The Huron News-Record, 1889-12-18, Page 6Sav(i Tour J3Y a thenelesture of Ayers Hair Tligotr, ?Ida prepazatign has rad equal as a, dressing. i>r keeps the.acalp clean, cool, anti, healthy, and preserveii the color, fullpess, aid beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using Veto or thee e bottles of Ayer's Flair Vigor spy hair grew thick auti, glossy and the original color was restored."—Melvin Aldrich, C a Centre, eN. U. "Hone time ago I lost all my hair in consequeuce of measles. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and nay bait: grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." --J. B. Williams, Floresvitle, Texas. '°I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the pest four or five years and And it a most • .tisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being barreterys, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange."— Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. "1 have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it has canned uty hair to retain its natural .:olor."—Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in Dry Goods, &o., Biahopviile, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PRYPAAED DY Or. J. C. Ayer• & Co., Lowell, Maee. Bold by Druagist.end Perfumer.. the HuronNews-Record $1.50 a Year—$1.28 in Advance. gr' The wan does not dojust:ee to his business who Spends less in adaertwin9g than he does in sol. --A- T Srswaar, the millionaire merchant f New rni•Ir: WediteAny. Dee. 1$th. 1889 DEAL) JEFF DAVIS. 'III: Body of Jefferson D:tvis lies in state at the ta.y ball, New Orleans. The city is filled up with strangers, acid they join the ranks of the iuouttier,s. The railroad companies Chute are hard at work arr.ulgiug 'o Intake the vast crowds who will i�c.u;• into the city iueido of rhe next two days. The detnanyl fur cars is very great, and still growing. The decoration of buildings is spreading all over the city, and Chore ars not decorators enough to do the work. (;n. Nicliuls has appointed a col i,niite • to take charge of the fund tl• F,•, r••i;ell for Mrs. Davis and •her daughter. It] on,, °l.ly it is calculated that _100,000, peuplo visited the bier. A- mong those who canto tu'd,ry were many Catholic pi iests,the•consuls of foreign 14;111OIla, slid the ofllcels of the high schools. • The girl's high seltool sc,nta beautiful floral offering. Among the Many offerings to -day was au anchor sent anonymously by a British sailor, ,:•.---_.ss--.- :1 WWOMAN'S FIGHT FCR HER BABE. • A. fa: mer from the vicinity of 1,settete, county of Argenteuil, Quebec, relates the particulars of a' ft el nt encounter which a settler's v. ill naeled Leblanc has just had Witte a ;are) bear. Mr. Leblanc bad left the' house and his wife went into the hack • yard to hang out clothes, leaving a 6 -months -old baby in the lionse'iu charge of another child between 8 and 9 years of age. Suddeuly the latter came running to his mother and' cried, "There is e big dog in the house ; come quick or he will eat the baby." At the satne time a small dog which had been loft inside began to bark at a fearful rate and Mrs. Le:)lana all at once suspected what was the matter; as bruin had been prowling about the neighborhood for some time previously, and she immediately seized a small axe and made towards the house. Getting to flan kitchen, she saw an enor• mots bear smelling 'around the ,r ',Ile, tint hearin • the woman approach the*animal arose on his hind lege, and while he attempted to destroy the lady, she slashed and cut right and left with the hatchet, whieil was the only weapon at her disposll. in the melee the cradle w eve tented, and as the infant f:',; dire,;tly in the rear of The bear, it was seized by.the elder child, °'ho had, followed his mother into 'ho r ^�, ?nd the little ono was '•ane'liatuly carried 'upstairs Ont of harm's way. Mrs. Leblanc now tett that her stieugih was giving out, and that if help did nut soun arrive she should . be forced to succumb. Bruit), with one terrible blow, sent the axe flying out of the terrified woinau's' hand, and was about following it up with v lint would psoiml:ly have proved a f,.t.al bluty when Alrs. •Leblane fainted and fell to the ;;hound. Tho enraged rual'a ) t\v was placed on the pros- trate woman's breast, when two heavy bulldogs, followed by theireaster, • rushed into the house, attracted by the screams of the motho'' and children. The dogs by !ferns, IV Cs were 100 11011y for bruin, bet a helll from the hnshand's Title put an end to the vicious animal, and when his body was examined ns many as fifteen gashes were foend that had been 'inflicted by tl;a ho •nic mother in her courageous sueeessful attempt to save her child. The brave lady is doing well. A ApvlpR Mo M074414 ,44, Are: "4u d1 . rged: at night; and bre1ce of you(re$, b a sick Olt 4104(re Ong rhd cr ing wltb• piio or,outting• l•eetbt II ee send ;at epee and get a bottle oftrMta WineJo'a' Sootb.itij Syrup" fey Children Teething: its valus is incatenlahle,, la. will relteye the poor itltiesufferer immediately. De - peed upon it, wotheral there is no rids-- teke afoot it. It cures Pysenter,y apd Darr r. a . I gsa, regulates the t3topatsch xn4 Bowels, cures Wind uoilc softens the Gums, reduces lullamma lou, and gives top n o a 4 energy to the ++ hole s s'tslli, "Mrs Winslow's Soothing t yrup" for chil ren teething is pleasant to the taste arid is the preacriptioo of one of the oldest and best female, physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all .the throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Ile sure andxsk fo- Winslow's Soothing Syrup," ants ake no other kind. —Unless Governor Taylor inter- feres with the Supreme Court's decision, three brothers and their two cousins—the five Barnard boys —will swing from the same scaffold in Tennessee on Dec. 23 for the mnl•der of Henry Jutton. Public sentiment is divided as to the de- gree of guilt and punishment. Many think the Governor• will merci • fully interfere and save the necks of :some of the boys. Others are strengly„.of the opinion that he will let 'the Iaw take its .course. The five doomed men are now locked up in the ,jail at Knoxville, where they have been since last May: • LIFE IN A LUMBER CAMP-. While working in a lumber camp a year ago I caught a severe cold which aettled on my lungs, I got no relief .until I tried Hagyard's Pectoral Bale sane which cured me entirely. I highly recommend it, Jxo. L. WILSON, Magnettawan, Ont. —The trial of the action brought by the county, of Halton against the G. T. R. was 'heard Friday .at Os- goode Hall before Mr. Justice Robertson. The action is brought to recover the sutra of $65,000, be- ing the bonus granted by the county of Halton at the time of its construc- tion to the Hatniltoil & Northwest- ern Railway. One of the condi tions was that the II. & N. W. R. should be built and run as an hi - dependent road for 21 years. Plain- tiffs alleged that the recent amal- gamation with the 0. 1`. R. is a breach of that condition and seek to recover their bonus. Judgment,.tvas reserved. EXPEL THE WORMS by using the safe and reliable anthelmintic Free- man's Worm Powders. —The Rev, Harry Nichols, who since April 1, has acted as pastor of, the Methodist Church in Housa- touic, Massy has fallen into disgrace sold tied to Michigan. As early as last May rumors were circulated throughout the village that Nichols' conduct toward young when was of a singular nature, and about a month ago Nichols was Ewarned to cease occupying the: pulpit or 'trouble would follow. Ho did so, but the rumors of 'his immorality gained publicity, and the presiding elder and the stetti'rds of the church held a conference With Nichols, who pleaded guilty to the charges, and was expelled, Documentary' evi- dence was also produced showing that .Nichols had been guilty of similar acts while in the Christian, or Carnpbellite, Church, and` that he was expelled. ROSE ISLAND REPORTS. I can state that we have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil with great bene- fit for colds, sore throat, cuts, burns, chapped hands, etc, •We can recoin, mend it to be very usefnl and good in many different ways. MRs. ABEL HELPS, Rose Island, Ont. —i1alamazoo 'J'elegraplt :—The Republican party of Michigan has kept its word and "enacted 0 Akin— gent local option and high license late, by which • a::y county in the State May adopt and enforce anao- lute prohibition if it sews fit. But not satisfied with this, the prohibi- tionists shout for more ; and because the sentiment of the State is against thein on the questiou or State prohibition they seek wengeauce upon their friends by organizing an independent party and attempting 10' place in power the very party 'that is oppnswl not only to prohihia tior but temperance. • . Mil wan key Wisconsin :-The Roman C'sthoiics of Boston coin, mated a grave mistake in courting en issue on the (-namel selinol gni-stint). It thoroughly aroused the American ael,tinlent against religious interference in the public schools, null they were beaten, as they will Ire in every other seetioon of our republic where tin attempt such folly. Moat of the Roman Catholics of Boston aro foreigners; and they obviously male an effort to coerce int° our syst'ni the ideas in which they had been bred and which they had received from) foreign enun1riee. No remedy for blood disorders can:• equal Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Though concentrated and powerful, this medi cine is perfectly safe, and may be taken by children as well as adults. Physicians 11 recommend it in pre, ference to any Other. Price It 1. Worth $5 a bottle. Aa aNil va &i taixtca acoevien3tdarl►yauA tertfully Proparedyresherl tiope r U5ett.for many yearsbeerivate aeticewithaucceee,eucttorovfer Wtrtyyearsusedbyt,Iapeoplo. EverYstngle•Ape- PTheseu"Lipp t0c cure wi 8)out, drugging, ieurg legg or ltoilueIns tee eYetelaa, sed are pa _tact Race uwatttesever•ego, eereeeseset'tee Wortd. et ST '05 rwscsear, roa, Qa' e...• 8ucc. F%yercongestion, 1mnnmation. .zt Worms, Worm, Iov r, erne Celle. 45 CrTing . - ' 2 Atayrte*, of ChndteaoAdulte.. .2 5 V:Vgr oQbpnngVmttunY.c... .2 ousewcod Erenehuis .ZNeurq aid, Toothache,kac ts• .2 HendRlea StoIcsa actio v ro .yDyspepsia., noous oto mnch. 2 1 Sup/ire/louder el ola�+" wnp,,0Profuse Plecls, • 1u]Conan. Difficult Pb Batt 1tbetni, E slpelns, EruptionsReetan aurone dAneumatloPaina 1/ever mud orue, Chinet bralpria.. • Piles, mud or Bleeding "" 'S Catarrh, influenza, Coldlnthe/teed .5 whooping Cough vie}out Coughs, General nelrtiltv.Piyelcatweakaaaa K�idneyiltgease ... uJslrnary Weakness, Wotttn ned,l:55 Diseases of tholl eart,Palpltatton 1,00 1 Soid by Drugggtste,or sen(pogtpattd on receipt Of _price. Int. SIWirnni;Ys' *WOW* (144 pages) richly bound la cloth and gold, mailed free. Humph reyee MedictneCo.109 Fulton St. N X, PEC1F., 1Cs WELLS & 1t1C11ARDSON CO:'Agents, -.MONTREAL. a .�.razrrca A LITTLE SPA.RE May kindle a great fire, just so dys- pepsia and bad blond give rise to• countless !complaints which cannot be cored until the dyspepsia is re• moved, and the blood purified. To do this is the work of Burdock Blood Bitters, a medicine which always cures dyspepsia, bad blood and alt complaints of a similar origin. =•Fedre _the manufacture of rens thb amoa'ut of sat el daily nsed is about eighteen tons, Nearly ail colds are slight, at first, but their tendency is to so lower the system that the sufferer becomes a ready victim to any prevalent dis- ease. The use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, in the beginning of a cold, would guard against this danger. —Prior to 1829 ail baliote used throughout 1ho States were written: The first printed ballot was used in Dlassachusett1 -i`n - 1830 by David Iieesitau', and 'vas refused. ft took n ,leets",, of the Supreme Court to estal, ish its t•alidl'.3. A NEW ELEMENT Moat bo infused into the blood of the weak and debilitated, who suffer from disease of tho stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys or blood. This re, vitalizing constituent is supplied by Burdock Blood Bitters which repairs waste, drives out all impurities and restores health to the entire system. —They have nn1affeetive way of dealiu; with habilt4a1 drunkards in Norway awl Sweedeu. They put them in gaol and fell thorn entirely 011'1)rra,l anti wine. I 'he hr. -ail is in wine for ail hour hl -fore it is eerve,l. The first day a wan will take it, but ,,:fur,, wally more he will hake the sight of it. After an Itl-ale,'t•ti:1011 rat tilts Bort many • become to/al abstainers. TO INVIUORA'L'E both the body and the brain, use the reliable tonic, Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine. --William R. Bond, East Whits by, brother—in law of Mr. M. A. James, of The Bowmanville States'. man, died on Monday front the effect of a •kick received {'rola his horse while driving to town in conn- pany with his wife, on Saturday evening. H.e hall a short whip and leaned forward to -.strike the born,', ,when the latter kiefted et er the dash, striking Mr. Bond in the stomach, D,'censell Jeaves a wife •and six small children. MAKE NO DELAY I Is a perfect cure for croup .and colds, and I can recommend Hagy. ard's Yellow Oil-eonebottle of which cured ate of a very bad cold. 1:.would say to all sufferers, make no delay in using it atilt givesa quick relief. W. J. KENNY, Stittaville, Ont. —The Harriston 'Tribune says that last su,,It,1 r a cou;pie, of patent right men called upon Thos. Dally, of Minto, and after, explaining the;; merits of their article in glow- ing terms and showing • by figures the heaps or Money to be made, sold him the right of a certain section of country in which 'lie could sell this super!) washing 'maecliiu. The price to lei paid for this tight was $400, end the, notes were drawer up and signed; Then 11fr. Daily thought he should have Inuger bine upon the notes. He was a -ked what, he was worth and replied about $4,000.—'ibis up - peered to be satisfactory to the pat- ent right wee itud they h.gteed to ex• tend the time and new notes for the $400 wens drawn up and signed, the swindlers picking up both lots end going away with $800 in good notes, About a month ago Mr. Dally re- ceived an invitation to attend court at Harnilton, and it was gently hinted to him that he had better bring $800 along. 'lilis, of course, brought all the notes into court where they now are. How the cnae will terminate it is hard t'e.tell. It seetlla etreitge that there io to be found in a country flooded with newspapers that "are, weekly expos.. ing such ca8ee am the- above a ma& of intelligence that, can be duped in such a ti stiller. v' r I I S Tilt— twoilE- N twwo6- 'end a „••••).-.,LJTRAY STOCK ADVER �_• TISEMFNTS inserted In Tun Naws linemen at low rates. The law 1110.1tes it' eouaputsory to advertise stray stook If you want any kind of advertising. you will not do better than call or 'ews Re•ocord.Z THE KEY TO HEALTH Unlocks all the clogged c,•, 1 cs of t,i Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying oil' gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili. ousnes,•Dyspepsia, Headaches, ,Diz- ziness, Heartburn, Constipation," Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Blysi etas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Id'ervousness andncdeneral Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. . For sale by all dealers. T.11111,BU1tlr d1 CO.. Proprietors. Toronto. DEATH DEALING DRUGS Such as Calomel, • Morphine, etc., are remedies better left alone. They often weaken even strong constitu- tions. This Burilock Blood Bitters never does, it contains no mineral or other poison, and cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, and blood by unlocking the secre- Akrns and removing all impurities. —Tho body of Alexander Mc- Kenzie has been found iu a swamp about foot miles from Heiipeler. The throat.was cut from ear to ear, 'and the cutting was undoubtedly the work of the unfortunate mate him- self while in a fit of despondency, brought on by foss of employment. He was over sixty years of age and had lived in the locality for more than twenty years. (X) f4UMPTION SURELY CURED, TO THE EDITOR Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy fel the above named disease. By its,. "' timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my re-. needy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. ad- dress f, ni•dress,, Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 164.Westytdelaide sI.,'1'oronto, Ont —The sep'arato Schub] does not come to the front as a teacher of reading, wr'.ti na andea ri t hmetie. In Manitoba 80 per ceut. of the French halfebrceul children can neither reg 1,, nor mite. ite. They are all ',Roman Catholic and have had separate 'schools for the last 16 years. In Massachusetts 3,913 Fiend) Ceua• diens of voting' age can teal and write, while 13,310 ciru 8(lo neither one uor the other. These people were all educated in' the separate schools. FOR 'RICKETS, MARASMUS, AND ALL WASTING DISORDERS OF CHILDREN b'colt's Emulsion of Pure Cod J,iuer Oil, with Hyy,tsphosphilcs, is unequaled._ The rapidity with which children gain,flesh and Strength upon it is ver ";wonderful. "1 have used cntt's Emulsion in cases of Rick@ts nd Marasmus of long standing. In very case the improvement was arkod: •--J. M. MAtiu, M. D. New ork. Sold by all Druggists, 0e. nd $1.10, S e NA'l'iONAL PILLS aro a mild pur- e gative, acting on the Stomach, Liver rat and Beteels, rerno.ving all obstruce Y .tions.' a ''1 a .11�w_ ll <, 1t!toe' faunab O�ara er4ob Anays,;6tsoltoPWAnim 1 ptsaGerft.. Ah M tMeWUsr ois . rfolir h � �ct:u : 810il. ianersaheo. a<cc>ewttrsN:X' iThfrLtnpeUL91f�19./ lestab119heit a5t35, 1 BlopLEgamor,;; w tehea'ptocte) Tewelry Silverware, See the iat05t sty to —SCREW R lY Bl.ZE4 WAWA; CASE. Repairing in ail branches. llpp."ttte.'Market. cj.[NTCN. , FC) R• SALE. The:property abc present occupied by the uridersigeed as a residence 'on the Iluron Read in the• Town of Qoderieh, consisting of one half of an acre et iand.good frame hoop '—story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar; stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully -situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply. to 542-tf E. CAMP'ION, Barrister, Qoderieh. TTitimitill tt n r, 0 ERF'1JL`"l,ElIF3'" lt>c .MER QQUGQQII C **PT • MEDLCAt. t. KE FSE. DIES Sys\�t�R�� ONTO �P�' PP'PJ�1.,-1 1 icv Pt, wt pN ala `So R��•p°Hp �� "l'•pt.Y 4' Ai'1.�RF:S:R:�EDY PUP)•4r 9EEE, RLES2-POTENT LD Ai.h*'tDptJCt tSTS. /p 4,10#EAZT/1670/ DONOWI P :.,J T . V ..Ly III/ TT ..L.'J .. NEW STOCK ! NEW • c -9TORE . r ELLIOTT'S E3 LOCK, - 1NTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer - in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the Stock of Bedroom ' and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards;' Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Fm•niture. The whole Stock is from the very beat manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. ,• JOS. C11'IDLLY, one door Wes of Diel son's Hook Store. _xd./ JOB PRINTING olXe two two- cord, THE A'OKNOWLEDGED Leading:; Conservative ::Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE = X + - — Best-f- Best Equipped Job Rai • IN WESTERN ONTARIO. Tte,Fiest Job Printing EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 Posters, :-: Streamers, Circulars, Cards, &c. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY OASES SUPERIOR) f0 CITY WORK.. 0 BILL HEADS, MOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. TfleDouble Circulation Talks to Thousartas. 0 dvertise inN The .News-R000rdE DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. M1/ • ,