The Huron News-Record, 1889-12-18, Page 8rn • ■ o' AbaOlutely Pure: Tule powder OM vanes, A inarvel of parlay, strength and Wholesomeness. Dore economical Chad %1W ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In (Milne/Mon with the multitude of ioW test, short weight alum or phosphate' powders. Sold onlyin cane. ROYAL RAKING Powusa Co., 106 Wal St., N. Y. ; an #o JQUN$TON anal AnAinlI, Albert' street, for bargains in Robes, Florae CIOth• ing, Harness, etc. etc. Tus Ta> oxtrnE of Hon. Will Cumback, ex. Lieut, -Gov. of Indiana, to be deliver- ed under the auspices of the Mechanics Institute promises to be an entertainment of no ordinary merit. Gov. A. G. Porter speaks of Mr. Cumbaek in the following flattering terms :—"Gov. Will iumback is endowed with striking originality of thought, and a rare gift; of humor. His humor is never allowed to degenerate into drollery, but is skillfully used as an aid to sustain the interest in his theme. His stile le pure and concise and his voice admirable. Town Hall, Clinton, Decr 19. StiirRAPHAEL TUCK & SON'S artid' tic Christmas Cards and Novelties have arrived from London, England. They aro the nicest iu the world and the prices are very low tla year. For sale only at DICKSON'S Bookstores, Clinton. The Huron News-Recor 31.60 a Year—$1.26 In Advance. ice The man does not do justice to his business ho spends less in aduertisinq than he does in real. —A T. Sravaar, the millionaire anerehan cur 'New York. Wednesday, Dec, 18th 1889 LOCAL NEWS In autl ttronuil the; "flub.' Intvn Talk. *You will find the nicest assort- , ment of Fancy Chin i Goods for use- ful Xmas presents at 1)lcKsoN's. PARLOR COAL S't'ovE.for sale, at a big bargain. Apply at Tilts NEws-REconn office. WE Exrio'r in a few days abdut $1000,00 worth of Miscellaneous Books. Those are a direct Shipment from Geo. Routledge & Sous of Lontlou,England, and left Liverpool ou the 17th fust by the Sterunship "Parisian" or the Allan Line. CHRIS DICKSON', Clinton. Boy Wanted. To learn the Art of Printing. Must be 'truthful and honest and have a fair edu- cation. One whose parents reside in town preferred. • A. good opening for the right boy. Anply at. TIIE NEWS•RECORD OFFICE A"AN elegant lot of New Plush Goo is received this week at DICK-. sox's I;obk.-ore. Prot. Lotsrrr't•E's tI I Cloly SYs'rr:M is creating greater interest than ever in all parts or tite country, and persons wishing to improve 'their memory should send fes his prospeetusr free tis ailvertised in another column. l ' 579.4t OI:AN1:E CHART, with glass and frame, 'foi''ante at a very low figure. Apply at TUE EWs•REurr to (ace. Dar OVER 5,000 Ror.Ls 01" WALL PAPER, latest designs, just received at Dickson's Book Store. Look out for bargains. 'PRIVATE BOARhi'u.—Tliree 01' four young men who may wish to make arrange- ments for the next Collegiate 'Institute term can secure board at a private house. Apply at the NEws-Itecoan office THE Clinton Gun Club want a Large, number of live pigeons, to be delivered at the Queen's hotel on or before the 19th. A match will take place in -Clinton on the 20tIi. It1 ' X1As numbers of the leading English, American and Canadian papers are now -for sale at Drcicsois's Bookstore. RonEil'rsos's Great Gilt Sale commences to•morrow. MAYOR WHITEHEAD has been way from town for a couple of weeks, looking after business in- tereste at Ottawa. t THE OAKES Organ C)mpany of Clinton have recently received orders for their goods from Mani- toba and J ucknow. REV. T. W. MAOAHY of St. Thomas church, Seaforth, has ao- e epetd an invitation from St. James church St. Marys. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION$ On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, In- spector Malloch presiding examiner.Promotion lists next week. DR. BLAOKALL was called away one day last week to hold a con- sultation with a brother Vet. near Brussels, in a very difficult case. Mit. OSBORNE, of Walton, let an iron fall on his foot, while doing some work about the cars, and iu fiicted a painful injury upon that useful member. Tr will be seers From our advertising .columns that Mr. Edward Harris, of Lon- don, but well-known throughout this county, has opened an office in Toronto, 23 Toronto St. west, as Real Estate and Fhancial Agent. With this view he spent several months in Crest Britain arranging with correspondents there. Ho intends to devote special attention to the sale of farms and residences—upon com- mis.sion—in these western counties and towns. No other part of Ontario offers equal advantages to those seeking farms and residences. Intending purchasers from Europe and the east have largely been intercepted at Toronto where maim. ally* their first eniluirles are ted and have been induced to invest and locate in that neighborhood. 'There has been no representative at Toronto of western land (except Winnipeg and the Northwest) interests, and while property thereabouts is fast advancing, values Here aro low mainly front want of healthy, influx of ant - side capital and 'new hien and fathilies. i With purely local buyers the tendency is to run down prices ; enquiries from out- side buyers invariably raise them. Tho advent of a stranger spurs the neighbor to hasten and raise iris offer, sales aro thus expedited, property made more active and prices better. Mr. Harris' land and loan transactions have for years extended throughout this county. No one can represent this district tit Toronto better than Mr. Harris : his wide experience is well known and renders him a sate guide in all real estate matters. Intending sellers cannot do bettot than communicate promptly anil take advantage of his lend Iist, which we understand will soon be issued and widely circulated. Mr. I -Terris can be written to at the alcove address, Toronto, nr particulars of properties for sale can he left with Mr. I[ale as mention- ed in the advertisement. JGe"•Crr,tr9TMAs will soon bo 4re. Make your selections early. flick out what you want and we will put it away for ,yon till Xmas eve, if you wish.—C. Dlal<soN, Clinton. WE HAVE sent out a number: of accounts and hope our friends will respond. Money sent by either registered letter or money Order will he at our risk. Mn. JOHN JOSLiN, of Virden, Man., who has Spent a couple of weeks here is now taking in St. Marys and Dundee, but will likely return to Clinton before he leaves for his horne in the West' OXFORD county council at its receut meeting declined co-operating with Iluroncouutycouncilin an endeavor to secure such legislation as will compel all sleighs to have runners at a uniform width of aft. 9in." Mn. Tilos. GLEW, with Tipling the blacksmith, when shoeing a colt, injured hie thumb to such an extent as to incapacitate hint from work fur it tett/ days. The wound will likely become glued together ere long. '.1 its. REYNOLDS,' working in the Doherty ,Organ factory, had the backs of three fingers of .one hand badly cut by a circular saw the other day, by inadvertently allowing them to come into contact with a cir- cular saw. ' LAWYER OWENS was away in Tor- onto last week attending to some important legal business in the high courts there. His partner, .lir. Johnston, of Blyth, looked after the affair's of the Clinton office in the meantime. GOING TO .KINOARDINE.—Mr. S. W. Perry, of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, will go to Kincardine and assume the duties of Priucipal of the High School there. Mr. Perry was the choice of the Board from among six applicats, and was selected after quite a sharp contest. Kin- cardine will get an excellent in- structor and a good man. "OUR MEMBER " ABROAD.—On invitation • from the Liberal Con- servatives of the South Tiding of Wellington, Mr. Robert Porter, M. P., West Huron, addressed there at a largely attended meeting held in the city hall, Guelph, on the even- ing of Thursday last. His remarks were received with the greatest enthusiasm, and emphatic endorse - tions of Sir John A. Macdonald and Mr. Meredith followed. —0--'--o---' We are ready for business with an immense assortment of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. THE NEW, THE NOVEL, AND THE BEAUTIFUL are all included in our splendid line. of Toys, Books, Novelties,- .fancy Goods, Notions, &o. We offer a GREAT VARIETY of APPROPRIATE PRE- SENTS for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. We can supply a suitable Gift for OLD or YOUNG, at any sum you desire -,to spend. Chris, Dickson, Cinton. THE Haldimand election case has 'Pen adjourned till June 14. THE general opinion prevails that we will have a green Christmas. ,f THE NEWS -RECORD has in stock "an elegant line of wedding station- ery. • SERGEANT THORNTON, Of the S. A., is holidaying in Woodstock for a couple of weeks. THE Bateman farm was not sold on Saturday, the figures offered not reaching the reserve bid. THE SALVATION ARMY are prepar- ing for a Maud Christmas Tree et the btrr'icks on Christmas eve. MR. I). B. CALBICK, of Winghaln, has •sold his furniture business to Mr. Gracey, of the same town. • A NEWS -RECORD advertiser sold a big bill of goods last week to one of our subscribers, whose family re- sides some twelve miles west of Clinton. MODEL SCHOOL closes Friday. Open - for visitors Thursday after- noon or Friday forenoon. Enter- tainurent in tho town hall Friday evening at'7.30. TILE London Free Prem xntas -number is "prodeogous" ; its huge ; its beautiful. 50 large pages of reading matter. Numerous large illustrations. Four exquisite, full • page tint°ed lithographs. • Miss LAKE, of Tara, was in town is week, having been called ither by the marriage of•a popular oung • couple of Clinton, which event takes place to -day. She was of one of the principals. THURSDAY evening, .19th., Eug. Ch. S. S. Xtnas reunion, town hall, Bayfield.. Shane and Tanner of r1I31yth, and Scotch and English !•vocalists, besides several- talented ladies. Pleasant time, 15 cents pays for it. P - DIVISrON COURT will be :held in Clinton on Jany. 4, 1890. Judge Doyle had fixed upon Deer. 24, hut fpon representation that the conten- rtions of lawyers are apt to create iu the minds of opposing' litigants a feeling of anything but "peace and good will," he has concluded not•to allow court bickorings.•to interfere with what should be a joyous time. MUNICIPAL matter's are quiet s0 far, though there are Only ten days between this and nomination. If the• present tnembers have given satisfaction why make a change? "The more e'xperience.and time good members have the better for the town. Circulars have been sent out to ratepayers asking each one to name his choice for members of coming council. -This is forestall- ing the ballot and should not be answered. INQUEST.—T110 adjoul'ued in- quest re the death of H. J. Whitely was continued by Dr.Holmes in the town hall Tuesday evening. We understand that no report of analy sis of the stomach has been receiv- ed. Dr. Holmes exonerated Dr. Reeve from any blame in the matter of removing the stomach. About 300 adults were present,and pro- bably half as , many boys. Miss Johnston is giving her evidence as we go to press. It is the same as we published two weeks ago. REV. DR.' WILLIAMS DEAD. HOUSES Or REFUGE.—At the regu- lar meeting of the county council of Oxford, the special committee on the House of Refuge "were of the opinion that the time had arrived when the county -should establish and maintain a House of Refuge and Industrial Farm, and recom- mended that the clerk advertise in the usual way for offers for suitable parcels of land." The report failed to meet the approval of the council by 16 to 18, but was laid over till the January meeting by a small majority. Rev. Dr. Williarns one of the highest dignitaries in the Methodist Church in Canada cried early yester- day morning in Toronto: He was born in Wales in 1817, came to Canada when sixteen year's of ago. In 1842 he went into business. In 1850 was ordained. Ho was a forci- ble and eloquent slioaker. About 1879 he was stationedbat Goderich. Dr. Williams of Clinton is one of hie sons. In And About The County, —It is understood that the On- tario Government will not appoint any successor to the late. John Gillies, as Stipendiary Police Magis. trate of the District of Algoma. —The Winnipeg Presbytery has passed a resolution expressing 11 strong preference for rt "thoroughly uusectarian Public School system," hut opposing tvir1 equal strength any proposal to secularise the schools. — A man giving 'tee name of James Ward, but who turned out to be Genree Horsley, of Elsinore, attempted to get some forged notes discounted at Chealey, Out., Thurs.. day. He did not succeed, and was arrested and confined in a room at the Windsor hotel over night. In the morning it was found that he had hanged himself to the bed, with his muffler. — M re. Boyce, a daughter of Rey. Dr. Williams, died in Toronto last Wednesday under very sad circum*. stances. She cause from her hus- band ar,d her home in Dallse, Texas, last July to remain with her father ihrougli what it was feared would be a fatal illness. In September her sister, who lives in Montreal, being ill, Mrs. Boyce went down to that city and waited upon her ,until her recovery, Since her re- turn her health became such as to nocesstiate a surgical operation. This was successfully performed on Set urday, but on Sunday there were bail symptoms, and the patient sank rapidly. The funeral will be a private one at the deceased's request, and the remains will be in- terred in the Boyce family. plot in the Hamilton centetary. • Our Weekly Round Up. —Hog cholera prevails in sever• al districts in Kansas. — There has been a great snow- storm through -out central Ger-. u� ny. - Claus Spreckels' new augar re- fii ery, at Philadelphia, witn tt ea - city of 2,000,000 pounds each hours, and which cost13,000,. 000, began operations yesterday. — The grand prize of $500 offered by an agricultural paper,New York, for the best acre of potatoes, has been awardt�d to C. B. Coy, Aroo• stocks County, Maine. His crop was 738 'bushels. —Mr. Call has introduced in the United States senate a joint resolu- tion authorizing the president to to begin negotiations with the goy. ernment of Spain for the establish•• uteni of a republic on the island of Cuba. — During a performance of Uncle Tow's. Capin at the opera house Johnstown, Pa., a cry of tire was raised, resulting' in a terrific rush fur life down the narrow stairs. Ten persons were instantly killed end nititiy were terribly injured. Sev• euty-five in all were injured. A DISROBED BANK CLERK One of the clerks in the Bank of Commerce, London, had a pecul- iar experience about eleven o'clock one night, which will not soon be effaced from his memory. It ap• pears that tine clerks take turn about in sleeping on the premises and one of them, — —, had disrobed and was about retiring for the night, when it occurred to him that he had not turned out the gas •light in the hallway, loading to the offices and Foresters' hall above. He ventured forth in his night shirt to "douse the glimmer" in the hall- way, when, unfortunately for him the door through which he had emerged almost instantly closed, leaving him alone in the dark ou the stairway. He was in a terrible pre- dicament, and for some time rumin- ated over the steps to be taken to secure his return to bed without causing any unnecessary alarm or disturbance. He suffered consider- ably from the cold air, and finally began to call out lustily for help. His cries attracted the attention of two young men who were passing up Richmond street, and ono of thein stealthily partly opened the door and observed on the first land- ing a white -robed statue, but did not venture further. The pedes• trians acquainted Sergt. Jebkins of the fact, and 1'. C. Boyd was de- tailed to unravel the mystery. fie proceeded. up -stairs and found the young man as described, and sub- sequently conducted hien a flight higher, after which ho visited the residence of another of the clerks and obtained a Ivey to the door. 'l'he change from a hallway through which a cold draught was surging to the tyarnr apartments in the bank proper, proved very agreeable, as may bo imagined, to the great lock• ed out. Holiday Goods. * •40,• 40► For XMAS OFFERINGS, we show a magnificent selec- tion of Nechwej at 25c.,. 50c., 75c. and ,1.00, and ladies offering Gifts to their gentlemen friends should. make a note of this. 0 FURS. FURS. FURS.. No buyer of Furs should miss seeing our selection. For Christmas Offerings see our Fur Gloues and Mitts, Ladies and Gentlemens Fur Collars, Muffs, Coats, Caps, Boas, &c NOVELTIES In Silk Handkerchiefs, Braces, Men's Jewelry, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Underclothing, Smoking Caps, - cloves and Mitts, Hoisery, &c. Remember, that in our large Establishment you can pick up a great many handsome and useful Presents for your friends. 0—0-0—O—O — JACKSON BROTHERS, HATTERS AND FURRIERS', CLINTON. After The Fire ! A-:-GREAT-:-BONANZA CLOTHING! 0 There are at least two ways of making people warm—by Fire and by wearing Good Clothing.' Although the late fire made things pretty warm for us, we rescued from the flames a few choice rolls of PaillillsS11111lls Ovgrcoailog: &e., and have determined to make A Great Slaughter in Pries l ON THESE GOODS. . See the Goods. Ascertain the Prices. Fine Trimmings. Good Workmanship, A combination, at Low Prices, that should make intelli- gent buyers warm for the winter months. 0 NEW GOODS Comin.g. In a short time an elegant new stock of- Goods will be placed in our store. In tht meantime come and see what we can (10 for you. F. SHEPHERD TIIE LEADING TAILOR, - Smith's Block, opp. Post Office, CLINTON. s