The Clinton New Era, 1890-01-24, Page 15latilejs IldgArtilk*O—Plielf FCVEIII A WAN 1404111 YillEaTaltler. AM EA generally aware that 41assilara *MI*044, QV that they 10 ills Mame* ot 'Wino ows8sites iliethst nismbrarts ,o1 the nese tab*. 1:Ifiereseerie research, isits proved this. te be a fact, stud wok of this diseeverF is that a rowdy hasbeen formulated where. sialittrit, catarrhal fleakev and hay are• Parminentlz cured in froth one *se ono,. ipplioationo made at home • th* vatient C11300. :in two weeks. r —'hiestment is not a snuff or ointment ; both" have been discarded lairtd*Ixte thystetaus as injurious. A PhlOt OPlat*P$ ti a new treatment AMA CB frecei$ of ten. cents by A. H. * 11100.. 0)3 West Ring Street, "' amaeaito, Canatea.s,-sTereato Mho,. ‘11afferentfran Catarrhal trou'...es should ..., ,.,:kir Mad tan abort. • Fop. Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness rOle - Plaints Onburn oreness ains afing SU E 13ruises Scalds EPOND'S AVOID ALL IMITA- TIONS. THEY MAY SE DANGEROUS. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH 31.3F WRAPPER. Burns Wounds )ITRACT ,... ,111ect .,.. ,..0 , TRACT. ACCEPT NO DEMAND POND'S EX - .)J' 'Bites Stings Sore Feet .',-111FLAMMATIONS and • HEMORRHAGES ALL lill THE' PEA,p HART) AW0U1. Ar4x.g41E11 egOltVr QV TUN. AlAti WHO AT4/401A12430. 221.117,91,142.2. "There are strange things in this world," said ma old. newspaper Mau whose Muir was gray g0 years ago. "I'zu not much of a believer in supernatural ()warren- ces, but when a plain fact comes into wy experience I am willing to admit it. What I am going to tell you 1 know and am satisfied about. You may or may not be, just as it suits you. "You remember," he began, "the time President Cleveland visited Minneapolis and what a crowd was there ? The StateFair and one or two other things at- tracted people enough, but the President's presence drew every one in the State, it seemed to me. I was on a Chicago paper at the time, and got an assignment to go up and take in the combined show. When I stepped up to the counter of the leading hotel to register I noticed that the man in front of me, who had just laid down the pen, was also a newspaper man from Chicag& There wasn't any- thing special about his appearance except that be was unusually tall and thin and didn't look very well. Naturally, when I had put down my name I turned to him and introduced myself. We shook bands and began to chat. While we were doing this the old man who was proprietor of the hotel, was inspecting his room rack. Turning to us, he said that there was only one empty room in the house, afi'd that we were welcome to it if we would double up. That suited me all right, but the tall man objected vigor° isly. I was a little huffed over it, and said that he could have the room if he was so selfish over it. I could sleep in a chair or walk the streets all night, I had often done so before. "Oh, no, said the tall man, it isn't tbat, I snore so badly that no one else could sleep in the room. I was thinking of you." "I laughed •at the idea and as- sured him that I would sleep as soon as I stuck the bed. Finally he gave in and we agreed to take the room together. It was a lit- tle bit of a cubbyhole at the top of the house, and the only furni- ture in it was a common bed and two wooden chairs. Another Chicago newspaper man who heard we were there came up to see 'us, and the three of us sat there and talked until I suppose it was 2 o'clock in the morning. Neither myself nor the visitor could recollect anything unusual about the behavior of the tall man when we compared notes &her - ward. At last we said good night and went to bed." • THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT'KIND. DONOT SAKE ANY OTHER. • •• THE BEST! GARTH & co, AK I NG POWDER 1 Ff.',T378? SPLES • -et. GENIS 4-- • STCLARETS E!' 1,11:. va,ves,,,,e, L.3 * coor,ti •pr -4-1 3t,,am Mt F',_ 7.,1":,:rn 14o Alum. Noth.rz, ;J..; . 1 • ' ' RETR1191 E',`"(;IFERE..i - '• • ' es 5 • ej:• 4„, • CO*0 CHADWICK'S SPOOLk LEATEPLOID STEEL -LINGO TRUNXS In Sample, Ladies' and a1.1 other kwJa Lialitett aii1 S'Enzest For Hand rend TR.UINIKS Machine Use. In the World. J. EVELEIGII It CO • MAS SUPERIOR.MONTREAL, ' IT. Z.11,91E11, in the Dm111% HOTEL BALMORAL,. MONTREAL. 1401re Dame'St., one of the most central and elegantly furnished Hotels its the Citg A000mmodatlon for 400 guests. IS to $3 per day. S. Manage DOMINION rioted s Sole An for Dinh, • J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Impqrs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 ERRE DAB ST., MONTREAL seisabeieedsaes.••••Je..6.A.A.A. • SOAP. WOODRUFF, LEkTIIER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacture= of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, 17eit is a PerflogFrioticm REcKirrs .BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. Wrapping, took A , .. , 4. 11.:.• *SI WEIGHTS SIZES ARO ALL TO ORDER a bosom st • ..Portaent - mikist2N.S , r11.00114E.EF: trHrOREAT 4TRENGTII GIVER PERFEtT F000 _L FOR THE 310( '71. WAR IND & pUTEITIOUS EVERAGE •4 A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR 1' developed n that oiruhand in Nag than a Month it. VAS 11.801#1,0.iq this letter to 114Q 4Q $9.icl. 4Y011. tare the only man who ever sus- pected my secret. I ath )8epar," ••••,•••••••••,Pr•-•MTVS•1,6 DON'T YOU KNOW that you cannot afford to neglect that catarrh ? • Dou't you know that it may lead to consumption', to insanity, to death? Don't you know that it can be. curd Don't you know that wbile the thousand and one nostrums you have tried have utterly failed thatDr. Stage's Catarrh Remedy is a certain mire? It has stood the test of years, ani there are hundreds of grateful men and women in all parts of the country who can testify to its efficacyAll dL.ggists. "I don't know how long I slept, and in fact I have never been able to bring up a perfectly clear re collection of whet happenedin that room. It seemed to me that I woke in about five minutes, but it must have been longer. My first feeling was of fearful dread. There was not a sound from the man at my side. A huge lump of ice seemed to be on my chest and press me down. I was suffocat• ing. I tried to shout but could not emit a syllable. It was only after a long struggle, that brought sweat pouring out all over me, that I could raise my hand to the inert freezing mass on my chest." It was a pulseless hand, the hand of a corpse that I clasped. I dropped It in horror and climbed nervously out of bed. The moon- beams came in through the little dust•covered window and played across the pale face sunk in the pillows. The feeling of the hand was still on my chest. I could not overcome the frightful sensa- tion of helplessness. I lit the gas and proceeded to call for help. Then it was in the better light, that I saw he was not dead. I went to his side to look at his hand, but some movement of mine awoke him, and he softly pulled it under the counterpane. I could not go to bed and remained up all night. In the morning when I spoke of the affair the tall man laughed and said I must have been dreaming, as did the landlord; so did my newspaper friend. I could not answer them, but 1 felt that some strange mystery was hidden that night in the little room. Shortly afterward the news came over the wires that my com- panion of that night had commit- ted suicide under circumstances of almost inconceivable horror. A few days afterward a letter came to me from him. He had writ- ten it and left it on his tablethe night bo took his tife. It solved the mystery. "The Christmas night before I met him in Minneapolis he was drinking in a saloon in Chicago with several friends. He made the remark: 'I suppose we have to again celebrate the birth of a humbug.' One of his companions asked him not te speak that way, upon the ground that it would be a personal favor. This led to ar- gument. The blasphemer said : 'Prove to me there is a God.' "The tall man drew himself erect aid raised his arm on high. 'I will call upon God, if He is a God,' said he, 'to strike me dead right here where I stand.' "Those around drove back, but no miracle followed. Tho tall man latikhed at his young friend. They parted for the night, per- haps a litt16 solemnly, but not much was thought of 'the matter. "One weak later a strange pain WHEN HE CAME HOME. 'Hand tne that collar -button,' demanded George Welleby, turn- ing with an annoyed air toward his little girl. •Learn to let things alone, will you ? There now, tune up and howl.' 'George, don't speak to the child that way,' said Mrs Wellsby depositing a shirt on a chair. 'Well, why can't she behave herself? Every time she sees that I am getting ready to go any place she makes a poi ,t of hinder- ing me. Let that cravat elope.' 'Put down papa's cravat, dar- ling, She's too young to know any better.' 'No she isn't. Other people's children know ho -v to behave. I'll bet 111 miss the train. I am sometimes tempted to wish she had never been born. 'Oh, George.' exclaimed the wife. wouldn't say that.' 'Confound it, she worries so. I haven't more than time to catch the train.' hurriedly kissing his wife. 'Kiss me, too, papa." ought not, you are so bad." stooping and kissing her. 'Good- bye. Will be b ck in three or four days.' Mr. Wellsby is. a commercial traveller, a kind and tender- hearted man, but subjected at times to nervousness. Seated with several vivacious acquain- tances, speeding over the country, a little voice would steal in be- tween the roars of merry laugh- ter, and say: 'Kiss me too, papa.' In the samle-room of the village hotel,between the enquiries of the purchasers,he could hear the voice and at night when he lay down be could see the little hands reaching toward him, and could hear : 'Kiss me, too, papa.' - At morning when the sun- beams fell across his bed he thought of the bright little face at home, and said: 'God forgive me for wishing that she had never been born.' 'Wellsby, what's the matter,old fellow?' asked a companion. They were in a conveyance, rid- ing toward an interior town. don't feel very well to -day.' 'Do any business back here?' 'Yes, did very well.' 'I didn't do anything, but I won't let it weigh me down.Got a letter from the house this morn- ing. The olh boy's kicking about expenses. Got a bottle of cocktail -here.' don't care for any.' 'Then there most be something the matter with you.' • On a night train, going home. He could see the little hands. 'Clack, clack, clack—kis me, too; kiss me, ton.' 'What's the news?' he asked of a friend, when he had stepped up- on the platform and called a hank - man. 'Nothing, I believe; every- thing's quiet.' 'No scarlet fever or diphtheria raging, is there ?' 'No, not that 1 have beard.' The familiar scenes brought rest to his mind. He looked back up- on his trip with a shudder, like one who awakes and contemplates a nightmare through which he has just passed. •Good -night,' he said, paying the hackman. 'A light burning, Julia is expecting me,' be mused, ascending the steps. A ghastly face met him at the door.. A voice in agony whisper- ed ; George. or little girl is dead.'—Louisville Courier Jour- nal. "I find the doctors and the sages. Have differed in all climes and ages But I have found no difference of opinion among the female sages who have used Dr Pierce's Favor- ite Presscription as a remedy for the weaknesses and ailments pe- culiar to their sex. 'Favorite Prescription' is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstin- ate cases of prolapsus, weak back, 'female weakness,' anteversion,re- troversion, bearing -down sensa- tions, chronic congestion inflam- mation, pain and tenderness. The only remedy for such maladies sold under a guarantee. Parti- culars on bottle -wrapper. All druggists. — . • STORM for Infants and Children,* "Nsterasuliowenikopted•ocandrokibm1 omoti• cores caw. coestipotoR. trecomaseediSasseperforkpaanneeenpUee woato=1,44iro.r..eep. rdicti"neroinues di,, itimIRA to tee." E Aims, ICU., 131 Bee thlterd al BMWs; t inC••rAgrions mosesice. Omfr.tuu Oopeitsv, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. TU Henry Hilton, the lawyer who man- aged to get into his hands nearly the whole of the estate of the late A. T. Stewart, the New York millionaire dry goods merchant, has been compelled by the heirs of Mrs Stewart to disgorge about five millions of dollars worth of property. But then this leaves Hilton Ln possession of at lead five millions worth so that his plan to get possession of the millions of his wealthy client may be Raid to have worked successfully. - —THE Furniture Dealers . Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPF JALTY. CALL AT THE T. 04T11.A.RINES NVIISEIVIT $TOCILH.. .1•11,11•1••••••=1•=0•1•••• The undersigned offers at extemely low prides, all kinds of Nursery Stock. GRAPE VINES A SPECIALTY. These Vines will bear two years after planting. If well cared for will bear every year and live for a century. • 1 E. T. HOLMES, New Era Office, Clinton XMAS COODS RedRockerFurnitureEmporium Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. I CURE FIT v THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES 1 GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them return again. M 1EAN A RA DICAL CURE. 1 have made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study. 1 warrant myremedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :,--.N. 0. ROOT, M.C., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. NEWS NOTES MA wild boar entered the house of a family of Osage half-breeds on Wild Horse Creek, Chickasaw Nation, a fetv days ago and devoured a 60year-old girl who was alone in the place. A tailor in an adjoining town has made a pair of pants out of 300 different kinds of cloth for a fortune - hunting youth, who wants to create the impres- sion that he is the moat economioal man on earth. The pants cost$100. Mr W. M. Galleway, of Cintra, Port- ugal, and formerly of Grey county was in the city yesterday. This gentleman; only a few months ago. was leading a retired life in Canada, and happening to hear of a projected search for the heir to the Galleway estates in Cintra, Portugal, laid his claim to it. The estate, it is said, is worth from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. He left for Portugal a short time ago. asserted his right of ownership and has returned to wind up his business transactions in Canada. What -enhances the beauty of fine features more than a clear skin ? Even• plain features are made attractive by a good com- plexion. To secure, this, purify your blood with Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Price $1. Six bottles, $5, Worth $5 a bottle. A clerk at the Canada Permanent Company, named S. D. Nellis, went to the Bank of Commerce. Toropto, on Monday with $140 of the Companies money to make a deposit. He put it in the wicket, and was waiting his turn, when a man standing by asked to be directep to the Merchants' Bank. He directed the man, who was a stranger to him, but when he turned to get the, money it was gone. He was so dazed that he could not recollect what the stranger looked like, or where he went. The detectives have the matter in hand. Minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria. Miss Jennie Thompson, a beautiful young woman, the leader of a society circle in St. Paul, died on Monday of blood poisoning. She had been ill a week, suffering the most intense agony. The poisoning showed first in her chin and throat, which were swollen to twice their natural size. Her death was directly due to the poisonous dye of her kid glove. While visiting a den- tist's office she had noticed a pimple,on her chin, and raised her gloved hand to feel of it. In this way the poison was transmitted. CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA, in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, for Passengers holding second-class to Pa- cific Coasts Points, which will be run through from Chicago, via Omaha, to San Francisco without change at any intermediate point, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Union Paci- fic Short Line only on the following dates for leaving Chicago, viz.: Jan - nary 16 and,, 30, Febttary 13 and 27, March 13 and 27, April 10 and 24, May 8 and 22. The Sleeping Car fare from Chicago to San Francisco is but $4.00 per berth, and the accomodations are excellent. For further particulars ap- ply to the nearest coupon ticket agent, or address A. V. H. Carpenter, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Milwaukee, Wis.-12-yr, New OATS, NEW WHEATS, NEW POTA- TOES,NEW PLANTS AND BULBS, are offered in the 1890 Catalogue of The Steele Bros. Co.,Toronto. No need to send to the U. S. for seeds when such a work is issued here, for it beats them all. It is the largest, the handsomest, the most modern, and fullest in matter and illustrations of any we have yet seen. Canadians should be proud of a firm of such enterprise, energy and high stand- ing. They offer the Banner oats, that yielded 96 bush. per acre in York coun- try; nine new varieties of potatoes; new clovers for the North West, &c. The catalogue priced at 20c. which may be dedueted from first order sent in, or they will send lib. of Banner oats by mail prepaid or 5 packets of vegetable or flower seeds and catalogue included for a remittance of 25c. It will pay every amateur gardener, florist and farmer to send for it. Children Cry for 'Pitcher's Caeteria. "LA GRIPPE" OR LIGHTNING CATARRH. MR EDITOR.—"La grippe," or Russian influenza, as it is termed, is in reality an epidemic catarrh, and is called by some physicians "lightning catarrh," from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the country. Allow us to draw. the attention of your readers to the fact that Nasal Balm, as well as being a thorough cure for all cases of the ordin- ary cold in head and catarrh, will give prompt relief in even the most severe case9, of "la grippe" or Russian influen- za," as it will effectually clear .,the nas- al passages, allay irritation and relieve the dull, oppressive headache accom- paning the disease. No family should be without a bottle of Nasal Balm in the house, as cold in the head and ca- tarrh are peculiarly liable to attack people at this season of the year, and Nasal Balm is the only prompt and speedy cure for these troubles ever offer- ed the publ'c. Easy to use and agree- able. If you cannot get it at your deal- ers it will be sent post free on receipt of price (50 cents and 01 per bottle) by ad- dressing FULFORD & Co., Jan. 10-4i. • Brockville, Ont. Minard's Liniment cures colds, etc. The Earl of Dufferin visited British Columbia in 1876; journeying, of course, via the Union Pacific Railway and San Francisco. Lord Lorne followed, his course lying by way of Winnipeg, across .the prairie, down into Montana, and thence by the Northern Pacific to the coast. For these two excursions Canada da paid; Lord Dufferin's progress alone costing 45,000 dols. When Lord Lans- downe went West he inaugurated a new plan. He paid his own expenses. It was an innovation, intended probab- ly to show that there was room for economy somewhere. It is too early to inquire where the burden of Lord Stanley's trip will be placed; but it is not too early to say that the journey has been a quiet, pleasant, and withal 1 an inexpensive one. The attention of the public is respeetfully invited to the superb stook o Xmas Goode at Adams Emporium, consisting of a good assortment o WATCHES from $5 up to $22, all warranted. ALBUMS from 7ficts to $2.75. AUTOGRAPHS from 5cts. up. Ladies and Gents Companion Scrap Books, Earrings, Brooches, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Xmas and New Year Cards, Vases, Groceries for the Xmas Trade. A few pieces of those beautiful MANTLE CLOTHS left, and some of the fine OVERCOATS. fhe finest lot of CHINA and STONEWARE we ever bad. We have also quite a supply of PICTURE BOOKS and TOYS for Santa Claus to put in the stockings. All made welcome. WISHING ALL A MERRY XMAS. R. ADAMS. 4 ,,. 1 .,1 , el • , .1 • 4 4 LONDESBORO Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL RODS–IRON FOUNDATION. , BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture 4 AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADDRC•• 111111 nit III 11111 1111 I 5 11U Barn wig & You Works WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. MANY A LIFE' HAS been saved by the prompt use of Ayer's Pills. Travelers by land or sea are liable to constipation or other derangements of the stomach and bowels which, if neglected, lead to serious and often fatal consequences. The most sure means of correcting these evils is the use g Ayer% Cathartic Pills. The pru- dent Bailing -master would as soon go to sea without his chronometer as without a supply of these Pills. Though prompt and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pills leave no ill effects ; they are purely vegetable and sugar-coated; the safest medicine for old and young, at home or abroad. "For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last became so bad that the doctors could do no more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that now I am in Excellent HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dee. 1st. GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASII on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS • 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce oui stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 0 We Offer NEW SEASON . BLACK TEA at125 cents, worth 40, We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA 425 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS kr 25c. PRESII:FINAN HABBIE, SISCOS, RERRING,1 BLOATERS, &c. Goode promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. THE _N E' W ERA CLINTON R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. health."—Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury, Massachusetts. " I regard Ayer's Pills as one of the most reliable general remedies of our times. They have been in use in my family for affections requiring a purga- tive, and have given unvarying satisfac- tion. We have found them an excellent remedy for colds and light fevers."— W. R. Woodson, Fort Worth, Texas. "For several years I have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than upon anything else in the medicine chest, to regulate my bowels and those of the ship's crew. These Pills are not severe in their ac- tion, but do their work thoroughly. I have used thdm with good effect for the cure of rheumatism, kidney trou- bles,„and dyspepsia." —Capt. Mueller, Steamship Felicia, New York City. " I have found Ayer's Cathartic Pills - to be a better family medicine for com- mon use than any other pills within my knowledge. They are nob only very effective, but safe and pleasant to take —qualities which must make them valued by the public." — ales Eauel, Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Pills, PltleYdR3D 114 Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LOWell, MSS, Sold by all Dealers fa Medicines. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad.o4. vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB1DEPARTM ENT We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, 3a1e Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired.. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain 1 • to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON,