The Clinton New Era, 1890-09-19, Page 71'
°° ".11. BALM.
t (stn nip iigA
M:1i' eo-cal,,d i.s• as• - •e simply symptoms
l;atarrb, such as t - ed ,era, partial deafness, losing
SPDSe of smell, 1. ,ne.,d. hawking and spitting,
gausea, general f,- i , of .I,bih[y, etc. If you are
troubled with art • , • •' •sa , ii kindred symptoms, you
[i o Cat • tt, slid d o Al eco time in Da taarnedi ectone
tiiP$Iacte., : 1, L.,d ,• suln id Catarrh, followed
,sty cowmen ee , ,n i ,!. i,. NAVAL BALI is sold by
alldruggist a... :.'ll b. ,•nt• po-t paid, on receipt of
psiCe(soce,tt: u.i $1.,w, by addressing
• �,p ieLFORD & CO., BROctCVILL'- nal-.
i 13CW6re of imitations similar in
k .aio and speedy cure for
•:alt in the Head and Catarrh
in ail its stages.
instant Role, Permanent Cure,
Failure Impassible.
An incideutoccurred on a West-
ern train as it bowled merrily
over the prairie in the direction
• of Milwaukee that was cruel, and
yet laughable in the extreme. A
newly married couple, so very
very newly married, got on the
train at Chicago and took a front
seat in the car, where each pas-
senger could watch their every
action. The groom was a tall
bony individual. ore of the silk
hat, Prince Albert coat grooms,
with a white dress do at his
throat and a white rose in his
buttonhole. A.rcgular web-footed
country cross roads dude and the
very atmosphere in his vicinity
was permeated with the aroma of
new mown hay.
The bride was dressed in white
nodding white pinnies graced her
head, white kid gloves covered
jeer hands and a large bouquet lay
In her lap. Iter face was a dead
ringer fora mask and was homely
enough to ache, but this did not
seem to trouble the groom, who
snuggled as close to her as he
could get. So deeply wore they
wrapped up in each other that
they were entirely unconscious of
the fact that they were the ob-
served of all observers and espec-
ially of a party of travelling men
who sat a tittle way back of them
The groom would whisper some
sweet nothing in the bride's car
and she, with a becoming blush,
would turn and beam upon him,
showing to the passengers while
-• doing so a nose that protruded
from her face like a tumor. Oh,
she was homely!
Finally as the night waxed on
apace,the two young things began
shoulder. Not a maul. in "00 car
dared open his mouth after that
and the Couple cameto Milwaukee
in peace.—Peck's Sun.
For Sunday Reading
Nothing could be worse for us
than our being permitted to al-
ways have our own way, says the
Sunday -School Times. Nothing
could be better for us than our
being induced to walk always in
God's way. The constant conflict
to which we are subjected in this
lite is the conflict between our de-
sire to have our own way, and
our sense of duty to follow God's
way. It is not an easy matter to
do what we know we ought to do,
day by day. Jesus says explicitly
on this point : 'it any man would
come after Me, let him deny him•
self and take up his cross daily,
and follow Mo-' He who is deter-
mined to have his own way in his
ordinary daily life is going to the Iurcutes ha',pu,ess whether b}' u
Devil, whatever he may think is 1 kindly greeting, or tender s}'m
his destination. I paths, of itlspirin4 presence, or
TIIE NEED OF PATIENCE. I till nlulalin,' Iholitfhl4, is as true a
\Vhat we all need is patience. ' giver as hr who empties his purse
Before we start off for the day's to feud the hungry.
business we ought to pray for It is very evident that only as
patience. We will be harassed we do right will our ideals of
and perplexed. Man will wrong right Le 'cine elevated, only as we
us, and impose upon us, and cheat follow what we kuow will teal
us ; and before the day is passed, knowledge be incrt'aeed, only as
if you have not laid in a large I our lives are fltithful and kind
supply of patience, you will half ! will our affections expand and the
swear with your lips and perhaps spirit of levo and trust till our
make a whole swear with ycur: hearts. In truth, it is toil Ni :ts
hearts. the heart :and the hand work to -
DR. ARNOLD'S DAILY PRAYER. gether that the man himself e:u
'0 Lord, I have a busy world truly be said to improve.
around me; eye, ear, and thought No man should place his Warne
will be needed for all my work to upon the obligation ut another it
be done in this busy world. Now he has not eutiicient to pay it with -
ere I enter on it, I would commit out detriment to his own bus niss.
It is dishonest to do so. Men are
eye and ear and thought to Thee. , trustees for those who have trust -
Do Thou bless them, and keep i
their work Thine, that as through ed them, :tad the creditor is en -
Thy natural laws my heart beats ( titled to all his capital and et -edit.
and my blood flows without any! For one's own firm 'your name
thought of mine, so my spiritual; your fortune, your sacred honor,'
life may hold on its course, at, but for others, -no matter in what
those times when toy- mind cannot circumstance, only such aid as
conspicuously- turn to Thee to your can render without danger to
commit each particular thought' Your Dust. It is asate rule
to Thy service. Hear my pra-therefore to give the cash direct
soli fir my dear Redeemer's sale' that you have to spare for others,
Amen.' and never your endorsement or
seldom a bad man, for the stan-
dard by which his judgment -is
guided is the .goodness if hili ttwm
heart. It is only the base who
believe all meu base, or, in other
words, like themselves.
Remember that he is indeed the
wisest and the happiest man who
by constant attention of thought
discovers the greatest opportunity-
pportunityof doiug good, and with ardent
and animated iesolutiou that be
may improve these opportunities.
Apathy and indifl'eience are
perhaps the veiy worst foes which
any good enterprise can have to
contend with. Active opposition
Tnay be met On its own ground,
and is at least a definite force to be
counted upenl and resisted: but
apathy ie it dead weight, crushing
whatever ul hole and energy
There is a great mistake in
supposing that gjvieg is concern-
ed only with material benehts.
Thew form indeed but a small
part ,d' its mission. Whoever
The power of gentleness is one IIE HAD FINISHED \V1TH
oftho unmeasured forces in humane 11 i i.
life. 'A soft answer' will pierce --
deeper than a 'two-edged sword.' A young gentleman, who lately
It is more natural under provoca- left his father's house, having ex -
tion to use the latter; but the use , haunted his credit, telegraphed
of the former is in imitation of: the other day to his p•u•entsj:
Him who, 'when He was reviled 'Your',son Walter was killed
reviled not again.' Gentleness , this morning by a falling chiru-
gives a man power with his fel- ney. What shall we do with the
to grow more coochy-coocby, and low -man. It increases the love' remains ?'
-as the train pulled out of \\'ads- of his fi-lends, and disarms the In reply a check was sent for
worth Reuben stretched forth his angor of his enemies. He would £20 with the request,' 'Bury
long arm and would it tenderly who serve his gtnerationwell must them.'
Mout his bride's. Upon seeing
is every drummer in the party
began to whistle, while one evil-
minded individual with. a State
jag yelled, 'break away !' With
a painful sigh that could be heard
all over the car, the poor groom
slowly took his arm away and
• .again the couple fell to whisper-
ing. The whispering was contin-
ued for a number of miles, and
when the groom thought every-
body behind him was asleep, ho
once more placed his arm loving-
ly about the woman's neck. As
before the action was followed by
whistling and shouts, and again
awith a sigh the arm was removed.
Poor fellow ! the writer felt sorry
for him, but those heartless drum-
mers would have their way, and
the above scene was repeated time
after time. Finally the bride,
.although tired oat,' rested het
head on her Iinsband's ,manly
' breast and he had ,just began to
smooth her tresses when the
'crowd opened up and made night
hideous with their noises. This
was too much for the bride, and
with a sob she buried her face in
her handkerchief and wept. The
groom was visibly started at this
and in spite of the whistling t f
the crowd. proceeded to pet and
soothe the wounded feelings of
the dear ono at his side, but the
more he toothed the more she
wept. Ho looked around him
for the first time since the train
started and at just the right mo-
ment to catch a man in the act of
A whistling. Deliberately raising
from his seat Ice approached the
man and without a word slapped
him across the mourn with his
half•clenched hand. The man
started to jump up, hut the injured
groom gave him another lifter
that sent him back into his seat
again, where he was glad to re-
main. Then turning to the bal-
ance of the passenger's lie ad-
dressed them thus:
'Fellers, maybe I do look a
little bit green and I'll admit that
I'm a little bit new in this marry-
ing business, consequently I have
over -looked your insults, but it
has gond fat enough now. You
wasn't satisfied till you got the
little woman to crying and now
I'm mad clean through. I ant
possess it. It is to be learned in
the school of Christ, who is our
pattern in this as in every grace.
'Thy gentleness hath made me
An old physican, retired from prac-
t:ce, having had placed in his hands by death,and swindled you but °UM.
an East India missionary the forumla Ile also borrowed •L'1O from me
of a simple vegetable remedy for the and left the country. I write to
The young gentleman pocketed
the money and had an elaborate
spreF. When in a condition for
writing lie sent his lather the fol-
lowing note :
'I have just learned that an in-
famous scoundrel 'named Barker
sent you a fictitious account of my
speedy and permanent cure of consump-
tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and Lung Affections, also a
positive and radical core for Nervous
Debility and Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative
powers in thousands of cases, has felt
it his duty to make it known to his suf-
fering fellows. Actuated by this mot-
ive and a desire to relieve human suf-
fering, I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it, this receipt, in German,
French or English, with full directions
for preparing and using. Sent by mail
by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. NOYES, 8 i0 Power's Block,
Rochester, N. Y. 1301.2-y.e.o.w.
None despises l.o'lor but he who
despairL of it.
Discretion ef' speec'I is more
than eloquence.
going back to my seat now, ant
my wife shall lay her head on my
shoulder till we roach Milwaukee
and the first son•of-a-„nn that
dares to unfold his yawp will get
jnmped on by yours truly. If
morn than one makes n noise, so
much the better for f nm in primo
inform you that 1 ata still alive,
and long to see the parental roof
again. 1 aro in somewhat reduc-
ed circumstances, the :teeumula-
tions of the last live years having
been lost—a disastrous stock op-
peratinn—:cid ii• you would only
spare me C'_'0 I would be ever
thankful fon• your favor. Give
my love to till.'
A few days later the cunning
yauth received the following
dignihcd letter front his outraged
parent :
'My deur son. -1 have buried
you once, and that is the end of
i+.. I decline to have any tran-
sactions with n ghost.
'Yours iu the flesh,
Ij ' 13RODIE's
Will absolutely and per-
manently cure the most
O aggravated ease of
Hay Fever or Catarrhal Deafness.
This is not a snuff or ointment, both of
which are discarded by reputable physi-
oiane as wholly worthleee and generally
injurious. Ask for Hospital Remedy
for Catarrh.
N.B.—This Is the only Catarrh YRICE
Remedy cm the market which I�1> O0.
emanateefrom se:km aosotirces
Will erldidatb fast+
trOubies of the
NM permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, COli-
stipation, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Catarrh
of the Stomach and Bladder. This is a marvellous
medicine. It rapidly makes
AAD THEREIN IS LIFE. There is nota blood Medi•
eine in the market as good as this. Itis peerless.
It tensed in the Hospitals of Europe, and pre-
scribed by the most eminent Physicians is
the world. Suitable for old or young.
1'19 f/\\ This Is an incompar-
•�1 able remedy for
VIII General & Nervous Debility
It to truly lire tteeif. Deo it end live spin. Ade for
PRICE $1100.
this extract from the scientific papers of Great Britain and Europe
The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna These cities hallo IMMOhSe
hospitals teeming with suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the wards stud )ing under the Professors in
charge. The most renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and the institutions are storehouses of
medical knowledge and experience. With a view of making this experience available to the public the Hospital
Remedy Co. at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared the specifics, and although it
would cost from $25 to $100 to secure the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre-
pared specifics are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly clpim to cure
every ill from a single bottle.
lold, e middle-aged, who find CORNS! o��� ��,®
themselves nervous,weakaudeshausted
who are broken down from excess or i t R Dj
overwork, resulting in many of the fol- CASA
lowingsymptomsMental depression,
young, or
inureoldag ; aCORN CURE
premature old age, loss of vitality, loss K t
of memory. bad dreams, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the heart, ernis- Removes all kinds of Yard and Soft
sions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- Corns, Warts, ,Ac., without Pain or
e pimples on the face or
h d ch P P A
Heys, ea a nnoyance.
body,itching or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, die- 1t i!: :1 Sate, Sure and EtIectual
ziness, specks before the eyes, twitching lten►ed3-,
of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere.
bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss , and there is no Corn existing it will not
of- will power, tenderness of the scalp j cure destroying every root and
and spine, weak and flabby muscles,de- I branch.
sire to sleep, failure to be rested by •
sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, On
loss of voice, desire for solitude, excit-
• .
abilityof temper,sunken eyes surround- •
ed with Leaden Circle,oily looking skin, I Refute all substitutes. Full Directions
etc., are all symptoms of nervous de- I with each bottle- The undersigned desires to intimate to his former patrons and ;hinds
bility that lead to insanity and death that he has repurchased his former business, and will continue it
unlessyincured. The spring or ifunctionforoe P R 1 C E 25 CENTS
ENTS I the old stand,
haying lost its tention every
wanes in consequence. Those who Corner
Please inform your readers that I have a positive-entedy for the above named
disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shalt
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con-
sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully.
T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 186 West Adelaide St.. TORONTO. ONTARIO.
The People's Grocery
Once Used will Never B asiness Change.
be Regretted,,
Lotus be content in work to do
the thing we can,and not presume
to fret because it is little.
Ilope awakens courage. He
who can implant courage to the
human soul is the hist physician.
Speculation ie a word that of-
ten begins with the second let-
To rejoice in.the happiness of
others is to make it our own ; to
i,ntduce it is to make it more than
oily owns
The successful man, as a rule,
is the one who knows the trick of
doing the right thing at the right
time; and the trick is not one
which comes from inspiration,
but from trained habits and
thought. •
Without the friendly exchange
of kindly words and actions, and
without the sunshine of loving
looks and smiles of welcome and
encouragement, a house may be a
habitation, but stover truly a
The test of a man is not whe-
ther be can govern a kingdom
single-handed, but whether he
can govern himself', and thus have
his private lite tender and consid-
erate so as to make his wife and
children happy.
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
through abuse committed in ignorance or Albert and Ontario Streets
may be permanently cured. Send
l':IErAt :I• ONLY VI ,
your address for book on all diseases Ile intends to go out of the Crockery and Glassware line entirely,
peculiar to man. Address M. v. i H. SPENCER CASEt balance of which will be sold cheap, and will devote himself exclu-
LUIION, 50 Front St. E., Toronto,Ont. I siNeely to
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, Chemist and Druggist, 50 King stree
the symptoms o which are a
t f l' h faint spells West, Hamilton Ont
purple lips, numbness, palpitation, ship
bens, hot of flashes rush of blood to the Sold by J IICOMBS & F. JORDAN Of which he will keep nothing but first-class goods. The business
GROCERIES, Fine Fruits Confectionary &c.
tend du pain in the heart with beats I will be conducted on a strictly cash basis, and prices w ll be fixed ac -
heart beat quicker than the first, 1 . Inas s tarn n garget
the breast bone, etc., can positive- I A New York man says he has dis- hopes to merit and receive the same liberal patronage that to enjoyed
ly be cured. No cure no pay. Send for I covered a fly destroyer that discounts all hitherto.
book. Address M. V. LIMON, :,0 1 the fly papers and fly poisons that have
Front Street East, Toronto, Ont- ; vet been put itt use. Last spring he
June 20, 1800- I went into the country and brought back
strong, rapid and irregular, the second ,
1 fi tM d' L e t cures gargetin cows.cordingty. By giving close personal attention to the he
with him when he returned a number
English Spayin Liniment removes I of buncll,es of clover blossoms. IIe
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and ;hong them in his rooms to ornament
the walls. The clover dried, and since
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, then he says not a fly will stay in the
I scorn. Ile watched and studied, and
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Couhs, etc. Save 550 by use of one I says he has discovered that flies cannot
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful ( stand the scent of dried clover.
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by ,
J. H Combe, Druggist. June 7 1 yr
om e, ruggta . ,
A few minutes before noon on II offerers
Thursday at Ray City three rncn
entered the Second National Bank, T -ROM Stomach and- Liver derange -
and two of them went to the teller rn tints—Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick -
and bookkeeper, and engaged Headache, and Cortstipatien—final asafe
them in conversation about bank- and certain relief in
ingbusiness. The third slipped
around to the back of the book-
keeper's desk and stole a package
of bills amounting to $5,400,which
was ready for shipment up the
(shore. After the departure of the
trio the robbery was discovered
and the police notified immediate-
ly, and they aro now trying to
find the robbers. Tho Second
National Bank is located in the
Phamix block, at the corner of
From Canada to Great Britain,
and more especially from Ontario,
there has this season been a heavy
export beef trate. Before the end
of August about 10,000 cattle had
gone forward from Montreal, be-
ing an increase of over 20,000
compared wit 1St -19. An occa-
sional complaint was heard the t
shippers were losing mosey be:
cause of a great rush of American
cattle conjesting the British mar-
ket, but then how often does one
hear a shipper telling about his
profits. Ile keeps that to him-
self. We hoard of an old export-
er who declined to prepare a pap-
er for the Farmers' I nstitute
meeting on the cattle business.
He had valuable information in
his "noodle," but probably thought
it cost him too much to give
Minard's Liniment cures distemper.
Tho effect produced by a man
who is in earnest will always be
greater than that produced by
condition and once I commence one who is only playing his part,
I'It lick every man in the ear. and the character of the worker
As ho closed his little address will, in some way or other, he
be walked back to his seat, said mirrored in the works that ho
something to the sobbing woman produces.
and she, with a proud look in He who thinks better of his
her oyes laid her head 00 his neighbors than they deserve is
BRITISH COLUMBIA SALMON, 121 cts, per can.
Ayer's Pills. In all
chart is is needed,
these Pills are recom-
rnend,l by leading
physi inns.
T'.'.'1. E. ITa•tings,
of Baltimore, sacs:
"Ayer's l'ills are the
hest cathartic and
aperient within the
reach ei my profes-
Dr. John W. Brown, of Oe-ann, W.
L, writes : " I have prescribed Ayer's
Center and Washington avenues,
pills in mti
y practice, and find i hem ex-
cellent.. 1 urge their general use in
the most prominent corner in the tn,n;lies."
Henry Jackson, of Ottawa, gots
three years in the penitentiary for
criminally assaulting a little girl
named Tocuner, several months
For nearly twenty years this valuable
medicine has been largely used for the
cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Croup, Whooping Cough, Loss of Voice
and Lungs, Those who know its valve
always recommend it to their friends,
knowing that Wilson's Wild Cherry
never disappoints. The genuine is sold
by all druggists in white wrappers only.
city. Tho bank is the finest in
Northern Michigan and employs a
largo force of clerks.
Minard's Linimentlumberman'e friend
Passenger train No. 19, east
bouny from El Paso, in the South-
ern Pacific Railway, was caught
in a waterspout fifteen miles west
of Del Rio. The water, some
forty feet wide, struck the for-
ward part of the train. It took
the engine, baggage oar and mail
car from the tracks, and carried
them forty-five feet, overturning
them. The passengers knew
nothing of the approach of the
water until the jar occurred. Tho
engineer and fireman escaped
drowning by swimming to high
ground. 'fho track was torn up
for two hundred yards, and a
" For a number of years T w•a' ete,
with bilioitsn 5 which ain't sl destroyed
my health. I tried various remedies,
but nothing afforded me any relief until
I began to take Ayer's I'il13."-- G. S.
Wanderlich, Scranton, l'a.
" I have used Ayer's l'ills for the past
thirty years, and am satisfied T should
not he alive to -day if it lord not been
for them. They cured me of dyspepsia
when all other remedies failed, and their
occasional use has kept me in a healthy
condition ever since."—'1'. P. Brown,
Chester, Pa.
' Baying been subject, for years, to
constipation, without, being able to find
much relief, I at last. tried Ayer's Flint,
and deem it both a duty and a pleasure
to testify that I have derived great ben-
efit from their use. For over two years
past I have taken one of these Pills
every night before retiring. I would not
willingly be without thew."—(G. W.
Bowman, 26 East Main st., Carlisle, Pa.
"Ayer's Pills have been used in my
family upwards of twenty years, and
have cuinpletely verified all that 18
claimed for them. In attacks of piles,
from which I suffered many years, they
gully ten feet cut through it. The afforded me greater relief t tan any med-
train is still standing, and
icine I ever tried."—Thomas F. Adams,
coma Holly Springs, Texas.
of men are repairing the track
Itch, Mange and Scratches of every Ayer's
kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 PREPARED BY
minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion.
This never fails. Sold by .T. H. Combe, Dr. J. C. Ayer do Co., Lowell, Mass
Druggist. June 27 -2m.
Bold by all Dtuggtats and Dealers in Medicine
J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse
Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON
B. LA URANCE'S Spectacles.
'These celebrated Spectacles are fittod in every instance with B. Lau-
rarice's *est, and a certainty of' being suited is guaranteed. You ea
depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLE
by calling and examining the stock at
CC) JP Hui) 7E' 4C) R. E.
D'AvignoRe's Cream of Witch -Hazel,
Softens the skin, removes 'roughness, eruptions and irritation from the face anti
hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion.
t is an invaluable applicatien after shaving. Don't mistake thisanperior;•pre-
a,iation for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion
otions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col -
sores, and pain resulting to sensitive akin from exposure to wind and cold. llm
sehort D'AvrnNos's CREAM OF WITrn•HAzxr.ia at once a remedy and apreventfor
very form cfsnrface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottltai
Manufactured by
JAMF�+1 H.. 40(>31I3F ,