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The Clinton New Era, 1890-01-24, Page 13
Over 500 Pairs of 010. A 1 glasses to fit from Come and have your eyes properly tested by Kings Optometor at RU M BALL & CO JEWELLERS & ENGRAVERS.CLINTON. ICY C000S The latest novelties for Ladies Fancy Work. Mbroidery and Art DZaterials, Ro pe Silk ush, Towell Rings, Pompons, Curds. Hoods, Caps, Scarfs, &c., made to order. Av[PING-We have the latest method and a splendid line of Pat- terns. Orders promptly attended to. OPER'S BOOK STORE, -- CLINTON N. `„Christmas -is at hand and t� make it a pleasant and happy one I have +decided to give customers BIG BARGAINS for the next four weeks. B GROCERY New Raisins, Currants, Figs and Dates, Crockery and Glassware very cheap. FANCY CUPS and SAUCERS away down. Finest lot of Brooms for 25c. ever offered in town. DRY WOOD .FOR SALE—(Delivered) G -EO. �'W ALIA W. CLINTON two .:-UR BOOKS FREE! THE RURAL CANADIAN for 189o, the, leading Agricultural )Irnal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following ti'okr ONE DOLLAR: ra�? R ameau. By Georges Ohnet. •. .J ady Audley's Secret. By Miss ,Braddon. �rT..hq Texar's Revenge. By Jules Verne. The S ange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. t;aBy Robert L. Stephenson. he&Death of Ivan Ilutch. By Count Tolstoi. erribte Temptation.. By Charles Reade. rown at Rugby. By Thomas Hughes. ketch Book. By Washington Irving. e Last of the Mohicans. jlilj3dow Bedntt Papers. ic'Knickerbocker's New York. By Washing- ”' ton Irving. Husband and I. By Count Lyof Tolstoi. 'jack of all Trades. By Charles Reade. , ._ i;:.Qrandfather's Chair. By Hawthorne. s. Dhe Cloister and the Hearth. By Reade. 5 ,Spoopendyke. By Stanley Huntley. i,: Not Like Other Girls. By Rosa Carey. 8Rambles from Russia to Spain ; or, Out- door Life in Europe. By E. P. Thwing. O+ ',Esther. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. b Charlotte Temple. By Mrs. Rowson. t ',,The Plying Dutchman ; or, The Death Ship. By W. Clark Russell. 0:The Pride of the Paddock. By Hawley Smart. t3 'rhe Passenger from Scotland Yard. i, Twice Told Tales. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. ij. Bootle's Children. By John Strange Winter. I6.?;Mona's Choice. By Mrs. Alexander. s. me Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. 15. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker. By The Duchess. 0.Ohria. By W. E. Norris. �:ypr#ul and Virginia. By St. Pierre. 35. The Tale of Three. Lions. By H. Rider Haggard. 32. The Devil's Die. By Grant Allen. 33. Cleopatra. By H. Rider Haggard. 34. Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. By Edna Lyall. 35- A Crooked Path. By Mrs. Alexander. 36. Marooned. By W. Clark Russell. 37. A Hardy Norseman. By Edna: Lyall. 38. Merle's Crusade. By Rosa N. Carey. 39. Sweet Lavender. By H. L �1'illiamsr. 4o. The Beauty of the King. By Dr. Thwing. 41. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. • By Doug- las Jerrold. 42. Salathiel; or, the Wandering Je0 1st vol. By Dr. Geo. Croly. 43. Salathiel ; or, the Wandering Jew. znd vol. 44. The Piccadilly Puzzle. By Fergus Hume. 45. Complete Book of Recitations and Dia- logues. Over zoo selections. 46. Complete Book of Etiquette and Letter Writing. Comprising the Standard Letter Writer. seiecfions for Autograph Albums. 47. The Condensed Cyclopedia of Useful Know- ledge, Familiar Science, and interesting miscellaneous information. 4S. Modern Cook Book and Medical Guide. A useful handbook for every household. 49. Live Stock Manual. Profusely illustrated; 528 pages, Izmo ; handsome cover. 5o. Standard Poultry Book. 528 pages; hand- somely gotten up ; numerous illustrations. 51. Book of Home Amusement, containing Charades, Tableaux, Riddles, Games, etc. A whole winter's entertainment. 52. American Fun. The funniest book ever published ; 500 laughs in 500 minutes. 53. Ladies' Complete Guide to Fancy Work. A most complete work ; 500 illustrations. 54, Artistic Embroidery. A charming book, profusely illustrated. 'trite your name and post office distinctly, name your premiums, and inclose $i.00. ter the letter. Do not delay, but order at once. Address— RURAL CANADIAN 5 Jordan Street, TORONTO. 1 A o'KTOTICE.—I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE .iV that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Christina Worthington, 0.. my wife, as she has left me without just cane or provocation. E.A.WORTHIGTON. Chicago. CAUTION.—The undersigned hereby no- ' titles all persons that he will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted in his name by any persons, without his written order. GEORGE.ENO, SR. Hullett, Deo. 27, 1889. LUMBER AND SAWING.—SUBSCRIBER now has his saw mill thoroughly equip- ped and in first-class running order, and is revered to do custom sawing of all kinds living engaged Mr W. Dodds, a practical ;sawyer, to take charge of the same. Will buy good sound hemlock togs. Orders re- dpeotfnlly solicited. Good Cedar Posts for Bade. We are paying $5 per 1000 for logs, THOS. TRICK, Goderioh township, Dee. 89. tf ,f"LOOD HOUSE TO RENT—ON RATTER - BUSY Street; only one minute's walk from Albert St. lately occupied by the un- dereigned. R. frowns, NEW ERA Office T O LET: THAT DESIRABLE DWELL - 11156 house on Rattenbury street lately Occupied 9 roof a with good cellar andhouse ard end soft Immediateppossession. Aall stable and pply tood gar- den: R. Ij,ANSFORD, Clinton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Blacksmith Shop and for sale. Subscriber offers for sale the property owned by him at Gowrie, in the county of Perth. It consists of a blacksmith shop do- ing a good business, with dwelling house, sta ble and half -acre of land attached. Is in a splendid farming section, with no opposition Will be sold with or without tools. Satis- factory reason for selling. For particulars apply to THOS. t f LOBB, Holmesville, JOS LOBB, G Good House & Lot & Planing Mill for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his house and lots on Albert Street. This property is very eligibly situated. The house is a good storey and a half, frame, with all oondeniences, and contains 11 rooms. The lot is one-half an acre, but will be sold with or without the rear quarter. On the back part is a planing mill, with 15 horse -power engine, with 1 surface Poney Planer, 1 first-class double Cape Tenanting Machine 1 Moulding Maehine,1 Jig and Rip Saw, with shafting, belting, &c. This will be sold entire or to suit purchaser. Terme reasonable. D. BUCHANAN, Clinton 0.1,41TOd,s M+3.it AZ.M 8 Ortroete4 vTert,Thuralay 4t !tloQ4, Thursday. 01101.. S0 1.800. Wheat, fall, sk44ndg4rd,. , Q. # 0 82 Oats .....:. , ..... .. 1. 214 +s 0 26 Barley 1...,.,...,.U0 30 A 0 40 Pow-. 064a064 Flour per hal 4 50 a 500 Batter 0 16 14 0 la Eggs 0 18414 Pork 6 00 a 10 Hay 6 00 4 25 Hideo 3 25 a 8 05 Sheep Shine 0 50 a 0 72 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK ' MARKET: There were about 275 ihead of but- chers' cattle, 35 mutton critters and 5 calves offered at the East End Abattoir Trade was quite active and prices seem to have pretty well recovered from the depression of last Thursday. The pre- sence of buyers from Quebec helped to stiffen prides. A few of the best cattle sold at 40 per lb. and pretty good ani male at 6o do., with rough stook and common dry cows at from 3o to no per lb., and some of the leaner beasts would not bring 3c per Ib. The quality of the mutton critters offeredwas not very good and Mixed lots sold at 40 per lb. Fat hogs are rather lower in price, or about 40 per lb. land ° BORN CARRrEBa.—On the 14th inst.,the wife of Rev Mr Carrierr, Grand Bend, of a son. FORREST.—At the Manse, Walton, on the 15th inst.,the wife'of RevD. Forrest of a daughter. Cox.—At the British Exchange Hotel Goderioh, on the 23rd inst., the wife of Geo. B. Cox, of a daughter. REID.—In Stanley, 20th Jany., the wife of Mr James Reid, of a daughter. STrNsoN.—In Stanley, on the I3th inst., the wife of Mr Thomas Stinson, of a daughteal MARRIED 'STALSER—Poraocx—In Clinton on Wednesday, Jan 29th, by Rev. W. Craig, R. D., Mr. A. W. Stalker to Mise Sarah APollook, all of Bayfield. VANDERDAasON—MusonovE.—At Mel- ville manse, on 20th inst., by Rev John Ross, B. A., Mr Geo. Vanderdaseon to Miss Mary Ann Musgrove, both of Turnberry. ELLIOTT—LooeN. —At the residence of the bride's father, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev J,W.Hodgins,Mr Albert Elliott of Carberry, Manitoba, to Miss Fanny Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Charles Logan, of the Parr line, Stanley. HALL—HENDEO5ON.—At the residence of the bride's brother,DrT. Henderson, 620 Gratiot avenue, Detroit, 21st Jany, by Rev C. H. Henderson, D. D., Agnes, third daughter of the late Peter Hender- son, of Exeter, Ont., to Rev W. J. Hall, B. A., of Stonewall, Man. DIED NEELANDS.—In Chinguacousy, on the 17th inst., Thomas Neelands, father of Mr John Neelands, of Wingham, aged 82 years. MAIH.—In Goderioh township, on the 18th inst., Alexander Mair, aged 14 years, 3 months and 28 days. DIEHL.—In Toronto,on the 27th inat., Mary I Jane, wife of Geo. L. Diehl, (daughter of Mr J. Chidley,) aged 29 years, 1 Ironth and 3 days. SALE REGISTER. Farm stock, &c., at lot 54, Bayfield, Con., Goderich township on Friday, Feb 7th, under power of mortgagelmade in favor of J. Wiggington. W. J. Paisley, Bailiff for mortgagee. WE HAVE ABOUT 250 ENDS OF MANTLE CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, &C., 40 Also Odds and Eads of every description, .which are being cleared out at half usual price. GREAT BARGAINS in all classes of WINTER- GOODS, and a Special Discount of 10 per cent to cash buyers till . Feb. lst. TEN PER CENT OFF FOR CASH EST I TE JOHN HODCIENB °p• THE POPULAR New- Grocery -Store. • MESSRS COOPER & LOGAN beg to announce that they have ,-,* ® �ff� opened out in the store next to Conch's butcher shop, a new and ffrat- RY ODDS classstockofHOUSE LONDESBORO- Our Low Prices continue drawing the crowd. • Legitimate profits and unseasonable weather have had a long struggle for supremacy—but profits have been knocked out. The goods 'will be sold, we cannot afford to cary them over. We must have new goods to present to our cus- . - tomers'every season. Prices of all Winter Goods have been marked down, and besides this reduction we give a cash discount of 10. per cent. Are you the man who couldn't offord a new Overcoat ? Luck is after you in the shape of bargains. We will sell you a Dandy - OVERCOAT For $8, worth $12, or one for $5.75, worth $7 • A St. Paul special says: Canadian lumbermen are stealing billions of feet of lumber from the greatest northern pine timber belt of America. The northwestern representatives in Con- gress will immediately urge that mea; sures be taken to provide at least one revenue cutter and place garrisons in two forts to watch the district and stop the robbery. Ex•Senator Rice, who spent five months in the northern portion of Minnesota treating with Indians says this timber -cutting is go- ing on for 40 miles up the Baudette,. North and South Forke Rivers, and that the Indians declare it has been carried on for twelve years. About twenty steamers and tugs ply from early spring till late in the fall on Rainy River, its branches and the Lake of the Woods, conveying stolen timber to!Rat Portage, Keewatin, and even to ly Winnipeg. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID WELSH, LATE OF THB Town OF CLINTON, rs THE COUNTY OF HURON, DECEASED. Pursuant to Chapter 110, R. S. O. 1887, no- tice is herebedtors and others having olaimat e it against all David Welsh, late Of the Town of Clinton, County of Hur- n who departed Ulla life on or about the tiff day of February, 1889, are requested to- y end by post prepaid addressed to Manning Scott, :Solicitors, Clinton, Ont., on or be - 're the 20th day of Feb., 1890, a statement their names and addresses with full par- dy) held ofheir them; laneddisthat after,ities the dal f ail the said id DavidE Welsh, wills procer eed to istribute the astete of the said deceased utonga the putt,. entitled thereto, regard einghad nw.y to the claims of which notice hall hive been received as above required, ti y� a Said executors will not be liable for th>ltit rete Or any part thereof to any person or'porsons of whoa° Malan or olaime notice time net hate) of thiel djetribntion ©d by them at the Dated thia 16th da of Jan. 1890. .MANNING &uSCOTT`, Solicitors forth' Exooutore CBT. WELSH . A. 11. MANNING NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All accounts due the late firm of Cuning- hame & McMurray, must be paid before the 31st of Jan., or they will belaced in p court for collection. May be paidtoeither of the undetsigned. JNO. CUNINGHAME, JOHN McMURRAY. CHESTER WHITE BOAR. The subscriber will keep for service a pure bred Chester White Boar trom imported stock. Terms 81 Dash JOHN STANBURY London Road. •1m FOR S—LE OR TO RENT. HOUSE TO RENT—Residence lately oc- cupied by Mr James Thompson, corner of William and Princess Streets. Apply to MANNING & SCOTT 12SRM TO RENT. — ONE HUNDRED acres, being lot 23, con. 4, Stanley. It is in a good state of cultivation and well fenc- ed. It has been under grass for a number of years, with the exception of- 16 acres. It is well watered with a neverfailing spring. Buildings good and a good orchard. Will bo rented on reasonable terms; possession given by 1st of March. Apply to WILLIAM MOFFATT, Lot 23, Con. 3, Stanley. Bruce - field P. 0. .lin tf In the Matter of James Angus, of the Town of Clinton, Grocer, an Insol- vent. The said James Angus has made an As- signment of his estate pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887 Chap, 124, to the undersigned tor his creditors. Creditors are hereby notified to send in their claims duly verified, ae requir- ed by Statute. on or before the 20th day of February', 1890, to Manning & Scott, Clinton, Ont., Solicitors for the Estate. And notice is hereby given that after the said date, the Trustee will proceed to distri- bute the Assets of the said Debtor among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or parsons of whose debt or claim he 811111 not then have had notion. A. H. MANNING, Trustee. Clinton, Jan. 15th,1890. A FARM FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OF- FERS for salethe farm of 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfield line, Goderich township. About 90 acres cleared, the rest hard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a new brick house and wood shed, hard and soft water, also never -failing spring, close to school and church and is well watered. Also good bank barn with stone foundation and drive shed. Address, THOS. H. COLE. Clinton, Ont, FARM FOR SALE.—SITUATED IN THE Township of Glenelg, County of Grey, one hundred and fifty acres, situated on the banks of a beautiful little lake ; 100 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation; can run machinery on it all; well fenced and a first-class well, good bearing orchard good bank barn 60x40, straw house 60x30 all with stone basement; also a good cottage 20x24, with kitchen 18x20 atone, summer kitchen 18x18. All well finished and the farm is in good shape throughout. Will be sold cheap. Terms to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to THOMAS TOWINSgND, Glascott, Ont. 2m1 LOTS FOR SALE. Any one desirous of securing a choice lot for building purposes, or land within the oorporatiou, well suited for pasture, should apply'to the undersigned. Those lots will be sold cheap, and terms made to suit the pur- chaser. Any reasonable time given for pay- ment Box K, Clinton lm Ej10R SALE OR TO RENT.—HOUSE AND L tot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is aleoa good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains I of an acre. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. t f• SUIS OF CLOTHES For $7, or one not so good for $4.50. Every- one a bargain for the money We want your -money and we guarantee to give you bet- AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. ter value in return than any other house in the county. Come in ,and see us. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Etc., And invite the public to inspect the same. Oar Teas, Coffees, .fruits, Canned Goods, Etc. Are of this season's growth, and our CROCKERY and :GLASS- WARE are of the latest design. Everything is fresh and will be sold at the lowest prices. SAUSAGE, HAMS, BACON, &c., HADDIE, SISCOES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &c, always on hand. FINE TEAS a specialty. Farm produce taken in exchange. A' trial order solicited. COOPER & LOGAN, — Clinton T. JAC SON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returnedto the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO GIVING up Business. * * X * J.C.pETLO& Co Are retiring from business and now offer their entire stock and shop furniture at. 'PEICOSIBOOTS laughter HOES'�- must be sold as this is a genuine winding up sale. Come and secure the Immense bargains will be gig en in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton CHAS. ORUICBSHANK BOOTS AND SHOES My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTER. trade. I have also on hand a large supply of AMERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, in all grades and sizes, the beet ever imported into this market, all of which I am selling at the lowest possible prices. CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five per cent discount fir cash. Call on C. CRUICKSHANK, the Great Shoe Man, and get value for your money. Sign of the Golden Boot,Albert St. Clinton The goods Wonderful Full Lines MENS FELTQBOOTS. Bargains Full Lines Mens SOCKS and RUBBERS Full . Lines OVERSHOES and RUBBERS And a full assortment of all other lines. Our stock is the best in the market, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 5 per cent discount for cash. All Accounts must be paid at once. DETLOR& CO., CLINTON. � i J TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH