The Clinton New Era, 1891-06-05, Page 14a for the ;Public.
W ..644 oroorago4-14rger
f 64local rows every Week
papor 3?g that ;coiartt,Y
*IRA issaekt 1 Psoiratii,
I owlesebor'o,. HQltxesnilie
27014 evening, besifles
toton tstribution the sg?ne
NEW ZA does not claim "the
larvae circulation under Me sun" but
does otaim to, Potter ,pretty fairly
t111e territoy from •which, the tom
t'auts its trade.
1'11e'NEW 48 -4 Condenses its news $a
.14o give the greatest amount of ins.
formation possible, and for tide rea-
ton is "the people's popular aper."
FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891.
Twenty five years ago the 2❑d,
Canada's volunteers repelled an
14000 of Fenians, and the dose
hoy;received at that time, evi
enrtly. served them for the future,
as they gradually died out of act -
The Tarte charges, so far as
•]G 3reevy are concerned, are
xboi't as good as proven, and un-
sa'the'sworn evidence taken so
as refuted, it reveals crooked -
mess that is scandalous.
English high life is stand alined
jut;<t now by a charge of cheating
at. cards, and it seems to elicit
inoie comment than some of the
noCial scandals that have lately
• -attracted public attention. Queer
world this.
It is a fact worthy of note, to
Abe least, that in free trade
ngland pauperism is on the de-
erease, while in the "protected"
`Salted States, it is on the increase.
Itie also said to be .ln the iri-
-srease in Canada.
It is said that the poor over-
worked members of the Senate
ice looking for an increase of
sional allowance to $1500.
bzwould hardly be satisfied
Th[ailits oriftii wit a-ferioo
around it.
.'' Five divisions have now taken
lace in Parliament. In the
st division the Government had
•majority of 27; in the second
14"in the third it was defeated;
fourth its majority was 18
,;onday night 14. At this ra`_e
of proportioq how many votes
will it take to wipe the majority
Out altogether.
W hen Archie Bremner was on
the editiorial staff of the London
a A vertiser, he would semi-oc-
ionally (and oftener) advocate
;e passing of a law making the
*facture of revolvers illegal,
`the ground that they were ab-
utely unnecessary. The sound -
ss of this opinion is strengthen.
The Empire ."seeps reiterating
'statement the its own party
he House are in perfect accord
an '\hartnong on all questions, yet
Mr vin,,a Conservative mem-
ber,oasted Hon. Mr Dewdney
in great shape on Monday, al-
luding to him as a "green grocer
statesman," charged him with tak
ing undue advantage of the neves-
pities of settlers, alleged that "the
whole Department of the Interior,
was made a donkey engine of by
the avaricions Lieutenant -Gover-
nor.' And .when a vote was
taken Mr Davin showed his bar-
ony with the party by voting
gainst the Government.
Elsewhere in this tissue we republish
an article from the Hamilton Times
relating to the wonderful cure of a gen-
tleman in that city, who had been pro=
minced by physicians incurable, and
ho had • been paid the 81,000 total
siinabriity insurance granted members
of the Royal Templar's, The well
'mown standing of the Times is a gnar-
1 anten,as to the entire reliability of the
,M'teidents contained in the article.
• WEAKwo 1ME
itThe most sensitive nature of the
temalesex renders women more sus•
oepitdble than men to those numerous
ills which springs from the Iack of her-
. mony in the system. The nervone
eystem gives way, sick headaohe id fre-
IIquent, the appetite is lost, and other
ailments peculiar to the sex canoe great
- ring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is pay Cain equal relief from pain by the use
enharly adapted for such cases, and of Clerk's Lightning Liniment. The
has received the most gratifying praise dwelled joints from a hprain or founder
felt Morelia it has afforded ,thousands relieved by its use. Every ovines of a
of women whose very existence before horse should keep A bottle of this great
taking it was only misery. It strong. rernedy in his stable. Every eonsidor,
thous the nerves, cures sick headache $tion of 000nomy and humanity suggests
and indigestion, purifies and vitalizes this ready relief.,, Price 50 omits, sold
oho blood,and gives regular and healthy' by drugi#iate, Clark Chemical CO.,
. *Alen to,otery organ in the hotly. i Toronto, I�''eP► ecru.
We are glad to aee that Clinton
Collegiate this mouth leads the list,
We thank" workers from various
parts who have contributed r►ames
and earnestly invite others to loin and
help. Some names 'signed, through
unforeseen oircumetanoee, will not
Appear this time, but will be on hand
we expect for next month's list. For
hearty assistance from friends known
and unknown, we thank God and
take courage. ,AriN® Ross, Bruce -
field, Oat.
Albert E Jervis, Clinton Coll, l;nst.
Lester Whitely,
J. Churchill,
W J Holland,
Ernest Cooper,
J Wilson
George Steep
Pena Cooper
Ellen L Murdoch
Birdie Haywood
Lottie Can telon
Lillie Holmes
Edward Hagan
Fred W Jervis
A. Rath
J T Holdsworth
E W Jervis
Jno Walsh
Jarvis E Henry
W D Bcntlllron
Robt Y Ferguson
D E K Coed
Edna M Curtis
May Irwin
Agnes Ferguson
L J McLauchlin
Olara Jenkins
Bertha Scott
Nettie Crich
Emily Turner
Kariba A Forrest
iadie Struthers
Ethel Doherty
L ena Doherty
Cleo Divine
hnnie Rumball
ohn Divine
.ewia Doherty
Fred Maedel
lent Davis
:roast Davis
ohn McEwen
.lex McDonald Stratford
no McIntosh London Business Coll.
no R Meadows "
fin Lazenby " ('
no B. Hewitt "
[ W Mathews "
eo L Smith
ohn Mille " "
evi W Hodgins "
Tm Jek " '•
bas H Fox . Chatham Coll, Inst.
dward B White " t1
ate Robertson s
am. J Courtney " 1'
loyd Stevens 11 "
f Richardson if
Kennedy "
hos 64QMartin "
ert Scott " t1
dith Jordan
arab Robertson "
[t tt t/
St t/ t(
[ B Farquaharson "
aeeie BoleyIt 11°
:attie Schwember "
• Gordan Chatham Bus. Coll.
David --Latimer " "
harks Sparks Chatham
eonard Fraser
[ordem Ferry
sber Robinson
ohn Robinson
[arvey Manning
rnest Fraser
red Barlett
ames Robb
L E Martin
ohn Cameron
obert Jacobs '
hos Campbell
[ McEwen
Tm McEwen
hos McEwen
obt G Reid
lfred Scotchmer
. Scotchmer
[ Scotchmer'
obt Scotcbmer
rank Mcllveen
A Campbell
rank Daintry
obn McEwen
D Whyte
lex McKenzie
J Pollick
lex Cameron
ecii Simpson
rm McIntosh
as A.Baird
avid Roes
eo Baird
obbie Foote
ay Jamieson
seoie Jamieson
aggie Ross
hii'tina McLaren
ary Proudfoot
eo Munroe
Brucefield ,
I oheer, I help, I strengthen, I aid,
I gladden the heart of man and maid,
I set constipation's captive free,
And all are better for taking me.
Thus spoke one of Dr Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. (They are pills
that speak for themselves.) Very
small, very nice to take, produce
no nausea or griping, yet are most
effectual in all cases of constipaion
bilious or sick headache; or de-
ranged liver. Only 25 cents a
vial, at druggists. A perfect vest-
pocket medicine.
Of the multiplication of sects
there appears to be no end. The
latest has been found in Alabama,
its creed being opposition to all
human lave.` The tnembefs claim
the rightto do 'tvhrt`"they please.
One of them runs an illicit dis-
tillery, and claims 'that any at-
tempt to stop it will:.bereligious
persecution. Doubtless the perse-
cutors, will accept the respon-
sibility without trembling.
{ Tt agate ,g7 per week to hoard a
horse i1i EQatop, Masa.,
"Rest and fat are the greatest
enenlios of the bone," says the.
Jabkreeding bones ,remember
that dispQsl,tiolll is an importan t
point. -
Ten ' thoutiaud horsey were on
exhibition, it is said, at a recent'
great horse show and. sa'lein Jinn.
not wont fractious made lrythem.
This rule prevails all .over Arnori
ea, wbioh is the legiti►nate home of
the t>4•ottingherse, and a. ltoxse
that has trotted in 2:29 2-5, ie 18
equally: eligible to the 2:30 class
as one•tbat bas trotted in 2:291 or
2:291. Kegtiseky Stock Yarm;
The, owner of a boarding stable
in Detroit advertised a bores for
sale. 'Early next morning a man
appeared and asked to see the
equine. 'See here," said the
owner as be squared elf at him,
" I like to have a fair understand,
ing about things. Now .is it for
.very tissue of the body, every you or someone else?" "Someone
bone, muscle and organ, is made else." "Do you know all about
stronger and more healthful by a horse or nothing at all?" " I
the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. know every crook and turn about
a horse, sir." " O you do. All
right. We now understand each
other, and I'll show you the beast."
In tea minutes a sale° bad been
effected and the horse was being
led away. "Why did you care
The Police Authorities aro whether he was green or posted?"
daily makingarrests in New York inquired a man who stood by.
city for violation of the pool laws. " Made a great deal of difference
The room -keepers give bail and to me, " replied the late owner.
continue business. " The horse is spavined, pigeon-
toed and weak in the back. Had
he been an amateur I should have
felt bound to tell him." "But he
know all about a horse." "Exactly,
and therefore knew nothing.
Easiest sale I ever made to any,
Joe Thompson, the Australian,
bookmaker, is said to have lost
$30,000 on the Brookylin handi-
cap. He has gone to England to
'try his luck.'
American horses are being
shipped to Aberdeen, Scotland, for
coach and driving purposes, and
one dealer there has opened a
stable for the exclusive handl ing
of American Horses.
Capt. Bates, who was for many
years a noted giant, travelling
through the country with cir•cusejs
and afterwards exhibiting himself
in dime museums, recently bought
some trotting stock at an Ohio
The Humane Society of Pitts-
burg is looking vigorously after
those who persist in docking
horses. Criminal prosecution
is promised for those who engage
in this diabolical practice. This
is much more sensible than the
crusade against dishorning steers.
Breed to a stallion that pos-
sesses the qualities most lacking
in mares. If your mare is awkward
or slovenly, select a horse that is•
active and full of life. If your
mare is deficient in any points
whatever, breed her to the horse
that bas these points most strong-
ly developed.
During President I-1arrison's
recent visit to Calfornia, he made
a trip to Palo Alto and looked at
the famous horses there. The
President, unlike most Indiana
men, is not much of a judge of
horseflesh, but it warmed the
blood in his veins a little when
Sunol stepped through the home-
stretch at a 2:15 gait.
Bettie Mac, record 2:29, was
sold at auction in Kentucky the
other day for $805. A Kentucky
paper says that $25,000 was re- MaN }i i, a resident, of Wood -
fused for the mare a short time stock, uI • •t:ed dead last Wednes-
before the sale, and that the rea- day niyit about nine o'clock.
son she went so cheaply was that He was sitting on chair singin_g_5
ills puraliaser had' a mortgage on "Salva'tion Army Soong, when he
her -and no one bid against him. suddenly fell over, expiring al -
Among the horses at John most instantly. Heart disease is
Splan's stable at Cleveland is one
by Kentucky Prince and out of
the dam of the pacer Fuller, that
made a record of 2:784 a good
many years ago. He is owned by
J. S. Coxey, and that gentleman
has also sent to Splan the mare
Emma, that in the hands of her
new driver should be a dangerous
quantity in the free -to -all classes.
Red and rosy cheeks follow the
use of Dr Williams Pink Pills.
They are nature's remedy fordriv-
ing out all diseases resulting ftom
poor and watery blood enriching
that vital fluid, building up the
nerves and promptly correcting
irregularities, suppressions and
the ills peculiar to females. Sold
by all dealers, or sent post paid
on receipt of price -50c, per box,
or five boxes for '2—by adtessing
The Dr Williams Med. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
• I
Writes a well-known chemist,
permits me to say that Putnam's
Painless Corn Extractor nevem
fails. It makes no sore spots in ,
the flesh, and consequently is j
painless. Don't you forget to get
Putnam's Corn Extractor, now
for sale by medicine dealers every-
where. Substitues are every
where offered as just as good.
when Baby was sick, ss gave her Cwtor',
Take 'Putnam's' only. I when she was a Child, she cried for Coder*
When she became Miss, she clung to Caster',
When she had Children, she gave them Castor
Mr Metcalf, M. P. P, for Kings-
ton, has announced he will be a l
Conservative candidate for the I Minard's Linimentlumberman's friend
constituency to replace Sii John.
The London Telegraph's St. ALL MEN.
Petersburg correspondent gives a young, old, or middle-aged, who find
pitiable account of the destitution themselves nervons,weak and exhausted
who are broken down from excess or
overwork, resulting in many of the fol-
lowing symptoms ; Mental depression,
premature old age, loss of vitality, loss
of memory, bad dreams, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the heart, emis-
sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid-
neys, headache, pimples on the face or
body,itohing or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz.
ziness, specks before the eyes„twitching
of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere,
bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp
and spine, weak and flabby muscles,de-
sire to sleep, failure to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit-
ability of temper,snnken eyes surround-
ed with Leaden Cirole,oily looking skin,
_-etc,...are-all..nymptoms__of eniervous--de-.
bility that lead to insanity and death
unless cured. The spring or vital force
having lost its tention every function
supposed to have been the oAuse wanes in consequence. Those when
through abuse committed in ignoranoe
of death. He was 45 years of age may be permanently oared. Send
and leaves a wife and small Your addres't for book on all diseases
family. •
Leculiar to man. . V.
UBON, 50 Front St. Ea Torontdress o,0 t.
The peasants of the Simbersk Books sent free sealed. Heart disease,
and St.Mata districts have revolt- the symptoms of which are faint spells,
purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip
beats, hot finches, rush of blood to the
bead, do pain in the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beat quicker than the first, pain
about the breast bone, etc., can positive-
ly be cured. No cure no pay. Send for
book. Address M. V. LIMON, 50
Front Street East, Toronto, Ont.
June 20, 1890.
,. . ' �• . `' 1 1 - - -= - IMT •-� moi .�-�--,----L1- ,:,,,i.i.4- ---:- ,,.
The undersigned -is agent for this well-known Waggon, of which a very large HIM-
„„ omoun
ber Kaye been sold during the past fers. - ” it recommends itself, for people no soon-
er see it than they•are able at once to appreciate it.' 1 sold 8 this season within 30days
Robt Beatty, of Orangeville, writing:to the Company says:—"In summing np my waggon sales for the last six years,
I find I have sold over 400 Chatham Waggons, and in all that number I have not heard of one break or one loose tire. I,
therefore, must congratulate you on building the best waggon in Canada.” It is said by some waggon makers that they
have spent a long life in the business, and that, therefore theirs is the better waggon. If this be so, -how is it that gum
company, who only commenced making waggons seven years ago, are now making and, selling more waggons than the
whole or them put together ? Simply because the public appreoiate the fact that undoubtedly they make the best waggon
in the Dominion to -day ; and hereby invite anyone or all those waggon makers who make this claim for their waggons to
a test of waggons for ease of running and parrying capacity against the Chatham Waggon for 8100.
I am also agent for the Oshawa Noiseless Gear
Buggy, an article that sells at sight.
Also the Daisy Hill Road Cart, claimed ' to be
the best cart in Canada, and also carts of other well-known
I am still handling the Champion Sylvester
Plow, and also keep in stock the Scotch Diamond
All the above are offered to the people at prices to suit
the times.
HORSE SHOEING.—Last summer I invente(
the HeartlTrottingshoe for increasing speed in horst a
and made seta for the following well-known horsemen;
Bossenberry, Hensall; Livingston; Blyth; Roe, Wingham
Barnes, Brantford ; Fitzsimmons, St. Marys; Beattie
Bros., Brussels, and others. These parties expressed them-
selves as delighted with the shoes, and we are still receiving
orders from different parts of Canada.
All kinds of Repairing,' Horsesboeing, &c., done on
short notice.'
Parties may rely upon finding me at the shop at any hour of the day, as I ani determined to give close personal
attention to all work entrusted to me.
be witnessed in the districts of
Kasan,Simbbiel°sk, Samara, Niz-
inh-Novorgood and Penan. Hun-
dreds of persons died of'starvation
in the past five weeks.
English Spayin Lin iment remove
all hard, soft or callous ed Lumps an
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin
Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Conhs, etc. Save 850 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
J. H. Combe, Druggist. June 27, 1 y
A New York correspondent
says: "An effectual method of
keeping the reins out from under
,the horse's tail has never been de-
vised yet, when the reins are
held naturally. The best way to
take them out, when under, is to
attach a hook, point down, near
the lower right-hand corner of the
dash -board, on the outside; then
to remove the line, roach over,
place the slack of the rein in the
book and pull gently.
Referring to the practice of
some horsemen in stimulating
their nags for the track or show
ring with liquor, the Newark Call
says : It is a demonstrated fact
that alcohol depletes the nervous
system, and while it may whip up
the circulation for 11,e time being,
and give a momtsn+:iry impetus
and increase strength to the act-
ion of various organs, the' after
effects are so disastrous that it
does not pay in the end. "
When you make up your mind
so take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do
not be induced to buy some other
preparation instead. Clerks may
claim that 'ours is as good as
Hood's' and all that, but the pe -
culler merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla
cannot be equalled. Therefore
have nothing to do with substitu•
tes and insist upon having Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the best blood puri-
fier and building -up medicine.
A correspondent asks why there
is not a uniform system of timing,
either by fifths or quarters of
seconds, on all American tracks.
We do not think it makes any
difference whether a second is
divided kite fourths or fifths, by
the watcl', Galloping horses are
not classified by their tithe re-
cords, a d trotters !Ind pacers do
ed and attacked the corn magaz-
ines. A number of conflicts have
occurred bdtreen the peasants
and the troops, and several
persons have been killed and many
injured. Gloomy harvest pros-
pects increase the horror of the
situation. The Minister of tho
Interior has forbidden any refer-
ence to the mutter Ly the news-
GENTS—I have hoed your MIIt,ARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some
years and believe it the best medicine
in the market as it does all it is recom-
mended to do.
Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIERSTEAD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs
us that he was cured of a very severe
attack of rheumatism by useing MIN-
A woman calling herself Mrs.
Wood and posing as a maid of
honor to Queen Victoria has been
fleecing loyal English men down
in South America. Her story is
that she is far away from home -
because a bad fall while hunt-
ing in her native' land required
the cutting of her hair so that she
was unpresentable at court, and
this determiued her on travellinE l
around the world. She worked
the dodge quite profitably in Bue-
nos Ayers.
The Clinton Branch Bible Sooiety have fo,
STORE, Albert Street.,a fine assortment 01
Bibles and Testaments.
Tho undersigned have boughtont the Liv-
ery business lately owned by R. Beatiet end
desire to intone the public that they Iliw
carry on the same in the old premises,
Several new and good driving bones, and th
most stylish Barrages have been added to
the business, and will be -hired at reasonabit
prices, •Satisfaction guaranteed.
Itch, Manga and Scratches of every
kind, on human or animals, cnred in 3
minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by J. H. Combe
Druggist. June27-3m.
So snnirtlaiit.11tttvgjl;.„
The new model of the Rockford Watch,when
placed in a screw bezel case, will all a Ion
felt want among farmers, as it is not dux
proof only, but very strong. The plate
which the wheels work between, not being
separated by pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of
a solid piece of metal, with the edge lett for
the top plate to rest on; it also being pend-
ant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent
breaking, making in all a good strong watch
For a Farmer
'Nl1fLCiIAaN`3AYNllId Bh
NVdW0010Va1X3 S%owe
A. A1110 03an1.OVJfNvv .
sw F�
�taa, aabS
suoi dn.13
SAa o is $
. Su N ►0$i J
YOU Glassware)
EVER Crockery,
MEANS J. W. -I R W I N.,
Sole Agent for Ram Lairs Pure?Indi an T
pectacles ad Eye Glasses are the bnly genuine ' it r0 etc. Canadian market
re reomm nded by and testimonials have been received tr I v , ,,dents of the Medical
ociation ,Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons ofQiebe:•t ' cores of the best physician
if Ontario. The B Laurence patent test card used in all cased and g .taranteod to fit a accurate]
as any machine Wo guarantee satisfaction For sale only at.
C00r Cn'S BOOIKSTC, r , ll
Guaranteed 7 years
Piano Cases. Mouse
Proof Pedal s
I have organs to
rent by the year
or month.
come " to •
shop for all theism.*
articulare � sell ns
and guarani
41 tee agai :st
44/ 4/ failure tor
o� ears
Organs sold b
01% Monthly Pay-
a -ments