bas notified the Collegiate Institute Board that he will net re- engage after the summer holidays, as he purposes eoteripg the legal .-pro- fession. 4► Corporation laborers are repairing end replacing sidewalks in town, certainly not before they needed it. "Worn to splinters," is a truism that bas special application to some of the walks here. Mr R. Stoneham, D. D. G. M. of the I. 0. F., has been attending District Lodge at Heneall, on Wed- nesday. Messrs Toms, Holt, Nairn, 01 Goderich, were also present. Dr McDairmaid was chosen D. D. G. M. for next year. The next semi annual meeting will be held at Exeter. The order is in a flourishing condition. en preeident of Y B p E $oolety of Rattenbury $t church. The W p T U will meet on Thurs- day, July `2nd, at half past two; B$ltd of "lope will meet at four. j Dort't be carried away with the idea that any other paper can give you anything like the amount of local news you will find in home papers. Support the paper that is printed in your midst, and which devotes it- self exclusively to the interests of your town and vicinity. Send 50 cents and get the NEW ERA for the balance of the year. panpt Freeman and wife, of Olin - b; S .A oilb ora appointed to Brussels.. A couple of Olintonfane take part in $ gospel temperance meeting at Brumfield, on Sunday evening next. Rev J A. Oeborne lecturee in Attwood next week, on "woman." The proceed are in behalf of the Baptist church here, Rev Jae Livingstone,wlo had been helping at the Kippen Clamp Meet- ing, called on some of his old friends here Last week, on bis way home. On Sunday evening next, Rev J Edge will preach his farewell sermon. and the regular evening : service in Rattenbury St church will be with- drawn, Rev James Caswell, who has super- annuated. will take up his residence at Listowel. It is expected that Rev. J. Hough will go to Guelph to reside. About 450 persons went to Gode- rich, on Wednesday; on the occasion of the picnic of Ontario St S S. The day was beautiful and all enjoyed themselves well. At the meeting of Synod last week, Rev W Craig and Mr J Ransford were appointed delegates to the Pro- vincial Synod, and were also placed on the Executive Committee. The Mations, of town, intend hold• ing a public service in the Town Hall, on Sabbath, July 5. at 3 3 p. m. when the Rev James Livingstone, of Listowell, (a member of the order) will preach to them. Rev Jas Ferguson, of Londesboro, left for the old land, on Monday afternoon, sailing from Montreal on Wednesday, on the steamer Sarnia, of Dominion line, securing his ticket from Mr Jeffrey, station agent, Londesboro. Mrs Ferguson will spend the holidays at her home in London. on Tuesday evening, June 30th, the Churchwoman's Guild of St Paul's church will hold a lawn party on the spa.Jous grounds of Mr J. H. Lombe. The band of the 33rd Battalion, from Seaforth, will be in attendance, and among other attrac- tions will be a lawn tennis match. All attending may assure themselves of a delightful time. Admission 10c, refreshments extra. The triends of the Misses Dimsdale, the evangelists, who were well known in Western Ontario, will be interested to hear of their marriage. On Tues- day, at their home in Belle Ewart, Rev James R. Aikenhead, Methodiet minister at Port Carling, led to the altar Miss L. H. Dimsdale, and Rev Mr Jamieson, ot Rat Portage, was married to her sister. The first named couple were married by Rev Dr Grif- fin, of Galt, and the last mentioned by Rev Dr Savage, of Bond Head. n l Wyoming, t qts of . yorcin g, are the Clinton Model School. The following promotions are made: -From Second Book, Division IV and V to ThirdBooli Division IV. Total merka attainable 380. Edith Robson, 273, Frank Hovey 268, Eleie Miller 259, Pousie Chidley 240, Ida Smith, 235, Peter Matherson 235, Ethel Doherty 234, Roy Helyar 234, Lizzie Aitken 229, Eva Rumball 229, Dan McDonald 229,NettieSmith 218, Arthur Shepherd 217,LucyGrant 216, Annie Hilr-216, Ida -Heywood 213, HAlexander 210,Addie Ferguson 208, Bert Tedford 207, Stuart Macpherson 201, Lizzie Tipling 195, Maud An- drews 195, David Joy 195, Annie Rose 193, Emma Rathwell 190. First Book to Second Book, Divis- ion VL Total marks 150. Josie McMurray 124, Harry Dowser 123, Lizzie Trowhill 119,Nellie Stuart 118 Harry Irwin 115, May Armstrong 114, Winnie Paisley 113, LilyAndrews 112, Clara Chidley 109, Wllie Nim - mins 108, Ida Tipling 107, Lily Ray - son 105. John Walker 105, Annie Oliver 105, Noma Miller 104, Silas Andrews 102, Willie Reid 97, Fred Cooper 92. The Naw Ea. will be sent on a trial trip to new suberibers for the balance of the year, for 50c cash. This is a rare chance. AWAY. -Mr Hill, of the tannery, removed his family to Seaford' this week. He will retain his situation here. LEAVING TowN.-Mr John Roes, pump maker, who has decided on making his future home in Montana, NATURE'S ADORNMENT. -"I love will have an unreserved sale of all Clinton bedause of its beautiful his effects, on Saturday, July 4th. ehkde trees," was'the remark of a Mr Ross has long been a resident of Clinton, but other members of his family are residing in the west. lady visitor the other day. Her re- mark conveyed a great deal more meaning than people who are here all the time realize, because the ab- sence of trees in some towns makes their profusion here all the more noticeable to strangers, yet'few of our town people are able to appreci- ate the extent of ground covered by trees here, unless they can get on some elevation where a bird's eye view of it can be secured. Let our townspeople take the trouble to get on the top of some high building and if they are able to admire nature at all, they will almost be carried away by the pleasant sight. 'HINGLAND' FOR 'HEVER'. -- A Clinton citizen, who spent the great- er part of his life upon the ocean bound coast of Great Britian says that when coning ,to Canada, he was greatly struck by the super- ior language and bold accent of the true blooded Canadian, there wail no 'blooming 'oaem' that wouldo 'heat' more than they 'hearned', no thun- der in the 'bair ,and,in fact no'Ring- liah' at all, at all. But yet withal he could but notice, that withal their Anent Speech, some sentences pro- nounced reached to the ludicrous in their 'sentiment, viz 'awfullynice' 'terribly refreshing', awfuly and nice cannot thus be classified in close proximity without jaring upon ° some eeneitive nerves, and 'terribly refreshing' he thought waa,egnally ludicrous. If some of the Clinton citizens demure at his conclusion, he els quite willing and ready to bring up the case haters, 1 the thee The Airy till cow cubo 7494 -for GOo fore some of our great da- ting them forever decide A will be sent en a trial trip bate, fortbe balance .0 the eh. Vale la a rare thante. 1 - DOMINION DAY. Program of Sports at Clinton. BASE BALL CONTEST GUN-Ct.'tT ToURNAMEN LACROSSE MATCH CRICKET MATCH FooT BALL MATCH LIGHT. 10 A M -CRICKET MATCH -Mit- chell vs. Clinton,. for the Champion- ship of Western Ontario. 10 A M -LACROSSE MATCH -Kin- cardine vs. Dauntless of Clinton. 1 P M -GRAND BASE BALL CON- TEST -Prize Silver cup, gold lined, satin finished, vain $25; for cham- pionship of Western Ontario -St Helens, Champions of Northern District; Wingham, Champions of Huron District; Mitchell, Champions of Perth District, Seaforth and Clin- ton clubs competing. • 1 P is -GUN CLUB TOURNAMENT for; the Championship of Huron county -Prizes, let Silver Cup, value $15; 2nd, $12; individual pnze, $10 I medal-Seaforth, Wingham, Exeter, Goderich, and Clinton Clul e. 3 P M - RACES - 100 yarde, for Farmer's Sons, who have never won money in a foot race, 1St $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1 cash. QUARTER MILE RACE -For farm- ers, or farmer's sons $2, $1 cash. FAT MAN'S RACE -or Old Man's Race, contestants to weigh 200 lbs or over, or to be 50 years or Ever, $2, $1, 75c cash. ScwooL RACE -School champion- ship of Huron, Boys of 14 and under, 200:yards, $1, 75c, 25c cash. 4 P M -JUMPING -Long Jump, $2. $1. Running Jump, $2, $1. Hop - step -and -Jump, $2, $1, Throwing Light Stone $2 $1 HEALTH. -If we study the pre- cept of health, we will ventiltate oar homes to the full extent with regard to windows, open them both from top and bottom, letting in the pure one way, allowing the foul to escape the other thus "welcoming in your friend and expelling your enemy." PERSONAL. -Mr T Andrews, form- erly with J Cuninghame, was in town last week; like several others, he holds a position under the new express company, which expected to get into running order two months since. Mr land Mrs R. J Tuffte, of Belgraye, were in town last week. Miss Eva Stevenson has gone on -a visit to friends at Jackson, Mich. Mrs E Corbett has gone on a visit to her sister and other relatives at Font - hill, Thorold and Niagara Falls. Y BY ELECrRIC A,11 our Hats and Bonnets must be cleaned out in 60 clays, Priees no. object. You can have them at your own prices. ..` Profits out of the question. Come and get our prices before you buy elsewhere Boy's and Girl's SAILOR HATS at 10c., worth 20. MISSES HATS at 25c., worth 50. LADIES TRIMMED HATS, beauties, at $1, worth $2 New shapes in TOQUES, trimmed,at $1.25,worth $2.50 That new shape LORETTA, that is taking so well, hand- somely trimmed, at $1.5C, worth $3. FLOWERS at a price that will sell them. Box after box of PLUMES and TIPS that must be cleaned out a`, half price. This is a GENUINE SALE. All we ask is a visit from you to our Show Room, and you will be convinced that we mean business. Mantle and Dressmaking an Art with us TEACHERS. -On Saturday last Messrs Tom, Kilty, Johnston, Brown, Holman and Dorrance, members of Executive Committee of West Huron Teachers' Association, met in the Clinton Model School, with Messrs Robb,Plummer, Musgrove, Scott Loug, Shearer and Black, and Misses Cowan and Hillier members of the Executive Committee of East Huron Teachers' Association, to ar- range for a union meeting of the Aseoeiatione, Clinton was selected as the place of meeting and Sept, 10th and llth as the time. Messrs Tom, Robb, Park, Lough, Strong, Clark- son, Baird, Black, Musgrovef Shearer and Holman, and Mies Burritt are tq prepare subjects for the meeting, and D„ of Stratford, (a f mien entertainment is to be given ident of South Rend, Ind OR the evening of the 10th, f Welty) will gine an addre 1 • 12 cents for eggs. R very best Medical For Tom EVERYTHING MADE CLE,, It tells how the human form is constructed It gives advice for every kind of accident or disease. If you read the book and make use of its teachings, you will be more hap- py, more healthy, and live longer than you would without it. - e would like an Agent or Two HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR BUTTER B]3RTSON'S CI EAT CASH STORE ROBINS BROS, Weir's old stand. opposite the Market, Clinton CLEARING SALE: The- =Pashionab1e Straw---- - 8 P M - FOOTBALL MATCH - by Electric Light- Queen's Own, East Huron Teachers ve Rangers, Clinton. Entrance fee to races (except the Boys, and Girls' races) and Jumping contests, 25 cents. The Gun Club Cups and Medal are on view at the store ot J B Rumball & Co. The Base Ball Cup will be on exhibition at the store of Jos Biddle- combe. All the games will be well contested, as the management have taken special care to get the beat known clubs. A l the game will take place on the A ,.s u:ultural Park. Admission 10 cents. 25 cent tic- kets will be issued a,' mitting 3' per- sons at once or adniitLing the holder of ticket to the gro . ads in the morn- ing, afternoon and evening, which can be procured at once at Cooper & Co'a store. Special singleifare rates from all stations to Clinton. Church Opening and Dedi- cation Services. THE NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH, CLINTON. ' The opening and dedication of this church will take place on Wednesday, July let. The Rt. Rev D. O'Connor, D.D., Bishop of London,will conduct the services at 10 a. m., after which a grand High Mase will be celebrated by the Very Rev Dean Murphy, of Irishtown, assisted by Deacon and sub -Deacon in dalmatice. During Mase the Bishop will explain the dedication services. A grand concert will be held at 7:80 p.m., in which a number of effi- cient musicians from a distance will take part. The Rev E. B. Kilroy, D. no ornflerly Frog - aria, 'T7ni. s, Sat. i Having bought too many goods this spring, and bei determined to clear them out rather than carry any O( lines over, we have decided to offer Kash Customers a diE count of 10 per cent on al sums over- - one -dollar. This discount will only be allowed for 30 days front da Come early and get the cheapest goods yet offered per cent off our low prices means cheap goods rTIS a well known fact that those who have succumbed 1 to the^ heat of the solar rays, have in - almost every instance been persistently wearing the heavy stiff Hat, doing an injury not only to •themselh es, but also to their much -prized Dress Hat. Full lines in all departments. Dress Goods, Silks,P Challies, Muslins, Carpets, Curtains and House nishings. Clothing, Ordered and Ready-made. Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, &c. nery, Mantle and Dress Making. $3,000 worth of Boots and Shoes, cheape- best value ever offered in town. Come and see.if what we say is correct. Plumsteel - & - Gibbi June 2591 CL=N'E'ON Mb Str A line of washable. ribbed Cashmere lies zs a decided novelty in Four-in-hand goods BE COMFORTABLE, AND TO THAT END LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR A NEGLIGE SHIRT. FIT GUARANTEED. JAC1SONBROT11ERS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. ,4 LI] TON, ONT. to <, 10 BEESLE The Leading Milline STOCK WELL ASSORTED WITH -White Straw Etats, Lace Hats, Flowers and Ribbons, For Summer we Pb.A.-IRJA-eC)1144 Sea our window full of Job line of Para tits. A bargain for 05c., worth $1 "tea 0:0 Ladies Straw Hats 2 Beesley's Great Millinery Empo i The Ladies Favi1'e Estab1ish�ent,