The Clinton New Era, 1890-11-28, Page 7ri 00 the etrenteof Uo city in A further d' tculty would l n ��fquud lit the aigeiFperrenCA rise. voila f rept trluraRlianx,ai,�1l anadaata sbipperli possess $ to thevarluuedetarlsofseleotionved" peeking' deuu o od by the trader here. !Ma lathe Burden .att11e Iesrt,, laird, wit<is stud, Al' there' OW* Thi,uxdez that, it aslwaye We: to p refound aian dh is o fk tilOile The we fivete love; we meet to part; MO. vert to Meet eh earth No More; iron trade of this place which We clasp sash other to the heart, makes its railway freight tonnage d,t d t to meet on earth No More. American city, has brought forr than that of any - There. #tl a time for tears to start— ward a magnificent class of draft �'or stews to fall and larks to Boar : I horses, which are the subject of .ler tear* to when we part universal remark; among visitors. TO meat assn the earth o More ; --[National stockman, Tt}p.titee for tetlr4 is *hen we part ' The breeding) of the trotting To,meet oaWewide earth—No Mors• horse is a business that bas come 1,!.. BAPPX MARRIAGE. ; to stay. Think of it --only one trotter with a record of 2:0811 ge loved a maid, I Yet thereis nota close and care- 13ILt, Ilea afraid, Renewer told his passion. iof Course, she knew, But, bashful too, e waited, woman fashion. IAA last one day, The gossips say, While they were idly chatting. ,d. arouse petite Ban by their feet And shot across the matting. lie was so near That wild with fear, �f3he threw her arms about him.' He clasped her tight .And soothed her fright— Bow could she ever doubt him. His courage rose, Yon may suppose, After that fearful danger. This week the same Pair chose a name To give a little stranger. —Somerville Journal. A RAY OF HOPE For all who are held by the chains of scrofula or other diseases of the blood comes from Hood's Sarsaparilla, which byimparting the elements of good halth and strength to the vital fluid, dissolves the bonds of disease and sets the captive free. No other remedy in 'stance combines the positive economy e peculiar merit and the medical power of Hood's Sarsaparilla. A CHARACTER. Everthing pleased my neighbor J im. When it rained He never complained, But said wet weather suited him. "There's never too mach rain for me, And this is something like," said he. These can only be acquired by experience which will have to be bought, and it will not be until shippers have been able to grasp full details of the various require- ments of our trade, that full -mar- ket value can be obtained for their shipments. PACKING. That the requirements of this market are not understood is e shown by the one or two sample ful student of the records and im- -.barrels, both packing being of far proved breeding • of the trotting rpeAa horse who does not believe 2:081 will be beaten. Millionaires are being produced much more rapid- ly than 2:10 trotters. The in - 8 hi ents either arriving in in- geniously constructed boxes, com- partmented, or in ordinary sued too expensive a character to com- pete with the more economical and at the same time more effec- tive method adopted for bringing eggs to this market from the Continent—which is as follows: —Bach case contains twelve, long hundred (120)-1440 eggs,hacked crease of wealth and the desire to breed and own a trotter that will eclipse all previous records is the aim of every progressive breeder and this within itself is sufficient to establish the future of the trot between thin layers of- straw - ting horse business. These cases are farther divided in- to halves by atdouble cross -wise partition which allows of the oases being cut into hal on arrival These cases are farther divided in- to halves by a double cross -wise partition which allows of the cases being cut into hal on ar- rival—this method being found to ensur saferetransit. Each half of the case contains 720 eggs,packed in layers of about 180. GENERAL PROSPECTS. It is easily notices that horse- men who study the likes and diis- likes of their horses, and treat them appropriately, keep them in better condition to resist the daily wear and tear to which they are subjected than those who merely follow custom. There are scarce- ly two horses alike anatomically, and the only moans of ascertain- ing the best way of feeding them is to study their respective nat- urea and contrive to meet their peculiarities. There can be no doubt that the mode of feeding has improved during the last twenty years, but improvement is further needed in many instances, as must bo admitted.—[Kentucky Stock Farm. It is almost impossible to es- cape Cold in the Head during this wet, disagreeable season. But Nasal' Balm gives instant relief and never fails to cure. A trial will convince you. When earth was dry as a powder -mill, Redid not sigh Because it was dry, But said if he could have his will It would be his chief, supreme delight To live where the sun shone day and night. When winter carne, with its snow and ice, He did not scold Because it was cold But said; "Now this is real nice; If ever from home I'm forced to go, I'll move up north with the Esqui- maux. A cyclone whirled along its track, And did him lrarm— It broke his arm, And stripped the coat from off his back' "And I would give another limb To see such a blow again," "said Jim. And when at length his years were told, And his body bent, And his strength all spent, And Jim was very weak and old, "I long have wanted to know," he said, "How it feels to die," and, Jim was dead. The angel of degth had summoned him To Heaven, or—well, I cannot tell; Butt I know that the climate suited Jim; And cola or hot, it matters not— It was to him the long -sought spot. HOW TO SHIP EGGS TO GREAT BRITAIN. In view of attempts being made on the part of Canadian exporters of eggs, to open up trade with Great Britain, the following brief summary prepared by the Lon- don, England, correspondent of the Canadian Grocer and General Storekeoper,Toronto and 1lontroal will bo of great value ,;— London, Nov. 8, 1890. ISE MOON'S INFFUENCE. Upon the weather is accepted by ,some as real, by others it is dis- puted. The moon never attracts .corns from the tender, aching spot. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor moves the most pain- ful corns in three days. This great remedy makes no sore spots, doesn't go fooling around a man's foot, but gets to business at once, and effects a cure. Don't be im- posed upon by substitutes and imitations. Get 'Putnem's.' and no;other•. I THE HORSEMAN English auction sales of Shire horses indicate a very substantial 'tone' to the industry, and on this filldt Shire men on both sides the pond are to be congratulated. One of the cleverest blacksmiths in the country said a few days ago that there are a larger percentage of trotters crippled -each year ac- cording to the number turned out than in any other line of business in which horses are used. Provided shipments of supplies are controlled, and shippers gen- erally avoid shewing too greaten anxiety to cultivate business; we have every reason to believe a trade can be effectually worked up on a sound basis. It is certain, however, that before establishing their business here,Canadian ship- pers will have to pay their footing and proceed very cautiously in their• competition against those other suppliers who possess a highly organized system . for fighting fresh comers. SOURCES OF SUPPLY. The' trade here is eagerly com- peted for by the neighboring con- tinental countries, such as France, Holland, and Denmark, every fa- cility in point of quick despatch and cheavp freightage being given by the respective railways and steamship companies. In many cases the eggs get in- to consumption within a week af- ter leaving sources of supply,thus ensuring the produce arriving in such a condition as to secure the. full advantages of the market. In order to reduce lay -down cost, every attention has been paid to economy in collection and cheapness of packing. Expe- rience has shewn suppliers the most profitable modes of working the business, combined with the reduction to the lowest cost of outlay in placing on this market, in a good merchantable condi- tion. TpiAzros, SEVEN QIIESTIONS 1. Do you purpose buying an Organ or Piano? 2. Do you wish to Piano or Organ ' 3. Do you want a reliable Tuner to take care of your Pi- ano by the year 4. Have you a move? rent a Piano to 5. Have you seen our beau. tiful Six -Octave Piano -Cased Organ. 6. Do you know that G. F. OAKES has constantly on ex- hibit (3 doors east of Cuning- hame's Grocery) a full stock of splendid 5 and 6 pctave Or- gans HE DENIED HIS IDENTITY. The recent death in Canada of Mrs Sterling, mother of Charles M. Sterling, who was executed at Youneston, 0., for the murder of' Lizzie Gr•ornbachef•, has unveiled the facts concerning an incident that occurred shortly before his execution- His mother came here from Maxwoll,Canada,and though be had left home when but a lad, with maternal intuitions she re- cognized him. When brought to his cell, Stirling, without the quiver of a muscle, said : 'You aro mistaken, madam; I am not your son.' She implored him to reccgnize her,••but he refused, - and she re- turned home half convinced that she was mistaken. To his counsel Sterling said : •She is niy mother, but I could not break her heart by telling her that her son would be hung. Keep it secret until she dies.' Her death the past week caused his attorney, W. S. Ander- son, to break the seal of silence to day. 'It was the most dramatic scene I ever witnessed,' said Mr Ander- son. 'I have seen 'all the trage- dians of the past quarter of a cen- tury, but none that compared to the scene on that occasion. The mother, every line in her face showing the most intense suffer- ing, and her heart nearly broken, while the son, k:.owing that the truth would kill her, stood like a statue,his face showing the pallor of death, assuring her that she was mistaken. Such intensity of action was never produced on any stage. It could not be.'—Cincin- nati Enquirer. MARKET. As may be imsginod,in a coun- try like -our own, which gives but little attention to dairy culture, there is an extensive scope for foreign supplies, all -find a ready demand, prices varying according the condition of the trade, Com- petition serves to keep prices at a moderate level; the fact also, that goods have all to be sold dir- ectly on arrival, also tends to lower rates. Supplies so far have not over- taken demand, but circumstances point to the fact that any large influx of eggs would have to be introduced with the greatest caution, and by those firms pos- seesieg- a knowledge of the handl- ing of the trade. raises. These vary according to the season of the year, but may roughly be said to vary on best selected qualities from 98 to 10s. ; medium 7s. 6d, to 8s. 6d. Small parcels of Canadian, as a novelty, have found buyers as high as IOs. to 10s. 6d., but with regular sup- plies prices would soon find their own level. OBSTACLE° TO BUSINESS. The proper ventilation and lighting of stables is a subject that does not receive anything like the attention from hnseowner•s that its importance deserves. Dark, foul-smelling quarters cannot pos- sibly be conducive of good health either=in the case of man or beast. If you have a long-logged,long- bodied mare do not breed to a horse of the same kind, or you tvill only make the matter worse. If she is short -legged and chunky, choose a horse whose legs and body aro of fair length ati least. If she lacks spirit, select a lire, if you can, of more than ordinary vitality and vim. In otter words nee your best judgme t to >•ro- "oufa a union of elomlarnts • that Aid(' well. 7. Do you know that by writ- ing a card and directing it to G. F. Oakes, Box 11, Clinton, you can procure a splendid il- lustrated catalogue of Organs • and Pianos. FOR - THE MAS Organs or Pianos at prices thatw suit purchasets Second-hand Pia- nds to rent A reliable Piano tuner sent to any part of the county Pianos moved un- damaged Six -Octave Piano cases, handsomest in Canada. Music furnished for church open- ings & entertain- ments, &c. Write for c a,talogue to RELIABLE .ORGAN DEALER 230X 11, OJ=]-ITOT, ONaI_ D'A vignon's Cream of Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes (roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face and hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. t is an invaluable applicaticn after shaving. Don't mistake thissnperior pre- aaat iota for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion I otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping,col• sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In sehort D'AvIONON's CREAM OF WITCH -HAZEL is at once a remedy and apreventfor very form ofsnrface inflammation norairritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai Ma �A.MFS Imo.. TNIICI CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, ULINd'M, UN1 ODDITIES OF THE JAPAN- BIBLES &TESTAMENTS anch Bible Society AT COST The for sale Carnton t DRBrWORTHINOTON'S nDRUG STORE. Albert street. .afine assortment of Bibles and Testaments. TESTAME,TTS FROM Bets. UPWARD BIBLES FROM 256th UPWaans. CORE AND SF, E. DR WORTHINGTON, De- pository. 'Topsy-turves as the Japanese" might well pass into a proverb, for, according to Mr Basil Cham- berlain, a well known English scholar, who bas just put forth a work entitled 'Things Japanese,' the number of things which ac- cording to our notions, the Japan- ese do upside down, are innumer- able. 'Japanese books begin at the end. and the word'finis' comes where we put the title page. The foot -notes sre printed at the top of the page, and the reader puts his marker at the bottom. Men make themselves merry with wine, not after, but before dinner, and sweets come before the prin- cipal dishes. A Japanese mounts his horse on the right side, and when the animal is brought home his head is put where his tail ought to be. They address a let- ter the reverse way to us, putting the name last, the country and city first, goicg from the goneral to the particular. Japanese keys turn in instead of out. Japanese carpenters saw and plane towards, not away from themselves. In keeping accounts they write the figures first, the item correspond- ing to them next. Politeness prompts them to remove, not their head covering, but that of their feet. The impulse of Japanese girls is to sew on cuffs, frills and the like, topsy-turvy and wrong side out." it is curious to reflect that though it matters so little which way these unimportant things aro done, the native way of doing them will be the last thing revolutionized in Japan. Just as in England precedent seems to'one established test to which every- thing conforms There, as in Japan, the old is always better. But Japan is progressive, and we may safely conclude that had not the Japanese spirit been the far- thest possible removed from the English the peaceful revolution in that country could never have oc- curred at the time that it did. Swellings in the neck , and all other forms of scrofula, salt rheum, etc., are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Rev C H. Spn 'ion, the well- known preacher, g`inering from an attack of acute gout. Saturday afternoon at Longstown while Frank Houston was away from home, a negro named Sandy Wallace entered his house and committed an outrage on his wife. After accomplish- ing his purpose he dragged her off to the woods, 300 yards away, and kept her sometime with the intention of murder- ing her, but after pleading with him,and making several promises for her life,she was released. On arriving at home she informed her husband, who with others, captured the negro in -his house and shortly afterwards hanged him. To avoid catching cold, many plans have been suggested. Probably if one never went away or did anything out of the usual routine of life, they would be free from the many ailments that flesh is heir to, but this is not a satis- factory solution of the question. Peo- ple must haverecreationand enjoyment and frequently catch cold in the pursuit of them. Wilson's Wild Cherry will cure a cough or cold in the shortest pos. gibe time, and by its tonics °fleets, strengths and invigorate the system at the same time. Sold by all druggists, in white wrappers. R. Meadows, of Bledsoe, having sold his farm and stock, was seat- ed by the fire talking to his wife of their contemplated trip to Tex- as, whither they were going to make their future home. Meadows pulled out his money which was in largo bills 9 and proceeded to count, it. When he had laid down his last bill on the hoarth,00mo- ono opened the doors end a gust of wind carried his all into the fire. Before Meadows could re- cce any of hie currency it was in ashes. IIo had converted all his property into cash, and in a twinkle all Was lost. These are chiefly due to the ne- cessarily long transit, as compar- ed with Continental supplies. Whatever facilities of cheap and rapid freight transit are provided by'Qthose steamship linos anxyfsus to r• pions the trade,the undoubted extra ctl�t, which must of neces- sity bo incurred before regular channels of out -let aro found and the trade shapes itself into a groove, would necessitate that the eggs should bo laid down here in an equally fresh condition,as the best French qualities, to insure them obtaining that average level of price which we estimate would pay Canadian exporters. Too question, after all, turns on the blunt point, whether quality, and price for price,Canitdian eggs can shew equal or better value as compared with those supplies which have so far served this mar- ket so well. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. HURON STREET, CLINTO N - Repairir.� of all kind, promptly attended •re.ii.oiohle rates. A trial solicited Enjoy Good Health CASES Sarsaparilla BITTERS Cures every kink of Unhealthy Humor and Disease caused from Impurity of the lBlood. PURIFY This valuable compound cures Kidney and Liver Complaints, Pimples, Erup- tions of the skin, Boils, Constipation, Bilionsness, Dyspepsia Sick Stomach, Loss of Sleep, Neuralgia, Pains in the Bones and Back, Loss of Appetite, Lan- gour, Female Weakness,DizZrness,Gen- eral Debility. WILSON'S WILD CHERRY. For nearly twenty years this valuable medicine hay been largely used for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Wh Loss of Voice and Lungs, 'Thse wCough, o know its valve always recommend it to their friends, knowing that Wilson's Wild Cherry. never disappoints. The genuine is sold by all druggists in white wrappers only , Children Cry for pitcher's Castori,'a. YOUR It is a gentle regulating purgative, as well as a tonic, possessing the peculiar merit of acting as a powerfuf agent in relieving Congeation and Chronic In- flammation of the Liver and all the Visceral• Organs. BLOOD "This valuable preparation excites the whole system to a new and vigor- ous action, giving tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease, and affords a great protection from attacks that originate in ohanges of the seasons, of climate, and of life. The;best spring medicine sold. Full Directions with Each Bottle. Price 50c. and $1 per Bottl3. Hamilton, Ont. Sold by J. H. COMBE & F. JORDAN REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. THE WONDER OF THE AGE 1 nfkLa rs t aRT�t NTEEl1AasouttO.YPURE tsMANuf71CTUREDONTllf GOODS at INOW We are Sole Agents for Ram Lal's Pure Vidian Teas. We beg to ask you to give them a trial, because they are absolutely pure; are grown and prepared on the estate by the most skilled labor and improved machinery that money can buy, whereas China Teas aro picked and carried by natives long distances before being made ready for the market. Ram Lal's is a blend of Three Teas grown and prepared especially for this brand. Will always be the same flavor, to -day to ten years hence. 'Tis cheap ; only Fifty Cents for a pound package which will go as far as two pounds of China or Japan Teas. J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON ClIR�Q� TO THE EDITOR: e Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above aimed disease. By Its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have cos. sumption if they wilt send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 186 West Adelaide St.. TORONTO, ONTARIO. B. LAIJRANCE'S - Spectacles Should be tried by any person needing glass as they are undoubtedly them superior spectacle manufactured in Canada. The LaurancePatent Test ase d fitting. For sale only at CQ€)u'1 E 'S BOOKSTORE, CLINTON. HAYWARD'S, PATENT ROAD . CART. These Carts have long Springs, length ways, back of the axle, underneath th seat, which gives the passenger an easy motion, also a long spring in front which takes off the horse motion and the jar when the wheel strikes an obstrudtion. 'They are so constructed as to be perfectly balanced with either one or two pas- sengers. We also manufacture a PHAETON ROAD CART for one or two persona. This is a very neat and stylish cart ; suitable for ladies, physicians or general purpose. Is light, strong and durable, and is very easy mounted. All my carts are free from horse motion. In the manufacture of these carts my ob- ject has not been to produce the cheapest cart in the market, but the most effici- ent for durability and oomfort. The material of which they are conetruoted be- ing of the choicest quality. We guarantee them to be satisfactory in altrespeote. Persons wishing to try them and see how they ride, are at liberty bWAGGONS at my shop. We also manufacture and keep in stook BUGGIES, and CUTTERS. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. HAYWARD'S ,CARRIAGE FACTORY CL iNTON ,7',/ zaikeidiififi&s A NEW IMPROVED DYE FOR HOME DYEINq. IL Otly Water required in Cluing. 10C yo tr denier does not ktepethem[ send direct to the manufacturers. COTTINOHAM, ROBERTSON Ir.14314 Best and Li3eapest Feria RODS—IN FOUNOATIO 37BUILDERSRIRON WORN Office Railings, lawn Formula AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADORERS Baru Wire & Irea. Were - masd:x rs in). WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. ATAi.OGIIES SENT ON APPLiCA'rroN. .