The Clinton New Era, 1890-03-28, Page 7A751 INIFIHA1. pEttrNE$ -HAYgFi'ER A Xxvii 191,11C TJ ATMCNT• Euff firers Are not generally aware that 0011C, 41sease0 are contagious, or that they ,xs 4ue to the presence of living parasites in, the lining membrane of the nose and OUStaghian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and tbc result of this discovery is that a Kunkle remedy has been formulated where - y. catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay lever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home py the patient once in two weeks. N,13.—This treatment is not a snuff or au ointment; both have been discarded day reputable"pbysfciane as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Altos & BON, 303 West King Street, Toronto, Canada. -Toronto (dobe. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubes should w•tafuliv "eadtoe •(hove. FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing Bruises USE AVOID ALL MITA- TIONS. THEY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH BUFF WRAPPER. Scalds Piles POND'S Bu, -ns Hinds EXTRACT Iii ect -Bites Stings Sore Feet INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES �- � tai;. 9 - H\1 V D DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT 140 SUBSTITUTE FOR IT 0 FREE THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. GEMS OF TIIOUGT. Never was asincere word utter- ly lost. Wisdom never kicks,,it the iron walls it can't bring down. He who murmurs at his lot is like one baring his feet to tread upon thorns. Though flattery blossoms like friendship yet their is a great dif- ference in the fruit. The best portion ofa man's life is that devoted to little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love. Feelings come and go like light troops following the victory of the present; but principles, like troops of the line, are undisturbed and stand fast. Gents, -I have used your MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT for brotchitis and asthma and it has cured me. I believe it the best. Lot 6, P. E. I. Mas. A. LIVINGSTONE Man can scarcely be under a greater delusion than to suppose that he can in any instance add to his happiness by a sacrifice of principle. Happiness and smiles, sorrows and tears, are not always com- panions. Laughter- may be a cloakfor misery, )vhile the deepest joy may be veiled in tears. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust everybody with your offensive breath, but use Dr. S tge's Catarrh Remedy and end it. The art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. OI1R NEWFD IBtlr Bond °old Watch E. Worth 0100.0 . st$as watch in the world. Perfect timekeeper. Warranted heavy, SOLID GOLD bunting cases. Both ladies' and gents sires, with works and cases of equal value. ONE PERSON In each locality can secure one =i�;) ":/i 'J�% • free, together- with our large rota, /and valuable Ino of llmuehold Wilt ampre.- These eomplee, so well are ,tree. All the work you need de Is to show what we send you to those who cull—your i[es the watch friends and neighbors and those about you—that always result. invaluable trade torus which bolds for years when once started, and thus we are repei,..Wo pay all express, freight, etc. Atter • you know all if you would like to go to work for us. you can earn from 840 10 (sen per week and upwards. Address, Stinson.* Co., Box 81 m, Portland, Maine. v f IIE BEST ': AXING POWDER —1- I S 4 - ilicLAREB'S MINE COOrg F1101 1 GARTH &CO, FACTORY SJFF:_:ES Valves, Iron Loose Poi!ay (.:k -s, Steam let Put: -c; ;'ra Pumps. 't.?n,! Cra^tr Nch,:iglntrious. and L:u,lcv i; MAMAEti''°';'If1E1E, ,;.:-: , JAPANESE'ETIQUETTE. A writer on the New York Star who attended a 'blow out' of the Japanese Club there, afterwards writing about it, said:— was interested in the differ- ence in etiquette between Japan and the Occident. Though there were a hundred or more present, the rooms were as silent almost as if they were deserted. Every- one talked in whispers to every- one else. The refreshments were served by waiters who were sil- ence embodied, and every Orien- tal who did anything, said any- thing, or beard anything,express- ed his pleasure by bowing from once to three times, until tho American eye was weary with the excessive courtesy. They even go so far that when a person reading a newspaper turns it so as to make a noise, he makes a bow of apology to all within earshot, and all who hear the sound or see the bow, bow in return, as if to say, 'Do not mention it.' Purify and enrich your blood, tone your system, will insure against disease, and enjoy good health by using Case's Sarsaparil- la Bitters. Price 50c. and $,1.00, Sold at J. H. Combos', Clinton. In a valiant suffering for others, and not in a slothful making others suffer for us, did nobleness ever lie. .The chief of men is he who stands in the van of men, fronting the peril which frightens back all others, which, if it be not vanquished, will devour the others. Hope is the ruddy morning ray of joy, recollection is its golden tinge; but the latter is wont to sink amid the dews and dusky shades of twilight, and the bright blue day which the former promi- ses breaks indeed, but in another wori::and with another sun. Wlith groans and sighs, and dizzied eyes, H� seeks the couch and down he lies; Nausea and faintness in him rise, Brow -raking pains assailed him. Stick -headache! But ere long comes Base, His stomach settles into peace, Within his head the throbbings cease- Pierce's Pellets never fail him ! Nor will they fail anyone in such a dire predicament. To the dyspeptic, the billions, and the constipated, they are alike "a friend in need and n friend in- deed." C ADWICK'S" LEAT}j. i{iiJ: eat) ®® CTEEL-LINED Tr'JF.liS In Sample, LRrl ie a' and all other klu,Jr, L1Ctest and Strcrt ,st TRUNKS COTTON For Hand and ]tfCachdire Use. In the Wori!. --E1A No SUPERIOR. ' EYELEIGH CO MONTREAL, ASK FOR IT, Sills MS. for the Donn HOTEL BERM. 1403iTELEAL. Notre name St., ono of the moot central and elegantly furnished Hotels in the Cit, .accommodation for 400 guests. rtatest i7 t717OODRUFF, t2i0to$3perday. , V i YY Manager PEARS' con-�t-PT-.-rT r -►7-. Sole Azle for Canada, 4.PALMER&SOP! Nholeaale Imp'tra of JJGGISTS' SUNDRIES - 4 NOTRE EWE ST. i7 3, MONTREAL. y . _ SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS N!ILLBCARD Steam Pacl,:in FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Th is is a Perfect friction RECKITT'S e« THE BEST FOR L6..U1`tDRV USE, PAPERS Wrapping, Tanta, ilia 1 'JEWS, 4 Q: ALL .. SIZES Ce AND iDs, WEIGHTS OF7DGn � j 2I �BBTOs0I0s St,TO� oHf1S1 NSF fLUIDLIEEF tHE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER /'PERFECT FOOD c�FOR THE SICV. WARMING 8, ,1 11117PITIOOSOEVERAGr Io A POWERFUL A GAME OF BLUFI. A PAPER WORTH READING. Arepresentative of the well known firm of Fulford & Co., Brookville, Ont., proprietors of Nasal Balm, is in town this week in the interest of his firm, and among other advertising matter is distributing a paper which may be re- garded as somewhat of a curiosity. It is called The Golden Age, and purports to be printed in the year 1998, and is filled with items and paragraphs of events that may reasonably be expected to occur at that date. It deals also with the transition of Canada from its pre- sent condition to an independent re- public and its gradual absorption of the United States, and this article, to say the least, is ingenious. All the matter is breezy, spicy and readable, and much of it decidedly novel. We would advise our readers to get a copy of The Gold. en Age and give it a careful perusal. Any of our readers who have not re- ceived a copy o4 this paper can do so by sending their address on a postal card o Messrs Fulford & Co. It is hard to get ahead ofa cab- man, says the New York Tribune. He may beat you even when you make a bargain with him befu re - hand. The other day a gentleman from the West arrived at the Grand Central station. 'How much will you charge to take me to the Murray Hill hotel?' ho ask- ed a Jehu. Cabby knew from this question that his prospective fare was a stranger in the city,for the Murray Ilill hotel loomed up right in front of where they were standing. So he concluded to play a bold game of bluff. 'Lem - me see,' he mused, 'two blocks to Fift' aveny-er, eighteen blocks to der Wort' mounment, and eigh- teen blocks to der Murray Hill.— Well, boss, I guess I'll have to charge you a $1.50.' And he did, so, landing his passenger at. the side entrance of the hotel, so that be should not see how near be was to the station. �..` INVIGORATOR s' CASTOR IA for infants and Children. "CsatorLloeowefadsptadtocb1deent]tat Oa11tosLi errs Coad, Cooatfpatton, 1 recommend It as superior to nay preacripttorr Baur Stomach, Diatrhosa, Eructation, knows to me." H. A. Asda, M. D.., &J11sq�'Wtorin , gives sleep, atxl promotes di. 21180. Ostend 8t„ Brooklyn, N. T. WlittoatofAjm'ious medication. Tam OJcerrAus Costaiey, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. fIER MAJESTY. Edmund Yates says in his cable to Monday's New York Tribune— The Queen was looking very well again last woek,tbough not quite so pleasant as at the last Drawing - room. She did not stay nil the time so ninny missed seeing her. She sat a good deal for she can- not now stand very long or go up stairs, and on her visits to Lady Ely and the Duchess of Fife she was received on both occasions downstairs. Rheunlotiam, from which her Majesty is suffering, and which has become chronic since her fall, has caused a con- traction of the muscles of one leg. It does not impair her general health, as she is well and looks well, but their is no disguising the fact, which everyone admits who sees her, that the Queen has aged considerably in the last two years. A MODEST, SENSITIVE WOMEN often shrinks from consulting a physician about functional de- rangement, and prefers to suffer in silence. This may be a mis- taken feeling, but it is one which is largely prevalent. To all such women we would ray that one of the most skilful physicians of the day,who has had a vast experience in curing diseases peculiar to wo- men,has prepared a remedy which is of inestimable aid to them.— We refer to Dr. Pierce's E'avorite Prescription. This is the only remedy for women's peculiar weakness and ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guaran- tee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every caseor money refunded. See guar- antee printed on bottle wrapper. C.)nsiderablo comment and d is ((0.51 nt .,n the incompetency of the staff :)f 1enehel•s•in rho employ of tho hoard of education at Lon- pon has been indulged in and the matter was !nought to a point at Friday's meeting when the inter- nal management committee un- animously adopted a resolution notifying ail teachers that their onga Imints will f,.c at July 1, and tllatt he stall' 'krill be fecar- ganizcd from the hest material available, inal uding such teachers 'tt present on the tarr its shall be deemed cnpnble. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prac- Lce, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanentcure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. ' Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to • all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. S'nt by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYES, 820 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURA.NCE SPECTACLES by calling,gtnd examining the stock at Tic -I400:!•( A ! % JACI-K ' . • h'411.. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES 11 GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Cure 1 do not mean Il! merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. 1 MEAN A RAD 1 CA L C ill ft E. I have made the disease of Fits, Epilepey or Falling Srcknese a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :-H. C. ROOT, M.O., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. The Rio Grande Railway in California, has 250 shovelers open- ing the snow blockades across the San Juan range at Cumbries. The snow' there is GO feet above the tops of the -telegraph poles, and for miles it is 25 to 50 feet deep, the deepest ever known here. An nnsuccessful attempt was made on Monday to poison James Furguson, a workman employed in White's foundry at Madoc, by putting purls green in the tea in his dinner pail. Its color be- trayed the presence of the drug and none of the poisoned tea was drunk. When Macbeth 1 ronically asked, "Car.st thou minister to a mind diseased?" bo little knew that mankind would onq day be bless- ed with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In purifying thea blood. This pow- erful alterative gives tone and strength to every function and faculity of the system. For the cure of colds, coughs, and all derangements of the re- spiratory organs, no other medi- cine is so reliable asAyer's Cherry Pectoral. It relieves the asthma- tic and corsumptive, even in ad- vanced stages of disease, and has saved innumerable lives. (low theseprotectionists do contradict themselves I Tell them that cotton, iron, sugar etc., are made dearer by the high duties upon imports, and they will affirm that the duty is paid by the foreign producer and not by tho'Canad- ian consumer -that the goods are cheap- er in Canada now than thoy would be if the lower Cartwright duty were in force. But when the University build- ings aro "Turned down, and hooks ere needed for a new library, Sir Jr 1 Mcl)enald docidrs 11 remit, the duties so as to make the University fonds so further in the purchase of books. On the Same principal a protcct:onist Con. grass remitted the fluty or hlmbcr im ported to rebuild Chicago afterthe great fire. The protectionists know very that when they allege that duties are not Rddn d to prices. Now and then they forget themeel ces and give the snap away. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castors. GENTSf NISH1J6S We have just received a large and attractive assortment of the latest styles for spring and summer wear. We bought an immense stock at close cut prices, and are offering to the public good goods at prices that were never before heard of in this section. Come and see the goods. Nobby HATS, Dandy CAPS, Beautiful TIES, Pretty SHIRTS, Nice Colored GLOVES. G. GLASGOW, NEXT DOOM, NORTH To DRY GOODS PALACE. 1 '; ;9• Office Railings, [WIt� t li , jl 11 1 �r 3sa+e .;P..:_:. i., ee ,,' J :. a 1's£EL RODS -IROS• t•r t+,i :+n rt AND FOUIsTA11'fS. L.'it... ADDRESS Barnum Wire & Iron l 12. T. (I. I ITEC). WALKERVILLE. ONTARIO. On Saturday night the gambling houses at Council Bluffs, Iowa, were closed for the first time in years. The movement against the gamblers began with the citizen's ticket, which was elected by an overwhelming majority two weeks ago. Immediately after- wards the business amen of the city or- ganized an Anti -Gamblers League. The gamblers decided to move out with- out ado. The gambling element has dominated in the city for years. The St. Paul Pioneer Press is satisfied that protection can do the farmer noth- ing but harm. It says : We are come- ing to the days of small things ; small prices, small profits, small fortunes. The farmer cannot increase his income, therefore he must diminish his outgo. And it is not unreasonable that, . while he has to meet the fiercest competition in the cheapest market of the world when he sells, he should begin to think about the market in which he buys. He finds there that prices are still main- tained artificially, and he demands that they come down to suit his altered con- dition. The farmer cannot by any possibility be protected by law, because his product has to be sold in a market beyond the roach of any laws that we can pass. A writer in a New York sporting paper makes an interesting comparison of the various modes of locomotion, with the following result: A man can swim a mile in 26 minutes 52 seconds; he can walk it in 6 minutes 23 seconds; he oan cover it on snowshoes in 5 minutes 391 seconds- he can run the distance in 4 minutes 124 seconds; he can ride it on a tricycle in 2 minutes 29 4.5 seconds, and can skate it in 2 minutes 12 3.6 seconds. Behind a trotting horse he gains nearly four seconds by covering the distance in 2 minutes 84 seconds; while on a running horse he gallops the mile in 1 minute 39f seconds, and last and fastest, he sits in a railroad train and flies over a mile of the steel rails in 50i seconds. Is the time to buy Rose, Bushes, Evergreens, Or- namental and Fruit Trees Stix should be in every house. It saves twenty times its cost. Sold by druggists, A remarkable marriage has just been announced at Ritchie, V. On Satur- day morning Jacob Riffiner, aged .80 years, walked fomhishome, at Eaton's Tunnel to the home of Mrs Ray, a widow of 65. He introduced himself to the widow, saying that he understood she wished to marry. They talked twenty minutes and Mr Riffner secured a license, and returned with a minister, and before night they were married. Mr Riffner, who is a prosperous farmer Wok his bride home Monday morning. GREAT SIOUX RESERVATION NOW OPEN. The fertile lands in the Great Sioux Indian R Reservation,west of the Missouri river, open for settlement. The are now President's proclamation was issu'ld on February 10th,1890. The natural gate. way to the Southern part of the reser- vation is via Chamberlain, South Dako- to, the preo'nt western treminus of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway. From that point to the 10nr19 beyond, homeseekers mostrocesd h won.P Y All n',cessary outlits can bo secured at reasonable prices at Chamberlian. For the convenience of persons collo may desir i to inspect the new c rnntry lirst-class re,lnee.l rite excursion tickets to Chamberlain and return, ‘v ill lie sold from Chicago, :Milwaukee mid 1th''r points on the Chicago, Milwaukee ,t' St. Paul 1(;tilway, good t0 return until (1 , tube r 'a ar t,l ] 1 . J. 1'0• ma, s and circnlarS, containing general ar detailed informlttion,pleao' 0311)11 1, the nearest ticket agent, or a,l.lr, 91 A•. V. ll.1(;'kaPENTR11, General 1'.r11r er Agent, Milwn.nkee. Wis.• May 30. 0t, Ayer's P,. air Vigor S the " ideal" flair -dressing. It re- 1stores the color to gray hair ; promotes a fresh and vigorous growth; prevents the formation ff dandruff; makes the hair soft and silken; and imparts a deli- cate but lasting per- fume. ' n,'veral months ago rnv hair com- menced falling out,• and in n few weeks lily head «'aa almost ball. I tried many remedies, hut they did no good. I final- ly bought a bottle of Ayer's (lair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the con- tents, my hwait was covered with a heavy growth of hair. 1 reeonunend your preparation' as the best in the world." -T. Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years. end 11(100 al ways given me satisfaction. 1110 00 excellent dress- ing prevent; the Hair from turning gray, 1000104 i+'1 +•amus growth, an keeps the 0,Tali, ,r bite :au clean." Mary A. Jai' l:s,.n, 0',11,111, gang. "I have used Ay,•r's Hair Vigor for promoting the growth of the hair, and think it uneo::l!eil. For restoring the hair to its orizinal color, 011,1 for adress- ing, it cannot be snrpns<e,l."-Mrs. Geo. La Fever, Eaton Rapids, :•firh. 'Ayer's Hair Vigor is a n:091; excel- lent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from my Own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft. Tho Vigor is 0130 a,'.1• ,• for (Iandruff."-J. W. Proven, Editor " 1',n,;nirer," Vfr:\rthnr, Ohio. "1 1,i''' 11 , 1 A ver'9 Hair Vigor for the jur. t v, ;i.e, and found it all it is d t ''ie, Itl,0t'r,lthe natn- 010115 the Hair i 1,-: it soft and .1I:' .... 11,1x, 1',he, 5, N. V. "I";•..11 '11 111:• :I,",• , - 1!fty, i•. ,11.', In nl the top of his head. • .001111(1 t: in! 111 Ayer's Hair L•.H. 1 .''run I•nilll'I'f, n.11'I, in Send for Prices. E. T. HOLMES, New Era Office, Clinton I, 11,,r :I I a) , ,1, 11 • 1. t'cacn, 0ar•ot,g,, 111,L^1, N. V. DATe0 o3 NI� C `tlq W 9 :'I:Ertl:1:.. 1.: Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe]:, Mass. ;4701,1 'fly fl'.,:.:;Leta nod rrrfnmers, THE= CLINTON Nw ERA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; zt gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JON DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Sale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain td bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. CHRISTMAS GOODS New and carefully selected and bought, come and see. Albums, Mirrors, Booklets, Cards, Childrens Picture Books, Toys and Novelties, all kinds. Xmas PLATES, CUPS and LAUCERS; good and cheap. TICKETS and CARDS for Sunday School classes ---a good assortment, p:ices greatly reduced. WORTriINGTON'S BOOK and DRUG STORE. CHINA HAL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. lst.RGIVE TEN PER Ln CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA., AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stook. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 v'k":r; We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. a We Offer ITEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SIS005, HERRING, BLOATERS,"&c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TARFN AS CASH. N, ROBSON, CHINA HALL. the People s Harness &GPocay Ppot, bald* We have just received a full stock of CHRISTMAS and NEW TEARS PRES- ENTS for voting and old consisting of Childrens CUT'S, SAT -('ERS. MUGS, MOUSTACHE Cl1I'S, TEA SETS, EGG ('1'1'S, &c. 0IVERW ARE- CAbORS CRUETS, PICKT,TDISHES, KNIVES, FoRKS, SPOONS, BUTTER KNIVES, WATCHES, GOLD WATCHES. Itl(OOCITE CUFF BUTTONS. CIIAiNS, CHARMS, PINS, COLLAR 1if'TTONt+. A large as- sortment of eases, all kinds. Hantaclaus head (parlors for Toys of every de- seription, 511011 OR Horns, Bugles, A'nimals, Music, Roses, Work noses Dark and Magic Lanterns, Gnns, Whistles, Ilooko, False Faces. Dominoes, Topa, Pistols, Swiss Magic (Tenses, Purses, Whips, el,,Idrens Tea Selo, Fancy Candy, Hearts, Drop in and See s 1 these tic. All the ahoy articles will be sold cheap fot.r0 h 1 teas before they are all gone. My Stock of Xwins Groceries is complete and at lowest current prices. Other lines of goods also complete. 11arree9. Whips R.rbtlt„ Blankets, Belts and all goods found in a harness s11011. Tinware, ITartiwaw'la,. ,'' + The highest inti, nSA Crockery, (1lnssware, 1'10w0t•, Ferd Jrtvrllrrv, &c. 'lh1 P � cash for all kinds of Furs or 111 per rent advance it taken in trade. All kinds At Prodnee taken the same 0R cash. After thanking you for past custom and so's liciting a continuance. I •t oli you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. - - 1-ONDESBORO GEO. Nf WTON