The Clinton New Era, 1891-02-13, Page 3si7td°, Bore R.1�I. team, a sovietise of the, sslaIn, f?ritstBites, Chattng, TAN Sunbtirrl, Fraphlee, Eta., Etc.. - frsirant 'Prisearatien Contains noth- 1,311 dick* missy' and is admirably adapt. stn` the uses oo' the toilet,' rendering the bean, sort stet satin•'Iike, re- �_ itr;alttural flrmaiees, elaetioity and freshness, and to genti n s% is 1�Ensalil Acts ,.Shavin .44/4444,411 :frritatlon on thejnetant, Ref�ug ;:6ubetitgtes: large ?}Pttles Twenty-five Cents. ?nceattan mLle°ne >z SPENCER CASE t and !reseistti 6o King 8tree5, West, .. Hamilton, Ont;• Per Sale by [. H.COMBE, Clinton 'r pang little fortunes base been made si work for v, by Anna Pare,*twilit, Texas, and'Jno. Donn, Toledo, Obio. See cut. ethen are dotal; aswelL Wby otyour some earn over $640.00 a ontb. You can do the work and live t borne, Arberever you are 'Even be- ginners are easily earning from i6 to i0a day. All ages. We show you bow ' and start you. Can work in spare time or all the time. nigmouey for Failure unknown among -them. l NEW andwonderthl. Particulars free. d1,111aliwtta4l Clo.aalox SOOPortland,Mslun n .. :*till%. Itis a certain and apaeti_ ^ r' Sold totheneadar1(!VALr .�',..i"r. stages.• SOOTHIN-O, C. 1Ii1EAL;•,.), Instant ReG:',• -Curg,-Failure ; • Diary ao.aned sites. symptoms of Catarrh, r n ,. ache partial. denim, e, � onar some l,Yonhbreath, bo --t , ..w pts• AlatySAn ft 8enm.. r�. ..' .1 '19 you are xn., t r , may SIJ or. those` or 61„stud ., • i,a ••u,x, 7ons'lu» Catarrh, rrnd ebnu,l :...c ue •titan 1u'yrocnang a b<•+ m F..SeL Hjz,--Ha warned hr t. „e, : mgkcted odd ID 11!84 result. u. �n .,n h, fat iomd by conanbr ti.., , . • death. 11AaaL Hann la sold by all dntap.ita $101 6 1411 0...1tsta ane¢ ou)by addr'o sing fULFORD & 00,, Brockville, Ont. • Bermuda Bottled. "YOu must go to Bermuda. If you do not I will Hot be responsi ole for the consequences.” ' But,' doctor, 1 can afford neither the time nor the money." ""Well, it that is impossible, try -- i ares IDLS1O.I •OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. I sometlines call it Bermuda Bot- tled, and many eases of CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Cough .or Severe Cold I have MIRED with it; and the advantage is that the most sensi- tive stomach oan take it. Another thing. which commends it Is the stimulating properties of the Hy- pophospiiites whlleh it contains. You will find It for sale at your Druggist's, In Salmon wrapper. Be sure you get the genuine.' SCOTT at BOWNE, Belleville. FOR ! n sect, �St Stings gs Sore; \Eye s Eruption S,�O_re- Feet. Ooreness p(h of i r Cata iter nil ALL k;�71c lonr REF; UB$_T_i-tLrT S B . ,Mills Ui'/�`TItR E�OTI f�Q17 POND'S`O TRACTCOMP 78 FIF_TRAYE.NEW)OR . dE MEAT EHOUSH REMEDY i 'OF PURELY VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS g AND WITHOUT MERCURY, USED BY THE ENGLISH PEOPLE FOR OVER 120 YEARS, 18 opiroutq ammo= There Pills consist of a careful and peenlier admix- ture of the heat and mildest 'vegetable aperients and be -pure ertrbet of Flowers of Chamomile, They will be found a most etllcaelona remedy for derangeoIents of the digeatlae organs, and for obstructions and tor - iid notion of the liver and bowels whirl produce in- igestion and the aevera`1'vtrietioe of bilious and liver complaints. bels by all Chemists. ,/► W1OLrnALZ' MANTO-2- .. S'tVA S AND SONS, LIMITED, MONTREAL.. 10 ,t DYEgTIBINGr POINTIM. Advertising' not only brines trade, itdireetri, trade, it Creates trade.—. Reading (Pa.) Eagle.. " Nothing yet discovered or in- vented is so Cheap as the news - '4 FARMI �i eWMU I?17�N1 M4ZuTOB,�. CORRR$PUNDF, 4OE 1I1. Ft k AN l� t!W.+�•F', i �'R! trlG wy144t' OiAllte7:o7L., e'¢a 17 "You Glu either bat a farms,..'' Then Brave, Moo Jan, 21,';1,1 fis 411°C xa grease tit'' y*ou .CnIft' DEa Bxui-tTobe kit,g a,4 few word + t , about this part of the eountzy: and how beat hitt at all, said the" patent 1 we are getting alon{i here, might be of will over on• High, els t of the roe, ue ood the ed, people Ing ear ve; ainT er pt ng ge. t- oe, 40 a th d d, 0. st r, t in m at a s ed Y e d e h g r e e e 0 k e y ° t e g ey of man 48 WO were talking paper and nothing known can be, abouthis 414"ntut'es in the rural to effective. --T. H. Cahill. Among enlightened business men the virtue of newspaper ad vertisin$ has become an establish ed -feet. It is no longer a matte). o' doubt, and should not be treat, ed.as pooh;•—A, N. Kellogg News. paper Von A merchant cannot afford to sell at a small profit unless ho does a large 'business, and the mer- chant, cannot expect to do a large business by selling cheap unless he advertises his bargains—Read- ing (Pa.) Eagle. re ioee. a'jthat is- 110 ie either gullible or oversuapikious, Some will refuse a good th>;no and some • will snap at a swindle. I think I • can illustrate Ley ' declarations right here, or at least one of them. The man in the seat over there is a farmer.' 'I should say so. 'And he's one of` the sort who suspects every stranger. Watch me try him.' He took a cake of toilet soap from bis satchel rind going over to the farmer saluted him in a plea- sant manner, and added : 'I have a new make of soap here which I am introducing to the public. It is worth fifteen cents a cake, but I make the price only five.' 'Don't want it,' was the gruff reply. 'With every cake goes a -$5 greenback, a gold bracelet, the deed of a town lot in Kansas, a pocketknife, a pair of eye -glasses. and a solid gold ring.' 'Don't want 'em, sir•!' 'As I want your opinioncef the soap I will give it to you.' '1 won't take it!' 'But, sir, in order to introduce it into your neighborhood I will giv_eyou- 10.0.. cakes free, and at the same time leave five watches and five deeds to town lots. 'Look -a -here ?' shouted the far- mer as he jumped up and spat on his hand ; 'you go away from me or I'll mash you! I'm on to your tricks, old man, and if you think you have picrsea up a hayseed, you are barking up the wrong tree.' And the bay -fork man had to move lively to escape the blow levelled at his nose. i, If you advertise at all, do it well. People enjoy reading ad- vertisements containing good busi- ness sense.—Cincinnati Commer- cial Gazette. Minard'sLiniment cures garget in cows Handbills, dodgers, cal'ds,show- windows, painting on fences and roclts, leaders of special goods, newspapers and: countless other ways are used by business men for advertising. - It has been de - I monstrated that the largest num- ber can be reached in the most effective manner, with least ex- pense, by newspaper advertising. —Reading (Pa.) Eagle. Asivertisi.ng gives -character and standing to a firm. Go into any community, as an entire stranger, pick up the papers published there. Look for their largest ad- vertisers and you can invariably depend upon the fact that you have found the most reliable and desirable firms in that community —.Reading Pa. Eagle. ARCHBISHOP DENNISON'S FAMOUS TOAST. "Here's health to all that we love, Here's health to all that love pe, Here's health to all those that love them That love those that love them That love us." Do you notice what a large circle this wish for health includes and will you Notice the reference is not to tl'e. `winecup, but to a standard medicine, the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' that can bring health to the large number of friends we each love. True, it is not a 'beverage,' and does not in- ebriate, but is a Health -giving medicine, a blood -purifier, liver invigorator and general tonic—a remedy for Biliousness, Indiges- tion, and Stomach troubles. It cures Consumption, in its early stages, Scrofula, Bronchitis, ;and; throat diseases. NOTED PEOPLE. Marshal Booth gives this suc- cinct statement of the salvation methods : 'Scrubology and soapology, instead of theology, in dealing with the submerged twentieth of society. Rider Haggard'swife is a plump and rosy little Englishwoman, the personification of energy, and in that respect as well as in stature the very opposite of her talented h usband. Boston has made discovery that the original of Longfellow's Vil- lage Blacksmith, who stood un- der the spreading chestnut tree, and the muscles of whose brawny arms were as strong as iron bands is Henry Francis Moore, a black- smith still living in Medford, Mass. Minard siliniment is used by Physician On the forefinger of Chauncey Depcw may be seen an old ring which has been often commented upon. It is one of those mystic German rings which was given him by one of the nobility while abroad. .Composed of three separate bands, it parts slightly in the middle when the fingers are bent. The outside is perfectly plain and is set with ruby and amethyst. Upon pressing these stones, a spring opens and dis- covers the surface covered with magical signs and names of spirits. -Queen Victoria's daughters, in addition to being excellent needle. women, are also good cooks. When they were children they had a little kitchen of their own at Osborne, where they e )ncocted all kinds of dishes, sweets being naturally the favorites. Here they converted into jam the fruit out of their own gardena, and turned out many a savory dish for the delectation of their bro- thers, all of whom had as excell- ent appetites as generally apper- tain to boys. At least one of the Princesses still continues to cook an occasional little dish, and has been heard to say that she would have made an excellent chef. e WHAT A CHANGE Is wrought in people who suffer rheumatism when they take Hood's Sarsaparilla, The acidity of the blood, which causes the disease, is neutralized, the blood is purified and vitalized,the aching joints and limbs rest easily and quietly, and a feeling of serene health is imparted. Hood's Sar- saparilla has accomplished wond- ers for thousands subject to rheumatism. Try it yourself. Children Cry for AN AGE OF DISCOVERY. The latter half of the 19th century will pass into history as one into which is crowded more in entions and dis- coveries for the benefit of mankind than in all the centuries that have preceded it. Among these discoveries none will take higher rank than those in medicine calculated to relieve "the ills that flesh is heir to," restore vitality, and.prolong life. Ladies everywhere will rejoice at the discovery of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, undoubtedly the greatest remedy for their peculiar ailments yet discover- ed. These pills are the result of al- most life study, and are a certain nerve tonio and blood builder, supplying the elements necessary to enrich the blood and transform pale, sallow or greenish complexion to the pink and glow of perfeot health. These pills are an un- failing cure for nervods dibility, palpit- ation of theheart, loss of, appetite, headacheand all the irregularities of the female system that entail so much mis ery and distress. Every suffering woman should give them a trial. For sale by all dealers or will be sent, post paid, on receipt -50 cents a box—by addres- sing the Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Beware of„iInitations. A STORY OF STANLEY. Professor Vambery,after his re- turn from London, was. the other day relating to a select party of friends one of his conversations with the great explorer Stanley. On this ocoasion Vambery was requested to obtain photos of Stanley, together with his signa- ture, for several members of the National Casino. Vambery agreed to do so and purchased a few photos of Stanley, which be sent to him with the request that he would affix his signature to each. A reply was received, not from Stanley, but from his se- cretary, which ran as follows•-: 'Dear Sir,—My principal begs to inform you that he won't part with his autograph, even to his own mother, for less than £10.'— Allgemeine Zeitung. interest to some of your readers, I send you a few ).teres.. The charge . which 1 am; placed consists of two e gregations, viz., •1'rospeot Land ant The eiinrehos ars nine in apart. The reads ter the most par the year are *kir& good, so that drive does no wain long, The P Peet ohuroh is ilfthrl x1 six miles d north of Portagq la Prairie, in a g agricultural district—the garden of Northwest, w st, They have never miss crop there. Quite a number ,of the Huron have settled in this part, said are do well. ,Among those ecmir% from n Clinton are W. F. Smith, ex -Ree John Grant, D. E. dloDonald, Capt Sheppard, Mr and Mrs Yuill, (lath and mother of James Yuill, who ke store in Clinton) two sons a three. daughters, all married and doi well; a third son lives in the Porta The people 'are a sober God fearing, i dustrrous class, and, as a consequen are doing well; w We have in connection with this co gregation only 20 families—about mmebere of church. This year we built nice frame church 30x40, with a vestr furnished complete, and heated wi hot air furnace, ata cost of $1900, an it is free of debt. Besides raising th amount they gave $450 toward stipen $208 to missions, $24 to French eve gelization, etc., raising altogether, $205 High Bluff is about seven miles ea of Portage. The land is a little lowe and perhaps not quite so .. good as a Prospect, it is, however, a good gra district; Owens and Delworths, fro near Wingham, were among the fir settlers here. The congregation built new frame church here also, last sum mer, 30x40, costing about $1600. Thi church is also free of debt. , We rais in this congregation $2,100 from thirt families. We are getting along nicely, and lik thecountryvery much. We have ha a most beautiful winter thus far. Th weather has been all one could wish just cold enough to be invigorating clear and dry, the roads being hard an smooth. We have scarcely snow enoug forigood sleighing yet. When reedit the accounts of distress from hunge and cold, experienced in some of th naturally warmer countries we congrat .late ourselves on the fine weather w are having. What are my impressions of th country after being in it for nearly tw years ? Taking it as a whole I thin it is a great agricultural country, whil its stook raising resources. especiall in the west, are. enormous. It is also rich in coal and other minerals in some parte. There are drawbocks (and wha country has none ?' Such as distant from market, scarcity as a usual thin of fruit, and summer frosts. The lat ter are not so disasterous, in mos oases as many re r o make believe' p to j ve I don't know that the damage done by atmospheric changes ie much worse than in many other countries consider- ed to be more highly favored. Of course there are parts of the country not suited to agricultural pur- suits, just as there are parts of Ontario not suited to grain growing, but there is plenty of good Irid to be taken up, and when a good plan takes up good land he usually raises a good crop. Some have come here expecting to get a crop by tickling the ground and driving a seeder over it. They have been dis- appointed and have gone away blams- ing the country, when the fact was that the fault lay in their own laziness, or lack of brain power, or both. There is plenty of room for good, in- telligent, hard-working young men, and they will succeed. But, if a young man wants to start in advance of where his father leaves off, he had better just stay with the old man till he dies, and then spend what . he . has earned. This country, like all new countries,' wants brains, bone and sinewand a willing- ness to to use them, andany• one who has not these qualifications had better stay where some one else can do his thinking and his working. 'I would not advise any man who has a good house in Ontario to sell it and come here. I think he would be foolish un- less he has a lot ,of boys and wants to settle them near together, but a young man wanting to start for himself 1 think can do better than in an older country. The cost of living is a, little higher than in Ontario, but the country is improving in this respect as in many others. The competition in all lines of trade has materially reduced the prices the last few years. We have nearly all the conveniences, so far as communioa. tion with the world at large is concern- ed that old countries have. My letter is already toollong. Wishing the New ERA every success, I remain Yours sincerely M. C. RUMBALL. ' luPl mmox of T> >r fiTa.Ta s (13y #! Canadian,) To ,41te Bf<li�vr of the CLi op New era s 7kfu En1Toi--Doabtless you `have desire, stronger at some times than °there, to °roes over into the land wh the (lives American lives, that y ma :: see his home, bow lie lives xn an` bow the wonderful sights of b country compare with those of .yp own. It is not necessary that i th desire be born of a spirit of pa riotism, but clay have Its origin In ambition to wide°. the area, of ,y, "knows" and learn more of th neighbors who are to -day playing important a part hi making, the ;h% ory of your own country. Then, wi the desire of information in your mi., and a fill wallet, you board a tra headed towards London, where y must wait two or three hours for train to take you to Port Huron, city, population 14,000, on the Aweri can Bide opposite Sarnia—if you . bu wait a little the tunnel will have sup planted the ferry in furnishing you with a means of crossing the , river. The first impression you have of Port Huron is "what a dingy, dirty place!' yet the next moment you exclaim 'what a beautiful river." It is the St. Clair river which adds so unroll to he enjoyment of living in this qity. True there are large iron -works, great mills and other manufactures. During he past year a vast amount of build - ng wee done in various parts of the ity. Business in general is alive here. Having taken this general survey, you re ready to move onward, but where s your baggage? Before you oan re- eve it, you must subject it to the een scrutiny of a good natured.but ometimee would -be -suspicious Yankee ustoms' officer. No difficulty will ere present itself as you have only ersonal effects.- Had it been other- ise, and you had with you some artio- s, by the sale of which you may pos- bly meditate gain—down comes the ankee hammer from the Chinese all between Canada and the United tates, and knocks your would -be -pro -- t higher than a kite, simply by mak- g you pay from one-fourth to one- ird of value of the goods in hand— uty. Yes, I would favor freer trade lations between these two countries. would be better for both sides. We on't need annexation nationally, how- er desirable it may be for certain lade nd lasses- of both sides to have the remony performed individually. terling, Mich. Jan 31., '91. J. M. 11. [We shall • be pleased if our corres- ondent will continue his "impress - ns," taking whatever scope he desires. Ed New ERA.] at • : ora et; 114 rlr fr. Qat for ,nfants and Children. see ... ._.... ,. typreacTi tion ours. hie QoKg th [rniommendltitilaupi�{ar aa_preitnt eweetamacth, �u!r»a,altructatte4. min - • ALL MEN THEIR NAME IS LEGION. There is no lack of so-called cures for the common ailment known as corns. The vegetable, animal, and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked for cares. It is a simple matter to remove corns without pain, for if you will go to any druggist .or medicine. dealer and buy a bottle of Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor and apply it as directed the thing is clone. Get 'Putnam's.' and no other. A reciprocity agreement be- tween the United States and Brazil, which has the approval of President Harrison, has been signed, and will go into force January 1, 18 92. Tho majority of -deaths from consumption in this country had their origin in neglected cold in the head and catarrh, either of which can be speedily cured by the use of Nasal Balm. Give it it trial. A number of farmers in the vicinity ofHugersville, who were dissatisfied with the Millers' As- sociation, have erected a gristmill of 85 barrels a day capacity. The mill bas just commenced operations. Bishop Engle, of the church of Uaithed Brethren, at Abilene, Kansas, speculated in real estate and became bankrupt. The el - dors of his church expelled him from the ministry for 'indiscreet fin antiei'i ng.' Pitcher's Castoria. young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous,weak and exhausted who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the fol- lowing symptoms ; Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis- sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, pimplee on the face or body,itohing or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz- ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposit° in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musoles,de- sire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss -of voice, desire for solitude, excit- ability of temper,sunken eyes surround- ed with Leaden Cirole,oily looking skin, eto., are all symptoms of nervous de- bility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tention every function wanes in consequence. Those when through abuse committed in ignorann ° may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all di°eases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E.,•Toronto,Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the eymptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot ihiehae, tush of blood to the bead, duin in the heart with beats strong, raid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the brevet bone, etc., can positive- ly be cured. No =ono ay.' Sendfo book. .. Address M. V. 1,111 30N, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. June 20, 1890. When Baby was sick, wa gave her Caetoria, then alio was a Obild, abs cried for Caltoris, i hen ebe became lige, she cling to Csetoria, Whin she had Children, ebb `ave them Caetoria to 1q sell; 8 L Aaalta., 74 D > . a►O e).rtes +t�Pt asst ptoosepr di- al O ssyit,,> a,i.T,m '111i1��iYt�t, °L�tito�a� tit, °a .y. Tao Cnurroga HOIaPA.SY, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.; t t a m k S c h p w le siY W S fi in th red It d ev a ce S leo __...__ CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physioan, retired from prao- t_ce, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYES, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. ONE WAY TO MAKE BAD HUSBANDS GOOD Alderman Bienhauer bas hit on a rather novel plan of re-estab- lishing domestic felicity in unhap- py homes by curing convivial husband, of drunkenness. His plan was unfolded in a conversa- tion with a woman who last night wished to sue her husband for support. "I'!1 tell you how to cure him,” said the alderman., "You just do the same as he does. If ho comes home and smashes. furniture, you take a poker and help him. If he swears, you swear worse than he does. If he gots d run k, you go and get drunk too. You can stop him that way, for I have given others the same advice, and their husbands wilted, and things were thereafter all righ t. "A short time ago a woman came to me and said her husband got drunk and raised a row at home. I told her to do the same and she said she would. After leaving my office she saw the bar- keeper of the saloon her husband frequented, and told him that if she came into the ealoon and ask- ed fbr.'tl drink be must not stop her, but do as she wanted. "The next evening she walked boldly into the saloon where her husband and boon companions were ranged along the bar, and said : 'I say, follows, it's mighty mean weather. Have a 'drink, will you ? Take one on me. Bar- tender, give me a good, stiff whis- key, I want the best.' "Looking at the men, who stood aghast, the woman said :— 'What's up, boys ? Have a drink, 1 say', and; she drained the brim- ming glass, though it nearly choked her. Her husband came up to her and said: 'Why, Mary, why are you here.' 'I've as much right as you,' replied the woman. "As a sequel to- -the - story, the man and wife left the saloon to- gether, and the husbandtook a solemn velar never to touch liquor again. The couple are now living very happily, -and it was better than a dozen lawsuits." - When the alderman finished his tale, the woman said : 't'll do the same thing if it kills me." .4. C. C. RICHARne & Co. ,GENTS—I have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for some years and believe' it the best medicine in the market as it does all it is recom- mended to do. Gauntlet Forks, N. B., D. K1llrisTEAD. John Mader, Mahone Bay, informs us that he was cared of a very severe attack of rheumatism by fleeing MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Cheap Crockery czt----AS WE INTEND— Givillg up the Crockery and Glassware Branch of our business, and want to clear out the stock by Jan. lst., we will, on and after Nov. ist, offer The Entire Stock at COST The stock is all new and consists of DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CHAR. BBB SETS (in white and colored ware,). GLASSWARE, &c. This is th best offer ever made in Clinton, and intending purchasers should es amine our stock before buying. TERMS STRICTLY CASH COOPS °&LOGAN NEXT TO COUCH'S, CLINTON. FARMERS AND THRESHERS CYLINDER —AND -- WOOL OILS SEE TIIAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED ---SHOULD USE McCOLL BROS. LARDINE OIL,. --AND- -BOILER-- PURGER McCOLL BROS., L� R DINE, . — TORtINa't} D'A vignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face nd hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. • t is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissuperior pre- anation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, ohapping, col. • sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. : In sehort D'Avreeoe's CREAM OF WITCH-HAZELis at once a remedy and a preventfor very form ofsurface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Manufactured by JAMFce H. 41010 111113E, . CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. THE - CENTRAL - CROCERY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. McMurray &- Wiltse Beg to announce that they are ready or the Ufa 1 and winter trade with a large stook of GENERAL GROCERIES NEW FRUITS CANNED. GOODS. Try our Ceylon and Indian BLACK TEA, it is..second.to none in the town. Japan and Hyson TEAS, no bettor value any. where. COFFEES, fresh ground and warranted A 1. A full stock of Robb'g Celebrated MEATS and SAUSAGES. Take a look at our prize BAKING POWDER, made by Mayell, of London. Handsome Glassware with every pound can. Try our German Table MUSTARD. Something new and very fine Crockery & Lamps} Just arrived a choice lot of Crockery and Lamps. Handsome Dinner, .Tea and Bed room Sets, choice patterns and prides low. Lamps, Burners, Glasses, Wicks and No. 1 Canadian Coal Oil. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed MCMURRAY & WILTSE - CLINTON COME AND TAKE This Valuable Present Away with You The subscriber offers one of Doherty & Co's justly cote orated ORGANS free, with one Package of James Watson & Co's CHARM BAKING POWDER, price 54cents. This gives an opportunity of securing ar Organ worth $196, for fifty cents The organ will be on exhibition at oar f / ; • ,r > ; ore Saturday next. A ' c11 solicite.l from visitor.; to Great Huron Central Exhibition N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL.