The Clinton New Era, 1891-02-06, Page 1'welter-
TVeelerrY FOLIRT13 Veus
;Tee Wleoles Apktna'nor 1e0e
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Weekly Budget
• ra•ona all parts of the County -by widesaveake
and lively Correspondents
Lae' BeemBer. - On Monday of
last week MrsIdawea,who lives about
a, rile east of here, fell and broke her
leg about two inches above the ankle.
Under skilful medical treatment she
JH progreasing favorably.
• SAw MILL. -Mr S. S. Cole, one of
our most enterprising citizens, has
purchased a portable eaw mill, which
• he expects to have in complete run-
ning order in a short tire. This will
Pe a great conveuience to farmers in
this locality, and they will not be
• elow to avail themeelvee of it,
Noma - Mr Aaron Tyretnan of
Brandonf, is at present visiting friends
in this vicinity; it is about nine years
since Mr Tyremau moved to Manito-
ba, and be Is now one of the largest
and most prosperous farmers in the
preirie Province. Mr Sim. Rands is
present laid up with a felon on his
hand. John Wilson, of Seaforth,
epont last week visiting friends here.
Miss Maggie Hays, of M cKillop,spent
a few days here last week, the guest
of her friend, Miss Ida Britton.
LAtemeeeneo ACCIDENT. - Mr
James W. Warwick, a former red -
*tit of Hullett, but who is traveller
for esne /*mit house, has been the
viefim of an unfortunate accident.
e was on a visit at his home in Con-
, tzance, and the other day, while at
L e, brother-in-law's, undertook to
kill a fowl by cutting its head off with
an axe. The block upon which be
laid the fowPs head was surrounded
by ice, and as the axe descended, the
blow meant for the fowl glanced with
full force on Mr Warwick'e wrist,
severing the left hand all but a slight
piece of skin. The cut was so bad
that amputation had to be resorted to.
As he was ten miles in the country
from Seaforth, he lost a great deal of
blood before medical aid could be ob-
tained, although all was promptly
done that was possible under the cir-
cumstances. He is doing as well
'old be expected.
TEMPLARS.-The membership of
our temperance lodge is steadily in •
creasing. An organ has been pro-
cured from Mr Oakes, of Clinton,
ick will greatly add to the enjoy -
t these -attending the lodge.
ne following delegates from this
lodge attended the meeting of the
District ,Lodge held at Blyth, on
Wednesday, January 28: -Misses C.
Laithwaite and May Baker, Messrs
A. Tebbutt and W. Lowery.
NoTES.-Mr T.- Wallaee is, on, the
sick list. Mr W. Brown has rented
the farm of his father-in-law, Mr Jae
McIlyeen. Miss Flora Miller has
returned from her visit to relatives
in Wingbam. There was a dancing
party at Mr John Smith's, on Friday
night last. Mr James McBrien has
been very low for the past few days,
and as he is a very old man, but slight
'hopes are entertained for his recovery.
We underatand that the Orangemen
have purchased the old B. C. church,
and it will now be used as an Orange
ball. Mr T. Cousins has been engag-
ed in the place of Mr C. Long, who
has just completed his year's engage.
ment. Mr G. Laithwaite, of Clinton,
plumed through here one day Mat
week, driving a span of spirited pon-
ies. it takes George to 'cut a shine.'
There is a great quantity of wood and
loge • being transported from their
---fthome to town and to the mills
just now. A social, on behalf of
Ebenezer church, will be held at the
home of Mr44 Glazier, on the 9th inst.
NOTES. - Mr James Henderson,
whose foot was so severely cut sonie
seven weeks ago, is slowly recovering.
Misses B. Kerr and L. Shannon have
been visiting friends on the 10th
con. Several of the young folk of
• this township attended the entertain-
ment in Tuckersmith, on Friday
evening last, in the school taught by
Miss Pollard, and contributed largely
• to the program; among the number
were Messrs J S Hogg and George
Turnbull. An entertainment will be
held in the school house, on the llth
con., on Friday evening, and'a well
rendered proaram is expected. Mr
and Miss McDonald, of St. Marys,
are at present visiting at Mr George
-- • •• -
East Wawanosli.
Non:se-Mr McKay, of Ashfield,
was visiting at Mr Alex Dingwalls'.
Will Robertson returned to Blyth,last
week. Mr Jas. Rath, is repairing
hi cottage for a new tennant. -Mr
McCallum,teacher in Marnooh,was in
• Clinton last .week. John Armour
wati at St Hellens last week. Mr
Thomas Bell intends building a been
on his 5,9 est; „ the epring.
leer etiecle•te%Itis, Book Keeper in
•elode ich Organ Factory, was home
45---eriaet week. Mr Joe Stewart, of Clive-
• tote Was home this week.
se. • - -••
Nieres. -Mrs Duncan McEwee left
last week for the Northweet; sbe goes
to join her husband, who has been in
the prairie Province for about a year,
and has a good situation in Carberry.
Mr Hugh Gilmour, er., left on Tues-
day for hie home near Moose Jaw. -
ern SOCIAL. -There W
laege turnout at the social of Rising
Sun,Grange. oli Wednesday night,
although the only speaker preaent
Was Mr John McMillen, a fiat class
time was spent, all prompt enjoying
themselves well Mr W Scott was
A meeting will be held in Broad.
foot's school house, next Monday
evening, for the purpose of appoint-
ing delegates to the Reform Conven-
tion to be held at Brucefield on
Wednesday next, to select rg candi-
date for the Dominion elections.
That, slippery roads make dangerous
travelling. That it must be leen year.
That the young man who disfigured
tee desk of No. 4 school -house the
night of the entertainment,had better
be more careful. That two is com-
pany and ehree a crowd. That most
familia' need a daughter-in-law.
NOTES. -The trustees of No 4.
echoolhouse have purchased a hand-
some desk and new window blinds,
whichgreatly impeove the appear-
ance of the school. Mr John White
is busy drawing material for his new
house. Mrs J. Bissell, of Michigan,
is visiting at Mr E. Turner's. Mr R.
White, who was confined to the house
by illness, is improving.
evening last a good entertainment was
held in Broadfoot's schoolhouse, with
Mr Herbert Crich in the chair. The
building was more than full. The
musical part of the program was fur-
nished chiefly by singers from Har-
lot, Walton, McKillop and Grey.
• The young people of the neighbor-
hood gave a number of dialogues,
readings, etc. Mr James Hinchley,
of Kinburn, greatly pleased the
audience, by a display of his powers
as a ventriloquist. The proceeds of
the enterainment aniounted to over
Paramount. •
ACCIDENT. - On Saturday, while
Mrs McNay and her son Peter were
going to Lucknow, their horse be-
came unmanageable, throwing Mrs
McKay out on the hard ground, and
causing some injuries. The doctor
has been in attendance, and we hope
'menet?, see her around again.
DIED -In Ashfield, on January'
24th, Mrs Campbell, relict of the late
Kenneth Campbell, died at her resi-
dence, on the 12th con. Deceased
was over 80 years of age, and had
excellent health up to a few weeks
previous to her death. She was one
of the oldest settlers in this section.
DEATH. -After an illness of over
two years, Mrs Robert Hamilton died
at the house of her father, Mr Mc-
Donagh, Ashfield, on Saturday, Janu-
ary 24th. Her death was caused by
an inward growth, and although the
best medical aid in the country was
obtained, still nothing could be done
to relieve her suffering, till God called
her to himself. Her remains were
interred in Zion cemetery.
NOTES.-MiSS Anuie Agnew re-
turned home last week from Detroit
and Plainfield, where she has been
staying for the past few monthe. Mr
Andrew McLelland, ot Emmett, Mich,
paid us a flying visit this week. Mrs
Andrew Dryden, and her sister, Mar-
tha •Murdoch, left on Saturday, to
spend a few weeks with friends in
Galt and vicinity. Mesere Jo. Reid
and Peter McKenzie are busy getting
material on the ground for building
stone basements under their Immo
-during the coming summer.
NOTE.S.-The special meetings at
this place are still being carried on
by the pastor, Rev H. Irvine. Miss
S. J. Williems was here for three
weeks arid won the love of all; she is
a good preacher and it successful ex-
horter; during the three weeks about
a score of S. S. children aud fifteen
adults sought religion, the church and
congregation gave Miss Williams an
offering of $66.40 in return for her
services; this young lady will be wel-
come any tines she can return to
Chiselhurst, the • people expect a
glorious work to be accomplished yet.
A strong warfare is being waged
against the mixed dance, tobacco and
alcohol. • Mrs R. Gilligan continues
very sick. John Shepherd is getting
quite strong after his recent accident,
mu ela to the delight of his many
friends. Prohibition petitions are
being circulated in this neighborhood
for presentatioe to Senate and Com-
mons at the next session; all should
s ign.
NOTEs.-John Horton and Donald
Cummings attended the Presbytery
meeting held in Knox church, on
Tuesday last, as delegates from Lee -
burn church. John Horton, S. E.
Williams, Misses E. Linfield and R.
Gordon were in Blyth last week, at-
tending the district meeting of the
I 0.G.T.; they reported a large meet-
ing and a splendid time. Prof Mor-
gan, the blind vocalist, is still in the
neighborhood, being the guest of Mr
and Mrs R. William; the Professor
and Fairy intend giving a series of
concerts before leaving, as follows.-
Kintail, on the 6th inst.; Benmiller,
on the 9th; Smithei Hill, on the 12th.
The many friends ol Mr and Mrs
Hoene Herton, now of Goderieh,
were very sorry to hear last Thursday
of their bereavement, in the death of
their little ten months old son. Miss
M. J. Linfield spent a few days with
her friend, Miss E. Potter, near the
Nile, last weer, Mr Hillary Horton,
who has been busy getting material
ready for a new barn, took advantage
of the good sleighing, on Wednesday
of last week, by getting several of the
neighbors to help to draw stone for
the foundation, and got over 20 loade
home that day.
CLiNtiON, ONT., FEBRUARY 6, 1891.
•, Blyth
AootpliatT,---Arthur Steinhoff met
with a vary mime accident last week.
while n pping on Geo. McGowan's
fermi* ert distance from here. It
'melee Lb one of Air McGowaree mons
was drIeleg a wedge into a log, when
the histiel Of the axe came off, striking
Steiithoft on the leg. severing an
artery, and neceseitating the insertion
of fourt etitches Under the care
he is doing as well as can
. He 41 a,member of the
Ottne, hat Order of
LY geee-The quar-
_ng eervice in the Methodiet
church 're, laet Sabbath, was the
hugest 'weer held in Blyth. The
church' Wars thoroughly &Ilea, aud°
over two hundred partook of the sac-
rament) Of the Lord' e Supper. Mies
Williatpe, the well known evangelist,
preachede a sermon that was thorough-
ly enjoeeti,,by the large congregation.
After tee sernlon the love feast and
saerameetal service were conducted
by the pastor. Both were delighful
servicee. We understand the board
meeting nil Monday showed the !Inane
ces to be in a very prosperous condi-
tion -the beet they have been for
yeara. • Miss Williams assists Mr
Campbell at the Jackson church this
GOOD !SERVICES -The • Rey. John
Gray, of Windsor, conducted the an-
niversary servicee of the Presbyterian
Church, last Sabbath. In the morn-
ing he preached from Luke 'vie 5,
showing 'that faith is an element of
human nature, that it is natnral for
man to exercise it; that faith admitted
of degree, and spoke of the amazing
faith of the 'sceptic, when. in the face
ofall the light which surrounds him,
he holds to his antetheietic theories,
and also dwelt on the necessity of an
increase of faith. In the evening he
took for his text from Rom. 12, 1.
Both sernsons were eloqueut, able and
reed* and were listened to atten-
tively by large audiences. On Mon-
day evening Mr Gray gave a lecture
on 'Lights and shadows beyond the
sea," or • incidents of his travels in
Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales
and France. The lecture took over
an hour to deliver, dealing with the
national appearances and resources of
the several countries, the state of
society past and present. the questione
which now agitate public opinion.
He gave a vivid description of his'
visit les Hawarden, portraying in
fitting terms this "Grand Old Man,"
as he saw him, and the large number
of Americans who resort to Hawarden
to get it glimpse of Mr Gladstone.
The whole service paned off success-
fully and profitably.
NOTES. -Owing to the inclemency
of the weather, the prayer meetings
were esotsee, well .attended last week
as befefeefsete. Tenets Sperling hav-
ing disposed of his property to .11.
Pletzer, has moved into Dr Milne's
house, on Dinsley street, and Mr
Pletzer has moved into his new home.
J. Cairns, ot Toronto, was here this
week, on business. It is rumored
that T. W. Scott intends going into
boot and shoe business. W Shane, jr,
and J Davis were in Brussels last
week. George Powell was in Bel -
grave and vicinity last week, buying
potatoes. A.Wetlauffer has purchased
the butchering business from Kelly
Bros.Bros. the one lately bought by them
Bell. It is announced that
W J Bengough, of Toronto, will gir'a
obe of his popular lectures here on
the 4th of March. Mrs Marshall, of
St. Marys, is visiting at M Young's.
Ala, Robertson is laboring under a
severe cold; keep off the corners, Ab.
Jenny will come soon. Fred B. Cum-
mer, formerly editor of the Standard,
is home from Windsor, visiting his
wife and family. S H Gidley was in
London last week. A game of foot
• ball, between Ebenezer and Blyth,
was played here on Thursday, ending
in a draw. Fred Mullett was up be-
fore Messrs Young and Hamilton, on
Saturday, charged with purloining a
set of harness from one Garrett. and
was sent to Goderich for trial. A.
McNally and W Levy have purchased
the right of the Excelsior Bag Scale
for the county of Huron, and if the
article is as represented to be, we
predict for them success. Lawyer
Hayes, of Brussels, was in town on
business, on Friday last. A large
number of our youth and beauty took
in the ball at Bell's, Londesboro, on
Friday night. Miss Hamilton, 'of
Staffa, sister of our popular druggist,
is visiting here. R 5 Pelton, former•
iy on the Standard staff, but now edit-
or of the Atwood Bee, was visiting
friends here this week. A foot ball
match was played here on Saturday,
between Londesboro and Blyth, and
resulted, after an exciting contest, in
a win for the latter team, Will
Powell, who left the employ of Mc-
Kinnon & Powell, about a year ago'.
has returned and accepted his old
position; wo are glad to see `Billy'
back, as he is much thought of here,
The `at home' given by the ladies Of
Trinity church, in Industry Hall, on
Friday tut, was both enjoyable and
successful; after every one had en-
joyed themselves with various games,
and done ample justice to the g000l
things provided by the ladies, a short
and attractive program was given in
good style by those taking part there-
in. An oyster supper was given by
the firemen to their late chief, Mr J.
Emigh, on Thursday, 5th inst. Dr
Fred Milne, of Clinton, was in town
on Monday. • The Musical Museet-
*ere, tinder the auspices of the Salva-
tion Army, gave a musical Mixture
(as they cell it) on the 5th inst. D.
Dorrance, catter and pork packer for
McKinnon & Powell, is taking a few
days' rest at his home, in Seaforth.
Mr Andrew Sloan, who has been on
an extended trip to the Southern
Stated, has returned to town. George
King will not accept the office of
second cop in Blyth. The monthly
fair, on Tuesday, was not well at-
tended, owing to the stormy weather.
Arthur Erwin, of Auburn, was in
town laet week. Mies Anne Moffatt
intends going OD A yieit to Wroxeter
%hie week.
H ullett
• rnolaric.-Mr Ben. Churchill is
the owner of it cow that has been
wonderfully prolific, having this
year given birth to twin calve*,
which Is the third pair of calves in
four coneecutiye years.
NOTZA.-MIEB Mary Riddell, of
Tara, is at present on a visit to the
old home on the 18th. Mrs and Mr
R. McCullagh and their daughter,
Georgina,of Goderich township, spent
Saturday and Sunday with the form-
er's sister, Mrs A. El. Plummer.
man named Fred Mullett, who has
been working around for some time,
was arrested on Saturday by Constable
Davis, of Blyth charged with stealing
a new set of single harness from John
Garrett, of this township. The bars
nese was found in his possession and
he was accordingly committed to jail
for trial.
WELL DONE. - The boast was
last week made that the collecs
tor of McKillop had gathered in all
the taxes except one dolfai. • Mr T.-
Neilans, the faitliful and efficient col-
lector of this township, has done even
better than that. Out of, a •total of
$12,608.10 to be collected, he gather-
ed every cent. This is something
that we do not suppose is equalled
anywhere, and reflects great credit on
the collector and ratepayers alike.
SCHOOL -The foilowine is the re-
port of S. S. No. 7 for the month of
January: -Fifth class. -marks ob-
tainable, 100 -Wm McVittie 91, Liz•
zie Brown 91, Alberta Shobbrook 88,
Robert Kelly 65. Fourth class, -
marks obtainable, 112 -Kate Little
104, Fred Shobbrook 90, May McVit-
tie 77, Amelia Little 75, Gilbert
earning 69, Lora Hancock 64. Third
class -marks obtainable, 130-e-. Dolly
Murphy 121, Maggie Murphy 112,
Robert Pate 106, Thomas Knox 104,
Clara Sanderson 92, Edith Beeves 85.
Senior Second class, -marks obtain-
able, 121 -Albert Brigham 87, Nellie
Lyons 78, Wm Bedford 66, John Bed-
ford 66, Mathew Morris 56, Melville
Beggs 49, George Collinson 47, Wes-
ley Suobbrook 46. Junior Second
class, -marks obtainable, 136 -Hem sr
Little 121, Mary Murphy 97, George
Caldwell 88, Albert McVittie 79, Ellit. a prosperous position, and the pastor
highly esteemed.
Caldwell 67, Rosy Walker 62. Part Mrs Akins, of whom we made me
IL -Marks obtainable, 100 -Russel tion last week as being very ill, di
on Saturday morning last at the re-
sidence of Mr M er McLean. She
was Mrs McLean's step sister, elso:
bore the same relationship to elm
W Hoffman,. of this place. Her re -
Mains were interred in the Harpur-
hey cemetery on Monday, the funer-
al being largely attended.
'The Royal Tempters meetings,
held -every Monday evening, in the
Odelfellowe Hall, are; we think,. the
most- interesiting and profitesekeln
our town, that is, speaking oreeiefet-
ies. During the past few weeks the
programs presented under the order
of business, exercises for . the good
of the order, have been of an excell-
ent character, and any one wishing
to spend a plea,ant evening once a
wee:: wotild do well in unitiug
Lavinia 13righam 376,Sarah Mathes 3I1 themselves Wit ii the above order,
CrAss.-Thomas Wallace 812, they would also be lending a hand in
Robert N. Cole, 774,Alice 13righarn 772helping along a good cause.
Alvin Brogdon, 715, Vincent McConnel Nni:* Maud Wilson left on
709, Cora Newton 706„John Moore 687, ; Tuesday hot, to lake a position as
Harry Allen 668, Lawday Young, 654. I telegraph operator, at Plattsyille.
Jennie Robertson 545,Mq
ina Proctor 11.2 ,
, uarteriy se rv ices will be held in the
Bella Cnaningham 388, William J Cole
Methodist church, on Sunday next;
211, David Patterson, 69.
We are pleneed to say Mra Thor
Ward, who has been seriously a
for some time, is recovering.
Mr Josepla Noble, jr, formerly Of
Seaforth, is at present visiting frteeds
and relatives here,and is looking hale
and hearty.
ber of the Varna Council . T. o ,T.
n -
visited Brucefield Council, on last
Monday night. A good progrem
was provided, and a very enjoyahle
evening was epent.
'February 1st, was missionary dat on
the Varna circuit, when the Rolle.
11. Harvey, B.A., of Guelph, preaelied
strong inspreseive sermons on God's
command and the churche duty with
regard to tbe heathen world. 'Our
missionary money will be at tenet 30
per cent in advance of last year.
On Saturdaylast as Mr W Elleott,
an employee n the service of Mr
Geo Beatty, was cutting straw with
the horse power, the tumbling shaft,
-by Bowe means or other, came apart,
and struck him with duch violence
in the abdemen, that he was kneek-
ed insensible; he remained in this
unconscious state several hours; we
are pleased to say, however that he is
rapidly recovering.
$1JPRISE. - Mr Wm Armstrong,
son of Mr Tom Armstrong, who was
but a small boy when he left here
with his parents for the state of
Missouri, eleven years ago, suddenly
called on his relatives and friends
the other day. Father time bad
however wrought such a change on
hie appearance that none of hitt old
acquaintance were able to recogilize
him; he speaks very favorable 01 the
sunny south, but thinks this is the
Rev J. L. Murray, of Ki ncardine,
is announced to occupy the pulpit of
Egmondville church, on Sunday
nexeand preach anniversary sermons;
on Monday he will deliver his popu-
lar address on "my trip to Italy and
what I saw by the way." Since the
Rev Geo Needham assumed the pas-
torate of the above church, it is in
Sundercock 81, Albert Knox 68,
Minnie Lear 62.
Report of ehe S. S. No. 8, for Jan.: -
Jennie Woodman, .905; Henry Len-
nox, 861; Rphraim Gray, 843; Nel-
son Bell, 816; Orpha Whitely, 812;
Bertie Gray, 796; Dan McConnell,
759; John B. Be11,739; JohriMetelihell,
722; Fred Johnston, 506; Thomas
Adams, 479. FOURTH CLASS. -Herbert
Mogridge, 909; James Webster, 855;
Ida Riley 350; Lenorff Whitely 1343,
Joseph Webster 841, Elva Adams 793,
MabelBell 772,Raymond McConnel 762,
Lorenzo Brigham 760, Ida Bulger 722.,
Francis Longman, 687, George Martyn
650, John II. Shobbrook 650, Anna
;Jeffrey 622, Frank McConnell 565,
Bertie Moore .502, Sarah Hill, 488,
Johsph Garrett,456, Ada Shobbrook 417
love feast will take &ace in the base-
.] UN 10 It I) E PARINI ENT. -311I, (' A s5.- -
Lon Onintette 945, Bernice Moore 894, meat before preaching, and the Lord's
Charlie Watson 827, Ada Brigham 607, ,.7.tipper administered at the clote of
Edgar Alogridge 607, Willie Townsend
606,•Lyda shobbrook 533, Wilfred Crisp
505, Minnie Nelson.466, John Crawford
464, Alice Mountain, 188. Willie
Stephenson 120. 2Ne CT, A Ethel
Barr, 780, Amelia Brown 612, Rose
Riley 583, Carrie Crawford 468, Alice
Oliver 453, Dillia Oliver 271, Rose Cole
224. CLASS. -Olvettie Brigham
860, Willie Day, 762, Eliza Garrett 696,
Harvie Longman 665, Jessie Willis
539, Tommy Lee 503, Wesley Cole -
borne 493 Wesley Lee 1_72, Allis Law-
rence 430, Maggie NThion 428, Elva
Wallace 409.
Grotterie h.
usual very interesting program of this
society last Friday evening and was
as follows: -Recitation Miss Minnie
Ball, reading Miss Charles B. A.,
neale quartette, Messrs Mullen, Moir,
Morrish and McDonald; recitation,
Misr; Maccormaek, Chorus. Glen
Club, editorial selections J. McDon,
aid; Reading, Mr Strang; "Lochail's
Warning" Messrs Styles and Ross;
recitation, "Burial March of Mont-
rose" Miss Grace Johnston; auld
Lang Syne.
NOTES. -Mr Wm Morltou has in
progress at the harbor, the building
of it tug of 70 ft keel and 1.5 ft beam
for Mr Cravirlord of Wiarton. The
regular quarterly meeting sermon was
preachli'd in Victoria Sr tarelt on
Sunday morning and in the evening
Rev Mr Huston delivered an address
especially to young men, subject,
"Daniel in the Lion's Den," we need
more men of it eimilar etamp in Gode-
rich like Mr Huston, and fewer of
our young men would stand on the
street corners drying np and warping
badly in their spiritual welfare. A
special meeting of the presbytery
Of Huron met in Knox Church
on Tuesday at 11 it. m. to con-
sider the resignation of Dr Ure.
Rev Dr Robertson, superintendent of
missions in thalloeth West delivered
a very intereating'address respecting
hie work, in Knox church on Monday
evening. Rev W. D. Ballantyne, of
Kincardine, occupied the pulpit of
Knox church last Sunday morning.
Bev T. W. Diehl, of Holmesville, de-
livered a lecture en behalf of the W.
C. T. U., of Goderich, in the Temper-
ance Hall on adonday evening. The
Reformer, of West Huron held their
convehtion in town on Weenesday to
discuss matters pertaining to the
coming election, and it was well at.
the sermon. Mr John Pyper is stay-
ing with his son, Mr J. H. Pyper;
prior to the 2ini of last month Mr
Pyper had not met his father for 24
years, and the meeting was indeed a
most pleasanteme, The pastor, Rev
W CRSSOI4, ofehe Methodist church,
is being assisted in special seryices
this week, by Revs Geo Richardson,
ot Goderich, 3 Cook and 11 Casson,
of Hensall. Rev Father Shea, of
Cincinnatti, formerly of this place, is
paying his old friends here a visit;
the Rev Father le looking well, not,
withstanding bis seeere illness of a
few months ago; he is a moat genial
character and his old acquaintances
are pleased to see him once 'more.
Miss K McKechine,Mise A McIntyre,
Mr andMrs A Bauslauge, Mr W R
Count8r and, Mr T Coleman attended
the bachelor's and benedict's ball, at
Wiegham, onTuesday last. A fancy
dress carnival will be held at the
skating rink, on Friday evening;
this will be the second carnival of
the season; the first beg races only
and was a success; several valuable
articles are oilfired -as prizes, and no
doubt will be keenly contested for.
?Jr Burnie of Manitoba, is paying
his brother-in-law, Mr I) Johnson, it
West field.
WssirriELU Soloot ItErom.-Fourtk
class. -Josie Buchanan 1038, Hannah
Stackhouse 864, Bertha Coventry 616
Otto Rueger 518, Lavinia. Carr 408
Ella Patterson 401, Lawrence Patter•
son '308. Senior third chits -F. Camp
b311 1,118, Bella Jackson 957, Etta Mc
Dowell 786, Charlie Redmond 773, Jas
Redmond 675, Jnnior Tbircl.-Eva Jack-
son 759, Willie McDowell 743, Jennie
Armstrong 721, Herbert Henry 284. -
Senior Second Class -Harvey Buchan.
an 339, Willie Henry 228, Harvey Mc-
Dowell 218, Annie McDowell 107, Thos.
Mitehell 52.
{tot?. etBee7T UV= Pale/Saner
• Belgrave
BEwasix.-Sayl there is a little
Frenchman who occasionally calls at
• the vill&ga Unveiling for a house in
?dontund. rewho would boast of
debating propehaitiee re political
questions, had better watch out or ye
might etrike it snag. He happens to
be of the Grit perauasion, and gener-
ally a very lively time soon takes
, place.
STRANGE. -The other day a Mall
called atour telegraph office and tele-
graphed to Bervie regarding some
matter; a few minutes after he wished
to telegraph to Toronto concerning
some horses, and to Detroit, aud
where ot,ubut it was found that he
was wrong in his mind, and was fol-
lowing out his ordinary customs. tele-
geaphing and fumbling over a Bible,
which he carried. Pour fellow, he is
very careful to pay readily and un-
CHANGE OF BuSts - We re-
gret to learn that two of our mer-
chaets are to leave Us soon. Mr A.
Trefileaven having rented' a store at
Langside, and will commence busi-
ness -there immediately. The busi-
ness here is to be carried on by the
other member of the firm, Mr Bert
Treleaven; until the lease is out, when
new comers will take charge. We
are sorry to lose these enterprising
and honorable young men, and wish
them success in their newfieldsof labor.
NOTES. -Res Dr. Robertson's ad•
dress on the Missions in the North
West, was much appreciated, and no
doubt renewed interest will be taken
in its welfare by the Presbyterian
people here. The Orangemen, intend
holding a tea meeting about the end
of February. • Mr James Gallagher
and wife are visiting at Mr Robert
Gallagher's at present. Mr McCum-
ming is rushed with work, -biotin
five extra hanele „employed. The
Misses Brown, vo,Ijeiting at Mrs Wm
Kay's this week:: Effie McKellar
is visiting at Mr Robert Sterling's.
It is rumored that there is going to
be a matrimonial knot tied in our
midst shoily. Mr Robt Gallagher,
hotel keeper, and Mr Wm Brandon,
butcher, have put in a large quantity
of ice for uminer use.
No res. -An eloquent and stiriug
miesionary sermon was preached last
Sunday afternoon in the Methodist
church by the Rev. Mr Harvey, of
Glielph, A large nusnber of Varna
Royal Tempters paid the Borst Tem-
plate here a visit last Monday even-
ing. ,Mr Wm. Cameron left for his
home in Manitoba on Monday after-
noon, a large number of young peo-
ple were at the depot to say farewell.
Mr Frank O'Neil and femily are visits
ing for a short time at Me O'Neil's
parents; we are glad to aeo them again
in our midst."' The Royni-Tetoplare
intend holding a pdblic meeting in
the hall next Monday evening; a good
program is being prepared.
_...1110- • -.1•••••--
DEATk1,-Wei this week are called
upon to record the death of Mrs Eng-
land, sr., who departed this life Sun-
day. She had reached the advanced
ago of over:90 years. and had for some
time been in a very feeble condition.
The funeral took place from the resi-
dence of her son; -11r R. England, on
ENTERTAINMENT. -A grand enter-
tainment will be held in the school
house of S. 5. No. 5, ou Friday Feb.
13th, under the auspices of the public
echool pupils taught by Mr Blackwell
The plionsesncl teacher are making
evety effort to make it a success and
it good time may be expected. Mr A
H. Musgrove, of Wingham, has con-
sented to perform the duties of chair-
man anduwill deliver a short address.
some time past a fluit has been in pro-
gress by the township of Morris,
against the sureties of the late Treas-
urer, to compel them to make good
the arneunt_of the shortage -some-
thing in the neighborhood of $2,000.
The sureties have faueht the case
until their costs have amounted to
about $1,000 and on Saturday last
cencluded to abandon it, thus virtu-
ally conceding judgment to the town.
NOTES. -Miss Janet Hood is visit-
ing the Rev 1rTongue at Flesherton
this week., Quarterly service will be
held in Sunshine church Sunday next.
Mr T. Cole, who has been confined
to the house for the past two months
with a seyere illness,is so far recovered
as to be able to move about once
aaore;h is. many friends will be pleased
to learned of his complete recovery.
Mies Williams, the evangelist, aided
by Rev F. W. Cantpbell,:of Blyth,was
conducting revival services in Jack-
son's church. What might have
proves it serious accident happened
to Mr A. Laidlaw, one day the week.
While engaged moving stones on a
boaethe boat swung round and struck
him with considerable force on the
leg near the ankle, causing a severe
wound. We hope to see hint round
in it few dime The Refuge lodge,
of Good Templars are doing good work
several new members were initiated
to properly anrielence tho' great raffle
for the fine horse that was disposed
of in that way, on Thursday. Had
trouttt,a large Wen -
it been have ha
properly published, no doubt
dance, probably enomeh to cerry the
animal to ite lest eestuai. place, and
save it the terrible nesimenty of walk-
ing there. Parties. bringing any ani-
mal to euch it condition skills, should
be prosecuted to the utmost extent of
the Mei.
No'rEs.-A load of maple lumber
was weighed here on Wedeessiay, and
weighed about four tons. It is rather
a humiliating position to two in at
this political crisis, so know Oast yoa
have no vote, altlsougls tho pro-
per age. Our village heaters were
succeessful in baggIng it siouple of
foxes lest week, not, as the Signalsaid,
'mistaking a singed cat for a Bengal
tiger.' The Signal correspondent
thinks himself a great mystery, but
he its no mystery whatever to several,
as he gives himself straight away by
Ilia items. If the business done here
is ilfaVerOdrison with the number of
travellers (litnurners) who call here,
there is room for about ten more'
general stores in this place. Mr Wm
Whitley is in Wiartion, on business,
this week. Mr George Johnson is in
St Marys this week, on business. The
annual ball given by our host Bell, of
the Bell's hotel, was a grand success,
in point of numbers, and judging
.from the time it ended, all must have
enjoyed themselves. Mr John Cam-
ille spent Saturday last in Exeter.
Deputy Reeve Scott spent some days
in Goderich teat week, attending the
caunty council. Mr T. CS. Tipling
has secured a position on the
G T R, and is now at Brampton sta-
tion. Mr Chappell and daughter are
visiting at Georgetown. Mrs A. Tip -
ling, of Wingham, is spending a few
days in the village. -
Dinkier EODCE. -A good repre-
sentation from here attended the
•Distriet Lodge of the I.O.G.T., held
at Blyth, last week, and reported the
largest meeting ever held in connec-
tiod with the district, doubtlesseetving
greatly to the temperance sentiment
raised by the Mission Band, lately
employed to visit every lodge, and
who succeeded in organizing two good
lodges, which were duly • represented.
Every lodge in the district was repre-
sented, with oneeSeiception, (Nile)
but it was reportesd in good shape.
The reports from different lodges were
very satisfactory, almost all showing
a large increase since last returns.
Owing to thapresence of the Gs C. T.
and the G. S. J. T.,e-Mr Wilson and
Mrs Scott, there was not much busi-
ness transacted, other than .the genes
ral besiness and receiving the district
degree, which eats given to above one
hundred, and general information
from the high officers, which vre,•4
very instructive. Mrs Scott adminis-
-terve the juvenile obligation to about
thirty of the &legatee present. After
considerable voting as to the inset'
place' of meeting, Londesboro was
chosen, for next May. The delegates
gave a unanimous vote .sustaining
the whole actions of' the executive,
and thanking them for their services,
A vote ortriiinks was tendered the
Blyth friends, for -their hospitality,
aud the most successful meeting was
brought to a close with prayer by the.
Chaplain. At night an open meeting
was held, presided over by F.Metcalf,
0 C, and addressed by the 0 0 T and
0 5 J T, and Mrs Gilmore, the whole
affair being a grand success.
Holniesv 111 e.
Ai mei-tr.-Mr Samuel Holmes, now
residing at Mrs Proctor's, is laid up.
He IV RS so feeble one day this week
as to be unable to get into the house,
and was found lying outside, almost
are frequent complaints of mail matter
going afitray. A hort time since no
mail matter came to hand one. certain
day, from the east. One day this
week no letters came to hand. It
would be well if the mail authoritiee
on the trains would attend to their
CHU RCH.-Rev Mr Ayers, through
delicate health, was unable to preach
on Sabbath, morning last, and R.
Holmes occupied the pulpit. After
the preaching the quarterly loye feast
was held, and sacrament of the Lord's
per was administered, it large
er testifying to the love of God
teir heart. The Sharon meetings
are still in progress. The interest
lately; this is the way Ebenezer 18
still keeps up, the church being
helping on the good work. The boys I
crowded to its utmost capacity every
of 6. S. No 1 played a friendly game
of football with Blyth I'ublic school, NARROW ESCAPE. - What might
on the Blyth grounds on Thursday
have been a -serious accident occurred
last. Although the weather was un- immediately after the dismissal of the
favorable aud the grounds soft, se,nie public school, on Tuesday last. A
fait playing was done by beth teams,
number of children got aboard a
seere 1 to 0 in favor of No L. A
sleigh, which was awaiting.the die
number of young people, of Morris, missal of school, with the intention
attended the annual tea meeting
of riding home. The owner of the
held in Blyth on Monday evening rig, however, started off in the oppo-
last, and were delighted with he able site direction. A heavy waggon was
and instructive lecture given by Rev.
attached to the rear of the sleigh, by
Mr Gray, of Windsor,
-- --•••••• •-• NO..-- --. ' the tongue. The children, ou learn-
Ting of the mistake they had made,
EMPLARE.--At the last meeting of
the I 0 0 T the following officers
were installed into their respective
offices: -C T, W Cunningham; V T,
Mattie I3rogden; Sec, Joseph Letevene,
AS, Sec, Sarah Wallace; F Sec, Chas;
Manning; Trees, Maria Riley; Chap,
James Fairservice; Me 41 Callander;
D M, Susan Cravrford; G, Mary Ann
Lee; S, Howard Biddle, 5 3 T, A
Brunsdon; Orieanist, Etta Callender.
SERMON. -The Rev Dr Robinson,
missionary from Manitoba, gave a
/wee interesting and instructive ser-
mon, in the Presbyterian church, hest
Sunday, on the mission work of the
Northwest, showing the hardelsips to
be encounteted there. and the nmes-
sity of sending aid to the people up
there. MS mistreats lasted nearly two
hours, but was considered short by
almoet all present. It is hoped the
cause will be liberally responded to
next Sunday, when it collection for
that puri,ose will be taken up.
hastily jumped off in front of the
waggon, and thus eevetal of them fell
in front of it. The both wheels
passed over the lege of tlia two daugh-
tete of Mr Disney, and grazed one
or two others. Fortellatele. heleeVely
no bones were broken, bus the brulses
wore seyere.
'NorEs.-A number of our citizens
attended the Reform convention in
Goderlch, on Wednesday last. Mr W
Mulholland, who has been somewhat
indisposed for several days, iv moving
around aKain. Mr Fowler, of Brants
ford, WAS in the viliage the other day.
Ur Thomas Lobb, from near Toronto,
is vieiting friends in the village and
vicinity. Mrs .1. W. Hill and family
are spending a few days with her
brother. Miss Franc Carter returned
to Godbrich, on Saturday last. Mr
Thos Britton intends leaving the vil-
lage, having, itecured a place with Mr
A. Elcoat, of' Tuekersmith. We hear
some talk of dtarting Gospel 'tenser-
GNE IND or flonsin. - It hi be; meetm$1, 'Ind olio an LOAN.
unfortunite that the Nrrw EnA nem; we thullr there onght to be
not come ont early enough thiti week ! l°713°113513g: °f 11 4" ''iod•