The Clinton New Era, 1891-06-19, Page 3the- vIstre e• •i' - -T Imo• poy QQD HOLM trarrrou 111OE JJittr81 GUree every' kind off' Dithealthy; Ssimer and Disease caused from Impurity of the Blood. PURIFY `ibis valuable remedy curesKidney and Liver Complaints, Pimp les, Eruptions ns of the Skin, Boils,Con tIation,Blliousnass lyepnpse Stomach.Lose or Sleep Neuralgia, Pains in the Bones ande'tifsbltiA ssDiueeAppetite, Languor. Rheumatism. Female ak- YOUR It Is a, gentle, r8 sating purgative as .well as a ton possessingthe peculiar merit of acting as a pO erfulegentinrelievingcoq stignenaChront° Inflammation of the liver and all viteeral organs. BLOOD Or This valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and vigorous actions giving tone and strength to the system depilitatedby disease, and affords a great protection from attacks that originate in changes of the season; sof climate and of lite. Full directions with each bottle. Price tele. and $1.00. Refuse all substitutes. Prepared by H.-epencerCase,Chem- le.t and Druggist, 6 0 King Street W 9st, Hamilton. Ontario. • For sale by J. H. Combe LAXEED EMULSION COMPOUND BRONCHITIS 190 Lexington Ave. I have used theNF7 Seed Emulsion in'sevveeral cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results, JAMES K.'CROOK, NS CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. l4tb 1889. I have used your Emulsion in a case of l bthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patiem; could not use Cod Liver u,1 in any form. J. IL DROGE, M. D. NERVOUS PROSTRATION I can strongly recommend Flax N. ' Seed Emec. ulsion as c.piul to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung, bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen craltonic in physical debility. JOHN b. TALMAGE, Al. D. GENERAL DEBILITY" Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1988. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly, superior to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. New York, Aug. 6, 1888. I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion (compound In a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. r recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity a large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. sot ty D u rsts ' pr ce � . 411 ,.t38, . f � 00. FLAX' -SEED' EMULSION CO 35 Liberty St., New York. Far sale hr J a.ICombe MUCH B -----Thank fou•! -.---- wits IB TSE V.N'IYERSAL TESTI_ MONrof those who have sufferedfrom CEI o..VI0 BRONCHITIS, GOUGES, COLDS, OR ANY IMAM OP WAST- ING DISEASES, after they have tried $OOTT'S. VLSI Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPNOSPHITES -Of Bane and Soda. - IT 28 ALMOST A8 „PALATABLE A8 ILK. I2' 18 A WONDERaUL F1 8II PRODUCER. It is used 'and endorsed tbq Physicians. Avoid all imitations or substitutions. Sold by all Druggists at GOe. and Sz.00. SCOTT & BO W1VE, Belleville. t Itis • certain and . . nor sold inthe Head and Cater-;..., n �'I to ethos: SOOTHINO, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible, may (w.ealled damns are simply symptoms or Catarrh, snob as bead. ache iparths1 deafness, losing sense of amammo, ell;fent breath, hadrkln and spit- ting,bility, general feeling bled With stet.' o0 ate troubled h any of these qr kindred symptom*, youth's. Catarrh, and should ,oso 00. rlaas,. Be warned iii time, negHl NASAL cold in head resits in Catarrh, fol. lowed by consumption and death. Neut. BALM Is sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post pats on receipt o tenniWoo00 oenand IDA) by addressing 00,,FULFORD,&l Brockville,onL t: LM ,NE V E R FAILS etik‘ " ,FQO GATARRH: sciENTIAMEae�rlgser v •.i r . t%lSY 1 If r #pninphrnta information and ah• strati. or the taws, athoiring Her► to Obtain Parents, Caveats Trade Marks, Cepyr�iR ht5, sent reg MUNN fly 00. 301 Hroadway. Nett' 'Park, l tellett'dyC Song little fortunes have been made at Work for e., by Anna rage AIM.. Tela,, end Ano. Bonn, Toledo Obit See out. Otbere &re doing se well. why bt you? Some earn over 1000.00 n MAIL You can do the work and Poo a home, wherever you are. Even 0, - 'Inners er4,eull eanthus Aram 16 to 4110a day, All arts. We show yod hoar and start you. Can work In spare time oog�il the dew. Big money for work- ` eVl. - Failure unknown among them. NEW and wondeta,l, rarticnlara hes. .7lto�s a8OPortrand,Maine •PISO'S-CURFOR THE BEST, COUGH MEDWCINEa ,to DIIIDAfI0( OTdlnitr9G'8>t>Z11r' CONSWMPTION' TtlE lIORS.b'i1k1A T Seo tial' L,,0 g artering trough, ,is, kelt alai;. • ,Host casae of sore shoulders are u attributable to 4 t elessrless on the part of the driver. , At the recent Hackney sale in Now York prices ranged from' $200 to$I,200, Little Wonder III, b.'o. by Reality, 4 years old, going at that figure. It is a hard matter to subscribe to°the theory that there is no place of future torment when witnessing the cruelty that is so often practiced upon horses. A despatch from Bordentown, N. J. states that a colored hostler was held in $200 bail .to answer to a charge of embezzling a horse. Farther •West the boy's crime would be called plain horse -steal- ing. Give the horse that is losing flesh fastest the lightest work, or the advantage in a longer end of 1 the doubls-tree. You may kill a good horse by making him do as much as much as one that is much. stronger. Money inyested in fly -nets will come back again with interest in the way of an increased amount of labour from your horses. A horse that worries and' frets on account of the annoyance of flies loses lots of strength that could be used to advantage. The Kentucky Stock Farm says there has been a prevalence of the influenza among horses similar to the flo-called la grippe among the human family, and it has been al- most equally fatal in its results. It is very debilitating and horses attacked rapidly lose strength. Readers who may have horses attacked should resort to prompt treatment. • The Breeder's Gazette denoun- ces the running turf as a curse to any country in which it is allow- ed to gain a foothold, and con- cluees a wrathy paragraph on the subject as follows: "Trt,ttiltb do' Uack From the (gave WELL KNOWN a SN TOEED FROM »I A PI'S HAMILTONIAN JA:WC. 45AD BEEN GIVEN UR F,Y THE noCrQRS AND HIS CASE WAB CONHIDERED ne eLEHU-•-- CUT tiE SECOvEBED IN A WRAC VLOUS MANNER ANA Ie NOW A5 WELL AND STRONG AS EOR. Ilantilto Herald. May 27th ISO Althougn the age of miracles is gen- erally supposed to be past, the,oese of John Marshall, of 25 Little Wil lam St. is about as nearly reiraouloua as any that can be imagined. For Berea years and a half Mr Marehall had been a victim of a disease known as locomotor ataxy, a spinal affection which depriv- ed him of all feeling from his waist downwards and left him a helpless cripple, given up by his physicians as incurable. To -day he is restored to health, and apart from the weakness natural to a man who has wrestled so long with a terrible disease, he may be said to be ae well as ever. The story of his wonderful recovery has been heard with amazement by his many friends, for Mr Marshall is well known in Ham- ilton, having lived here for nearly thirty years, and for twenty years, be- fore his illness having been manager for the Canadian Oil Company here. One of the Herald's young men heard of the case and hunted up Mr Marshall to get his story, which he was not un- willing to tell, in the hope that his ex- perience might be of benefit to others who are affected similarly. "I was taken ill in August, 1887," said Mr Marshall, "and for three years and a half I was scarcely able to leave my room. My illness, I believe, was the result'of a fall I had a year before, and it left me helpless. I had abso- lutely no sensation in my body below the waist, could not feel pi's stuck in me, and was depriyed of t se of my lirhbs. For more than three years I was not able to lease the house, any more than on very fine days I might go as far as the oorper,and during all that time I was never down town. I had the best medical assistance, but the doctors all agreed I could not recover. I tried all kinds of patent, medicines, but none of them diclr me any good. I also tried electricity, having as many as three on me at once, but it was all of no avail. "How did you come to recover ?" "In February last some one threw in a circular about Dr Williams' Pink Pills, T laid it aside, thinking it was like all the others I had tried -no good. But on April 14 I decided to give them a trial, and got a box of the pills. not live on the gambling elemetlts Within three days I noticed an im- as continued ever connected with it, but running provement,1nce,t T amand ine t ;well ae you see me. lives on this and this alone. It is I consider it nothing short of a miracle, something that should be shunned and my friends who know me can by every honest man, and the scarcely credit it. Why, last week, sooner it is wipped off the face of 1 got up one morning, took my bath, the earth the better it will be for dressed myself, went to the station, took the train for Toronto and walked civilization and Christanity, to my brother-in-law's, and he would C. J. Hamlin, of Buffalo, who is not believe, t was myself." known as being enterprising and dootoreYon?"say you were given up by the original in his methods of action, "Yea, I silent hundreds of dollars in some years ago bred a number of medical advice and in the purchase of imported French coach mares to all sorts of quack remedies. My physi- his handsome trotting stallion clans said my disease was incurable and that I never would be able to use Mambrino King. The result has been more than satisfactory to Mr Hamlin, as he has produced ani- mals that combined the heaviness of their dams with the fine lines of Mambrino Kingr _and • enough...of Trie-epee(Tfo place them above the , average coach horse in point of ability to get over the ground. Besides the roundness of limb and redundancy of health that city women acquire from vigorous horseback riding, they gain a fac- ulty for keeping their • balance on their feet in city conveyances. It is a most desirable acquisition, for the city women; whom we are accustomed to see tipping orstag- gering about in the street cars and elevated and bridge cars when forced to stand. Sharp-eyed men who ride horseback know at a glance when a women standing in a street car is a horsewoman.' They know it by the ease and sureness with which she adjusts herself to the motions of the vehi- cle,land at the same time preservesher feminine dignity. It makes no difference how well bred a horse may be if the animal is of no account in the world, has no speed, and is not well put to - gather. Enough speedy horses and good looking ones are now be. e ing produced every year to fill the legitimate demand, and the sooner breeders realize that plugs, no matter what blood flows in their veins, will bring only cart -horse prices, the betterit will be for them as individuals and for the breeding interest in general. Even in the case of the get of such sires as Electioneer, Nutwood, Al- cantara, and Red Wilkes discre- tion and cool judgement is being need by buyers. There bas been too mach selling of pedigrees with no horses attached at high prices, and the day forthat sort of bunco game is past, The drop and re- action is pretty severe on some people, but in the long run it will be the best thing in the world for the general light -harness horse interest. AGES, SAGES, AND WAGES. If you have a wife and a half -a. donen daughters, you can keep them - all well-- by - very. -simple means. Let them use Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is good for womefl of' all ages. You will not need to spend all your wages` for it. Those ancient sages, the D.'s of a century since, did nothing but dose and bleed their patients. We do better to -day: We use Dr Pierce's remedies, For won ankit5d Dr Pierce's Favorite P,reeeription issimply.11ndispensable. The young girl needs its strengthening help at that critical period when she is blossoming into womanhood. Tho Patron and mother find in it invigoration and relief from the numerous ills which beset their existence. And ladies w ll advan- ced in years universally 'minnow - 1 Age the re universally an restos ive efl'edts o this 'fano to and a:VI4Mad C rq "fly. PlteA my limbs again. I are a member of the Royal Templars, and I have been passed by the society's doctors as post recovery, receiving from it the total disability benefit of 81,000. That is the best possible proof that my case -wan-consideredehopeless "-----_--„_-_. How many boxes of pills have you taken ?' "I am now on my seventh box, but, as I told yon, I got relief from the start. I consider my recovery to be wonderful, and I sin recommending the remedy to every one who is afflicted as I was." The proprietors of Dr Williams' Pink Pille, which have accomplished such a miraculous pure in Mr Marshall's case, say the remedy is compounded from the formula of a well-known phy- sician, and is unsurpassed for the treat- ment of all diseases arising from im- poverished blood 'or loss of vital force.I The remarkable case -noted in the above article from the Hamilton Herald conclusively proves that the proprietors of Dr Williams' Pink Pills have in no way over stated the merits of their remedy.. Pink Pills are a never failing blood builder and nerve tonic, and are equally valuable for men or women, young or old. They cure all forms of debility, female weaknesses supreseions,,phronic constipation, head- ache, St Vitas dance, loss of memory, premature decay, etc., and by their marvellous action on the blood,build up the system anew and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow complex- ions. These pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent post paid on receipt of price (50 cents a box) by addressing the Dr Williams Medical Co., Brock- ville, Ont. A good, quiet rest of an hour at noon is worth a good deal to the team that has to labor hard in the hot sun. After all,tbe best way to know the real merit of Hood's Sarsap- arilla, is to try it yourself. Be sure to get Hood's. A water -spout burst near San Luis Pan, in the state ofGuanatu- tito, Mexico, Sunday, the water from which swept away many houses and cattle and uprooted trees for the space of three miles. While a party of Grenadiers was being execrised Thursday morning at Tempelof,by Emperor William, lightning struck the men, two of 'whom were killed, and the emperor had a narrow escape. E, D. Thayer, the octogenarian president of the Brandon, Ver- mont,__NationaL.Bankf.. mourns the Toss of, $40,000 in notes and mortgages stolen from his seat in a Rock Island sleeping ear not far Nisi, Chicago. THE PUREST AND BEST. Articles known to medical sci- eecc aro used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingredient is carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best re- tained. The medicine, is prepared ed under the supervision ofpthor- onghly comeptent pharmacists, and every stop in the process of manufacture is' carefully watched with tt view to securing in :Heed's sarsaparilla the best posOible re- sult. for as QTTEER FACTS. A elock h ,Battle Creek, Mich,,' has been, running for 100 y eare. A, .Deadwood rancher shot a•bear fourteen timesibetore it vital spot was reached. A Floriva woman was nearly poisoned to death recently br accidently inhaling flea powde which she was scattering about a room. A Georgia man in splitting wood one day found a hickory nut firmly imbedded in the heart of the timber. How it came there is a mystery. Dr "finale, of Americus, Ga., has a piece of chinaware 782 years old. The date 1109, is plainly stamped on the bottom, and its only flaw is a broken handle. PROMPT JUSTICE. In the "History of Beverly," Mass., the following anecdote is related of a good justice of peace in the old colonial times. On a cold night in winter a traveller called at his house tor lodging. Tho ready hospitality of the jus- tice was about being displayed, when the traveller unluckily ut- tered a word which his host con- sidered profane. Upon this he informed his guest that he was a magistrate, pointed out the nature of the offence, and explained the necessity of it being expatiated by sitting an hour in the stocks. Remonstrance was unavailing for the custom at that time allow- ed the magistrate to convict and punish at once, and iii this case he acted as accuser, witness, jury, judge and sheriff, all at once. Cold as it was, our worthy jus- tice, aided by his son, conducted the traveller to the plane of pun- ishment, an open place near the meeting -house, where the stocks were planed. Here the traveller was confined in the usual manner, the benevolent executor of the law remained with him to beguile the time of its tedium by edifying conversation. At the expiration of the hour, he was reconducted to the house and hospitably entertasned until the next morning, when the trav- eller departed with, let us hope, a determination to consider his thoughts more carefully before giving them utterance in the hear- ing of a conscientious magistrate. THOUGHTS THAT BREATHE, 130 nothing in thyself, that thou mayest be strong in (he Lord.- [Mohnos. rhe best will is our Fatbe And_we-may-rest, theree and sti I1.- [Paul Gerhardt, The Christian experience rs like a rainbow, made up of the drops of the grief of earth and beams of the bliss of heaven- VAnd the Lord sent an angel which cut off all the mighty men of valor." What! only one angel ? That is ail. The enemy had talk- ed as tb ugh he could have bandi- ed ten thousand legions of angels. This was his boasting ; that was bis ignorance. It takes a loud voice to fill the universe. The Lord detached one angel, and as it were, said to him:. Rectify this. 1 2 r Minard'sLiniment cures garget in cow VIGOR 22ND •TRIMG1P`Ef. Por LOU or moo Immo, General and XIII 1890 DiIDILITi, Watauga of Body sad ICA, rs.ot. a Won et !'cunt is 01dor Young fobait noble Mall IOOD�y hastened. Hovtoetltr Young. ahength Nlv�rdl ONDi4,GOPID OZGallSk IIofgODT. A W!a iOIIU TIIZATJt,tiT-B.aeDttfn s day. IGatutt ha de Blots" and Foreign Conatol.t. Writ,. them. Book szplan1tke sa DISooh pp (t�j)' LO, dd i Y, for infants andvomproC I �aadapoeerec tetbm D , rioetoanypres�ipaQa'sow. Stomach. A.aointa,1t D„ Kuua` eWdiormat give/ 040p, Immo fa ate."ill Do. Oxford 131.. Brooklyn. I. Y. 1PtiDwut Tan Caarr3ml Corp,►Ni, 7711; Rumball' s Carriage ]EEuwoll Street, eii>X to* Do you want a first -class --COVERED or -OPEN BUC�,Gr dot' up' ., very best material and finished'in a workmanlike manner; or de e..: daisy, easy -riding ROAD CART; or even an excellent, well,built j., oN , WAGGON or DEMOCRAT; because if you do, come and see. the q.r!o" who will supply your wants on very reasonable terms. We do not ire slouch work, or poor material to be used, so that people hray rely o , an article just as it is represented to be. FINE BUGGIES our �r`. REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended ter F. RUNIB_A.LL, CLIlNI PAINTING The undersigned is now at liberty to do anything in the way of iiimegumma ON RAILROAD IE ABLE Issued May let. The depaatere of trains at the several stations named,' is according to the last official time card: CLINTON Grand TrunkDivieio,; Going East Going titrate 7.43 a.m. 10.05 a -m, 2.25 p.m. 1.20 p.m. 4.55 p.m. 6.55 p.m. 9.27 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Divisiou Going North Going South • a.m. p.m a.m. p.m. Wing! am ..11.00 7.45 6.50 3.40 Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 7.05 4.00 Blyth 10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 7.26 4.25 Clinton 10.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 Brumfield9.42 6.26 8.15 5.04 Nippon 9.34 6.17 8.24 5.12 is 1 Hensall_ 9.28 6.09 8.32 5.19 aleft. -b rater_-..,.,__.9.16-5-.67------8:50--5:33- Loudon....e8.05 e.25 10,15 4.95 RHEUMATIC PAINS. Require no description, since, with rare exception, all at some time have experienced their tinges. Rheumatism is not easily dislodged, only the most power- fully penetrating remedies reach to its very foundations. The most successful treatment known, and it is now frequently resorted to by medical men, is the application of that now famous remedy for pain -Poison's Nerviline. It is ..safe to say that nothing yet discovered has afforded equal satisfaction to the suffering, and no matter bow bad the case may be Nerviline is sure to cure it. Sold by drug- gists and country dealers. Two freight trains the Mid• souri, Kansas & Taxan Railroad collided near Sherman, Tex, Mon- day. A car of oil ignited, setting the debris on both wrecked trains, on fire. John Harrison, a brake- man, was Iitterally burned alive. Two unknown tramps wore also burned to a crisp, and every man in both crews were more or less bruised or injured. Chief Justice Andrew Stuart, of the Su eriorCourt, died suddenly at Quebec last week aged 79. He was on leave of absence, hav- ing been on the bench for 25 years. Ho succeeded Sir William Meredith a few years ago as Chief Justice, and recently joined the Roman Catholic Church. He was. at one time a prominent politi- cian, and sat for the County of Que: bee in the old Parliament of Can- ada. He was Administrator of the Government of tbe Province of Quebec before the appointment of Lieutenant -Governor Angers. C. C. RIonABne & Co. GENTS -I have need your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe it the best medicine in the market as it deep all it is recom- mended to do. Cannaan Forks, N. B.,t. D, gIERoTEAn. John Mader, Mahone May, informs ns that he was oared of a very severe attadk of rbetteletlsm by teeing MIN - AIDS LINIMENT. ;The Clinton New Era Ispublished every Friday Morning by the proprietor, Rom. HOLs1ES, at his printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- ton, Ont TERMa.-81.50 per annum, paid in ad- vance . in everyJOtByle andofIN deNscG tion, executed with neatness and dispatch, and at reasonable rates. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person or persons who take a paper regularly from a post office, whether directed in his name or an- other's, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If a person orders hie paper dia. zontinned he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then col- eot the whole amount whether the pa- er is taken or not. e. The Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers` or periodicals from the post office or removing and eavin ; tnem uncalled for prima facie evidence of intentional fraud ADVERTISING RATES, LOCAL NOTICES -At head of local column, 10 cents per line or portion thereof, each insertion. Articles lost or found, girls wanted &o., not exceeding three lines, 25 cents each inserton. Five lines, 50 cents for one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub. sequent insertion. Houses to let or for sale, farms to rent or Jor sale, stray cattle and all similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines $1 for one month, and- 50 cents for each subsequent month. Advertisements without specific in- struotions, inserted till forbid. Special oontraot arrangements with business men. General advertising rate for unclassi- fied advertisements and legal adver- tising, 10 cents per line for first inser- tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- sequent insertion. Changes for contracted advertise. ments mast be handed in as early in the week as possible to insure a change hat week. If YOU WISH T° Advertise Anything, Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO i GEO.P. ROWELL No. to Spruce Street, NEW YORK. --- t,..4_i r G. v4 Hoff Sign.- P. Graint Hanging, Kalsomi. At reasonable rates, and on short net cV faction guaranteed. Shop on .Rattenb; THRESHERS, FARMERS, Don't fail to get a supply of the famous LARDIN E -Made only by--_ McColl Bros. & Co., Toro.n You will find it gives satisfaction. 1itcCOLL'S CYLINDER. .OIL Should be in every Engine Cylinder Beware of Imitations. Got only Genuine LARDINEi --FOR SALE BY-- E &»VIS' & ROWLAND, CLINTON rTHOUSANDS OFGOfl GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. ,'; When 1 say Cure 1: do *et have them return again. 1 MEAN A R A D- • Y R Ey tI have them hade t o dt e: m'etiaof merelworst ccanon Seem m nge others have failed iskness a nnosr asoh'for not ous receiving a cto u Cu Oine for lit�e 'eatise aannd'a Free Cfa tl©._of my-Infasttibtal RtYtrffE7ty.._.____ ,pre ts you noiaiing for a trial, and it will cure you, ;Ad � i_ve fekll it1.R, Drench Office, 186 WE8T ADELAIDE BTREEY, T OmO�To R 41. Q';n I)'A vionon's Cream of Witch L i THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face; hands, and gives freahnese and tone to the complexion. , ,;." t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mietake thissuperi a.iation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior coni otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chappi sores, and pain resniting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and co sehort D'AvrGNo's CneAso of WITOn-HAZELisatonce aremedy and apreys) very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 oents-per b0ttl04 Manufactured by ,I A._ NI i 11. ' r lvi irit g -e: e CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ,INT COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present` Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cel( brated ORGANS free, with one Package of Jame Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER price 50cents. This gives an.. opportunity of securing 41 Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at our Grocery Store.:s Saturday next. A call solicited from visitors to Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL IF YOUtWANT_.'TO•KNy 41* Ibeadttah.UaarlbOdll.tn hedlthanddtceaggnaildeweedretlit,y� Soto toe isperytduated ltwithmaintatned,diseasetnduceri4eaiklr Sou to tunny your dart mate. and ttansmitulealthgyhtaithgopet Riad the Glut pop1Rar. edtnprehenefve and useful book, istEDIGAZA SOCIAL AND.9E8f7AL IBM% Dr. Radon declares to be'tpriceless in Talne,,AOw„ and very Instructive.•• The latest edition 1" Moro complete as sable than ever, having been re -written in important pan". 'Il tains All Arr1DIDIY of great practical utility Made ap of 1 OYER TOO ...-i-71`-:. thor' latte ant Brost() DP PRESCRIPT/ONS Common too Mltaftat$ IM ina `-t. 4, a complete table of poison" And their antidotes (trent biglfeetat , . , . „ Titles), tlluetrated direction for resuscitating the drowned, ler health Boards), and hygienic rules for care of iri1 Dta, p` . n e 1 OMi ;ill OPIJFE AND DEVELOPM>t 111ti1t OAS tlaethg tie embe o from ooncbption tbrolgh all stmaea. �; Illustrated' ft Over. Ss Beaattl'al Calle • Lith e on Ine,ptarte paper, Mien as are to bo fund 'only In .titgltprlwe ?,, y• ported nteeleSIworke; mutto illustrates the anateMy,aladrt0s y pesitiena of Importantparts. each book is atIeo embouinst. bvmail; eiretrdrs llgia•twltiaOoutCOr rAlthofrr PB,dti2UUiI1xtroo,00, BO -OTS AND SlloJs:. AT THE Lowest Possible Prices for Cash . My stock is very complete in all the latest st*1os of sea - soluble goods of the best quality, which T and selling Co cheaper than ever to all cash,customers. \ . ,h. »Vigcrs4 `t sak ii in a Gia nl 'c:*, Cruie