The Clinton New Era, 1891-06-26, Page 5• t usually the .quietest mouths the ear, as far aa the Dry it alittle livelier es . concerned; but we are going tryand ma . ° tocarry � to � and� in order cone season goods over t a.oh e rule o oars neverto� . A G PSH with all classes of Summer °G ods o this �rule we are going to make e will make the prices sell the goods. We do not advertise anything that we willnot carry out; it would not pay us to do 'so. "'hen we say we have made a cut prices, you cam' depend upon it, that cut has been made, and when we say we will sell the Goodsat greatly of our Summer g y .edu.eed Prices` that is just - what we are ykgoing to do. no a��r you Pe dotra" 9 But Reliable Goods; Seasonable Good Cheap Goods.'If you have a d.dollar, spend en on DryGoods, keep it until you. see � itgo at thisgreat salt how -far you can make .. Do not think that we are selling goods at about half the wholesale cost, for we are not} but we are selling from 20 to 40 per cent LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. ere are just a few Prices, to givo' jon as idea of what we are doi 9 200 yds of DRESS GOODS at 10c, -500 yards at 122c., and 1200 yards at i5c. They___were good value at 141 �1��, and 2� cents. Millinery reduced. ParasoisShirts 1s reves duced. uced.' Hosiery reduced. Tweeds reduced Everything at Low Figures at our CREST SMOSER CLEARANCE ESTATE 301IN 110DGENS, CLINT 1000 yds of PRINT at 7 -and S cts. Reduced from 10. A line of TABLE LINEN, 58 in. wide. half -bleached, our own importation, at 35c., former price 50c. assisamalamasareseMallema Roch�s��r $tir brie.)) Canadian Office-PETERBOIiO, ONT WANTa few good pushingmen to soli HIGH (}RADS ursery stock in the Counties of Perth. Huron and $race. Our facilites for growing the FROST and HARDEST trees are now unsurpassed SALESMEN and CUSTOMERS are sure to be de- lighted, with our square dealing and 8nc goods Write for terms AT oNcE, and scent.. and spring territory 1841 g 1892, begin May lst, Address THOMAS W. BOWMAN, Peterboro, Ont. (Over 30 years in the business) ---THE ---- Standard Life ASSURANCE CO. ( 0j Established 1825. Total Sam Assured.. ... ........(1104 (44,640 491 Invested Funds ....... Investments in Canada, over.... 6.000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS gI Chairman. CANADA, 2.D, Joins A. °ILLEBPIE, 8ir1t.T.C4slt,(1.C.lri.G, E.B.Greenshields Esq Hon.J.J.C.Abbott,Q.C. Sir Joseph Hickson. W. M. RAMSAY. Manager, CHARLES 1I17„ TER, Supt. of Agencies. • W. I3U tLEY, InSpeetar, Stratford Distriot CLINO T ONT, Lobb'SStarch Enamel �IIt�TCHIS Come and see nay FINE LINE OF WATCIIES In Hampden, Elgin, Waltham, Columbus, Spring;ld, Swiss, and every high grade watch you want, at prices that will sell then) at sight. Also, JEWELLERY, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, &C Rumball &Oo CLINTON COPP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop to stocked with a Select Assortment of Nmcrlcan and Canadian Wall Papas oenb rolls to the finest0gilt, HH BORDERS aving boug, from ht my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my praetical experience justify" me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them outside will find it to their ad- vantage to give me a call, *Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's black- smith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley's residence. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you want td save time and labor, buy a If you want your ironed elohes to look box. neat and clean and to last much longer, buy If you want the starch to stay in the a box. clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box king to look like new; If you want every snob as shirt boas hoz. collars, culls, lace curtains, etc., buy PRICE 15 CENTS. trEvery Storekeeper keeps It {now ant whet the merchant does not keep it we 'giant t lively agent Manufactured 1 4. IIolrneavillo . 3. 1400x3, JOSEPH COPP Praetical Paper Hanger and Paint_r. OUNTY OF HURON TEACHERS' ER �AMINA'QIONS,1891. The PrimyYy (III, class) and Junior Leav- ing and Patin Matriculation (II, class) Exam- inations at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools will be held at Cao e ton and Seaforth, beginning Tuesday, 4th of July, at 8.40 A. M. Somor Leaving and Honor Matriculation (I. C.) will bo held at Clinton, beginning Tuesday, 11th July, at 1.30 r. M. Candidates who wish to write at either See, forth or Clinton must notifyDavid Robb, Esq., I. P. Schools, Clinton .O., not l ter than 22nd May, stating th sohools they intend to write ; and those who desire to write at Goderioh must notify Jno E. Tom, Esq. L P. Schools, Oodorich P. O., b the same date. No name willibeforward- ed to the Department unless the foe of $5.00 a000tnpanios'tho application Handmasters of High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will please send he applications and fees of their candidates to the P S Inspetitor with- in whose jnriadictibn their soheol is situated retina of application may be obtained from the Inspector or the undersigned. PETER ADAMSON Goderibh, April.'1991. County Clerk) 'BORN. HMELL—In East Wawanosh, on as 12th inst, the wife of Mr Robt. Haines, of a daughter. TIPLADT.—In Hullett, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr John Tiplady, of a daughter. RITcthi .—In Ashfield, 12th con., the wife of Mr Jae Ritchie,of a daughter. GARDNEa.—In Ashfield, 12th con., the wife of Mr J.H. Gardner,of a daughter. SCRIMOEOOi.—In Ashfield, 12th con., the wife of Mr Scrimgeour, of a daugh- ter. HINTER.—In Ashfield, 12th con„ the wife of Mr R. Hunter, of a daughter MARRIED CLARK—BOLL—At Godericb, on the 17th inst., by the Rev Dr Ure, Mr Robt Clark and Miss Jane Bole. IED JAMIESON.—In Mullett, on the 15th inst., Alexander Jamieson, aged 72 yearn. SMITH.—In Hallett, an the 16th inst., Gertrude, youngest daughter of Mr Geo. Smith, aged 3 mos. and 15 days. PAasran.—In Brussels, on Tuesday, June 16th, Chas M. Parker, first reeve of Morris, in his SIst year. HARDWARE IMO SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES. BARBED and BLACK FENCE WIRE READY -MIXED PAINTS. 2,, CARS STEEL NAILS, prices low. 1 CAR BINDER TWINE, order early. 10 CARS NUT and STOVE COAL, just ar- riving; leave your orders while the price is low SALE REGISTER. Household furniture, iml 1 3ments, and real estate belonging to Mr -John Ross. Clinton, on Saturday, July 4th. D. Dickinson, suet. Seattle, Wash., is said to have 2,000 idle laborers standing around the streets with no prospect of work. Commercial travelling by bicycle is the latest. On 0,aturday a young gen- tleman from Toronto stopped At Bur- lington. He role a high -wheel road. Ater and carried a sample case, a rub- ber coat and other small articles. He is' traveling for a Toronto house, and his route lies from Toronto, taking in all the towns and villages to Sarnia. The bicycle is finding now fields of use. fulness every day. Sold by John Robertson, Clinton HARLND BRO. IRON & HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTON, ONT. HUB GROCERY N E W--__ -3 T E1 s T 2 mr Call for a Trial Sample and get our Prices Customers will find our Teas equal to any in the market, both in flavor, quality and prices. Our Tea trade has steadily increased during the past two years, which is a good guarantee of the satisfaction onr Teas give. We sell Teas at very close prices. Great reductions for 5, 10 or 201b lots. Just sive us one trial and be convinced. We would also invite you to come and see the targe amount of Bright Sugar we give you for $1. We are going to give you the very beat value that can be had. Kindly call and see what we are doing. -i 0..l'W A L.,LA?,w I.a-IN'I`Q) "+a s KEEP KOOL It savers tete ground --the D. & C. corset. It is )deet in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo; which will 'not break nor roll up; and if yot1 `;are not satisfied,r.after wearing It two or three weeks, return It and get your money. Aok your try G4c iia dealer for it For Sale by Esta a Jn4 Kodgsns We are opening out a large assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS of first-class' quality and at lowest prices. Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per c. off for cash W. Taylor & Sons . CLINTON AND !°1EAISAi. Select something Light, Airy, Bree for the Hot Weather. India Lawn MUSLINS, Victoria LAWNS, /Stripe Crossbar MUSLINS, Embroidered FLOUNCINGa ALL -OVERS. Elegant goods in Satin-Check and Grenadine -Stripe BLACK MUSLINS. LIGHT PRINTS in pleasing designs and great variety Quick selling among the Ladies and Children's STRAW HATS. 720 three weeks ago: 250 this week.--- All must be cleared by the 12th of July. Prices are doing it. - CREAM SEERSUCKER, best quality, 20 yds for Si COLORED SEERSUCKER, best quality, i2-yds'fa ;A Our MEN'S TWEED SUITS at $6.50, are light, std lish and durable. Not many of this line left. . They are great value. ono Glass Preserving Jars We got the inside track in purchasing these goods this season Do not buy a single jai • until you hear our prices. We can save some money for you in this line, WE PAY CAS for Farm ProduceWe sed:, Goods for Cash. We do our utmost to make it pleasant and profitable, for you to trade with us. W. 'L OU I ETTE• ,,. , a THE CASH DEALER, LONDESBO,G