The Clinton New Era, 1890-04-18, Page 5J:: air Tianrv;�- •te -- T' n• S11011011E3 Those im- portant se- cond eyes may be had and proper- ly fitted by King's Optometer, the only one in town, at J. B. Rumball & Co's CLOCKS J ust receiv- ed a large assortment of NickleTime,Nickle Alarm and Nickle Luminous Alarm. J. B RU M BALL & CO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS,CLINTON. Routes of Popular Stallions. Imported Draught Stallion Prince Victor, No. 10221 Will stand for mares during the season of 1890 as follows: Monday, April 21st, will leave hie own stable, 8th con. of Stanley, and Pro- ceed east 2i miles, then north to Mr Diehl's for noon; then north 11 miles of the Bayfield and Clinton Road, then west to W Graham's for night. Tuesday, proceed to Holmesville for noon,jthenoe by way of Maitland Conces- sion to BaseLine,thence north to W.H.Ball's for night. Wednesday, proceed north to Manchester Hotel for noon; then north to Westfleld„then east to J. H. McClinton's for the night. Thursday, proceed south to Mr Scott's, 13th con. of Hullett, for noon; then 14 miles south; then west to the Base Line, and by way of Ball's bridge to J. J. Fisher's, for the night. Friday, procoed by way of Benmiller to Huron Road, for noon ; Wien south on the 8th con. Goderich township to ' John McCartuey's, for the night. Saturday, proceed south to llanley's corner, then east to Wm. \Vise's, for noon ; then by way of Varna and Bayfield Road to his own stable, where he will remain till the followiug Mon- daymorning. This route will be continued throughout the season, health and weather permitting. J. DANBY, Varna, Proprietor. Imported Clydesdale Stallion Royal Admiral, No. (3632) Vol. X., B. C. B. Monday, Aprll 21st, will leave his own stable, B. Churchill's Hullett, and proceed by 16th Con., Goderich township, to John Elliott's, Bayfield Line, for noon ; then to John Sheppard's, lot 23, Bayfield Line, for the night. Tuesday, will pro- ceed to Mr Archer's Bayfield Line, for noon ; then to Thos. Harrison's, 4th Con., for the night. Wednesday, will proceed to Jas. Colwell's, 8th Con., for noon ; then to Robt, Hanley's,8th Con., for the night. Thursday, will proceed to J. Hu - die's, 0th Con. for noon ; then to John Whitley's, 7th Con., for the night. Friday, will proceed to John Yoo's by way of Huron Road, for noon ; then to J. G. Steep's, 10th Con., for the night. Saturday, will proceed to J. Churchill's, 14th Con., for noon ; then to his own stable, where he will remain till the following Monday morning. CHURCHILL & WALLACE, Proprietors. • The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Tom's The Boy, No. 7356 Vol. XI. Monday, April 21, will leave his own stable, 6th con.,of Hullett,and proceed to A Fanham's,10th con., for noon ; then north to John Shortreed's Morris, for night. Tuesday, will proceed to yDan Kelly's, Morris, for noon ; then to Mason's i-' Hotel, Blyth, for night. Wednesday, will pro- ceed to Lendesboro, and remain for one hour, then to his own stable for the night. ghursday, will proceed up the 14th con., of Hull tt, to the Base Line, then across by way of Summerhill to H. Murphy's, for noon ; then to W. Connell's 0th Goderich township, for tare night. Friday, will proceed by way of Bayfield Road to Bell's Hotel, Clinton, for noon ; then to Frank Layton's 2nd Con., of Tuckersmith, for the night. Saturday, will proceed up to II. Freeman's, Hullett, for noon, then tohis own stable, where 'he will re- main till the following Monday morning. J & D REYNOLDS, Proprietors. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Fleetwood, No. (5765, Vol. X. C. S. C., G. B. & I.) Monday, April 21st, will leave his own stable, Thornton Wallaces, lot 31, Con. 7, Hullett, and proceed north to the 8th con., to Geo. Christo- pher's, for noon ; then across to the 10th con., then east 11 miles, then across to the 13th, to W Patterson's, for night. Tuesday, will proceed to the Base Line to Isaac Rapson's for noon ; then by way of Summerhill to Mrs Waigate Tebbutt's, Maitland concession for the night. Wednesday, proceed to W. Col:lough's, 11th con., Goderich township, for noon ; then by way of Jas. Con- nell's corner, to the 14th to Kopple Disney's, Huron Road, for the night. Thursday, will pro- ceed by way of Clinton to B. Churchill's Mullett(, for noon ; then down the Ind to Geo, Dales, Mul- lett, u - lett, for the night. Friday, will proceed out to the Huron road, then up the Huron toad to 13. Churchill's for noon ; then down the Base Line to 5th con., then east to Jas. lteynold's, for the night. Saturday, will proceed across to the 8th con., to Geo. Hesk's for noon ; then home to his own stable, where lie will remain till the follow- ing Monday morning. CHURCHILL & WAL- LACE, Proprietors. MORTGAGE SALE —OF— FARM - LANDS IN THE --w TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage (which( mortgage will be produced on day of sale) there will be sold at public auction by Dav- id Dickinson, auctioneer, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, ON MONDAY, the 5th of MAY, 1890 At 2 o'clock p. m:, the following lands and premises, viz : Lot number fourteen, in the Maitland Concession, Township of Colborne, in the Couuty of Huron, and containing 90 acres, more or less. There are on the premises a frame house and bank barn. The soil is a good clay loam, in good order for spring work. TERMS.—The property will be sold subject to a mortgage for $1700. Ten per cent. of the purchase money to bo paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days there- after without interest. The purchaser will be required to sign an agreement on the day of sale for the completion of the purchase. Further terms and particulars made known on day of sale or upon application to H. HALE, Esq or to the undersigned. D. DICKINSON MAI'7NING & SCOTT, Auctioneer Vonder's Solicitors Clinton, April 3rd, 1890. Pincher, (No. 553 S. C. B. of Scot- land.) Monday, April 28th, will leave his own stable and proceed to the 2nd con., Tuckersmith, then south to Elcoat's cotner, then east to C. Lane - borough's for noon ; then to his own stable for night. Tuesday, will proceed north to the Base Line to R. Mason's, Goderten T'p for noon ; then north to East's corner, then south 11 mile to Enos Hull's for night. Wednesday, pro- ceed east to William Aitchison's for noon ; then proceed north along the boundary line to the 13111 con., of Hullett, to Joseph Stevens' for night. Thursday, wi;l procoed 11 miles east, then south to the 8th con., of McKillop, to Jos. Wheatley's for noon ; then south to the Huron Road, then east to Weir's hotel, Seaforth, for the night. Friday, will proceed west along the Huron Road to Samuel Welee's for noon ; then proceed west 11 miles, then south by O'Br en's corner to his own stable. Saturday, will pro- ceed to the 4th con., of Stanley, to Henry Diehl's for noon ; then to his own stable, where he will remain till the following Monday morn- ing. AVERY & NOTT, Proprietors. . _ MORTGAGE SALE —OF— REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE SALE OF Yalllable FARM PROPERTY —IN THE— TOWNSHIP of COLBORNE Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a certain indenture of mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be sold by public auction, on MONDAY, 5th of May, 1890,. At the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, all and singu- lar, that certain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises situate lying and being in the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, and Provinee of Ontario, being composed of lot number twen- ty-three, in the Maitland Concession of tl.e said township of Colborne, containing by admeasure- ment 173 acres, more or loss. Un this property there is a frame house in good repair and a large frame barn. The soil is a clay loam, well water ed, and there is now growing 15 acres of fal- wheat. The orchard on the place is one of the best in the Toonship of Colborne. TERMS,—The place will be sold subject to a first mortgage of $2,200, of the balance 10 per cent. must be paid on day of sale, and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest. Pos- sesion given on completion of purchase. The purchaser, on day of sale, will be required to sign an agreement for the completion of his pur- chase. Further terns and conditions made known on day of sale. Full information can be had on application to FARRAN & TISDALL, Clinton, or the Vendors' Solicitors. Dated this third day of Aptril1890. MANNING Si SCOTT, Vendors' Solicitors. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a oe Main mortgage made by John Johnston tiamotor, and Eliza Jano Johnson, his wide, to Edward Taylor Dart- nell, the undersigned are authorized to offer for sale the following property in the town of Clinton, being composed of part of lot number 377 in tine ss,id town ofClinton,con- mencing on Albert ,Street, at a point sixty four foot Rix inches north of the south-east angle of said lot; thence north along the limit of the said lot, 15 feet aix inches, to the north-east angle of the Raid lof ; thence due west 132 feet, to the north-west angle of the said lot ; thence due south le feet 6 inches the west boundary of said lot, and from thence due east 132 font to place of beginn- ing, containing by adinonsuremont 2376 square feet snore or less, subject to a right of way twelve feet in width across the west- erly limit of part of said lot, and together with a right of way 12 feet wide along the westerly limit of the adjoining lot No. 37e, extending to Princess Street, whirl right of way has been reserved for the time being for the nee of owners of said two Lets 377 and 378, which mortgaged premises are new in the occupation of the Raid mortgagor, end are favorahlyaltnnte in the business part of Al- bert Street. For further information apply to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for Vendor Clinton ,March 20th, 1890. } SEALED TENDERS for purchase of above Lands will be received by the under- eigner1 up to and inclusive of the 25th DAY OF APIIIL next. Tornio and oonditfons made known upon application to them, Clinton, March 20th 1830. MAN, ING & SCOTT, 41 ' ollditOtSfor Vondor. MORTGAGE SALE --OF-- FARM Lands ' —IN THE— TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Oo,riletadevery Tburrday afteruflea. Tbnrgwy, ,A,PR1I0, 17 1"$Q0. Wheat, fall, standard0 90 a 0 90 Oats 28 a 0 30 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a Q 52 Flour per bal 4 50 a 5 00 Butter 0 15 a 0 15 Egg. 0 8 a 8 Pork 5 00a 5 56 Hay 6 00 a 25 Hides 3 25 a 3 05 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 72 'SPRING WHEAT SEED.” The subscriber has on hand a limited quantity of the following varieties of Spring Wheat suitable for seed:— WHITE RUSSIAN, LOST NATION , WH1TE FIFE. Price Reasonable, JAS. FAIR, Clinton. s -W -*-• wee WE ARE READY FOR THE Rouse Cleaning Season; With a magnificent range of Carpets, Lace Curtains & Cents Furnishinis The stock of Carpets is very complete. The newest and most popular designs and colorings in Brussels, Tapestry, Wools, Unions and Hemps, Mattings, Oil Cloths and. Lino) eums, In Lace Curtains, we show an immense assortment of new patterns at very low prices. We are showing extra value in these goods. Full lines in TABLE -:- LINENS, -:- SHEETINGS, -:- PILLOW :-: COTTONS, -:- QUILTS, :-: &c. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET If you want a new carpet, do not buy before giving us a look through ; it will not There were about 350 head of but- chers' cattle, 200 calves, 100 sheep and 20 lambs offered at the East End abat- toir. Trade was rather dull, and prices 1 5 per c. off for cash. slightly lower, but there were no really prime beeves offered. The highest prioe — — —" paid here was 5c per Ib. while leanish 1 cattle, including milkmen's strippers, 1 sold at from 3c to 3io per ib. Good veals are in demand at from $5 to $10 eaoh,lebut common and inferior calves are pretty low priced, or from $125 to $4 each. There is a good demand for tion critters at ab ut 5c lb f cost you anything and it may save you something. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage sale (which mortgage will be produced on the day of sale) there will be sold by public auction, by David Dickinson, auctioneer, at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON, —O N— . mu p peror such as are unshorn, but a number of those offered had been deprived of their fleeces, and these brought about 4c per lb. There is a good demand and pretty high prices paid for superior spring lambs, but the smaller; ones are declin- ing in price. Prices are from $2 to $6 each. Fat hogs are easier in price, or from 51c to 51c per lb. BORN Davi SON.—In Goderich, on April 5th, the wife of A. B. Davison, of twins— son and daughter. MACALLIBTEIL—In Dunlop, on the 8th inst., the wife of A. MacAllister, of the Exchange Hotel, of a son. To)l.—In Goderich, on April 5th, the wife of John Elgin Tom, public school inspector, of a daughter. MARRIED ItosE—B2uoi.—Ou April 8th, by Rev Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., in Colborne township, at the residence of Captain Andrew Bogie, his daughter, Mary, to William L. Rome, of Toronto. RYCK)IAN—WINTERBERO, — 4t Thule, South Dakota, at the residence of the bride's brother, by Rev Mr Bode, uncle of the bride, Mr Fletcher Ryckman, of Westfield, Ontario, to Miss Tillie Wabena,third daughter of Mr Theodore Winterberg, of Rockfort, Illinois. NICHOLIAN—DnuLLET.—At the par- sonage, Walton, on the 9th inst., by the Rev Wm.Torrance, Mr Wm. Nicholson, of McKillop, to Miss Harriet Drullet, of Morris. THURSDAY, May 1st, 1890, At 2 o'clock is. m , the following lands and premises:—Lot Number twenty-two, in the third concession of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, containing one hun- dred acres rnore or lege. The property is situate one and a half miles from Clinton, and Is a first-class grazing and wheat farm. There is on the premises a ueverfailing spring creek convenient of access for stock. TE RIMS—Tan per cent Of t110 peens -se mon•,v on day of sale, balance to be paid in 30 (lava thereafter, withoutlinterest. At the opt:oa of the purchaser $3,000 of the pur- chase money may remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. The purchaser will be required to sign an agreement on the day of sale for the completion of the purchase. For further terms and particulars apply to H.Hale, Esq., or the undersigned. D- DICKINSON, MANNING & SCOTT, Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitors Clinton, April 3rd., 18;10. MORTGAGE SALE OF Farm - Lands IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. Under aind by virtue of the power of sale contained in s certain Mortgage (which mortgage will be produced on day of sale) there will be sold by public auction, by D. Dickinson, auctioneer, at COOK'S HOTEL VARNA, —ON ---- SATURDAY, SATURDAY, 26th at APRil.,1890 "IED DICKsoN.—In Clinton, on the 15th inst., Chris Dickson, aged 30 years and 5 months. SALE REGISTER. House and lot, on Albert St. belong- ing to the estate of the late Jessie Snlith, at Rattenbury House, on the 19th inst. D. Dickinson, Auct. Farm lands, Lot No. 10, lith con., Stan- ley, on April 2tith,at Cook's Hotel, Var- na. D. Dickinson, Auet. Farm lands, Lot 22, rd Coy„ Hul- lett, on Thursday May 1st., at the Rat. tenbury Hotel. D. Dickinson, Auct. Farm lands Lot No. 14, Maitland Con., Colborne, on Monday, May 5th, Rattenbury House, Clinton. D. Dick- inson, auct. Farm lands, Lot No. 23, Maitland Con., Cblborne, on Monday, May 5th, Rattenbury Hottee, Clinton. D. Dick- inson, aunt. • At 2 o'clock p. m., the following lands and premises: 1,nt. Number ten, in the 6th Con- cession of the township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, containing ono hundred acres, more or lose. There are Greeted on tee premises, good barn, shed and stables, and n, storey end a half gravel dwelling house, with ki(ellen. The eon is first-class, with 90 aerie under r'titivation . The pro- perty le Altman 2 miles from Varna and 5 miles from Brneefield, a station on the Lon- don, Huron and Bruce Railroad. TERMS,--e100of the pnrehase money to be paid on day of sale, and balance in 30 days thereafter without Interest, If desired the mortgagee will allow the purchase money over 46600 to remain on mortgage at 6 per Dont interest, with privilege of paying 1n inetalmonts. immediate poeeeesion can be given.. For ufreher terms and particulars, apply to the undersigned. D. bT KINSON, MANNING & SCOTT uotloneer. 1 endor's-Solioitore. iiutotlrAl?ill 3rd., 9917;.. MRS. WHITT. M.C.S.M; TEACHER OF MUSIC. • Piano, Organ and Technicon, or Muscle developer. for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. 8. Hartt's, opposite Mr. Whitehead's. Shorthorn Bull for Sale. One choice Shorthorn bull, 15 months old registered in the Dominion Herd book, sired by (Imp.) Red Knight, Apply to NEIL Mc - DONALD, Blyth P. 0. pd 4i Prof. Corny/on! Coming Wit, his immense display of HAIR GOODS. He will be at the Rattenbury House Clinton, Thursday, April 24th. - When every lady should make it a special point to come and see the Professor's fine styles. His assortment of WAVES, W1OS,TOUPEES, &c., articles of which every lady should have one or the oth- er for the sake of health, appearance and econ- omy. Even if she has an abundant growth of hair, she should have one in order to meet the requirements of a fashionable head and to save her own hair. It is a difficult natter to explain the full benefits of wearing Hair Goode, In an adverti.eenant, so that Prof. Dorenwond asks that ladses call on him, whether they intend to buy or not. If they do pot get something now, they may la' er on, and while there is an oppor- tunity it is just as well to learn particulars. For gentlemen who are bald, Prof. D hes Toupees and Wigs that are most perfect, they fit like a glove, and are as natural as life. A visit to the snow rooms will be well repaid. Persons who are already wearing the Prof 's goods will do their friends a favor If they will prevail on them to visit the Professor. Reme nber, Rattenbury House, Clin- ton, Thursday, April '24. ESTATE JOHN I-IO]� CENS CHEAP If you want to buy a Dinner,Tea and Chamber Set, don't invest until you have seen our:new stock. We offer new patterns in 100 pieces DINNER SETS FOR $8 These sets are the best value in the market, several different shades and colors to choose from. Also extra fine TEN PIECE CHAMBER SETS FOR $3.50 With extra large Ure and Basin. These sets are positively the best value in town. Other colored 10 piece sets from $8 up, White Granite ware,: equally as cheap. Fine Colored TEA. SETS,44 pieces for $3.25, several I different styles and colors. These goods a printed on extra heavy ware, I and are, without doubt, the cheapest ever shown in Clintcn. See them before purchasing. TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICE &c., at lowest prices. In a few days we will announce the winner of the Sewing Machine given away with our Baking Powder. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERT7 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Under and by virtue of a power of Sale-eon- tained in a certain mortgage (which mort- gage will he produced on day of sale) there will be gold'by Public Auction by David Dickinson, Auctioneer, at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, At the hour of Two o'clock, p. ni., on SATURIDAY, APRIL 19th, 1890, The following lands and premigec, viz —hot number Eighteen, in the Fourth ('nnc"Ogren of the Township of Hullett, in the 5 fruity of Huron, 'containing one hundred 1 ren, more or less. Thin property is situate' -out Si miles from Clinton. There is ereett 1 on it a good bank barn. There are 22 e'Trea -Areal with fell wheat. The other land snit able for cropping has been fall plowed. Im- mediate possession can be given. TERMS.—Ten per pent of the purchase money on the day of sale, and the balance In 30 days thereafter, without interest. The purchaser will be required, on day of sale, to sign an agreement for completion of pur- chase. Further terms and conditions made known on day of sale,or upon application to the undersigned. D. DICKINSON, NANVnds9oltllnIboor eot ot COOPER & LOGAN, NEXT TO COUCII'S. — Clinton SPRING SALE OF BOOTS and SHOES In order to reduce my stock to make room for Spring Goods, I will sell for the nest thirty clays, my entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers & Overshoes AT COST FOR CASH. Call early and get Bargains. Ten per cent Discount for C., qh, Eggs taken in exchange r -7_C Y'T 1 ATTT THE POPULAR 111•1111s GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO .New arrivals this week of rints, Ginghams and DRESS GOODS Which we consider the best value in the county. We offer a range of Sateen -:- Prints Fast and beautiful colors, choice patterns, soft and dur- able cloth at 122 cents, equal to anything you can buy at 15 cents, We show a special line of ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS in grey and brown effects at 12- cts., worth a good deal more if bought in the regular way. 500 Yards TWEEDS Several patterns at less than mill prices. We recognize the fact that in order to hold our trade and increase the - number of our customers in these days of keen compe •n� Jl� V 1 V 111J111� .i 11 tition, we must be up and doing. We must offer special inducements. We visit the markets several times dur ing the year, and thus keep thoroughly posted in styles a,nd fabrics ; and ample capital enables us to take any , special lots that are placed on the market. Our custo- OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. mers are assured that in dealing with us they get the • newest goods at the closest prices. As a proof of this compare goods and prices with a neighbor, who may deal elsewhere. We thank you for past favors and so• licit a continuance of your valuable patronage. The CENTRAL GROCERY Business Change. The undersigned having bought the stock of 11. R. Walker, at a low rate on the dollar, are prepared to offer the same at very close prices for cash. The stock consists of GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, &c,, And is in first-class order. They are also adding new stock in every depart- ment, and will be prepared to supply the public with anything in the grocery line, at the very lowest prices. Specially low prices will be offered in CROCKERY - and - TEAS Patronage respectfully solicited. Remember the place—Walker's old stand. MCMURRAY & WILTSE, - CLINTON To The Public. The undersigned will continue the busi- ness heretofore carried on by J. C. Det- lor & Co. Further announcement will be made in a few days. THOMAS - DETLOR, CLINTON W. L. OUIM-ETTE, LONDEsBORO HUB GROCERY TTTTTTTTTTT We have a new lot of Uncolored Japans,- Congou, anl Young Hyson. Do not be deceived by tea peddlars; you can get better value at home. We guarantee satisfaction. SEEDS --Timothy, Red Clover, Flower and Garden. A..L L Ii W,Ci.I11YTON JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of PLAIN and STAMPED GO?DS, TRAY CLOTHS, SIDEBOARD DRAPES, TOILET SETS, SPLASH1 RS, STAND COVERS,' &c., Also a large stock of RUBBER BALLS, BAI E BALLS, SKIPPING ROPES, HAMMOCKS, EXPRESS WAGGONS. Call and see Our stook bo- g, fore buying, as we want to clear out ourpresent stock of WALL PAPER CEILING DECORATIONS, &o. We offer thein cheap, call [and see for yourselves. WORTHINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE W 0 0 w McGOOL 'BROS & CO , THE LEADING OIL MERCHANTS R OF CANADA �j� Are still pleasing ilio public Wi'h oils. Why use an oil that will ill- �+� jure your machinery when you can got the celebrated " A IR, IDs 1NE?" Specialties: Cylinder, Lardine, Wool, Eureka, Spindle, Bolt -Cutting, Solar and Harness. Manufacturers, McCOOL BROS & CO., Toronto, For solo by all dealers tbrongl;out the Dominion: 1890 SPRING 1890 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, LOWEST PRICES and LARGE STOCK of NEW GOODS to Select from. Eggs Taken in Exchange 6 per c. off for Cash 5a W. Taylor & Sons� CLINTON AND R' '" r7