The Clinton New Era, 1891-02-20, Page 3Curet Chapped flatridS0 Sore Lim!,
, sett-lihewri, B4ughneee et the
Va ,Tan Synbur+n vice eet henna,
FrtC M Etattowrent ,
�$ kv or greasy d insoa#dn►i ably osing dap t -
Lor rite. uses o� the tQlety rendering the
g Oft ,and tin like,
storing its uatpr9X ew,w elasticit
lndis= ,
, of 0441 • genttemen is
skin beautiful)
y' lid
pei °bra ruler Shaving
Allay:,g Irritation: on the instant. Refu
abetitutes„ Large 13ettles
Twenty:8ve Cents.
4He2114 and Drugickt, 60 long Street West,
.. $AIRUton, Qat.
° For Sale by J.II.COILBE, Clinton
ARE NoT a Pa
r a e Wive Medi-
ch, They are a
TONIC and BEcoN-
supply in a condensed
form the substances
acI Ntu
f rich diases the Blood, curing
ally needed to en -
from POOR andWm min4
Ity BLOOD, or from
• the BLOOD, and' else
nvigorate and Btn'Li
P the BLOOD ant
F OR.r?t • SYSTRrg when broker
down by overwork,
'ALE.. meatal worry disease,
excesses and indiscre-
tions. They have a
E Q w 1 E ibe SEX ACTION Of
■,r] t110 SEXUAL SYSTEM Of
both men and women,
SPrestoring LosP union
and correcting all
his physical powers Bagging, should take these
PILLs. They wut restore bis lost energies, both
physical and mental,
EVERY WOMAN ebeneyld eurtaoleall thesup
preesions and irregularities. which inevitably
entail sickness when neglected.
YOUNG MEN ehoula take these Pune,
They will euro the re-
sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen' the
YOUNG WOMEi1i should take them.
These Puma win
make them regular,
For Salo by all druggists, or will be sent upon
receipt of price (608. per box), by addressing
Dreamt . Out
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
Scd#i'S Emulsion t'l zr%
is a tomider/}tl Flesh Ppoducr•r. It is the
Best ;7trmtedy for CONSUMJ' xiON,
Scrofula,fronchitis,Wastiing Din.
ea.;sss, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
Scott's Emulsion is only put up in salmon color
wrapper. Avoid all imitations orsubat.itutione.
Fn' by all Druggists at 500. and $1.00.
a ° se0'FT .t BOWNE, Belleville.
Snug Bttie fortunes have been made at
work for us, by Anna Part!,Austin,
Texas, and .1uo. Bonn, Toleo, Oblo.
See cut. Othere are doing as well. Why
not you? Some cam over e600.00 a
month. Yon ten do the work and live
at home, wherever you are. Even be-
ginners are easily earning from e5 to
1610a day. All ages. We show you how
_ and start you. Can work in spars time
or all the Time. „Mg money for work -
era. Galore unknown among then,.
3 NEW and wonderful. Particulars free.
61.11allettds Co.,Boz 880Portland,111elee
186 Lexington Ave.New York City, Sept. Ave.,
I have used the vax-Seer' Emulsion in several
cases of Chronic Bronchitis, J the early stages of
Phthisis, and have been well leased with the results.
Bra:0yd, N. Y., Feb. kith 1889.
I have our Emulsion in a case of i'hthisic
_ (Sr ._ •a. on) with beneficial results, where pacer..
could not use Cod Liver in' any fora. -
J. H. DROGE, M. D.
Brooklyn, N. V., Dec. Mk. 1889.
I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cm•nof all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and m good gen
eraltonic in physical debility.
JOHN t. TAL1liA E, M. D.
i-.lnoklt.l, N. Y., Oct. 10th, 18
i rerard Flax Seed I::n,,Ision as grettrly superior TO
the G,.; Liver Oil r..aui.;, r 3 11 gcuentlly i.i use.
O. A. 601.:8 ON, M. D.
, kit;fit,j ., id
a"t ir
Irt:..4 a k i4sp �
1,1711 est':4tlt St.
1 t o ^'-,.O' Ark, Aug. 6, 1888.
c a' ^rl , ..rCompound
in a severe t,: oe r f ' : n1 -•-,i Itrition and the result was
more than hoped for—,t n;.as m-rvelous, and con-
tinuous. 1 recommend it chee-fully to the profession
and humanity at large. M. 11. GI'LBERT,M.D.
Sold by-Drugglsts, Price $1.00.
35 Liberty St.. New York.
J. H. Combe, Agent, Clinton.
0 • AND wrrnoum MERCURY, USED BY
h p OVEri 120. YEARS, I8
These Pills con,Iet of a Clad111dd pectillar admix.
' tura of the "est and mildest vegetable aperientsq and
foe pure extract of Flowers of Chamomile; They will
be found a most of Th&eloue remedy for derangements
of the digeetih'e organs, and for Obstructions and tor-
1,id action of the 11W1r and bowels which produce irl-
j Iigeetitn and the revoral varieties of bilious and liver
eomplatnta. sold sly all Chemist&
4, FE -W noT.
The latte.r wit) a atnto his of s huk otle nuts wb�eh„
crowded More 1nveatioan and di>l.
0010•40$ 10 the benefit of rpalokind than
iii all tho oenttrics g*Rt 1}ave p>:epedled'
it, Among tliege dlf3eoveries. none. will
taliebigher rank than those in medicine
calpulated to relieve "the ills that fled:
ie heir to," restore vitality, and prolong
life, Ladies everywhere will rejoice at
the digeov4ry Of Dr Williams' Pink
Pi11s, undoubtedly the greatest remedy
for their peculiar ailments yet discover-
ed. These pins are the result of at.
mast .life study, and pre a pertain nerve
tonic and blood builder, supplying the
elementc necessary to enrich the blood
and transform pale, sallow or greenish
complexion to the pink and glow of
perfect health.. These pills are an un-
failing cure for nervous dibility, palpit-
ation of the heart, loss Of appetite,
headaoheand.all theirregularities of the
female system that entail so much mis
ery and distress. Every suffering woman
should give them a trial. For sale by
all healers or will be sent, post paid,
on receipt -50 cents a box—by addres-
sing the Dr Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. Beware of imitations.
Josquan Miller, who hasthereto-
fore been better known as a poet
than a horseman, writes to a
California paper to protest against
the senseless custom of trimming
horses' talk. He says that in this
country .mosquitoes and flies
make the horse's tail a necessity.
Thele is danger in impure blood.
There is Gaiety in taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. The great blood
purifier. ' 100 doses one dollar.
Titan, that was sold for $23,-
000 at auction in Australia a few
months ago, broke down a short
time after his purchaser took him
home and has never started in a
race. He recently changed bands
again, this time for $3,000, so
that his former owner booked a
loss of $20,000 not to mention
miscellaneous expense?.
Dull headaches., dimness of vis—
ion, partial deafness, constant
hawking and spitting are a.few ot.
the symptoms of eaters h. Nasal
Balm is the only certain cure
known. Give it a trial,
C. J. Hamlin says that -at the
NQ 'E1) kEQI'1414.
Lord L•tvtton,, better litlQwri.
Welrw Meredith, la the preacral,
British ambaeeidorin Pai+ie.
On,n Hue of the moat popular leen
i .. sale, *et outstrwippingCount.
Tolatoi forth* premier place, io
Father Ivan of Cronstadt.
Mrs Ilfargaret E,Sangster,wbose
little peem,Qur Own, has brought
good resolves to many a hasty.
tempered reader, is a tall woman
With 'pretty pink .ctreeks, white
'hair and a bright cheery face,
W. Clark Russell, whose sea
stories have such remarkable dash
breeziness and out-of400rfreedom
has long been a hopeless and well
nigh helpless invalid, chained to
an indoor existence in an inland
Mrs Rider Haggard, like Mrs
Stanley,complains that American
women keep their houses too
warm. When the thermometer
reaches 70 ° in a;drawing-room it
gives her a headache, and even a
temperature of 65 0 she considers
too warm for comfort.
Mr James Whitcomb Riley's
new book of verse has just appear-
ed in Indianapolis. It is a collec-
tion of poems relating to children,
and is prefaced by an interestin g
portrait of the author, holding on
his knee the fat little nephew to
whom the book is dedicated.
It is told of Mme de Stael that
she was never seen in company
without a sprig of laurel in her
fingers, which she twisted and
plucked as she conversed. Evt,n
at table, with her guests around,
her butler knew to place a bit
beside her plate. This was hard-
ly an affection; it was probal ly a
relief to the pressure of nerve.
Miss Sarah Orne Jewett is tho
daughter of a country doctor and
reared within sight of the sea and
not far from the Isles of Shoals.
She is not generally regarded as
beautiful, but has a remarkably
interesting face and a charming
personality. She writes stories
of life by the 'sea' from her own
experience and the observations of
Chicago considered Stanley one
Buffalo races next season he will 1 r f the woYst speakers that ever
introduce a novelty in trotting, it made a a,00d epeech. Ice appears
being nothing less than driving I ill at east in evening dress, and
three horses abreast. It is under- rather ehy and self-conscious.
stood that his selection for the
work will be Belle Hamlin, Jus-
tine, and Nightingale, the last
named being placed between the
other two.
Breeders' Gazette: "The horses
than are bred in strictly trotting
lines are the fines that hold the
championship, win at all ages and
at every way of going. Once in
a while a stallion like Electioneer
will get a fast trotter out of a
thoroughbred mare, but it is in-
variably the case that the same
horse gets faster trotters out of
trotting -bred mares."
Min arks liniment is used by physician
The story comes from Europe
that Lottie W., ,record 2.21, that
was sent to Germany last fall, has
ht•oken down, and an Indiana pa-
per supplements this with the in-
f'ormation that the break -down
really took place befpre the mare
left the United States, saying that
she was skillfully patched up and
worked off on the foreign market.
This isnot the first time that this
game has been successfully played
on confiding Europeans who come
over and buy trotters on their
own judgment or trust the matter
to some irresponsible person on
this side'of the ocean.
An old physican, retired from prac-
tice, having had placed in his hands by
an East India missionary the forumla
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure ofconsump-
tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a
positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative
powers in thousands of cases, has felt
it his duty to make it known to his suf-
fering fellows. Actuated by this mot-
ive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it, this receipt, in German,
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and using. Sent by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. NoYES, 820 Power's Bloc
Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w.
His gestures were few and un—
graceful, he slurred and mispro-
nounced his words, and it was
only when he occasionally forgot
himself that he showed a little of
the fire of eloquence.
The rumor, which at one time
was contradicted, to the effect
that Mrs Ayers, an American
lady and the widow' of one of the
most successful of phtentn).etlicine
proprietors, was engaged to he
married to a Prince Dolgorouski,
brother of the widow of 'lexan-
der II.; is again circulated in
Paris, and this time it has not
been contradicted. Needless to
say, Mrs Ayer is "rolling in
wealth," which will in some de
gree explain the attentions of the
of a good thing. This is eminent-
ly the case with Poison's Neviline.
and great pain eure. It is an
honest remedy, for it contains the
most powerful, the purest, and
most certain pain subduing rem
edies known to medical science.
It is honest, because it is the best
in the world. It only costs 25
cents to try it, and you cull buy
a bottle at any drug store. Ner—
viline cures toothache, neuralgia,
pain in the back and side. All
pains are, promptly relieved by
olson's Nerviline.
Oscar Wilde has deserted the
aesthetic movement so completely
that he now looks more like the
ideal of'a Farmers' Alliance can-
didate than anything eke. He
wears his hair in straggly locks,
is not particularly neat in the de•
tails of his -.attire, and has grown
fat to a point be3ond the gro-
tesque. An American publisher
who called upon him less than
three weeks ago says that he
has become conventionally. more
agreeable as a companion and
an entertainer. Be is big, logy
k, and heavy,but the accummulation
of weight is giving him great
pleasure, and he has gotten over
bis posing and poetical figures of
There is great rejoicing in Quebec
among the Liberals. Sir Adolphe
Caron has abandoned Quebec county,
where he had 259 of a majority last
election, and Laurier's friends look on
the military knight's. retreat as an
admission that all is up with the Con-
servatives, not only in Quebec county,
but all over that district. Tl.e .yor
of Levis on Saturday tendered Sir
Adolphe the nomination, but he declin-
ed it, adding that he had no doubt some
local man could carry the constituency
with a good safe majority. In the
meantime, however, there is leo great
rush of local men for the honor.
Dr Horsey, the Liberal candidate
nominated in North Grey on Saturday,
is a young man without much sub-
stance to back him but with a ready
tongue and lots of energy. If Mr
Masson, the late Conservative member,
runs again Horsey will assuredly beat
him. Mr Masson's majority last time
was only 57. His vote for the Jesuit
bill would be more than sufficient to
lose him that. Ile thinks, However, he
can carry the riding again and wants
the nomination, but the Orangemen of
the district want another candidate.
There is no sign of an end to this dis.
pute and in the meantime Dr Horaey's
friends are making hay in the warmth
of the Conservative mw.—Toronto Tele-
When Baby .rte Melt, we gave her Ca/Aorta,
When itie'irea a Child, she cried for Cantors,
When she became miss, she clung to Caetoria,
!hen she bad Children. she gave them Caetoria
"Life is sweet" is an old saying, and
just as true as it is old. No one in his
or her right senses courts death; all
wish to prolong life to the utmost limit
and yet, in spite of this universal desire
to live the alloted three score years and
ten—and even longer—thousands upon
thousands of people through carelessness
and neglect, are hastening the time
when they must stand face to face with
the grim reaper, and make the plunge
alone into "the dark valley of the
shadow of death." No disease on this
continent claims so many victims as
consumption, and reliable statistics
prove that fully two thirds of the deaths
occurring from consumption bad their
origin in catarrh. Nothing but.
negligence caused this last disease to
develop into consumption, and the
person who neglects to promptly and
persistenly treat catarrh until all traces
are eradicated, is simply hastening the
coming of death. Even should catarrh
not develop into consumption, it never.
Melees shortens life, as every breath the
patient inhales passes over poisonous
secretions and thus affects the whole
system. For the cure o catarrh no
remedy ever discovered equals Nasal
Balm, which is recognized from the
Atlantic to the Pacific as the only cer-
tain pure for this disease. It removes
the secretions from the nostrils, stops
the poisonous droppings into the
throat and lunge, and makes the
user feel that a new lease of life has
been given him. This great catarrh
remedy is'on sale with all dealers, or
will he sent on receipt of price -S0ets t.
for small and $1.00 for large size b
bottles—by addressing Fulford tt Oo., 13
Tiro( kville. Ont. J.
AT IT 'WO'lJ'4'R. ]l0
fIre the .jutlj Mual farmer re-
ciprof:ity would give 30 cents
additional value on every bps,
hel of barley, 40 cents on elegy
j,uusbel of peas ; 25 cents on
every bushel of potatoes; $4 a
ton on hay;; $30 on eve>ly, horse
worth less than $150 ; $10 on
every ,bead of cattle more than
a year old ; $1.50 on every
sheep a year old ; 75 cents on
every lamb --and a similar in-
° ease upon every character of
farm producer These Items are
the duty on az titles going to
the Sates.
Th Liberal party advocates
full and unrestricted Reciproc.
Ity and therefore is entitled to
coming elections
in the
young, old, or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous,weakUnd exhausted
who are broken down from excess or
overwork, resulting in many of the fol-
lowing symptoms ; Mental depression,
premature old age, loss of vitality, Loss
of memory, bad dreams, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the - heart, emis-
sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid-
neys, headache, pimples on the face or
body,itehing or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz-
ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching
of the muscled, eye lids and elsewhere,
bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp
and spine, weak and flabby musoles,de-
sire to sleep, failure to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit-
ability of temper,sunken eyes surround-
ed with Leaden Circle,oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous de-
bility that lead to insanity and death
unless oared. The spring or vital force
having lost its tention every function
wanes in consequenoe. Those when
through abuse committed"Fsv. ignorance
may be permanently oured. Send
your addresi for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V.
LU13ON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease,
the symptoms of which are faint spells,
purple lips, nnmbnese, palpitation, skip
beats,'hot flushes, rush of blood to the
bead, du pain in the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beatquicker than the first, pain
about the kFeast bone, etc., oan positive-
ly be curecL1 No cure no pay. Send for
book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50
Front Street East, Toronto, Ont.
June 20, 1890.
Monterey country is becoming
famous the world over for the re
markable longevity of some of
its aboriginal inhabitants. A few
months ago the Index gave an
account of the life of old Gabriel,
who was 151 years old when he
died, the 16th of Mara last.
Old Gabriel's son, Za(•hariah, by
his third -life, lived 114 years.
There there was Casiano, who
diets a lew years aged 136. An -
oilier I nllian named Lauriana
died al the County Hospital some
fol: rago years at the age of 110
years. 'i'he.:e are all well aath—
enlicateil case,. Now comes an
old native wnrnan know e as lira
Olaria, who claim., that she was
12 years or age at the time of
Its bliLlilltg ltl' Ow Carmel,llis-
tion in 1772, which woulj make
she'. 130 years old at the present
time. The ancient lady lives with
relatives oval. on the Cannel, and
has retained her menial strength
and 11h,ysicial vigour in a rornarlc-
bin ilc'^rc...
GENTS—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT in my family for some
years and believe it the best medicine
in the market as it does all it is recom-
mended to do.
Cannaan Forks, N. B., D. KIERSTEAD.
John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs
us that he was cured of a very severe
attack of rheumatism by useing MIN-
A terrible calamity mein -est
Thursday night, near tho village
of St. Albert, Cambridge town
ship,Russell county, whirh result
ed in the loss of three lives. A
family named Lafrance lived in a
small house about a mile from
the village. The family consisted
of old Mr and Mrs Lafrance, their
daughter, and her hueband Azarie
Chartand, and two children.
Chartrand and his wife left yester-
day to visit Reeve Louis Genie)•,
of Cambridge and. were. away _over_
night. During the night the
house took fire, Mr Laf.
rance awakening to find himself
surrounded by flames and smoke
He struggled to a "window and
jumped out, ,injuring himself
severely. Mrs Lafrance and the
two children were burned -to death
in the house. The neighbors
could do nothing to extinguish
the flames, which but fled itself
out, only the remains being found.
Mr Lafranne was found in a shed
lmost frozen to death. Ile bas
of been able to speak, and thele
little hope of' his recovery.
English Spayin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
pule, etc. Save $60 by use of one
ottle. Warranted the most wonderful
lemish Cure ever known. Sold by
13. Combo, Druggist. June 27, 1 yr
"rES't AND t"NQ;"
If' bio were Yea, and Yes were No,
The world srotllc1 0 By.tfl i Ye go
4 veto then would be assent,
Defeat wouldjgin hands viwithContent.,
And war would mean arbitrament,
If No were ¥es,;and Yes were No
If No were Yes, dna Yea were No,
The timid would the better grow; ,
A. blush of shame would bring delight,
And harsh rebuffs would gain the fight,
The blackest night would then be light,
If No were Yes, and Yes were No.
If No were Yes, and Yes were No,
The poor would harvest weal from woe;
For Plenty, with a sullen face,
Would seek them out in every place,
And ugliness would then be grace,
"If No were Yes, and Yes were No.
If No were Yes, and Yea were No,
The weak were strong, the high were low
Grim disappointment would be blies,
Who won would loss, who hit would
A frown would thus pressage a kiss,
If No were Yee, and Yes were No.
If No were Yes, and Yes were No,
Thy scorn would be my clearest foe;
Thy coop etries, which now I fear,
Would bring thy day of conquest near;
For through thy wiles I'd win thee,
If No were Yes, and Yes were No.
Ready to go, my Father,
Ready to part with all
The earthly ties Thou gayest me,
That held my soul in thrall.
I dare not wish to stay ;
Thy will I cannot know ;
Ready to go, 0 Father,
Ready to go.
Earth's burdens press me sore;
Heart fails and strength is gone;
And weary hands and feet
In vain are toiling on.
I fear the coming years ;
I dread the winter's snow-;
Ready to go, 0 Father,
Ready to go.
I crave not length of life,
With all its toil, its pain;
It's never ending strife,
It's ceaseless longings vain.
The tired head seeks rest,
The tired heart beats low;
Ready to go, 0 Father,
Ready to go.
With health and beauty laden.
A rich priceless thing;
To woman, pale and wasted,
My precious gift I bring.
Such 'the object and such the
mission of woman's valued friend,
Dr Pierce's%Favorite Prescription.
Don't let unreasonable prejudice
prevents you from sharing the
health and beauty proffered, in
good faith, by this most excellent
Remedy. None of the almost
countless weaknesses and diseases
.peculiar to women, but chat read-
ily to its magical power. Manli-
factnrol, recommended, • sold
through 'Irnggists, and guaran-
teed by 1 he World's ,Dispensary
Med icaI A.noc•;ation, Buffalo, Now
York,lo 14It'C sltti;thction,in every
case, or In„nu• paid Vol. it cheer-
fully 1.0'llnlled.
C. :1I siarke, tnanagor of the
Bunk 4,1 11 Itimere0 of Belleville,
and De ectiveRogers lcftGerrnany
on Monday la,t w;th Terex, the
hull -less out 111:11. They expect to
arrive in liellt•s ills- about the 1st of
I Chicago Herald:—Al.lthe friends of
reciprocity in Canada should under-
stand that their only hope liea in the
defeat of the Conservatives and :the
overthrow of Macdonald. They should
understand that the kind of reciprocity
the Premier pretends to favor is,
impossible, that the people of this
country will not have it, and that he
himself does not want it, or reciprocity
of any kind.
t ilsect (Stings'
Sore Eye,
Sore Feet
for infants 'and Children.
[recommend itaswpeetortoao Oasts.R BEIM carr m, Eruct.
known wmo,» H. A. ♦ Ts ,lk, tdpa YLIa Stomach, Diarrhea Erb, n,
Ili 8q Oztosd a �, D' .ioiii n =� tilos, ap¢ di-
N. T. ^F+Itri0vltttia �Odlaatipp.
,Wes Cameos Maras; 17 Murray Street, N. IC.
Cheap - Crocker
,iving up the Crockery and Glassware
Branch of our business, and want to clear out the stock by Jan. lst.,
we will, on and after Nov. lst, offer
The Entire Stock at COSI
The stock is all new and consists of DINNER SETS, TEAp�SETS, OaAn1
BER SETS (in white t.nd cnloPed ware,) GLASSWARE, &c. This is tb
best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should ea
amine our stock before buying.
When 1 say Cure I do not
� meat
have them return aKain. 1 MEAN ARADICA� UREl.tIhavo emade the disease them for a ofd its
Epilepsy or Fail lig Sickness a lite -lung study. I warrant my remedy to Cure th
worst cases. Becw ise others failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send s
oPost Office. It nce fora treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express an
M.C., Branchcosts Of ice, 186 Wou ESY ADELAIDE STREET, you. Address
~� O. ROOT,
D'A vignvn's Cream of Witch -Hazel,
Softens the skin, removesroughness, eruptions
ad irritation fromthe face nd
hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. a
t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperior pre-
aaation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion
otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col.
sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skid from exposure to wind and cold. In
eehort D'AYIONON'6 CREAM OF Wxrca-HAzimis at once a remedy and apreventfor
very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai
Manufactured by
J L 1V[ s 11. 4_,MT3E,
a. -
Beg to announce that they are ready or the fall and winter trade with a large
CANNED GOODS. Try our Ceylon and Indian BLACK TEA, it
is second to none in the town. Japan and Hyson TEAS, no better value any-
where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of Dobb'e
Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look at our prize BAKING
POWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every
pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine
Crockery & Lamps; Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery and
room Sets,choice Lamps' Handdsome Dinner, Tea and Bed
and No. CanadianCoalOil. A1Callces 1ow. Solici ed. Satisfaction ction Guaranteed kg
Valuable Present
Away with You
herty & Co's justly telt+
one Package of James
portunity of securing al:
or fifty cents
at our Gro , ' ' '✓ sore
ited fro n vi iitl)'i to 414'
al Exhibition
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