The Clinton New Era, 1891-06-19, Page 8TIi ''lf+ •OT1tfl
Hutment is oar *deity, and
toe sats very Allow.
trahwwit at mark
tfo ai spruce, next
nutter by tho engd"of
Th.'boolat Ira at Clerk ek Hill's
r load* Of
Y ships. war -
XXX for 11.00 per square, .ATR,,
�tcheli, O ton.
' swill .uy, good attest larup anal•
1 , eetoPlete; iron frail* for lampzto
AS in..SoitablafeielnY .Purpose. W.
#;t. Searle, Clinton. • •
edema For frees •Man old, Carrot
Turnip and Garbo and',glower Seeds
and for General, (.l,••rooeriee, go. to the
Central, Helionxue&t Winmi .
71fa.:Geo. E. Eae:314 N. is t duly au,
for Ie amyl, 1 'by ee+p, but
'r .. abler* own-
p,ffetht . Mese --
Capper k.
trip to peatoPa
MrBobinr lilii rented a hot** from
Mrs Wal to ligieJoitna W044104
will mowolihi founliT era,
The O. en of South 11
hue decide vMt London on rite
I2,th of July. 0.0 cage the Maths
Winghain AdYance.,.-M'r R.. $ill
went to Clinton on eddy , and r
purcba4ed,-tlje coda water worke in
that town.
Mr T- C.'Doerty, baa, we are in,
formed, taken charge of the Huron
C7entr:l.Stock Farm fir his brother,
Mayor;Doherty. Order Of Foresters, to the number •ol,
The. Public.:Sohool:"'Board has_ a-: seventy, attended Rattenbur • Street`
gaged Mlse A$gi i . Cruieltshank for church, en Sunday evening•. last, •a,
l evening Mr Mho
ya a eonoert of IWO
tlrl eburch, on be-
half th*Atmos of the cbuxaa,
.100100 *Po
the Ontario Olt fJhE , . lay
tool plonk atGoder1 ko W
%%et** lelivefi t
0- cloak- limi-retnoing t 5,150
pm sl . 'Is will give tlti
ong day at floderioh and. etl .`
the firat excureibo.. of the;;
doubt* large not alter wiU`
geyser of the opportunity tn; eo% •
by the Like breve., Ther Wee will•
'be 800 for ,ad:alte and 15aforr a hildren.
Rev essEde an allEwal :ion
be present,*
uese t w1
additional interest to thea 000asion.
The members, of the IndePendent
model term, corn:trencib1 let of ,Sept., Jar? .congregation had gathered;•
.at a salary of ii125. . an to to all, a good sermon wee.
- Stratford school, children had an preached by Me Shelton .from: the
eaceteicm to Ooderich last Tr day;, words Ye shall knOW the truth, anti:
°thorize„d agent for the lie* Esu, and„fe there were a couple of train .loads, the troth „theft ma'ke:ygfi, free," Th'
and they,had a glorious:clay` members, at a rub cent meeting,
r Sin ton, in `he.. ovf _ gment of )
4Fo w r to raneaot any business , passed a resolution of thanks to Rev
1� e<1 rt Mr J. Fair and wife intend taV M 'I•ka led t
Pennon d
Loth r taefr
he er on an t. a o.
t m s u e
pertaining thereto.
A Goon RUN -'-•A bicyclist ,arriv-
"ed in 1.D inton on Saturday evening
hat, .having 'accoi0plished upon his
Steel horse, the whole journey from
Woof) •day, which we think
two pretty goodriding.:, . ' .
TSE";'Fn iwuisr Acs. -- The
iomiuion Voters' Lista are at present
beim revised; Liberals ,everywhere•,
olio, d see that -•all persons entitled"
to' a Rote are "placed. thereon, and
.names that have no right; on, erased.
SNEA$ TrIEvEs,,—Sneak thieves.
Are not all dead yet to the sorrow of
many Canadians On Fridc night
of last week, Cantelon Bros hadstolen
'from their stable a hridift and
which ; they . •valued ti; a..
le rt not? that the.: acoundrele
adn'ta •brir'il'el' put upon their own
necks' so as they . could be driven
down' to Kingston by way of a
change.. '
G0T `''„ AHEAD THIS TIME. --What
•has happened to our gardeners this
<i at they allow a private
citizen .eke Mr. Whiteheadto-get the
ettrrt ,of. them.; He had some new
• potatoes for dinner the • other day,
sun they Were quite large. We have
;; ;beard that some of our citizens: have
Been picking fine strawberries out of
their'gdrdeus already, but we cannot
e011014.164- this, as °we have had no
chance to verify it.
A nen ,FALL ,-=Mr D, Barge hap,.
pend with rather a: painful accident
one evening. of •list week;. by falling
'down. a stairs :of thirteen step . It
appeal's he was trying to• find_ his
Away down stairs in ttie•dart`., think-
ing himself further front' the top
accident; however it ;night have been
worse, Ono ,bones•weje' broken, and
with,,,'a little' aasist'ance, from the
•doc`torr,;. lie has recopered from the
ill:efi`ects. •
The Clinton
Drtiring'P'ark will :,hold titer meeting
on Aug 28th, when : the following
• premiu ms•will be given --The 2: •0.
• class, trotting or pacing, purse $140;
dividedinto three monies. The 2:82
Maes, trotting or, pacing, purer $200,
divided'xiiiided into 'four monies. A: I mile
run,'°best two in three;. purse $180,
dividedr..into, two , monies. The
erican...-Associntion and Ontario
Joe rules to govern; this
being;:one meeting Of the Lake Hur-
Circuit Wilt hethe meeting,
' nus track being in " first. class
tion • and fast tiuogmay'be e5tpeeted.
.:PnnriEING FOB,` -Tut ,PA1at.--It is
pretty;well , known throughout the
°•inanity that the reason .,the Huron
'Central<Fair is always sip` successful
isi}eeanne"the peopleof-Clinton nev-
er cease preparing for the . event.
Just at soon AV the stuff shown it One
exhibition islremoved "the exhibitors
begin'to plan about their, next sea -
a thibits. Then some improve-
Anent is -always going On at the build
inge and grounds. :This year the
committee are bound to make the
,Heron Central better` thanever, and
they `:generally. Carry out what they
takein hand.
CA?TU ED:- AT LAST.—The affair
that occitrred(at the Commercial hotel
in :this town, whereby constable
Bulmer; of Lietowell, in hie struggle
with. a • burglar, narrowly escaped
with hie life,'. 1s still fresh in the
ininda;ofour•; townspeople, Who will
•beg'l`sd to know that the desperado
has `been followed up and captured,
and the credit belongs to the de.
tective. department: of the Ontario
Government. A press despatch says:
"Dt3tectiye hurray, Chief of the,
Ontario Detective Department, has
•after -considerable trouble, succeeded
,: lh efi'ecting the arrest of Thomas
Chambers, ofsGuelph, ons of the
crachtnien vwuo is believed to have
had a hand in ' committing the re -
tent Potit.Offide
e-centPost-Office robberies throughout
the Veit. A few weeks ego Con-
stable' P B Bulmer, of Listowel,
endeavored to arrest Chambers in a
hotel afire charge of being concerned
in the robbery, of the Brussels Post
since. Chatiaber's sensational escape
from the officers at the timeqs
reamfu'il d •t o h:
titer. After� saethrough
thebedrooin dont between Bulmer
andhiMotIf', Cbambere emerged with
two loaded revolvers in his hands.
BBuliner•attempted to bardiis pesnage
end'Ohambers-lodged a bullet in t e'
officer's..breast, and` thee Welly
marched down stairs' an'd out into •,
'the Street,, ,bis Ardente Bening -In
keep the, cititen'e whohad been •arous-
ed' by the firing at a safe.dlstance.
Chambers reached' :the. woods iffe�-
molested and era ... the Govern -
bait "was notid'eil, and learning that
Chamber/ had gene` to the-erth
wertt, Detective arra i;aitified the
authorities at Portage -1a Prairie and
Chambers was retded and eonireit•
ted 10 60 daya,for, ail ;gem* tom,
tea thee," .&moon se hit •tint. Is yip
re Murrit �Will hand over: him
tyanswer the lElCaron artBit>rltle� to en twat . a
ge of , Mh ` ting vita etteblpt t '
Writ marry„
mg a trip to the old .country next
Month; we' hope our very worthy
citizen wili.11awe; a good time.
Mr John Bean received Word the
other'+day that his mother had sus-
tained a second paralytic stroke, and
has now lost the power of•speech.
F.J. Baer, who is employed at0oo-
per's planing factory, had the misfor-
tune to lose his left thumb on Wed-
away, by contact with a *Simpler saw
Mies Bella Donaldson, operator at
the Bell telephone. Central office,
• Stratford, was the guest of Mr Rum, j
ball, of Clinton Central, last Friday.
So intense was the heat on Tuesday
that it actually hatched out a chicken
in the store of Coats & Son. This
may seem improbiable,but it is never-
theless a fact.
Mr Chas. Girvin, of West Wawa-•
._nosh,has been. bedfast for some. time,•
and his manyfriends through the
county will be pleased to learn that
he is recovering:
The Cole farm, lot 20, Bayfield,
con,, Goderich township was sold un-
der power of mortgage, olfSaturday,
Mr Ferran being the purmbaser at
$8,800. It is a cheap property,.
A team of horses driven by Mrs
Cook, of Hallett,started to run away
on Monday, whie in town and threw
her off the wagon, but 'beyond an
unpleasant j she sustained no in-
No man affored not to subscribe
ftk' his al newspaper. Ile never
hat he loses or what he does
now about home. Then sub -
:tribe for THE NEW ERA, and at
once. •
The Expositor says. —Mr James
Homey, of McKillop, passed through
town on Tuesday with a new and
handsome Separator threshing ma-
chine and steamer, the make of the
Clinton machine works-
O.uretatement last week that Mr
John Smith was representing the
Foresters at the High Court was only
partially correct. Mr Sperling . was
the Courtrepresentive, but Mr Smitb,
aa a leading and official member, was
also present.
The NEW ERA is pleased to note
that's goodly number of`our citizens
are improviug their home surround -
is. A few dollars expended in
this way is not only a source of
gratification to those making the im-
provements, but a public benefit.
Mr Sam. Smith, who has been fore-
man of the machinery` department of
the Central prison, Toronto, for some
time, bas had his, salarylraised to $1,.
000 per annum. He is much thought
of by those in charge of that institu-
tion.--FHe is a cousin of Miss Kate
Rowell, Clinton.
Geo. Ostrom, charged with shoot-
ing at Mr Bailiff Campbell, of Kincar-
dine, last winter, while the latter -was
making a seizure on his premises,
was tried last wesk before Judge
Kingsmill. Toe Miry brought in a
verdict of insanity. The prisoner
will therefore be confined in the in-
sane asylum. -
hIr Robe Gray, now of Ontario.
California, well known to many
readers as a rmer teacher in Huron.
He ie now on a visit to his mother
in Tuckersmith, who is ill, and has
brought back samples of orahges,
lemons, prunes. and like fruit of his
own raising. We can testify . as to
their excellent nature, having receiv-
ed samples from Mr Gray.
The First 'of July in Clinton.
Although the great sporting time
which it was intended to have been held
here on Dominion day his been post-
poned, arrangements have since been
made for a splendid list of matches on
that day, to be played on the Agricul-
tural Park.
St. Helens, Wingham and Mitohell
will play two games of.Baso ball, to
compete for a Silver Cup valued at $25.•
Mitchell and Clinton will play a full;
game of Cricket, for glory.
*Mincardine, and Clinton will battle
for victory in a game of Lacrosse.
A Gtm Club tournament, for the
championship of ,Huron, to which all
the clubs in the county are invited, will
be interesting to all sportsmen. Two
handsofne Silver Cubs are to be given
as first and second CM prises, also, a
medal for the champion individual shot
The blabs invited are Exeter, Seaforth,
Wingham, Brussels Godorioh stndClin.
ton, the majority of Which have already
decided to attend.
The eveningrogram will consist of a
Phot Ball mato, played under eleotrio
light. The clubs seopred are the seta'.
orated Qnoen'a.oven and 'the Clinton
Collegiate. `and a good ..gates may bo
ex acted.
For farther particulars see bills and
Scnooi. POINTZRS. - Schools in
townaol'ose ffor the antimer holidays
O n /tine het ,•rat eehbele, the that.
grid*, in ,• uly�tramline •Exams,
July. 2nd 8 rd ;ancf 4th. 'On Trtesday,
J rineg0lb, the rondwt of Olintal,ll%d-.
alto if
en " vi
e school roe ra o or visite* 1 r
� ll � ,
them ere cine h pupi s left to take
part in work of the dif"orent ciaaaee,
*Wields tInuht Yr
the use or (be. church
Local Sporting."Notes.
The Stratford junior lacrgeee club
will play the Clinton club to -day., the
loth. This is a junior Cb mi►ion-
ship match and • the game will likely
be well contested.
The Clinton Cricket:Club,played a
friendly game of cricket with fhb Sea.
forth ()lab last Thursday,reesulting, in
a victory for Clinton by 4 wicket. and
7 runs,only one innings was played.
Tiley" safe, much labor ,in keeping a co at '
of . All business transactions, e SW be
pleased to show them; whether you buy
or net
Having just returned from theeastern markets we were
very Hauch in hick in secoxing a big job .in PRINTS and
SATRENR,.. and.. in order to. make a big sweep, we hake
decided to clear the whole lot out in a short time.
A LEGAI. AnnAX.—It is not. often
khat Clinton is honored -with such au
•array of legal brightness as was .to be
seen at the 0 T R station, on Mon-
day "_morning. There : was., Judge
Toms, Judge Doyle, Judge (Algoma),, M 0 Cameron, M P, J Johnston,
Garrow, IVi P P, and P Holt and
Stanley Hays, two expectant Q Cs.
eery necessary -to draw attention to
the reaper and mower: knife sharp-
ener advertised by Mr Straith, and
manufactured by him here. It has
won itsway to public favor, and is
used in all parts of the Dominion.
The testimonials that Mr Stealth has
received are the very best evidence
of its utility.
Smoot, AMENDMENTS.—The New
School Acts are now in force. - The
regulations are being revised and it
is expected that the Acts and reg-
ulations will be printed and ready
for distribution to the Board of Pub-
lic School Trustees through the
School Inspectors not later than the
end oC October. In the meantime
the school inspectors have been sup-
-plied--with-a-.few-copies-of -the--sehool-
Acts alone, to be furnished to any
Board of Trustees urgently needing
•great deal about thoroughbred horses,
and thoroughbred cattle, but very
little about the breed of our domestic
fowl, which in,our opinion is a mis-
take that should be rectified. Mr Wm
Murray. of town, is an exception'to
the above rule, be possessing some of
the finest Plymouth Rock poultry to
be found in the county.. It is not
very long ago that he gave $80 for
three birds, apd. but a few -weeks
since be gave $5 for a rooster. •He
.says they lay the whole year round,
and for the table cannot be excelled;
'surely such- a breed as the above
would be more profitable than the
mongrels of which we see• eo muph.
iv ow Rut o—We are in receipt of
a copy of the new rules governing the
proceedings of the County Council,
and we heartily commend the action
of the.county legislators in endeav-
oring to improve Spon the past.
There will be no more smoking dur-
ing the Sessions. The Warden will
occupy the dies and sit in theJudge's
chair. The members must speak
from their proper places. The
Striking Committee will consist of 7
members instead of 5;and each mem-
ber votes for 4. Altogether Huron
Conncil has a .model set of rules
We, observe that the credit for 'the
rules belong to a Committee of which
Reeve Manning was chairman.
P,CRSONALs.-=Mrs A. Gorrell is
visiting her daughter in Toronto.
.Mrs W. May, who has been attend-
ing one of her sons during his illness,
at some place on the other aide, has
returned to town, but will soon go
back with her daughter-in-law, Mrs
Albert May, where she will live in
the future. Mrs'Keachie and Miss
Eva Oroll, of Galt, are home on a
visit. Mr J. W. Green and wife,
leave this week for Wiarton, Ont.,
where Mr Green will spend the sum-
mer. Miss French, of Logan, was
the guest of Mr - Searle, last week..
Mrs Ben Cole bn roomed from a
visit to relations at ipsilanti. Mrs.
A. H. Manning t-i•s Tit Sunday in
Exeter. Mr J. W. t ingfford has re-
turned to town and reeogaged with
the DohertyOrgan Co. Mrs
Morgan, of Markham', Thome
Markham; is the guest of
Mrs R Irwin.
riage was consummated at the home
of Mr. W. Thornton a fewdays
since that has quite a romantic tinge to it,, ,
When,Capt. Andrews, -who IS blind
—of the Toronto Life Saving Corps .
was here last fall, he became acquaint- •
ed with Mr W`.Tnornton, AO is of
quite a nautical turn of mind, and
visitingat the latter's home, the Oapt
met with tarn ortttnn'a only daughter,
who has our seaders knot, is alio
blind. it Was sot exactly a 'case of
"love at first eight; "' but it was a
case where the
sympathy. of act
was .kin, andthe ac uaintance
formed'rlpenedinto' ove, with the
result that they were parried by Iter
Me Stewart a few evening's since.
Though deprived of her bight, Mrd
Alidreywa' IS notithont heracootn
pliilihments, Mid „those • who. -hat`s • do
tant1y diter sweet voice lff
eo g know, and the good wislOe'S of
atiutiotanom o outgtdher In bet
W spkarO of 11fe.
A • �. rte]..
.'o, 1 tot 4 acs wo �
worth 10
Ng. 20Lot 7cts, wo t
No. 3 Lot 8cts, worth 12
No. 4 Lot -Wets, worth 14
SATEENS, rich patterns at 18c, worth 22.
Another lot Of those FRENCH SATEENS at
25; worth 30 ' . -
A few ends of DRESS GOODS to be cleared
out at 5c, worth -1O '•
This is a rare opportunity. y Don't miss it.
for eggs.
12 cents
House Leases, ,Farm Leases, Statutor,
Leases, . Mortgages. Quit Claim ' .Dees,; :.
Wil Forms, Teachers Agreements?,
Weir's old stand, op osite the��rk4 , , Clinton ,.
0 objectt
is to.get public he bile to seeo
our stock; whi
� P Gil I..
so large
and varied
that have t
o space to �• d
We esc.•
the different lines we carry, and the very low price,
, which we sell at. .
The prices this month will be especially low for cash
Every department full in all lines. Our stock i la
than we want it at this time of the year, andto reduce it'
we will sell at very low prices. • Many, lines will 'be sold
at cost and under, to clear out.
Tailoring, Mantle Making, Dress Making, Millinery,-.
best of satisfaction given in the different departments;
we keep first-class hands in each, the best we can gets;
We respectfully ask all who want to buy Cheap Goods
for cash this month to call and examine our stock and
• get prices.
� 12 Cents Paid for Ey
1]'T1���_� Plumsteel -�& - G1
ho's Your Hatter?
We show
One of the Largest and Finest collections of
Hats in the county.
If you want -
The Latest Goods at the lowest possibld prices
come and see us.
All the novelties
In Straw Bats. The cut above is the latest
shape, and we have them in all coleus.
r ,
, Varnishers and Ha
. „Clothiers" tters.
.s,or.. &J
June 12 91
OL=NTC — . -
Th)b Leading Milline
-Rh* Straw • Ilais,
Lace Hats, -
Flowers and RObons;
For Sumner we•
.. , -._edress:ser..SUMMER� �er es'c'1trslins
and Lawes. .
Ladies Cold Wave and Summetotte'.
Corset. Lace .Mitts , ;and Glee 014
Vests and absolutely fast—black
ton Hose, tion -cracking and: atifidosig,
with double e k>1ees tor .boys,
10� Favorito
"Z.4 AA../.