The Huron News-Record, 1889-12-18, Page 7Ligestio►x ifS not only a. dietreeeing camplaidi;of Melts •butt by cau.ing the, blood to beeeele depraved, and the syttteRA.en, leebled,, is the ,parent pt lnaumerable Maladies. That Ayer's. Sarsapartllgt is the beet MVO for Indigestion, even When.,compltated,WlthLiiver Complaint, is provedby11 On tho follgwing testim y frofn Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mich.4-r", "Liver .complaint and indigestion made my life a.. burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agorayr, was reduced almost'to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. 'All- kinda.01 od distressed me and only the most delicate could be digested at all,, Within the time mentioned several physicians id Ztood ltt,ng tat ks egiving to do any permanent good until I commenced, the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa- rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest ' all the food taken, my strength im- proved each day. and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions. I found myself a well woman, able to attend to all household duts. The medicine has given me a new lease of life." • Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED DI Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Male. ! Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $6 a bottls- The Huron News -Record ' 41.50 a Year -41.25 n Advance. r 'I'hc ,nail does not do Justice to his business who spends less in advertising than /de does in rent.—A. 'r. STEWAa'r, the millionaire merchant of New York. 'Wednesday. lice. 18th 1889 JUST FOR FUN. "Clara, that horrid Mr. Slice has just left. 1 do think he has a lying tongue?" "I sh"uld't he surprised 1 know lee lits false teeth." not itltagi;e ,what makes .gas Islam: WO gray, 1 sometimes fancy 'reit must be the ...hist» c of rosemary with which my tuwid hail been, in Ow haLit of brushing it. What think you 7" "'1 should he afraid, madame," i!.aidthe tl1.st1,nguisin*ll .d'rsmatiHt, dryly, "diet it isthe esseuse of thyme." SI ID 8 iC DRANK. "Here's a health to Martin nigan's aunt, A;nd,1'll tell you the reason why— She ate8 °bekase §he's hungry, ° And she drinks bakase she's dhry ; If•she e'er saw a man Stop the coorse of the can, Martin 'Hannigan's aunt would cry:— 'Arrah, fill up your glass An' let the toast pass How dy e know but your neighbor dhry ?", 8HE. FOUND Hilt OUT. Ere we were wed, Whate'er Isaid To her as truth would be received. Had I her told That bIass .was gold, My faith I she would have it believed, DOLOROUS. ▪ Love willt ; go were aro it, is sen , At east, so say the scholars. • But often love, I fear, is bent Qn going where 'its dollars. SPOT CASA. 'You must give Ole time, George, to thick it over; it is all no strange, so unexpected,' I will give you a year's time if you wish it ; my love for you., i4 great enough to bear il,at straits 'Oh, I don't wont give ale five urieutes.' THAT SO:M.:THING ABOUT HER. There's something attractive about her; It isn't her glance .or her styled, It isn't her elegant smile : But I'm poor and I can't live witheut her,, For that something attractive about her, You know, is the size of her pile. A LURID REFLECTION. a year, Han - But now since we • Have comb to Le Made one, there has a change occurr- ed, And laok.day! Whate'er I say She won't believe a single word. The editor of the Kicker has all 6 inds of experiences. Ho says :— The suit of ' the Widow Gibbs ttgaiust ue for breach of prowtae, datutges.$15,000,•came up in court last Friday. The salt wait iust.ituted Nix months ago by the court house ring, which has sought our downfall ever siuce the first issue of this paper. That is, they put the widow up to sue us, and have •advanced the money as • it wan Herded. When the widow was put oil the muted she testified that on the night of Febu- ary 21. 1887, we asked her to marry us. She ineittted that the date was correct, and that nothing could change her mind about it. We then exhibited the records of the jail to prove tint on that day and night, and on all next day and mixt night, we were prisoner, having, 88 some of our read stay remeuetYer, depart- ed from the line of virtue and gone on a bender. This exhibit knocked' the widow out in the first round, and donfouuded her supporters, and we don't believe they will tackle us again. after that fashion. As for the widow, she. was only a cat's paw, and we have sent to her house a basket of groceries, a clothes line, a set of cups and saucers and a sack of flour, to prove that we have no Malice. Lady—What made you leave your lastplace, Nora t Nora— Shne P, the tnissis wuti efther wantin' m'e tvr coot all' nee hair so she cud make a switch av it ter match her own, tier owld rid -kidded thing ! EYE AND THIS SEASONS. In spring and summer, it is true, And likewise hoary winter, too, ' The sun controls this earthly ball ; But one who reads the Soripture knows That ancient volume plainly shows 'Tomas Eve, alas: who caused the Fall. - THE BOARDERS AND BRAZIL. People who live in some ofrthe Brooklyn boarding houses are deriv• in solid coutforba, in reading the 'news from Brazilf the peaceable revolution. There is general con- currence of belief that it will make coffee stronger. THE SCUM ON TOP. in politics they keep things hot, Said James addressing John ; When one pot's boiled, another pot Is speedily put on. Yes, answers John to Joules, his chum, With laughter in his eyes, And soon as boils the pot, the r scum Doth to the top arise. CAUTIOUS CARR IE. Young husband (very seriously)— Carrie were 1 to die, could you bow at once to the ineyitable with love in your heart 1 Young Wife(medita- tively)—Well, John, 1 might try ; that is, 1 could bow to thein and smile', hut it would not look well for me to love one of them for a month or so, would it 1 AS YOU LIKE IT. FOR :RLI. gre A.. ed ene II or men, to soli our Fruit Trees, 'hoses, Shrubs, Ornamentals, etc. Per,naiaeirt En,rptor. ..tent. Write at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. We eel!; only first-class stook, handsome outfit free. AddresaMAY. $ROTI[. EItt, NUt,erynien, Rochester, N.Y. 570,.8t THANKS TO MOTHER EVE. The human race has been saved by having to work. It digged its way out of its primeval pit by work. When it discovered its nakedness and had to'be clothed, it worked for its raiment ; when it appreciated •the responsibilities of fatherhood to be feeding and rearing of the young, it worked under the impulse of an affection that was relined above the instincts of the brute. ' The relation of husband and wife was made possible and proper only by the willingness to work that it might gather to it the necessaries of exist- ence and finally be adorned by the protnpti.ngs of intellectual as well' as physical wants. If Mother Eve is responsible for all this, we lift our hat to her and offer the sincerest respect to her great memory. She did more for mankind than Adam and all of his male descendants. WHAT SHE WANTED. She didn't care for isms, and—she neveriwrote a letter To the paper's telling how she'd try to make the whole world better : She lived in Massachusetts, she was freckled o'er with tan, And all on earth she wanted was a marriageable man. .1UsT LIKE POLITICS. A ratan foll from the third story of a building, struck headforemost in a pile of soft mu 1, anti was buried 10 tho Vrest. 1fe was not serionaly in- jured, but he sod, as he gouged the mull out of his nost rils, thet he felt afi if he hall just, gone through nil e;XCiting ('residential campaign at the head of lir, tickets. THE ESSENCE OF '1'iME. A holy who,tliough in the autumn of life, hail not lost all dreams 6f RA spring, said to Jerrold : "1 can. till/ ? aaq:S kgggf7rqW ,e;qr IC lir... gg $ q6 o o'd ► en tat a',,,t g. i a' Atte el a Ap3.A.Atmf ,g1s oil up. :,—'"'-g21,11.1111.4-ce �q `'��bly`A rra''lW W p,P., tigA@0-1 kg v,• --d tI:Cilo � 'g',410.4' d1. I;1:a N ''' W01,0 �•teo Is O'Reaa Sets*to B..ot. at CORNS ! CORNS ! CASTE'S CORN CURE Removes all kinds of hard andieoft cern), warts etc., without pain or annoyance. —IT 18 A SAFE— Sure and Effectual Remedy And there le no corn existing it will not cure, destroying every root and branch. Once Used Will Never be FEED •TILE, BEAST. Aprotu•s of the discussion Low wives v.., keep their husbands at hotue 1:1„1tts is a story General Wager S vayne told the other night at the 011i.' Society. It was about a young •w fe who had great admira- tion for h. r mother-in-law, because of the manner in which she managed her husband. The honeymoon was hardly, over before the young wife came to tite older woman to beg for knowledge how to 'bake her young husband as good a man as his father. "You have some secret about it, mother, 1 am sure ; and now that T am your daughter you can tell me about an't you 1" The old lady insist alai elle had no secret, and knew of no special plan by which to make a man always as he ought to be, but finally, under repeated urgings, she smiled and said simply this :—"Daughter, feed the beast." CANADIAN NEWS NOTES. —Mr. John Brennan, tanner, late of the Wingbam tannery, will lo• cats at Lucknow if he secur'es'ex- eniption from taxation for ten years, —Mayor elect Andrew. Kelly, of Brandon, Man., is a member of the firm of Alexander Kelly & Co., merchant millers. of that place. He came to Brandon in its early days from St. Mary'r, Ontario, where he was born thirty-seven years ago, of Irish parentage. —W. J. Stearn, who has been in jail at Milton for about a week awaiting hie trial for infamous crim- inal charges under the Charlton act, was sentenced to eighteen months In the Central prison. Regretted'. • —REFUSE ALI, SUBSTITUTES— Price 25 Cents. Full Directions with each bottle. —PREPARED' ONLY BY— SPENCER CpSE 'Chemist and Druggist, 59 King St., West, Hamilton, Ont. itd"Soid by ell Druggists. The Be Newspaper in Canada ESTABLISHED NEARLY HAI,. A CENTURY. KING OF THE WEEKLIES ! 1889-90 FREE PRESS LONDON, ONTARIO. THE.HANDSOMEST PRINTED PAPER IN THE DOMINION. ALL THE LL. NEWS I N FU By Telegragh, Telephone, Mail.. and Correcpon• dence up to lire hour of publication. Illustrations, Practical and Useful, ate given each week. Special Market Department. Agricultural Department, Capital Story always Running. ' Ingenious Puzzle Column. Humorous Reading' JUST THE THING FOR TIIE FAMILY ! Every member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. Thp agricultural department is a noted feature of the "Free Press," being always up to the times, and conducted by persons practically skilled in farm work. LARGE $1.00 PAPER. In Clubs of four and upwards, 75e. each. BALANCE of 1889 FREE. A HANDSOME 1890, RAPER" flZI ILLIJSTRAT'EI). A new Shakespeare•—the Shnkeeponroo of Edwin A. Abbey—will bopresented in Mar. per's Magazin for 1.89(1. with .euiniaent, by Andrew Langg. kurus.', Magasine has also made apeeial arrangements with Alphonse Daudet the greatest or livingFrench o- lista, for the xclusive public tion, to eveezial form, of a humorous story. to be entitled "The Colonists of Tareseen : the 'bast Adventures of the Fiettous Tattaria " '1 he story will be translated by Henry James, and illustrated by Rossi and Mybraoh. W. l). Howells will contribute a novelette in three parts, and Lafcadio Hearn a nove- lette id two parts, entitled " Youma,' hand- somely illustrated. In illustrated papers, touchingsubjects of current interest. and its short stories, poems, and timely articles, the Magazine will main tain its well-knywn standard. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE $1 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY.. - 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 ('0 J9 t"Postago Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada or Mexico. C IBISTITIAS NUITIBER —AND —: FC•CXR CHRC/ L 0OS Given away free ofncharge to every subscriber for 1890. Artiste who have seen the advance sheets of the Christmas number pronounce it a "gem," and alone worth the price of the subscription. • Agents Wanted Everywhere. Liber- al Cash Commission allowed. Tho most popular vapor to work for. More money can be made (luring the fall and winter season working for the "Free Press" than at any other cmplol neent. Address—FREE PRESS, LONDON, ONTARIO, 1890. Harper's Young - People AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Tho Volumes of the Mugaline begin with the Numbers for June and December of enoh year. When no tine is specified, subscrip- tions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's .Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poet -paid, on receipt of $3.00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for .binding, 50 cents each—by moil, post-paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Aunty steal, and Classified, for Volumes 1 th 70, inclusive, from Juno, 1850, to June, 1885, one vol., Svo., Cloth, $4.00. Remittances should la) inado by Post -office Money Order or Draft; to avoid chance of loss. • ,V' Newspapers a,e.not to copy this ad- vertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address— HARPER Jr BROTHERS, New York. Tho Eleventh Volume of Harper's Young People, which begins with the Number for November 5, 1880, presents an attractive pro- gramme. It will offer to its readers at least four serials of the usual length, and others in two or throe parts, namely, "Tho Rod Mus- tang," by William 0. Stoddard; "Phil and the Baby," by Lucy C. Lillie; "Prince Tommy," by John Russell Coryell; and"Mother's Way," by Margaret E. Sangster; two short serials by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyosen, Two series of Fairy Tales will attract the attention of lovers of the wonder -world, namely, the quaint tales told by Howard Pyle, and so admirably illus- trated by him, and another series in a differ- ent vein by Prank M. Bicknell. Thorn will bo short stories by W. D. Howells, Thornas Nelson Page, Mary E. Wilkins, Nora Perry, Harriet Prescott Stafford, David Ker, Hozo- kiah Butterworth, Sophie Swett, Richard Malcolm Johnston, etc. A subscription to flarper's Young People secures a juvenile library. There is usofu knowledge, also plenty of amusement.—Bos- ton Advertiser. TERMS: Postage Prepaid, $2.00 per Year. Vol. YI. begins Nov. 5, 1889. 1890. IIARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. • Harper's Weekly has a well-oatablished place as the leading .illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorialpcom- ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of all impartial readers, and the variety and excellence of its literary contents, which include serial and short sto- ries, by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range• of tastes and pursuits. Tho Weekly supple- ments are of remarkable variety, interest, and value. No expense is spared to bring the highest order of 'artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A Mexican ro- mance, from the pen of Thomas A. Janvier, will appear in the Weekly in 1840, Specimen copy sent on receipt of a two -cont stamp. Single Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should bo made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. y`ep, Newspapers aro not to copy this ad- vertisement without the express order of ,Harper & Brothers. Address—, & BROTIIERS, New York. SO 81.11NE8$ DIRECTORY HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR : HARPER'S 1VEEKLY • . $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE . . 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 010 jar Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin, with the first *umber for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with -the Number current at time of receipt of order. . Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back, in neat ,cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (prided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 37.00 per volume. Cloth apes for each volume, suitable for binding,," ill be sent by mail, post-paid, on oei,. $1.00 each. Remittances should bo mado by Poet office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance aloes. TMJ' Newspapers aro not to copy this ad. vertisomont without the express order or Harper & Brothers. Address— IIARPER & BROTHERS, Now York. g,enttotry. .ss►. T, C. Bruce, L. P.S. �rN'oi.Y Surgeon Dentist. graduate. Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. Office—Nester's old stand, Coate" Sleek, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday. at jilaspn's hotel. 575—y 1890. WIRPER'S BRZRRU ILLUSTRATED. G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Coe administered for the painless extraction teeth. Office—Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Poet Office, Clinton. Cr Night Bell answered. 492y Ltr'edleaI. DR REEVE. Office—"Palace" Brick Block Rattenbury Street, Residence opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street. • Coroner for the County of Huron. 010 hours (tool 8 a.m. to 0 P. m. • Clinton, Jan.14, 1881. 1-y ilarper's Barer is a journal for the home. Giving the latest information with regard to the Fashions, its numerous illustrations, fash- ion -plates, and pattern-sheetsupplemonta aro indispensable alike to the home dress -maker and the professional modiste. No expense is spared in leaking its artistic attractiveness of the:highest order. Its clever short stories, parlor plays, and thaughtful essays satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues every- thing is included which is of interest to wo- men. During 1890 Olive Thorne Miller, Christine Torhuno Herrick, and Mary Low Dickinson will respectively furnish a series of papers on "The Daughter at Home," "Throe Meals a Day," and "The Women of the Period." The serial novels will be written by Walter Bosant and F. W. Robinson. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S MAGAZIN E. HARPER'S WEEKLY IIARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE AO" Postoge Free to all subset. United States, Canada, or Mexico. DR. GUNN•. W. Gunn, M. D.1L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licenetate of the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on corner riot Ontario andlWillialn Ste., Clinton. 478-y. bagel. OWENS & JOHNSON, Barristers, 4-c., ALBERT STREET, - - CLINTON. AND QUEEN STREET, - - BUM E. W. J;OW ENS. 7 . } • .IONSON MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. SEAGER & MORTON, Barristers, &c.,.e , God• erlch and Wingham.. C. Seager, Jr., Goderich J. A. Morton Wingham. 1.1y. DAVTSON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. RC. HAYS, Solicitor, dee. Office, corner of ' CSquare and West; Street, overButler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. I 67. g Money to lend at lowest rtes of interest. �f CAMPION, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor hl . Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Omce oyer Jordan's Drug Store 1110 rooms formerly oceu pled by Judge Doyia, Mr Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1•Iy. N.• /, Ongtp sad, QNEis ,r,q legd in lame or email antes on good mo saes qr hl, ,e08onal security at t le gPeyt eue,reii. xatee. k.4tkE, Hur4a st., punters, Oilmen, Irish. 25, 06% 1i gUettonefrrfttg. H. W. BALL, A UOTTONEER for Huron County. Sales at- tended to in any part of the County. Ad• dress orders to GoDRRicii P 0. V-17. CHAS. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended In town and country, 1n' reasonable terns. A list of farms and village lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of interest. Insurance effected en ani classes of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraleed, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. Blyth. Dec. 10,1980 MONEY. • PItIVATEF7.yps to'lend on Town ord fem. property, ,Apply to C,,RI DOUT Office, next Nswe ifwcoan (up-1Ealr1)ARert-St 830.3» Photographers ova• Bayr.E`�, r CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. et.'" Taa MOLSUS HAll. CHARLES F. M. McGIIEGOR, Vet erinary Physician and Surgeon, Hon- orary Member Ontario Veterinary Meed cal Society. Treats all diseases of domesti- cated animals. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Charges moderato. Office—one door east of TIER News-RRcoao omce, Clinton. 549-3in Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, • $1,000,000 Read Office, - MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President.. J. 0. It. MOLSON, Vice-Prestdent.F F. WULFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at low- _ est current rates. INTEREST AT 3 PER CENT. ALLOWED ,os Deroa1T FgRMERB_ Money advanced to farmerson their own note with one or lucre endorsers. No mortgage le quired as security. February. 1884 H. C. BREWER, Manager, CLINTON A,s--lean gnostic. d'ILINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. 51. lJ meets every Friday, on or after the lel moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. J. YOUNG, w. 8. • J. CALLANDER, SR Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 1. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. g"1 Calls attended to night or day.^ Office immedittely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 549-3m Clinton Marble Works, HURON STREET; CLINTON, W. H. COOPER, *Jr., Manufacturer of an dealer ih all kinds of LI 0. "-- - ' ,emetery The Volumes of the Bazar bop first number forJanuary of each y no time is mentioned, subaeription with the Number current et time order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Ila years back, in neat cloth bindi sent by mail, postage paid, or by 1� of expense (provided the freight) coed one dollar per volume), for volume, Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will ho sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $L.00 each. Remittances should bo made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. 1. Newspapers aro not to copy this ad- vertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. • Address -- HARPER It BROTHERS, New York. • A NICE HOME ItT A RAROA iN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees; condonable house and stables ; adjoining Godo. rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Gode- rich. 520-t1 tetitton (Orange. .113 MILMAS180.• Celebrated ding pur- rich must All .work rice Co, ICK GENERAL AGENT.1 • isolated town and vItlafb property, as well as farm buildings and stock, insured. inenrances effected against stock that may he killed by lightning. It you want Insurances drop a card to the above address. 502 H. PROPERTYFOR SALE OR TO RENT. L. 0. L. No. 710 CLINTON, Meets SECOND Monday of every Month. Hall, 3.d , flat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. W. G. SMITH, W. M JOHN FORD, D. M P. CANTELON, Sec. A coitago on Albert St., lately occupied Mr. James Moore. Flys bed mons, don parlor, dining room, kitchen, Bummer kitchen and .pantry. Bard and soft water.Stable and • fruit trees. There aro three lots on Maple Street besides the ono on which the cottage stands, making an acre of ground in all. The Cottage rind one lot will be sold separately If doeired and on reasonable terms. Possession given at once. Apply to MRS. THOMAS C4OPER. Olinton, Sept. 2nd, 1880. 107-11. Jubilee Preceptory Rai 161, (Black, Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock 4n the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will alwa;l•e _"ceive a hearty we come. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PRIER 1'ANTEI°ON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 3B11 .4 Black Knights of Ireland, - Meets in the Orange 11a11, Blyth, the Wednes day after full moon of every ID 0f ytW. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Thie Monday of every month. Visiting Knights nlway made welcome. JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Saltford P 0 W H MURNEY, Registrar, Goderich P 0 . eas CLINTON KNIGHTS OF LABOR kJ Rooms, third flat, Victoria block. Regnlr meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'clov sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome. ass w,.�.. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS,f ;FANR1oNABLE BARRER, 2 doors east of NEws-REcotn: of- fice. Special attention given to Lt DIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting. POMPADOUR HA,IRCUTTINO A SPECIALTY. FOR SALE. Sean E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible MITE Lots fronting on Albert Street; also two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to tho undorsign,.d.—E. DiNSLEY, Clinton. 882 dieSSALWasin T iI PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT.—Advertisers will find "The News -Record" one of the best medinins in the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Record"—The Double Circulation Talks to Thousand4. Rates as low as any. 011, '1111. THE GRAND UNION, Clinton, - Ontario A FIRST-CLASS HOTI'.l. FRANK HEIMAN, - Proprietor. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING' UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town hall, - Clinton, On • SALE BILLS, The Newe•Reeord has nn• surpassed fa ieitins for turni ng on t tn•-t .hiss work at low nates. IA free nth ertlselm of lu Thu News Record with every set of sale hills. Goderich Marble Works HavitT bought out JOSEPH VAN8loNR, in Goderich, we are now prepared to fur nish, on reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS, GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We are prepared to sell cheaper than any other Rem in the county. Parties wanting anything in this lipo will find it to their interest to reserve their orders for no. ROBERTSON"& BELT, May 17th, 1886, 802.811