The Clinton New Era, 1890-06-20, Page 7e e s NEAT 1H01L Si REMEDY is rimy! VIS( i"ti 'A3? 4.1144ZP FaIV' S iR VA 1W.ITRQTJT =BOLT= USED BY a Br:B1 1I REORI,A FOR t 'MR 120 Y$l ,ei9 l�o>�oaNa t'lBILSQ>TGPiJI flee consist of acarefnl and peculiar admix - Rua tuzp of the best and mildest vegetable aperients and tba pare extract of Flowers of Chamomile. They win bsfound a most efficacious remedy rot derangements the digestive organs, and for obstructions and tor - action of the liver and bowels which produce in - j e4tjon and the several varieties of bilious and liver %fOoAsuta. Bold by all Chemists. W ROLESALE ♦oEN•ra : 0, EVANS AND SONS, LIMITED; MONTREAL.. is • THEBEST iKING POWDER +IS+ - 4 cUREN'S 6ENOINE eIllh1(1?_Ff101id No Alum. Nothing Injurious. PETAI1EO EYENYWOEAE, GARTH &CO. FACTORY S:;PPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe Loose Pulley 011err, Steam Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind Mills, Cream Separators, Dairy and Laundry Utensils. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. D.A.M9.CA..KI IVI A N U F10.0 -11,1 R CARRIAGE UARNISHI s 4 SILVER MEDALS A 11 mONTREAL,;Ahlirt T LUTA L SS GREAT 7ASTERN. We have so often been called upon u) thg .past years to an- nouaDo the last, and the very last, and positively the very last of this mttgoilicent but generally useless ship. which has lingered on through an obscured and pro- fitless existence since her voyage to New York proved u commercial failure, that the stranded hull on the Mersey shore, to ba broken up for a few thousand puuuds worth of old iron, may seem but a re- miniscense of the fate repeatedly declared to be imminent and com- monly believed to be past. It is thirty years ,sinde she first put to to sea tram the Thames, and her passage down the channel was CHADWICK'S SPOOL, COTT0t4 For hand and Machine Use. kin SO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEATHEROID STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladies' and all other kinds. LI¢litest ant Strongest TRUNKS In the World. J. BIELEIGH & CO TILE ' 013NO I0TJ TESTBB. An Ottawa despatch says : Sev- eral everal years ago grain buyers and millers began to use what is know as the 'grain tester" as a means of fixing gravity of grain, particular- ly wheat. After it had been in use for some time an order in - council was passed admitting this tester to verification. Within the past few months, however, com- plaints have reached the Inland Revenue Department from farm- ers in different partsof the coun- try giiestio:.ing the accuracy of this instrument and claiming that ate it contained only the sixteenth part of fa bushel, the slightest error in measurement made by it, when multiplied by sixteen to give the weight of a whole bushel, marred by a shocking tiioaster— made the mistake a serious ono in tthe blow up oilier steam appara deciding the gravity of grain: tus, which r•.ost ten lives, but the 1 The farmers represept that the laborious efforts to launch this tester, if it is to be used at all enormods Leviathan, as she was should be of the capacity of half a at first called, in 1857, from Mr Scott Russell's building yard at Millwall, had been omin- ous of ill succuss. Men were killed by the breaking of a gear attached to hydraulic engines that slowly pushed her :broadside on into the comparatively narrow river, and. Mr Brunel, the emin- ent engineer, dying a few days afterwards, was thought to .be a victim of sore ansciety and severe disappointment, One serviceable and honourable performance, the laying of an Atlantic cable in 1866, is set down to the credit of the Great Eastern, but experience bas shown that vessels of moderate size can do such work just as well. It is a sad chapter in the history of marine architecture, and some people must have lost at one time or another nearly $5,000,000 alto- gether by this immense mistake The Great Eastern might, per- haps have been converted into a very commodious floating hotel, moored in some tranquil bay; she could never have been a good sea going ship, or compete in speed comfort or safety with the admir- able liners of recent construction. Her engines, indeed, were mani- festly of sufficient power•, and she rolled grievously for lack of a keel.—London Graphic. MONTREAL, Sole Mrs, for the Domin'n HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Notre Dame at., one of the most ventral and elegantly furnished Motels to the Cite Accommodation for 400 guests. Otateet/V �' TOODRUFF, t2 to $5 per day. IJ. sr V Manager DOMINION PEARS' Sole A¢'ts for can 1. PALINER&SON Yholesale Imp'trs of )tIGGISTS' SUNDRIES ITC j(OTA% DAIIE ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thinisa PerfectFriotion RECKITT'S BLUE. THE BEST FOR LAUN9RY USE. PAPERS. Wrapping, inn* tt 4. Q ALL Q SIZES 4 AND 7 4, WEIGHTS 3. To ORDER ,>c 21 DeBresoles St, s :-POTtnent 0 ' P\ r oHNs olv.s FLUID DEF. THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER 9PERFECT FOOD ji OR THE SICK ARMING ei UTRITIOUSBEVERAGE A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing.sr Bruises IISE Scalds Piles POND'S ' Burns Wounds EXTRACT • AVOID ALL MITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. bushel, or at leAst one peck, and thereby the errors which are now likely to occur in fixing the gravity of a bushel would be de- creased, if not altogether removed After looking at the matter from every standpoint and upon con- sultation with many of the repre- sentatives in Parliament of agri- cultural constituencies where the grain tester:is most in use,the lion John Costigan decided that inas- much as there now exists a recog- nized measure of capacity, viz., the bushel, peck, etc., and also a means of ascertaining the gravity of grain by scales that there is no real necessity for recognizing a third instrument as a combined weighing and measuringjmachine for grain. Every farmer is in a position, by the use of the stan- dard measures of capacity and weighing machines, to ascertain the gravity of his wheat, and the buyer of the grain has access to the same means. Accordiagly,on the recommendation of the Minis- ter of Inland Revenue, the old Order -in -Council recognizing the grain tester as an official instru- ment•has been cancelled. The de- partment, however.does not think it advisable to take any stops to forbid its use. as a buyer might desire to avail himself of it to en- able him to form his judgment as to the weight per bushel of grain which he is about purchasing. The effect of the change simply is to remove official or legal recogni- tion from the tester as a standard of measurement. `IRR' '- , 1 I. rt:.:4r o r CASTO R 1 A 11 for Infants end Children. OastorlalsaowefadeptedtochUdracthM QMteela cores Collo, Conatipetlon, recommend It as superior W any plrgcription Som' stomach, Diarrhoea, $ructaUon. kaonto me." J3.. tuumae:, M. D., Bills Worms. elves sleep. and promotes db on, 8t medication. 111 Bo. O>dord N. Y. Witiioui Brooklyn, I Injurious Tua CrN•rsca COYPANT, 07 Murray Street, N. Y. URE FI ITHOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. se When I say Cure I do not mean ■ merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return avast. 1 MEAN A RA D I CA L C U R E. I have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sicknesses a life-long study. I warrant my. remedy Send edy to Cure the worst cases. Because once for a treatise and others Free Bottleed f ofmy Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs ce, 186 iEST ADEfor a Lyou. AIDE STREET, TORONTO.Address -~. O. ROOT, M G., Branch OffiW MANY WAYS OF EATING. It you should travel round the world you would learn to eat your dinners in agood many different . ways. In Turkey you would learn to sit on the floor cross-legged and eat yonr• dinners off a tray without knives or forks, plates, glasses or napkins. All the guests eat with their fingers out of the same dish. If you dined with the Arabs you would see no knives or forks, and if your host offered you a choice bit of meat you would be expec- ted to open your mouth and let him 'put it in. The Aram use only the right hand in eating, and what is still more finny, they will pull apart or carve turkeys or fowls with only one hand and without a knive. If it is hard to separate, one of the guests will lend his right nand. In Siam you would be treated to ant's eggs and in Burmah to locusts stuffed and fried: M1 you young folk would like to eat in Japan for there they serve candies and sweet things very often and what you don't eat you are expected to take home. At grand feasts guests are expected to bring servants with baskets to take home the leavings. In Abysinia it is a mark of good breeding to smack the lips while eating, and I am sure you'll not be surprised to hear that they eat their meat raw In South America you would eat snakes and lizards, and among our American Indians you would be treated to grasshoppers. In Ota- heite you would -eat your dinner alone from a basket,and it you were in the fashion you would turn your back to everybody while eating. Snails and horse flesh would greet you in France. But the funniest dish you would sec I guess would be in Chiba, whore they serve up little crabs —alive ! Just as they sit down to dinner the tiny crabs are put into a di,b of vinegar, which makes thein very lively. Then they are put into a covered dish and placed on the table. When every one is ready the cover is snatched off, and instantly the table is covered with scampering crablets.running for their lives. In New Caledonia they serve up spiders. Horrid you said. Well, it does seem dis- gusting to us, but people who have eaten them say they are de- licious. Some people add caterpillars to their dainties, Would. you fancy eating roasted ants by the hand- fuls? They taste' like sweetened cream, so travelers say. I never tried them. But, really, when you come to think of it, none of those• insects which we consider so horrible and disgusting look any worse than lobsters and crabs, which we eat freely. It is a mat- ter of fashion, like digging up a centiped eighteen inches long, in India,and eating it like a stick of .candy, as thechildren do there,ac- cording to Humbert. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE W ITH•BUFF WRAPPER. Insect Bites Stings • Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES ALL GAIN DEMAND PONDS EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT TRW THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. TAKE ANY OTHER 7 GENTS FURN1$IHNCS To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st.DGIVE TEN PEIi CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH oil our large stock of CROCKERY, CIGNA. AND GLASSWARE. d . DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not mise the opportunity bt se. curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stook. • We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth Q We Offer NEW SEASON SLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 4S, We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth $5. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 2o. FRESH PINAN IIADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, ELOATE ZS1Cb Goode promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL We have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer weat. We bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offaring to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. Come and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. G. GLASGOW NEXT DOOR NORTH To DRY GOODS PALACE. When Baby wee sick, we gave her Castorta, When she was a Child, she Dried for Castorfa, When eh* became Mies, she clung to Caetpria, When she had Children, she gave them Cutorla A HELPFUL STORY. -- Mr Moody tells the following story about himself when a little boy: 'When I was a boy and left home for the first time, and when I was thirteen miles away—I often think that I was never so far away from home since -1 was very lonesome. I had gone into neighboring town to spend winter and do chores, as we called it in New England, for my board. My older brother had gone to that same town a few years before, and as we were walking down the1 street, I was crying, and my bro- ther was trying to cheer me up. Presently we .saw an old man coming down the Street, and my brother said: 'There, there;that man will give you a cent.' 'How do you know he will? 'He gives every new boy who comes to town a cent; he gave me one when I came.' 'I looked at him and thought he was the best -Looking man I ever saw. He had long white hair, and he looked so good as he came along. But I thought ho was going by me without Baying a word. I think it would have broke my heart if he had, for my brother had raised my hopes so high. When he got right oppo- site me he saia: 'You are u new boy in town, aren't you ? 'The old man knew my brother and I were fatherless. and so he •took my hat off and put his trem- bling hand on my head, and said I had a father who would care for me, and then gave m'e a bran -new cent. I don,t know what became of that cent, but I can feel the pressure of that old man's hand to -night. It has followed me all through life. Those kind words didn't cost him much, but they have beer, a life long blessing to me.' 'Let us go to those who have fallen, those who have been taken captive by the Satan, those that have fallen among thieves and have been stripped and wounds, and let us tell them that the Son of God will have compassion on them, and that he will save them if they will only trust Him: Mr . Moody was Tonkin g of saving the fallen, and prefaced this story by saying 'You can't reach men if you have not sym- pathy with them.' Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL RODS -IRON FOUNDATION. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADDBarn Win w&aI o>i Works ,=,3:14 Ea). WALKERVILLE. ONTARIO. CATALOGUES SENT ON APPLICATION. JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GOODS, TRAY CLOTHS. SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASHERS, STAND COVERS, &c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, SKIPPING. ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see our stock be- fore buying, as we want to clear out our present stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &a. We offer them cheap, call [and site for yourselves. HARDWARE The balance of the bankrupt stock of R.M.Raceys to be sold off cheap Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mow- ers, Brushes, Alabastine and Kalsomine Paints, Glass, Tinware, &c. --A FINE LOTI OF-- WORTILINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE WINDOW .-• SHADES In fact we can give you Bargains in every department. Try PIK RON for your Furniture. Paint, Stain and Varnish all in one. Perfectly transparent. HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Clinton hc CENTRAL GROCERY OPPOSITE 1HE POST OFFICE. Business Change. The undersigned having bought the stock of H. R. Walker, at a low rate on the dollar, -are prepared to offer the same at very close prices for cash. The stock consists of GROCER IES, Crockery, Glasswar e, &c., And is in first-class order. They are also adding new stock in every depart- ment, and will be prepared to supply the public with anything in the grocery line, a:t the very lowest prices. Specially low prices will be offered in 'My father, at about the ago of fifty, lost all the hair from the top of his head. After one month's trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor, the hair began coming, and, in three Months, he had a fine growth of hair of the natural color.'—P. J. Cullen,Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Children Cry for By the caving in of a gravel pit at Bright, Ont., a young man named Wltight, lately from the Boys' Home at Stratford, was nearly buried and suffered a cim- pound fracture of the leg. • 'Pitcher's Castoria. o be Well Dressed Costs no more than to be poorly dressed. Prove the Truth of this Assertion By placing a trial order with Walton& Morrison, Tailors SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON CROCKERY - and - TEAS Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON TOLTON Pea Harvester. T H E_ CLINTON NEW 1 R. -HOLMES, . - - Publisher, CLINTON, - -'ONT. The most perfect and durable Pea Harvester of the day Guaranteed to give Satisfaction or no sale All orders left with THOSI TLPL1N&, Clinlon, Will be attended to T. BROWN, Agt, Seaforth. THE NEW ERA- is published every Friday ; gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation' and is Unsurpassed as an Ad vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTM ENT' We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, 3alet Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. TkPcoplcisliatilloss &Cloccry Dcpol, Lo�desboc ' We have just received a full stock of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS PREtI,',; ENTS for young and old consisting of Children. CUPS, SAUCERS, MUGS,, MOUSTACHE CUPS, TEA SETS, EGG CUPS, &o. SILVERWARE --Y; _. CASTORS, CRUETS, PICKLE DISHES, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOON:,�. BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES, BROOCHE CUED' BUTTONS, CHAINS, CHARMS, PINS, COLLAR BUTTONS. A large Sts:-' eortment of Vases, all kinds. Santaolaus head quarters for Toys of every oh: ecription, such as Horne, Bugles, Animals, Music Boxes, Work Boxes Dark anti,;'; Magic Lanterns, Guns, Whistles, Books, False Faces, Dominoes, Tops, Pistold ' Swiss Magic Houses, Purses, Whips, childrens Tea Sets, Fancy Candy, Heart &o. AU the above articles will,be sold cheap for cash. Drop in and see th$a before they are all gone. My stock of Xmas Groceries is complete and at 1oWb i' current prioes. Other lines of goods also complete, Harness, Whips Robt a'` Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness shop. Tinware, Harrdwei`G,i"a Crockery, Glassware, Flower, Feed Jewellery, &c. The highest price paid }to cash for all kinds of Furs or 10 per Dent advance it taken in trade. All kindtl.dt Produce taken the same as cash. After thanking yon for past .oiistom and 'sof ," liciting a continuance. I wish you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year..,.: GEO. NEWTON - - °1-ONDESBORO B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles'. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with 13, rance's fest, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. Yak depend on: getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTAC by calling and examining tie stock a+ �At7LINTiJN, N S, •